Positions of the Polish and German Members of the

Bureau Political group European Name Country Political Party Parlaiment Position

Rainer Wieland DE CDU EPP Vice-President of the Euopean Parliament

Katarina Barley DE SPD S&D Vice-President of the Euopean Parliament

Nicola Beer DE FDP Renew Europe Vice-President of the Euopean Parliament

Ewa Bożena Kopacz PL PO EPP Vice-President of the Euopean Parliament

Karol Karski PL PiS ECR Quaestor of the Euopean Parliament


David McALLISTER DE CDU EPP Foreign Affairs/ Vice-Chair

Witold Jan WASZCZYKOWSKI PL PiS ECR Foreign Affairs/ Chair

Hannah NEUMANN DE Bündnis 90/Die Grünen The Greens/EFA Human Rights/ Vice-Chair

Özlem DEMIREL DE Die Linke GUE/NGL Security and Defense/ Vice-Chair

Pierrette HERZBERGER-FOFANA DE Bündnis 90/Die Grünen The Greens/EFA Development/ Vice-Chair

Norbert NEUSER DE SPD S&D Development/ Vice-Chair

Erik MARQUARDT DE Bündnis 90/Die Grünen The Greens/EFA Development/ Vice-Chair

Bernd LANGE DE SPD S&D International Trade/ Chair

Janusz LEWANDOWSKI PL PO EPP Budgets/ Vice-Chair

Niclas HERBST DE CDU EPP Budgets/ Vice-Chair

Monika HOHLMEIER DE CSU EPP Budgetary Control/ Chair

Katrin LANGENSIEPEN DE Bündnis 90/Die Grünen The Greens/EFA Employment and Social Affairs/ Vice-Chair

Zdzisław KRASNODĘBSKI PL PiS ECR Industry, Research and Energy/ Vice-Chair

Róża THUN UND HOHENSTEIN PL PO EPP Internal Market and Consumer Protection/ Vice-Chair

Sven SCHULZE DE CDU EPP Transport and Tourism/ Vice-Chair

Jan-Christoph OETJEN DE FDP Renew Europe Regional Development/ Vice-Chair

Krzysztof HETMAN PL PSL EPP Transport and Tourism/ Vice-Chair

Norbert LINS DE CDU EPP Agriculture and Rural Development/ Chair

Sabine VERHEYEN DE CDU EPP Culture and Education/ Chair

Romeo FRANZ DE Bündnis 90/Die Grünen The Greens/EFA Culture and Education/ Vice-Chair

Sergey LAGODINSKY DE Bündnis 90/Die Grünen The Greens/EFA Legal Affairs/ Vice-Chair

Marion WALSMANN DE CDU EPP Legal Affairs/ Vice-Chair

Gabriele BISCHOFF DE SPD S&D Constitutional Affairs/ Vice-Chair

Robert BIEDROŃ PL Wiosna S&D Women's Rights and Gender Equality/ Vice-Chair PL PiS ECR Petitions/ Vice-Chair