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The Western Mistic, February 11, 1938

Moorhead State Teachers College

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Recommended Citation Moorhead State Teachers College, "The Western Mistic, February 11, 1938" (1938). The Western Mistic. 224. https://red.mnstate.edu/western-mistic/224

This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Western Mistic by an authorized administrator of RED: a Repository of Digital Collections. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FAMOUS PIANIST BRUSH UP FOR HERE TUESDAY THE WESTE TONIGHT'S PARTY WESTERN MINNESOTA STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE Vol. 40 Moorhead, Minnesota, February 11, 1938 Berlin Pastor Renowned Pianist Three Strive Tex Lura, Ezra Walz Speaks Before For Editorship Student Body Of Yearbook Feature Program Tonight Hard Time Party Climax­ Dr. Ewart E. Turner Talks Artdur Grove, Ruth Hori- Cobbers, Iowa en, Carol Raff In Race ed by Finals of W hisker In Chapel On Present Handicap—Grove Rules. Situation In For Election As Editor Win Debate Tc.x Lura and his mandolin-schot- Dr. Norman H. Baker, Fergus Falls, Two sophomores and a junior will be Tw« iiSTr w , rn i * specialty! Uncle Bill Walz, secretary of Ottertall County Medical competing for the important position fwo JLVi'C Men's Teams basso square-dance callers! Leapin' Society, will address the students in of editor-in-chief of the Dragon when Win 9, Lose 7; Two Wo­ Leo Anderson, Virginia Reeler—and chapel Wednesday, February 16. He the election is held in chapel next men's >> m 10, Lose 6 added attractions. will discuss various social and eco­ Wednesday, February 23. Arthur This magnificent program of local Grove, Roosevelt, is the junior and nomic problems relating to the prac­ In— the two day Redncu xviverRiver Valleyvauey and imported— talent— will ico-vcleave stand-autnu- tice of medicine. ; Carol Raff, Fertile, and Ruth Horien, Debate tournament held at MSTC and room on'y at the No-date hard n^v, ,. himPc TvarHr ~ j . . , . . In an enlightening address in chap­ Holt, the sophomores. Concordia last week three MSTC de times party to be sponsored tonight in el last Wednesday, Dr. Ewart E. Tur­ Each candidate has been prominent bate teams emerged with five wins the Physical Education building by ner, former pastor of American in campus activities. Ruth Horien was and three losses egch. Kenneth Chris­ the college faculty and the playground Church in Berlin, discussed the pres­ j album editor of the Praeceptor last management class. Percy Grainger, who appears here tiansen and Alton Peterson, Frances ent situation in Germany. Fascism, year and this year holds the same narison and Dorothy Murray, Hazelle Hair, Wholesale Communism, and Christianity were as Lyceum feature Tuesday night. post along with being associate edi­ Another highlight of -the evening pointed out as three great forces in sorenson and Elizabeth Koops made tor of the yearbook. She is also a up these teams. The personnel of will be the finals of the Whisker the world today seeking allegiance of | member of the MiSTiC staff, Dramat­ Handicap, a hair- the people. other men's and women's teams were Percy Grainger ic Club and Beta Chi social sorority. varied from round to round. In the raising thriller In Midst Of Second Purge Present news editor f the MiSTiC, which no one Dr. Turner spoke of two great purges women's extemporaneous finals Fran­ Carol Raff is also activities editor of ces Hanson placed third. should miss. At in Germany since Hitler came into, the Dragon. Beside this she is a mem­ ! Featured Here present, some of power. The first occurred in June, ber of Rho Lambda Chi, Y. W. C. A., Concordia Tops 1934. when Roehm and the leftists and L. S. A. Concordia College men's team - and the leaders on the were subdued with seme loss of Renowned Pianist Will Offer Arthur Grove is president of the Iowa State Teachers College women campus, conspicu­ blood, and those of January and Feb- An Extensive-V aried Program were awarded first place in their re­ 1 Art Club and L. S. A., and a member ous for their chin ruary of this year resulting in the of the Geography Council, Sigma Tau spective divisions. Semi-finalists in "liquidation" of the rightists in the As a pianist, composer, and con- shrubbery, are as Delta and Y. M. C. A. He is not lack­ the men's group were Gustavus Adol- army and foreign office. He pointed ouctor, the fiery Percy Grainger who follows: Hull, Mur- ing in journalism experience, as he phus, and two teams from Central out that the latter was bloodless be- will appear here Tuesday, needs no College of Fayette, Missouri. In the Phy, Pitch, Serbin, cause of Hitler's increased strength, .aniare. His delightful recitals and was editor of the yearbook at the Crookston School of Agriculture women's tournament St. Catherine C. Johnson, Dun­ tlie work of the secret police, and the \ exquisite melodies have been flood­ for Ji two years. College, Waldorf College,Ml Forest City CHAMP can. Schafer, Ben- desire on the part of the Nazis *to ing" auditoriums~" and hearts since his son Iowa and Yankton College, from - and Weston They are running keep this from appearing similar to little-boy days in Australia where he South Dakota competed for final hon- cheek-to-cheek, the Stalin purge in Russia. was born in 1882, all through his ors. These teams were selected by a Attire for the evening will con- Strength In Propaganda MacLeaii Speaks world tours and since he became an board of coaches on the basis of rec- slst of gingham frocks and overalls After the war nationalism and so­ American citizen in 1918. ords In the preliminary eight rounds F1nes will be assessed for violation of cialism have been at work in Ger­ Champion of Moderns Oil Radio Program the of debate. i "No-dress-up Act." many, stated Dr. Turner. Hitler was Although Bach has always been spoken of as the greatest slogan coin- Wind Statistics SCORING CARD, AS his favorite composer, Grainger has Lommen Explains World Friendship OJIPILED BY - er of our day, using his greatest also been a consistent champion of As Applied to PTA Work Post-tournament figures show a to- ARTHUR GROVE, tal of 245 debates held, which, with . EARDS, INC. slogan, "National Socialism," in— unit- the moderns,, being~—"t, the *""1-first toiaj playyiay in Schools MSTC maIe ing his forces and keeping them to- Debussy, Ravil, Cyril Scott, Albeniz, an estimated sixty minutes each, re- stud™f*!