'Member of Audit Bureau of Cireidationi Mexican Laborers Are Avid for Priest’s Services

Remarkable Even in Death, for Body Content! Copyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Ine. 1944 — Permission to Reproduce, Except on Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue At hleta Church Will Not Stay Buried Outstanding Devotion 4th Centenary of Fr. Padilla’s D EN V ER C ATH O LIC DivOH by Men at Death Kept; U. S. Proto-Martyr

The fourth centenary of the the ground and been reburied. An to the martyrdom of Father Juan death of Father Juan de Padilla, official investigation of the case de Padilla. Rich Lands Reported Stand Motionless for Honr-Long Sermon; Bog proto-martyr of the United States, was made In 1895. R E G I S T E R ”*** The four survivors of the Nar­ which occurred Nov. 30, recalls one A short account of the life and vaez expedition consisted of the The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We For Anottior Holy Saerifieo Bofora Leaving of the remarkable figures of the times of the saintly Franciscan, extraiydinary Cabesa de Vaca and Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller Southwest. His apostolic life and prepared by the Rev. M. J. Gilbert, three companions, one of them a Moorish or-Negro slave, who, after Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. For Home; Whole Camp AHoods heroic martyrdom form a dramatic Vice Chancellor of the Archdiocese prelude to the missionary conquest suffering hardships and adven­ of San Antonio, follows: tures over a period of eight years, of the Southwest. Even in death VOL. XL: No. 13. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, NOV. 30, 1944. «1 PER YEAR Devotion which far surpassed that seen in the usual he has gained distinction, for he In 1526 Pamfilo de Narvaez was finally reached the Pacific coast in congregation in the United States was shown at Masses and is the priest who will not stay 1536. Cabesa de Vaca brought back granted a charter by the King of evening services held for nearly 1,000 laborers from Mexico buried. Interred in a cottonwood to explore, conquer, and set­ glowing accounts of rich lands and C r t f serving in ihe armed forces of ihe coaniry are prayed for daily at the coffin in San Agustin church, cities larger and more wealthy than X X li 'l i U 'l C lA o UJ iV A C It ,;^ n e shown below in 4he home of Mrs. Elizabeth Sailors (seated at just before their return home. Where in the ordinary Isleta, N. Mex., his body several tle all the lands between Florida any hitherto seen in the new world right) at 1860 Logan street, Denver. The shrine was started two years ago when Mrs. Sailors' grand­ church would one find men standing motionless during an times has risen to the surface of and the Rio Grande. Provision was His accounts so impressed Don An­ son went into service. Now the names of service men in ,all parts of the world are included in the hour-long sermon; begging for another Mass and singing made for the establishment of a tonio de Mendoza, the first Viceroy honor roll that is a part of the shrine. Mrs. Sailors asks all visitors to her house to say a Hitil Mary new diocese in this territory and of Mexico, that he determined to for all her “ boys.” the responses perfectly; cp^ing for sheer love of their pa­ Father Juan Suarez was desig­ explore and conquer these amazing troness, the Blessed Virgin? Yet such was the scene at nated as its Bishop. Though not Northern lands. the labor camp in Fort Lupton. IFFICIIl PIPEB yet consecrated, he set out with the Even before this time, as early U. S. government officials in expedition in 1528, accompanied by as 1530, rumors had been heard of charge of the labor program say four other Franciscans. Tragedy what came to be known as “ the that the ministrations of the Thea- COEEEGE GIBES and failure beset the undertaking seven cities of Cibola.” Viceroy tine Fathers in Colorado and upper and, with the exception of four sur­ Mendoza purchased Estevancio, the New Mexico have done a great deal vivors, the 600 soldiers and colo­ (Turn to Page S — Column 5) in helping the Mexican nationals nists, including the future Bishop get their bearings and have pre­ and his companions, all perished, vented a possible failure for the IS the greater number along the coast whole experiment While busy with OF CASE GIVEN of Texas. With them died the idea their farm work the laborers were of establishing what would have for the most part unable to attend been the first diocese in the United Mass as they were scattered in re­ States. One of the most unusual tradi­ gions far from any church. Hence, tions of the Southwest is that con­ This failure was the opening link reports Brother Frederic Nelson, cerning the rising of the body of in a chain of circumstances that C.R., when it was learned that al­ Lorefcto Heights college “ went Father Padilla from its burial culminated some years later in the most 1,000 Mexicans were in Fort on the road” with the first camp Lupton awaiting a special train to place in the San Agustin church, more spectacular failure of the show in its history Sunday eve­ Isleta, N. Mex. The phenome­ return them home, the Theatines non is discussed in The Padre of Coronado expedition, which led up of St. Cajetan’s parish, Denver, ning, Nov. 26, when a troupe of Isleta, by Julia Keleher and Elsie hastened to visit them. 45 girls opened the LHC All- Ruth Chant (Rydal Press, Santa Minor Orders Will Men Asiemble Altar Girl Review for Lowry Field No. 1. Fe), a book on the experiences of In his semon at the Solemn Every seat in the service club Father Anton Docher, missionary Pontifical Mass celebrated in ob­ When word reached the camp theater was filled at 6 o’clock, two that a “ padre” was coming to cele­ to the Isleta pueblo. Be Conferred Dec. 8 servance of the golden jubilee of hours before the show was sched­ the Redemptorist congregation in brate Mass, the men assembled an uled. By curtain time balconies The book tells how the natives improvised altar in the recreation explain the priest’s uneasiness by A group of 36 seminarians will St, Joseph’s parish, Denver, the were jammed, stairs were full, and Rev. Christian J, Darley, C.SS.R. hall, the largest building at the a rim of standing audience was ascribing his death to murder at receive minor orders from Arch­ center. Upon the Theatines’ arri­ the hands of a drunken gambler, bishop Urban J, Vehr in the chapel declared, “ There is nothing ex­ set for the opening. The over­ traordinary in the history of these val, there was already gathered a whelming reception given each in­ which is a distortion of fact; de­ of St. Thomas’ seminary on Dec. 8, crowd numbering more than 500. Feast of the Immaculate Concep­ 50 years except the extraordinary dividual number proved that ^he scribes their fear when strange There were no seats in the place, noises are heard in the church and tion. Seventeen of these students spirit of sacrifice manifested by men like a wholesome show, espe­ the people of St. Joseph’s parish.” but this did not prove any matter cially if it is up-to-the-minute in the actual cracking of the hard will receive tonsure from the hands for complaint as very few churches Tracing the history of the Re­ tone. ground over the grave can be of the Archbishop on the preceding of Mexico are equipped with pews. evening. demptorist parish, Farther Darley seen; and gives the official Church As the priest pushed his way From the opening strains of “ A The seminarians represent 12 paid further tribute to the people document on the investigatiftn of through the crowd, all hats were Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody,” dioceses and the Viatorian congre­ of West Denver by asserting that the case, which follows: removed, and a feeling of rever­ through the haunting song favor­ On the 25th day of April, 1895, gation. Those in the third year of “ only the extraordinary spirit of co-operation between people, ence and devotion pervaded the ites with titles of girls’ names, the at 9 a.m., there met at the rec­ their theological course will be ad­ place. Since the great persecution vanced to the minor orders of ex­ priests, and sisters made possible chorus and soloists displayed song, tory of the Parish of San Agustin of the Church in Mexico these peo­ in Isleta, N. Mex., the reverend orcist and acolyte. They are a program of expansion that would dance, and stage artistry that de­ be looked upon with pride by ple venerate the clergy, whose manded encores throughout. priests appointed by His Highness, Charles Jones, Robert Syrianey, brother priests they saw go to death the Bishop of Santa Fe, 1^. Mex., John Haley, Francis Nava, Leo larger and wealthier parish.” The house rose and cheered to in almost every imaginable form. “ Daisy,” as Margaret Fidel and the Most Reverend Placido Luis Fay, Vito C. de Baca, Francis The parish had a debt of $38,000 The story of the great Mexican Klein, Thomas Ploof, J. W^ren Pat Monen danced on the bicycle Chapelle, as a special committee when the Redemptorists took over martyr. Father Pro, is known to all Regnier, Charles Herbers, Eugene built for two, in the top-notch to disinter and to examine, under 50 years ago. After liquidating of them. As the hall became quiet, the close direction of the very cap­ Sullivan, C.S.V.; Francis Schuler, this, the priests instituted a build­ fashions of 1886— a dove grey cut­ Lawrence Talty, Carl Hayden, 500 dark-skinned faces showed away and a petite silk bustled able Doctor William Ruben Tipton, ing program that includes the pres­ much excitement at the prospect Thomas Bolten, Roger Noonan, (Turn to Pages — Column U) the supposed remains of the Rev. ent high school, the sisters’ con­ o f Rgain having the privilege of Patrick O’Neil, and Stephen Mu- Francisco Padilla, who had been vent, the rectory, and the new hearing Mass. The sight of the Ro­ rawski. George Belting and Peter killed by the Indians of Quivira, grade school. In addition improve­ man collar was not a little surpris­ 5 of Family in War Maas will receive all four minor according to tradition, 350 years ments have been made in the ing t(J the men as the clergy of orders. before. church, Mexico are obliged to wear lay Those who will receive the firtt This trust was undertaken by Pribi' to the Solemn Pontifical clothes. Works in B-29 the following venerable and rev­ tonsure, and the minor orders of Mass celebrated by Archbishop Kneel on Bare Floor erend, fathers: Jose Maria Coudert porter and lector, are members Urban J. Vehr on Sunday, Nov, of Bernalillo, James Henrique De- of the second theology class. They 26, a procession of priests and SGT. lEEX GBBGIII Additions to Nigh School As Mass commenced the large Center to Aid fouri of Las Vegas, Luiz Maria are Joseph Leberer, Leonard Aber­ religious formed at the parish congregation knelt on the bare Gentile, SJ., of Albuquerque; crombie, Richard Mershon, Her­ rectory. A large gathering o f the floor. Many said the Rosary half Juan Benito Brun of Socorro, bert Banigan, Thomas Mercier, various sisterhoods was imesent. aloud; others prayed with eyes .Sons in Battle Francisco Gatignol of Belen, Benedict Kalin, Regis McGuire, as well as a representation of Will Be Blessed Dec. 4 closed, deep in meditation. Some Manuel Rivera of Tiptonville, An­ Joseph Koonta, Anthony Wilwerd- graduate and cadet nurses from OF KEBSEV BIEEEO even spent the time with their ton Docher of Isleta, and Enrique ing, Robert L. Sheehan, Jerry Ma­ arms outstretched and extended in A patriotic Denver mother, Mra. the Denver General hospital, which Edyth P. Barry of 1400 Humboldt Nerol (substitute priest of Ber­ honey, Raymond Aydt, Edward is served by the Redemptorist Archbishop Urban J. Vehr will Sales’ will be presented to their the form of a cross. This they did Shaw, C.S.V.; Clement Wozhiak, street, has been wqrking 10 hours nalillo). priests. formally bless the new additions pastors by Ronald Donovan, senior, for minutes at a time as means of The Rev. J. M. Coudert acted as I Paul Jasinski, C.S.V.; Donald penance (which can be extremely daily for the past year at the Con­ The Very Rev. Francis Fagen, to S t Francis de Sales’ high school in an assembly program. Lunch (Turn to Page 8 — Column i ) iLund, C.S.V.; and George Lommel. will be served the visiting clergy uncomfortable and not without tinental modification center, C.SS.R., provincial of the SL Louis in Denver at a ceremony Monday whepe giant B-29’s get they: bat­ in the new cafeteria of the school some pain). As the bell gave warn- Redemptorist province, was as­ ing of the approaching Consecra­ tle equipment, doing her part to Sgt. Alex Garcia, 26, of Kersey, morning, Dec. 4, at 11 o’clock. Many at 12:45. sistant priest; the Very Rev. J. J. tion, heads bowed in worship. When assure the members of her family member of an anti-tank unit, was of the clergy of the city will be Flanagan, S.J., president of Regis Extensive alterations were made the priest raised the Sacred Host represented by five service stars Alaska Seen as Economic killed in action in Germany on Nov, present for uie rite, which will also college, Denver, and the Very Rev. in the Southside parish high school for view of the congregation, all that the home front is working George Tolman,. C.M., rector of 3,according to word received by his be witnessed by the nekrly 400 stu­ before the opening of the fall se­ dents of the school. 'Archbishop eyes were fastened on I t Ejacula­ with the battlefront. St. Thomas’ seminary, were dea­ parents, hfr. and Mrs. Louis Gar­ mester because of increased enroll­ tions and expressions of love, in Three sons of Mrs. Barry are cia. Sgt. Garcia was bom in Las Vehr will be assisted in the bless­ Savior to United States cons of honor; the Rev. John P. ment. Three new classrooms were Spanish, came from every tongue. in the army. M. Sgt. Joseph E., Moran was deacon of the Mass; Vegas, N. Mex., and later moved ing by the Rev. Gregory Smith, added, the science laboratory was pastor, and the Rev, Robert G. Mc­ 2-Hour Sermon Favored who was inducted on Nov. 4, 1942, the Rev. Gregory Smith acted as with his family to the Fort Collins moved to a new location, a new is now in the South Pacific with Mahon, assistant Concluding the Mass, the priest Envisioning Alaska not only as used for a post-war education subdeacon of the Maas; and Fa­ area, where he attended local cafeteria was placed in the base­ turned to preach. The men listened a bomber group of the Seventh schools. In 1935 he and his parents America’s future playground fund. thers B. J. Cullen and David Ma­ After the blessing, students from ment of the building, a music . room intently during the space of a air force as chief clerk of S-3. He The Denver Press club will loney were masters of ceremonies. moved to the Kersey district. parishes other than S t Francis de was built, and a diningroom for which tourists and sportsmen will whole hour, standing all the while, has been overseas since June of honor the Glacier Priest at a re­ Among the clergy present at the On Dec. 17, 1940, Garcia enlisted the Sisters of St. Joseph, who have practically motionless. Their at­ this year. His wife, the former visit in a few hours’ flying time, ception in its clubrooms Saturday celebraijon were the Rt. Rev. Mon­ in the army. At first he was sta­ Alumnus of St. Thomas' charge of the school, was con­ tention was completely centered on Mary Elizabeth Gaule, a graduate but also as the future economic, afternoon, Dec. 9, and a Saturday signor Joseph Bosetti, V.G.; the tioned in Fort Bliss, Tex., with the structed. ^ e slight figure who was (jod’s of Loretto Heights college, is liv­ mainstay of America, is Father noon luncheon in the Daniels & Rt. Rev. Monsignor John R. Mul- Eighth cavalry. After the outbreak Included in the alterations that angel to them. How they love a ing with her mother, Mrs. Eliza­ Fisher tearoom is being arranged roy, the Rt. Rev. Monsignor of the war he was stationed in Bernard Hubbard, S.J., the famed Wound Returns were necessary for the new instal­ sermon, and especially a long one! beth Gaule, at 1309 Milwaukee by the Colorado Press Women’s Charles Hagus, the Rev. M. J. camps in Florida, Vir«nia, and They consider anything less than street, Denver. “ Glacier Priest,” who will make lations were the following: Two club with Father Hubbard as guest Blenkush, the Rev. Manus Boyle, New York. He was sent overseas 46 minutes just a “ teaser” and are Pfc. Frank P. Barry is with the a personal appearance in the Den­ of honor. the Rev. D. A. Lemieux, the Rev. 14 months ago, and at first was in Army Chaplain rooms were constructed in the always quite willing to listen for Seventh army in France, and Cpl. ver city auditorium Sunday night, + + + (Turn to Page i — Column t) England. On D-day he crossed into space that was occupied in previous a good two hours. Lucian is with a bomber group in Dec. 10. “ Full exploitation of this France, and finally went into Ger­ years by the science laboratory on The sermon concluded -with the San Antonio, Tex. A daughter, Northern territory’s farming, min­ T n c f dm Rev. Bernard R. Hubbard, man territory. To United States the first floor of the building, the priest’s personal blessing. Imme­ Edyth E., is overseas with a rec­ ing, and other resources would 1 lie KJlULiei L TieiSlf ,he nation’s leading au­ In addition to his parents he is old cafeteria was transformed into diately the men surged forward, reation division of the Red Cross. make periodic unemployment and thority on Alaska, is pictured below in some of the light-weight cold- survived by his wife, Mollie; a two- the new science laboratory and an r^uesting holy pictures and reli­ A grandson of Mrs. Barry, LL industrial depressions in America weather equipment he designed for army use. Father Hubbard will year-old-daughter, Ermie; his sis­ One of the most colorful char­ additional classroom. In place of gious souvenirs. They also brought John Ingram, a P-38 pilot, has next to impossible,” Father Hub­ speak in the Denver City auditorium Dec. 10 and will show hia latest ters, Mrs. Arsenia Montoya, Gill; acters to emerge from World war a stage in the front of the base­ out snapshots of home and family been missing in action in Italy bard assert.s. collection of color films on Alaska. Elisa Maestas, Gill; Victoria and II has arrived at Fort Monmouth, ment auditorium a music room was They told of their native cities, of since April of this year. First Lt. Having completed his 18th Emma, Kersey; and his brothers, N. J. He is Father Francis Mc­ built, and a portion of the audito­ the great Basilica of Our Lady of Harry M. Barton, Jr., a son-in- Alaskan exhibition as a geologist Josa, with the army in Louisiana; Carthy, army chaplain, an alum­ rium itself was remodeled into a Guadalupe, of religious processions law, ia with a chemical warfare for Santa Clara university, the ex­ Artnur, Ernest, and John of the nus of St. Thomas’ seminary, Den­ cafeteria and the sisters’ dining­ (Turn to Page 2 — Column 5) unit in Hutsville, Ala. ' plorer and missionary is recog­ home. ver. and a priest of the Santa Fe room. nized as thi.s country’s leading Body Returned to U. S. archdiocese, who has been through A system of fluorescent lighting authority on Alaska. His natural A Requiem Mass -will be sung three major campaigns in the was installed in nearly all the color films are considered the most in St. Louis’ church, Englewood, on European theater of operations; classrooms. Changes Among Denver complete and technical pictures of Friday, Dec. 1, for Pfc. George has been wounded three times; and that territory ever presented in R. Atkinson, who was killed in a was returned to the states only the United States. plane crash in Alaska Oct. 16, when it was absolutely necessi­ Mission Golleetion 1943. His body was shipped to his “ The war has given tremendous tated by the severity of his last Franciscans Are Listed home in Englewood this week. battle injury. impetus to aviation,” he says. Pfc. Atkinson entered the army The 33-year-oId Chicago-bom Returns Announced “ Huge passenger and cargo planes Dec. 28, 1942, and went to the will supply the immediate needs priest, reports the Army Times, With the return of the Very sent to Siena Jiollege, Albany, N. 1 Alaskan territory in July, 1943. Returns in the collection for of Alaska in the earlier period fol­ traveled with his tank ctflumn Rev. Crispin Pfirman, O.F.M.,; to Y.; the Rev. Albert Martin, He was a member of the medical through Tunisia and the the home and foreign missions active duty as pastor of St. Eliza­ O.FJd.i now assistant pastor of lowing the coming of peace. The ^ corns attached to the air force. through the Society for the Alcan highway, now open to gen­ sector of Italy, He was wounded beth’s church, Denver, after a St. Joseph’s church, Winsted, Survivors include his wife, Agnes Propagation of the Faith, taken eral traffic, will supplement the twice in those campaigns. Later, recent illness, several changes in Conn.; and the Rev. Ludger Bas­ M. Atkinson of Englewood; daugh- making the jump to Anzio, he was up in the Denver archdiocese Nov. the staff are announced. sett, O.F.M., assistant at St. airplane and possibly outstrip it (Turn to Page I t — Column S) when final improvements make among the early arrivals at that 12, are announced this week by Three new priests at St. Eliza­ Francis’ friary, Brookline, Mass. the Chancery office as follows: the highway permanent. beachhead until a piece of shrap­ beth’s are the Rev. Adrian Father Angelus Tintle, OJ.M., nel entered the left side of his face DENVER PARISHES former pastor of S t Elizabeth's, “ Following in natural order will 40 Hours’ Devotion Cathedral ...... $843.01 Donachie, O.F.M., who is director and he made the Purple Heart trip Annunciation ...... 110.60 of the Third Order; the Rev. who had charge of the parish be a far greater and improved back to the states. A number of Rlcseed Sacrament ..... 360.00 during Father Crispin’s illness, steamship service, and, after that, Will 0|MR Dec. 8 in Bcrard B. Giblin, O.F.M., director teeth were permanently deadened Holy Family ...... 98.46 of Our Lady of Victory novena; has returned to S t Francis’ friary the railroads,” predicts Father and the jagged scar shows plainly Holy Ghoat ...... 668.42 in New York. Hubbard. “ I see Alaska as the Holy Rosary 31.00 and the Rev. Fabian Joyce, Denver Cathedral on his face. Loyola ...... 78.00 solution to a large part of the O.F.M., in charge'of St. Anthony Father McCarthy is still in the Our Lady of Mt. Carmel______91.00 devotions. All three were ordained economic difficulties America must The first Forty Hours’ devotion war, and is going to chaplains’ Presentation ...... 86.89 Station K LZ , B ennr, face with the cessation of hostili­ Sacred Heart ...... ,...... 29.26 in Washington, D. C., in 1943 in of the new ecclesiastical year in school— "to learn to be a chap­ St. Anne’s (Arvada) ____ !...... 128.92 ties.” He says that a lack of the Shrine of the Immaculate the Archdiocese of Denver will be lain.” St. Cajetan’a ...... Conception and returned to com­ transportation, and not an arctic St. Catherina's ______200.00 Will Carry Address held in the Cathedral and in St. The priest was chaplain for the SU Dominie's ...... 234.24 plete their theology course at the climate, has been responsible for Cajetan’s, Denver. It will be First armored division. He saw the failure of full colonization of St. Francis da Sties'...... 826.00 Catholic university. This is their By Father Gavanagh opened at the Denver Cathedral at plenty of action in Italy when he St. James’ ...... 326.00 first permanent appointment. Alaska. Many soldiers stationed the 10 o’clock Mass Dec. -8, the replaced his friend and fellow St. John the Evangelist's...... 410.00 in this Northern region have de­ St. Joseph’i (C.SS.R.) ______102.11 The Rev. Claude Kellerman, Feast of the Immaculate Concep­ priest. Father Arthur C. Leneghan, St. Joseph’s (Polish) ...... 19.11 Station KLZ (560 kc.) in Den­ termined to settle there after the tion. Evening devotions will be who was killed while acting as a St. Leo the Great’s ...... 28.77 O.F.My? the Rev. Fridolin Shock- ver has made arrangements to re­ war. held at 7:46 on each of the three stretcher-bearer bringing wounded St. Louis’ (Englearood) ...... 76.06 ley, O.F.M.; and the Rev. Pacificus lease the “ Church of the Air” pro­ As a link by air with China and St. Mtry Magdalene's Kennedy, O.F.M., will remain at gram locally Sunday, Dec. 3, from days of exposition. The Rev. James down from the front. • (Edgevrater) ______85.00 other Asiatic countsies. Father F. Walsh, S.J., of Regis college Father McCarthy is a sports en­ SL Eliiabeth’i ...... 219.60 St. Elizabeth’s monastery. The' i r t o 11:30 a.m. To be featured Hubbard foresees that Alaska will will preach Friday and Saturday thusiast. While in Oran, he un­ St. Patrick’s ...... 104.14 Rev. Aerailian Zumkeller, O.F.M., on the program are the Rev. John be an important supply center. evenings, Dec. 8 and 9. The sol­ covered talent and organized box­ SL P^llomena's __ 376.00 who belongs to the Sacred Heart B. Cavanagh o f the editorial staff St. of Lima's ...... 60.00 province of the Franciscans, witt The Denver lecture on “ Post- emn closing of the devotion will be ing shows that drew as many as SL Tharesa’i (Aurora) ...... 83.00 of the Denver Catkolie Register, War Alaska” is being arranged by conducted by Archbishop Urban J. 12,000 at one top fight. A t Anzio, SL Vincent de Fanl’i ...... 99.46 headquarters in St. Louis, will who will apeak on “ Blueprint of the Loretto Heights College Vehr, Sunday, Dec. 10, at 7:45 he directed-the building of a semi- PARISHES OUTSIDE DENVER stay at the monastery indefinitely. Holiness,” and*the choir o f S t Akron— SL Joiepb’e ...... 29.00 Alumnae association. The box of­ p.m. Archbisnop Vehr -will also hombproof underground shelter Aspen—St. Mary's ...... 7.00 Former members of the staff Thomas’ seminary. Denver, under fice in the Denver Dry Goods Co. preach at this solemn closing, (See that was used as a theater and Bouldar—Sacred Heart ...... 179.87 who have been transferred are the the direction of toe Rev. XhomM opens Dec. 4. Proceeds will be St. Cajetan's parish notes.) doubled as a chapel. (TumtoPaget— C o lu m n s) Rev. A ^elm Robinson, O.F.M., J. Barrett, C.M. 1

