
GANIS WICAKSONO 016201100068

A thesis presented to the Faculty of Humanities President University In partial fulfillment of the requirements for Bachelor’s Degree in International Relations Concentration in Diplomacy


This thesis entitled The Use Of Voice Of America (VOA) In Reporting the U.S.’ – Indonesia Relations To the Indonesian Public (2001 – 2009): Analysis on Programs “Apa Kabar Amerika”, “Dunia Kita” and “Warung VOA” prepared and submitted by Ganis Wicaksono in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor in the Faculty of Humanities has been reviewed and found to have satisfied the requirements for a thesis fit to be examined. I therefore recommend this thesis for Oral Defense.

Cikarang, Indonesia, April , 2015

______Dr. Endi Haryono, M.Si



I declare that this thesis, entitled The Use Of Voice Of America (VOA) In Reporting the U.S.’ – Indonesia Relations To the Indonesian Public (2001 – 2009): Analysis on Programs “Apa Kabar Amerika”, “Dunia Kita” and “Warung VOA” is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, an original piece of work that has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain a degree.

Cikarang, Indonesia, April , 2015

______Ganis Wicaksono



The Panel of Examiners declare that the thesis entitled The Use Of Voice Of America (VOA) In Reporting the U.S.’ – Indonesia Relations To the Indonesian Public (2001 – 2009): Analysis on Programs “Apa Kabar Amerika”, “Dunia Kita” and “Warung VOA“ that was submitted by Ganis Wicaksono majoring in International Relations from the Faculty of Humanities was assessed and approved to have passed the Oral Examinations on April 2015.

______Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D

______Dr. Endi Haryono, M.Si

______Isyana Arslan, BA, M.Si iv


The Use Of Voice Of America (VOA) In Reporting the U.S.’ – Indonesia Relations To the Indonesian Public (2001 – 2009): Analysis on Programs “Apa Kabar Amerika”, “Dunia Kita” and “Warung VOA“

Tragedi penyerangan gedung World Trade Center dan Pentagon pada September 9, 2001 merupakan suatu peristiwa yang akan selalu di kenang oleh Amerika Serikat. Kejadian September 9, membuat Amerika Serikat memperketat keamanan negara. Hal ini di gunakan oleh media untuk meliput serta mengabadikan peristiwa September 9. Kemudian, VOA yang merupakan media Amerika Serikat, merupakan perantara untuk membuat citra Amerika di mata dunia kembali baik. Sebagai lembaga penyiaran internasional yang operasionalisasinya di selenggarakan oleh Amerika, VOA berupaya memberikan nilai suatu berita dalam pemberitaannya. Melalui liputan beritanya, VOA secara langsung maupun tidak langsung turut mempengaruhi pembentukan terhadap kebijakan dan pesan yang tersirat di dalam VOA menjangkau para penonton yang tersebar di dunia.VOA di gunakan oleh Amerika sejak perang dunia II, dan pasca serangan 9/11 kebijakan luar negeri Amerika mengalami perubahan dan disinilah peran VOA dalam citra pembentukan Amerika. Invasi yang di lakukan oleh Amerika, terkadang kurang di dukung oleh masyarakat dunia, khususnya masyarakat muslim. Seperti, invasi Amerika ke Iraq, Afghanistan dan negara muslim yang lain, dengan dalih memerangi terroris. Sehingga citra Amerika di mata dunia muslim menurun, akan tetapi VOA mempunyai peran untuk menaikkan kembali reputasi Amerika.

Keywords: VOA, foreign policy, the U.S. national interest



The Use Of Voice Of America (VOA) In Reporting the U.S.’ – Indonesia Relations To the Indonesian Public (2001 – 2009): Analysis on Programs “Apa Kabar Amerika”, “Dunia Kita” and “Warung VOA“

The tragedy of the attacks at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on September 9, 2001 was an event that will always be remembered by the United States. September 9 incident, making the United States tightened security. It is used by the media to cover September 9 events. Then, VOA that the US media, an intermediary to make America's image in the eyes of the world back good again. As international broadcasters who operationalization held by America, VOA seeks to provide a news value in reporting. Through news coverage, VOA directly or indirectly influence the formation of the policy and the message implicit in the VOA to reach the audience around the world. VOA in use by the United States since World War II, and after the 9/11 attacks US foreign policy changes and where the role of America VOA in image formation. The invasion will be undertaken by the United States, sometimes less is supported by the world community, especially the Muslim community. Like, the US invasion of Iraq, Afghanistan and other Muslim countries, with the pretext of fighting terrorists. So that America's image in the eyes of the Muslim world to decline, but the VOA has a role to raise the reputation of America

Keywords: VOA, foreign policy, the U.S. national interest




This is my last project of my study at President University. I really thankful to Allah SWT that has this life, pray and give my life to him. Foremost, I would like to thank to my family that always support me until now, without them I cannot finish my study at President University. There are many experiences that I got, also many people that be my friends since I at President University. Thus, I would like to thank;

1. Allah SWT, the almighty one that gives me life.

2. To my family who have been supporting and give motivation for me. With them, I finally finish my study here and they have been struggling for me. I dedicate this degree for my parents and I really sorry for my father that I was not serious to study in my previous universities and this is actually as the prove that I deserve to be your son.

3. To Mr. Drs. Endi Haryono, M.Si and Mrs. Isyana Arslan, BA, M.Si that guide me to make this thesis.

4. Mr. Teuku Rezasyah, Ph.D as the Dean of Faculty of Humanities. Thank you for all lessons since 1st semester to 8th semester.

5. Mr. Anak Agung Banyu Perwita Ph.D as Vice Rector III and lecturer.

6. Mr. Eric Hendra as the Head of IR. Thank you for taught me Intro to Law and Indonesian Legal System.

7. Mr. Hendra Manurung. Thank you to teach me how to be responsible in class.


8. All IR lecturers and staff at President University. Mr. M. Widodo, (Alm) Mr. Talib, (Alm) Mr. Sulaiman, Mr. Bantarto Bandoro, Mr. Sigit AR, Mrs. Fransiska, Mr. Erdin, Mr. Hikmawan, Mr. Emir C, Mr. Yugo also Mrs. Yunita.

9. My best friend Rio Anrico, thank you for the most loyal partner in ups and down since we first met in Sydney.

10. For HuhuHaha (Mark Hermawan, Appriliya Elshaviona, Duan Evan Marbun, Endro Oberson, M. Ikhsan, Jesse, Khairur, Fairuz A) and friends (Wasty, Putri Kuncahyo, Fillia I, Merry VA, Vinny, Farhan, Dyah Ayu Antik) thank you for the craziness moment that we spent together.

11. For F-5 (Azhar F, Mahfudz, Aris M, Rajiv Ambara, Abdul ‘Choy’ Khoir) thank you for the supported.

12. My ex-roommates (Rajiv Ambara, Dean Putra Rahman, Dharma Agastia) thank you for all the things and stories we made.

13. For PUTER family (Cristin D, Reza Romano, Maria O, Didiana F, Amal, Syahrul M, Megawati Rosalio, Akbar) thank you for be a part in PUTER.

14. Adam Satria L for being my friend in crime.

15. For all IR students at President University 2011.

Thanks for everyone that I cannot mention one by one. Thank you for being my friends and always supported me.




CHAPTER I – INTRODUCTION ...... 1 I.1. Background of Studies ...... 1

I.2. Problem Identification ...... 4

I.3. Statements of Problems ...... 5

I.4. Research Objectives ...... 5

I.5. Significance of study ...... 5

I.6. Theoretical Framework ...... 6

I.6.1. Public Diplomacy & Soft Power ...... 6

I.6.2. Cultural Diplomacy ...... 7


I.7. Scope and Limitations of the Study ...... 7

I.8. Literature Review ...... 7

I.9. Assumption and Hypothesis ...... 13

I.10. Research Methodology ...... 14

I.11. Research Framework ...... 16

I.12. Data Analysis ...... 17

I.13. Definitions of Terms ...... 17

CHAPTER II – U.S. SOFT POWER AND PUBLIC DIPLOMACY ...... 20 II.1. The Use of Public Diplomacy as Tools for the U.S. Foreign Policy ...... 20

II.1.1. The U.S. Public Diplomacy ...... 21

II.2. The Use of Media in Foreign Policy ...... 23

II.2.1. Mass Media and Political Communication ...... 24

II.3. The Roles of VOA as the U.S. Foreign Policy Instrument ...... 25

II.3.1. A Brief History of VOA ...... 27

II.3.2. VOA as American Instrument...... 28

II.3.3. List of VOA Programs In Indonesia and The Spreading Of VOA ..... 29

CHAPTER III – U.S. AND INDONESIA RELATIONS POST 9/11 ...... 31 III.1. The U.S. National Interest Towards Indonesia ...... 31

III.1.1. Military Cooperation ...... 33

III.1.2. Economy Cooperation ...... 35

III.1.3. Socio-Culture Cooperation ...... 36

III.2. U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Indonesia ...... 37

III.3. Indonesia Perception Toward The U.S...... 40

III.3.1. Strike toward the U.S...... 42

III.4. The U.S. Under Obama Administration...... 43


CHAPTER IV – THE USE OF V.O.A TO UPGRADE U.S. REPUTATION ..... 48 IV.1. The Use of VOA in Restoring the U.S. Image in Indonesia After 9/11 .. 48

IV.1.1. Apa Kabar Amerika ...... 54

IV.1.2. Dunia Kita ...... 56

IV.1.3. Kampung Amerika ...... 58


APPENDICES ...... 77


List of Tables 2.1. Timeline of U.S. Public Diplomacy (2001-2009) ...... 22 3.1. Trend in Muslim Opinion of the U.S...... 38 3.2. Terrorism from 2002-2005...... 42

