March 27, 2006

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March 27, 2006 ῧ%®῟ῌ (43), 2006 ῕ 3 . 27 ΐ Mem. Natn. Sci. Mus., Tokyo, (43), March 27, 2006 ῕῔ῌΐῐ῏῎ῑῒ῍ (2000ῌ2005) 1)῎ῢ 2)῎῞1, 3)῎ 4)῎ ῌ ΰ5)῎ ῔῎῜ῡ6) Mamoru Owada1),Yutaka Arita2),Utsugi Jinbo1, 3),Yasunori Kishida4),Hideo Nakajima5), Masumi Ikeda῔ and Nagao Hirano6): Monitoring Survey (2000ῌ2005) of Moths (Insecta, Lepidoptera) in the Garden of the Imperial Palace, Tokyo, Central Japan ῏ῌῐ῎ 2000 ῕ῧ 2005 ῕ῡῗῢ῿ ῡ!"῜Ῡ% ῒ῟ῢ(ῌ ῙῙῡ῟+῜Ῡ῍ !"ΰῌ 1996 ῕ῧ 2000 ῕ 6 .ῡ/0῟ῢ῿ !" ῑῤῌ 2000ῒῑΌ5ῌ 2000 6 ῜Ῡῒ 7ῠῘῩ῟:(ῌ ῿ ῢ;῕ ῠ῝<6ῧ=ῦ?6@῾Ί῟ῥῢ(ῌ 1996 ῕ῧ 2005 ῕ῢ 10 ῕ ῢ῿ ῢ;E ῝<ῌ ῕ῩGHῸ῜ῩῙ6J(K῟6L?῍ 10 ῕ ῢ(ῢ!"ῢ῟Mῧῌ ῑῤῢ!" 1998 ῕ 9 .ῧ 2000 ῕ 10 .ῡNOῢPQRΏ T ῑῤῌ 2001ῒ (ῌ 2002 ῕ 4 .ῧ 2004 ῕ 7 .ῡNOῢUVWῥX ῑῤῌ 2005aῒ ῑΌ5ῌ UVWῥX 2004 6῜Ῡῒ (/0῟ῤῌ YZOῢ[\Wῥ]( 2002 ῕ 5 .ῧ 2004 ῕ 7 .ῡ^ῶῐ῭ῲῴ`e6f ῢgh iῡ/0jῩ ῑῤῌ 2005bῒ῍ Ῑῢῼῢ!"ΰῌ ῍lῢmiῙῡnῧΊjῩJῌ ῨoῠpqJ῞rῚtjῩ 3 uvῢwῩX6ῌ ῞tῧ7ῠῖ ῦ?ῡΊ῕Ῡῖ {wῢῩXῢ῿ ῌ ῑE|ῡῑGHῢ}H(!"Ί῟ῥῢ(῕Ῡ῍ ῞Ῑ( Ῑῢ% ῡῌ ῙtῧῩXῡ~Ί῟῿ ῢῠῨῌ ῞ῢῠ( ῢ ῳ΅῵ῷῪ!"( ῔ Ί῟῿ ῢgh῱ῐ΅Ίῌ 1996 ῕ῧ/0῟ 10 ῕ ῢ῍lmOῙῡ῕ῩwῩXῢ῿ !" 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Ῠῳ Endoclita excrescens (Butler) X 2000, Z[ ]ῷ 2000. ῳ°῭῱Ώ Nepticulidae 1(1). Ὺῧῳ°῭῱ Stigmella castanopsiella (Kuroko) (Fig. 1) #῿¦ῷῳ`Ὼῼ©ª 41 2000, 2004, 2004. 2005: ῌ 3. VI. 2004, 1῍῍ ῌ 25. V. 2001, 2῍῍ 2(2). ῰῱ῶΎῪῷῺ῰ Stigmella oplismeniella Kemperman et Wilkinson (Fig. 2) 2005; ῌ em. 2. VIII. 2005, 1ῌῌ ex Oplismenus undulatifolius ῰῱ῶΎῪ῍ ῌ em. 31. VII. 2005, 2ῌ1῍ῌ ex Oplismenus undulatifolius ῰῱ῶΎῪ῍ Kemperman & Wilkinson (1985) ῢῤ!"#$% ῝( *+ῦῙ.῟ῌ Ῐ#1#234 ΰῦ῞ΐ8῕῜Ῑ῍ ῔ΐ῞<=3 2005 > 7 21 @ῌ 10 27 @ῌ 11 16 @ABC῞ΐ ῥ῍ 3(3). ῭ΏῷῺ῰ ῏HIῐ Stigmella fumida Kemperman et Wilkinson (Fig. 3) 2005: ῌ em. 11ῌ17. VI. 2005, 2῍ῌ ex Quercus acutissima KLM῍ N.OPQR Kemperman et Wilkinson (1985) ῢῤST#$%῟ *+ῦῙ῍ ῔ΐ῞ <=3 2005 > 5 25 @ῌ 10 27 @ABC῞ΐῥ῍ %U 2ῖῥOXῧῦῥ῍ 4(4). KῺKΏῷῺ῰ ῏HIῐ Stigmella sp. 1 (Fig. 4) 2005: ῌ em. 16. VI. 2005, 1῍ῌ ex Castanea crenata KῺ῍ Ruficapitella species-group ZCῌ H.OXῧῦῥ῍ 5(5). [ῼῶ῭][ῴ΅ῷῺ῰ ῏HIῐ Stigmella sp. 2 (Fig. 5) 2005: ῌ em. 12. VII. 2005, 1῍ῌ ex Agrimonia pilosa var.
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