Government Gazette of the STATE of NEW SOUTH WALES Number 154 Friday, New26 September South Wales 2003 Published Under Authority by Cmsolutions
9515 Government Gazette OF THE STATE OF NEW SOUTH WALES Number 154 Friday, New26 September South Wales 2003 Published under authority by cmSolutions LEGISLATION New South Wales New South Wales ProclamationProclamations under the New South Wales Albury-Wodonga Development Repeal Act 2000 No 18 Proclamation Proclamation New South Wales under the under the , Governor Albury-WodongaProclamation Development Repeal Act 2000 No 18 Albury-WodongaI, Professor Marie Bashir Development AC, Governor Repeal of the State Act of2000 New No South 18 Wales, with underthe advice the of the Executive Council, and in pursuance of section 2 of the Albury- Wodonga Development Repeal Act 2000, do, by this my Proclamation, appoint ProclamationAlbury-Wodonga26 September 2003 as Development the day on which Repeal that Act Act(except 2000 sections No 184, 5, 6, 11, 12, 16 and 17 and Schedule 1) commences. , Governor MARIE BASHIR, Governor underI,Signed Professor the and sealedMarie atBashir Sydney, AC, this Governor of the dayState of of September New South 2003. Wales,, Governor with I,the Professor advice of Marie the Executive Bashir AC, Council, Governor and inof pursuance the State of of New section South 2 of Wales, the Albury- with Albury-Wodonga Development Repeal Act 2000 No 18 theWodonga advice Developmentof the Executive Repeal Council, Act 2000 and in, do, pursuance by this myof section Proclamation, 2 of the, Governor Albury-appoint Wodonga26 September Development 2003 as the RepealBy day Her on Act Excellency’swhich 2000 that, do, Act byCommand, (exceptthis my sectionsProclamation, 4, 5, 6, appoint 11, 12, 2616I, Professor Septemberand 17 and Marie 2003Schedule Bashir as the 1) AC,day commences.
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