List of Pictures 2.1. VOA Indonesia in YouTube ...... 28

2.2. The Spreading of VOA ...... 30 3.1. Strategic Chokepoints: Straits of Malacca, Sunda, Lombok, Makassar and Other Sea Lanes ...... 33 3.2. A US Marine covers the face of a statue of Saddam Hussein with flag in Baghdad on April 9, 2003 ...... 41 3.3. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama's inscription and signatures in the guestbook at the Istana Merdeka State Palace Complex in , Indonesia, Nov. 9, 2010…………………………………………...... 43

4.1. About 200 elementary school students participate in a concert with Angklung at the Smithsonian's Freer and Sackler Washington DC…………….50

List of Figures 3.1. Indonesian-U.S. exercise Garuda Shield (Lt. Gen. Stephen Lanza, commander, U.S. Army, I Corps and Maj. Gen. Bambang Hariyanto, commander, 2nd Kostrad Infantry Division) ...... 34 3.2. President Barack Obama and Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono participate in the arrival ceremony at the Istana Merdeka State Palace Complex in Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 9, 2010 ...... 44 3.3. President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama tour the main courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque with Grand Imam Ali Mustafa Yaqub in Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 10, 2010...... 44 3.4. US Secretary of State John Kerry (right) and, KH Ali Mustafa Jacob (left) while viewing the interior of the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta (16 February 2014) ...... 46 3.5. John Kerry met Joko Widodo after inauguration...... 47


List of Diagrams 1.1. Conceptual Framework ...... 16 3.1. How Indonesian seen the U.S...... 40 4.1. Key Uses of U.S. Strategic Communication Budget Resources for the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors, Fiscal Year 2008……………………………………………………………………………44

List of Abbreviations NSDD National Security Decision Directive

NSHS National Security for Homeland Security

NSS National Security Strategy

TNI Tentara Nasional Indonesia

U.S. United States

U.S.A. United States of America

USIA United State Information Agency

VOA Voice Of America

WMD Weapon Mass Destruction

WTC World Trade Center



I.1. Background of Studies

September 11 incident that shocked the world, seems change the world. It begins when a hijacked plane crashed into the twin towers of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. After the incident, it increases fear of each states, especially the Muslim community. This raises the paradigm that the Muslim community is a terrorist, and this decline the image the U.S. against people of the world, including Indonesia. Yet, the US has a tool that can improve point of view Indonesian people against the U.S., which is the Voice of America or VOA.

The U.S. at that times was George W. Bush, he declared Global War On Terror for what happened of WTC and Pentagon. 1 From what Bush said, it makes whole states to fight against terrorism. The U.S. society fell threat to them, especially after 9/11 event and that makes the U.S. tighten them policy. One of the non-state actor which is media made this momentum as ways to air and deliver information to the whole world. At once, it uses to make public opinion toward world society even U.S. society itself to fight against Al Qaeda. The U.S. media which controls governance should be more careful in airs or reporting about terrorism as well as 9/11 event. Reporting through VOA brings significance impact, because VOA widespread around the world. According to David Ensor which director of the VOA 2, communities around the world can be reached by public diplomacy, and the US need VOA because it is a form of public diplomacy to the wider community. 3

1 (2001). Transcript of President Bush's address - September 21, 2001. Retrieved February 28th, 2015 from 2 Director of V.O.A since June 2011 to present (2015). VOA. (n.d). Key Executives. Retrieved March 17, 2015 from n executives/latest/1498/1500.html 3 VOA. (n.d). Interview with David Ensor. Retrieved March 17, 2015 from 1

The shaping of public opinion can be used for decision-making and this the American soft power. Symbiosis between media and terrorist generating issues in relation to the conflict between freedom of press and national security. In version of the U.S. terrorism threatens the U.S. interests. This includes attacks on military institutions and diplomatic representatives of the United States in certain states. 4

The relations between the U.S. and other states facing issue regard that incident. The Muslims who are in America feel fear, Rana Abbas-Chami who is Deputy Director of Michigan's American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said that after 9/11 many people feel frightened and names that contain elements of Arabic they changed, such as an electrician named Osama Nimer changed its name to Samuel Nimer or nurse named Mohammad Bazzi switch into Alex Goldsmith and they change their appearance by shaving their beards. 5 If it related with Indonesia, take an example of Bali blast case where Indonesia as the location that it happened, and Australia that mostly their citizens be victim, whereas the target of the terrorist was the U.S. Thus, terrorist target not only government of a state but also politics target. In case of 9/11 attack, there are so many people with differences nationality be victim, and it involves many states to this issue. The researcher take an example of plane hijacked (9/11 incident), it shows that airport security weak, and bomb blast (Bali blast), made society had to be careful with building and public facility. Terrorism spread to whole states, that makes cooperation the whole states to overcome this problem. Therefore, media activity and the function, has role in spreading information and reporting news widely. In general, news media ideally should only act as a story teller to the event (Prajarto ,1993:10). 6

4 Prajarto, N. (2004) ‘Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan ilmu Politik’, Terorisme dan Media Massa: Debat Keterlibatan Media vol 8, no. 1, 37-52. Pp.42 5 Hampson, R. (2006). Fear 'as bad as after 9/11'. Retrieved March 17, 2015 from 6 Ibid. pp.47 2

Meanwhile, the U.S. foreign policy, which is clearly seen is the focus on prevention and anticipation. Afterwards, this term is known as the 'Bush Doctrine'. 7 Then, on Bush administration one of foreign policy released is ‘USA PATRIOT Act’. 8 Furthermore, the U.S. foreign policy became more militaristic, it because of 9/11.

Meanwhile, strategy is needed in order to win the war and 9/11 was the beginning for decision makers to avert any attack that come in American sovereignty. In National Security Strategy 2002 or NSS 2002, steps that taken by the Bush administration in the context of a global "war on terror" are:

• Perform actions on an ongoing basis using national and international force. Focused on the actions of terrorists, terrorist organizations and countries which provide funds to terrorists who seek to or add to weapons of mass destruction (WMD);

• Always protect the American society and state interests, in domestic and state interests which are outside the territory of America, by identifying threats and destroy the threat before entering or interfere with the sovereignty of the American territory. This is done with or without help of international parties as efforts to defense against terrorist threats;

• Negate the countries that sponsor terrorist movement by providing an understanding or coercion against states for responsibility for their sovereignty. 9

7 Bush Doctrine applies to foreign policy approach during the regime of George W. Bush in 2001- 2009. Jones, S. (n.d). The Bush Doctrine. Retrieved March 6th, 2015 from 8 After less than a week since 9/11, was released the "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism" or USA PATRIOT Act. American Library Association. (n.d). The USA PATRIOT Act. Retrieved March 6th, 2015 from 9 The President of U.S.A. (2002). The National Security Strategy 2002. Pp. 6 3

Afterwards, Bush also issued National Strategy for Homeland Security 2002 or NSHS 2002. In response to the 9/11 attacks, was made NSHS 2002 by the Office of National Security and international terrorist organization is a threat to the interests of American whether foreign or domestic.

Bush did transformation after 9/11 attacks. The main objective to be achieved by Bush, showcased in the form of the NSS 2002, the establishment of NSHS 2002 and the released of USA PATRIOT Act.

In general, the U.S. foreign policy can implement through Executive and Legislative in the form of: providing responses to international events, in international agreements make negotiation, proposals to the legislative (Congress), the provision of policy statements, as well as policy implementation. Meanwhile legislative institution give feedback of: make limitation of legislative like fund denials, give advice to executive, give oversight of proposal that deliver by executive. 10 Thus, based on background above, the authors feel compelled to make the discussion with title:

“ The Use Of Voice Of America (VOA) In Reporting the U.S.’ – Indonesia Relations To the Indonesian Public (2001 – 2009): Analysis on Programs “Apa Kabar Amerika”, “Dunia Kita” and “Warung VOA“ “

I.2. Problem Identification

By considering the events of 9/11 that shocked the world, making America tightened its policy and reduce the trust of Muslim countries, including Indonesia. The name or an Arabic looks like, suspected as terrorist then National Security Strategic 2002 is made by Bush Jr to prevent terrorist action. The reaction of Indonesian public at that time cursed the U.S. because of the invasion to Muslim states and policies that they made to Arabic people or Muslim society.

10 Grimmett, R.F. (1999). Foreign Policy Roles of the President and Congress. Retrieved April 2nd, 2015 from


The reputation of the U.S. downed but the U.S. has official media which is VOA that can help them to increase the reputation back before the 9/11 event occurred.

Media influence public opinion which can make up to manipulate the public. The invasion to Iraq and Afghanistan and how they treat Muslim based on Rana said, declined the image of the U.S. in the world. The declined of the U.S. reputation could be covered with the VOA where it is part of public diplomacy that use media. American media is an instrument to spread the influence and ideology toward Indonesia.

I.3. Statements of Problems

This research explains of the use VOA particularly VOA Indonesia as an instrument to build the U.S. image after 9/11 to Indonesia public. Based on that, the statement of problems of this research is as follows:

How does VOA Build U.S. Reputation in Indonesia after 9/11?

I.4. Research Objectives

According to that statement above, the main objectives of this thesis are:

1. To show that media is an efficient tool to bring public opinion to Indonesian audience. 2. To find out how the U.S. increase the reputation after 9/11.

I.5. Significance of study

The significance of this study is explained in the few points:

1. The researcher aimed to know how the American media do framing post 9/11. 2. The problems discussed concerns media of the U.S. (VOA) and Indonesia. 3. This study is expected to provide new knowledge about 9/11.


I.6. Theoretical Framework

I.6.1. Public Diplomacy & Soft Power Terms of public diplomacy was first expressed by the Dean Edmund A. Gullion of the Fletcher School of Law Diplomacy, Tufts University, USA, The United States, in 1965;

“Public diplomacy . . . deals with the influence of public attitudes on the formation and execution of foreign policies. It encompasses dimensions of international relations beyond traditional diplomacy; the cultivation by governments of public opinion in other countries; the interaction of private groups and interests in one country with those of another; the reporting of foreign affairs and its impact on policy; communication between those whose job is communication, as between diplomats and foreign correspondents; and the processes of inter-cultural communications.” 11 Basically, public diplomacy has many meanings, but an outline is an attempt to achieve the national interest through; understanding, informing, and influencing foreign audiences. Thus, public diplomacy emphasized on government-to-people relations or people-to-people relations. In order to make international society can have a perception about a different country so that foreign political relations can occur.

Basically, all the activities undertaken by actors or non-state actors contribute to the formation of soft power. This is in line with the concept of Joseph S. Nye, he mentioned that soft power is influenced by culture, political values and foreign policy. 12 Positive image and programs of state can be reached and one of the ways is used public diplomacy because it is a medium to create public opinion

11 Tufts. (2015). What is Public Diplomacy?. Retrieved March 1st, 2015 from 12 Trunkos, J. (2013). WHAT IS SOFT POWER CAPABILITY AND HOW DOES IT IMPACT FOREIGN POLICY?. January 6th. 6

I.6.2. Cultural Diplomacy Cultural diplomacy can be done by government and non-government, individual and collective, or any citizen. So that cultural diplomacy can also be categorized as relations between nations occurs between anyone as actors and where the main goals and objectives of cultural diplomacy is to influence public opinion both at national and international levels.

Cultural diplomacy can be used by a state as media and brings identity in order to achieve interest of state. Cultural diplomacy can be seen as series to attempt an open communication within the adaptation framework of space and negotiate the elements of local or national in the scope of social globally. In book of “Diplomasi Kebudayaan Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Berkembang: Studi Kasus Indonesia” that written by Dr. Tulus Warsito, M.Si., and Wahyuni Kartikasari, S.IP., S.T., M.Si., it explains that:

"Diplomacy culture is a country's efforts in the defense of national interests through cultural dimensions, including the use of fields of ideology, technology, politics, economy, military, social, arts and others in the international community arena" 13

I.7. Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study focused on how the U.S. use V.O.A. as an instrument to increase image of the U.S. reputation post 9/11 toward Indonesia from 2001 to 2009.

I.8. Literature Review

This research uses many books and journals. However, this literature review is going to highlight five of them. The first books is The Impact of 9/11 on Politics and War edited by Matthew J. Morgan. An entry of the book, Countering Terrorism: Beyond Deterrence by Bruno S. Frey and Simon Luechinger, points

13 Warsito, T & Kartikasari, W. (2007). Diplomasi Kebudayaan Konsep dan Relevansi Bagi Negara Berkembang: Studi Kasus Indonesia. : Ombak. Pp.31 7

out that 9/11 triggered the government to pass anti terrorism bills and raise the budget for police, military and intelligence.

Government and economy shaken by terrorist action, and with resilience increased, the terrorist attacks will also be reduced. On the other hand, the media make news that attract readers or viewers, while the terrorist rely on the media to spread fear among society and to publicize their cause. So relationship between those two is symbiotic. However, terrorist become very skilled to achieve maximal effect with using media as their tool. Likewise, political rights, civil liberties and terrorism is growing with development of cross-country relationship. Regimes that suppress the civil liberties and political rights usually created terrorist while political rights and civil liberties face the highest terrorism risk from states with an intermediate level.

Meanwhile, the second books is Media, War and Terrorism edited by Peter van der Veer and Shoma Munshi. An entry of the book, Television in the United States from 9/11 and the US’s continuing ‘War on Terror’ by Shoma Munshi, explains that Television as electronic media provide information, education and entertainment. On 9/11, television has a significant influence and the American media are abuzz reporting 9/11. Human tragedy refers to 9/11 and drama related to the incident had simultaneously by media.

Situation like the event of 9/11 causes public opinion and for institutions. Four leading broadcaster in U.S. such as ABC, NBC,CBS, and Fox in the first week following September 11, stayed on the air with an unprecedented four straight days of round-the-clock, commercial-free coverage of the attacks and their aftermath. Media reports, especially television coverage on Tuesday, September 11, and the few days that followed. 14 Meanwhile, Munshi argue that it

14 Munshi, S. (2004). Television in the United States from 9/11 and the US’s continuing ‘War on Terror’. In P. van der Veer & S. Munshi, Media, War and Terrorism: Responses from the Middle East and Asia pp. 49 8

influenced by two factors: (1) breaking nature and (2) ‘doing media’ while reporting ‘happening events’. 15

The silver lining in this is other television channels, ubiquitous throughout the world now, presenting alternative views and dissent, as well as the new medium of the Internet which has already played a key role in nurturing global justice movements and via which so much discussion and news circulates today. According to Mark Crispin Miller (2001) who Professor at New York University stated that,

“the Bush Administration’s efforts to control the news – with the broadcast media’s willing collaboration – may be more dangerous to American democracy than any terrorist … in the United States … with its hallowed First Amendment … the government’s attempts to control the news are unquestionably unpatriotic, whatever Rupert Murdoch thinks, and however genuinely terrifying the terrorist threat. It’s all the more disturbing, then, to consider the range of this administration’s efforts to squelch important but embarrassing news, and the extent to which at least the broadcast media have so far proved willing to abet them – a trend that bodes nothing but ill for American democracy.” 16

From media, viewers or readers has their viewpoints and perspectives and that makes public opinion across worldwide.

Whereas, a journal of September 11, Spectacles of Terror, and Media Manipulation: A Critique of Jihadist and Bush Media Politics written by Douglas Kellner, a professor of Colombia University. Explains that terrorists have since a long time ago built media spectacles of terror to bring their effect within society, assault their foes, and increase publicity also attention.

Then, Kellner brought example in 1993, Islamist terrorist linked to Osama bin Laden bombed the World Trade Center and the more spectacular September 11 attacked. In addition, Timothy McVeigh who an American born terrorist, bombed the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City. From that

15 Ibid. 16 Ibid. pp. 53 9

incident, 168 die and more than 500 wound. 17 The U.S. embassies in Africa on 1998, had assaulted by Al Qaeda.

The result, terror spectacle is a pivotal part from Al Qaeda terror, but, 9/11 was the most extravagant strike on U.S. targets in its history and the first foreign attack on its territory since the war of 1812. In a worldwide media, extravagant terror spectacles have been organized to be a part to get attention worldwide, dramatize the issues of the terrorist groups involved, and achieve specific political objectives. Terror spectacle of 9/11 looked like a disaster movie which produced by Hollywood. It played with deadly dramas that live on television where the images of planes hitting the twin towers. The spectacle deliver message of the U.S. was vulnerable to terror attack, and terrorist could make great danger. From what television airs about that terror, it brought drama that seem "you are there".

“The September 11 terror attacks in New York were claimed to be “the most documented event in history” in the May 2002 HBO film, In Memoriam, which itself provided a collage of images assembled from professional news crews, documentary filmmakers, and amateur videographers and photographers who in some cases risked their lives to document the event.” 18

From what Kellner said that 9/11 made the historical event in American history. In Bush administration, he asserted that his administration held by those nations who supported terrorism.

Furthermore, he told about dualism between fear and freedom, civilization and barbarism. Television network featuring the logo of "America's New War," "War on America," and slogans that have the assumption that the U.S. was at war while radio broadcaster more frightening, radio talk oozed hatred and hysteria also calling violence against Muslims and Arabs.

Afterwards, the book of The Price of Peace edited by Charles Reed & David Ryall. An entry of the book, A US political perspective by Michael O.

17 Kellner, D. (2003). ‘Logos Journal’ September 11, Spectacles of Terror, and Media Manipulation: A Critique of Jihadist and Bush Media Politics issues 2.1 – Winter, Pp. 87 18 Ibid. pp.89 10

Wheeler, explains that the first World War redrew the geopolitical map as European coalitions fought their first major conflict since 1815. The concept in the Twentieth Century of collective security, this is a peaceful political community development. American foreign policy cannot be separated from the history of America itself and on January 6th, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered his annual report. He had guided an American foreign policy since his first term as president. The American policy should in line and neutral to fight fascism around the world. War is a political activity and war and peace decisions are among the most important choices politicians make in a democracy.

Finally, the last one is The Decline of American Soft Power of Joshua Kurlantzick. This journal points out that soft power is the ability of a nation to persuade and influence other states through the attractiveness of its culture, institutions, values and society. Also how a nation’s leaders participate in multinational organizations, forums, businesses’ actions abroad, and the gravitational pull of a nation’s economic strength. 19 A state will easily spread the values of the state if it has the ability to lead other states.

