
Tufted Vetch ( cracca)

Identification Overview : Flowers are -like and Tufted bird vetch is a perennial are arranged on one side of the herb in the pea . A native stem. The 10 to 30 flowers are from and , tufted bird densely packed. vetch was introduced in purposely for and Stems: Multiple, branching, climbing cover crops. or trailing up to 2 meter long. Vine- Tufted bird vetch has escaped like stems are weak but have small from cultivation and is found tendrils that allow for climbing. throughout Canada, Alaska and the northern US states. : The leave consists of 12 – Tufted bird vetch is very palatable 24 leaflets. Leavlets are linear to to livestock. lanceolate and end in a pointed tip. It is found in gardens, waste : The 4-8 grow in a Flowers grow in a one-sided spike. places, old fields and along roads. pod. Seeds are viable for five to Photo: M. Rasy, University of Alaska, bugwood.org. Tufted bird vetch reproduces by seven years and large seed banks abundant seed production and are common. vegetative spread by underground stems. Infestations in Yukon are found in most communities including Whitehorse, Dawson, Watson Lake and Haines Junction.

Tendrils allow the to attach to other or objects. Photo: M. Rasy, University of Alaska, bugwood.org.

Ecological Impact Tufted bird vetch crowds out Tufted bird vetch alters conditions due to . This plant native vegetation and can is very successful at climbing and covering fences, trees and other aggressively take over areas by vegetation. Dense growth of tufted bird vetch out competes other plants overgrowing existing vegetation. for sunlight, space and moisture. It is been documented to invade Photo: Yukon Government undisturbed natural areas including spruce forest.

Similar There are four vetch species found in Yukon. All have blue flowers and tendrils. Three of these species are introduced including tufted This species is adapted to a broad bird vetch. Spring vetch (V. sativa) and shaggy vetch (V. villosa) range of . Though it often are only known from historic collections in Dawson City. The only initially becomes established in native vetch is purple vetch (V. americana) which is widespread disturbed areas, it can invade in southeast Yukon but appears to be spreading and is now found undisturbed forest habitats. in Rancheria, Mayo and on the Dempster Highway. Purple vetch has fewer flowers (3-9) per bunch than tufted bird vetch (10-30).

Prevention Tufted bird vetch is a high priority species in Yukon for early detection and rapid response.  Cutting of plants is effective, since this species does not have the ability to resprout after cutting. Remove all the roots to prevent regrow from the underground stem.  Tufted bird vetch is spreading effectively by seed, therefore trimming and mowing is best done before seed set. Tufted bird vetch can overgrow  Do not plant it in your garden. herbaceous vegetation and low shrubs such as alder and willow. Photo: M. Rasy, University of Alaska, Bugwood.org. Control Tufted bird vetch is difficult to eradicate once it is established. Mechanical: Mowing in early spring can starve the roots and Yukon Council prevent flowers and seeds from developing. www.yukoninvasives.com Hand removal can also be an effective control method especially for small infestations. Repeated treatments may be necessary. [email protected] Chemical: Several herbicides are effective at controlling tufted PO Box 30111 bird vetch. Herbicides are especially recommended to control Whitehorse, YT, Y1A 5M2 larger areas. Consult Yukon’s Branch for more  information.  

November 2010

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