• gether by spreading a feeling of ra­ Carpenter, Dett and Guion in many President R. B. MacLean and Miss suit in a total of 20,700 minutes of queSL Dubhf n, y 10 1116 cial prejudice. actual debate. ,S Ule reSUlts of two lands. His own "Country Gardens" Georgina Lommen appeared on the , . weeks cultivation of manly hirsute Christianity Versus Hitler is a "best seller" and pieces such as bi-monthly program broadcast over The mens extemporaneous contest appendage which has enamored manv "The only remaining force left in Molly on the Shore," "Irish Time KVOX Tuesday afternoon. was won by Ted Bowman of Nebraska a timid soul. With a few hours re- opposition is the Christian Church" from County Derry," and "Shepherd's President MacLean spoke on the Wesleyan. Trenton, Nebraska. In maining, a bit of grooming may re continued the speaker. The success Hey" are played wherever music is topic, "Keeping Young in Education," women's extemporaneous speaking move from that awn (see Webster) of this force was partially proven made. pointing out that education, to be ef­ Dorothy Holm, Concordia, was first. its Porcuine effect and endow It with when three clergymen who were on fective, must be a continuing proc­ a mien of trial last July were exonerated. The 1 LYCEUM NOTICE This marked the fifth year of the veneration. While it is ess. If this continuing porcess, edu­ tournament sponsored by Concordia Questionable as to the method that Nazi officials, - fearing a loss of pres­ Special tickets will be needed cation ,ls to he the foundation of wil! be em tige, also postponed the trial of Mar­ for the Percy Grainger Concert democracy, there are three proposi­ College and the second year that Pioyed this evening in pur- tin Niemoeller. Tuesday, February 15. MSTC has been host to the women's SUJng 1116 most flourishing evolution, tions that are essential; first, the en are re uested It is Dr. Turner's firm belief that Present your activity tickets in work of the teacher cannot be left division. Thirty-two students from ™ Q to check their en- the College were entered— • in• the•• var­ "ies with this score card before pa- Christianity will in time defeat the Room 202 Monday, February 14, wholly to the professional pedagogue rading before the solons forces of Fascism and Communism. from 3-4, and Tuesday, February or the ordained priest; second, learn­ ious divisions. "The sword of the spirit" will then 15, from 11-12. A 15 points ing is not limited to the confines of (1). Gloss, (2) Texture, (3) Curl claim universal allegiance. *- a school room with rows of seats and A healthy crop should evidence a Mi-. Grainger's program for the prescribed textbooks; and third, learn­ February 15 Lyceum Concert at the Travelling Talker delicate lustre suggestive of perfect ing is not limited to youth. health. A velvety texture Is to be ad­ Victory Cane Is Moorhead Armory is extensive and Miss Lommen gave a short talk on Tells Tale of Trip varied. His opening numbers will be „ ^owmg now 11 In an epistle to a MiSTiC report­ mired Wearing qualities should be "World Friendship," showing how considered. Tendencies to curl should Acknowledged By the Bach-Liszt "Fantasia and Fugue with the help of the Minnesota Edu- er Arthur Holmos expresses the rate high. in G Minor;" contrasting "Symphon­ cation association and the Parent- sentiments of the elocutionary B. Color .. |- . ic Studies, op. 13," contrasting deep­ Teachers association, a program of traveler: ...... 15 points St. Cloud Prexy ly romantic and robustly athletic ele­ (4) Depth, (5) Fastness, (6) Nat­ understanding and friendship was be­ Nice trip—beautiful weather- ural shading effect. ments in perfect balance; and one ing carried out in the schools. Mice The following is a letter received of Grieg's longest and greatest works swell roads!!! Down the dusty A rich, deep tone, rather than pas­ Lommen has long been active in this trails of the Missouri and Platte tel shades should be sought. Yet if hy President MacLean from President for the piano, the "Ballade, op. 24," field of activity and won recognition George Selke of St. Cloud: in which are notable instances of Valleys we have galloped. 400 the color blends well with freckles or in it. At present she is a member of miles to Denver. "Go West, other nonconformities, added prestige Dear "Mac," "unnatural harmonization," i. e., har­ the International Relations commit­ Young Men"—with Tresslers "How should be felt. Such shades as "Mur- It was thoughtless of me not to : monization in which the chords,uiuim, al-aj- tee of the National Education asso­ acknowledge the victory cane which though harmonizing from moment to to Lose Friends and Alienate Peo­ Phj Red and "Schafer Brown" may ciation, and chairman of the corres­ be classed as basic. the Moorhead State Teachers College moment with the notes of the melody, ponding groups in both the Minne­ ple"—The process of re-education so graciously presented as symbolic do not carry out the inherent har- and disintegration of personality C" °entty 20 points sota Education association and the (7) Vim, (8) Vigor, (9) Vitality of the splendid relationship that ex- monic suggestions contained in the Minnesota P. T. A organization. has set in. At Sioux Center, Iowa ists between the two colleges. melody. (see Swiers) a billboard "Arthur Be sure to wash well before check­ Violet Glasrud, Detroit Lakes, is the ing this point. I wish you to know that we had a Folk Tunes Add Zest editor of this week's publication of Slob—Painter and Decorator"— special ceremony at our convocation For a rollicking, joyful addition, six the MiSTiC. Other members of the later another "The Girdle Makes 12 and that both "The College Chronicle" folk tunes are to be played, among Live on the Fat on the Land"— (10) Number, (11) Line Publication Supervision class: Har­ An even number is desirable. Never and our St. Cloud Times Journal car­ them four of Grainger's own arrange­ riet Erickson, Bronson, and Martin —Holn the boys down—Greet the ried quite an announcement of the ments. First is Howard Hanson's folks Mon. nite—if the V8 still am­ should seven be allowed on one side Barstad, Thief River Falls, are In when only six can possibly grow suc- initiation of what we hope will be­ Swedish "Clog Dance" followed by charge of the offices of News Editor bulates. Hello to the boys. Maybe come a cherished tradition. Norwegian Sparre Odsen's "When cessfuly on the other. Lines of de­ and Associate Editor. Each member P. Lee will get a Denver sandwiih. marcation should always follow the Very truly yours, Yule Tide Came." Then Grainger of the class will hold each of the of­ So we drift—Art. Geo. A. Selke. will quicken pulses with his own contour of the expression. If hair fices for one week. lines are questionable, mark with "X" This is what the Chronicle says, "Shepherd's Hey" and from his or red line. "Nope, we weren't satisfied with get- Tribute to Stephen Foster," a love- ting Winona's goat, we had to pull the ly