According to Kurlantzick (2006:420) said that, America’s soft power at the highest level starting from the late of 1990s and early 2000s where economy sector supports by information technology sector and the Internet, IT (Information Technology) revolution leading in business sector. In the same time, American popular culture (music, movies, and TV) dominate the local market from India to Indonesia. Additionally, interchangeability of the world political map brings reflect to American democratic culture and institutions. Since the Second World War, public diplomacy—government-funded programs that try to influence public opinion abroad—had been a linchpin of US foreign policy. Radio Free Europe provided the news and values that inspired a generation of dissidents within the Soviet bloc. State Department international exchange programs introduced future foreign leaders from Margaret Thatcher to Hamid Karzai to the

19 Kurlantzick, J. (2005) ‘Global Trends’, The Decline of American Soft Power vol 104, issues 686, pp. 420 11

United States. Libraries and American centers operated by the United States Information Agency (USIA) and US embassies offered foreigners a window into American society. US government-sponsored tours by artists and musicians brought jazz, pop art, and many other American trends to foreign audiences. 20

One study revealed that State Department funding for educational and cultural exchange programs declined every year between 1993 and 2002; another showed that the number of academic and cultural exchanges between the United States and foreign nations plummeted from 45,000 in 1995 to 29,000 in 2001. Between 1993 and 1999 the number of Foreign Service officers focused on public diplomacy in the State Department fell by nearly one quarter, and many of the USIA libraries abroad were shuttered. 21 The collapsed of the Soviet made America be a sole super power nation. Meanwhile, citizens of some countries were linking globalization with unwelcome elements of the American social model, including limited social welfare protection and laissez-faire capitalism. Meetings of the World Trade Organization, International Monetary Fund, and World Bank met with harsh anti-globalization and anti-US protests. 22 American films and media will overthrow the local industry due to spread of American culture and lack of sensitivity of the business leaders and politicians.

The attraction of America in the world eyes are declining, it is seen from 2000-2005. The United Kingdom now ranks ahead of the United States in applications for political asylum. The Council of Graduate Schools, an organization of American universities, reports that the number of international graduate school applications fell 28 percent between 2003 and 2004, and 5 percent between 2004 and 2005. Tourist arrivals to the United States fell by nearly 10 million between 2000 and 2003, and foreign tourist interest in America is not rebounding strongly, despite a weak dollar, which makes travel to the United States cheaper. Perhaps most surprising, despite the image of the United

20 Ibid. 21 Ibid. 22 Ibid. pp.421 12

States as a magnet for foreign talent, legal immigration to America has been dropping since 2000. 23 This is not apart from negative image of America in the world eyes since the Iraq war.

American response to the December 2004 Asian tsunami, complemented by solid public diplomacy, the image of the United States in Indonesia this year has improved. The United States still clearly possesses a soft power lead over its nearest rivals. It remains the world’s most powerful economic actor, and it retains hard power credentials that will augment its soft power for years to come. Still, the administration must realize that it is doing long-term damage to American soft power, and that it can reverse its losses. 24 Comprehensive immigration reform to balancing the border security is one of America's soft power strategy, and added with the broadcaster the Voice of America (VOA) which effectively help promote the idea of America.

Ultimately, American soft power has decreased it is because America's actions that makes negative image in the world. However, the soft power of America is still seen as power in world, it is associated with the broadcasting of VOA which is widespread in the world.

From those journals and books above, it deepen the knowledge and information about this thesis before going further.

I.9. Assumption and Hypothesis

Assumptions of problems in this research will be described in the following points:

• VOA has a role in restoring America's reputation in the eyes of the world after 9/11 occurred.

• The media shape public opinion that manipulative in spreading and broadcast news.

23 Ibid. pp.423 24 Ibid. pp.424 13

• VOA is America's soft power has a worldwide network, and this makes the VOA can work effectively in the formation of public opinion.

While the hypothesis of the problems in this study is:

The influence of VOA to spread news in Indonesia increase the U.S. reputation back after 9/11 incident.

I.10. Research Methodology

In this research is used qualitative approach. In connection with this research problem, the researcher has guidelines for the implementation of research using a qualitative approach, which is collected in the form of opinions, feedback, information, concepts and information in the form of a description in the case. The four major qualitative approaches are; (1) Ethnography, (2) Phenomenology, (3) Field Research, (4) Grounded Theory 25. The qualitative method is more subjective, qualitative study examines the perspectives of participants with strategies that are interactive and flexible. Qualitative research is aimed at understanding social phenomena from the point of view of the participants. Thus the meaning or definition of the qualitative research is research that is used to examine the condition of the natural object where the researcher is the key instrument (Sugiyono, 2005).

Quantitative method called as traditional method, because this method has been used for a long time so it is been quite a tradition as a method for research. Research can be classified into two, scientific and non-scientific. Scientific research without data is not systematic, data collected and data collection methods are subjective, laden with emotions and feelings of the researchers. Because it is not scientific research is research which looked subjective. While scientific research is a systematic and objective activity to examine a problem in an attempt to reach an understanding of the fundamental principles and theories on the

25 Torchimi. W.M.K. (2006). Qualitative Approaches. Retrieved October 3, 2014 from 14

subject. Thus, Americanization is a phenomenal thing, therefore the authors use qualitative approaches in search information.


I.11. Research Framework

Diagram 1.1 Conceptual Framework Source: Made by the Researcher

The diagram 1.1 illustrates the scheme of America as main actor. International relations as a scope between input, process and output. It cannot be denied that in any inter-state relations, international relations is an important factor. Moreover, related with culture where culture deliver messages by a country's diplomacy.

From diagram 1.1, there are input, process and output where those three produce causation. In the input, there is the US, and VOA as an instrument of America. In process, the deployment of American are, cultural diplomacy, public diplomacy and soft power of America. Lastly, the output is Indonesia, where reputation of the U.S. increase toward Indonesian.

The influence of VOA in Indonesia causes the reputation that fall after 9/11, increase again because of the use of VOA. The researcher argues that those three theories correlated each other to increase the U.S. reputation.


I.12. Data Analysis

The researcher conducted an analysis based on cases of post 9/11. In addition, researcher also delivers the foreign policy of the U.S. and how can VOA could restoring the U.S in the worldwide. The researcher gets sources from: books, journals, reports and online media.

I.13. Definitions of Terms

Here are explanations of Cultural Diplomacy that used in this study:

1. Based on "Cultural Diplomacy may best be described as a course of actions, which are based on and utilize the exchange of ideas, values, traditions and other aspects of culture or identity, whether to strengthen relationships, enhance socio-cultural cooperation or promote national interests; Cultural diplomacy can be practiced by either the public sector, private sector or civil society." 26

2. Meanwhile, Milton Cummings who political scientist defined as, “the exchange of ideals, information, values, systems, traditions, beliefs and other aspects of culture, with the intention of fostering mutual understanding”. 27

Here are explanations of Foreign Policy that used in this study:

1. Based on, “a policy pursued by a nation in its dealings with other nations, designed to achieve national objectives.” 28

2. While on Business Dictionary, “Plan of action adopted by one nation in regards to its diplomatic dealings with other countries. Foreign policies are

26 Cultural Diplomacy. (2015).What is Cultural Diplomacy?. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 27 EuNIC. (2015). Cultural Diplomacy. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from http://eunic- 28 (2015). Foreign Policy. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 17

established as a systematic way to deal with issues that may arise with other countries.” 29

Here is explanation of Media that used in this study:

1. Based in there are two meaning; (1) a plural of medium, (2) the means of communication, as radio and television, newspapers, and magazines, that reach or influence people widely. 30

Here is explanation of National Interest that used in this study:

1. Based on Merriam-Webster dictionary: ”The interest of a nation as a whole held to be an independent entity separate from the interests of subordinate areas or groups and also of other nations or supranational groups .” 31

Here are explanations of Public Diplomacy that used in this study:

1. Based on U.S. Department of State: “Public diplomacy refers to government- sponsored programs intended to inform or influence public opinion in other countries; its chief instrument are publications, motion pictures, cultural exchange, radio and television.” 32

2. Based on University Southern California, “Interactive dimension of diplomacy which is not only global in nature, but also involves a multitude of actors and networks. It is a key mechanism through which nations foster

29 Business Dictionary. (2015). Foreign Policy. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 30 (2015). Media. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 31Merriam-Webster. (2015). National Interest. Retrieved February 28th, 2015 from 32 U.S. Department of State. (1987). Dictionary of International Relations Terms, Washington, D.C. Pg. 85 18

mutual trust and productive relationships and has become crucial to building a secure global environment.” 33

Here is explanation of Soft Power that used in this study:

1. Based on Oxford Dictionaries, “A persuasive approach to international relations, typically involving the use of economic or cultural influence. Compare with hard power.” 34

Here are explanations of Terrorism that used in this study:

1. Based on, there are three explanations; [ter-uh-riz-uh m] (1) the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, especially for political purposes; (2) the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization; (3) a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government. 35

2. Based on Oxford Dictionaries, “The unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims: the fight against terrorism international terrorism.” 36

33 USC. (2015). What is PD?. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 34 Oxford Dictionaries. (2015). Soft Power. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 35 (2015). Terrorism. Retrieved March 1st, 2015 from 36 Oxford Dictionaries. (2015). Terrorism. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 19


The U.S. use soft power and public diplomacy in promoting the U.S. and maintain good relations with other states. Actors in public diplomacy not only abroad but also in domestic and public diplomacy is part of the soft power, it is driven by the fact that the efforts made by the government have failed to resolve the inter-state conflicts.

On the other hand, soft power is the ability to get what you want by attracting attention or influence others to want to apply the objectives of countries.

II.1. The Use of Public Diplomacy as Tools for the U.S. Foreign Policy The US emerged as a super-power, it is after the collapse of the Soviet Union.In running foreign policy, US public diplomacy effectively to transmit information and ideology globally to support terrorism, since 9/11. Public diplomacy provides an understanding of foreign policy and public diplomacy activities of the government can establish mutual understanding between nations in both states which then had an impact on bilateral relations.

