Review of the Neotropical species of the family Pterophoridae, part I: Ochyroticinae, Deuterocopinae, Pterophorinae (Platyptiliini, Exelastini, Oxyptilini) (Lepidoptera) C. Gielis Gielis, C. Review of the Neotropical species of the family Pterophoridae, part I: Ochyroticinae, Deutero- copinae, Pterophorinae (Platyptiliini, Exelastini, Oxyptilini) (Lepidoptera). Zool. Med. Leiden 80-2 (1), 6.iv.2006: 1-290, fi gs 1-416.— ISSN 0024-0672. C. Gielis, c/o Nationaal Natuurhistorisch Museum (formerly Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie), Postbus 9517, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands (e-mail:
[email protected]). Key words: Pterophoridae; revision; Neotropics; new genus; new species; new synonyms; new combi- nations. The Pterophoridae (Ochyroticinae, Deuterocopinae, Pterophorinae (Tribus: Platyptiliini, Exelastini, Oxyp- tilini)) species of the Neotropical fauna are reviewed. The species are redescribed. Moths are illustrated in colour for the fi rst time, their genitalia are illustrated in line drawings. The examination of type specimens revealed the presence of four new synonyms: Platyptilia juanvinas Gielis, 1999, is a junior synonym of Platyptilia gravior Meyrick, 1932; Platyptilia jonesi Gielis, 1996, is a junior synonym of Platyptilia semnopis Meyrick, 1931; Oxyptilus malefi cus Meyrick, 1926, is a junior synonym of Leptodeuterocopus neales (Walsing- ham, 1915); Lioptilus parvus Walsingham, 1880, is a junior synonym of Lioptilodes albistriolatus (Zeller, 1871). During the study of much new material 40 new species were discovered: Leptodeuterocopus tungurahue, L. angulatus, L. panamaensis, L. duchicela, Sochchora mulinus, Melanoptilia nigra, Platyptilia spicula, Stenoptilodes maculatus, S. agricultura, S. heppneri, S. medius, S. altiaustralis, Postplatyptilia nebuloarbustum, P. antillae, P. caribica, P. uruguayensis, P. pluvia, P. seitetazas, P. transversus, P. carchi, P. boletus, P, ugartei, P.