PAGETWO Office, 938 Bannoclt Street' THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEyatone '4205 Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944 ■ ■■ ■ ' ■■ ■■■ ■ "<1! ■ ‘ " RETURNS ARE ANNOUNCED MEXICAN LABORERS ANXIOUS The Denver Catholic coLLiCi einis' Honrat 9 to 12; 1 to S Pboao MAin 3437 Reciter FOR MISSION COLLECTION FOR SERVICES OF PRIEST Dr. J. J. O ’Neil, Dentist Published Weekly by the Catholie Press Society, Inc. (Continued From Page One) Erie— St, ScholatUca'a (Continued From Page One) eluding the talk, the priest an­ (Lafayette) ...... 11.00 038 Bannock Street, Denver, Boulder, South— Saertd Heart of and ceremonies of dazzling beauty nounced that Mass would be cele­ Suite 722 Mack Building. 16th and California Streets Mary ...... 6.B0 Eetee Park— St. Waltar'e ...... and grandeur. They begged the brated in the morning at 10 o’clock. Colo. Brlthton— St. Autuitiue'e ______70.00 Evergreen— Chriit the King (Golden) ...... priest to come again that evening The men were overjoyed at the Brueh— St. Mary’ e ...... and also to celebrate Mass the neid Subscription: $1 Per Year Fleming— S t Peter'i . . . . —_... BY SERVICEMEN prospect of being able to hear one Burlinston— St, Cathcrine'a 1S.60 morning. It would be their last more Mass before their going to Entered as Second Class Matter Fort ColHni— Calhan— S t Michatl'i ....— ..... 10.10 Holy Family ------Mass on American soil until next Mexico. at the Post Office, Denver, Caatle Rock— St. Franeit’ St. Joeeph'a ...... 169.00 year. In the hall, the next morning, 99 (Elbert) ...... 10.00 (Continued From Page One) Colo. Fort Logan— St. Patrlck'e ...... 24.60 gown that graced the wedding of Rosary Takes 2$ Minutes were congregated almost a thou­ ^?Why Pay More? Central City— Auumptlon (Idaho Spriose) ...... 2.00 Fort Lupton— S t WUHam’a the late Mr. and Mrs. Prank Bar* These requests, so sincere and sand men, the entire camp. Word (PUttevIlle) ...... — ------(Trademark) Chayenna Walle— Sacred Heart 27.50 wig, grandparents of Claire Mc- eager, could not be turned down. had spread that the Holy Sacrifice Fort Morgan— St. Helena'a ___ . 28.00 would be offered and every man Colorado Sprlhji— Fountain— (Colorado Springe— my. 'The dress was part ofMenamy. That evening found an even larger Corpua Chrieti ...... 257.26 St. Paul'e) ...... — Mrs. Earwig's "going-away" at­ crowd than before waiting to be^n in the center was there to reap Sacred Heart ...... 84.00 Auto Body and Fender Frederick— St. Thereia’a tire, the recitation of the bead.*!. The the benefits of attending and also Manitou Springe ______17.11 to provide himself for a safe and Wm.W.Myer Drug Stores REPAIRING AND PAINTING 8t Mary'e 622.00 ILonglhont) ...... ____ 7.40 The military atmosphere of the Rosary took more than 26 minutes FREE ESTIMATE TIME PAYMENTS St. Paul'e (Broadmoor) ...... 165.00 Georgetown— Our Lady of and was said slowly and with much swift journey home. The priest INCORPORATED Craig— St. Michaal’a ...... 11.86 Lourdea ...... service club, with its four-foot vested within sight of all and ex­ 9.20 silver model B-26 plane overhead, devotioR,. Every man possessed SWAYNE-WIMBUSH Cripple Creek— St. Peter'i...... Glenwood Springe— S t Stephan's 76.00 plained the vestments as he donned Colorado Owned Stores Crook— S t Peter'i (IlKl) ...... Golden— S t Joeepb'e ...... — 32.29 catching the beam of the flo'od- beads. It was interesting to look 8B0 BANNOCK TA. 6113 Eaat Like (St. Catbarine’i— Grand Lake— St. Anne'...... —.. . around and see the various colored them, giving the name and the rep­ lights; the many overseas ribbons, Englewood 800 Santa Fe Dp. 8«Uiss FORDS Sinn 1«12 Denver) ...... Greeley— beads strung with medals of almost resentation of each. The men Elbert— Sacred Heart ...... 20.00 Our Lady of Peaca Purple Heart badges, and gun­ showed great interest. St. Peter's ...... ners* wings on the uniiormed men, every imaginable saint. It is the Broadway and Ellsworth 16th and (^lifomia Holyoke and Haxtun ...... —...... 40.06 custom of these people to lead the The men asked for a High Mass. contrasted with the velvet, lace, What a strange contrast when the 15th and California Hugo— S t Anthony's ...... 37.00 and chiffon gowns of the perform­ prayers on the second and fourth R estaurant Idaho Spring!— St. Paul's ....— . 10.00 decades' while the priest answers priest sang his “ Dominus Vobis- IllfT—St. Catborine’e ...... ers. cum” and was answered by the W• Do Not Htttm Special Sales But Sell You at Our Loiee*t 615 17TH STREET Juleab'urg—St, Anthony’s ...... the “ Ave’s.” Virginia Ginn carried on with a mighty roar of a thousand “ Et cum Prices Every Day on 4U Drug Merchandise- Batwaaa Walton end California Ita. Kcemmling— St. Peter's ...... 10.00 violin solo in spite of the competi The services concluded with a Keeneeburg and Roggen— Holy spiritu tuo’s!” The men sang the sermon, which consumed the Family ...... — ...... 47.60 tion a husky St. Bernard that Offertory and (Communion hymns Lafayatte—S t Ida’s ...... —.... 15.00 loped acr

iBU 1 Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944 Office, 988 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4208 PAGE THREE

T encircle the lovely picture o f “ The Divine il.U b l'J ' Protector,” aa Chiiatmai decorations are LEE C. RICHARD HANEY L. HANEY placed in a USO-NCCS club (Women’a division) in Vancouver, Wash. Member S t l Holiday feativitiea will aoon be in full swing for ^rviee folk who s Member Ct- M Carmel Club SL J o b Ready Vinevnt d* tbadnl Ptrith freqpent this “ Home-Away-From-Home.” Paol'f Piriih Eyes GIas$e$ Elects Officers For Big Bazaar Examined Credit If Desired Fitted An Olinger Service is always conducted with (Our Lady of Mt. Carmel (St. John’. Parish, Denver) LEE €. HANEY AIXH SOIN the quiet dignity and reverence that create Pariah, Denver) Christmas turkeys, as well as sacred memories for those who attend. The At its recent meeting the M t many other interesting prizes, will TA. 2690 TA. 2690 wishes and means of every ptron are always Carmel Alumni dab held election be awarded at the games party to of officers. The officers are as be held in conjunction with the given utmost consideration. Should the occa­ follows: Nellie Tolve, president; bazaar sponsored by St. John’s sion arise, we believe our careful and compe­ Albert Ross, vice president; Joseph Altar and Rosary . society. in the Sparacino, treasurer; and Juliet" ietb i school hall on Dec. 9, beginning at SERVED EVERY DAY tent direction will serve to ease the burden Paulo, secretary. After the offi­ 8 p.m. In the main hall booths will of bereavement . . . effectively eliminate un­ cers were installed refreshments be installed where patrons may WORLD FAMOUS COLORADO MOUNTAIN were served. purchase art needlework, candy, warranted expense. This Sunday there will be a Sol­ cakes, and cookies, as well as re­ emn Mass to celebrate the Feast of freshments. A “ white elephant’’ Rainbow Trout CATHOLIC MEMBERS of our per­ St. Francis Xavier under the aus­ booth, country store, and a fish Fresh from Colorado's Icy Waters sonnel and the finest equipment and pices of the Nativi of Sorbo S. pond, will be added attractions. facilities are assigned to every Catholic Basile Donations and gifts for the bazaar Complete 6 Course Dinner, $1.00 Service. _ ^ The novena in preparation for .should be brought to the school con­ b. the Feast of the Immaculate Con' ference room this week or as soon ie Parkiiif; Gtraft 850 Seats t ception will start Friday, Dec. 1, as possible thereafter. Parishioners Next Door Cloud Handart VICE PRESIDENT are also asked to make returns this at 7:30 p.m. V h e I 6th at SPEER at The Children of Mary will re­ week. A meeting of all committee ceive Communion Sunday, Dec. 3, chairmen will be held in the rec­ BOULDER SHERMAN tory Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 2 o’clock.. in the 9 o’clock Mass Parishioners who have served at Crolden irULaiiteni Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 3 :30 p.m., f l i i i m t t t k the USO-NCCS snack bar this there will be a meeting of the Jun 1265 Bdwy., Near I3th Ave, RESTAURANT KE. 1205 m oRTomRIES ior Holy Name society. week include Mmes. L. K. Shumate, T. J. Orr, Frank Purcell, 0. H. , The different study clubs of the Jaebbson, and W. H. Eader. Mrs. parish will close their first semes­ Departments, Call Glendale 3663 S. J. Lewis, president of St. John’s ter this week. The St. Philomena Altar and Rosary society, is captain club will hold its last meeting in of Monday service at the snack bar. the home of Mrs. Jennie Carnival, Service Headquarters at 1726 W. 37th, Friday, Dec. 1: St. William Cassell Juliana’s club at the home of Mrs. FOR SOUTH DENVER Brancucci at 1919 W. 38th ave­ Speaks With Pope nue, Tuesday, Nov. 8; St. Berna­ Cpl. William ’ Cassell was in Our Equipment Is of the Best dette’s club at the home of Mrs. Rome recently and received the We Service Any Make of Car or Truck Columbia Smart, Wednesday, Nov. blessing of His Holiness, Pope 29; St. Theresa’s club, Friday Pius XII, with whom he spoke. He PICK UP SERVICE evening, Nov. 24. All clubs were has sent a rosary blessed by the invited to an explanation of the PTA PUNS PANTRY-UNEN Pope to each of his two children. Viner Chevrolet Co. Mass. PTA Heart Fr. McCallin Joseph La Rocca and Florinda Seventy-five members of St. PE. 4641 455 BROADWAY I. Di Re were married at 10 a.m. John’s Pt A were in attendance at Sunday, Nov. 26, before a Solemn SHOWER FOR NUNS DEC. 6 MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER the monthly meeting of the asso­ Mass. Witnesses were Raymond Di ciation which was held in the school Joseph’s Polish Parish, donated blood to the blood bank Lorenzo and Betty Salton. Mr. La (St. hall on Monday, Nov. 26, with Mrs. The merchants represented in this section are boosters. They are Rocca is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Denver) in the past week. All who are Lito Gallegos presiding. The Rev. anxious to work with you and are deserving of your patronage. Co­ Andrew La Rocca, and the bride The members of the PTA will interested in donating blood are operate with them. ______asked to call Mrs. John Demshki Frederick McCallin, assistant prin­ South Gaylord Market is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. hold their monthly meeting in the cipal of Cathedral high school, was Nicholas Di Re. school hall Monday evening, Dec. or the parish rectory, KEystone 6771. Mrs. John Demshki sug­ the guest speaker. Sister Sergia’s Recently baptized were Leonard 4, at 7:30: All members are re­ third grade pupils presented an en­ GROCERIES - MEATS - FRESH FISH Cathedral Joseph, son of Joseph Gennaro quested to attend the’ meeting, as gests parish group blood dona­ tions. Groups will be formed to joyable program and also won the and Regina Lynch, sponsors, Ce- plans will be arranged to sponsor treat for having the largest per­ Rirds Eye Frozen Fruits and Vegetables lestino Nigro and Gertrude Tolve; a play, a party, and other enter­ visit the blood bank headquarters periodically. centage of mothers present at the EeoRomy Liquor Store Louis Fredrick Achierno, son of tainment for the pupils in the high meeting. Mmes. C. 0. Arnold and HOME'-'V CAR Louis R. Achierno and Julia M. school and grade school immedi­ The members of the Sacred P. D. Dolan 1065 So. Gaylord SP. 9923 Nsxt to Clsrks's Church Goods Ralph Dines served refreshments Gonzales, sponsors, Anthony Pre- ately preceding the Christmas va­ Heart society will receive Holy at the close of the meeting, with RADIO SERVICE “ IFhen In low eplriu call Jerry'’ sentati and Lucile Presentati; An- cation. The members of the PTA Communion in a body in the 7:45 mothers of the third grade children are completing arrangements for Mass Friday morning, Dec. 1. 1634 Tremont KE. 45S4 tonette Mazza, daughter of Biazza assisting. Mazza, and Catherine Zizalles, a pantry-linen shower for the sis­ The women of the Altar and St. Vincent idle PauFs Parish FREE DELIVERT FBEE PABKING ters to be held in the school hall Rosary society will receive Holy Masses on first Friday, Dec. 1, sponsors, Tony Mazza anjd Louise will be at 6, 7, and 8 o’clock. The Wednesday evening, Dec. 6. AH Communion in a body in the 7 :30 New Manartraent Mazza; Reva Marie Lunnon, school children will attend the 8 daughter of George Lunnon and parishioners are invited to take Mass Sunday morning, Dec. 3. The PERMANENT o’clock Mass and receive Holy Com­ WAVING 6th WAR LOAN Virginia Lombardi, sponsors, Vir­ part in the planned shower. women are asked to meet in the AND COLD MAHONEY DRUG school hall where they will form munion in a body. After Mass, BUY MORE STAMPS ginia Maes and Eugene Perry; Mmes. John Derbin, Leo breakfast will be served in the WAVING AND WAR BONDS Leon Eugene Lunnon, son of a procession and proceed to the & Liqnors Skrocki, and Wanda Voss, mem­ school cafeteria by Mrs. C. P. Mc­ George Lunnon and Virginia Lom­ church. Chat-N-Curl BEER BY THE CASE KARL’S TAVERN bers of the PTA, are in charge Caffrey and Mrs. Harold Dusen bardi, sponsors, Carl Amato and of the sixth war loan drive in the Parish Committee Meets Beantr Salon Prescriptions Called for and berry, assisted by mothers of the Juanita CuIIrn 321 E. COLFAX Lillian Amato. Delivered Free territory adjoining the parish The parish committee will meet third grade children. 2107 E. Virginia lioroR EST. DEC. 5. loss A Christmas party is being given boundaries. Mrs. John Demshki, SP. 5893 1300 So. Pearl SP. 7539 in the parish rectory Monday eve.- Timothy Michael, the infant son (JU^CEIITBI for the orphans and nuns in the war committee chairman of the ning, Dec. 4, at 7 o’clock. The Queen of Heaven orphanage Sun­ PTA, and three other members of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur I. Thorpe, Your Purchase of War Bonds members of the committee are was baptized Sunday afternoon by VIRGINIA WASHINGTON and Stamps Helps to Secure Your day, Dec. 3. Mr. Roxie and Bill asked to take notice of the change •S'Sa.'S.S"- TAbor6557 Losasso and the Left-Handed club Father Figlino. The sponsors were PARK MARKET Future. of hour of the meeting from 7 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Flanagan. CREAMERY are in charge of all arrangements. 8 o’clock. MR. A MRS. C. A. HODGE BILL HUGHES. Prop. There will be a turkey dinner, and The men of the Holy Name so Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Byers are ST. VINCENT’S PTIl the parents of a boy bom in Mercy MEATS . . . GROCERIES . . . FRUITS Complete Food Service later there will be entertainment IPs Snrnrt to Shop at the Argonaut Iciety will meet in the school hall a VEGETABLES . . . BAKERT 598 South Gilpin i Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, at 8 hospital. PRODUCTS. . . Lt. and Mrs. Paul Patch and “ It’t Smart to Ba Thrifty" Imported and Domeatic Winea, Champagnet and Liquort infant daughter, Theresa Ann, o’clock. The members of the St. Thomas Earley, Thomas O'Con 2 III E. Virginia SP. 7505 spent Thanksgiving with their par­ Joseph Boys’ club will be the nell, and Hubert Smith of the par ARGONAUT AND LIQUDR CD. ents, Mr. and Mrs. Pasqual Patch. TO guests of the Holy Name society ish are in St. Joseph’s hospital. L t Patch is being transferred to a Tuesday evening. All the men and Edward Ryan, former Denverite 534 East Colfax • Free Delivery • Phone CHerry 4566 new base. (St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish, boys are requested to attend this and widely know'n in the parish, BONNIE BRAE Denver) special and important meeting. died of a heart attack in Los An­ Holy Communion will be dis geles last week. He was a cousin Weddinga Family Groupa Meeting Postponed by The monthly meeting of the tributed Friday morning at 6 and PTA will be held on Monday of Mrs. Felix O’Neill of St John’s Shopping District HiNBver-RandaU 7 o’clock and in the 7 :45 Mass. parish. Tabernacle Society afternoon, Dec. 4, at 2 p.m. in the Persons unable to visit the Church, Stmdio school hall. The seventh grade and desiring to receive Holy Com­ studenfb will present a program, Will Pray for Pope’s Peace Plan DISTINCTIVE PORTRAITS munion are asked to call the parish Praisser’s Red S While CONOCO PRODUCTS The meeting of the Taber­ and the Seventh grade room moth­ rectory, KE. 6771. Confessions Chicago. — Junior Franciscan III • coLf/ita-oeoiN S Homa Portrait Sitting:* for Babit* nacle socie^ hat been post­ ers will serve refreshments. •' \V 0 , y VtMvts., Colo and Children will be heard in Polish and English tertiaries representing the states Grocery and Market Lubrication, Car Washing, Batteriee 328 E. COLFAX AVE. poned from Dec, 1 to Friday, The sisters wish to express their Thursday and Saturday at the of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Recharged, Tire Vulcanizing Stndioi KEyttont 8(54 Bei. CH. 57lt Dec. 8, at 2 p.m. in the home Iowa have pledged themselves to FANCY MEATS. VEGETABLES. AND sincere thanks to all who donated usual hours: 4 to 5:30 in the after­ QUALITY GROCERIES AT BONNIE BRAE of Mrs. Ella Mullen Weck- so generously to the recent food noon, and 7 to 8:30 in the eve­ promote the- Pope’s peace plan by LOWER PRICES A REPUTABLE DRUG baush, 1701 E. Cedar avenue. WINES — UQUOBS shower. A display of the items re­ ning. prayer and personal evangeliza­ Free Delivery SPruce 4447 CONOCO SERVICE STORE Archbithop Urban J. Vehr ceived will be seen at the PTA tion during Lent. ZiZ\ E. Ohio Ate. Store Will Remain those in the armed services, par­ Washington Park Open During Alterations St. Vincent’s Aid society will lied persons, loans for ticularly for those from the par­ Cleaners VAN ZIMMERMAN. Mgr. “ IFAy Pay Carfare’* ' Community Jewelers meet Tuesday, Dec. 6, at 2:30 p.m. ish, are held every Friday eve­ modernizing, etc. Here, in the home of Mrs. Frank A. ning at 7:30. Unexcelled Quality and Service BOB & TEB’S Downtown Prices Fleisch, 860 Pennsylvania street, you get the money with­ Red & White Grocery & Market EXPERT WATCH N. W. CHRISTENSEN [ommuniti) floiuEr: Pariah Patronage Appreciated REPAIRING Denver. The Rev. Fred McCallin Watch, Clock and out delay, have a full FINE SELECTION will. be the guest speaker. Sister 1087 8. Gaylord SP. 7898 \ f n r o 1043 SOUTH GRTLORO MEATS. FISH AND POULTRY OTTO DRUG GO. S-Oar Strric* All Work Gatranteod Frances, newly appointed superior Jewelry Repairing year in which to pay. y l U l i : PHONE $P rucc73l8 “ Once Tried ,. . . Satisfied" of the home, will be introduced to 7 DAT SERVICE . . . GUARANTEED W. 38tb & Clay CR. 9934 BE.N FELDT 2707 W. 38th GR. 2773 1808H ISth St the members of the society. The Drop iff, wJboffovffr (Next to Watem Supplieo) University Park musical program will be under the yoff ffood coffA. Compliments ::Gaylord Drug Co.:: Gifts for All Occasions at direction of Misses Margie and Jewelry Shop Annunciation Jerry O’Neil. E. EVANS SP. 40B5 J. ROY SMITH, Prop. Reasonable Prices • Blodi W*Mt of UoSvtnitj Blvd.) COLORADO of 1059 So. Gaylord SP. 3345 GOOD FOOD I Prescriptions Carefully Filled The firms listed here de­ LOWEST Good Shepherd Aid to by Registered Pharmadste nOIIPC ROY CHRYSLER FINE WINES AND LIQUORS UIIUUW PRICES IN DENVER Regnlar Dinners serve to be remembered Sacred Heart NATIONAL Meet Monday, Dec. 4 WmIc Daya 11:30 a.m. to 7:80 p.m. Sandaya 12 to p.m. when you are distributing 6 1092 So. I%oi(e The monthly meeting of the OPEN MONDAYS ( p.m. to Midnight NATIONAL BRAND your patronage in the dif­ B««r and SandwIclKt only Gaylord BOB’S, SP. 0574 STORE Good Shepherd Aid will be held RANK ferent lines of business. ROCKY HOUNTAIN WINES and BEER STORES 1401 FRANKLIN ST. Monday, Dec. 4, at 2 p.m. in the Yonr Friendly Fowl Storea Grocery and Markat home of Mrs. J. J. Campbell, 416 ITfli & O m n n h PHARMACY Dahlia street, Denver. Mrs. E. Washington Park Cafe Quality Foods for Less Groceriea, Meats and Fancy 2301 Champa TA. 9676 Newmann, Mrs. M. J. Lester, Mrs. B. J. McIBAAC — F. J. McISAAC T(1 Santa Ft Drive tad Vegetablea 1052 S. Gaylord PE. 9846 MMib«r M .r«l Dtpoiit ImiraKe. C«rp. JAMES FBEQUES, Prop. Mulligan, and Mrs. Campbell will 1004 So. Gaytord BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY be hostessei. The Store of Quality and Price

■ ■ PAGE FOUR Office, 9S8 R^tifiBclf Stfert THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER T«leJ>Hone, KEy*t6iSI '4205 Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944