“Our strategy must be comprehensive, because the challenge we face is greater and more complex than the threat. The victory of freedom in the Cold War was won only when the West remembered that values and security cannot be separated. The values of freedom and democracy—as much, if not more, than economic power and military might—won the Cold War. And those same values will lead us to victory in the war on terror.” 37 (National Security Strategy, 2002)

37 In Kennedy, S & Lucas, S. (2009). Public Diplomacy and the U.S. Foreign Policy. Retrieved March 5th, 2015 from .2kennedy.html 20

It needs public diplomacy with the new structure of the foreign policy to combat terrorism. 38 Therefore, public diplomacy use to convince the international society in order to fight against terrorism. Yet, American policy often come under criticism for the actions that taken because of threatening other states.

The success of US foreign policy is supported by the public diplomacy, as well as to achieve national interests and improve security. 39 Peter G. Petterson who is chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations said that American policy got a negative attitude, especially in the Middle East. 40 He also add that US fails to include elements of public diplomacy into the making of foreign policy. 41 Then, without a coordinated ability, influence of people, information, government and private institutions, foreign policy will not work. 42

II.1.1. The U.S. Public Diplomacy The U.S. use public diplomacy to reach global audiences. The U.S. public diplomacy spread all over the world, from electronic media, print and socio- culture. 43 The strategic objectives can be accomplished by public diplomacy where there are five strategic objectives of the U.S.:

1. Persuading foreign public to support specific policies, engaging and informing events.

2. Enhance the U.S. appeal by promoting American, values, institutions and inform about the U.S worldwide.

3. Establish respect, trust and mutual understanding worldwide.

38 Peterson, P.G. (2002). Public Diplomacy and the War on Terrorism. Retrieved April 4th, 2015 from 39 U.S. Department of State. (n.d) Diplomacy in Action. Retrieved April 4th, 2015 from 40 Ibid. 41 Ibid. 42 Ibid. 43 GAO. (2003). ‘Report to the Committee on International Relations, House of Representatives’ U.S. PUBLIC DIPLOMACY: State Department Expands Efforts but Faces Significant Challenges. September. Pp.4 21

4. Support free market, environmental protection and rule of law.

5. Strengthening links between states in the world as well as the relationship between the leaders of states, creating collaboration (cooperation) among nations and creating good communication in order to reduce conflicts. 44

According to John Brown who is veteran of the U.S. foreign service, said that there are three pillars of public diplomacy: (1) information, (2) education, (3) culture. He also added that information from the U.S. has the objective to propagate by delivering news. 45

Table 2.1 Timeline of U.S. Public Diplomacy (2001- 2009) Source: US Public Diplomacy: Background and Current Issues

In war on terror, public diplomacy brings impact to Muslim and majority Muslim states. Public diplomacy is required for the delivery of accurate and credible information to avoid misunderstandings to the Muslim states of the U.S

44 Lord, K.M. (2008). Voices Of America: U.S. Public Diplomacy for the 21st Century. November. Pp.14 45 Brown, J. (2002). The Purposes and Cross-Purposes of American Public Diplomacy. Retrieved April 2nd, 2015 from 09/brown_pubdipl/brown_pubdipl.html 22

policy and the lack of understanding of the Muslim states to American such as the culture, public diplomacy can provide an understanding of that. 46 Then, based on Brown explained that Public diplomacy to strengthen the network of American interests between countries. 47

II.2. The Use of Media in Foreign Policy American foreign policy influenced by the media and it is used to promote the peace process to war and conflict. The media is a means of communication in the community because it has a function as an intermediary who then channeled to the community and of the community in the form of public opinion. The symbiotic relationship between the media and the American government need of news media, while the government needs the media for publishing tools policies made. Moreover, foreign policy is a reflection of the media, one of them as decision makers and response through the media.

“Through this ‘public diplomacy’ governments can attempt to ‘by-pass’ their counterparts in favour of directly influencing international civil society. In effect this is a more subtle form of propaganda or subversion, by influencing “morale or belief in another state” (Hill, 2003: 279).” 48

According to Naveh (2002:1), he explained that in the national and international aspects, the media became consideration aspect in the formulation of foreign policy. He also added, with the development of the foreign policies issued, the media into consideration as a result whether the policy is issued need to change or not (2002:2).

46 Ibid. 47 Ibid. 48 In Flint, J. (2015). Foreign Policy, the State, International Public Opinion and the Media. Retrieved March 4th, 2015 from international-public-opinion-and-the-media/ 23

In addition, there are three effects caused by the intervention of the media in making foreign policy decisions in the uttered by Steven Livingston 49 in his research paper;

1. Accelerant, • Where the media as an actor that accelerate time of decision making 2. Impediment • The media can be a threat to operational safety 3. Agenda Setting • The media can put the issue at once intervened. 50

Broadly speaking, that the foreign policy-making is influenced by the media, the media as a means of government are aimed at the general public and return later in the response obtained from the public. According to Cohen (1963) that media influence in foreign policy where the media as an independent observer, a watchdog and active participant. Meanwhile, C.Naveh argued, “media is involved in all stages of foreign policy formulation and that political leaders take the media into consideration in its national and international aspects.” (Naveh, 2002:1).

II.2.1. Mass Media and Political Communication The mass media is one of example a medium in political communication. Media also has an important role on people's lives, which aims to deliver information to public. Communication role that has have media is what will be able to determine or bring a better understanding of something or particular social phenomenon which developments in society. Presently, mass media is often used as a 'vehicle' for political parties to be seen in the public. Through the mass media, the political culture or political participation of society will be able to affect greatly.

Ways of media itself in delivering political events may affect the society perception or point of view on issues in political development. This can lead to

49 Steven Livingston is Professor of Media and Public Affairs and International Affairs. 50 Livingston, S. (1997). ‘Research Paper’ Clarifying the CNN Effect: an Examination of Media Effects According to Type of Military Intervention. Pp-4-7 24

the shaping of public opinion or general opinion that is in development efforts and public actions about political issues that develop and considered as political issues or political actors. 51

Role of mass media also change the political culture or political participation in Indonesian society to be better. Political participation is an activity of citizens, either directly or indirectly related to government policies can be done by individuals or groups spontaneously or mobilized. 52 It is used for government or society to shape public opinion.

In globalization, television role of shaping public opinion is becoming increasingly advanced. Where as we see in the legislative elections or presidential election in 2014, many political advertising on television as campaign instrument. Thus, mass media as an instrument for groups or individuals who have an interest in politics and the presence of political communication through mass media, political parties easily addressing their interest to society.

II.3. The Roles of VOA as the U.S. Foreign Policy Instrument

In general, the VOA has a global mission to US national interests and this is certainly needed by America. 53 In 1982, NSDD 45 54 has signed by President Ronald Reagen and he stressed on the pivotal aspect of international broadcasting, as an importance aspect of foreign policy. 55

As part of Broadcasting Board of Governors, VOA brings information, cultural and top news where it reaches more than 164 million people around the

51 See Hamad, I. (2004). Konstruksi Realitas Politik Dalam Media Massa: Sebuah Studi Critical Discourse Analysis Terhadap Berita-Berita politik, Jakarta, Granit. Pp.9 52 See Sitepu, A. (2012). Teori-Teori Politik, Yogyakarta, Graha Ilmu. Pp.92 53 Public Diplomacy Council. (2014). The Voice of America: A worthy mission for the 21st century. Retrieved March 5th, 2015 from 14/voice-america-worthy-mission-21st-century 54 National Security Decision Directive issues by President R. Reagen for National Security Affairs for guidance of defense, security, and foreign policy. 55 Ibid. 25

world in 45 languages. 56 VOA managed to attract an international audience of 80%. 57


56 BBG. (n.d.). Voice of America. Retrieved April 6th, 2015 from 57 Ibid. 26

II.3.1. A Brief History of VOA VOA is America's official media, with variety form such as; television, radio, and online (streaming). Due to the fact that VOA is government property, then it gets fund and as we know that VOA widespread all over the world, include Indonesia. United State Information Agency and the VOA has a relationship where this is the beginning of the official media the US Basically, USIA is an entity that is useful to propagate liberalism against the communists, then comes the VOA in line with the Cold War. Initially, VOA in collaboration with various television stations in the world, including Indonesia and VOA founded in 1942. 58 In VOA charter, it explains about three points:

1. VOA will serve as a consistently reliable and authoritative source of news. VOA news will be accurate, objective, and comprehensive. 2. VOA will represent America, not any single segment of American society, and will therefore present a balanced and comprehensive projection of significant American thought and institutions. 3. VOA will present the policies of the United States clearly and effectively, and will also present responsible discussions and opinion on these policies. (Public Law 94-350).

Washington, D.C. is the headquarter of VOA and VOA also airs in Javanese language. 59 The Office of War Information or OWI established by President Franklin Roosevelt when World War II. The objective of OWI to give American and foreign audiences with news of the war, activities of the U.S. and U.S. policies. VOA itself was part of the OWI as the oldest U.S. government radio broadcasting service. In 1948, OWI terminated and transferred information to Department of State and VOA also transferred to Department of State then became official abroad the U.S. broadcast. 60

58 VOA. (2015) VOA History. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 59 VOA. (2002). Sejarah Berdirinya Voice Of America. Retrieved April 2nd, 2015 from 60 Nakamura, K.H. & Weed, M.C. (2009). U.S. Public Diplomacy: Background and Current Issues. December. Pp.14 27

II.3.2. VOA as American Instrument America's role is very huge in order to release an "attack" to the world. VOA very lucrative American and this diplomacy tool also shows that the greatness of American soft power. H. Tuch explains that;

“A Government’s process of communicating with foreign publics in an attempt to bring about understanding for its nation’s ideas and ideals, its institutions, and culture, as well as its nation goals and current policies” 61

Soft power is one of the instruments in public diplomacy and in this case VOA becomes public opinion. With the presence of VOA office in Jakarta, it makes the US-Indonesia relationship closer.