lullaby, accompanied by a host Accident Fatal To E. Perspective 18 polnts support out from under the Moor- of "musical glasses"—wine glasses and High School Will (12) Light and dark, (13) Shad­ head State Teachers College and walk other glasses, their rims rubbed by Mort Presting's Father ing, (14) Length off with their cane. President Selke wet fingers to make shimmering Hold Declam Meet The growth should look as well Gust Presting, father of Morton from a distance as from a close an­ introduced this fine symbol of the : glass sounds. Presting, junior at MSTC, died Wed­ gle. splendid athletic relationship between He Is to play his arrangement of nesday morning at his home. A frac­ The final round of the annual the two schools, to the student body, John Dowland's song for voice and Campus School declamatory contest F. Ability to blend into the en­ tured skull, caused by a fall, resulted vironment 20 points at convocation, January 10." lute, "Now, O Now, I Needs Must in his death. will be heU in the MSTC high school auditorium Wednesday, February 16, (15) Sityle St. Cloud feels confident the cane Part." In conclusion will come also Funeral services will be held Mon­ will remain In their possession, for his own arrangement of a Jutish Med- day at East Grand Forks. at 7:30 p. m. The winner in each of they say, It has already begun to ley, employing "Choosing the Bride," the three divisions—oratorical, dra­ feel quite at home, but next year "The Dragoon's Farewell," "Husband matic and humorous—is to represent Marge Fuglie's Poem President MacLean hopes and ex- and Wife," "The Shoemaker from MSTC high in the sub-district con­ Accepted By Rectangle CALENDAR OF EVENTS test at Glyndon, February 24. pects to have President Selke return Jerusalem," and "Lord Peter's Stable Tonight, February II, 8:30 p. m. it to him. Boy." All College Hard-time party The judges of the first elimination I "You," an original poem by Mar- "And so in future years, Moorhead Saturday, February 12, 1:00 p. m. round this week were Ardith McDon- j garet Fuglie. was printed in the win- and St. Cloud will battle it out on nipoomirhip Avtiflpw aid, Ruth Horien and Vernon Wedul, j tor issue of the Rectangle, a publica- the gridiron for the possession of this «e°SraP1HC Articles Pi Mu Phi Fudge luncheon Saturday, February 12, 9:00 p. m. College English students. j tion of the national English frater- famous President's Victory Cane.' KeViewed liy Council n y Rho Lambda Chi Annual Those who will compete in the fi- j /" • Sigma Tau Delta. The poem was Undoubtedly the song that will echo party nals are: John Bystrom, Willis Euren first Published in "Literary Designs," in the halls of S.T.C. on the event- At the regular meeting of the and Lloyd Stowell in oratorical; Mari- ,he c°Hege literary magazine issued as ful day will be Hand Me Down My Geography Council Monday, reports Tuesday, February 15, 8:15 p. m. Percy Grainger Concert lyn Murray, Margaret Mollner, and a ;uPP'ement to the MiSTiC each Walking Cane" (with permission of on current articles of geographic in­ Thursday, February 17, 6:45 p. m. Boris Peterson in dramatic, and Elaine I £Pn;iS- to copyright owners;, and the cry, terest were reviewd by Melvin Carlson, Faculty dinner a.t Graver Ho­ Mee, Delores Hanson and Helen Arch- Miss Fuglie, who received her B E ' Keep That Stick," will be substituted Mervin Snyder, and Martha Lou tel, Fargo. for "Hold That Line," Price. er in the humorous division. i from MSTC in 38, is row princ pri * — -+ The public is invited. cf the Oak Maund affiliated school February II, 1938 Cage 2 THE WESTERN MiSTiC Miss Tic, The Dragon Dame, Says: DUTIES, ACTIVITIES, Shop A column of stories SOCIALS, CONTESTS, about Dragon? past and present AGE COMMISSIONERS "What do they have all those commission­ By Clarence Eskiidsen ers lor?" was a query overheard early this VEN the most accom­ week. Perhaps that question and many oth­ E plished of present-day ers concerning the momentous student com­ "la de da" will nave to get mission election has been puzzling many stu­ up early in the morning to dents the last few weeks. Some research into challenge the prestige of the Student Constitution threw some light on campus sports of the past. the subject. Back in the days when only WHY HAVE A PRESIDENT? Fridlund and his crowd Most of us know the duties of the president "jellied" at the Club and and secretary of any organization, but the even further back in the president of the student commission has the days when "Wild Bill" Rob­ added responsibility of being the representa­ inson dominated the social tive of the student body at all times when horizon, the business of be­ it is necessary for the students to have a ing a hall fellow well met was no child's spokesman. In contacts with other schools, play—they elected class presidents and other conventions, meeting with the faculty, and on high campus officials from the flowery group similar occasions, he is the official agent of There's A Man After My Own Heart! around the center pillar in the exchange. the student body. In selecting your candi­ There Were the Slops date you must consider those qualifications Not the least notorious were the "Four which you would want in your president. The Slops" composed of Art Berlin, basso; "Rass" secretary keeps the records of the commis­ Rasmussen, top-tenor, with "Slop" Morstad v sion and so must be accurate, reliable, and J A- Art Holm&> and Wayne Parker interpolating the middle neat. lhouoht rro range in varying degrees of purple. Various It is the duty of the athletic commissioner songsters appeared with the original four ers also aim to regain their lost colonies and to foster and encourage athletic events, su­ Bob Taylor, Pinch-Hitting from time to time incluring the redoubtable to carry Nazi government to Austria which pervise contests, help decide eligibility of ECAUSE Japanese officials can see no •Hubby" Nelson who hit the high notes while would make the Central powers nearly as strong players. Obviously the pep commissioner has reason for observing the 1936 London the quartet was listed as the "Four Hired B as they were at the outbreak of the World War. charge of cheering sections at contests. These naval treaty limiting battleships to 35,000 tons, Men" on the Red River Valley Barn Dance at PEACE FOR SPAIN! people should be good organizers, capable the Avalon ballroom. the great powers of the world, the United That is the hope of Prof. Jose Castellejo, leaders, and fellows who have the respect of States, Great Britain, and France, will scrap And Lois formerly of the University of Madrid, who sug­ that treaty and build more and larger warships Another artist in the fast-failing art of ex­ the athletes. gests that