Naturerlebnistipps European Geoparks Week May-June 2012

Contact: Dr. Andreas Schüller, [email protected]

Date Activity / Event 1. Geo & Geo May 5 volcanism live Guided tour by Vulkanhaus May 9 Public kick-off meeting Masterplan Nature- and Geopark Vulkaneifel May 14-15 Public Discussion general orientation Masterplan Nature- and Geopark Vulkaneifel May 15 Geological Exkursion around the Mosenberg-Vulkangruppe Guided by Maarmuseum Manderscheid May 18 Eifelvolcanism Lecture by Prof. Hans-Ulrich Schmincke May 19 Field trip on geology to quarries in the Geopark Exploring the explosive genesis of Eifel volcanoes with Prof. Hans-Ulrich Schmincke May 19 Geological Exkursion around the Mosenberg-Vulkangruppe guided by Maarmuseum Manderscheid

June 2 "Millstone caves and lava quarries Mühlenberg" (Hohenfels-Essingen) guided adventure hike June 9 Geological Exkursion around the Mosenberg-Vulkangruppe guided by Maarmuseum Manderscheid

2. Geo & May 1 2. Vulkantag Culture/Music/ with opening of premium hiking trails „Schneifelpfad“, „Gerolsteiner Literature/Arts Keltenpfad“ and „Waldlehrpfad am “ May 5 Opening ceremony Vulkanerlebnispark Mosenberg Public release of geo-educational facility in a former tephra-quarry May 13 Kul-Tour d’Eifel guided tour May 26 In search for traces of Eifel-thriller scenes Guided tour June 7-10 Celebration 10 years Vulkanhaus Strohn June 7: Lecture by Prof. Volker Lorenz: the mechanisms of volcanoes

Naturerlebnistipps European Geoparks Week May-June 2012

3. Geo & Education May 8 Gerolsteiner Felsenpfad Guided adventure hike May 10 Tasty and bubbly Lecture by Prof. Georg Schwedt on geology and mineral waters in the Vulkaneifel May 11 Hiking into other worlds: from the volcano to the ice cave Guided adventure hike May 12 What’s flying and crawling over there? Field trip on Flora & Fauna in the Nature- and Geopark Vulkaneifel May 13 International Museum Day at Maarmuseum Manderscheid May 20 crinoids – unknown beauties International Museum Day at Museum of Natural History - special guided tour May 20 International Museum Day at Eifel-Vulkanmuseum Special guided tour – treasuries of Eifel-Vulkanmuseum May 26 Eifelgold at Eigelbacher Guided tour June 2 What’s flying and crawling over there? Field trip on Flora & Fauna in the Nature- and Geopark Vulkaneifel June 3-10 Day of Biodiversity at Nature Experience Center Vulkaneifel Family activities, give small wild animals and rare plants a voice June 9 Naturschutzgebiet Vulkan Kalem" () guided tour

Contact person: Dr. Andreas Schüller, [email protected] Further information: