Bibliography of Selected Literature Published Since 2010 for Rhipsalis.Com

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Bibliography of Selected Literature Published Since 2010 for Rhipsalis.Com Bibliography of Selected Literature Published Since 2010 for Compiled by Jorge Quiñónez. Thanks to MHJ Barfuss !"hoeless Mike#$ and %. Hofa&ker for their help. This bibliography was first published on ()(*)+,(* and last updated on +)-)+,(.. The newest entries in this update are printed in bold and are from the later half of +,(* to +)-)+,(.. %kunne TC/ %kah 0%/ Nwabunike 2%/ Nworu C"/ 3kereke 45/ 3kereke NC 6 3keke 7C. +,(8. %nti9 inflammatory and anti&an&er a&tivities of e;tra&t and fra&tions of Rhipsalis neves-armondii Ca&ta&eae$ aerial parts. Cogent Biology +,(8$/ +< (+=>+-. http<))d;,.10*,)+==(+,+-.2,(8.12=>+-. %lmeida 3JG/ Cota9"@n&hez JH, 6 0aoli %%". +,(=. The systemati& signifi&an&e of floral morphology/ ne&taries/ and ne&tar &on&entration in epiphyti& &a&ti of tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (-< +--A+88. B32< d;,.10(8)C.ppees.2,(=.08.,,( Bauer D. 6 Korotkova N. +,(8. Eine neue Rhipsalis aus Brasilien A Rhipsalis barthlottii. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8> (($< +*(9+87. Bautista9"an Juan %/ Cibri@n9Tovar J, "alomé9%bar&a F7/ "oto9Hern@ndez/ DM 6 Be la Cruz9Be la Cruz E. +,17. Composi&ión GuHmi&a del aroma de tallos y frutos de Rhipsalis baccifera J. Miller$ "tearn! Revista "itotecnia #exicana I, ($< I-9-4. http<))www.redaly&.org)html)8(,)8(,-,-I.,,>) Bo&kemühl J 6 Bauer D. +,(+. Kildformen der Schlumbergera truncata. 402? >,< (.9=,. Bockemühl J. 2018. Rhipsalis hoelleri Barthlott & N. P. Taylor. EPIG 81: 16-18. Braga JM% 6 7reitas M. de 7. +,(,. Neotypifi&ation of Rhipsalis triangularis Kerderm. Ca&ta&eae$/ a &riti&ally endangered spe&ies from southeastern Brazil. %dansonia/ s&r. '/ =+ +$< +=-9+=8. Brun J. +,14. 2n the ?lasshouse< Schlumbergera opuntioides. The Cactus Explorer (I< ((9(=. Calvente %. +,(,. 7ilogenia mole&ular/ evoluLaM e sistemáti&a de Rhipsalis. 0h. B. dissertation/ "aM 0aulo< Nniversidade de "aM 0aulo. Calvente %. +,(+. % New "ubgeneri& Classifi&ation of Rhipsalis Cactoideae, Cactaceae$. Systematic Botany => I$< .*=A.88. B32< (,.16,,),=8=8II(+O8-8I-- Calvente %/ Pappi B/ 7orest 7/ 6 Fohmann F. +,11a. Mole&ular phylogeny of tribe Rhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$ and ta;onomi& impli&ations for Schlumbergera and Hatiora. #olecular Phylogenetics and Evolution -*< I-8AI88. Calvente %., Pappi BC/ 7orest 7/ 6 Fohmann F?. +,11b. Mole&ular phylogeny/ evolution and biogeography of "outh %meri&an epiphyti& &a&ti. International Journal of Plant Sciences (>+< .,+A.14. Cassimiro de Femos DC 6 Melo-de90inna ?7. +,11. Morpho9anatomi&al variations during stem development in some epiphyti& Ca&ta&eae. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (=* ($< (89+-.,.3(-.)(,9D%9,-4.1 Cer ! G" Cr#$ %&" %e!'()ar J" & &r*a+ S. 2018. & !e- +.ecie+ o/ Deamia 0Cactaceae1 /rom the %e+oamer*ca! re2*o!. Phytotaxa 364051:261-264 7x.7o*.or2/10.116569.hytota8a.364.5.2 Charles ?. +,14. De&ent Ne' Bes&riptions< Rhipsalis flagelliformis! The Cactus Explorer (I< .9(,. Cota9"@n&hez JH 6 Bomfim-PatrH&io MC. +,(,. "eed morphology/ polyploidy and the evolutionary history of the epiphyti& &a&tus Rhipsalis baccifera Ca&ta&eae$. Polibotánica +.