Public diplomacy includes all activities undertaken by state and non-state actors to contribute in maintenance and promotion of soft power. Soft power of a state formed by the activities and variety of actors and organizations that affect the public. Moreover, public diplomacy does not only put the state in development programs locally but also globally. The interaction between the government and the various actors in state is very important in public diplomacy, in order to improve the soft power.

Picture 2.1 VOA Indonesia in YouTube (Courtesy: er/voaindonesia)

VOA ability to spread the news sometimes can create propaganda. Take examples of the tragedy of 9/11, spreading of information is very quick or the ISIS. It raises fears the world against the Muslim community and the emergence

61 See Wang, J. (2006), ‘Journal of Business Strategy’ Public Diplomacy and Global Business vol.27, no.3 28

of negative stigma. In this cases, the Americans successfully run their interest by airing those event. If we see that America seems great because successfully make VOA spread all over the world with different languages, it is inseparable from the role of America itself behind VOA.

On YouTube see channel VOA Indonesia 62, there will be seen about America. How the people of Indonesia who live in America, it seemed to show that America is a strong country. With so many people from all over the world in the US shows as if no one could not compete with America. They employ broadcaster from Indonesia, with the aim that the VOA can be received well by Indonesia people. If Indonesia people could receive well VOA, the relationship between the two states will be closer, and certainly there are objectives with the opening of VOA office in Indonesia.

II.3.3. List of VOA Programs In Indonesia and The Spreading Of VOA VOA Indonesia has many programs airing in Indonesia, such as:

• Apa Kabar Amerika

o A six-minute international news in 2008 on tvOne. • Dunia Kita (Our World)

o Featuring the story of humanity and this show airs on Metro TV with a duration of thirty minutes weekly.

• Kampung Amerika

o Five minute segment showing interesting places and current events in America for Pojok Kampung on JTV.

• Metro Pagi Weekend

o Launched in 2008, contains about current events and sports with three minutes package.

• Warung VOA

62 VOA Indonesia. (2014). Retrieved December 3, 2014 from 29

o Launched in 2006, broadcast on local TV stations based in Surabaya, JTV. Segment in the show like Opo Inggrise? (What's the English for ...?) and How Do You Say That ?. With a half-hour duration and a weekly program. 63

While VOA spread in around the world like data below. Then, more than 300 affiliates airs VOA programs in Indonesia. 64

Picture 2.2 The Spreading of VOA

Source: dio-frequencies/2316.html

63 United States Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors . (2011). Inspection of Voice of America’s Indonesian Service 64 BBG. (n.d). op.cit 30


The U.S. policy changed after 9/11, it is seen from the interests and objectives of the U.S. foreign policy. Security was tightened, and foreigners more difficult to enter the US. Therefore, this chapter will discuss about the national interest of the US, foreign policy, and perception of Indonesia toward the US.

III.1. The U.S. National Interest Towards Indonesia In every relations between two or more states, they have their own national interest. Every states has different national interest. In achieving its objectives, the U.S. pay attention to national interests, such as:

• Ensuring U.S. security and freedom of action, in this content includes:

o U.S. sovereignty, territorial integrity, and freedom o Safety of U.S. citizens at home and abroad o Protection of critical U.S. infrastructure

• Honoring international commitments:

o Security and well-being of allies and friends o Precluding hostile domination of critical areas, particularly Europe, Northeast Asia, the East Asian littoral 65, and the Middle East and Southwest Asia o Peace and stability in the Western Hemisphere

• Contributing to economic well-being:

o Vitality and productivity of the global economy o Security of international sea, air, and space, and information lines of communication 66 o Access to key markets and strategic resources.

65 The east Asian littoral is defined as the region stretching from south of Japan through Australia and into the Bay of Bengal. 66 U.S. Department Of Defense. (2001). Quadrennial Defense Review Report. Pp.2 31

From description above, the U.S. done steps above, like military training with Indonesia. In addition, 9/11 was a momentum for the U.S. to change its strategy and policy towards other states. The U.S. global perspective to the terrorist threat, making the world community supports the U.S. to combat terrorism action then this step is called as the "global war on terrorism".

If explored, there is a connection between the attacks of 9/11 and the Bali blast. It shows that the terrorist network has been widespread, it would be a threat to society because they are the victims. Therefore, in cooperation to combat terrorism, Bush argued that Indonesia is an important country, in terms of economy and military.

“Indonesia is a very important country. It’s important because of its strategic location, it’s important because of the nature of its population. It’s important that this country succeed, and we look forward to working with Indonesia.” (2003, October 14, George W. Bush) 67 There are five interest in the U.S. to Indonesia, namely; (1) The emergence of Islamic extremists, bringing the US declared war against terrorists where Indonesia is the weakest link; (2) Indonesia can be a model for the Islamic civilization, it because Indonesia is the largest Muslim majority country in the world; (3) geographically, Indonesia position in global trade lanes. Therefore, in instability could threaten international line; (4) for decades, America is a major market in Indonesia. Therefore, there is economy of interest; and (5) the U.S. sees Indonesia as a pillar of regional security, especially in Southeast Asia. 68

67 The White House. (2003). Roundtable Interview of the President with Asian Print Journalists. Retrieved March 1st, 2015 from http://georgewbush- 68 Kay, L. (2005). ‘Pacific Forum CSIS’ Indonesian Public Perceptions of the U.S. and Their Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy Vol.5, no.4. Pp.2 - 8 32

Another reason to maintain good relations between the US-Indonesia is due to the following:

Picture 3.1 Strategic Chokepoints: Straits of Malacca, Sunda, Lombok, Makassar and Other Sea Lanes

(Source: Sokolsky, R & Rabasa , A & Neu, C.R. (2000). The Role of Southeast Asia in US Strategy toward China. Santa Monica, CA: RAND. p.12.

Above is the picture of trade lanes export of finished goods and oil 69, if they do not establish a good relationship between the two countries, it will disrupt the export and of course economic effect.

III.1.1. Military Cooperation In September 2014, the US and Indonesian military exercises between the U.S. Army and the Indonesian Army (TNI). This is not the first time, but this is the eighth time the exercise is done. With the army composition of 500 troops from the U.S. and 700 TNI troops. 70 The purpose of this training is to strengthen both sides.

69 Ibid. pp.202 70 Embassy of The U.S. (2014). Militer AS-Indonesia Tingkatkan Kesiagaan, Kerjasama, dan Lintas Operasi. Retrieved March 2nd, 2015 from 33

Figure 3.1 Indonesian-U.S. exercise Garuda Shield (Lt. Gen. Stephen Lanza, commander, U.S. Army, I Corps and Maj. Gen. Bambang Hariyanto, commander, 2nd Kostrad Infantry Division) (Courtesy: st_Java/)

Chuck Hagel, the Secretary of Defense (2014) highlight the four pillars of security priorities of the U.S.; (1) Peaceful Resolution of Disputes; principles of freedom of navigation enforced; and firmly against intimidation, aggression, and coercion; (2) build cooperation based on international norms and rules; (3) provide security for the region, the US and allies; and (4) strengthened regional defense. 71 Then, relationship in combating terrorism also occur between FBI and Densus 88. 72

71 Speech of Chuck Hagel. (2014). Secretary of Defense Speech. Retrieved March 2nd,2015 from 72 Kemenlu. (n.d). Kerjasama Bilateral. Retrieved April 4th, 2015 from l&l=id# 34

III.1.2. Economy Cooperation Cooperation in the field of economics is done by both countries, one of them is the Millennium Comprehensive Partnership, in the field of environmental economic development. This agreement has an investment of $ 600 million, and include improvement of public services, public health and economic development of environment. 73 Moreover, large companies like Freeport, Chevron, Coca Cola and many more are investing in Indonesia. 74

Freeport Indonesia has operated since 1967, and sales during the year 2012 as many as 915,000 ounces, but 91% of the profits received by the parent company, namely America. 75 While Newmont, in 2014, September 3rd, renegotiate the contract with the Indonesian government and both sides agreed on six points: (1) increase in gold royalty to 3.75%, 3.25% in silver, copper to 4% (2) an area of reduced 87,000 hectares to 66 442 hectares (3) Newmont must conduct of result of mining in Indonesia, to build a smelter (4) using the goods, services and labor from Indonesia (5) divestiture that initially 30% to 51% and (6) a deposit of $ 25 million to the government of Indonesia. 76 Contract with Newmont is valid until 2030. 77

Another American company is Coca-Cola, and in 2012, the profits generated by PT Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia amounted to $ 459.9 million. 78 While Chevron and ExxonMobil which are oil and gas companies, give big

73 Purnomo, S. (2011). Indonesia-AS sepakati kerjasama US$600 juta. Retrieved April 3rd, 2015 from 74 Moerti, W. (2013). 5 Perusahaan Amerika yang jadikan Indonesia mesin pencetak uang. Retrieved April 3rd, 2015 from jadikan-indonesia-mesin-pencetak-uang.html 75 Ibid. 76 Ratya, M.P. (2014). SBY Terima Laporan Tuntasnya Renegosiasi Kontrak Newmont. Retrieved April 3rd, 2015 from laporan-tuntasnya-renegosiasi-kontrak-newmont 77 Moerti, W. (2013). op.cit. 78 Moerti, W. (2013). op.cit. 35

influences where Chevron dominate 47% oil and gas national production and ExxonMobil control Blok Cepu 79, East Java.

