Bibliography of Selected Literature Published Since 2010 for Rhipsalis.Com

Bibliography of Selected Literature Published Since 2010 for Rhipsalis.Com

Bibliography of Selected Literature Published Since 2010 for Compiled by Jorge Quiñónez. Thanks to MHJ Barfuss !"hoeless Mike#$ and %. Hofa&ker for their help. This bibliography was first published on ()(*)+,(* and last updated on +)-)+,(.. The newest entries in this update are printed in bold and are from the later half of +,(* to +)-)+,(.. %kunne TC/ %kah 0%/ Nwabunike 2%/ Nworu C"/ 3kereke 45/ 3kereke NC 6 3keke 7C. +,(8. %nti9 inflammatory and anti&an&er a&tivities of e;tra&t and fra&tions of Rhipsalis neves-armondii Ca&ta&eae$ aerial parts. Cogent Biology +,(8$/ +< (+=>+-. http<))d;,.10*,)+==(+,+-.2,(8.12=>+-. %lmeida 3JG/ Cota9"@n&hez JH, 6 0aoli %%". +,(=. The systemati& signifi&an&e of floral morphology/ ne&taries/ and ne&tar &on&entration in epiphyti& &a&ti of tribes Hylocereeae and Rhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics (-< +--A+88. B32< d;,.10(8)C.ppees.2,(=.08.,,( Bauer D. 6 Korotkova N. +,(8. Eine neue Rhipsalis aus Brasilien A Rhipsalis barthlottii. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8> (($< +*(9+87. Bautista9"an Juan %/ Cibri@n9Tovar J, "alomé9%bar&a F7/ "oto9Hern@ndez/ DM 6 Be la Cruz9Be la Cruz E. +,17. Composi&ión GuHmi&a del aroma de tallos y frutos de Rhipsalis baccifera J. Miller$ "tearn! Revista "itotecnia #exicana I, ($< I-9-4. http<))www.redaly&.org)html)8(,)8(,-,-I.,,>) Bo&kemühl J 6 Bauer D. +,(+. Kildformen der Schlumbergera truncata. 402? >,< (.9=,. Bockemühl J. 2018. Rhipsalis hoelleri Barthlott & N. P. Taylor. EPIG 81: 16-18. Braga JM% 6 7reitas M. de 7. +,(,. Neotypifi&ation of Rhipsalis triangularis Kerderm. Ca&ta&eae$/ a &riti&ally endangered spe&ies from southeastern Brazil. %dansonia/ s&r. '/ =+ +$< +=-9+=8. Brun J. +,14. 2n the ?lasshouse< Schlumbergera opuntioides. The Cactus Explorer (I< ((9(=. Calvente %. +,(,. 7ilogenia mole&ular/ evoluLaM e sistemáti&a de Rhipsalis. 0h. B. dissertation/ "aM 0aulo< Nniversidade de "aM 0aulo. Calvente %. +,(+. % New "ubgeneri& Classifi&ation of Rhipsalis Cactoideae, Cactaceae$. Systematic Botany => I$< .*=A.88. B32< (,.16,,),=8=8II(+O8-8I-- Calvente %/ Pappi B/ 7orest 7/ 6 Fohmann F. +,11a. Mole&ular phylogeny of tribe Rhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$ and ta;onomi& impli&ations for Schlumbergera and Hatiora. #olecular Phylogenetics and Evolution -*< I-8AI88. Calvente %., Pappi BC/ 7orest 7/ 6 Fohmann F?. +,11b. Mole&ular phylogeny/ evolution and biogeography of "outh %meri&an epiphyti& &a&ti. International Journal of Plant Sciences (>+< .,+A.14. Cassimiro de Femos DC 6 Melo-de90inna ?7. +,11. Morpho9anatomi&al variations during stem development in some epiphyti& Ca&ta&eae. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (=* ($< (89+-.,.3(-.)(,9D%9,-4.1 Cer ! G" Cr#$ %&" %e!'()ar J" & &r*a+ S. 2018. & !e- +.ecie+ o/ Deamia 0Cactaceae1 /rom the %e+oamer*ca! re2*o!. Phytotaxa 364051:261-264 7x.7o*.or2/10.116569.hytota8a.364.5.2 Charles ?. +,14. De&ent Ne' Bes&riptions< Rhipsalis flagelliformis! The Cactus Explorer (I< .9(,. Cota9"@n&hez JH 6 Bomfim-PatrH&io MC. +,(,. "eed morphology/ polyploidy and the evolutionary history of the epiphyti& &a&tus Rhipsalis baccifera Ca&ta&eae$. Polibotánica +.