Jesup's milk-vetch (Astragalus mbbinsii var.jesupii) 5-Year Review: Summary and Evaluation US. Fish and Wildlife Service New England Field Office Concord, New Hampshire Fall 2008 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Reviewers Lead Field Office: New England Field Office, Susanna von Oettingen, (603) 223-2541,
[email protected] Lead Regional Office: Region 5, Mary Parkin, (617) 417-3331,
[email protected] 1.2 Methodology Used to Complete the Review The Jesup’s Milk-Vetch (JMV) S-Year Review was conducted as an individual effort by Susanna von Oettingen, the recovery lead biologist for the JMV. State natural resource agency personnel responsible for the recovery of this species were contacted for the most current information on occurrences, threats, and recovery activities. Non-governmental organizations and other biologists conducting research on the JMV were also contacted. Relevant information from the 1989 recovery plan, information provided by state biologists, and a draft plan for JMV monitoring and recovery (Farnsworth 2008) comprise the principal basis for this review. 1.3 Background 1.3.1 Federal Register Notice citation announcing initiation of this review: 73 FR of and Wildlife 3991 (January 23, 2008) Notice Endangered Threatened I and Plants; Initiation of a S-Year Review of Ten Listed Northeastern Species 1.3.2 Listing history: Federal Register notice: Determination of Astragalus robbinsii var. jesupii (JMV) to be an Endangered Species; 52 FR 21481-21484 Date listed: June 5, 1987 Entity listed: Species Classification: Endangered 1.3.3 Associated rulemakings: None 1.3.4 Review history: The JMV was included in a cursory S-year review conducted for all species listed before 1991 (56 FR 56882).