< (,>9(+.. http<))www.redaly&.org)arti&ulo.oaQidR8+((+I>(,,- Cruz MS/ %rias "/ 6 Terrazas T. +,(8. Mole&ular phylogeny and ta;onomy of the genus ,isocactus Ca&ta&eae$/ based on the B1% seGuen&es of si; &hloroplast markers. -illdeno.ia I8< (I-A(84. B32<,.3=>+)wi.46.46((+ Cury DK. +,(-. Ca&ta&eae epifHti&as< germinaLTo/ desenvolvimento pós seminal e morfoanatomia. M.S. Thesis. Nniversidade 7ederal de "anta Catarina. 7lorianópolis/ "C. de la Dosa E 6 Briones 3. +,(,. ?ermination response of the epiphyti& &a&tus Rhipsalis baccifera J.S. Miller$ "tearn to different light &onditions and water availability. International Journal of Plant Sciences (>( =$< +8>A+74. ?ar&ia de %lmeida 3J, "artori 0aolia %%/ 6 Cota9"@n&hez JH. +,(+. % ma&ro9 and mi&romorphologi&al survey of floral and e;trafloral ne&taries in the epiphyti& &a&tus Rhipsalis teres Ca&toideae< Dhipsalideae$. 7lora +,>< ((.A(+-. B32< (,.10(8)C.flora.2,11.11.0,I ?ar&ia "F70/ ?iovanoni ""/ Boeger MDT/ and "offiatti 0. +,14. % &omparative morphoanatomi&al study between a terrestrial and epiphyti& Rhipsalis Dhipsalideae/ Ca&ta&eae$. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (I( =$<+8-9+>+ B32<,.3(-.)T3DD4U9B9(I9,,,+=.1 ?iovanoni "B3/ +,14. Cara&terizaLTo genEti&a de populaLVes de Rhipsalis dissimilis K. "&hum. Cactaceae$ no estado do 0aran@. BissertaL@o Mestrado$. ?onLalves da "ilva CHG/ Calvente %/ "oller %/ Maranho FT/ 6 Boeger MDT/ "offiatti 0. +,(=. %natomia de Rhipsalis subgWnero Erythrorhipsalis %. Berger Dhipsalideae/ Ca&ta&eae$. 2heringia "Er. Bot. 0orto %legre 8* +$< +I.A+-.. ?onzaga BD/ Barbosa B47/ BasHlio ?%/ Dodrigues da "ilva 7/ 6 Menini Neto F. +,(-. 7irst re&ord of Rhipsalis oblonga Ca&ta&eae$/ a threatened plant spe&ies/ in Minas ?erais state/ Brazil. Chec /ist 11 I$< (8... B32< d;,.15-8,)11.4.16.. ?onzaga/ BD/ Menini Neto F. 6 0ei;oto %F. +,17. Ca&ta&eae no 0arGue Na&ional do 2tatiaia/ "erra da MantiGueira/ Brasil. Rodrigu&sia 8* I$< (=.>9(I(,. B32< (,.15.,)+(>-9>*8,+,(>8*I+, ?onzaga BD/ Moraes F/ Menini Neto F/ 6 0ei;oto F0. +,(8. Dedis&overy/ &onsiderations about type lo&ality and &onservation of Rhipsalis agudoensis Ca&ta&eae$ from the Brazilian %tlanti& 7orest. Phytotaxa +>* ($< >4-78. B32< d;,.116I8)phytota;a.278.1.10 ?onzaga BD/ Moraes F/ 7eitos de Xas&on&elos FX/ Carneiro da Cunha Deis D. +,18. Dedis&overy of Rhipsalis e.aldiana Barthlott 6 N.P. Taylor Ca&ta&eae$< notes of morphology and &onservation of an endemi& and threatened spe&ies from the Brazilian %tlanti& 7orest. Phytotaxa =II =$< +.(9+.I B32< http<))d;,.116I8)phytota;a.344.=.10 ?onzaga BD/ Pappi BC/ 7urtado "?/ 6 Menini Neto F. +,14. Cactaceae no 0arGue Estadual do 2bitipo&a/ Minas ?erais/ Brasil. Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo =+ ($< 1-8. B32< (,.116,8)issn.2=(89.,-+.v3+i1p(9* ?onzaga BD/ Pappi BC/ 7urtado "?/ 6 Menini Neto F. +,14. Cactaceae na "erra Negra/ Minas ?erais/ Brasil. Rodriguesia 8- +$< II=9I-=. B32< (,.15.,)"+(>-9>*8,+,(I,,,+,,,,. ?rosse9Xeldmann B/ %brahamczyk "/ Mutke J/ Barthlott K/ 6 Keigend M. +,(8. Rhipsalis Ca&ta&eae$< loss and gain of floral rewards is mirrored in range sizes and distribution patterns of spe&ies. Botanical Journal of the /innean Society (*,< I.(A-,=. ?uihard J.-L. +,(=. Schlumbergera × buc leyi/ the Christmas &a&tus. %cta Succulenta ( +$< (.>A+(+. http<))a&ta-su&&"u&&ulentaZ(Z+Z+,(=ZEN.pdf Hofa&ker %. +,11a. Rhipsalis aurea M. 7. 7reitas 6 J. M. %. Braga- eine bemerkenwerte neue %rt aus Brasilien. EPIG 8*< +(9+4. Hofa&ker %. +,11b. Ber seltsame Binsenkaktus Rhipsalis paradoxa A eine kultur'Jrdige %rt aus Brasilien. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8+ *$< +,+A+,8. Hofa&ker %. +,(+. Schlumbergera opuntioides A Beoba&htungen am natJrli&hen "tandort. EPIG >,< -9 18. Hofa&ker %. +,(=a. Ein Juwel der epiphytis&hen Kakteen< Hatiora herminiae! Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8I +$< =.AI+. Hofa&ker %. +,(=b. Schlumbergera opuntioides aus dem Degenwald Brasiliens. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8I *$< (.>A+,1. Hofa&ker %. +,(=&. Rhipsalis ormindoi/ eine no&h wenig bekannte Rhipsalis aus der brasilianis&hen Mata %tl[nti&a. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8I (($< +.-A=,,. Hofa&ker %. +,(=d. Schlumbergera truncata A der Kaktus des Jahres +,14. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8I (+$< =,.A=14. Hofa&ker %. +,14a. Rhipsalis aurea aus dem brasilianis&hen Bundesstaat Dio de Janeiro. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8- +$< I,A41. Hofa&ker %. +,14b. %nmerkungen zu Schlumbergera lutea Calvente 6 Pappi. EPIG >+< (*9=+. Hofa&ker %. +,(I&. %n opuntia9like epiphyte< Schlumbergera opuntioides. The Cactus Explorer (=< -+9 -.. Hofa&ker %. +,(-a. Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides A ein Kaktus/ der nur no&h mitten in der "tadt '\&hst. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 88 ($< (A=. Hofa&ker %. +,(-b. Rhipsalis lindbergiana A weit verbreitet und do&h kaum bekannt. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 88 =$< 8*A>,. Hofa&ker %. +,(-&. Schlumbergera × e;oti&a A eine unge'Mhnli&he Hybride. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 88 I$< .+A.4. Hofa&ker %. +,(-d. Rhipsalis aurea A % gem of the genus Rhipsalis. The Cactus Explorer (I< I(9I-. Hofa&ker %. +,17a. Rhipsalis flagelliformis A eine %porocactus9\hnli&he Rhipsalis aus Brasilien. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8* ($< (-A+,. Hofa&ker %. +,17b. Schlumbergera russelliana Hooker$ Britton 6 rose an ihren natJrli&hen 7undorten. EPIG >*< --17. Hofa&ker %. +,(>&. Rhipsalis spinescens Fombardi A eine kritis&he Bewertung unter BerJ&ksi&htigung neuer 7unde. EPIG >.< -9(-. Hofa&ker %. +,18a. Schlumbergera auts yi Horobin 6 M&Millan$ 1. 0. Taylor A ein Npdate. EPIG *,< (.9 +-. :o/acker &. 2018;. Schlumbergera microsphaerica < e*!e #!2e-=h!l*che Schlumbergera. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 64081: 251–256. :o/acker &. 2018c. & Jo#r!ey o)er the >r2a! %o#!ta*!+ *! Bra$*l. The Cactus Explorer 23: 58-66. :o/acker &. 2019. Pfeiffera miyagawae Blüte!.racht *! >ra!2e. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten ?0021: 256-258. Home J. +,(-. 1uevos registros de Rhipsalis micrantha Kunth$ BC. Ca&ta&eae$ para los departamentos de Xalle del Cau&a/ QuindHo y Disaralda. Bol. Cient! #us! Hist! 4at! 1! de Caldas/ (. +$< >I9>.. B32< (,.1715()b&&m.2,(-.19.2.4 Korotkova N. +,11. 0hylogeny and evolution of the epiphyti& Rhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$/ Mathematis&h9 Naturwissens&haftli&hen 7akult\t der Dheinis&hen 7riedri&h9Kilhelms9Nniversit\t/ Bonn. http<)),(()+>,=)+>,=.htm Korotkova N. +,11. 0hylogeny and evolution of the epiphyti& Rhipsalideae. 0h.D. dissertation. Nniversit\t Bonn/ Moskau. Korotkova 1/ Bors&h T/ Quandt B/ Taylor 10/ MJller 57/ 6 Barthlott K. +,11. Khat does it take to resolve relationships and to identify spe&ies with mole&ular markersQ %n e;ample from the epiphyti& Dhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$.
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