CPI ST. ELIZABETH’S PTA WILL H o w ’s Y o u r H e a l t l i ? SPONSOR CARD PARTY, SOCIAL SPOlHflUIIINt 1543 Urim«r St. V 226G Visil [R nOUTL (St. Elixabotii’t Pariih, Denver) the seal contest, in remarking dn A card party and social, spon­ the missionary zeal of both the sored by S t Elizabeth’s Parent- sisters and the children. The ROBBER ^ T flin n Teachers’ association, will be held classes have more than doubled Saturday evening, Dec. 2, in the Tl the quota of last year. parish hall. Entertainment has been provided for all, especially Utheri Announced O’CONHVOR parents, who are urged to contrib­ (St, Francis ds Sales' Parisli, The ushers in St. Elizabeth’s TRANSFER CO. (Continued From Page One) ute their share toward making the church for the month of December Denver) 1535 19th Sl Hubert Newell, the Rev. Gaetano Christmas treat for their children are Casper Heit, 6 o'clock Mass; W h e n you want to win del Brusco, O.S.M.; the Rev. An­ CpI. Harold Hart was home for a success. Bill Thompson and Fred Brink- KE. 6381 drew Dimichino, S.J.; the Rev. three days recently when he was A council meeting to discuss haus, 8; Joseph Winters, Frank j a tnan'c pralsefor your cook' being transferred froni Reno, Nev., Joseph , O.M.I.; the Rev. H. further plans for the PTA party Deraling, A1 Wagner, and Max LOCAL TRANSFER to Greensboro, N. Car. Cpl. Hart J. Foley, S.S.S.; the Very Rev. will be held Thursday, Nov. 30, at Jonke, 9:15; Paul Hakala, John Ing. give him a delicioui* is an engineer on C-46 cargo Crispin Wirrman, O.F.M.; the Rev. a 1 o’clock, in the school meetin Zigler, Frank Richards, and Val J. G. Torquer, O.P.; and the fol­ plane. * room. The council members wii tempting cake that fairly I Lang, 11; Pete Jonke, John Frank, lowing Redemptorists; Fathers Mrs. Jerry Burke, the former welcome all who feel that they can Peter Heit, and Jim Hofsetz, Oflic. Phone MAin 73(3 Joseph Fagen, Christian Darley, Raideoc. Phone EA. 1283 melts in his mouth. It’s easy Margaret Sweeney, and her hus­ contribute any suggestions in the 12:15. Timothy Kenny, Thomas Palmer, band, Sgt Jerry Burke, are visit­ interest of the association’s enter­ Mrs. Nardine, president of St. William Grangell, Nicholas Oehm, ing tJieir families. Sgt Burke will ANDRE DE VAJOA to do with Pikes Peak. tainment Elizabeth’s Altar and Rosary so­ Willard Berberich, Marshall Gher­ return to Aberdeen, Md., on Dec. A Worthy Sigeature tn Pan Mrs. Charles Wood, president of ciety, asks that all members try man, Joseph Campbell, and Al- 5 to prepare to ^overseas. Mrs. New Coats Made to Order the Parent-Teachers’ association, to attend the Christmas party jjhonse Zeller. Burke will remain with her par­ thanks all who donated cook­ ISIS CALIFORNIA STREET At the jubilee luncheon served which is to be held Dec. 5 and to (Mack Bnidinx) ents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sweeney. ies for the armed forces. The re­ bi’ing gifts to exchange. The in the parish hall at 12:15, Father L t Bill Jeffries, son of Mr. and sponse for cookies was generous, Zeller was toastmaster. The Rev. gifts should not cost more than Mrs. S. A. Jeffries, was home last ous. 25 cents. P I O S P E A K John Moran spoke in behalf of the week. He received his commission The monthly scrap paper drive DR. R. R. PRITZ diocesan clergy and the Very Rev. at Yale, and is now reporting to will be held Friday, Dec. 1, when Francis Fagen for the Redempto­ Lincoln, Nebr. Lt. Jeffries was parents are asked to send their old And Assoeiates rists. ArclAishop Vehr gave the graduated ffom St. Francis’, and magazines, newspapers, and books, closing address. was the Fransallan in his senior in well-tied bundles, to the school. Dentists ^ : ^ E 0 U R The football team of the parish year. Encouraging results have been ob­ 60S ISUi Strut 120S Iltk Strut high school co-operated in the ju­ tained in the drive thus far. KErUsn. 8731 TAMr ITSl bilee festivities by winning the S. Sgt. and Mrs. Doocy Mrs. 0. H. Younkerman, chair­ Op.n Uond.7 ud Thandaj Bvu. championship of the Denver Paro­ Visit 0*Keefes man of the war service committee, AT YOUR GROCERS chial league as a result of a is eager that each child attending 6-2 triumph over the Regis Reds. How’s your health? Is It standing have less tlm* for those Important S.Sgt and Mrs. Fred Doocy are school buy at least one war stamp TA. 5041 [ visiting Mr, and Mrs. James A The homecoming game was fol­ up to the strain of war-time Uving? dental check-ups. each week, so that the goal of 96 1522 lowed by an alumni buffet supper One of your best services to yourself Give special attention to elimina­ O’Keefe. Mrs. Doocy is the former per. cent for the school may be Serve LUMBER — PAINT — HARDWARE served at 7 p.m., which was at­ and to your nation In these crucial tion. A simple home remedy Is to Mary O’Keefe. Sgt. Doocy is sta­ Park __ INSULATION days Is to do all that you can to drink the juice of a lemon In a glais reached before the Christmas tended by 175 alumni. Rick Me tioned at the air base in Salina, holidays. THE maintain health. of water, hot or cold, each morning Kans., where the couple will return. Macaroni Nicholas acted as toastmaster at Colds, headaches, that tired feeUng, on rising. Taken every day, this The children of the school will [FLOUJER Aurora Lumber Company the supper, and the program in­ are warnings that something: Is wrong. "lemon water” Is adequate In provid­ Walter Mesch has returned home receive Holy Communion in the Wholesome and satisfying as a Colfsx snd D n C ^ r T from a local hospital after a serious main dish. Delicious with other Frenldin I □ 'H O h C I Building Headquarters cluded talks by several coaches, What are you going to do about them? ing aU the regulation most people 8 o’clock Mass on Friday, Dec. 1, on Parle Here are some health hints that will need. Harsh laxatives hecomee un­ operation. He is showing great im­ foods—cheese, tomatoes, mush­ Are. Phonci Aurora SSO’—Franktin 6.^89 priests who served as former ath­ the first Friday of the month. letic directors, and others inter help you keep fit for the job. Po necessary. provement. rooms, oysters and eggs. Try it W Special Attention to Register AURORA, COLO. these things every day. Mother M. Boniface, former on your Lenten menu. ested in the athletic program of Lemons are a food, not a medicine, Miss Margaret Cavey and Mrs. principal of St. Elizabeth’s school, Readers the high school. The supper was Qst Your Sleep but their health-bulIdlng qualities Frank Buchen will be hostesses to • We Wire Flowers Anywhere make It as Important to keep a and Mother M. Eima visited the prepared by Mrs. Ella Snuhl and Get plenty of sleep. Days and nights the Holy Rosary circle 'Tuesday, 9 New Accounts Welcome STAMPS CURIOS have been turned lopsy, turvy, but supply of them always on the kitchen classrooms in the week. COINS NOVELTIES her committee. whatever your hed-Ume, make sure shelves, as It is to keep the common Dec. 5, at 1 p.m. in the home of Charles Jones, chairman of the FAST DELIVEKT SERVICE remedies in your medicine cabinet. Mrs, Buchen, 338 S. Williams. GRACE CRIST, Ovntr TRY BILL’S SHOP of your full quota of sleep In a well- Holy Childhood Christmas seal W. S. SANDERSON ventllated, properly darkened room. Lemons aid digestion and build PTA to Hoar Judge Cook ELECTRIC IRONS REBUILT committee, paid a noteworthy com­ FLOWER BASKET body resistance to colds and other Judge Joseph M. Cook will speak MACARONI OTHER APPLIANCES REPAIRED & BRO. Qet Your Oxypen InrecUona, as well as counteract pliment to the children engaged in RADIOS SERVICED Have some exercise that takes you on “ Recreational Needs for Youth" SERVICE — CALLS IS14 Arapaho* TAbor 2SS1 fatigue. This fruit Is one of the outdoors every day. A brisk walk, richest sources of vitamin C, -which at the PTA meeting Wednesday, 1855 Champa TA 0746 “ Tht Fritndlr Slora” even for a ahort distance, or some SELECTION OF FINE COFFEE la not stored in the body and must Dec. 6, at 8:16 p.m., following the Our PHONE deep breaths at an open window, will be taken dally. Alio lull Una of Nuta. Peanut Butter, put ox>gen Into your lungs, when you regular business meeting. Pupils Freab Routed Peanuts. Orange Pekoe Your PorrliBse of War Bonds are tired and listless. Remember that Prevent That Cold of grades six and lOA wfll present Tea, Cuban Honey, Spices, Maple Syrup. Prevent that cold. Here again, an Seleelion DE 0988 SPECIAL and Stamps Helps to Secure Your Maple Candies, Coffee Makers. your body lives on oxygen as well as a program. All council members Future. food and water. ounce or so of lemon juice Is truly are asked to attend the meeting in the ounce of prevention that's worth of FLOW ERS Cat the Rlpht Pood a pound of cure. the high school library at 7:30 2'Pieces See that you eat a varied diet. In­ the same evening. Mrs, J. Loeffel Mr. Walter J. Kerwin, now associ­ If you are drinking a dally glass of Offers a Wide Variety cluding enough of the protective foods will preside. Mothers of grades ated with Jos. M. Fishman, invites lemon juice and water, chances are Re*covered 5 9 5 « — fresh fruits and vegetables, milk, much leas that youH be on the three and IIB will be hostesses for Bouquets, Corsages \ his many old friends and customers eggfs, meats and whole grain cereals. absentee list when that cold or flu Don't neglect breakfast or lunch. the evening and serve the refresh­ Cut Flowers & Plants Estimates Cheerfully to visit him for suggestions. epidemic goes 'round. ments. Make these meals adequate. But if that cold does catch up with Floral Telegraph Serviea Given on f f u Shop for Christmas Gifts Keep the Body Clean you, you may be able to check If Keep the body clean. Tour work quickly by reinforcing your dally glass COLORADO UPHOLSTERY { While Selection Is Complete may bring you close to grease and dlrL of lemon and water with additional This makes It especially Important to glasses taken every S to 3 hours. If UPHOLSTERY CO. Bright Spot clean up when not on the job. Use Our Will Call you like, add H teaspoon baking soda RECOVER 2 PIECES Health, as well as that feeling of to each glass, drinking the mixture as Flower Shop SMILEY BROS. morale that goes with good grooming, foaming quiets. Continue this simple FRIEZE AND TAPESTRY demands it •S55.00 AND UP JOS. M. FISHMAN remedy until cold Is better. EM. 2745 DE-09R8 22 Tears E. Colfax at Monroe Always wash hands hefore isatlhg. Slm^e, are they not — these health 2459 16tb St. GL. 2304 Joiephine at 5th Ave. Expcrianc. Jetceler antf Optician Give your teeth proper care. The hints? Follow them and help keep GLASSES ON CREDIT dentist now has less time for you your health and morale at Its highest 807 15th St. TA. 0029 and. If you are on a war job, you peak the year around. USO GETS 210 DOZEN COOKIES FROM ST. PHILOMENA’S WOMEN

(St. Philomena’s Pariah, Denver) ver. The president asked for vol­ Mrs. Leo Sibert and Mrs. W. G. unteers to launder the altar boys’ McCabe, Jr., of the committee of surplices. cookie donations reported that 210 The Altar and Rosary society Beautiful dozen cookies were donated and the PTA will receive Com­ MA.0641 IIA.0641 Support to the USO in November by the munion Sunday in the 8:15 Mass. Fresh Cut Flowers women of St. Philomena’s parish. Novena Begins PIMPLES The following women made dona­ TIRED OB WEAK EYES 6TH tions: Mmes. T. D. Burns, Pat The annual novena in honor of Fresh Carrot Juice Coffey, Joe Brueske, Bob Cart, the Immaculate Conception com­ Large Assortment of Potted menced Wednesday evening at DrIIj tn Pint* or Qaorto Don Rheault, E. H. Carper, W. E. PlanU and Funeral Designs Buehler, Arnold, P. M. Connell, 7:30 o’ clock in preparation for the ORANGE BAR WAR LOAN George Burt, Blatnik, Bottler, feast on Dqcv 8. W. S. Byrnes, Brinson, T. R. The following parish clubs met nfim Chase, E. B. Conway, Lillian in the week-: Wednesday, Mrs. Capri, Walter Dermody, J. Stra- Harry O’Day’s -club met with JERRY BREEN chan, Coviell, A. Covillo, J. Di- Mrs. F. E. Beagle, and Mrs. neen, J. Brunger, Bursnan, George P. F. Giblin’s club met with Mrs. Astler, M. J. Dugan, J. P. Dunn, J. F. Mohan; Thursday, Mrs. L. A. FLORIST B U Y ' Di Illo, Nellie Begley, and Anna Fair’s club met with Mrs. J. A. Mullen, and Miss Ann Savage. Miller, 475 Gilpin; Mrs. J. A. 1456 California MA. 2279 Mrs. Edward Wadsworth pre­ O’Neill's club met with Mrs. E. E. DELIVERY sided at the monthly meeting of Nevans, and Mrs. M. A. Hickey’s WAR St. Philomena’s PTA, which was club met with Mrs. P. H. Williams. held in the school auditorium Mon­ Mrs. L. E. Burns’ club will be en­ Fagan’s for Fine Fish day afternoon. The minutes of the tertained in the home of Mrs. J. L. FILLET OF - La Tourette Dec. 5. BONDS FLORIDA FRUIT THE previous meeting were read by the RED SNAPPER lb. 6 0 c 1 secretary. Mrs. William L. Zint P. F, Giblin is recuperating in gave a favorable report of the his home from a serious illness. FILLET OF and PRODUCE CO. current school year’s budget. Mr. and Mfs. E. L. Stakebake HADDOCK ______, . . 5 1 c A $50 war bond will be pur­ will leave Denver Saturday for FRESH Salt Lake City to attend the AIRLINES chased to apply on the school LAKE HERRING _ — ib. 2 9 c fund. Ten dollars will be appropri­ Mountain district paint convention. ated for the school library. The Mrs. S. W. Weiler of Lincoln, FRESH Rev. John Gibbons, S.J., of Regis Nebr., and Mrs. Cliff Dohner of LAKE TROUT II.. 6 9 c Good Bakery Goods college spoke on Catholic , educa­ Oxford, Nebr., are guests of Mr. NEED JUMBO COOKED CRABS. tion and the need of parental co­ and Mrs. W. H. Hilbert. COOKED MAINE LOBSTERS. operation, particularly in the ele­ Jimmy Jordan and Sidney Bishop are home on leave from CUBAN LOBSTER TAILS. OYSTERS. mentary grades. SCALLOPS AND SHRIMP VOSS BROS. A communication from Sister Farragut, Ida. WOMEN YOU Catherine Marie thanking the F fA Mrs. Frank Garland has re­ FANCY ROASTING for the pantry shower at the con­ turned from an extended visit in CHICKENS______. . 4 4 c vent Nov. 22 was read by the sec­ New York. BUY CHOOSE A CAREER IN AIR TRANSPORTA­ retary. Mrs. G. A. Schwartz Miss Virginia Steinmetz, daugh­ LARGE TION, THE WORLD’S FASTEST GROWING gave an interesting report of ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Stein­ COLORED HENS „ — jb. 3 9 c BONDS INDUSTRY. the CPTL meeting and Mrs. metz, became the bride of Lt. YOUNG BE AN AIRLINE RESERVATIONIST OR AN Robert Reardon reported on the William L. Hilbert, son of Mr. and TENDER FRYERS _____ lb. 4 4 c AIRLINE COMMUNICATIONIST. Denver deanery meeting. A din­ Mrs. W. H. Hilbert, Sunday, Nov. ner for the football team will 26, at 3 p.m. in the chapel at FANCY TURKEYS HANDLE RESERVATIONS. TICKETS. ROUTE be held in the near future. The Lowry Field. Chaplain Gerald J. PASSENGERS TO FAR DISTANT POINTS. organization will take 150 stock­ Kreuzer officiated in the marriage TALK WITH PILOTS BY RADIOPHONE, ings from the Junior Red Cross ceremony. The Rev. Paul Reed CONTACTS FLIG H TS. Earn a SPLENDID and fill them for Christmas. The was present in the sanctuary. The Good Things lo Eat r SALARY. stockings will be distributed to the bride, who was given in marriage Now Celebrating Their Fresh and Salted NutmeaU TRAIN NOW FOR SPLENDID POSITIONS army camps and hospitals of Den- by her father, wore for her wed­ Candied Fruita and Candiea ding a white satin gown made with Second Anniversary WHICH WILL STILL BE IN EXISTENCE R. N. SHOW ALTER G. M. PORTER WHEAT GERM - SOT BEAN FLOUR WHEN THE WAR it over. NEW FALL Veteran Second World War a fitted bodice and a bouffant skirt HERRING TIDBIT8 CLASSES NOW FORMING. Train in jrour ipara ending in a court train, and a time if you deiire without interfering with your Pick up and delivery service finger-tip veil of French illusion. DENVER' FRUl^ & ADDISON’S present position. Her shower bouquet was of white PRODUCE CO. Ro-Go Appliance Go. roses and gardenias. Miss Rose­ Home Public Market If you are between ages of 17U and 35 (married mary Mantich was the maid of TA. 2758 or single) investigate immediately. For free in­ 10 Yean Experience in Hoover Repairinc honor, and Ruth Phyllis Haberl formation inquire in person, write or phone. VACUUM CLEANERS — APPLIANCES was the bridesmaid. Cant. Duncan Office open days, evenings by appointment. Phone KErelene 88SS 685 16Ui Strut R. Ackley was Mr. Hilbert’s best THFRP S GOOb vi'fRfTWN man. MIDLAND D. DEUTSCR A reception for 200 guests was IN ANY CUT aP MEAT K/rOPTOMETRIST A vn&ini held from 4 to 6 p.m. in the home 35 TeanYean Pra

t PAGE FIVE Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street’ THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Telephone, KBystone 4205

Army^s Newest Type Qlider ifnaied for carryinit large number* of men into invasion and combat New Daugkler to operation*. The glider was developed after extensive 4tudjr by army JAMES P. GRAY air force technical experts and engineers and its design and construc­ tion have been kept a secret until now. ' Greet Flier Honie OPTOMETRIST Tha parsonal oH^n^ion of a member of fhe Fron Air Wssioiis 212 Colorado Bldg. Moulder.— (Sacred Heart Par­ ish)—Lt. Gerald L. Dome has 1615 California TA. 8883 landed in New York after com­ pleting his required number of bombing missions from an 8th air COMFORTABLE VISION force base in England. He phoned AND EYE CARE is qiven every defoil his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Dome, on Sunday morning, Nov. 26 and learned from them that he of the funeral, is the father of a.girl, born Fri­ day, Now. 17. His wife is the former STORE COAL ]\OW whether the service Betty Herbert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Herbert. He ex­ Use Our Budget Plan If You Wish— Nothing Down pects to be at home soon for a — 10 Months to Pay is conducted from the visit with his family. Warrant Officer and Mrs. Rus­ KROOIVENBERG COAL CO. HORAN CHAPEL sell M. Woodson of this parish have announced the marriage of y 1909-11 So. Broadway SP. 4478 their son, Richard T. Woodson, or the familij's home chief radioman in the navy, to Miss Betty Lou Mathes at Long Beach, or church. Calif., on Sunday, Nov, 12. The bridegroom who was wounded in MEDICAL CORPS COMMANDER action on a divebomber when the Hornet, an aircraft carrier was sunk, has recently been stationed TO ADDRESS ST. MARY’S PTA in this country and will report to New York for further assign­ ment. The bride is the daughter of ALEY DRUG CO. Colorado Springs.— St. Mary’s C. F. Morrissey of 809 E. Platte Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mathes of Los Parent-Teachers’ association will avenue. Anfi;eles and is a graduate of the PERKINS-SHEARER PRESCRIPTION hold its next regular meeting in Engagement Announced University of California at Los DRUGGISTS the school auditorium Wednesday, At a luncheon given Monday at Angeles. The bridegroom’s father COLORADO SPRINGS- HORA Dec. 6, at 3:16. Mrs. A. L. Ca.ss SMARTEST STORE Phona Main ISO J32 So. Tejon St. AND SON CHAPELS the home of Mrs. John De Lanney has been a member of the radio will preside at the meeting. This the announcement was made of the school staff since its organization COLORADO SPRINGS will be preceded by a council engagement of her daughter, Miss at the University of Colorado in Apparel and Gifts for KEystone 6 2 9 7 # KEystone 6296 meeting at 2:30 of all officers, Virginia De Lanney, to Lt. Joseph April, 1942. room mothers, and committee mem­ The firms listed here de­ Turner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dec. 3 will be Communion Sun­ Men, Women and ISZTQeveland Plscc bers. Lt. Comdr. John B. Farley, Turner of Mount Vernon, N, Y. serve to be remembered medical corps, USNR, Colorado day for members of the Altar and Children A replica of the gold flaming Rosary society. The women held college, will be the guest speaker when you are distributing Guarding Forever our Founder^ Ideals bomb, which signifies the ordnance their regular meeting on Wednes­ and his subject will be “ We Bring J. Donglai Croach C. D. O'Brien department to which Lt. Turner day afternoon, Nov. 29, with Mrs. your patronage in the dif­ Back the Wounded.” belongs, centered t h e table. F. S. Mattocks as chairman, as­ 102-104 North Tejon Street ferent lines of business. Holy Name Men to Meet Around the bomb were miniature sisted by Mmes. John Doherty, The monthly meeting of St. jeeps and other ordnance equip­ Urban Mellecker, William Laird, COLFAX MARKET Mary’s Holy Name society will ment. Places were marked by and James Bonnell, and Miss Rose The Heyse Sheet be held in the school auditorium announcements with pictures of Leavy. The Murray Drug Go. COLPAX AT COLPAX AT Metal Works DOWNING MARION Monday, Dec. 4, at 8 p.m. The the couple. No date has been set Members of the Knights of Co­ '‘Superior Service Sfores” for the wedding. INCORPORATED Holy Name men will receive Holy lumbus held their annual turkey BEATING ■ ROOFING Communion in a body in the 8 After two weeks’ visit with dinner for their families in the Main Store Phone Main 144 SHEET METAL lIBA^yROF o’clock Mass on Sunday, Dec. 10. friends, Maj. Charles Coddington school hall on Wednesday evening, Main Store — It North Tejon St. 319 North Weber Street All men of the parish are invited Phone: Main S52 Phone U has returned to Camp Butner, Nov. 29, at 7 p.m. The committee North Store —■ 832 North Tejon SL EeL 1888 W* SpecUItu tn Everything to attend. N. Car. in charge consisted of Urban Mel­ MILK FED Tabor ‘1776’ John DeMarco died Friday, Nov. Navy Lieutenant and Mra. lecker, Joe Brady, Leo Brehm, POULTRY Under the WFIBV BABISI 17. He was born March 19, 1872, Charles Noble of Washington, Adam Dome, and J. B. Busch. Bolova, Cruen and in Rocomondolph, Italy, and came D. C., who has been visiting with The lunchroom used by the chil­ FOOTWEAR Hamilton Watches Sea” to the United States 45 years ago, Mrs. Noble’s aunt, Mrs. James dren in the basement of the school 54 Years of Quality Complct* Lhi. af b living in New Jersey two years Lyons, traveled to Omaha to spend is being greatly improved with a ROSARIES Welby. — (Assumption Parish) BRUNOS before coming to Colorado ALSO HOSIERY AND BAGS SEA FOODS ahd 1130 E. —The Rev, John Giambastiani, the officer’s one-week leave at the new linoleum floor covering.and ad­ rfs.u.coui-'*’**]! Springs. He is survived by three home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ditional cabinets and shelves which KAPELKES FRESH nSH Colfax Ave. O.S.M., and officers thank all who sons, Le Berch, Michael, and Floyd H. A. Noble. The army family ar The Vorhes Shoe Go. are being put in place by Leonard 9 8. TEJON helped to make the annual bazaar, DeMarco; two daughters, Mrs rived in Omaha Nov. 27, in time Kirby. PREB DELIVERY AT 10 A. H. AND 2 P. M. I Ester Pinello and Mrs. Rose i was held on Nov. 16, 17, to be there for Nebraska’s Thanks Mrs. Martin Herman, a sister of Hughes; and a brother, Charles Handmade Fnrnitare — Antiqaee giving celebration. Adam Dome of Boulder, died in a TRY Reproduced — Repairinr — Refiniehing f 18, a grand success. The re- DeMarco, all of Colorado Springs. Thanksgiving guests of their Denver hospital on Thursday, Upholitcring — Drtperica s are $5,500, which will be Requiem Mass was offered Tues­ O rder Note brother-in-law and sister, Maj. Nov. 23 after three months’ ill­ Whitney Electric Co. s i to the building fund of the day, Nov. 21, in Corpus Christi John A. O’Leary and Mrs. O’Leary 0 0 c ;h. Reports reveal that more ness. With her husband and six P e te Baroni church. Burial was ip Evergreen of Pratt, Kans., were Misses Anne children, she had lived in Brighton Electrical Service CHRISTMAS CARDS I*" t cemetery. Letas and Mary Kay Lachowsky, for the past year. The oldest Furniture Shop who are students at Mt. St. Scho- 208 No. Tejon M 906 It is announced by the War de­ boy is with the navy and was given PHONE M. 1309 7H SO. CASCADE AV& COMPLETE STOCK OF I partment that Lt. James (Bernie) lastica academy, Atchison, Kans. "EST. 1913" ( nd prize of $100 to Nickie a leave to attend his mother’s fu­ Oppoeite Antlers Hotel Rogers hag been decorated with Mrs. Frank Hamilton plans to neral. The Mass was offered in SL Individual Cards, 25 for $1.25 and Up I Tirro; $25 to Frank Juilano; the Silver star for his actions with spend the winter in Detroit, Mich., to Jo Ann Di Luzio; hand- Augnstine’s church in Brighton ? combat engineer group in where her son-in-law and daugh­ on Monday, Nov. 27, at 10 o’clock. NAME PRINTED FREE c heted scarf, donated by Mrs. France. Lt. Rogers is the son of ter, Maj. and Mrs. John Mullen, One of a family of 14 children, 24-HOUR SERVICE i :elo Domenico, to Mrs. Grace the late James Rogers, for many reside. rero;' rug, donated by Mrs. Mrs. Herman was 39 years old. years superintendent o f the El Maj. and Mrs. John A. O’Leary, Her parervts, who were unable to CO Tolvo, to Charles Ferrero; Paso county road department. His who had been stationed tn Pratt, CAPITOL HILL PRIIVTING ! ee table, donated by Young come, are living in Kansas. There mother now lives on Long Island, Kans., have anived in Colorado were six brothers and four sisters 815 E. COLFAX 1 N. Y. He was graduated from St. Springs to live. Maj. O’Leary has present at the Requiem Mass, music Mary’s high school and attended been transferred to Peterson for which was sung by four of the I Colorado university. Lt. Rogers Field. Mrs. O’Leary is the former brothers. All six brothers acted as| entered the service Oct. 28, 1942. Adelaide Lachowsky, Piroddi; doll, Dominic Fabrizio; pallbearers. Two other sisters and I He is the husband of Mrs. Mary Mrs. John B. McCarty and her two brothers were unable to be] and the cake, donated by Mrs. Ma­ Jean Rogers, 11JI9 E. Platte ave­ small daughter, Mary Phyllis, plan rion lacino, to Joseph Ferrero. present. Burial was made in Brigh­ nue. to end their Colorado Springs stay ton. Masses on Sunday are at 8 and Supday, Dec. 3, the Third Order on Friday. This is Mary Phyllis’ 10 o’clock. Sunday is Communion of St. Francis will meet after the first visit in the home of her sleepy day for the Altar society. 4 o’clock devotions. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Eu­ On Dec. 1, the first Friday of the gene McBride. The visitors will Arvada Society Dan J. Morrissey left Monday, go to Chicago to join Lt. Mc­ h l l p w month, the Holy Hour will be Nov. 20, for his navy boot train­ ^ held at 7:30 a.m. with exposition Carty for a visit with his parents. ing in San Diego, Calif. He en­ Dr. and Mrs. James McCarty. The of the Blessed Sacrament, and listed more than a month ago. To Name Officers usual devotions and consecration couple reside in Brighton, Mass. Dan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. The officer is statioifed in Boston SIRUP of the human race to the SacreiJ (Shrine of St. Anne, Arvada) with a transportation division. Heart, followed by Benediction. The Altar and Rosary society Ens. and Mrs. Robert Hanson, Friday evening at 7:30, the will hold its monthly meeting in Perpetual novena in honor of Our Jr., are spending a two-week leave 1 PRIZES TO \vith the officer’s parents, Mr. and the church hall Tuesday, Dec. 5, at 2 1 Lady of Sorrows for peace and Kiehm'RuJlflapk^^^^ Mra. Richard Hanson. The navy 2 p.m. Election of officers for the protection of the boys in the armed coming year will be held. Mmes. Colorado forces is conducted. couple arrived from Yorktown, SUZANNA, Va., where Ens. Hanson is sta­ Louis Brauch and Brunner will act La Rutio-Molinaro Wedding Springs’ Pancake Flour 81-4 lb. bag ___ 1 8 c tioned with a minesweeper divi­ as hostesses. The marriage of Miss Yolando BE IWimDED III Robb Ross. sion. When the officer leaves to St. Anne’s circle will meet in the Molinaro and Clyde La Russo took home of Mrs. Virginia Gilbert, 133 Leading Pancake Flour lb. bag ...... 2 4 c report to Norfolk, Va., Mrs. Han­ place before a Nuptial High Mass son will remain with her parents- W. Grandview, Dec. 6, at 8 o’clock. on Sunday, Nov. 26, at 10 o’clock. Pfc. John J. McNamara has re­ Furniture Store Armour's in-law until her husband receives COFFEE Treet 12 oz. can _ .3 3 c PTA to Give Nuns m o E i i p i m i his orders. turned to his base in Las Vegas, AIRWAY, Cberub, Tall can The Progressive Book club will Nev., after a 15-day furlough spent 1 lb. bW .... —... 21c Milk 1 point and...... _ 9 c Pantry Shower meet Saturday in the home of with his mother, Mrs. Katherine NOB HILL. Oats Quaker. Reg. or Quick, The first PTA meeting was held Golden.— Turkeys and many Mrs. Joseph Cranny. After the McNamara. 1 Ib. bap ...... 26c 48 oz. pkg...... 26c on Nov. 14 with a large attend­ other valuable prizes will be given | meeting the husbands of the Book Thanksgiving day pinner guests EDWARDS. RfK. or Morning Glory ance. As this was the pastor’s away at the big pre-Christmas 1 club members will join them at a in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mar­ Drip Grind. I Ib. jrl«.. 29c Oats 48 oz. pkg...... _21c name day, a little surprise party Reg. or Quick party to be held by St. Joseph’s! f,;30 dinner. tin Klumker were Mr. and Mrs. EDWARDS Riit. or C7 was given in his honor. A spe Altar and Rosary society on Sat­ Dave Lercher and son, Mr. and Drip Grind. 2 Ib. kI..,. J I C Funeral Held for Wheaties pk(t...... 15c cial program was presented by the urday evening, Dec. 9. Games will Mrs. George Smith and family, HILLS BROS.. A o school children. The high school 1 lb. pin...... T

N PAGE SIX Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER .Telephone, KEystone 4205 Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944

adminiatralion o f the sacramenl o f Ginlinna* Admirals Stand Sponsor the Moat Rev. Janiea J. StreeneT, Biahop of Honolnlu, at the Kaneohe naval air alaiion, Oahu. Rear Adm. C. D. Murray U shown placing his hand on 21 beautiful the shoulder of a young sailor, and Rear Adm. C. H. Colter stands hv to sponsor the next confirmand. Recommended Firms The pastor of nearhy Kailua, the Rev. Patrick Logan, SS.CC, is shown at the Bishop’s right reading out CHRISTMAS CARDS the names of the candidates. (Official U. S. navy photo) IF OFFICERS IS for AUTO In a B o x ______$ 1 .0 0

Others at a dozen box SERVICE assortment and 5^ to 25^ each.