Spain may again have peace through SHOULD MERIT COOPERATION capable of greater destruction. They are thus temporaneous entertainment was Lois Mc- a partition. The professor points to the many The forensic commissioner encourages stu­ Nair who had her own little audience when­ entering a race that can have but one end— different races of people in Spain that desire dents to participate in debate, dramatics, and that end is war. Abandoning their traditional ever she loitered between classes for a quip local autonomy, as the basis for his plan. How­ literary activities by bringing to the students policy of isolation. United States diplomats or two. (And, by the way—Lois leaves one ever, should the present difficulties disappear, have adopted a policy of virtual cooperation of these days for Miami and Jamaica for a the benefits received from such work, Like­ he thinks the country would reunite. wise, the music commissioner should do the with Great Britain and France in sounding little vacation with relatives.) Of the same SHORTS same in music. They should merit the co­ out Japan's attitude while the navy depart­ era were the side-splitting antics of Oeorgie Business halts its slump. Federal Reserve operation of the faculty members and should ment planned 45.000 tons super dreadnaughts. Moore, Fargo Flash who took a major role officials reported during January business was be leaders in promoting speech and music in the Jan Jub of '35 in spite of the fact REICHSFUEHRER HITLER'S LATEST COUP at least no worse than it was during December that he had to appear on crutches. programs. Adolf's latest move gives him more direct con­ and in some cases it was better than it has But Mostly "Wubbie" A successful social leader has her hands trol over all branches of the German govern­ been. And it wouldn't do to forget "Wubbens" and full as commissioners in the past can tes­ ment as he discharged all lukewarm Nazi of­ The C. L O. just increased the salary of its "W" Stephens a little "eternal triangle" all by tify. All-school parties that attract every­ ficials. All Europe is tensely awaiting his next militant leader John L. Lewis to $25,000 a year themselves. "Pokie" Thompson and Thordis body is one of the big aims of the social move which many fear will be the seizure of at their recent convention. The organization Henjum and the rest of the gang from Fis- commissioner. Although we have a number Danzig and the Polish corridor. German lead­ completed its separation from the A. F. of L. of student religious organizations on the cam­ kum's added their bdt to keep the ten min­ pus, there are still a number of students who ute respite interesting. belong to denominations which have no rep­ CAT LET OUT OF BAG; MEOWSAH Gludt Carries on resentation in religious organizations. Such A new high school paper came into the organizations are the responsibility of the By Hcinie Stevenson ringer for "Honest Abe" . . . Then there's the MiSTiC office this week—the Rolla Chieftain religious commissioner. E HAD A perfectly math shark who wore a lumberjack shirt when from out in North Dakota where Clarence HE TELLS THE WORLD devastating nasty he worked logarithms. Gludt, a Dragon graduate from before the W fire, takes time out from his duties as super­ One of the most Important posts on the crack at an old "pal" of Music notes: "True Confessions" must be the intendent to advise the paper. Clarence ought commission is the head of the publicity set­ ours which we were going most popular tune of the day. It was heard the up. He must be familiar with everybody who to insert in this strip this other night from three different stations, WGN, to know for In his years at MSTC he was a top-notch newspaperman, publicity commis­ does anything worthy of note and let the week. In fact, it was so j WLW, and WMAQ, played by three big bands home town papers know about it. Often stor­ good that we just had to within the space of about minutes— sioner, and was active in debate and other campus affairs. He has his Master's degree ies are sent to Minneapolis dailies as well, whisper it to a few per-j something which hasn't happened since the on occasions like homecoming, anniversaries sons and they in turn to a "Music Goes Round" craze. from the University of North Dakota. and the like. He must be a good journalist, few more. Now nearly every Just why she gave that particular number it's Clannish Affair as it is his duty to give our college and its one in school has heard it hard to know, but when someone called Com- By way of Dragon color. This weekend the personnel all the publicity possible. The pub­ —so why print it? stock hall and asked for Frances Driscoll, Evy the Battle Lake high school basketball team, licity commissioner is also in charge of the Famous last words: "Now Eian said that she didn't stay there but in coached by Willard Burke, B. E. 37, assisted student directory which is published every that Elmer is away I guess I'll take out Ard." Wheeler and the number was 6829. You in by Elmer Johnson, will meet the Frazee high fall. The commissioner of educational and This isn't intended to be an alumni column school know the catch, but to the uninformed cage squad coached by Neil Wohlwend, B. E. general clubs keeps a record of all organiza­ (that's Esky's racket) but here we invade his that's the phone number to the Men's Dorm, 37. Officiating will be none other than the tions on the campus with all members, offi­ field to bring you this tale. Breezing into alias Mildew Hall. touchdown-toting Milton "Holly" Hollister, B. E. 36. cers, and advisers. town last week from St. Paul came Mibs Peo­ ples, '36 ex-columnist and editor of the 1936 Dr. F. A. Dr. J. W. The Western MiSTiC Praeceptor with her ever present supply of "So Great A Man" Reveals THY8ELL DUNCAN Subscription price, $1.50; single copies, 6c. puns and dumb jokes. Sister Helen Peoples Phene 3578-R Phone 9S66 Student Activity Fee Includes subscription to had written her that as an informal Gam Colorful Historical Pageantry -ach student regularly enrolled and to each Physicians & Surgeons home from which such student comes. Subscrip­ party was scheduled for Saturday eve she "A book with genuinely big chances," is the 614 Center Avenue — Wheeler Block tion also included in the alumni dues. would have a date arranged for her. Mibsy comment made about David Pilgrim's "So Great Telephone S57S-W Entered as second class matter at the Post- blew in Friday midnite with a work dress A Man" by the American News Company. Don­ office at Moorhead, Minnesota. and ski-pants—only to find that it was a ald Gordon has added, "The Pageantry is A weekly newspaper published by Moorhead Phone: Off. $64-W Res. S34-B State Teachers College every