[email protected] Nº 584 PÓRTICOSemanal Fundada en 1945 Arqueología 74 21 abril 2003 Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo Metodología: 001 — 023 Prehistoria: 024 — 113 Obras generales: 024 — 044 Paleolítico-Neolítico: 045 — 071 Edad de los metales: 072 — 093 España: 094 — 113 Arqueología: 114 — 244 Obras generales: 114 — 135 Oriente: 136 — 154 Grecia: 155 — 165 Roma: 166 — 211 Península Ibérica: 212 — 230 Medieval: 231 —244 Epigrafía — Numismática: 245 — 267 METODOLOGÍA 001 Ahfeldt, L. K.: Work and Worship. Laser Scanner Analysis of Viking Age Rune Stones 2002 – 230 pp., fig., fot., gráf. 52,40 002 Attema, P. / G.-J. Burgers / E. van Joolen / M. van Leusen / B. Mater, eds: New Developments in Italian Landscape Archaeology. Theory and Methodology of Field Survey. Land Evaluation and Landscape Perception. Pottery Production and Distribution. Proceedings of a Three-Day Conference Held at the University 2 PÓRTICO SEMANAL 584 of Groningen, April 13-15, 2000 2002 – xi + 265 pp., fig., fot., map. 61,38 INDICE: Introduction: D. Yntema: Advances in regional research in the Mediterranean — General Papers: G.-J. Burgers: The aims of the RPC project — M. Kleibrink: A short history of dutch research in the Mediterranean — P. Attema: Two challenges for landscape archaeology — J. Bintliff: Settlement pattern analysis and demographic modeling — A. Vanzetti: Some current approaches to protohistoric centralization and urbanization in Italy — F. D’Andria: Greek colonization and romanization from a native perspective — A. Zifferero: Pottery production and metallurgy — G.-J. Burgers: Comparative settlement archaeology — M. van Leusen: Understanding digital archaeological landscapes — B. Mater: Change in pottery technology and production in the light of urbanization and colonization — E.