A Nice Aisorlmeni of (St. Catherine’s Parish, Denver) SPECIAL! The monthly meeting of St. BUCKLEY BROS. LUMINOUS STATUES Catheritse's Altar and Rosary so­ ANY CAR $ 2 5 0 0 ciety was held Tuesday after­ PAINTED... Studebaker Sales and Service noon at 2:30. The final report A-l JOB NEW AND USED CARS AND TRUCKS given by Mrs. Gonzales, ways and Auto Repairing All Makes COMPLETE LINE OF RELIGIOUS ARTICLES FOR CHURCH ANO HOME Batterr and Electric Sarrica means chairman, showed that the Mack’s Auto Service Bodj and Ftndar Work recent card party was a success IZ*t Chinpt KE. 9 2 7 4 S.'SO Broadway SP. 4111 both socially and financially. A . I*. \V a i ;.\ i ; h The annual election of officers took place and the following EAST COLFAX ciii'iM 'ii «;ooi»s ro. women were elected to serve dur­ PACKARD SERVICE ing the coming year: Mrs. J. W. AU TO P A R T S Downtown Loention I A. MHi I lih Schmittling, president (re­ 710 E, (X)LFAX Tha Only Packard Sarrica In Oenm elected) ; Mrs. Jos^h Gonzales, Tom Kane Appreciates Your Patronage Packard Denver Co. vice president; Mrs. F. G. Morfeld, TA. 0341 secretary (re-elected); Mrs. G. Dialrtbutora Rowe, financial secretary (re­ “ If It Can Ba Had-W e Hare It” n o 15th St. TA 530> CHRISTMAS GIFTS elected) ; and Mrs. P. J. Doherty, treasurer (re-elected). Mmes. Morfeld and Kennedy Shop E a rly will take care of altars and sanc­ SHKA»ER*S While Stocks tuary during the month of De­ cember, and Mmes. Stewart, Do­ l^erwiee l^talion Are Complete herty, Rowe, Gonzales, Martelli, Lilly, Morrow, Kennedy, Morfeld, 1st Ave. & Logan St. SP . 9930 and Schmittling will help with the Christmas decorations. Locita Pictnr* Picture Frames Donald Dock LamU MOBILGAS - OILS — GREASING nona Pielurea that Frunn and Made to Order - ihina in tha dark— PTA to Have Mass Aectawrlta ao nica (or childran’a f l . 3 6 op. rooma $ 1 .19 Said for John Burns The PTA will have a Mass of­ DODGF — PLYMOUTH SFRVICF IN ASSORTED DESIGNS. fered for John Burns, who died this week. He was a member Timely service NOW prevents costly repair bills later— so FLORAL PICTURES COLORS AND SIZES.. 514? & up of St. Catherine's choir for years don’t delay or neglect needed repairs. Drive in for dependable ENAMELOID FOR FURNITURE. WOODWORK AND TOYS and was active in parish affairs. service performed by mechanics, who have the “ know how” Padre Padilla’s Body Rises He is father of Sally and Patsy to service your car or truck! Burns, pupils in St. Catherine’s Sherwin-Williams Co. M IEGIS GIIIID5 OFFICIAL REPORT COVERING school. JAMES MOTOR €0- 7 SOUTH BROADWAY The following women will assist Mrs. Piquette with the first Friday 1278 Lincoln Dodge & Plymouth Saleg & Service KE. 8221 INVESTIGATION PRESENTED breakfast for the school children IRFAPPim iFI on Dec. 1: Mmes. Cooke, Kennedy, We Feature Best GOALS Rowe, Winters, Villano, and La- (Coniinued From Page One) had in one hand a book from which Briola. in Both Bituminous chairman in the proceedings of this one of the already mentioned As there is such a desperate investigation, and, immediately priests read before the altar while need for blood donors, more mem­ «W«y FROM CROWDED TRRFFIC - FREE PRRRIND T after the installation of the com­ shedding copious tears. At this bers in the parish are ur^ed to and Lignite mittee, they proceeded to elect and time the sexton of the church was offer their blood. Please call Mrs to vote for the necessary officials a man named Andres, native of C. H. Ruwart, Glendale 1659, par­ ish war work chairinan, for an ap­ (Regis College, Denver) in the case. this village. p h o ® ® * In order to save time it was Juan Andres Zuni, also of the pointment. Those who have al­ Two former Regis college stu­ unanimously decided to name the same village, whose age accord­ ready donated blood are also re H I A 5 3 3 5 dents, John E. Thompson and Vin­ officials by acclamation. These ing to him was 60 years, declares quested to call Mrs. Ruwart im­ cent D. Zarlengo have been ap­ nominations fell on the following that when for the second time the mediately 80 that the parish rec­ ords can be completed fqy the pointed to Alpha Sigma Nu, na­ reverend gentlemen, respectively: body of the priest, J. F. Padilla CH Promotor, the Rev. Jimes H. De- came out above the surface of year. tional Jesuit honorary fraternity, fonri; lawyer (against), the Rev. the earth, he must have been 20 A representative number of according to an announcement J. B. Brun; secretary, the Rev. years old. “ The body was,” said women from the PTA attended from Creighton university school Luiz M. Gentile, S.J.; and notary Andres. Zuni, “ whole, complete the reception held for Mrs. Garri­ son. of dentistry, which both are at- public, the Rev. M. A. Rivera. and dry, in a mummified state " '£ * E L K c o a l The following laymen were ad­ holding a book in his hands;” that The sisters and children of the 3635 Blake S. & H. Green Stamps John Finkbemer, Mgr. mitted as necessary assistants: again they buried him, but that he school are assisting the program for G I F T S Jose Rodriquez, native of the vil­ could not tell whether more or less under the sponsorship of the Red lage and sexton of the parish; deep than the first time. Cross, by preparing and filling 100 Benito Garcia, carpenter; Rafael Jose Chiwiwi, also a native and Christmas stockings for the s61- EEC'S where yea eon de year gill thepping with* Chavez, and Ramon Carillo, grave close to 50 years of age, more or diers at Fort Logan. eul being jeitled er 'theved otrennd. Tree parking lor diggers. less, declared that in his youth he Kathleen Marie, infant daugh­ easterners . . . eearteeas soles people . . . new mer* KEEP UP THE HOMES BODY FOUND IN had heard say that the body had ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G chandise. Save year time, save year money and save Scardo, was baptized recently, Ed­ TRADITIONAL SITE arisen above the earth, and that he ward and Sophie Lynch were spon­ year disposition. Before our eyes the boards of the had seen it whole, complete and sors. Also baptized were Thomas floor were lifted and the supposed dry; that the sepulchre in which he • TOYS AND CHaDBCN'S GAMES — Military toys, YOU’RE FIGHTING FOR was buried anew was of the usual Jo.seph, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, body of the deceased Fray Juan William N. Lawless, with Cecelia chemical sets, nurses''cuid doctors' cases, Horsman Francisco Padilla was found in the depth which covers a man of aver­ and Edward Geiger as sponsors dolls, dishes, playhouse lurnilute. Patronize These Reliable Service Firms very site where by local tradition age stature. Not hong after this the and Katherine Lynn, infant daugh he was known to have been buried. floor was built. ter of Mr. and Mrs. John C. • SPOBTING GOODS AND EQUIPMENT — For skat* He was above the earth inside Marcelina Lucero de Abeyta 'E A R L J .- Knope, with Tom and Marie Mor­ of a trough or canoe made from a also an Indian of the same village ing. baseball, softball, badm inton, tennis, orche;y,* FLOORS SANDED vood.cottonwohd, covered by a single lid 50 years old more or less, declares row as sponsors. darts and lootball. STROHMINGER made from the same material and that, while she was still a child AND FINISHED the body of the priest rose above • GIFTS rOR SERVICE MEN -w Filled coses, minia­ Qnelitr Materieli and Werkmanablp touching the board of the floor. SI. Joseph’s Guild to Electrical Contracting The dimensions of .said coffin are the earth. ture gomes, billfolds. Llcaneed and Bondad in City o( Denver the following: Length, six feet and Here end the testimonies of'tjie Jahn Floor Sorvieo first and second appearances of Have Heeling Saturday Phene KE. «7M seven inches; width, 17 inches; • GIFTS FOR WOMEN — Sets of dishes. Fire-King 817 14th St. ^TnVjTsw Phone GR. 3240 • Free EtUmale depth, 16 inches. the body of the priest, J. F. Pa­ ovenware, glassware, refrigerator sets, many home dilla, above the surface of the Following arejthe measurements The December meeting of St. conveniences. of the cadaver: Length, five feet; earth. Joseph's guild will be heldIc in the Following is what refers to a length of the only foot found, seven library of St. Francis de Sales’ • SPORTSWEAR FOR MEN AND OLDER BOYS — Bacon & Schramm strange noise which was heard at high school, Denver, Saturday, inches; mea.surement of its hands, Jackets, sweaters. John £. Thompson seven inches. the church the night of Dec, 24, Dec. 2, at 2 p.m. ROOFING 1889, when the Rev. Andres The body was found in a mum­ The hostesses for the social hour Budgeted Paymenfg or ReguJar Charge Account AND tending. The notice further stated mified state, and over his neck a Eschalier was parish priest. are Mrs. F. L. Mulligan, Mrs. C. M. ROOF REPAIRING that Zarlengo has been elected pre­ stole, seemingly of purple, color, STRANGE NOISE HEARD; Butler, and Mrs. R. G. Shilvock. OPBN UNTIL 9 P. M. ^ M .L F «$ I9OIAu I a N0S fect of th6 dental school sodality. and in a well preserved condition ALTAR MOVES Mrs. A. P. McCallin, president, 3230 Walnut St. CH. 6563 foe fall Deloilt $nJ Prices. Thompson, the son of Mr. and The physician, Dr. W. R. Tip- Maria Marcelina Lucero says wishes to remind the members that Mrs. George Thomp.son of Car­ ton, wrote a scientific report re­ that this noise was as of someone this will be the day for the annual ROOF penter, Wyo., was graduated from spectively of the state and con­ kicking on the floor; that the altar pantry shower. Storm Sash Regis college in 1942 with the de­ dition in which the said body was moved and that the Indians, terri­ B. F. GOODRICH Siriei C la te n lte ASPHALT SUUUfleA gree of Bachelor of Science. During found. fied, went out of the church pre­ Catholic Youth Work Snvea Fuel and Glvaa Mora Comfort his years in Regis, he was a mem­ AGED MAN SAW BODY cipitately. 14th at Glenarm 53 So. Broadway Fraa Eatimatca Given AS RISEN FIRST TIME Pablo Abeyta, Indian of the Of Italy Reorganized Q gU ^ . 6 6 5 1 ber of the sodality, the “ R” club, the Chemistry club, Press club, and Diego Abeyta, whose age ap­ same village and about 29 years of Rome.—Prof. Luigi Gedda, pres­ FOR FREE INSPECTION Williams Screen Go. the Brown and Gold staff. In ad­ pears to be 90 years, and who ac­ age, declared that the noise was ident of the youth branch of Cath­ 2111 Arapahoa HA. i7S8 E S I^ R N dition he played intercollegiate cording to his own words was sex­ audible during and while the In­ olic Action in Italy, was received basketball and baseball. In 1944 ton of the parish of San Agustin dians danced in the body of the in audience by Pope Pius XII, to­ church, and that the altar moved for 64 years, says that just prior gether with 70 regional leaders can to the time that the Indians perse visibly. who were in Rome for a three-day cuted the Spaniards (priests) and “ I was,” says Pablo, "at the door conference to reorganize Catholic BUY WAR BONDS during the time that the Rev. San­ of the railing (of the altar) to laj’ activities banned during the chez was priest of the place while prevent the Indians from going in Fascist regime. Catholic youth or­ he was still a youth, the body of to desecrate the sanctuary.” He ganizations, including Boy Scout, AXD STAMPS ROOFING says that several of those present COMPANY the priest. Fray J. F. Padilla, came student, and athletic groups, num­ ★ ou*: of the earth for the first time, went with him to see whether ber half a million members, but the EQUITABLE BLDG. DENVER that it was watched for a whole someone was moving the altar, but membership is rapidly increasing. night before being buried anew. that they had not found anyone. Prof. Gedda told Religious News j O - P O I N I Fathers Pinon, Correa, Cabal­ That the dance began at 8 p.m., Service. “ Our meetings,” he said, Specializing in Quality Plumbing and lero, Valle, and Sanchez watched more or less, /ind that it had taken “ have become more succesesful and buried him. He was buried in place against the authorities and than ever.” .f SIARTIHO POV^ Heating Repairs the usual depth in the place above without the consent of the parish priest. mentioned where we had found the EXPERT body, that is, near the altar to the Having taken these testimonies SLAnERY *& COMPANY side of the Gofpel. He says that with the utmost care that was pos­ AUTO REPAIR the cadaver was complete at that sible, the body was buried anew in '5r-v .r GENERAL All MakM “ ►iUu.ia—----- time. He heard that the body the same coffin. It was placed in eui7 Tlm» Paratnl* ■ATTEBV PLUMBING and HEATING CONTRACTORS the same place where it had lain, 1726 MARKET STREET and in a depth of one foot. On dig­ Northwestern Auto Co. BAHERY CHECKS Seton Guild to Meet ging this tomb, there were found 549 Broadway TAbor 6201 JOHN J, CONNOR, President PHONE KEYSTONE 1441 human bones, a small rosary, and In School on Dec. 7 a bonnet (cap used by the clergy). GENERATOR CHECKS In the coffin was placed a steel YOUR CAR ISN’T GETTING Something NEW in wall coverings The regular meeting of the Seton box containing a piece of paper in ANY YOUNGER. SEE STARTER CHECKS guild will be held on Thursday, which is written a summary of this 6 6 9 9 investigation and signed by each “ Jo e ” YOUNG Vincent D. Zarlengo Dec. 7, in the library of the Sacred Heart school, 28th and Lawrence and every one of those who formed PACKARD SPECIALIST CONGOWALL thia committee. The investigation^ IGNITION CHECKS he was named director of the Re­ streets, Denver. The sisters of the Auto Service Station Thif it a lustroui baked enamel surface in a raised tile design came to p close on the same day, gis college student council, school wil be hostesses. Bannock and Twelfth CH. 8234 on a special flexible, water resistant felt backing. Luncheon will be served at 12:30, the 26th, at noom Zarlengo is the son of Mr. and ^ SPARK PLUGS CHECKHI followed by card games. All friends i Five beautiful colors are now available and can be installed Mrs. Charles Zarlengo, 4204 Knox and members of the guild are in­ over any smooth, firm, dry wail surface. Easily cleaned with a court, Denver. He was graduated damp doth. vited. REAL ESTATE ^ LIGHTS and SWITCHES OffCKB) from Regis high school in 1939 and DODGE-PLYMOUTH Ideal for kitchens or bathrooms and very economical too. For complete the pre-dental course in OWNERS This is no "woter ond hydromater” dieck, |>ermanent, beautiful walls phone Regis in 1942. While at college FDR S A LE SI. Uuis’ PTA Sails J a c k F la v illif S«rvlce Hsr.. mit»: but a complete, scientific inspection by cer­ he was a member of the sodality, For winter protection h*ve Cooling THOMS LIXOLFUM STUDIO, INC. Choral club. Chemistry club, Ski SUPER VALUES FOB YOU! System Checked, Motor Tuned, Cur tified berttery technicians oi every OM el 21 club, and played intramural bas­ War Bonds, Stamps GEORGE RICE. 230 SO. BDWY. Thoroly Lubricated. Work done by 1438 Conn Place IVUin 2288 4 FURNISHED APARTMENTS ketball. Pre-War mechanics. Prices reasonable, points where battery trovble May ftari. tlOZ.SO incomr. Coal furnace ttokar, auto­ Plek-Up and Delivery Service (St. Louii’ Parish, Englewood) matic water heater, all soea for $8,500. Your Purchase of War Bonds Every Tuesday during the sixth One block ca«t South Denver P. O. PE. ^ COME IN NOW FOR YOUR FIRST I 2448. Standard Motor Go. ■Yr ' and Stamps Helps to Secure Your war loan drive members of St. 8-RM. 2-STORY. 2-FAMILY REAL STARTING POWER CHECK-UP; Louis’ PTA are selling stamps and Home plus ineomr, full plumbina, coal fur­ 13th Jk Glenarm CH. 6S9S Future. bonds in front of the J. C. Penney nace; lota; aaraxe: near Alameda and store. Mrs. G. Smilanic and Mrs. Sherman, Price 85.500. Clear. Terma. Pic­ FUEL OIL ture 230 So. Bdwy. J. Crookhara are in charge this ENGLEWOOD 8 BEDROOMS A l l 20 SERVICES * No. 2 Distillate . . . available in week. 8 rooma. lonjr livinit room, oak floora, beau­ Prepare Your Car tiful butidinir. inaulated, weatheratripped. for the low pike of 100-galIon lots . . . delivered The sisters enjoyed a surprise Holland furnace, automatic forced air Thanksgiving fruit shower ■toker. tabic top combination range. 4 for Winter A real “ heat” value Wednesday, Nov. 22. It was spon­ lots, garage, chicken house. lawn, shade, sored by the PTA. fruit: $5,000. Picture here. Rubber Weather Strips, Frott 565 SOUTH LOGAN. FURNISHED Shields. Cler-Vue, Ajax No. 1 DISTILLATE— 5-room red pressed brick, full plumbing, Anti-Freexe. Delivered in 100-Gallon Lots to Oldest Senator Had fireplace, circulating oil heater, gas range. Sleeping porch. Some caah and $15 per mo. JOE KAYANADGH, k c . Your Container, Gallon______B-ROOM BRICK. 3 LOTS, $3,000 8c GALLON Expected to Be Priest Electric range, full basement, coal fur­ Marshall Aato Supply Bathurst, N. B. — The oldest nace, double garage, chicken; near bus and TED MARSHALL 700 LINCOLN TA. 1261 member of the Canadian Senate, school. $1,200 down, balance eesy. PE. 2448. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MEADQUARTiaS FOR THE FAMOUS GENERAL RATHtY DIAMOND GAS & FUEL CO. Onesiphore Turgeon, died in his PICTURES SAVE TIME. TIRES, GAB AUTO SUPPLIES home at 96. As a young man he ll$-37-18 PiffMBUi StrMt 240 West Bayaud SP. 2677 began studies for the priesthood, George Rice, Realtor At ClDvdiad PUc, but was qbliged to discontintia them 230 SO. BROADWAY PHONE TAbor 4434 BUY WAR BONDS FOR VICTORY because oi iU health. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUN. FE. H U Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE SEVEN