Friday of the Col­ formal party and that little Miss Fixit had magnificent, the characters and setting obvious­ lege year. Printed in the College Print Shop neglected her dating duties. Undaunted not ly authentic. It will suck readers along from DR. J. H. SANDNESS and issued at the College. one bit (we like that phrase) the elder Peo­ page to page much as did Anthony Adverse or DENTIST Editorial Staff. ples borrowed a formal and got herself a Gone With the Wind." American State Bank Bldg. Kenneth Christiansen -...Editor-in-Chief Moorhead -::- Minnesota Donald Tescher Managing Editor date and according to all reports was the belle "So Great A Man" is fashioned from histori­ Clarence Eskiidsen ,,, - .State Editor of the ball. We do think, however, that it cal truths and centers around the action of Ferdinand Els tad Sports Editor would have been better for the Gams to have Napoleon's reign in France. Napoleon pre­ Carol Raff - .News Editor had the Snowball theme that the Psi Delts used Thelma Leaderbrand - Society Editor sented as lover, politician, and soldier at the Service Virginia Murray Critic Editor the week before instead of Valentine Balloons. peak of his career, is sowing seeds of his down- Harriet Erickson Copy Editor Then Mibs could have worn her ski pants and fail while Josephine, his wife, jealous of her i .ininn Olson Copy Editor brought a snow man. place in the emperor's affections, is forced to American State Beryl Stevens .Illustrator Invention: Cellophane napkins so you see declare a truce with the woman who might Byron D. Murray — Faculty Advisor how the spot would have looked on your suit if provide her husband with an heir. Bank Business Staff John Stucky - .Business Manager the napkin hadn't been there. The plot reviews the life of the great father Lawrence Haaby Advertising Manager Not only because of their relative size, but of France In it there Is a feeling of deep emo­ Safety Henry Stevenson Circulation Manager also because Viv's last name is Bergren, is her tion of which the reader partakes, which will Goluamae Carter Typist Moorhead, Minnesota George Carter — - —Printer buddy, Clara "Toots" Jorgenson called Mc­ cause him to rate the book as one of the best Henry B. Weltzin .Print Shop Adviser Carthy. "Toots" is no dummy we'll have you read. Reporters know, but she should be right at home on a Martin Bars tad, Wallace Bergerson, Hazel lap . . . That frat pin the girl was wearing Bright, Margaret Cameron, Bernice Carlson, hasn't stopped Glen Preston from doing some Fred Cramer, Muriel Dai)l, Robert Durren- tall squiring lately ... A fire screen is the berger, Evelyn Elan, Harriet Erickson, Vio­ only safe thing for Hull and Weston to have on The College Grocery let Floan, Violet Glasrud, Grace Haukebo, their pipes. Should a spark escape and get in "A Friendly Store" Maxine Headland, Leslie Heidelberger, Arthur their facial underbrush the ensuing baize would Holmos, Ruth Horien, Marjorie Houge, Eliza­ be nothing short of a holocaust . . . We wonder beth Koops, Bernard Larson, Phyllis Lee, Car­ if three Joe Colleges know that a choice bit of FINER FAIRWAY FOODS ol Mae Netland, Lillian Olson, Florence Peter­ their class time correspondence has been ex­ ZERVAS MARKET son, Helen Peterson, Virgil Peterson, Leo Pik- posed to feminine eyes. If so, then we'll bet You Call - - We DeJver op, Inez Raff, LaBelle Salo, Hazel Sorenson, Quality Heats their faces are as red as Murph's hair . . . Why Mae Spjut. Phyllis Strand, Olaf Syltie, Wil- Fancy Cheese and Sausages Phone 970 lard Swiers, Robert Taylor, Elizabeth Trace, didn't Zehren enter the beard contest? Give 612 Center Avenue Vernon Wedul, Frieda Wildung. him some facial foliage and he'd be a dead February 11, 1896 THE WESTERN MiSTiC Page 3 Dragons To Meet Jamestown Ping Pougers Vie MacDonald Is For MSTC Honors Pace Setter Tonight After Two-week Lay Off ' Sixteen Participants Entered In Tourney; Four Players Are Seeded Former Drug-on Eager Sliv Considers Jimmy Con­ The annual winter ping pong tour­ Leads In YMCA Com­ test One of Toughest of Baby Dragons Sideline "Doc" ney to crown a new Dragon champion mercial League Season's Games got under way last Wednesday with Slants by Elstad sixteen paddle-swingers entered. Most Credit is due to a former Dragon Tonight the bouncing Drag­ Drop Thriller first round games have heen complet­ cage star who is leading the scorers on basketeers, after a week's PE SUPER ed and some second round tilts are in the Y.M.C.A. Commercial Basket- strenuous practice, will clash Detroit Lakes Team Aven­ shin-dig and finished. bill league. He is Tom MacDonald, T MSTC student, who played superb all that goes with First round games resulted in this with the high stepping quint of ges Early Loss By Over­ ball on Dragon teams for three years. Jamestown College on the Jim­ time Victory it tonight in In- way. Heinie Stevenson defeated Erwin gleside and the Bly in a close series, 21-7, 19-21 and Tom is leading mies ies' hardwood court. the league in field After rallying strongly in the fourth Phy. Ed. building 25-23; Jim Garrity won from Don Dragons Bested is certainly some­ Tescher, 21-17 and 21-17; Alton Pe­ goals, and his free This will be the first game ! quarter to tie the score at 19-all at throws bring his the end of the regulation playing thing worth at­ terson whipped Ed Morgan, 21-13 ant, :he Crimson and White have en­ tending. Five cop­ 21-15; Meriyn Zuehlsdorff beat Leo total up to 90 time, the MSTC high school cagers points, which is gaged in since lost a thrilling two-overtime-period pers (cents to you) Eastman, 21-14 and 21-11; Ferd El­ admits you to per­ stad defeated Leonard Johnson, 21-7 good enough for their exciting game to the Detroit Lakes basketeers the individual scor­ defeat of the I by the score of 21-19, in their op­ haps the most lib­ and 21-19; Marco Gotta advanced as eral party ever Bill Walz forfeited. In a second round ing honors. He is Concordia Cob­ ponents' gym last Friday night. The a member of the victory, the fourth for the Detroit staged here. The game Peterson won from Zuehlsdorff j bers a week ago WDAY team. At Lakes team this year, avenged a de- Playground Man­ handily by scores of 21-13 and 21-13. Tuesday; and First and second round games are j feat by the Baby Dragon cagers suf­ agement class of the Physical Educa­ present they are it will be the fered earlier in the season. tion department is to be congratulat­ a two out of three game series. The tied for the second ed for its efforts in staging such a semi finals and finals will be played season's only Baby Dragons Lead ' * I half league lead. party. three out of five. clash with the Play in the first half was extreme­ Others in the tournament are Bill