III.1.3. Socio-Culture Cooperation The relationship between U.S and Indonesia also occur in socio-culture cooperation, with the @america where it is a cultural center of America and it is objective for more close with Indonesia society in creating dialog about pivotal issues of American and Indonesian. 80

Besides that, in education, the U.S.- Indonesia has establish since 1952 through American Indonesian Exchange Foundation (AMINEF) and USINDO. 81 In addition, the U.S. – Indonesia has Youth Study and Exchange program or YES where it establish in 2002 and YES gives scholarship to youth from 15-17 years old. 82 In 2013, 85 students from Indonesia sent to U.S and Frank J. Whitaker who is Cultural Attaché of the US Embassy in Indonesia, said that:

“We selected high school students to go to the United States, they will live with American families. They can feel the experience of living in America, go to school and community groups that essentially to give opportunities for them to know America, and from America to know Indonesia” 83

On the contrary, more or less 65 American students each year follow this program. 84 Moreover, relationship in education, social and cultural has signed by the USINDO MoU and through USIDO it facilitates Indonesian young diplomats

79 Moerti, W. (2013). op.cit. 80 @america. (2012). Berkolabirasi dengan Kami. Retrieved April 4th, 2015 from 81 Kemenlu. (n.d). Kerjasama Bilateral. Retrieved April 4th, 2015 from l&l=id# 82 USA Embassy in Jakarta. (n.d). Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program (YES) . Retrieved April 5th, 2015 from pelajar-yes.html 83 VOA Indonesia. (2013). 85 Pelajar Indonesia Ikuti Program Kennedy-Lugar YES ke AS. Retrieved April 5th, 2015 from indonesia-ikuti-program-kennedy-lugar-yes-ke-as/1681577.html 84 Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs Exchange Programs. (n.d). Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange & Study (YES) Abroad. Retrieved April 5th, 2015 from 36

to follow education at the U.S. also the U.S. helps in English education for Indonesian. 85 Based on Kemenlu, said that in 2010 on March, the program on English education, the U.S. sent few volunteers to East Java and the following year it became 33 people that sent by the U.S then the next following year became

50 people. 86

In science and technology, Prof. Dr. Bruce Alberts, who is a special envoy of President Barack Obama came to Indonesia and this meeting was held in Cibinong Science Center led by Prof. Umar Jenie. 87 Few points of that meeting such as relationship researcher and young research, he also added that the U.S. wanted to gather young researchers under 40-45 years for research cooperation. 88

III.2. U.S. Foreign Policy Toward Indonesia Desire of the US to expand the influence of American democracy that democratization internationally influenced by foreign policy. Foreign policy of the US is essentially for the national interests of the US itself, but the reason for the interest of the international community and in the end if these policies are applied, the real national interests of the US’s reached.

Post 9/11, counter of terrorism carried out by the US through cooperation in the form of bilateral or multilateral. The US and Indonesia bilateral cooperation, which in essence that President Bush and President Megawati, increase cooperation in the fight against terrorism and military ties between the two countries. “President George W. Bush and President Megawati Soekarnoputri today reaffirmed a new era of cooperation between two of the world's largest democracies and reviewed the shared values and common challenges that join them in friendship. They welcomed the excellent progress in

85 Kemenlu. (n.d). op.cit. 86 Kemenlu. (n.d). op.cit. 87 Teknologi Indonesia. (2010). Indonesia, Negara Pertama Target AS Kerjasama Bidang Iptek. Retrieved April, 4th 2015 from pangan/pertanian/118-indonesia-negara-pertama-target-as-kerjasama-bidang-iptek# 88 Ibid. 37

implementing the Joint Statement of September 19, 2001. They also expressed satisfaction that the relationship between their two democracies continues to grow and strengthen. President Megawati emphasized the importance of President 89 Bush's visit.”

From the statement above that the bilateral relations are not just economic issues, but also in defense. Now, states in the world make agreement in the field of military (defense) so that at any time if a terrorist attack, they are ready to deal with it. The US maintain good relations with Indonesia, because Indonesia is one of the founders of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN). After 9/11, the Muslim world see the US with another point of view. It is also in because of a cease weapons undertaken by the US in the Middle East.

Table 3.1 Trend in Muslim Opinion of the U.S. (Courtesy: foreign-policy/)

89 U.S. Department of State. (2003). Joint Statement Between the United States of America and the Republic of Indonesia. Retrieved March 1st, 2015 from http://2001- 38

While, the table above showed the percentage of Muslim world opinion toward the U.S., and from that we can know how Muslim world perception of the U.S.. In Quadrennial Defense Review Report 2001 indicates a change in national policy, there are four goals:

• Assuring allies and friends; • Dissuading future military competition; • Deterring threats and coercion against U.S. interests; and • If deterrence fails, decisively defeating any adversary. 90 From the four goals above, shows the U.S. firmness in protecting and improving the national interest and fight against threat, from outside (international) or inside (domestic).

90 U.S. Department of Defense. (2001). Quadrennial Defense Review Report. USA. Pp.11 39

III.3. Indonesia Perception Toward The U.S.

Indonesian perspective towards the U.S. seen that U.S. see states which like war, it shows from war in Iraq and Afganistan. On one side the U.S. fight against terrorism, on the other hand the cruelty invasion in Iraq. From the research done by the Pew Research Center of Indonesia people from 2002 to 2014, the data obtained is as follows:

Diagram 3.1 How Indonesian seen the U.S. (Courtesy:

From the diagram above, it seen from post 9/11, Indonesian seen the U.S. unfavorable it showed of 2005 to 2008. It was before Obama elected as President and the following years the percentage increase. Meanwhile, in 2009 according to World Public Opinion stated that 66% of Indonesia argue that the U.S. is a country that is hypocritical because impose laws to other countries but did not


comply with the law his own state, and 39% of Indonesian people see Americans do not respect human rights. 91

Refers to public opinion made by the media, making Indonesia reduces trust in the U.S.. In addition, the US attack on Iraq, decline the reputation of the U.S.. Afterwards, the number of innocent Iraqi victims, generating a sense of empathy world against Iraq. The decline of America's image it covers by the American media. In this case, indirectly they add the enemy, especially in the Muslim world.

Picture 3.2 A US Marine covers the face of a statue of Saddam Hussein with flag in Baghdad on April 9, 2003

(Courtesy: ltimedia/archive/02937/ira q-war-2003_2937883b.jpg)

Meanwhile on October 2001, President Megawati stated that a way of other states attack another states to seek or catch terrorist, Indonesian government disagreed. 92

91 Though Obama Viewed Positively, Still Much Criticism of US Foreign Policy: Global Poll. Retrieved March 5th, 2015 from glm&pnt= 623&nid=&id 92 Tempo. (2001). Diplomasi Gaya Megawati. October 28th, pp. 28–29. 41

III.3.1. Strike toward the U.S.

Strikes in Indonesia against steps that taken by the U.S created chaos in the U.S. embassies around the world, also some demonstrators demanded to boycott American products. 93 It because of the planned by the U.S. that want attack Afghanistan of the terrorist act. 94 Whereas in Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, Medan, Makassar and Solo, many Islamic organization and thousand of Indonesian people demonstrate to U.S. embassy and U.S. consulates. 95 Meanwhile in Indonesia, many terror toward the U.S that occur in Indonesia, as data below:

Date Place Location

12-Oct-02 Sari and Paddy’s Clob Bombing Bali

5-Aug-03 Bombing of JW Marriott Hotel Jakarta

1-Oct-05 Kuta and Jimbaran Bombings Bali

Table 3.2 Terrorism from 2002-2005 (Courtesy: 2002-2005)

The table above is a data of terrorists in Indonesia with the main target of the U.S. government governance. This shows that the terrorists have spread in Indonesia, and this shows that the terrorist group that was in Indonesia assessing cruelty or injustice American countries against Muslim countries. On the other hand, the strikes against the US also occur. This is certainly shocked the embassy,

93 Wijadi, T.P. (2004). The WTC tragedy and the US attack on Afghanistan. Pp.156 . In P. van der Veer & S. Munshi, Media, War and Terrorism: Responses from the Middle East and Asia (pp.155- 186). New York, USA: Routledge. 94 Ibid. pp.155 95 Ibid. pp.156 42

consulate general of the U.S.A in Indonesia. Indonesia see the U.S. as bully, unilateralist and arrogant. 96

III.4. The U.S. Under Obama Administration Once elected as President of the US, Obama visited Indonesia. In a speech of the University of Indonesia, he said the important role of Indonesia in economy and he added the relationship between both states, while he tries to make good relationship to Muslim states.