British air weapon, is shown in New Mosquito Plane sbt-pounder gun slnng beneath M L the fuselege with a firing rate of one shot per second. Use of the new plane has been effective against Preferred Parish Nazi U*bonts. Gifts for the Trading List sy jT L M p y i III Whole Family MR. AND MRS. SHOPPER The raerehaBt* repreientei) in this section ere boosters. They ere T Also a Complete Line of Christmas Toys— enzious to work with you end ere deserriny of your petronege. Co* operate with them. One of the Best Selections in Denver. (Sacred Heart Parish, Denver) Added to the numerous im provements to the Sacred Heart Good Yarioly of Christmas Cards §t. John's Parish school building is a new system of fluorescent lighting recently in­ Shop Early — Use Our Lay-away P lan stalled in all the classrooms and sixttt AviEWut: : ■ MY LADY EDITH in the auditorium. With this new BEAUTY SHOPPE lighting equipment the classrooms GIFT SHOP are made as bright as day, and it is MRS. IRENE CORRADO ' • MINNIE B. KESSELER. Mer. now much easier for the children Gifts for Baby I RILLING KOOLER WAVE METHOD to concentrate on their studies, INFANTS’ WEAR — TOYS . i ALL BEAUTY CULTURE in their books and at the black 1019 S. Gaylord STATIONERY — JEWELRY < ■ 7S1 E. 6th Art. MA. 9671 • • 2804 E. 6th Ave. EA. 0788 board. On Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, the Sacred Heart PTA council meet­ WESTERN AUTO STORES OLIVER’S ing will be held at 7 o’clock in the lAL’S SH O E school. All the room mothers are E. J. MARTENSEN, Authorized Dealer MARKET urged to be present at this council meeting. Immediately afterward, Store Hours: 9:00«6:00; Saturday, 9:00-9:00 HOSPITAL Grain-Fed Meals at 7:30, there will be a general Under New Fish and Poultry meeting. This is Fathers’ night Management 1.T12 East 6th Ave. and Ro^er Martinez will preside in the chair during the evening. Mrs. LOYOLA PTA MAKES PLANS ALBERT Phone PE. 4629 mmmmmmmmmmm G. A. Schwartz, secretary of the Altar Society to ISCHWINDT. Prop.' Catholic Parent-Teachers’ league, FOR CHILDREN’ S YULE P A R H I Buy WAR BONDS FIRST - then Expert Repairing B EN N ET T S will be the guest speaker. By way Quality Materials of entertainment the seventh and Leather Jackets Relined CONOCO SEBVICE eighth grades will sta^ a basket­ (Loyola Parish, Denver) of the CPTL, was a guest at the Elect Officers ball game. This meeting will tdso Plans for the children’s annual meeting. She congratulated the I Zippers Repaired Washing and Greasing be an occasion for “ open house.” Christmas celebration were made members on their splendid attend Buy Your Holiday 2308 £, Oth A tc« at Joaephint Your Business Apprsclatsd All the fathers and mothers of the at the PTA meeting Tuesday eve­ ance and excellent program. (St. Patrick’s Parish, Denver) 6th Ave. & York EA. 99S2 school children who attend the par ning, Nov. 21. To defray expenses, Those present at the recent This Sunday will be Holy ish school are asked to be present a games party will be held on CPTL meeting were Mmes. R. Communion day for the members and view the classrooms. Imme­ Wednesday night, Dec. 6. The Catlett, G. Mohrbacher, J. Nalty, of the Altar and Rosary society I Wines and Liquors 9:30 A.M. to 7:30 P.M. diately after the meeting refresh­ The December meeting will be OPEN Saturdays— 9:30 A.M. to 9 P.M. committee members appointed are and J. Beischman. ments will be served. Mmes. R. Catlett, G. Mohrbacher, Soldier Back From Campaigns held on next Tuesday afternoon, WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE Patronize Your Neighborhood Liquor Store The list of names of service men D. Patterson, and E. Wollenhaput Sgt. Frank A. Cazin, son of Mrs. Dec. 5, in the lunchroom of the school. Election of officers for DowTitown Prices and women on the parish honor The sisters are planning an un­ Ella A. Cazin, 2150 Lafayette »• We Carry All Popular Brands of BOTTLE OR CASE roll is beinp revised. All parish­ usual Christmas program. The street, has returned to the States the ensuing year will be held at ioners having members of the committee in charge of the chil­ after 34 months’ service in the this meeting. S WHISKIES and WINES family in the service are re­ dren’s treat includes: Mmes. J. South Pacific, where he partici “ Fun-Nite,” which is being I RUMS - SIRS - BRANDIES - CORDIALS 6th AVE. LIQUORS quested to Iqave their names at Beckman, H. Hunt, J. Nalty, and pated in the New Guinea cam sponsored by the Senior choir, the rectory as soon as possible. C. Williams. The date, tentatively paigns. He enlisted on Jan. 26, will be held in the auditorium on 6th & Columbine > EA. 5575 Parishioners are reminded that set, will be 'Tuesday night, Dec. 19. 1942, left for overseas on Feb. 18, Tuesday evening, Dec. 6. The en­ I ALL POPULAR BEERS the games parties are being re­ The sisters wish to thank all 1942. tertainment will include a num­ sumed tonight at 8:16 o’clock in who donated to the pantry shower ber of variety acts, a one-act play, Buy Here in Confidence — Our Prices Are the school hall. given at the Nov. 21 meeting. 185 at Fathets' Club and will also feature the first ap­ ^ Always Right This Sunday is Communion day Those in charge were Mmes. G. Card Party pearance of the “ Swingettes,” an for the boys’ and girls’ school Mohrbacher, R. Catlett, J. Huett, Approximately 185 people at­ all-girl orchestra. Following the sodality in the 9 o’clock Mass. W. May, and M. Valley. tended the card party s^nsored by show there will be a social hour. I Victory Liquor Store The sale of stamps and bonds the Loyola Fathers’ club on the Free coffee will b„e served to each person buying a “ piece of home­ is increasing each week, accord­ evening of Nov. 18. The complete S LOUIS MUTO, Prop. (Member St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish) ing to a report read by Mrs. Wil­ success of the party has spurred made pie at the nominal price of Business Women liam May, war work chairman. To the fathers on to plans for bigger 10 cents. The choir of the pariah •I 30 BROADWAY SP. 5753 date the amount sold is 3414. and better parties in the future. has for several years rendered The grand prize, a 10-pound tur­ faithful service under the direc Mrs. C. Williams reported a tie tion of Roger Seick and deserves Fill Cookie Jar at for second place in the member­ key, was won by D. Serafin, 1763 Gaylord. The special prize of Ma­ the unqualified support of each A Beautiful Stock of St. Francis de Sales' ship drive between the seventh and parishioner in this enterprise, the third grades. It was decided to deira pillow slips donated by Mrs. USO-NCCS Club F. L. Caldwell was won by Mrs. first sponsored by it. Admission FURS for Christmas award duplicate prizes. The eighth will be 50 cents for adults and 25 grade won first place with a 100- G. A. Mohrbacher. Other prizes Permanent Waving Business women and war work­ were won by*James Bramer, Mari­ cents for children, which includes W. BRUCE CALLBECK per-cent enrollment. VET OF WORLD WAR NO. 2 and Hair Strliniya Sptelaltj ers burned midnight oil Thanks­ lyn Ann Hamilton, Agnes Kava- federal tax. f m r r m m EXPERIENCED giving week in helping to keep the The attendance prize was won naugh, Ben Riepe, Pat Mulligan, The Senior Young Ladies’ so­ Invites Your Patronage Forget-Me-Not; OPERATORS by the fifth grade. cookie jar filled at the USO-NCCS Elizabeth Balfe, Lt. Paul R. Bell, dality will hold a meeting on Fri­ KE. 4 5 7 6 COLFAX AT WA«HINaTOM DRESSES AND club, 1575 Grant street, Denver. Special prizes donated by Mmes. J. P. Moran, Ed Wollenhaubt, H. day evening, preparatory to hold­ Flower Shop LINGERIE Representatives of six divisions of R. Hilbert, William May, G. L. Gordon, Mrs. Agnes Cotter, ing solemn reception of new The House of Beauty Studio the Denver Parish Sodality union, Mohrbacher, and W. Sullivan were Mrs. A. Joyce, Frances Burke, Lil­ members, which will take place at St. Philomena's Beautiful Cut SOS 80. BDWY. PE. J787 St. Patrick’s, Loyola, St. Francis awarded to Mmes. E. Frei, J. lian Welsh, Mrs. G.. A, Mohrbacher, a ceremony scheduled for the de Sales’, Cathedral, St. Cather­ Nalty, Sr.; and M. Valley, Miss Marie Seamen, W. J. Epping, C. G. evening of Dec. 8. Four young Flowers and ine’s, and St. Dominic’s, made Marilyn Valley, and M. J, Conway, Petri, Mrs. William Sullivan, John women served at the USO check Pat J . & L Radio Service Potted Plants HAROLD’S cookies from a variety of recipes, William May, and J. Nalty. R. Naltv, Mrs. Bess Koogle, Mrs. stand on Sunday evening. They KEM-TONE $3.18 CaL Members on the sick call com­ are Misses Mabel Boggio, Rose­ Paneral Work SHOE REPAIRING as did representatives from the J. J. Kelly, Josephine Vitry, Fran­ TRIMZ Electrical Appliances Queen’s Daughters and Our Lady mittee are Mmes. J. J. Burke, ces Herb, Mrs. Amelia Desmond, mary Colosacco, Louise Pedot, and Artioticftlly Arranged FIRST CLASS WORK READT-PASTED WALLPAPER Repaired ONLY BEST MATERIALS of the Rosary circle of the Arch­ William J. Burke, and G. Mohr­ W, R. Geltoz, Frank Egan, W. J. Louise Zanon. Generous contribu­ 3205 E. Colfax EM. 6063 Phone RA. 1818 1-DAY SERVICE bishop’s guild. bacher. May, W. Beckins, Mrs. Frank tions of cookies to the cookie jar ANDERSON RROS. 310 So. Broadway RA, 3281 at the USO were made by the Will Buy Your Old Radio. Downing at Alameda A treat of jellies and jams was The entertainment was under Egan, Mrs. J. Fitzpatrick, Morine Colfax and joaephint EA. (I4S PICK-UP AND DELIVERY provided by Mrs. Ted Brunsman the direction of Mrs. J. Nalty, pro­ Haskins, Mrs. Frank Honeyman, various members of the sodality of St. Philomena’s parish to guests gram chairman. Attractive pro­ Marjorie Epping, Lillian M. Gor­ in the past week. from the armed forces who had grams, bearing the Loyola banner man, Mr. an(l Mrs. D, McCoy, Mrs. The Rev. Theodore Haas bap Marlon Radio Sorvice Gut Rate Liquors Thanksgiving breakfast at the and colors, were distributed. Color J. Rusche, B. J. Murphy, Frances tized Cecil Charles, son of Mr. CARL’S MARKET Koneemy, Hody Heagney, D. Hart­ and Mrs. Paul Worfel, sponsors, PHIL SILVETTI, Prop. club. guards present at the pledge of al­ JOE BOWER, Prop, legiance included Marilyn Valley, man, and Miss Mary McQuaid. Marie Polichio and Robert De We Buy, RIJY WAR RONDS Fine Wines and Liquors The sixth grade of Annuncia­ Crecentis; a n d Susan Rose, * BABY BEEF tion school, under the direction of Girl Scout troop No. 36; John First Friday, Dec. 1 Sell, Trade, AND STAMPS at Lowest Prices. Heiney, Boy Scout troop No. 116; Friday, the first Friday of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Quality Meats Sister Alice Therese, contributed Frushour, sponsors, Pearl ‘■Reis- All Popular Beers 44 dozen cookies in the week. and Bernard Hammons, Cub Scout month, the children will receive Repair. GROCERIES — VEGETABLES bach and David Frushour. ★ 482 So. Bdwy. PE. 8501 Tekakwitha circle of S t James’ troop No. 116, den 1. Communion. Breakfast will be 105 So. Ogden PE. 1943 The Mother’s club and Sisters of EM. 5936 2827 E. COLFAX parish, under the leadership of A cleverly arranged skit was served in the school cafteria. presented by Loyola Cub Scout The men’s pinochle club met in St. Joseph wish to express their Mrs. Mrs. D. L. Murphy, donated gratitude for the generous re­ 26 dozen cookies. pack No. 116, under the direction the home of Gus Kuchoff. Prizes BROADWAY of Frank Heisel, cubmaster. for the evening went to Jim Walsh, sponse of the parish to the pantry Tooley’s Liberal donations were received shower sponsored by the club for Something to Crow About from St. Elizabeth’s, Cathedral, In a talk on “ Fire Prevention,” James , and Ed Groom. The Capt, T. J. Nalty of the Denver eighth grade of Loyola school en­ the sisters in Thanksgiving week, CREAMERY St. Catherine’s, Blessed Sacra­ week. Food Store ment, and St. Philomena’s parish­ Fire department stressed the dan­ tertained mothers and fathers at a FRIED CHICKEN DINNER QUALITY DAIRY FOODS ioners. gers of cleaning with gasoline. social Monday evening in the The card circle, sponsored by CHOICE MEATS - FISH school hall. Tables were decorated Mrs. D. R. Lucy, met on Tuesday 66 So. Broadway GROCERIES With attend an ce mounting Elmer Grant sang, accompanied weekly at the club, an appeal is by Mrs. Grant. in the Thanksgiving colors. Pro­ evening in the home of Mrs. S. F. SERVED DAILY Freih Fruits and Vegetables Mrs. T. J. Morrissey, president grams and prizes were made by the Chiolero. made to organizations, groups, EXCEPT THURSDAY. WHEN CLOSED JACKSON’S Bird's Eye Frozen Foods larishes, and individuals to help pupils. A prize waltz was won by :eep the cookje jar well filled. Mary Weber and Jane Beckman. YOUR PATRONAGE Many other prizes were given. Mrs. Cut Rate Drugs APPRECIATED . UNIVIS BIFOCALS Your Purchase of war Bonds W. L. Zint, athletic director, was CARL’S ST. PAUL CAFE Liquors • Sundries Yule Party to Be presented with a decorated cake For Greater Gjmfort, 900 So. Pearl SP. 6587 and Stamps Helps to Secure Your Prescriptions wwv • Future, baked by Mrs. Fiori. Honored Better Vision 3109 E. COLFAX Free Prompt Delivery guests were Fathers Murphy and Fitzsimmons. “ Jonip'' and dlitortion ars tiiminatad Call 8P. 3445 Downing and Alamoda In thaa*. tha flnatl bifotala moacr can JOE'S Held by Society Marine L t James Maguire is on buy. GEO. leave from the Solomon islands. He Your Favorite JOYCE CLEANEHS SKELLY SERVICE is the brother of Walter Maguire. Open 9:00 to 5:30 Daily (Holy Family Parith, Denver) Second Lt. Bill Crowley is home 9:00 to 1:00 Saturdays Negative Will •MASTER JOHN NILSON - ALBERT WILSON Jot Farrtnkopf (St IdMiU' Parith) The members of' the Altar and visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. GREASING - w a s h in g - BATTERY Rosary 'society will receive Com­ Quality and Service RECHARGING - TIRE RECAPPING Harry Crowley, 3037 Josephine, Make Ideal o p t o m f ;t r i s t 795 Broadway CH. 9420 munion in a body in the 7:30 Mass from Fort Leonard Wood, Mo. On That Satisfies Sunday, Dec. 3. The monthly 3 Broadwav YOUR BUSINESS APPRECIATED his return he will be at the replace­ Christinas Cards meeting of the society will be held 1306 So. Pearl SP. 3662 ment pool, Fort Sill, Okla. PRICED RIGHT Thursday, Dec. 7, at 1:30 p.m. in Quartermaster Joe B. Swazoe of — Hurry! 10 MONTHS the school hall. Following this the merchant marine is visiting t meeting, the Christmas party will EARLY PHARMACY FURS TO PAY his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Boniface Selected stock of Photo Buchanan's be held. Hostesses will' be Mmes. Swazoe. He has bedn overseas. Complete I’rescriplion Dept. Expert Restyling, Repairing Kriley, Heiderstadt, Fallico, Koer- Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Valley have OPTICIAN Supplies HAVE YOUR DOCTOR PHONE Cafe & Cocktail Lounge ber, Minge, King, and C. B. Wil­ received word their son, Richard US YOUR PRESCRIPTION Serving Fine Food Deluxe Cleaning son, who are the present officers. Valley, has landed in the States Our Pricea Save You Money Evcrrthmi • Good Dmz Stor. Shonld H.«r and Mixed Drinks “ Breakfast at Sardi’s” will be from Guadalcanal. WATCHES Denver Fete Shop featured in the school hall Sunday, Fifleen-Fourteen E. Colfax I'hnnes S!’ . 9963 - R \. 220.3 369 .South Broadway Mrs. James Bible, president of DIAMONDS ALAMEDA AT SO. PENN Dec. 3, at 9:30 a.m. by the PTA. the Altar and Rosary sodality, has A large attendance is anticipateii. asked for volunteers to help clean St. Ann’s circle met Thursday BEAUTIFUL ROSARIES TM FORTY-SEVEN the altar for the Christmas holi­ GOLD CROSSES TEL. ■ FORTY-EIGHT for a luncheon in the home of Mrs. days. Those wishing to help may R o I t F a m i l y Henry Heinz. call Mrs. J, Bible, CHerry, 2121, or PTA Holds Meeting Mrs. Emil Frei, 6644. The monthly meeting of the IVAN E. PTA was held Monday evening. Bleisised Sacrament Christmas Headquarters SHOP NOW FOR CHRISTMAS Your Purchase of War Bonds TOYS — GAMES The entertainment was provided by the fifth grade. Christmas and Slamps Helps to Secure Your for Gifts for the Home DOLLS — TEDDY BEARS Phone CH. 1901 Future. SUNDMAN parties for the grade and high TONY’ S FIVE David F. Finnigan NORTH DEIVYER .NOVELTY GIFTS 1510 California S t school students were planned. Mrs. Watchmaker and Jeweler STAR SERVICE Dan Bradley was appointed chair­ AUTOMOBILE SALES FCRXITCRE CO. Clark’s Hardware man. 59 S. Broadway 2800 and SERVICE 3936 Tennyaon GU 7337 4034 TENNYSON PHONE TA. 1*11 Ben Lombard of the coast guard ATTENTION! PHONE Colorado and Mrs. Lombard, the former EM. 9933 1475 Jasmine Sl Ph. EA. 0803 Van Dyke Florine Krisl, are visiting their Enlisted Men Bird. FORMERLY SMITH GARAGE Portraits parents, Ben Lombard, Sr., and © Nov. and Dec. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Krisl. PIANOS iSt. Joweph'iAi Pariivh Why wait from thraa daya to one week • WANTED • TUNED Houn: 19:30 a.ni. Jim Conboy of the army visited for your TalloriaxT We will fit your BRANDT DRUG C O .- E A . 1823 to 5:30 p.m. at the school while on furlough. Blouae, Shirt or Slacke while you wait • SOLD • REPAIRED SOS SEVENTEENTH ST. Cherroni, ISc: Inaixoia, ISe: Braid. 2200 KEARNEY FORMERLY LAWSON Lt. Robert Hoag of the air ISc, if fumiahed; aewed on WHIL.E ARNOLD WADE “ Four Neighbor Knows Vs** General Pharmacy William McLInden forces is home on leave visiting YOU WATT. Sbirta cut down, 76e: 425 14th St. TA. 3805 his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Panta ahortened, SOc; made amaller in Aeroas From Denvtr General Hoapital 'Driv.-Wzri Built and Repaired Hoag. waiat. SOc; Blnuaea prcaaed. 25c and SAVE TIRES—BUY AT OLSON’S A complete atock of wlial a TOP SOIL. SAND. GRAVEL LESTER’S Panta prcaaed, 2Se, dona WHILE YOU DRIVE IN AND CINDERS Leo Carrico is recovering satis­ WAIT. Enlifted Men, Battle Jaekete m i«G C IR E ~ TO ERVIN eood drug Ktore should have. FERTILIZER factorily in St Anthony’s hospital. madt to order. Take a tip from Ben, on WATCH REPAIRS your day off brinx your nniforma—we REGISTERED PHARMACISTS 55S Vallejo S t Phone TA. 1405 The supper served by the \par- TO SERVE YOU 7-DAY SERVICE do your work WHILE YOU WAIT. Moving - Storage 0L S 0N ’S>’°*» Glencoe Conoco Service GENERAL HAULING ish in the USO-NCCS club last WASHING ■ GREASING - ACCES- ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE Sunday night was a success. Express 2750 W. 29th GL 3613 80BIE8 • USE 8EBV1CX Neighborhood Joe Murray of the navy is visit­ Giancoa at East Colfax EA. K77 1529 Weiion CHerry 2447 PUBLIC TAILORS Lout Rates The firms listed here de­ ing his parents while nome on 5(11 B. Colfax EM. 1731 8 s.m. to 8 p.aa. Daily. Clatad Wad. Conveniences leave. KE. 6425 2149 Welton St. 363. E. 6Ui EA. IS.l MONEY ORDERS ANY HOUR serve to be remembered AND GLEANERS PAY GAS dk LIGHT BILLS HERE FOR FIRST CLASS SERVICE Flowers Wired Anywhtr* when you are distributing St. Joseph’s Parish 531 Fifteenth Street Phone EU. eisi W. 6lhand TA Qlfti §t. Dominic's and WORKMANSHIP I H i O l O I your patronage in the dif­ (POLISH) Phone TAbor 9071 Loyola Cherokee CALL THE OHGHID SHOP ferent lines of business. GRAVE BLANKETS Between Wetton and Glanarm 4fz8t Inchra OPEN EVENINGS TO 3 P.M. SAVE TIRES — TRADE AT HOME HESSLER, CLEANERS “Flowers of Distinction” Triple Painted, Extra Heary...... S4.00 Westerkamp Bros. SUNDAYS FHOM t TO I PHONE EAst 9525 1528 COLORADO BLVD. Placed ...... as.OO Roeky Fiori Evelyn Woodman Decarallone______tl.O O and np 4600 EAST COLFAX FUNERAL SPRAYS OUR 8PECULTT KE. 9043 5106 Wash. Beartreen Painted WrMtlu, Baenlifnt Appreclatea CathoUe Patronas* Decsratleni______TSc and $ 1 .0 0 Each CLEANING & PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS EVERYTHING A GOOD GROCERY Roeky’s Pharmacy SHOULD HAVE Chrlatnaa Wraatha..... SOc and TBc Bacb SliTtr Croaata ...... $ 1 .00 PRESSING 17th a Race EA. 9867 BEST POODS AT LOWEST PRICER ORDER EARLY THEY ARE RELIABLE —W l DBUVBR— LIBBE FLOWER SHOP ONE-DAY ^RVICE PRESCRIPTIONS LIQUORS ST. FRANCIS’ HOMECOMING IS IM i W. 32»d Atc. CsJl GL. 0133 AU Been Th« B«rt to St. Clara’s Aid Will Tokyo Was the Target for These USED ARCHBISHOP’S GUILD COUNCIL FURNITURE from Saipan in the Mariana iilands. The raid on the Japanese homeland was led by 38-year»old Brig. HANSEN A HANSEN Meet al Oriilianage Geno Emmett “ Rosie^* O^Donnel (right) of Jamaica. N- Y„ former West Point football coach. ALSO KEW TO PLAN HOLIDAY MEETING JEWELERS c c Caili n Cndlt The December card party and 1628 17th St. A FULL LINE dessert-luncheon of St. Clara’s Aid OF OFFICE will be held at the orphanage in Plans for the Archbishop’s Those attending the council meet­ ONE STORE ONLY Denver on Wednesday, Dec. 6, at E . L I « « " ^ FUBNITCBE guild’s annual Christmas meeting ing besides the hostesses will be 1 p.m. Hostesses will be Mrs. l^s- W t bur TAir hoBMhoId u d sSlc« fonU* will be formulated by the council on Mmes. Margaret Volk, Mary Kin- anna Hebert, Mrs, Elisabeth ten far CASH, or axehanst Um b for Fridayj Dec. 1, when the group kel, Marion Kelly, Betty Ryan, and Store COAL Now anytUat in stock. Jacques, and Mrs. William E. meets in the home of Mrs. Helen Margaret McCallin; Misses Mary IPe Recommend Wa nnt FoUlag Chairs, Card and Ban* Hohenberg. Wehrle, 3141 W. Denver place. The qnct Tabla, Dishsss, Sllverwara. any Nadorff, Hazel Snow, Jessie Pas- Columbine and Induftrial thing in s U ^ co-hostesses for the evening will q^uale, Catharine Maioney, Clella HAVE YOXm FDHNACE PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 Bishop Urges No Mob be Margaret Lynch and Josephine Carter, Catherine Mall, Mary E. VACUUM CLEANED OPEN FROM t A.H. to • P.H. Hytrek, of the executive commit­ Eisenman, Virginia Vaughan, Action Against Traitors tee. Besides a resume of the work Helen Flynn, Isabelle McNamara, SUPHEME accomplished by the various com­ Madelyn Nalty, Kathryn Glore; Washington, D. C.— Punishment mittees so far this year, each chair­ and the Rev. Gregory Smith, spir­ COAL CO. of collaborators should be left “ in man will propose new projects for itual director of the Archbishop’s PE. 4679 1144 So. Penn. GRAVE the months ahead. guild. the hands of the lawful authori­ It is hoped that all outstanding ties,” the Most Rev. Willem P, A. *1111 ♦ ♦ M |i 111 >»»>♦♦»»»»»»»»»»»» II returns on the guild’s recent bene­ BLA]VKETS M, Mutsaerts, Bishop of Hertogen- I fit will be turned over to the ways bosch, Holland, declared in a letter and means chairman before the Barnard Portrait Studio Sprayed or Plain read over the Dutch radio. Text council meeting so that a detailed 2555 W. 29th — Block East Speer — GR. 0778 of the letter was made available DECORATED WREATHS report can be given at the general hero by the Office of War Informa­ GROUPS WEDDINGS AND CROSSES tion. meeting on Thftrsday,, Dec. 14, in Fransalian hall. Another plea from WILL DEUVEE TO YOUB HOME “ Our bearing during the occu­ the linen committee has gone out Children’s Photographs Our Specialty! Order now for future delivery, pation was high spirited; our be­ to all circle presidents to turn in all havior must also be dignified after finished pieces of linen so that they North Denver’s Only TA. 89 67 liberation,” the Bishop said. “ A can be displayed at the Christmas feeling of vengeance and hatred Modern Formerl7 at W. 44tfa & Harlan meeting and then boxed for ship­ may be understandable, but we ment to missionaries and chaplains PORTRAIT STUDIO have not learned that from Christ Jew Repays Catholics’ in the archdiocese in need of them The business of punishment we Kindness Paid to Jew at this time. Lewis and Henry Barnard Navajo Radio Service must leave in the hands of the. law­ Champ Seal Sellers to Get Besides this missionary work, 3647 Navajo Street ful authorities. As far as we are the organization, which has a mem­ .... / y ra w fly Willmmi. S t concerned, we must follow the ex­ New York.—How the kindness of 11111 » » i M I Export Scrvico on all makes of Radios, bership of 250 Catholic women, fol­ ElectrleaJ Appliances and Sound Systems ample of Christ, and love our en­ Vacation at Famed Camps an Italian Catholic woman and her lows an extensive social service Pick-np and Delivery emies and pray for them. The beau­ husband in aiding Dr. Maurijio program, aiding both the needy of tiful freedom and joy of children Thomas Farrell Feola — Technician Ascoli, a leading Jewish scientist, Denver and the men and women of Phone GS. 4765 of God has nothing to do with das­ by hiding him in their home during the armed forces through USD tardly actions.” Never before in the history of doubled. Last year’s contest di­ LOOP MARKET the Holy Childhood Christmas Seal the Fascist persecution, was repaid activities. rectors feel that- this year’s con­ FIFTEENTH AND LAWRENCE contest has such an elaborate dis­ by a U. S. Jewish medical officer Free Parking With Parchate of SOc or More at 1429 Lawrence play of prizes been offered. Seal test will meet with equally gratify­ in saving the life of their son, is HAVE YOU sellers are showing particular in­ ing success. Early reports tend to related in a letter made public by MODERNIZED YOUR confirm this hope. the National Je-wish Welfare board. 1 V terest this year in the first prize INSURANCE? of the contest, a week’s vacation Beginning Dec.-' 1 announce­ The letter, from Mrs. Josephine " f 1 .4 kC SHOP EARLY next summer with all expenses ments advertising the,-contest will Leone, of Palermo, Sicily, wife of Protect yourself against new IHHEDUTE SERVICE be heard over station KOA. Fea­ paid at a beautiful camp in the an Italian surgeon, relates how haxards. Men’., Wom.n't and Childrcn’i mountains. tured in the recorded announce­ Capt Walter Speiser, son of Mr. HORACE W. BENNETT Half Soln Sweaters The boy selling the most seals ments will be members of the and Mrs. Irving T. Speiser, a Jew­ All Work Goarantecd Falsa Bardoni choir of S t Thomas’ & Co. f ONE STORE ONLY in the contest will be sent to the ish couple of Kingston, N. Y., de­ t li Tabor Bldg. Phont TA. »T1 LOOP SHOE REPAIR SHOP seminary under the direction of IN IHE loop PUBLIC MARKEI-IStt-GlAWRINCf Skirts renowned Camp St. Malo, “ a real voted himtelf to the care of their FRANK ENGLAND. Jr.. Managar the Rev. T. J. Barrett, C.M. LOOP MARKET boys’ camp for real boys,” which son, who was critically ill. Intaranc* Department Slacks • is under the personal supervision Use Our of the Rt. Rev. Joseph J. Bosetti, Layaway Plan V.G. Occupying 160 acres of out­ Blouses door playland, the camp is situated in the very heart of the famous Panties glaciers, lakes, and peaks o f the Rocky Mountains. There, for a Hosiery week never to be forgotten, the winning contestant will enjoy all Dresses the facilities of the finest boy’s camp in the Rocky Mountain re­ gion. He will sleep in a modern % Quilted Robes dormitory and have use of the camp’s wonderful recreation hall, Velvet Pajamas swimming pool, tennis court, play­ ground, work shop, and chapel, A Velvet Robes similar outing awaits the winning girl of the contest. She will spend Jewelry a full week at the Catholic Daugh ters’ camp located near Neder- lands. Both camps offer horseback Scarfs riding, mountain climbing, and all the other adventures of camp life. Purses On Monday, Nov, 20, semi­ narians visited St. Francis de Sales’ school. Cathedral, St. Cath­ Unique Dress Shop erine’s, Presentation, and St, Dominic’s. The following day OPEN EVENINGS Christmas seal rallies were held at ISOS E. Colftx ct Humboldt KE. 4 6 6 7 St. John’s, St. Philomena’s, St. Elizabeth’s, Loyola, and Blessed Sacrament. The third day saw visits made to four Denver schools in addition to St. Mary’s, and Corpus Christi in Colorado Springs. The four Denver schools were Annunciation, St. Patrick’s, Holy Family, and Sacred Heart This week the remainder of the schools in the Denver area were visited on Wednesday. Twenty-three years ago this month the first Christmas Seal con­ test in Colorado was held. In its first year the contest netted about $25. In 1922 the Denver paro chial schools participating in the contest realized $150. The first state-wide contest was held the following year. A sum of $250 was returned. The 1923 winner was St. Patrick’s of Denver. The $1,000 mark was passed in 1924 and 10 years later the sum was ‘Secret Pal’ Party Planned by Club