MacDonald, while Indian Boast Jimmies so it ly slow with neither team taking many Rush, Ken Ekdahl, Jack Weling, and wearing a Crimson and White uni­ That five cent charge has should be thril- shots at the baskets. The Baby Drag­ George Woessner. Seeded in the form, was regarded as one of the caused quite a stir. I was in­ ing. ons led at the end of the first quar­ event were Stevenson, Ekdahl, Peter­ best centers in the Conference. formed by a freshman that the Coach Nem- ter but failed to score in the second son and Elstad. Concordia's Cobbers were Tom's main quarter as Detroit Lakes assumed a Indian on one of his nickels, up­ target while here at school, having zek has spent 5-4 lead. The Lakers out-scored the on realizing how important he'd the week preparing for the fray and come from that Institution to the Baby Dragons, 10 to 5, in the third be Friday night, expanded his MSTC as a sophomore. "looks for one of the toughest games quarter to hold a commanding 15-9 chest and tore a hole in the proud Intramurals Roll of the season." The brand of ball played in the lead going into the fourth quarter. possessor's pocket. Orville Sch- Bloodily Onward commercial league is usually regard­ The Jimmies stand high in their Led by Stan and Sig Stusiak who wankle, chairman of the affair, ed as of a lower calibre than most conference, the North Dakota Inter­ says that there is no money-back led the scoring assault, the Baby If you still haven't been over to the basketball. However, with players like collegiate AUhletic Conference, and guarantee, but he is willing to bet Dragons rallied to bring the score big gym for an intra-mural basket­ MacDonald and other MSTC. Con­ would like to prove by beating the that the party will provide laughs, to 19-19 at the end of regulation play­ ball game, you have missed lessons cordia and A. C. stars on teams in Dragons, that they deserve it. ing time. thrills and enjoyment for all. The on the technique of rough-housing no the league, the impression of the faculty troupe is supposed to be Prom an analysis of comparative Buck Scores physical education could possibly cabbre must certainly be changed tops. scores, uncertain though it be, per­ In the first overtime Duane Buck give. The stretcher bearers go to Invite To Ping Pong haps the Jimmies should be favored ank a free throw on Porter Berg- work next week. for they have tiwice defeated the Bi­ Something will have to be done land's infraction. The second over­ Balzarini's Pi's are in the attic by son of N.D.A.C. this year, whereas about the ping-pong situation here at time again found a Baby Dragon virtue of their more efficient ways of BEE LINE CAB MSTC has split its two game series the college. Last year and previous fouling a Laker. This time it was slugging; they have dropped one game with the Herd. years showed marked progress in the Billy Glaholt who sank the free throw in eight encounters. The Owls, under Crimson Win •pearly pellet" game. The tourna­ PHONE NO. 9 which gave the Lakers a 21-19 vic­ Serbin, are next, having lost two. The last game tory. ment this year drew exactly sixteen men, which isn't much of a percent­ Ratings: 'played between the Outstanding for the Campus High age considering the male population Pi's—.875 two teams last were Sig and Stan Stusiak who scor­ of the school. Everyone is invited to Ow Is—.750 W. G. Woodward., Inc. year resulted in a ed 8 and 4 points, respectively. Don use the ping pong facilities, just as 42-41 victory foi OT>ay turned in his usual fine de­ A. E.'s—.571 "Everything- to Wear" you are invited to any sport on the the Dragons. The fensive game. For the Lakers, Wes­ Gam's—.428 Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes, campus. Ladies and Gent Furnishings, team that lost that ton, Weldon, Glaholt, and Buck shar­ Psi Delt's—.285 Sport Chatter Millinery. game will be back, ed honors. Beta Chi's—.142 practically in its Coach "Sliv" Nemzek and all Detroit Lakes entirety, seexmg Moorhead-Fargo coaches, along fg ft pf with local sports writers meet revenge. Weston, f 2 0 0 every Sunday on a WDAY broad­ The starting Deike, f 0 0 1 cast. At that round table dis­ Wakmuuis SHEAFFER lineups will prob­ Weldon, f 2 2 2 cussion they talk over all prob­ TEL. 1150 MOORHEAD ably be: James­ Smalley, c 0 0 0 lems relating to physical educa­ Pens and Pencils 1 Glaholt, c 13 2 tion, sports and athletics. The town — Rothstein, Dresses - Shoes - Hosiery - Lingerie Buck, g 14 3 group has presented some very $1 to $10 Westby, Holen, Berge and Sundin. Sanders, g 0 0 0 Coats - Etc. Westby has been known as a danger­ interesting and informative pro­ grams. Physical education stu­ BEAUTY SALON ous scorer throughout the conference, Totals 6 9 8 but the Bison succeeded in curbing dents are urged to listen in to JOHNSON PHARMACY MSTC H. S. this 4 o'clock broadcast. TEACHERS AND STUDENTS ARE him successfully. CORDIALLY INVITED TO Moorhead Grunters Groan MSTC will probably start the quint fg ft pf COME AND SEE US consisting of Schwankl, Ekdahl, Pres­ Hirsch, f 10 3 Soon the basketball season will come to an end. With it comes the in­ ton, Martin and Zehren, ' S. Stusiak, f 2 0 2 Phillip, c 0 0 1 auguration of spring sports. Already Pour hundred Drake University men Bergland, f 0 0 3 some of the tough men are doing their daily dozens in the gymnasium. It will be needed as escorts for the wo­ Baldwin, c Ill men from Stephens College when ODay, g 10 2 has been suggested that wrestling be POSITIONS ! promoted in a bigger way. As soon they come to Drake for a dance March Sig Stusiak, g 3 2 2 The business world is calling for trained workers. It wants young as Almo Kiiskila and Mervin Snyder 17. And the student council must people who have had special training and can do well the work that match the names and descriptions of get to gruntin' and groanin' the rest business men want done. The wages offered are good and chances Totals 8 3 14 of the wrestling crowd disperse the women with available Drake men. for advancement are many. Every month we have more calls for trained workers than we are able to fill. Il interested In a course In business training, call at the office, phone 1099 or write for par tic- lars. ''The Store of Friendly When you buy Bread For Quick, Dependable Buy INTERSTATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Cleaning At Seasonable Personal Service" Fargo, North Dakota Prices. BLUE BIRD MOORHEAD DRUG CO. NORTHWEST BAKERY Phone 756 A. S. Sigurd son, Owner CO. INC. DON'T MISS IT American Cleaners 516 Center Ave. Moorhead "For Love of Polly" A Romantic New Serial Story Of the Days of 1812. NEUBARTH'S JUST STARTED IN ALAMO Jewelry 706 Center Avenue THE FARGO FORUM Open under new management Moorhead, Minn.

