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GHORT LINC \*J by 225 MILES Mmm \'s\. 1 •• ' .;"T II I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I 1 I HH I I I I II I I I I I I II I I I I II I I 1 II THE IS THE GHORT LINC \*J BY 225 MILES mmm WHICH MEANS A DAY SAVED /"• i. BETWEEN it Chicago, St. Louj^, Kansas and Points East and North . **V' -AND- El Paso and the Gfeat Southwest .-. Passenger equipment consisting of New Sleeping and Chair Cars, Buffet Library and Smoker, runs through solid without change. "We Feed You" in DINING CARS in11mnniiiiiiiiiiini ii1111 [te^V> .Qfy&%'& /A^Q-I^S'^ ->».• -i- .;. t V I"!' II II I 111 Mill II I M I II I I 111 1 11.11 I I II I 1H II 111 1 I I MMI't " F. C. EARLE, MANAGER T. S. AUSTIN, SUPT. " "•" EL PASO, TEX. EL PASO. TEX. "•* CONSOLIDATED \ Kansas City Smelting 1 anil Refining Co. EL PASO SMELTING WORKS .•••;•.."• BUYERS OF , ORE, BULLION, MATTE AND ALL CLASSES OF FURNACE PRODUCTS. MANUFACTURERS OF I ALCHEMIST BRANDS BLUE VITRIOL, ZINC SULPHATE. + , EL PASO, TEXAS I BELGIAN BAKERY -••'..'" i v The only place in the City to | get FINE DESSERTS AND CAKES FOR WEDDINGS AND PARTIES !!•'HEALTH BREADS A SPECIALTY .:: • • - • i • MRS. J: GEli/IOETS, Proprietor 210 E. OVERLAND ~ TELEPHONE 310 111111 M 111111111111111111 MI 111111111111 n i u u i ii i'" I I II II llll III I I I II III I II 1 I 1 II IMI I II I I I I II II I II II II^ If W. N. SMALL J. C. LACKLAND PRESIDENT SECRETARY EL PASO :: F 1 J MINING, SMELTING -AND MILLING MACHINERY !' Iron and Brass Castings, Car Wheels, Shafting, Gears, Build­ ing Fronts, Engines and Boilers. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY * I COR. SAN FRANCISCO AND DURANGO EL PASO, TEXAS H-A.KEZER \ GARDENER AND FLORIST •'• SHADE TREES AND GRADING- - " - —-FLOWERS AND PLANTS " .406,'= SAN ANTONIO TELEPHONE 620 A. A. PQ.LL.EY ! OSTEOPATH I .-»•-• • f GRADUATE OF AMERICAN SCHOOL OF OSTEOPATHY I AT KIRKVILLE, MO. | Office: 504 Mesa Avenue ! Office hours •) to 12, 2. to 5 • . Telephone (AW •• " '• • ^ ' *•"*• •••• "••'•'.•'. I t i I I I I 1 I I I I I II II I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I 1 1 I I I I 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 i 1 I I 1 I I i M !• Js >^' •M-H-H-+++I I I I I I H I Mill llll II II I I H» I I II INI I I IIUH-i-t 1 . < . v ! . - :: •y ' - =TH.E:=r. H. Lesinsky Company I Successors to KATZ BROTHERS + JOBBERS IN . DRY GOODS * ..WE SOLICIT T^HE TRADE OF DEALERS ONLY., jj J W. F. ROBINSON E. H. RODGERS ^PRESIDENT SECRETARY EL PASOBRICK CO. •BRICK- MANUFACTURERS ONLY MANUFACTURERS. OF PRESSED BRICK •' v 'IN WESTERN TEXAS 1 - J ll; MOULDED, PRESSED AND SHAPE BRICK " • OFFICE ' PHONE 130 YARDS _, + 29 BRONSON BLOCK BRICKLAND, N. M, i ii 111 ii 11 ii 11 ii 111111111 m 11 n ii 111 n i n M n i!: iI I II I I I II111 I 1 I I 111E BI 1 I 11 I I I 1 II I I I I I If ANTON CAMOZZE MANUFACTURER OF :: STRICTLY PURE ICE CREAM, SHERBETS ahd,-ICES " - ' . '•'-•'•-- " • \ I beg- leave to inform the public that I am ready to supply the above goods j . in any quantity for Church Festivals, Family Parties or for any other Society j Function. Satisfaction guaranteed. Dishes and spoons free with orders. I ICE CREAM PARLOR IN CONNECTION. j PHONE 296 HADLEY BUILDING EL PASO. TEX. E. M. SKEATS :: UP TO DATE MAP OF EL PASO. :: Only Map of Environs of City and Juarez . :: MAPPING AND BLUE PRINTING DONE , 1007 TEXAS ST. PHONE '612 . EL PASO . •'-!•: i: SANITARY STEAM CARPET CLEANING WORKS, j • — •' i . CARPETS SEWED/LAID OR REFITTED AT REASONABLE PRICES ' CARPETS, RUGS AND BLANKETS DISINFECTED . I Furniture Repairing, Upholstering and Furniture Packing - SATISFACTION GUARANTEED j Agents for Perfection Furniture Polish. Best in the world./ Have | your carpets disinfected by us and avoid contagious, diseases . * A. B, BROWN & GO. Telephone 616-3. Office and works 127 Leon steeet, El Paso, Tex. TELEPHONE 532-2 FOURTEEN YEARS' EXPERIENCE. «« L. W. HOFFECKER CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER •• PLANING MILL V COR. MESA AND MAIN •• Mil I I II I I II I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 111 I I •£ni>*&,f~ m . • j +++++++++1 HIM n 111 m 111 II • 111, i m"ii n M i • fi m M i n ADOLPH KRAKAUER J EL PASO, TEX. : Xlf™*™ CHIHUAHUA, MEX. i •' ' E. MOYE Krakaiier, Zork & Moyc HARDWARE + POWDER AND AMMUNITION AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS BAIN \A//\p<3INS, ; WINING