(Preientation Parish, Denver) The Needlework club will hold its annual “ secret pal” party the Jiome of Mrs. R. L. Newcomb, 204 S. Irving, on Thursday, Dec. 7. A pot-luck luncheon will be served at noon, and Christmas gifts -will be exchanged with secret pals. The regular meeting of the Altar and Rosary society will be held at 1 o’clock. Plans for the Christmas season -will be completed. Will Receive The members of the Altar and Rosary society will receive Holy Communion in a group in the 8 o’clock Mass this Sunday. The Presentation Parish guild will meet in the school Tuesday evening, Dec. 5, at 8 o’clock. Confessions will be heard from 3:30 to 5 o’clock and beginning again at 7 o’clock on Thursday, Holy Communion will be distrib­ uted at 7 o’clock and in the 8 o’clock Mass this Friday. The fifth and sixth grade pupils are contributing cookies to the USO-NCCS this week. The third and fourth grades will send cookies next week. Clara Longiield It Wed Leonard F. Koldeway of Little­ ton. andXlara H. Lon^ield of 221 S. Hazel court were married Tues' day, Nov, 14, before the Rev. Ma­ thias Blenkush. The bride wore a white satin go-wn^with a long train, and finger-tip veil. She carried a bou­ quet of calla lilies and gold and white chrysanthemums. She was given in marriage by her father and her sister, Gertrude, was maid of honor. The bridesmaids were Agnes Atkinson and Mary Maho ney. The. bride’s niece, Dolores Longfield, was the ring-bearer. Arthur Koldeway, the bride groom’s brother, was best man The ushers were Roy Banner and Al Longffield, the bride’s brother, Thirty-five guests attended the wedding breakfast in the home of the bride’s parents. A reception was held in the evening. The Thimble club will meet Wednesday, Dec. 6, at 1 p.m., in the home of Mrs. Peter Eckler, 954 Quitman. All members are urged Ito attend. Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE NINE 28 Catholic High Piayers Win Aii-Star Eieven Mention

Once Again Those M ig h t y Bulldogs championship performance St. Joseph Buiidogs Lead gridiron. Here are the first string stalwarts, who made the feat ST. JO i'S GRID possible, .with the assistance of a wonderful group of second stringers and scrubs, whose daily altepdanee at practice was the big item in molding the smooth-working first eleven. The team (standing left to right) indudea Gaude Crebcer,-Mario Cdaizzi, Hal Pfeifer, Buddy Hoelsken, Johnny Duf* List With Seven Selected licy, and Coach Reed; and line (left to right) Pete Mattei, Danny McNellis, Don Milner, Rudy Cain, Johnny McNally, Wally.Uuistrom, and Pat Cotton. TEIM IS GIIEII As Candidates for Honors F Rtgis^laees Six Names an Rail; St. Francis’ The boys of St. John’s football Fiva; Every High Sbhael Has at Least team were honored at the annual banquet and presentation of letters One Gbesen for Squad Tuesday evening, Nov. 28. Every member of the squad was accom­ By Phil Hewitt panied at the dinner by his father One of the most difficult jobs of the football season or older brother. The featured for one who is writing stories of the games and the players speaker was Lt. Col. Howard (Bill) Reed, coach of the championship is that of selecting an All-Star team. Some boys are bound St. Joseph’s team of the Catholic to be slighted, and through no fault in their quality of play. High School league. Other guests TTierc seldom is a time when one player is so outstanding at the turkey dinner, served by that he overshadows all others. mothers and sisters of the boys on Sometimes, a player who stands an anchor—the center. There were team, included Coach Pat PanekPathe out occupies the spotlight only be­ two exceptional centers in the of East Denver high school; Dr. cause of the efforts and co-opera­ league, Rudy Cain of the Bulldogs George Mallett, traditional toast­ tion of his teammates—especially and Bill Coggins of the Regis master fdr the annual affair; Dpn in the case of a flashy back, whose Reds, with a third very close to Milner, star guard on the St. Jos­ runs were made possible by the them, Rollie Donovan of St. Fran­ eph’s BuUddgs, who won last Sun­ blocking of another back, who is cis’ Gremlins. day’s title game by blocking a punt equally important to his team. Along side the centers were four scooping- it ^ to run for a touch-. For that reason we do not care men of better than ordinary qual­ down; Bob Frederic, alumnus and to try to select 11 men from the ity in the guard positions—Fisher former member of S t John’s team, 140 to 160 who composed the squ^s of Mullen high, Watson of Regis, who this year was chosen as All- of the Denver Catholic High Robinson of Annunciation, and City center from East high of the School league. It is hard enough to Feeley of St. Francis’. The four City high school league; and the select a number who should be coii- best tackles in the league included priests of the parish, the Rev. John aidered for those 11 mythical posi­ Milner of St. Joseph’s, Nickless of P. Moran, pastor; the Rev. Francie tions. We will attempt that, and Regis, Bours of Regis, and Joe Syrianey, and the Rev. Roy Figlino. if we leave off some lad, whose Sanzalone of Holy Family high. Boys who were awarded letter! name should have been mentioned, Jim Riley of St. Francis’ could included James Flanagan, captain; we apologize in advance. very easily be included in the Paul Plym, Albert Hinterreiter, Hugh Hinterreiter, Donald Short, Backfield If Problem bunch. Bulldogs Take High School Grid Title Thomas Earley, Leonard Carlin, The backfield presents the big­ There was a dearth of good ends Paul Toner, Joseph Albi, Jack Orr, gest problem in the league, for in the leame this season, with Martin Connolly, Charles O’Fallon, reasons we mentioned before. There only two who were tops both of­ and Thomas Hofrigan, manager. were, however, at least six boys fensively and defensively—Schultz ALUMNI FETE TEAM AT DINNER ST. CLARA’S ORPHANAGE TEAM Col. Reed gave an inspiring and whose work stood out from the of Rekis and Abeyta of St. .Jos Catholic High entertaining talk to the boys and viewpoint of the spectator, and al­ eph’s. Cotton of St. Joseph’s was their dads, and the evening was most an equal number whose a good offensive end, but a bit weak IN PARISH CHURCH BASEMENT WINS STATE JUNIOR PENNANT closed with motion pictures of pub­ work was considered valuable and on the defense. Dwyer of St. lic high school games shown by necessary by the coaches. Francis’ was strong on the defense, Standing Coach Panek of East. but fell a bit short on the offense. The St. Joseph Bulldogs are the the successful season of the Bull­ The S t Clara orphanage foot­ services of Joe Yoliff, former Among the standouts of course 1944 football champions of the Members of the squad presented Dunnebeck pf the Mullen Mustangs dogs. Hal was taken to the Mercy ball team is the champion Junior Regis college player, who did a we find the point makers. These in­ Denver Catholic High School gifts to their coach, Father Figlino, was good on defense and offense, hospital after the game where an clude two backs from the cham­ league! Anything else that could x-ray revealed he had suffered a Team W. L. Pet. Parochial eleven of Colorado by splendid job with the Northside and to the other priests of and had he been on a stronger boys. pionship Bulldogs, Johnny Dufficy be written about the season jUst broken tibia bone In his leg. St. Jetsph’s ...... 6 0 1.000 virtue of having defeated a fight­ parish. and Hal Pfeifer, two of the best club possibly would have shown Regia...... 5 1 .833 finish^ would merely be anti- Final Score It 6-2 ing, but inexperienced squad, backs the league has had since the just as well as Schultz and Abeyta. St. Prancia ...... 3H .583 Well, there you have them, and climairto the fans in St. Joseph’s The final score of the game-^ from the Pueblo Cathedral grade days of another great St. Joseph's parish. Sunday night, Nov. 26, in Annunciation again we apologize to any boys played against the defending boy, Paul Vinnola. Included with the basement of the Redemptoriat High ...... 2H 3M .417 school Tuesday, Nov. 28, in the whose names we have left off league champions, the Regis Reds them in the first squad candidates church at Sixth avenue and Gala- — was 6-2, and all the points were Holy Family Reg;is stadium, 31-6. nmusEmEiiTS—DininG should be Donald Brown of Refps, through error or mistaken judg­ pago street, former pastors and High ...... 2 4 .333 Main of St. Clara’s was the out­ ment. In our books you all are Au- made by the Bulldogs. The two Bobby Garland of St. Francis’, priests currently serving the par­ on the Regis side of the ledger Mullen High .... 2 4 .333 standing player of the afternoon, Tony DeLorenzo of Annunciation, Star if you were out for practice on scoring two touchdowns and lead­ ish and alumni of the St. Joseph were accounted for by a fine oit Cathedral High 0 6 .000 and Bob Bums of Mullen high. time each day and never shirked ing in ground gaining for his team. RECRERTIOn high school gathered at the finale a duty, no matter whether you of headwork on the part o f the There you have the boys who to the golden jubilee celebration victors. The field was snow-cov­ Gusman played a good game at caught the fans' eyes every time were on the first team or the of the coming of the Redemptorist end for the orphanage team, apd scrubs. ered and slippery. The Reds had they played. Fathers to St.' Joseph’s. There carried the ball to St. Joseph’s Hartford, triple threat back, kept THE DIPPER Next we will consider some of was only one topic stressed by the one-yard line, where theV lost it 16,000 Fans See the Pueblo boys in hot water most DANCING EVERY NIGHT the bovs upon whom the coaches GRAND CAFE 15 to 20 speakers on the banquet on downs. Rather than chance a of the afternoon. A1 Martinez and FEATURING ITALIAN SPAGHETTI depended as aides to the flashy GAMES PARTY WILL DINNERS AND GOOD DRINKS . . . program; blocked punt, Johnny Dufficy re­ Hennessy turned in their usual fine 431 17th Sl MA. 6652 backs. Among them was Claude defensive games at guards. 10601 E. COLFAX “ The Champion Bulldogs!’’ ceived the pass from center and Junior League (Batwaan Glanana and Tremont) Cratzer of St. Joseph’s, whom BE GIVER FRIDAY White and Sanchez were out­ JOE Di PAOLO, Owstr Coach Bill Reed called the And the St. Joseph high school touched the ball to the ground in (COACH, YOUNG AMERICAN Open 11:00 A.M. TO 2:00 A.M. his own end zone. The ball was standing for the Pueblo eleven. LEAGUE) tougheat and one of the _ best team deserved all the honors Cloaad Mondaya BY PARISH GROUP heaped on the heads of the indi­ taken to the 20-yard line, from Teams Piay .0-0 The team from the Southern part blodcers in the loop. Ed Saindon where- it was booted back into of the state was coached by Jack Serving the Finest and Louis Hall of the Holy Family vidual members. The 1944 edi­ tion of the Bulldogs was a great Regis territory— a much safer re­ White, and he deserves a great Tigers should come in for a men­ Everything is in readiness for The Annunciation Baby Cardi­ deal of credit for his work in or­ ANIERICAX AXD tion. Both played steady ball all one. The boys came through gion from the Bulldogs’ point of the big games party that the Ca­ view. nals and St. Clara’s football boys ganizing the Pueblo junior paro­ season with a second division club, thedral Altar and Rosary society in the Regis college stadium that CHINESE FOODS From that point the West Sixth treated 16,000 Denver fans to a chial league and for bringing his and on a winning club would have will hold in the Charities annex, afternoon to win against a big avenue lads fought hard to pro­ sample of the fine brand of ball junior champions to Denver. Luncheons and Dinneis shown much better, Paul Walsh of 1665 Grant street, Denver, Friday, handicap— the loss in the early /iT Friendly tect the four point lead, and dis­ layed in the Junior Parochial St. Clara’s has been fortunate VISIT OUR COCKTAIL LOUNGE St. Francis’ drew plenty of tough Dec. 1, at 8:15 o’clock. minutes of one of the better play­ P played a heroic defense. The learae Sunday, Nov. 26, in the this year in having the coaching ' H o s r assignments from Coach Burt The chairman, Miss Barbara C. ers on the» squad, Hal Pfeifer, s D. U. atadium. Kiem. And last comes Ralph Bach, reports that response to back who contributed much to play can best be described by the last bit of action in the game. Re­ The teams played a wide-open DUKE’S Heber of the Cathedral Bluejays. tickets distributed is very satis­ gia had the ball, and in desperation ball game between the halves of Heber played on a losing squad, but factory and the usual good time is was taking to the air in an attempt the Superbomber-March Field GRILL he was in the game battling anticiated. Show’s Revenue V Club Plans to score a last minute touchdown. fray, that ended, 0-0. throughout the year. Special prizes and turkeys will be It is the first time in the his­ '•CHUCK* M uch Depend,“ on Center awarded. A Regis back received the ball HEFNER from center and faded back to pass tory of the Junior Parochial league When it comes to a line, a great Members of the Cateedral Altar Party on Dec. 7 that any of its teams have been 1620 deal depends on the man in the and Rosary society will receive as the big clock at the end of the field slowly ticked off the seconds. given such recognition, and it is To Build Church E. 34th Ave. pivot posifion—the man upon Communion in a body in the 8 (Cathedral High School, Denver) Wally Hulstrom, hard charging a splendid tribute to the league whom the other players depend as o’clock Mass, Sunday, Dec. 3. guard on the Bulldog team, and to the brand of sports spon­ YHURSDNr FRIDAY The annual *‘C” club social of K (St. Cajetan’t Parish, Denver) crashed through and smothered sored by the league. Cathedral high school will be held ^ ^ t. Cajetan’s school children the Reds’ passer as the gun The highlights of the exhibition WSATUHilAYiwz have been requested to repeat their IPs Invito You to Visit in Oscar Malo hall Friday evenink^ sounded. were the “ bullet’' passes of Red f t k e i e A / Douglas of St. Clara’s, and the highly successful musical comedy, Dec. 7, at 9 o’clock. Jim Heyer’s or­ It was a great game from some chestra has been engaged for the fine defensive play of A1 Gonzales Tom Sawyer, on Saturday evening, RmusemEnTS—DiniHG angles, and a dirty shame that it Dec. 2, at 7:30 o’clock. Proceeds Ingram’s Cafe EDDIE KEELER and Hennessey. affair. Activity tickets will be ac­ could not have been played on a The Baby Cards brought the from this performance will aug­ Fnrmerly with Dick Jurjmna* Recordto^ ceptable. Traditional blue and nice day and on a field cleared of Orchestra. His trampst and all-artist bi crowd to its feet by executing ment the fund for the post-war white decorations will be used. snow. The league officials should and Bar will appesr rsfalsrly, Refreshments will be served. a spectacular spread-pass play, and building of Our Lady of Guada­ ReCRERTIOn be roundly censured for not having RALPH E. INGRAM. Prop. later a baffling screen play. lupe church in North Denver. All parochial school students are had the playing field cleared be­ The signal calling of A1 Mares Forty Hours’ devotion will co­ invited to attend. fore the game. and the fine defensive end play incide with the first Friday devo­ For Better Foods “ C” club officers are Ralph A story about the game could Heber, president; Pat Colburn, of Ray Heronema and Dick Glivar tions in December. Exposition of THEATRE not end without a paragraph pay­ the Blessed Sacrament will take vice president: Walter Seigwarth, ing tribute to the St. Joseph stood out for the Annunciation and Drinks RI 6 H T PNI'M Tt oO wW nN 1028 S. Gaylord eleven. place at the 7:30 Mass on Friday, PARK PE. »S77 secretary-treasurer. Other mem­ mm coaches— Lt. Col. Howard (Bill) Dec. 1. High Mass and Benedic­ OPEN ALL NIGHT 3500 COLOi^ADO BLVD bers include: Ed Baker, Rudy de Reed and Sgt. Bruce Allingham. TBUBB.. FRI.. SAT., NOV. 30- Luise, Jim Dougherty, Paul Eckel- tion will close the rites on Sunday. DBC. 1-: The Bulldogs were beyond a doubt The Society of the Sacred Heart 58 BROADWAY d 0fEM.272SF0IIE$BVAri0N$ raan, John Evers, Tom Giblin, Bill the best coached squad in the Dsnkers’ Clsb Serves Vaa Johnwn, Gloria DeHaven in Halpin, Ray Hamilton, A1 Harris, will receive Communion corporate­ league, attribute to the technical ly in the 7:30 Mass Friday. _ The JIMMIE De CREDICO Two Girls and a Sailor Art Irlandb, A1 Jepson, Jack Jep- football knowledge of Col. Reed 1,306 Beys ie MonHi son, Bruce McLellan, Jack Mar­ monthly meeting will be held in the Invites You to ALSO 450 and Sgt. Allingham. The Bull­ church hall on Sunday, Dec. 3. Outdoor Musieal Comedy tin, Fred Mills, Bob Pohndorf, dogs also were one of the best South Marion Frank Roberts, and Bill Watts. The Dunken’ club of the USO- Sodality to Name ORBcer* FOOD for Thought SWING IN THE SADDLE teams in the league in matters of NCCS, sponsored by the Mothers’ The Young Ladies’ sodality will THE DOME Enjoy Your Favorite sportsmanship, appearance, and club of S t Mary’s academy, Den­ receive Communion corporately BUN., MON., TUBS.. WED., Navy Mothers Will Meet clean, hard playing, a tribute to ver, served 1,306 boys during Sunday-in the 8:30 Mass and will Our Menus are Supervised DEC. S-4-5-6 COCKTAIL the two coaches as gentlemen. meet in the church hall on the To Elect Officers Monday November. The hostesses were We serve Fish everyday Edward Arnold and Joyca Reynolda Football players who have learned Mmes. Frank Thomson, W. E. afternoon of the same day at 2:30 TAVERN in the tamoua play III and a selection of fish respect for discipline, respect for o’clock. The annual elections will Dolan, D. H. Lutz, Margaret dinners on Fridays and FINE FOOD AND THE BEAUTIFUL The Rocky Mountain Navy their instructors in the game, and Kretschmer, William Bock, J. P. take place. JANIE respect for the rights of those days of abstinence. COCKTAIL LOU.NGE ALSO Mothers’ club 462 will have elei!- Golden, Fred Brorame, James The collection for the Feast_ of COCKTAIL LOUNGE whom they oppose on the field Wa Cater to Partlea. “ CRIME BY NIGHT" tion of officers Monday, Dec. 4, Culliton, ThomaS O’Keefe, George Our Lady of Guadalupe is being have obtained something worth­ Stock, E- J. Hahesy, D. R. Cos­ taken up by the committee ap­ For Reservations Call at 8 p.m. in the USO-NCCS-WD, while from the game, something MATINEES ■ SATUSDAT tello, E. A. Splear, J. W. Maginn, pointed to the task every Sunday I I The Colonial Dining Room 1772 Grant street, Denver. Mrs. that will stick with them benefi­ morning after the Masses. The l CLARKSON CHerry 9380 SUNDAY AND ALL HOLIDAYS Grace Burke, R. R. Steinhart, A. S Francis Cafe AT 1 P.M. J. £. Simms will preside. cially throughout their lives. Jankovsky, E. J. Madden, J. K. feast will be celebrate^ on Sun­ Featorea Fin* Food Daily 401 14th Sl 14th at Tremont Lind, T. Morrow, and H. Wood- day, Dec. 9, although the feast oc­ end. curs on Dec. 12. Oira the Family DECEMBER 6—CELEBRATING 34TH ANNIVERSARY— 1911-1^44 CATHEDRAL HIGH CAGE TEAMS a Treat: FOOD START INTRAMURAL CONTESTS Yonrs to Enjoy The Wbeir Family WUl For add«d plusnis, tntertain at tha Enjoy CoamopoUtan — PIONEER DD71NO at a With lineups chosen and sched­ in the Parochial league play. In University Flower Shop ROOM... ule drawn, intramural basketeers order that each group may ^ v e COFFEE 2371 E. Evans SP. 9561 Price OecfONTsSpoKheUi King of th*. Wt$t of Cathedral high are ready to the same number of games in SHOPPE . . . Ton Can THANKING ALL FOR THE SUPPORT GIVEN US FOB THE OCCASION embark on a week of intensive which to display its wares, the Ca- AHatS WE WILL SERVE SOMETHING BAMBOO play. From the round-robin scries thedral athletic department has de­ SPECIAUZES in AU Floral Work BdO^L Ras- DeUeloaa II.MQUE DIFFERENT DEUCIOUS will emerge the interclass cham­ Risoito Milanese — CJiicken Cacciatore cided to replace the original omraendtd th, pions for the scholastic year 1944- Aatrloas- CALL FOR RESERVATIONS—GRAND 9958 2450 19TH STREET tournament plan o f'p la y by Corsages, Bouquets, Centerpieces, Wedding CoimopoUtan 45. More will be at stake, how­ round robin schedule. Ohiisis Decorations, Funeral Arrangements. to oQt-of-towa ever, than interclass honors. From The entry list of the teams and Irianda. DINNERS the competing, piayers will be their lineups follows: EAGLES Distinctive fo r CampMa—Rea. picked the boys who will comprise (freshmen), Steve Metros, Ray Cosmopolitan Hotel ^ aeoabtrbtyFilaed the basketball team that will start Decker, Dave Besso, Dick Pond, J. B. HERNDON, JR.. Gan.. Myr. the Bluejays on the comeback trail Plants and Cut Flowers Opes Kt« t Day FIXE FOODS Marval and Fogarty. DeckSr is 11 ann. ta t a jo . captain. HAWKS (freshmen), iTe Telegraph Flotcers Everywhere For Beaai l atlona • COCKTAIL LOUXGE • Not pf London, but Milford Seby, captain; Bob Your Purchase o f War Bonds MA. MSS Scheidt, Bob Doyle, Kay Janson, Special Luncheons and Dinners and Stamps Helps to Secure Your R-7S2 EASY COLFAX To Avoid WaiUns Reserve TAbIca in Advance Ray Foley, and John Lombardi. Future. SHARKS (sophomores). Jack BOGGIO’S ROTIS§ERIE LLOYD’ S of Jepson, captain; Jack Martin, Paul Tremont at Broadway Scheidt, John Carroll, and Walter should be « day o f rest for mother too, so KE. 9618 Burcher. SWORDFISH (sopho­ SnERS HEADQUARYERS mores), Ray Hamilton, captain; AT TOUR SERVICE bring the whole family to the Edelweiss for DENVER Sweeney, Bob Elliott, Bill Watts, “ Mickey” O'Donoghue and “ (Charlie” Young sunonvSunday Dinner. and Ev Pond. GLOWWORMS TOM FLAHERTY’S 1 We are famous for our delicious (juniors), Kenny White, captain; Food, Wine, Beer and Bruce McLellan, A1 JepSon, A1 MAX COOK D«nv«r'i Only Aotborlxad SPALDING DEALER WELTOIV REFFET « Rum Coke 25c Harris, Ed Valdez, and Jim Daugh­ 1643 WeUon erty. BEAVERS (seniors). Jack 1608 Glenarm KE. 8888 Ryan, captaitT; Jim Tynan, Bnd THE WESTS GREATEST SPORTING GOODS STORE "STOP AT THE SIGN OF THE HARP.” i leiTCoortPl. TA9274 Feeley, Walt Siegwarth, and Joe ____Parochial League Headquarters 1644 GLENABH Open 11 a.m. ’til 3 aon. UtariL , J,|. IM-I! 41..