Good Food at right prices For A VISIT, a LUNCH, or a MEAL • • • • Meet at Come in and get acquainted THE BLUEBIRD COFFEE SHOP FAIRMONT'S BETTER FOOD PRODUCTS • • • • E. M. PEDERSON L. A. BENSON 618 Center Avenue - Moorhead, Minnesota A. T. Danielson—Mrs. H. O. Tiegen Assure You of FINE QUALITY— They are used in your dining room and are for sale PLAY SAFE We handle a complete line by all the leading dealers. Be Sure Your Diamond or Watch Comes From the of SKELLY products and ac­ Ask for the FAIRMONT brand when buying milk, cessories. CRESCENT JEWELERS cream, butter, cheese, eggs, ice cream 64 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. BERGLAND OIL CO. Over Twenty Five Years Of Honest "Stretch" Aho, Mgr. Value Giving Is Your Guarantee. THE FAIRMONT CREAMERY COMPANY 25 Fifth St. S., Moorhead EASY CREDIT TERMS 4 WESTERN MiSTiC FjehfJuvry 11. M# Sigma Tail Delta Reverend Parr L. Schiedecker Acts Campus Social Groups Plan As Assistant Librarian Initiates Five Addresses Y.M.C.A. LaVerne Schiedecker, who com­ Many Varied Entertainments pleted her sophomore work at the Plan Regional Convention And L. S. A. Organization Entertains Moorhead State Teachers College this Gams To Have Founder's home of Aleth Brainerd, 1349 Third Publication of "Literary Designs" Similar Group From N. D. A. C. midterm, is acting as temporary as­ Avenue South, Fargo, on Saturday sistant at the college library. This Hay Luncheon; Pi Mu Campus religious organizations have Phi's Hear "Tovarich" evening, February 12. Evelyn Montiel, Mu Gamma chapter of Sigma Tau position was left vacant by the resig­ Fargo, is in general charge of arrange­ Delta, national English fraternity, j recently been sponsoring various pro­ nation of Florence Powell. ments. held formal initiation services at 7:30 grams endeavoring to further the stu­ Mrs. W. W. Fuller of Fargo present­ The sorority will hold court in two dent interest in religion. and talks on Sadhu Sundar Singhe by ed a reading of Tovarlch" last Wed­ Tuesday evening in Ingleside for Ed­ weeks. At the meeting of the Y.M.C.A. on ! Ethel Farden, Fergus Falls and Car­ nesday evening in Ingleside before win Erickson, Moorhead; Lucy Grom- A. E.'s To Initiate • Sunday evening, Rev. C. E. Parr, of roll Snustad, Hendrum. This was in activities, pledges, alumnae and pa­ mesh, Barnesville; Arthur Grove, Mr. G. H. Aarnes Roosevelt; Joy Kiser, Crookston, and the Plymouth Congregational Church, return for a program presented here tronesses of the Phi Mu Phi Sorority. earlier this year. Alpha Epsilon fraternity discussed Agnes Nemzek, Moorhead. Fargo, forcefully presented some of Tovarlch (Russian word for "com­ Tuesday evening the group enjoyed means of furthering work upon the un­ The program consisted of original the dangers existing in the careless rade") was written by Jacques Deval. a sleigh ride party. Later in the even­ finished fraternity room at its Wed­ compositions presented by the active choosing of a life companion. "Mar­ Mrs. Fuller read an adaptation writ­ ing, the question, "Christian Friend­ nesday meeting. February 16 was set members. Pictures were taken for ried life," he explained, "is a twenty- ten by Robert E. Sherwood. The play four hour a day affair. The partner­ ship, Courtship and Marriage," was as the date for informal initiation of the 1938 Dragon. further discussed at the home of Rev. concerns two member of the exned Mrs. G. H. Aarnes as honorary mem­ ship should be equally divided. The Plans were made for the publication home partner should be your fairest and Mrs. F. A. Schiotz. Russian nobility in Paris, the Grand ber, and February 23 was decided on of "Literary Designs," literary supple­ critic, your steadfast backer, most Refreshments were served by Har­ Duchess Tatiana and her consort, as the date of formal initiation. Un­ ment to the MiSTiC. The following honest guide, and the sanest source riet Larson, Barrett, and Florence and Peince Mikail. The exiles posses a usual quiet prevailed during the meet­ committees were appointed: Organi­ of ideals." Vernice Norell, Maddock, N. D. bank account of forty billion francs, ing, as the members ate suckers pro- zation—Virginia Murray, Wadena, and entrusted to them by theisar, but vited by Mrs. Vowles. Violet Glasrud, Detroit Lakes; make­ Carroll Snustad, Hendrum, present­ since their honor forbids them to up and printing—Clarence Eskildsen, ed a clarinet solo with Art Grove, Cut this out for your convenience touch a sou, they hire out as servants Owl's Hold Roosevelt, at the piano. Alomni Smoker Karlstad; Arthu rGrove, Roosevelt, in a banker's household. However, Leslie Heidelberger, Dumont, and A large number of alumni attended and Donald Tescher, Moorhead. Movie Calendar they later give their forty billion francs | Vernon Wedul, Hazel, were in charge the Alumni Smoker of the Owl fra­ Annabelle Cruiksli'nk, Fergus Falls; Week Starting Eel). 