SUPPLIES ; \ •• • * i'' 300-302 EL PASO ST. ELPASO.TEX. SILVER KING CAFE BEST SHORT ORDER HOUSE IN THE CITY OPEN DAY AND NIGHT . BEST CHILE CON CARNE IN TOWN SERVED EVERY NIGHT AT 8 O'CLOCK JOE STEIN AND OSCAR UHLIG, Proprietors - it + PRIVATE ENTRANCE TEXAS ST. 209 SAN ANTONIO.ST. J 1 *' •- H + \ 1111111111 mi i m in j ia iwiHi B 11111 n i 1111 i-M-H-H BUCK'S OF FOR 1902 Including a Review of the City's Development and, the Opportunities Offered for Investment,^'\ ' TOGETHER WITH A BUSINESS DIRECTORY OF PRICE, $5.00, EL PASO,TEXAS: EL PASO DIRECTORY CO. 1902 VHh. wkW YOTCK PUBLIC LIBRARY ' 401679 TRJHK f OVNDM IONS lt07 «^—_ PRINTED BY HERALD JOB PRINT EL PASO, TEXAS PREFACE. ^ .... __„ ____ . , 1 In presenting the second volume of the annual City Directory of El Paso to the public, the publisher desires to emphasize the fact that the enumeration of the city's population for this work has been the most thorough and complete ever yet made for directory purposes. In this Directory there are exactly 10,700 names entered.; When it is stated that never before has any Directory of the-city contained more than 8,000 entries, the truth of the statement labove is obvious. The question of the probable population of El Paso is always an interesting one locally. Opinions differ as; to just how many people call El Paso their home, but the publisher is convinced the population may be estimated within a small fraction by multiplying the total of 10,700 by 2%—a smaller multiple than is usually adopted for this pur­ pose in other cities. This would give 29,425 as the total number of inhabitants, the smelter being included in the total,:and all transients excluded. There may be those who hold these figures are too high, but in reply to such a criticism, the publisher insists, after having visited each house in every nook and corner "of the city, that his judg­ ment'is entitled to the greater weight in the premises. As a matter of interest it may be further stated that about 55 per cent of the city's population is Mexican, and that GO per cent of the people live south of Overland street. ••''•".. The showing of population is particularly gratifying when it ib'-remembered that there are about 1,700 less residents in the vicinity- "of the El Paso Smelting Works this year than- there was last, owing to the closing down of the works on account of. the fire last summer. The demand for ldbor on the E. P. & N. E. and the E. P. & S. W. rail­ ways has likewise diminished the city's population somewhat. Both Causes combined have caused a reduction of perhaps 2,500 in the city's population—in other words, under usual conditions the enumeration this year would have evidenced 32,000 or 33,000 inhabitants. That El Paso is rapidly growing, not alone in population, but. in commercial and industrial importance, is'well recognized. The entry into this field of two great packing houses like the Armours and the Swifts; the Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co., the largest house of its kind in the world; and several important machinery companies, within .tile* last few months—.these are facts which demonstrate that. El Paso's future greatness as the distributing :poinf for the entire Southwest is foreseen by enterprising and'observing business men; The steady increase in the issue of building permits, tabulated. { elsewhere in this work, evidences the growth of the city, and the de­ mand for houses and buildings is as keen today as it ever was. The , financial strength of the city may be gauged from the statements of the three national banks, which show resources of $3,274,588.17, and deposits of $2,740,172.00. The El Paso postofflee handles 12,200 pieces of mail matter daily, or 4,453,000 a. year; its stamp sales last year were $33,380.18, as against $28,375.35 in 1900, an increase of 18 per cent. El- Paso ranks ninth among the pojrts of entry in the United States, tne exports through this port for 1901 being valued at $4,500,- 000._ The freight moved by the railroads to'this city, for its use and that of the country surrounding, averages 85,000 tons per month, and requires 3,4)00 cars to load it. These figures attest something as to , El Paso's growth. ! ' * .. The publisher invites attention to the fact that-the present volume embraces some features new to local directory publications.
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