< (,>9(+.. http<))www.redaly&.org)arti&ulo.oaQidR8+((+I>(,,- Cruz MS/ %rias "/ 6 Terrazas T. +,(8. Mole&ular phylogeny and ta;onomy of the genus ,isocactus Ca&ta&eae$/ based on the B1% seGuen&es of si; &hloroplast markers. -illdeno.ia I8< (I-A(84. B32<,.3=>+)wi.46.46((+ Cury DK. +,(-. Ca&ta&eae epifHti&as< germinaLTo/ desenvolvimento pós seminal e morfoanatomia. M.S. Thesis. Nniversidade 7ederal de "anta Catarina. 7lorianópolis/ "C. de la Dosa E 6 Briones 3. +,(,. ?ermination response of the epiphyti& &a&tus Rhipsalis baccifera J.S. Miller$ "tearn to different light &onditions and water availability. International Journal of Plant Sciences (>( =$< +8>A+74. ?ar&ia de %lmeida 3J, "artori 0aolia %%/ 6 Cota9"@n&hez JH. +,(+. % ma&ro9 and mi&romorphologi&al survey of floral and e;trafloral ne&taries in the epiphyti& &a&tus Rhipsalis teres Ca&toideae< Dhipsalideae$. 7lora +,>< ((.A(+-. B32< (,.10(8)C.flora.2,11.11.0,I ?ar&ia "F70/ ?iovanoni ""/ Boeger MDT/ and "offiatti 0. +,14. % &omparative morphoanatomi&al study between a terrestrial and epiphyti& Rhipsalis Dhipsalideae/ Ca&ta&eae$. The Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society (I( =$<+8-9+>+ B32<,.3(-.)T3DD4U9B9(I9,,,+=.1 ?iovanoni "B3/ +,14. Cara&terizaLTo genEti&a de populaLVes de Rhipsalis dissimilis K. "&hum. Cactaceae$ no estado do 0aran@. BissertaL@o Mestrado$. ?onLalves da "ilva CHG/ Calvente %/ "oller %/ Maranho FT/ 6 Boeger MDT/ "offiatti 0. +,(=. %natomia de Rhipsalis subgWnero Erythrorhipsalis %. Berger Dhipsalideae/ Ca&ta&eae$. 2heringia "Er. Bot. 0orto %legre 8* +$< +I.A+-.. ?onzaga BD/ Barbosa B47/ BasHlio ?%/ Dodrigues da "ilva 7/ 6 Menini Neto F. +,(-. 7irst re&ord of Rhipsalis oblonga Ca&ta&eae$/ a threatened plant spe&ies/ in Minas ?erais state/ Brazil. Chec /ist 11 I$< (8... B32< d;,.15-8,)11.4.16.. ?onzaga/ BD/ Menini Neto F. 6 0ei;oto %F. +,17. Ca&ta&eae no 0arGue Na&ional do 2tatiaia/ "erra da MantiGueira/ Brasil. Rodrigu&sia 8* I$< (=.>9(I(,. B32< (,.15.,)+(>-9>*8,+,(>8*I+, ?onzaga BD/ Moraes F/ Menini Neto F/ 6 0ei;oto F0. +,(8. Dedis&overy/ &onsiderations about type lo&ality and &onservation of Rhipsalis agudoensis Ca&ta&eae$ from the Brazilian %tlanti& 7orest. Phytotaxa +>* ($< >4-78. B32< d;,.116I8)phytota;a.278.1.10 ?onzaga BD/ Moraes F/ 7eitos de Xas&on&elos FX/ Carneiro da Cunha Deis D. +,18. Dedis&overy of Rhipsalis e.aldiana Barthlott 6 N.P. Taylor Ca&ta&eae$< notes of morphology and &onservation of an endemi& and threatened spe&ies from the Brazilian %tlanti& 7orest. Phytotaxa =II =$< +.(9+.I B32< http<))d;,.116I8)phytota;a.344.=.10 ?onzaga BD/ Pappi BC/ 7urtado "?/ 6 Menini Neto F. +,14. Cactaceae no 0arGue Estadual do 2bitipo&a/ Minas ?erais/ Brasil. Boletim de Botânica da Universidade de São Paulo =+ ($< 1-8. B32< (,.116,8)issn.2=(89.,-+.v3+i1p(9* ?onzaga BD/ Pappi BC/ 7urtado "?/ 6 Menini Neto F. +,14. Cactaceae na "erra Negra/ Minas ?erais/ Brasil. Rodriguesia 8- +$< II=9I-=. B32< (,.15.,)"+(>-9>*8,+,(I,,,+,,,,. ?rosse9Xeldmann B/ %brahamczyk "/ Mutke J/ Barthlott K/ 6 Keigend M. +,(8. Rhipsalis Ca&ta&eae$< loss and gain of floral rewards is mirrored in range sizes and distribution patterns of spe&ies. Botanical Journal of the /innean Society (*,< I.(A-,=. ?uihard J.-L. +,(=. Schlumbergera × buc leyi/ the Christmas &a&tus. %cta Succulenta ( +$< (.>A+(+. http<))a&ta-su&&"u&&ulentaZ(Z+Z+,(=ZEN.pdf Hofa&ker %. +,11a. Rhipsalis aurea M. 7. 7reitas 6 J. M. %. Braga- eine bemerkenwerte neue %rt aus Brasilien. EPIG 8*< +(9+4. Hofa&ker %. +,11b. Ber seltsame Binsenkaktus Rhipsalis paradoxa A eine kultur'Jrdige %rt aus Brasilien. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8+ *$< +,+A+,8. Hofa&ker %. +,(+. Schlumbergera opuntioides A Beoba&htungen am natJrli&hen "tandort. EPIG >,< -9 18. Hofa&ker %. +,(=a. Ein Juwel der epiphytis&hen Kakteen< Hatiora herminiae! Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8I +$< =.AI+. Hofa&ker %. +,(=b. Schlumbergera opuntioides aus dem Degenwald Brasiliens. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8I *$< (.>A+,1. Hofa&ker %. +,(=&. Rhipsalis ormindoi/ eine no&h wenig bekannte Rhipsalis aus der brasilianis&hen Mata %tl[nti&a. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 8I (($< +.-A=,,. Hofa&ker %. +,(=d. Schlumbergera truncata A der Kaktus des Jahres +,14. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8I (+$< =,.A=14. Hofa&ker %. +,14a. Rhipsalis aurea aus dem brasilianis&hen Bundesstaat Dio de Janeiro. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8- +$< I,A41. Hofa&ker %. +,14b. %nmerkungen zu Schlumbergera lutea Calvente 6 Pappi. EPIG >+< (*9=+. Hofa&ker %. +,(I&. %n opuntia9like epiphyte< Schlumbergera opuntioides. The Cactus Explorer (=< -+9 -.. Hofa&ker %. +,(-a. Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides A ein Kaktus/ der nur no&h mitten in der "tadt '\&hst. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 88 ($< (A=. Hofa&ker %. +,(-b. Rhipsalis lindbergiana A weit verbreitet und do&h kaum bekannt. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 88 =$< 8*A>,. Hofa&ker %. +,(-&. Schlumbergera × e;oti&a A eine unge'Mhnli&he Hybride. Kakteen und andere Su ulenten 88 I$< .+A.4. Hofa&ker %. +,(-d. Rhipsalis aurea A % gem of the genus Rhipsalis. The Cactus Explorer (I< I(9I-. Hofa&ker %. +,17a. Rhipsalis flagelliformis A eine %porocactus9\hnli&he Rhipsalis aus Brasilien. Ka teen und andere Su ulenten 8* ($< (-A+,. Hofa&ker %. +,17b. Schlumbergera russelliana Hooker$ Britton 6 rose an ihren natJrli&hen 7undorten. EPIG >*< --17. Hofa&ker %. +,(>&. Rhipsalis spinescens Fombardi A eine kritis&he Bewertung unter BerJ&ksi&htigung neuer 7unde. EPIG >.< -9(-. Hofa&ker %. +,18a. Schlumbergera auts yi Horobin 6 M&Millan$ 1. 0. Taylor A ein Npdate. EPIG *,< (.9 +-. :o/acker &. 2018;. Schlumbergera microsphaerica < e*!e #!2e-=h!l*che Schlumbergera. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten 64081: 251–256. :o/acker &. 2018c. & Jo#r!ey o)er the >r2a! %o#!ta*!+ *! Bra$*l. The Cactus Explorer 23: 58-66. :o/acker &. 2019. Pfeiffera miyagawae Blüte!.racht *! >ra!2e. Kakteen und andere Sukkulenten ?0021: 256-258. Home J. +,(-. 1uevos registros de Rhipsalis micrantha Kunth$ BC. Ca&ta&eae$ para los departamentos de Xalle del Cau&a/ QuindHo y Disaralda. Bol. Cient! #us! Hist! 4at! 1! de Caldas/ (. +$< >I9>.. B32< (,.1715()b&&m.2,(-.19.2.4 Korotkova N. +,11. 0hylogeny and evolution of the epiphyti& Rhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$/ Mathematis&h9 Naturwissens&haftli&hen 7akult\t der Dheinis&hen 7riedri&h9Kilhelms9Nniversit\t/ Bonn. http<)),(()+>,=)+>,=.htm Korotkova N. +,11. 0hylogeny and evolution of the epiphyti& Rhipsalideae. 0h.D. dissertation. Nniversit\t Bonn/ Moskau. Korotkova 1/ Bors&h T/ Quandt B/ Taylor 10/ MJller 57/ 6 Barthlott K. +,11. Khat does it take to resolve relationships and to identify spe&ies with mole&ular markersQ %n e;ample from the epiphyti& Dhipsalideae Ca&ta&eae$.

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