13 to the Soviet government to save Rus­ Elaine Hanson, Sisseton, S. D.; Vir­ of refreshments. sia's oil fields from foreign exploita­ ternity in the Roost Wednesday eve­ ning. Following an evening spent in ginia Larson, Fessenden, N. D., and A group of L.S.A. members pre­ tion. playing cards, lunch was served by Helen Peoples, Detroit Lakes, were sented a program for the L.S.A. or­ Miss Virginia Runyan, Fargo, gave George Serbin, Anton Bachinski, and appointed to make general plans for ganization at the N.D.A.C. last Sun­ day afternoon. Adele Hanson, Whea­ FARGO THEATRE several violin selections. She was ac­ Jack Weling. the northwest regional convention of companied by Patricia Rasmussen. A Sigma Tau Delta to be held at MSTC ton, was in charge of the program Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed. reception followed the entertainment. Final arrangements were completed this spring. which consisted of a vocal solo by Feb. 13-14-15-16 for the winter dance, which will be Ronald Colman—Madeleine Carroll Pledges of the sorority will honor Refreshments were served by Mir­ Alma Flatin, Rothsay; violin selec­ held February 26. tions by Phyllis Fountain, Moorhead; "The Prisoner of Zenda" the actives with a Valentine luncheon iam Murray, Wadena; Adele Hanson, * • • • in Ingleside next Saturday afternoon Wheaton, and Beatrice Driscoll, East Thur-Fri-Fri„ Feb. 17-18-19 at 1 o'clock. Covers will be laid for Mrs. Preston's Father Grand Forks. The Valentine theme "It's Love I'm After" approximately fifty persons. Dies At Randolph was carried out in table decorations with Gamma Nn To Hold and favors. Bette Davis—Leslie Howard Founders Day Luncheon Word was received Monday of the death of Ellry Pendell, 76, father of Gamma Nu Sorority will entertain Mrs. Daniel Preston. After being ill at a Founders Day luncheon at the for almost a year, Mr. Pendell suf­ GRAND THEATRE Graver Hotel February 12. Faculty fered a stroke Monday morning and members, Patronesses, alumnae, and Sun-Mon-Tue., Feb. 13-14-15 died at his home in Randolph. Try Our actives will attend. The actives of the "Merry-Go-Round Of 1938" sorority will donate additional glass­ Mr. Preston joined his wife at Ran­ with ware to the rainbow set which has dolph to attend the funeral services, Dragon Special Bert Lahr—Jimmy Save—Billy which were held on Wednesday, Feb­ House—Alice Brady—Mischa Auer been started. « * * • ruary 8. The program will consist of the fol­ Wed-Thur., Feb. 16-17 lowing numbers: vocal solo, Mildred "" Sanders; piano solo, Constance Cock­ Elmer Johnson Is WOLD DRUG CO. with ing; and a vocal solo, Betty Trace. MACKALL'S Anna Neagle—Anten Walbrook Substitute For Burke Moorhead • • • • Violet Glasrud, secretary, will present DRUG STORE Fri-Sat., Feb. 18-19 a gift on behalf of the sorority to Hel­ Substituting for Willard Burke, B. 510 Center Ave. en Peoples, president. E. '37, at Battle Lake high school, Moorhead, Minn. "The Texas Trail" At the meeting last Wednesday eve­ Elmer Johnson, senior, has been with Wm. Boyd ning, plans for spring rushing were teaching the science and history discussed. courses for the past week. Burke was Beta Chi's injured in an automobile accident in STATE THEATRE Honor Mrs. Dildine which his vision was impaired. He Sun-Mon., Feb. 13-14 Beta Chi Sorority has chosen the is slowly improving, having resumed The Gang Meets Here Tyronne Power—Loretta theme, "A Spanish Fiesta", for the his physical education and coaching Young — Bon Ameche winter formal dance, which will be work, as they do not require so much in "Love Is News" held March 5. The Founders Day ban­ eye strain. Elmer will remain at Bat­ Why Don't You Join Them? • • • • quet of the sorority is also on this tle Lake until Mr. Burke can resume Tue-Wed., Feb. 15-16 date. work on his entire program. "3 Men On A Horse" Mrs. Dildine will be honored by a THE COLLEGE CLUB Frank McHugh—Joan Blondell • * * • pot luck supper at the meeting next Wednesday evening. The committee 'Where Tuesday Is Turkey Day" Thur-Fri., Feb. 17-18 in charge of arrangements consists of "Outcast" Lois Dunham, chairman, Mary Dun­ Warren William—Karen Morley v ...* ham and Florence Koops. COME IN AND SEE Psi Delt's Plan QM.K. SbmAMjq C% Saturday Only, Feb. 19 Valentine Party "Espionage" ||AILMARK with Edmund Lowe—Madge Evans Psi Delta Kappa Sorority held a j song fest in Weld Hall last Wednes­ k QhljLMjbLnU^ Q&AJL4. DAIRY PRODUCTS day evening at seven-thirty o'clock, j -pUue^rjL} OLMA MOORHEAD Mrs. J. E. Janzen led the group in the LtrvtlL TnjLA Cass-Clay dairy products are fresh and wholesome pro­ singing of several numbers. cessed and distributed by a producers co-operative marketing Sun-Mon., Feb. 13-14 Plans have been completed for a Jean Arthur - Edward Arnold Valentine party to be held at the association. in "Easy Living" * • • • Tue-Wed., Feb. 15-16 CASS-CLAY CO-OP. CREAMERY "Ready, Willing & Able" We carry a complete line of with Lee Dixon—Ruby Keeler Tel. 1355 • » . . GROCERIES OFFICE SPECIALTIES Thursday Only, Feb. 17 "Married Before Breakfast" Florence Rice—Robert Young CO. • • • • Fri-Sat., Feb. 18-19 ROYAL GROCERY Accross from Black Building Formerly Roy Schomber's Robert Taylor 306—10th St. So. 115 Broadway OVER A HALF MILLION DOLLARS Barbara Stanwyck Fargo, N. D. in "This Is My Affair" TeL 1722 Nearly 400 graduates of this college have adopted "Insured Saving Plans" with the New York Life Insurance Company, upon my recommendation. CLEARENCE SALE AT They are accumulating for themselves if they live, or for their ROXY THEATRE relatives if they do not live, Over A Half Million Hollars. • • • • Feb. 11-12—» ri-Sat. A few of them have died .... to their parents the insurance "MEET THE MISSUS" money was not just useful .... it was an absolute necessity. with Victor Moore — Helen Broderick All of those who are living have, because of their life insur­ Feb. 13-16—Sun-Mon-Tue-Wed, ance, saved money that otherwise would have been spent. « » • » MEANS MONEY FOR YOU They are building up future happiness through guaranteed "THE GIRL SAID NO" income, whenever death or old age terminates their earning with SUITS O'COATS Robert Armstrong— Herevy power. JSSjti » » » « Feb. 17-19—Thur-Fri-Sat. SI 4.85 up S12.85 UP with GLENN L. WOODS "History Is Made At Night" No Sales Tax At the Palace Chas. Boyer—Jean Arthur "The Store for College Men"