Telephone, EEjrstone 4205 PAGE TEN Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOUC REGISTER Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944

Famed Norden Bombsight the cover of secrecy is lifted from America’s unparalleled aerial weapon. Bombsighu have been captured intadi by Germany, but it Suggestions woiUd require years to reproduce inis intricate device.— (Official U. S. army air force p h o t o ) ______CHRISTMAS CRIBS Remember the FOR THE HOME Of Cardboard, Marble Dust, or Composition Poor Missions of 25c TO $20.00 the Archdiocese MUSICAL CRIB

Closed All Day December 8th Holy Day of Obligation



(Blessed Sacrament Parish, This play will be given on Friday Denver) afternoon, Dec. 1, in the school The November meeting of the hall and the parishioners are in­ PTA was held on Monday, Nov. vited to be present. Seventh grade 27. Despite inclement weather there was a large attendance. Mrs. mothers were hostesses for the so­ Carlos Fuermann, membership cial hour that closed the meeting. chairman, reported an enrollment Mrs. Sarah Henry, who has been of 432 members in the association, confined to her home since Nov. a 90-per-cent membership. Mrs. 1, when she suffered a fall in her J. Raymond Kline gave her de­ home, is much improved and able tailed report on the recent games to be up again. party and reported a total of ap­ Mothers' Auxiliary to Meet proximately $600. Mrs. Ralph The Mothers’ auxiliary of Boy Hogan, with Mrs. Ray Cunning­ Scout troop 146 will meet on ham assisting, appointed chairmen Dec. 13 in the home of Mrs. James for the Christmas parties to be Carpenter, 2560 Birch, with Mrs. iven by the PTA for each room. Carpenter as hostess and Mrs. Irs. Carlos Fuermann was auth­ Homer Anderson as co-hostess. orized to iiurchasc a Minute Man This will be the annual Christmas flag, to which the school is eligible, party at which the members of the due to the purchase of war stamps auxiliary exchange gifts and which Form of Bequest and bonds by 90 per cent of the will follow the school luncheon to pupils. Mrs. T. J. Rogers, USO- be held for the children in the for Establishment of NCCS club cookie chairman, re­ school hall. The mothers will hold ceived 67 dozen cookies since the their annual cookie drive for the Funds for Educa- OUR LADV OF PROVIOENOE,. $10.00 last meeting, a month ago. Sixty- USO on that date. Mrs. William four thousand soldiers registered Horst has resigned as treasurer Hon of P riests: and were served at the club during and Mrs. Warren Downey ia the Gomplele Selection of Books the month of Octobei;. thus many new treasurer. more donations are needed. Women to Receive Communion Catholic Best Sellers Girl Scouts Members o f the Altar and Ro­ sary society, the PTA, and women To Be Invested of the parish will receive Commun­ The Girl Scout troops of Blessed ion in a body in the 8 o’clock Mass Sacrament parish are taking part on Sunday, Dec. 3. PRAYER BOOKS in an “ Investiture Ceremony’’ on Miss Ella Horan, who flew to Sunday, Dec. 3, at 4 p.m. in the Lake , Fla., several weeks 4 VEST POCKET church. Mrs. Glenn Volzke and ago because of the illness of her Mrs. C. V. Gooding are in charge. mother, Mrs. E. J. O’Flaherty, Scout troops from all the Denver writes that she is still seriously With or Without Epistles parishes, as well as parishioners, ill. Mrs. O’Flaherty, a resident of are invited to be present. Denver many years, has been mak­ and Gospels Members of St. Vincent’s circle ing her home the past few years were guests of Mrs. T. J. Rogers, with her daughter, Mrs. Harold HAIL HOLY QUEEN— By Callan-McHugh with Mrs. Ray Courtney as co­ Kohl, in Florida. BLESSED BE GOD— By Callan-McHugh hostess, in the Rogers home on Girl Scout troop 45, under the MY’ PRAYER BOOK— By Fr. Lasance Wednesday, Nov. 29. After lunch­ leadership of Mrs. H. G. Babcock, eon the afternoon was spent sew­ will serve breakfast for the school CATH. GIRLS GUIDE— By Fr. Usance ing on altar linens. children after the 8 o’clock Mass »1ANUAL OF PRAYER Flight Officer John J. Smethills, on first Friday, Dec. 1. Also MISSALS—SUNDAY army air forces, Marfa, Tex., who Mrs. Harold F. Collins, who un­ derwent an operation in SL Jos­ MISSALS FOR EVERY DAY received his wings in Texas on Nov. 20, is visiting his parents, eph’s two weeks ago, has been ST. ANDREW'S MISSALS Maj. and Mrs. J. A. Smethills, en returned to her home and is doing Aho Other Popular Prayer Books to Choose From route to his new base in Lincoln, nicely. Nebr. Lt. Carl H. Welch of San An­ POSTAGE PAID ON ALL CASH ORDERS Dr. and Mrs. William McMen- tonio, Tex., will be the guest of THE SUM OF $350 amy, their daughter Claire and son his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. Order Chrisimas Collodion Bemey Pat, spent Thanksgiving and Mrs. C. V. Gooding, the next WILL TAKE CARE and the weekend in Julesburg, two weeks. Mrs. Gooding’s sister- the guests of Father Andrew War­ in-law, Mrs. Oliver V. Welch, and OF A STUDENT FOR Envelopes Now wick. her daughter, , of Sterling, Mrs. Harry Maltby announced will also be guests. t , ONE YEAR. that Troop 45 will serve breakfast WALSH-FITZSIMONS following the 8 o’clock Mass on NUPTIALS TO BE HELD first Friday for the children. The Margaret Anne Walsh, daughter Boy Scout candy sale held in No­ of Mr. and Mrs. John V. Walsh, vember was successful, accord­ will become the bride of L t Wil­ Gifts for the Clergy ing to the chairman, Mrs. Joseph liam D. Fitzsimons on Saturday, Berger, and Mrs. Leo Parley told Dec. 2, before a Nuptial Mass cele­ of the donation of a cabinet for brated by the Very Rev. Harold V. A Permanent Burse for the Perpetua the kitchen ,in the school hall by Campbell. Mrs. Lorene Fisher, the BLACK CLERIC.4L SHHITS the Boy Scouts. bridegroom’s sister, will be ma­ The Rev. Hubert Newell, guest tron of honor, and Barry Currigan speaker, gave an interesting will serve the lieutenant as best Education of a Seminarian is $6,000. talk on “ Clhild Welfare.’’ Pupils man. Lt. Fitzsimons, the son of of the seventh grade gave a play­ Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Fitzsimons, R.4BBIS, sUk let entitled T1^ Good Bad Boy. has just returned from a year’s BIRETTAS, folding service overseas and is a bombar­ A n y Portion of This Amount, dier in the air forces. He has Pl’XES, Sterling Silver, Gold Plated Barberis-Erker been awarded the Distinguished OIL STOCKS, Sterling Silver, Gold Plated Flying cross and the Presidential However, Can Be Left. citetion of his unit. A wedding POCKET HOLY WATER SPRINKLERS Wedding Is Held breakfast will foUojv the ceremony LEATHER SICK CALL CASES AND STOLES in the Park Lane hotel. Roggen.—The marriage of Miss Olevia Erker, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Erker, to S Sgt. Albert Barberis, son of Mr. For Further Information Address the CATHOUC GREETING CARDS and Mrs. Charles Barberis of Love­ land,'was solemnized at 9:30 a.ra Of individuality with appropriate Catholic C m by Father Charles Sanger in the Sacred Heart church. The altar was decorated with different colors BOX OF 21 Assorted Beautiful 4 A A of chrysanthemums. Miss Erker Designs ...... ^ I a U U wore a navy blue wool suit with a BOX OF 12...... 5 0 ^ hat to match. Her corsage was of CHANCERY OFFICE pink and white rosebuds. Her sis­ We Offer a MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION ter, Miss Elsie Erker, was matron Complete Optical Service of honor. William Erker, the bride’s brother, was best man. A Examination, Refraction, wedding breakfast was served to Prescription 1536 LOGAN STREET the relatives of the bride and All Glaates Manufactured in bridegroom and Father Sanger. A Our Own Laboratory James Cuhihe wedding dinner was served by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barberis in Love­ Quick Repair Service DENVER,. COLORADO land Nov. 12 to relatives and a Headquarters for Brakes Lentee DspIlraUd CHURCH few friends. Sgt. Barberis left for OeoUit PreKrlptioBi FilM ABTICI.BS OP DEVOTION his marine station in California a CHUBCH FURNISHINGS GOODS week later. , H ARRY M. LIJSTIG Rotary Society to Give Dinner BOOKS FOR THE CATH- JOSEPH YOLOSEV OUO L A iry AND CLERGY HOUSE The Altar and Rosary society of South I^ggen met at the church Btato-Rtal«t«T«4 Optoaxetristi 1636-3B Tremont Street Phone TAbor 3789 and decided to have a dinner and 935 15th St. KE. 3683 games party on Sunday, Dec, 17, LIBERAL qtEOlT TERMS at 6 o’clock. '1941 Office, Bannock Stree! THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Teleplione, KEyrtone '420lf PAGE ELEVEN

A Good Sweater Makei a Warai Friend Using Fragments of Qerman Robot Jr 'r f ; FOR YOUR School'Award Sweaters with re* Reds Emerge Common Foe Nari V-1 was launched recently from an unnamed proWnf ground in the U. S. American version LANTZ inforced elbows and non«strelch- required 60 days to - construct and engineers say it is an improvwent on the Nazi original. able cttffs at Mills’ low prices- eONVENIENGE COLORADO As Europe Is Liberated FROM 7:00 A. M. KNITTING MILLS TO 9:80 P. M. ITIt WtUon Ph. CHsrrr ISM St. Louis.—^“The Enemy Within weapons like hats at a theater, Europe’s Gates” is the title of the as the Leftist EAM prepared to LAU I^D ny—' CASTERS celebrate the 26th birthday of the press bulletin released by the cen­ Ex n M Greek Communist par^ on the Diqr CLEANING For Every Purpose tral bureau of the Catholic Central following day. According to this Saiiiy* Verein, 8886 Westminster place, account, the tension which bad ARMSTRONG St, Louis. The bulletin follows; been mounting all week, however, Phone PEarl 2461 However terrible the Thirty abated somewhat as Maj. Gen. CASTER CO. Years’ war (1618-1648) had F. M. Scoble, British commander 828 14th TA. 4692 proved to be, once peace had been in , agreed, at the request made, the people in the devas­ of Premier George Papandreou, tated areas were animated by but to grant the assistance of British one thought, to rebuild their vil­ troops in curbing violence if lages and cities and gradually to necessary. heal the terrible wounds years of The same dispatch refers to an­ PLAN FOR TBE FUTURE strife and rapine had inflicted other feature of the Greek situa­ upon their poor country. Nor tion, which is even more significant were the people of tjie lands that than the foregoing account It suffered from the wars of the Span­ is reported that a recent cabinet Work m one of America’s ish succession, the Seven Years’ crisis was largely due to increased war, or the Napoleonic wars pre­ tension as the Dec. 10 deadline vented by enemies in their own for surrender of illegal arms ap­ Best-known Hotels household from turning to the most proaches, and to reports that tke necessary work at hand, that of EAM intends to bring in large engaging in the works of peace armed formations from the moun­ Working Conditions and Surroundings are the best. Even the Congress of Vienna, al­ tains and outlying suburbs. It is Applications now being taken for the following though it had to do with a Euroj>e asserted that the plan had been positions: that had experienced the great uashed by the straight talking of French revolution and the usurpa' en. Scoble to the EAM leaders. tion of power by Napoleon Bona­ aWhat is not revealed is this: The UPHOLSTERER— MUST BE THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED parte. was not obliged to face the “ illegal arms” were furnished flie TWO EXPERIENCED PAINTERS— INSIDE WORK. POSI­ OPTOSE^TBIST j threat that the work of libera­ Gre^s for use against the enemy TIONS AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY. Eye Exaniidiitiohs, Giasses tion the Allies had accomplished The Rev. John Murray, S.J., ed­ fitted for All Vocations. would be undone by a movement, itor of the Month, London, who MAIDS— EMPLOYED WITH OPPORTUNITY OF ADVANCE- Phone for appointments. such as Communism, bent on de­ criticizes the arming of political MENT. MAIDS MAY TRAIN FOR FLOOR HOUSED stroying the existing political, so­ groups by the greater Allied pow­ KEEPERS. ALSO PART TIME MAIDS 4 HOURS PER KE. 1905 1512 Glenarm PI. cial, and economic structure com­ ers, because they hoped to be able ANNUNCIATION SODALin IS DAY. FOUR POSITIONS AVAILABLE. mon to all the peoples -o f their to control the country in ques­ New Postal Notes UTILITY WORKERS— FOR ANNUAL WINTER CLEANING. continent. It is jnst this problem tion through this or that group MEN AND WOMEN OVER 50 WILL BE ACCEPTED. S P t C I'A 'n VT the Allied statesmen of today must after the war, speaks of “ the TO SPONSOR BALL DEC. 15 contend with. tragedy of Greece” as “ a bitter ELEVATOR PILOTS— APPLICATIONS TAKEN FOR BOTH With the success attained by proof of the collapse of order and MALE AND FEMALE PILOTS. the Bolsheviks in 1918 and 1919, To Be Available (AanuRciatioa Parisli, Denver) ^5. A breakfast for relatives was stability wherever this policy ob­ GLANDiDISEASES • __ held in the Blue Parrot Inn. WALL-WASHERS— STEADY WORK. when Russia had been delivered tained.” Nor does he hesitate to The young women of the parish, [AeoDr.P.WF0F over to chaos, in mind, the Com­ declare that country’s plight “ an members of the newfy reorgan­ Football coach Larry Zito enter­ munists of other countries of ized Sodality of Our .Lady, have tained the football squad and Pleasant Surroundings Are Important AfUttM. tUr fmv. CaUriRt, illuminating example of the crim­ OnfApM, Sisat. H«ti»rbgL Europe evidently believe their inal abuse of arms supplied by the In Near F u tu re scheduled a dance for the evenii^ cheerleaders in his home Satur­ Head Koim, CHstiMM. T««« ■Ultts*. Ky« A E«r IHmpm*. harvest time has arrived. Dis­ Allies for use against the Germans, of Dec. 15 in the Cosmopolitan day evening, Nov. 26, CtUraet. AHhritip, Apply at Once •(MwntiisfB, PniUU, GoUr*. quieting information of this kind but used by partisans for bruta hotel. Happy Logan’s orchestra , ^ e committee in charge of the Mip. L*r A Bark Pitni. •arr*4lla« * Sartv-OeclpiUJ has reached our country, although repression of their fellow citl Postmaster General Frank Wal- will furnish the music. Tickets are recent PTA turkey games party BROWN PALACE HOTEL PENTHOUSE ’TWrapp. Blond PraaavT*. HactfOPk Cxamlttitioii of ika belatedlyyj .On Nov. 18,..the Asso-. zena.” kto has announced that a contract 75 cents per person. expresses gratitude to all who c use force to. maintain oc and efforts are being made to place sodality’s future. plete report at the coming a» Sim iiocw u n i guarded and' that pehsons seek- cupatiqn of Greek territory. It this new and inexpensive type of On 'Tuesday evening, Dec, B, the meeting Ded. 13. ing entyiriweire requii^ to chejfc was done for them by the various money order on sale at ail of the girls will hold their meeting in the Oh the way to Mass Sunday bands of Greek irregular fighters 1,575 first class post offices by ap­ Blue Parrot Inn with dinner at 7 morning Mrs. J. W. Escher slipped who were busily,engaged in fight­ proximately Jan. 1, 1945. o’clock. Mrs. Anne O’Neill Sulli­ and fell, fracturing both arms. ing against one another, settlih, “ The postal note epitomizes van will be the guest speaker and The St. Ann card circle will future political issues in the Greel what we are attempting to ac­ will sing severed vocal selections. have a party with an exchange of fteautiful CHRISTIIAS CARDS mountains.” While admitting it complish in the entire administra­ Those who have not as yet made Christmas gifts next Tuesday would be rash and over-simple to tion of the postal service,” Mr. reservations for the dinner should afternoon, beginning with lunch­ To Carry Your attribute the confusion to any sin Walker said. “ We want the postal call Betty Glassman at CH. 0405. eon at 1 o’clock, in the home of gle Greek political party, the ed­ service to be characterized by ef­ New members are cordially in­ Mrs. Anna Thaler at 4511 Vrain. itor of Month states: “ But the I Will Cash for Small*’ ficiency and economy. We want to vited. Mrs. J. Kitson is assistant hostess. Greek Communist movement, incorporate in our service as many Members o f the Guardian An^el Saturday morning, Nov. 25, PERSONAL GREETINGS known by the initial letters EAM Homes in or Near Denver.;’ ,4s possible of the extraordiilary sodality will receive Communion Miss Anna Ingethron, daughter o f (Natioiml Liberation Front) must advances and improvements which in the 8:30 Mass this Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Ingethron Quick Action—Call or See' bear a large share of the responsi­ have been realized in American A novena for world peace to the of this parish, was married to SINGLE CARDS bility. It came into existence business. And we want, while per­ Immaculate Conception will open Alfred Wasinger, son o f Mr. and For Friends and Family In Hundred* of Designs during the government of Gen. forming our work as efficiently as Thursday evening, Nov. 30, at 7 ;30 Metaxas, It is definitely Com­ Mra. Michael Wasinger of the Ic to 91*00 each we know how to do it, to charge with sermon and Benediction. Loyola parish. T. E. GREENE munist, though, like the Tito move­ no more for a specific service than Catechism for the public school ment in Yugoslavia, it claims to that service costs.” children is taujght on Friday at The members o f the Altar and BOXCD CARDS TA . 6266 admit all ‘progressive’ elements.” The new type of money order 3:30 and on Saturday morning Rosary choir will practice after 1643 Stoat The facts are evidently as stated, the novena services Friday eve- 18 to 21 in a box and all different or two of a kind. will be made available to post of­ at 9:30. You will like these and the Prices are for Mr. Churchill on one occasion fices other than of the first class Oliver Kimberly," son o f Mrs nii^. All are asked to be present said “ the excesses of the ELAS, as rapidly as adequate stocks of Neddie Kimberly o f 3858 High The sixth grade, under Sister 29e to 91*00 per box the military body operating under postal notes come from the pres .street, and Margaret Eurich of Alice Therese, donated 44 dozen EAM, had so alienated the popu­ ses. From the beginning, however, Raman were married before Mon­ cookies to the USO last week. lation in many parts that the Ger­ they may be cashed at any post signor Hagus on Saturday, Nov. The PTA will have more than CHRISTMAS NOTES ‘ mans had been able to form se­ office in the United States. 100 aprons for sale at the PTA Package of 12-25e PARADISE curity battalions of Greeks to fight The United States had postal 40 HOURS’ DEVOTION meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 13. the EAM. . . . At the same time, notes from 1884 to 1894. They Archdioeat* Denver These aprons are all handmade. the state of hostility and suspicion NAME IMPRINTED CARDS give Suits,-Coals, Dresses, were limited, however, to fixed Week of Sunday, Dee. 3i They may be purchased for Christ­ that led last autumn (1943) to an amounts and inasmuch as they Cathedral, Danvar;- St, Caje- mas gifts. All donated aprons not Delivery Guaranteed on all orders accepted till De& absolute cleanliness and actual civil war, existed between were payable to bearer, they tan’s church, Denver. turned in should be riven to Mrs, 16th. Dozens of Designs and Assortments but stock EAM and the other resistance or­ Haley, chairman, by Dec. 1. sparkle for Christmas lacked the security of the conveU' on many very limited. — So order n ow -an d the Price* ganizations, especially the EDES, tional money order. are no applications for the pur­ Holidays. under Gen. Zervas, a leader who The new postal note is designed chaser to fill out, no writipg to 91.25 lor 25 Cards commands the undivided support as a safe, convenient, and econom­ be done by the clerk. The pur­ to 915.00 per hundred of the civilian population in this ical way of sending through the chaser leaves the window, writes ROSARIES Phone E H . 2783 area and has always shown the malls amounts of money not ex­ in the name of the payee on the strictest compliance with the or­ ceeding $10. Simplified, methods note, detaches his record stub on MEDALS, other FOR PICK-UP ders sent him from GHQ, Middle of sale and accounting make it which he records the payee’s name, Rellgiouz Article* East, under whom all his forces possible to handle the notes at a and mails the postal note. The note THE READER'S GUILD h|ve been placed.” uniform fee of five cents. The con­ itself is & pre-punched calculating Nice sdeetion of Similar conditions have ex­ ventional money order is not being card form. 718 15th St. PARADISE CLEAHERS isted and continue to exist in other displaced by the new note. Postal notes of fixed denomina­ Jewelry, Gifts countries overrun by the war. In This is the procedure that will tions, not exceeding $10, have OPEN EVENINGS 'HLL 9 5 Convenient Cash-Carry Locations MAIL ORDERS some, matters may resolve them­ be followed when postal notes be­ been authorized by law since 1911. TH* • COLFAX AT ADAMS • SUTH AT DOWNING selves peaceably. It is greatly come available: A person who An amendment to the law was ap­ WATCHMAKER SUNDAYS TILL CHRISTMAS 3 TO 8 F.BL • COLFAX AT QUEBEC • SOTH AVE. AT GBANT to be feared, however, that in wants a postal note for $2.93 will proved June 28, -1944, which re­ IN OUR NEW LOCATION other countries where Communism go to the money order window. Shop at the Store That Co-operates With League o f Decency Alto MOUNTAIN CLEANERS. 337 E. COLFAX AVE. (3 Soon W ut moved the limitation of “ fixed de­ 830 14th St. of Cathcdrol) has flourished, the Reds will make The clerk will affix a 90c and a 3c nominations" and fixed two calen­ every effort to force the Com- stamp to a $2 postal note, and ex dar months from the date of iasue Its the vfelnitr of the Aodltoriosi. Dans* berry Pharmacy and Silver Auto Supply. munistic system on the people. change the note for $2.98. There as the period of validity. BUY WAR BONDS To conquer the Huns and the Nips. Sdire your money for future vacation Trips. PAGE TWELVE Office, 938 BaTmocK Streef THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEsrstone '4205 Thursday, Nov. SO, 1944

to the Pliitadelphia dog show, where they are Lena Takes Her Family of 23 favorites with the visitors. Lena, a foxhound, BeHer Vision for BoHor Living is owned by Lt. Comdr. W. Newboid Ely. HerllitlerHer ylitler of 23 puppies is the largest recorded in canine Crowd Is Present breeding annals. No one can afford to take chances with precious eyes that bring All the puppies were healthy and normal. 83% of our knowledge, that make us skilled and superior in our work, that bring us a world of pleasures and treasurers. Help those priceless, irreplaceable eyes now and they will see you At Dedication of throught the rest of your earning and learning days in comfort and efficiency. SWIC;ERT BROS. Santa Fe Churdi Better yitinn OptometrUta Good Service Santa Fe.—The largest gath-r for Every Age At Right Prices ering of Catholics in the his-! 1550 California tory of St. Anne’s church,! KEyttonm 7651 Santa Fe, assembled to wit-| ness the solemn dedication of GLASSES INOIVIDUALLT 8TTLBD the church by His Excellency, Archbishop Edwin V. Byrne. It was truly a day of Thanksgiving for the pastor, Father Clarence C. Schoeppner, and the parishioners, as the Archbishop mentioned in his brief address to the faithful, for I THEODORE; REQUIESCANT the weather was ideal and 2,500 people attempted to enter the j IN PACE church. ' I The procession of the Arch-' iHACKETHALi bishop and other dignitaries be-1 FRANK COSGROVE, Mullen Home for gan from the Archbishop’s house, the Azed. Funeral conducted from the on Cathedral place. Preceded byi >iir Conditioned home Nov. 28. Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan It Son service. an escort of state police under the { MORTUARY KATHERINE STEVENS, '8330 Clay- leadership of Capt. A. B. Martin­ ton atreet. Wife of James D. Stevena; ez, His Excellency, Archbishop sister of Peter, Hike, and Joe Jacobs, 1449-51 Kalatnath Su Elisabeth Schmidt, Mrs. J. Hoefner, Mrs. Edwin Byrne, Governor John J. Conrads, and Hra. W. Stolte. Re­ Sgt. Alex Garcia of Kersey Killed Dempsey, and Adj. Gen. Ray An­ Phone MAin 4006 quiem Hizh Mass in Holy Ghost church drews, followed in the first car, r Nov. 29. Interment Topeka, Kana. Theodore Hackethal service. driven by Officer Joseph Black; 21st Annual JOHN R. BURNS of 3180 W. 37th Gen. Larry McAfee and Mayor avenue: father of Patricia Maurine and In War Action on German Territory Manuel Lujan were in the second Sally Jo Ana Burna. The Roaary will car; Monsignor Giraud, Father be recited Thursday, Nov, 30, at 8:30 CHECKER p.ro. in the drswinzroom of the~Baule- George Woods, and Father A. J. SOLEMN NOVENA vard mortuary. Requiem Mass will be (Continued From Page One) mother, Mrs. Alfred P. Granger of years old, and Sally Jean, six Miedanner were in the third car, CABS sunz Friday at 0:30 in St. Catherine’a ter, Jannett; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denver, is ready to leave England months old. driven by John Kirk and Cyril IN HONOR OF church. Interment Mt. Olivet, Harry R. Atkinson; and the follow­ again. Sgt. Pema, who is a gradu­ Injured in France Schoeppner; and Father Theodo­ ED DDNDON, Hfr. REUBEN S. GILBERT of Denver. ing brothers and sisters: Mrs. Mar­ ate of St. Joseph’s high school, is Word was received from the sius, O.F.M.; Father Firmin, O.F. Requiem Hast In St. Mary Mazdalene't garet Cheline, Mrs. Frances Colby, OUR MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP TA . 2233 Lownt Zon«I Rates church, Edzewater. Thuraday, Nov. 30, an infantryman. He was awarded War department by Mrs. William M.; Father Arnold, O.F.M.; Father at 9. Interment Ht. Olivet. Olidzer Mrs. Josephine Strange, Mrs. the Purple Heart for his injury. A Timlin, 1100 Vine street, that her Austin, O.F.M., and Father Sig­ service. Dorothea Deal, Agnes M. Atkin­ foster brother, Cpl. Alfred Gran­ son, Pfc. William G. Timlin, 23, mund Charewicz completed the JOSEPH VARGAS, 4772 Baldwin son, Glenn and Harry R. Atkin­ ger, is now in Australia. was injured in action Nov, 11 in procession in the fourth car. St. Joseph’s Church court; husband of Winseslaa Varzas; son, Jr. father of Louie Varzaa and Mrs. Houston Neck la Broken France, After rounding the Plaza, the West 6lh Ave. and Galapago St. Spiilane Mortuary Harris. Requiem Mass Thursday. Nov. Rifleman Dies Anthony Piccoli, 24, son of Mr. Pfc. Timlin is a graduate of procession proceeded along Galis- 30, at 0 o'clock in the Holy Rosary Private Gomez, 31, ah infant^ teo and Cerrillos road. At Hickox 1545 So. Broadway PEarl 0723 church, E. 4Tt)i avenue and Pearl street. and Mrs. J. A. Piccoli of 1170 Regis high school, class of 1940, Interment Mt, Olivet. Eoulevard service. rifleman, was killed in action in Kalamath street. Denver, is ill in street the Santa Fe high school November 30 lo December 8 Mrs. John H. SpUlane MICHAEL CHAPLA, in Flazler: hus­ France on Nov. 11, acording to. a the naval hospital in Favragut, band fell in line and added a bit of band of Aznea Chapla; father of Gloria Regiitered Funeral Director War department message to his Ida. Piccoli, who entered the navy color and solemnity to the scene, SERVICES and Carolyn Chapla: son of Mrs. Rose as the students marched to the and Embalmer Chapla; brother of Pete Chapla, Love­ wife, Mrs. Wynona Gomez of 1823 last May, was injured some weeks Afternoons, 3 P.M. Evenings, 6:45 and 7:43 P.M. land, and Lloyd .Chapla, seaman second Platte street, Denver. He entered ago while pla^ng football with church. class. Rosary will be said at 7 :30 p.m. the service last March and had been other navy trainees. At first his At the entrance His Excellency SERMONS BY Thursday, Nov. 30, in the Boulevard was met by Father Schoeppner and mortuary. Requiem Mass Friday at 9 overseas since two; months. Sur­ injury did not seem serious, but Rev. William A. Grangell, CSS.R., of New Orleans, La. in St. Joseph's Polish church. Interment viving besides his wife are two shortly before Thanksgiving au­ invited priests, with the parishion­ DOYLE’S Mt. Olivet. ers and guests massed around the S t Joseph’s may be reached directly by Car Route 50; and two THOMAS D ^ W IN . 3124 Osaze street. children, Phyllis, four, and Buddy, thorities sent for his mother. Upon blocks west of Car Route 72; and 6 blocks west of Broadway. two, and several brothers and sis­ arriving at the hospital she learned church. After the impressive and PHARMACY Requiem Mass in Our Lady of Mt. Carmel inspiring ceremony of blessing the church Nov, 27. Interment Mt. Olivet. ters. that he had incurred a broken neck, exterior of the church, the Arch­ Tha ParticaUr Drnnbt and that one side is paralyzed. Recovers From Wounds bishop repeated the rite within, 17ih AVE. AND GRANT JOHN M. BRIDGES By a strange coincidence, his Requiem Hass for John M. Bridzes, T. Sgt. Peter M. Pema, 28, who assisted by Father Rieffer, master SZ. 5187 FREE DELIVEBT 78, of 388 S. Pennsylvania street, Dan was wounded last August, has re­ father also is recuperating from a ver hatter, was sunz Nov, 28 in Loyola of ceremonies; Father Sigmund covered and, according to the lat­ fall sustained at work, which left Charewicz, deacon; Father Arnold church, with burial followinz in Ht. him with three fractured vertebrae. Olivet. A native of Cleveland, O., Mr. est letter received by his foster Rodriguez, subdeacon; and Father Bridzes came to Denver In 1902 Piccoli is a graduate of St. Joseph’s Spellman, bookbearer. The Fran­ and worked for various hat concerns be­ grade and high schools, and at­ ciscans, with Father Theodosius Erickson Memorial Co. fore zoinz in business for himself 28 tended Regis college for three MONUMENTS - MARKERS yesrs azo. Survivinz are hia wife, at their head, formed the choir for Mary B.; five dauzhters. Mrs. B. L. years. the blessing of the church. Prompt Erection Fischbsch. Mrs. D. M. Valley, and Hisses Paratrooper Hurt tram ona of the moat completa Desia, Rose, and Gerlrude^ridzes; two After the dedication ceremony display! in tbas rezion. sons, Ciem and Francis, and six zrand Miss Rebecca Lucero of 1464 was completed, a Solemn Mass of t!0 Speer Bird.. Opposite Sanken children, all of Denver. Marion street, Denver, was notified Thanksgiving was offered by the Gardens, CHerry 4728 this week that her brother, Pfc. pastor. Father Clarence Schoepp­ ANDREW J. GILL DiCIOR IIES Requiem Mass for Andrew J. Gill was Charles F. Lucero, 20, has been ner, assisted by the priests men­ sunz in the Cathedral Nov. 26. Burial awarded the Purple Heart for tioned above. Father Theodosius took place in Milwaukee, in charze of and Father Miedanner served as The music director in Loretto wounds received in action Oct. 20 W. P. Horan & Son. Death was caused in Holland. Lucero, who entered chaplains to the Archbishop. Mon- ALTAR BRFADS from complications resultinz from a fall Heights college from 1915 to 1926, Pfc. Wm. G. Timlin the service ffi March, 1942, went signor Joseph Giraud of St. Vin­ Nov. 8. Idr. Gill was born in Waukesha Sister Sophie Marie Hunleth, 58, SEWING county, Wisconsin, in 1880. He was overseas last May. At that time and had attended Regis college for cent’s hospital was also in the the superintendent of bridze carpenters who has four sisters in the Loretto LitUs Girls' Drestss, Embroidery, he was in the infantry, but the no­ two years when he enlisted in the sanctuary. for that city for many years. He came order, died in St. Louis last week. After the Gospel, the Archbish­ / Monoyraminc, Etc. " to Denver in 1919. and retired in 1938. Her brother, the Rev. Francis J. tice of his injury stated he was service in August, 1942. Survivinz are a dauzhter, Mrs. E. T. with a paratroop unit at the time, His overseas duty began last op addressed the congregation in THE SISTERS OF THE Christopher: three zrandchildrcn, 1st Lt Hunleth, S.J., sang the Requiem English and Spanish, reminding and so it is believed he must have June, when he was sent to Eng­ GOOD SHEPHERD Donald, Patricia, and Jacqueline Chris­ High Mass in Loretto academy all that thanks should be given to 'ithanO f(th(ttcou/iti topher, and a sister, Mrs. Harzaret chapel Nov. 24. land. In August he was transferred TELEPHONE PEARL 2481 Madden, all of Denver. to France. He is in Gen. Patton’s God that another sanctuary and Sister Sophie Marie was the house of prayer was dedicated to Advertisers that merit your patronage. They are army. MAURICE F. NEWBY daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. the worship of Our Lord and that reliable, consistent and appreciate your support. A Requiem Maai wae cunz in Mont- Frank J. Hunleth of St. Louis. Novena Is Answered the parishioners should continue zomery. W. Va.. Nor. 25 for Maurice She entered the Sisters of Loretto Shortly after his mother had to give their whole-hearted sup­ BIRDS­ F. Newby. 2984 Perry street, who died in Nerinx, Ky., Feb. 13, 1913, and there after a ionz illness. A 1926 finished a novena for his safety, port and co-operatiorr to their HAUG BROS. Zraduate of Rezis colleze. he was em­ received the religious garb on Aug. 1st Lt. Lionel B. Simmons, son of splendid pastor, who, with the aid EYE ployed by the Board of Water Commie 15, 1913. Her first assignment was Mr. and Mrs. Bert Simmons of and encouragement of the late INSURANCE sioners until he became ill last July.’ to Loretto academy, Kansas City, 1469 Holly street, Denver, re­ Archbishop Gerken, erected the MARKET FROZEN In 1927 he married Lena M. Arnold, dauzhter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Arnold and then to Denver. From here turned to his home after 13 and church with his own hands. After (FORMERLY RABTOAY'S) of Denver. Survivinz, besides his wife, she was sent to Loretto academy, one-half months of combat flying Mass Father Schoeppner expressed CORN FED MEATS JOS. J. CELLA FOODS are his mother. Mrs. Dave Newby, and St. Louis, where she directed the from his base in New Guinea. his thanks to all who had come to an node, E. W. Kelly, all of Hont- FISH AND POULTRY 1120 Security Bldg. music department until her death. Lt. Simmons, who was a reserve take part in the dedication. zomery. 1030 W. Colfax TA. 7297 Phone KEystone 2633 Groceries • Meats • Bakery She is survived by three officer, was called to active duty St. Anne’s choir, under thq di­ brothers besides Father Hunleth. in February, 1942. His first assign­ rection of N. Chavez, sang during MURRAY’S G. D. of A. Study Club Joseph F., Aloys J., and Edward ment was with a tank corps in the Mass. The Mass was the Foanded by H. T. Marray^lSSX R. Hunleth; and six sisters. Sister Fort Knox, Ky. From there he Miaea Sanetiasima Node, and solo was sent to Fort George Meade, Phone GR. 1613rl4-15 Will Have Meeting M. Vera of Loretto academy. El parts were rendered by Mrs. Pa­ Our COAL PAYMENT Plan Paso, Tex.; Sister M. Joecile of Md. While at the latter station he checo and E. Nava. West S2nd 4k JnHan Webster college, Webster Groves. transferred to the air force, and Among the other priests who Nothing Down — $5.00 per Month The C. D. of A. study club will Mo.; Sister Francis Aloys of the received his wings in Ellington were present were: Father McNiff, hold its luncheon and meeting in Loretto school, Mora, N. Mex.: Field, Tex.; on Feb. 16, 1943. In Father Glynn P. Smith, Father You MUST Store Goal Now! Sister Elizabeth Marie, principal September of the same year he the Denver Dry,'Goods Co, on Osca, Father Frederick Zelger, 0. Miles ■ Dryer ■ Asller of Our Lady of M t Carmel school, was sent overseas. Thursday, Dec. 7. A talk on the F.M.; Father Joseph Charewicz, Baden, Mo.; and Mrs. C. P. Rath- With 55 combat missions to his Father Regis. Darpel, O.F.M.; Fa­ RUGBY GGAL GO. ..I f s T k Printing Go. Holy Land will be given. gaber and Miss Sophen Hunleth, credit, Lt. Simmons has the Air ther Hemmer, Father Stanley BEST GRADES LIGNITE AND ROUTT COUNTY COAL both of S t Louis. medal and several Oak Leak clus­ Crocchiola, Father Klocke. S.J.; Programs and Circulars Pfc. Charles F. Lucero Returns From Hospital ters.' He was never shot down on Father Mertz, M.M.; Father Guti­ any mission and never wouni^ed, • • Tickets for Joyce Harrison, daughter of Mr. transferred to that branch after errez, C.M.; Father Francis Glea­ but he did succumb to an attack son, and Father Francis Meaney, Bazaars and Carnivals and Mrs. C. 0. Harrison, 4720 Woman Formerly arriving in England, without tell­ ing his family of it. He is a gradu­ of malaria. C.M. Josephine street, returned home Lt. Simmons and his wife left Quickly Produced ate of St. Elizabeth’s grade school The Knights of Columbus of the CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL SHOPPING Sunday from St. Joseph’s hospital Denver on Monday of this week Reasonably Priced and of West high school. Fourth Degree with Grand Master after an operation. She is a mem­ Prominent in for Santa Monica, Calif., where he UMON LABEL IF DESIRED Struck by Shrapnel Raymond P. Shaya at their head, ber of the Holy Rosary parish. will receive the usual rehabilita­ together with Col. Joseph Sena, Classified Ads 1936-38 LAWRENCE ST. Pfc. William S. Stcinmetz of tion care given combat fliers. His Knight of the Holy Sepulchre, Denver Is Dead 2301 Estes street, in St. Mary Mag. two-year-old daughter, Julie, will It will pay you to read ALL of the following advertisemeots. KEystone 6348 Pirate served as a guard of nonor for the dalene’s parish, Edgewater, was stay with her grandparents in Archbishop. 1944 Model! wounded in France Nov. 11, accord­ Denver. Mrs. Agnes Merryweather of A Thanksgiving day dinner for Denver died Monday in Chicago, ing to a telegram received by his Catholic Leads Timberwolves PHOTOGRAPHS MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES wife this week. Shrapnel struck A Catholic general is leading the clergy was served in St. Vin­ Call a where she was visiting her sisters. cent’s hospital at 1 p.m. BEAUTIFUL white porcelain Coal Ranze, She had been ill a few days. his shoulder, arm, and face, the one of the divisions making Anderson photos. 1206 18th St at Law- Oil Circulator and Radio Sacrifica. 716 headway into the Rhine territory renre. HAIn 1873. Free news euU. Santa Fe.______She was bom in Martinsburg, soldier said in a letter, while he of Germany. He is Maj. Gen. Terry Your Purchase of V ar Bonds Z O I \ E CAB W. Va., the dai^hter of pioneer fought with the infantry in Gen. FURNITURE HEARING AIDS MAin 7171 Patton’s army. He is presumably M. Allen, commander of the famed and Stamps Helps to Secure Your settlers there. When a child she Future. Pertona Hard at Hearinz, come In (or Prompt. Coorteoua Service in a hospital in England. Mrs. Timberwolves, who with his men Btautiful bedroom, livjnzroom end break moved with her parents to Balti­ was stationed at Camp Carson, fast set: sacrifice. 784 Santa Fe. lemonatration of Zenith Etadionlc Hearinz CHEAPER BATES more, Md., where she rrteived her Steinmetz, the former Dolores Mus- Aid. 840. complete, terms. Lemoine al-uxie near Colorado Springs, early this CLEAN NEW CABS education. She was married there ser, is active in alumnae circles of Another Xmas Gift PRINTING Co.. 622 15th St • to Harry F. Merryweather, who Loretto Heights college. The couple year. Problem Solved have two daughters, Carol Sue, five In Depver last May 16, Lord WE SPECIALIZE in bualneia cards, letter MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS until his death several years ago, heada, forma and bianka ol all kinds was city engineer of Denver. Halifax, British ambassador, pre­ EZE-MOP & CONE Reconditioned pianos, pisyers, zrands, sented to Gen. Allen the Order of Weddinz announcements. Rodzera Print- orzans (pipe and reedi, orcheetrai instru­ She had been a resident of Den­ Feed Bag? inz Co.. 611 I4tb Street ments. "r. R. Walker. 236 Broadway. BP. the Commander of the Bath, mili WRINGER 7364. ver since 1882, and during her life tary division. King George VI had WUl Keep Her Hands DRUG STORES here she was active in charita­ awarded the medal to Allen for ROOM AND BOARD WANTED Out of Dirty Mop ble organizations sponsored by his performance in the North Af­ Ry employed zirl in Catholic private home, the Catholic Church. Among rican and Sicilian campaigns, but Water Forever Hutchinson’s Pharmacy preferably South Denver, 8 daye a week. them were the Sacred Heart Aid, its presentation was delayed until • No Scratching Call after 5 P.M. RA. 1246. St. Vincent’s Aid, the Tabernacle 9 No Splashing Your Neborhood Oruzzut Halifax could do it in person. Phone SPrace 0588 700 So. Pearl WOOD SALE society, and the Altar and Rosary Allen’s Timberwolves have • Saves Labor JAMES HUTCHISON society of the Cathedral. Four • Saves Time KINDLING, atove, rainze, furnace, (Irw startled members of the First place, blocks. No yard aalea KE. 2460 years ago, following the death of army with the success of theiP WANTED— HOUSE TO RENT her daughter, Julia,' she went to principle of moving into a town GET HER’ S Cincinnati to live with another under cover of darkness, and then NOW I NEAR PAROCHIAL SCHOOL—3 or 4 STOVE REPAIRS daughter. bedrooms, must be modern. Willinz to pay "throwing the book’’ at the enemy FREE 6 months to a year rent in advance. Phone and Water Fronts She is survived by a son, Harry garrison when the latter least ex­ DELIVERY GR. 1954. .Merryweather of Bakersfield, pected it. R. P. Foley Stove Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Helen GR. 0431 WANTED TO BUY LEGAL NOTICE and Heating Parts Merryweather Albrecht of Cin­ 1598 Arapahoe CH. 4577 r cinnati; two brothers, Howard W. WILL PAY CASH for 8 rooms of furl- NOTICE TO CREDITORS EZE-MOP & tura. piano and ttwinz machine. KE. 3944; WRITE FOR PRICES! McAbee of Denver and Charles ESTATE OF Rosslie J. Martin. sl«o McAbee of Chicago; and two sis­ known ss RocaHe Juersrens Martin, DE> CEASED. No. 74952. CONE-WRINGER GO, ters, Katherine McAbee and Mrs. Notice ia hereby irtven that on the lit THE RALDWEV Lillian Derbyshircj also of Chi­ day of November, 1944. letters oi admin* I’ll Pay the Limii cago. istration were issued to the undersuened as “No other man since Christ has v e e r I a m g o in g for fomiture, ruza, pianos, radiaa. PIANO CO. administrator of the above named estate fCO i TO TRY, so helpfully demonstrated the Requiem Mass is being sung and alt persons having claims against said heaters, aewinz machines, tyiMwritars, A. A. D'AMICO, JR., Hzr. Thursday at 10 o’clock in the estate are required to file them for al­ caih reziaters, safes, etc. Any item, 1623 CALIFORNIA ST, tremendous power of humble­ Cathedral. W. P, Horan & Son lowance in the County Court of the City RAND’S Millinery and County of Denver, Colorado, within any condition. DExter 1219 or KE. 6688, MA. 2285 ness, sincerity and truth in service. six months from said date or aaid elaimi FOR MY NEXT HAT 820 IStii St will be forever barred. Comer 15th at Stout human relations." B. C. HUliard, Jr.. Italian Restaurant Administrator. It is well to do things that WHERE ELSE CAN YOU BUY THESE Back from 18 months in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS Dpened on E . GoHax ESTATE OF Msrie C. Hunter, Decessed. PREMIUM COALS? lielp us remember. . , and be China-Burma-lndia war area, Capt, No. 74*22 remembered. Angelo J. Boutselia of Lowell, Notlc* is hereby ziven that on the 22nd COAL CRESTED RUTTE Mast., proudly displays his mag­ day of November, 1944, letters of adminis­ Mr. Alfonse and Barbara Al- Lassie, a German shepherd war tration were issued to the undersizned as Store it now— Be prepared for Colorddo’a Outstanding Coal JACQUES BROTHERS nificent spread of mustache which fonse, formerly of Newark, N. J., dog, here is modeling the new Admtnbtrator C.T.A., of ths shove named possible fuel shortage. matches the Jolly Roger insignia have opened a little Italian restau­ dog gas mask adopted by the army estate and ail persona havinz claims azainat ALL POPULAR GRADES — ALSO ROCKVAEE-KEBLER Since 1902 he wears on his left breast. Capt. rant at 1336 E. Colfax. Special Ital­ said estate are required to file them for STOKER COALS Quality At Its Best chemical warfare service. It weighs allowance iq the County Court of the City 28 E. 6th Ave. TAbor 6468 Bontselis has 72 missions under hia ian dishes at moderate prices will two pounds and will fit 97, per and County of Denver, Colorado, within belt and wears the Distinraished ^tlECT A CfMfTfRY lOT be served exclusively. cent o f all array dogs, and will six months from said date or said clainu Raj Coal Co. UNITED FUEL - 1729 GALIFORNM Flying cross and the Air medal with Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse are mem­ protect them against chlorine, phos­ will be forever barred, A.Si) A FAV.ILY VONi.VrNT a C. HIU.LABD. JR.. PE. 4604 1165 So. Penn. KE. 6391 ^ Y piuty of Oak Leaf clusters. bers of Cathedral pariah. gene, and other choking gaMes. ▲dmiaistraitor C.XA. Thursday, Nov. 30, 1944 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, KEystone 4205 PAGE THIRTEEN The D e n v e r Catholic Register

President. ..Most Rev, Archbishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. Editor.______Rt Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LL..D., Jour.D Managing Editor______Hubert A. Smitii, Jour.D Associate Editors— M. F. Everett, Jour.D.; Rev. Walter Canavan, Infused Knowledge of sense experience, I.e., experimental (he nation's high schools and col­ 'Superstition Gaining knorwledge, just as Christ did. leges. Borslown already is taking J.C.D. LittD.; Rev. John Cavanagh, M.A., LittD.; Rev. Edvrard A. Advent’s Great Saint As for John the Baptist's pos­ up military classes, and uniforms Foothold in Ameri<»’ Breen, M.A., LittD.; Rev. Francis Syrianey, M.A.; Leonard Tangney. will be issued soon for the Arst Because the name of John the session of infused knowledge, this (By Rev. John Cavanagh) A.B.', Jour. D.; Phil Hewitt; Mary Eisenman, A.B.; Linus Riordan, is more than slightly indicated in time. This plan, put into general Baptist keeps recurring in Advent's It is hard to realize that some A.B., LittM.; Rev. James B. Hamblin, M.A.; Rev. John Ebel, M.A. the Biblical story of the Visitation. efTecl, would give the necessary liturgy, it is timely to discuss one ■raining in military matters and at writers have such low-grade prin­ When Mary, carrying her Divine ciples that they deliberately appeal Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. of the most interesting problems Child, came close to Elizabeth, the same lime would, preserve the carrying the unborn John, the in- *‘Iesl of having the youths under to the inflammatory ignorance of of theology. Was John giv^ the readers. A man who is incited to fant John leaped for joy in his the normal home control. Further­ use of reason in his mother's riot and in whose mind the Ares of mother's womb. Tliis leaping, ac­ more, it would nut be necessary tu Published Weekly by womb? Had he infused knowl­ hatred are kindled —^ and all by cording to the great Dominican liave a boy lose an entire year of bigoted raisrepresentalion and fan- THE CATHOLIC PRESS SOCIETY (Inc.) ? Most of the textbooks to­ theologian Billuart (168S-1757), his life to the trmy. Even if it tasAc allegations— is deserving of day do not study the question, but “ was supernatural and not only a were fonnd desirable to have him 938 Bannock Street, 1 pity. His source of information is it is raised in the Breviary and we movement of the body, but also one spend two or three months at a polluted; he is poisoned by the went as far into it as we could of mind.'* Billuart says: “ ‘When summer military camp, this vould Telephone, KEystone 4205 P. 0. Box 1620 menial hash he ignorantly eats, and when we were writing our book, Elizabeth heard the greeting of be less upsetting than a full year Mary . . . the babe in her womb in barracks. he is responsible for his piteous Viitpolled Mirror of God, a study attitude toward God and neighbor Subscription: 81 per year. of the Blessed Virgin (the book leaped. And Elizabeth was filled soon sold nut and though another with the Holy Spirit’ (Luke i, only to the degree tliat he know­ Pattern for Peace— ingly fails to drink deeply from the edition is intended it will have to 41-42). On these words St. .Am­ Thursday, Nov. 30,1944 clear pools of truth. But for the wait until we can find time to make brose romnvenis as follows: ‘Tlic Russian Version author of venomous writings we babe leaped and the mother was some revisions). (By Rev. W. J. Canavan) have nothing but the contempt that Ailed; the mother was not Ailed St. Thomas .Aquinas contended ' In the past few days the Com­ ia shown to a hired murderer. OFFlCIALi ARCHDIOCESE OF DENVER that even the Blessed Virgin “ did before her son, but, when her son munistic pattern for the seiznre In the past week we received a not immediately have the use of was Ailed with the Holy Spirit, he The Denver Catholic Register merits our cordial approval, clipping frdm a non-Calholic publi­ free will while she was in her Ailed his mother also.’ ” St. .4iigus- of Europe in the post-war era has for yottr Wo confirm it as the official publicationubl of the Archdiocese. What­ cation. After regaling the reader mother's womb, for this is a special line said that “ John, who had not become more evident. The French ever appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or with an amazingly sustained review privilege of Christ.” John the yet been bom, nevertheless leaped Reds have dcAcd de Gaulle's or­ needs those of the Officia