“Indonesia now plays a key role in the Asia Pacific and in the global economy… I return to Indonesia as a friend, but also as a President who seeks a deep and enduring partnership between our two countries… Just as individuals are not defined solely by their faith, Indonesia is defined by more than its Muslim population. But we also know that relations between the United States and Muslim communities have frayed over many years. As President, I have made it a priority to begin to repair these relations…I called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world” (Obama speech, November 10th, 2010)

Picture 3.3 President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama's inscription and signatures in the guestbook at the Istana Merdeka State Palace Complex in Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 9, 2010. (Courtesy: les/imagecache/gallery_img_full/image/ima ge_file/P110910PS-0284.JPG)

96 Kay, L. (2005). ‘Pacific Forum CSIS’ Indonesian Public Perceptions of the U.S. and Their Implications for U.S. Foreign Policy Vol.5, no.4. pp. 8 43

Figure 3.2

President Barack Obama and Indonesia's President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono participate in the arrival ceremony at the Istana Merdeka State Palace Complex in Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 9, 2010

(Courtesy: ault/files/imagecache/gallery_img_f ull/image/image_file/P110910PS- 0163.JPG)

Figure 3.3 President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama tour the main courtyard of the Istiqlal Mosque with Grand Imam Ali Mustafa Yaqub in Jakarta, Indonesia, Nov. 10, 2010. default/files/imagecache/gallery_i mg_full/image/image_file/P111010 PS-0192.jpg


In his visited, he also visited Istiqlal Mosque and VOA also ran an article about Obama's visit to Indonesia with the title:

• “Obama in Indonesia to Improve Muslim Relations, Trade Ties”

o In this article, Obama said that he did not focus on the past, but the future to build a comprehensive relationship with the Indonesian. 97

• “Obama in Jakarta”

o According to Obama that democracy, religion, and development is fundamental to human progress, he said in University of Indonesia. 98

• “U.S.-Indonesia Joint Commission”

o Obama sent Hillary Clinton that the US Secretary of State to meet with Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marty Natalegawa. The Joint Commission has focused on six main issues, namely; democracy, security, the environment, education, energy, and trade and investment. 99

Based on Joint Commission, both states focused on six main issues and Obama visited at University of Indonesia heighted of human progress. Obama's stressed on green energy and environmental policy. Marine biodiversity Indonesia in the first ranks as well as land biodiversity in the second ranks. Cooperation with Indonesia is needed to progress of environmental policy. 100

97 VOA. (2010). Obama in Indonesia to Improve Muslim Relations, Trade Ties. Retrieved March 7th, 2015 from security-ties-106944653/130139.html 98 VOA. (2010). Obama in Jakarta. Retrieved March 6th, 2015 from 99 VOA. (2010). U.S.-Indonesia Joint Commission. Retrieved March 6th, 2015 from 100Ming-Te, H & Ting Liu, T.T. (2012). ‘USAK YEARBOOK‘U.S. FOREIGN POLICY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: EXPLAINING U.S. RETURN TO ASIA AND ITS STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS vol.5. pp.216 45

Afterwards, in the second period of the Obama administration, Obama made a policy to increase US exports and imports as well as open up millions of jobs. 101 Then, he took a step withdraw American troops in Iraq. 102

On the other hand, John Kerry met Marty Natalegawa on 17th February, 2014, this is a continuation of the results of Obama's visit in 2010. John Kerry also discussed the agenda of the Joint Commission Meeting, which was previously done by Hillary Clinton. During his visit to Indonesia, John Kerry visited Istiqlal mosque. 103

Figure 3.4 US Secretary of State John Kerry (right) and, KH Ali Mustafa Jacob (left) while viewing the interior of the Istiqlal Mosque, Jakarta (16 February 2014)

(Courtesy: 14/02/16/id_264085/264085_6 20.jpg)

101Slack, M. (2013). President Obama Talks Trade with His Export Council. Retrieved March 7th, 2015 from export-council 102 Goodenough, P. (2014). Obama: Withdrawing U.S. Troops From Iraq Was ‘Right Thing to Do’. Retrieved March 8th, 2014 from withdrawing-us-troops-iraq-was-right-thing-do 103 Tempo. (2014). Agenda Pertemuan John Kerry dan Marty. Retrieved March 8th, 2015 from Marty 46

Meanwhile, during the inauguration of Joko Widodo, Obama sent John Kerry the U.S. Secretary of State to attend the inauguration of Joko Widodo to maintain good relations the U.S. - Indonesia 104 as posted on VOA.

. Joko Widodo Sworn In as Indonesia’s Head of State 105

Figure 3.5 John Kerry met Joko Widodo after inauguration.

(Courtesy: 8zNzUYV0qXXqNqZckmKxVg-- /YXBwaWQ9eW5ld3M7Zmk9Zmls bDtoPTYzOTtpbD1wbGFuZTtweW 9mZj0wO3E9NzU7dz05NjA- / News/ap_webfeeds/3c80fbc0456 c0e29630f6a70670037ee.jpg)

Barack Obama is trying to be more lenient if compared with Bush, Obama wants to restore America before the war on terror policies by changing or shifting ideologies and perspectives on America. Obama is using soft power, such as media and diplomacy with other states. 106 In addition, Obama also use smart power where it stressed on the economic, military force and political pressure to achieve the policy objectives 107 and Obama ended war in Iraq.

104 Lamb, K. (2014). Joko Widodo Sworn In as Indonesia’s Head of State. Retrieved March 8th, 2015 from state/2489345.html 105 Ibid. 106 Oliphant, J. (2015). Obama’s Soft Power Could Force Clinton to Take a Hard Line. Retrieved March 8th, 2015 from force-clinton-to-take-a-hard-line-20150206 107 Ming-Te, H & Ting Liu, T.T. (2012). ‘USAK YEARBOOK‘U.S. FOREIGN POLICY IN SOUTHEAST ASIA UNDER THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION: EXPLAINING U.S. RETURN TO ASIA AND ITS STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS vol.5. Pp.198 47


Reputation of the U.S. decreased after 9/11 incident, it cause the decline of the U.S. reputation in world. An instrument such VOA, is used by the U.S. to restore the U.S. image which are good and reputable.

VOA has been established by the U.S for a long time since cold war. Yet, originally VOA as propaganda instrument in war, but in modern era as a form to show the U.S. that a lot of greatness in terms of technology and developments. At the end of 9/11 incident which caused the U.S. suspicious of Muslim society, such as invasion to Iraq and Afghanistan.

IV.1. The Use of VOA in Restoring the U.S. Image in Indonesia After 9/11 Indonesian VOA broadcast via TV and the Internet both in regular program or special programs. VOA trying to build a good reputation and audience attention. By VOA, the US launched a propaganda strategy in Indonesia through an affiliate network that was built especially news regarding the issue of Islam during the administration of Barack Obama.

The American public diplomacy (VOA), during the Ramadan talk about how the Muslim community in America to undergo Ramadan. As news about “American Muslims Observe Ramadan” 108 in this article showed that how Ramadan in the U.S. The President of Islamic Center said;“We try to make people feel like they are in any Muslim country and belong to a Muslim community.” (Imam Abdulla Khouj) 109

108 Elshinnawi, M. (2014). American Muslims Observe Ramadan. Retrieved March 9th, 2015 from 109 Ibid. 48

He added, that during Ramadan around 1,000 people go to daily evening prayers at the Islamic Center of America. 110 This shows that Americans are open to Muslims after 9/11. At the same time it shows that Muslims in the U.S. are not experiencing intimidation and discrimination. Moreover, shows that the U.S. is not hostile to Muslims.

Thus, the steps to erase the bad image of America in the eyes of Indonesia, the US government change their negative public opinion into positive. According to Uttaro said “the implementation of the VOA model is the prevalence of content control.” 111, essentially there is the American intervention against the VOA in spreading or posting news.

In the VOA news, 2014 entitled, “200 Siswa SD Amerika Ramaikan Konser Angklung di Washington (200 Elementary Students Enliven Angklung Concert in Washington)” 112, this showed that Indonesian culture was also received well in America.

110 Ibid. 111 Uttaro, R.A. (1982). ‘Law and Contemporary Problems’ THE VOICES OF AMERICA IN INTERNATIONAL RADIO PROPAGANDA vol 45, no. 4. Pp.115 112 Mazrieva, E. (2014). 200 Siswa SD Amerika Ramaikan Konser Angklung di Washington. Retrieved March 9th, 2015 from konser-angklung/2477629.html 49

Picture 4.1 About 200 elementary school students participate in a concert with Angklung at the Smithsonian's Freer and Sackler Washington DC.

(Courtesy: E71ADE25ED35_w640_r1_s.jpg)

Seen that not only the Indonesian people as well, but also Americans that enliven this event and this can make Indonesia and America closer. In addition, VOA also reported as;

. Kunjungan Obama ke Indonesia Diharapkan Majukan Hubungan dengan Dunia Islam (Obama's visit to Indonesia is expected that Promote Relations with the Islamic World) 113

This article Refers to Obama's visited to Indonesia in 2010. President Obama's visited to Indonesia, the most populous Muslim majority country in the world, intended as one step in improving relations with the Islamic world. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said that Obama's visited will follow up on Obama's speech to Muslims last year in Cairo, Egypt. Gibbs said the president

113 VOA. (2010). Kunjungan Obama ke Indonesia Diharapkan Majukan Hubungan dengan Dunia Islam. Retrieved March 9th, 2015 from obama-ke-indonesia-diharapkan-majukan-hubungan-dengan-dunia-islam-87463427/73485.html 50

believes that the visit is very important in an important region of the world. After Indonesia, Obama will visit Australia, America's trade partners who have provided support for the war in Afghanistan.

. AS Akan Biayai Pengobatan Kanker Perespon 9/11 (US Will Pay for Cancer Treatment Responders of 9/11) 114

o The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health explained that free care is provided by the Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act to the respondent and the Pentagon and WTC victims (9/11) related to toxic compounds from the ruins. The law, which also includes the response and survivors of the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon outside Washington, endorsed by President Barack Obama on January 2, 2011. The decision was related to concerns about rising health effects for workers emergency measures in the attack, when the aircraft attacked twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York and the US military command center in southern Virginia.

. Korban Tsunami Lebih Dari 23 Ribu Jiwa, AS Janjikan Bantuan 15 Juta Dolar - 2004-12-28 (Tsunami Victims More Than 23 Thousand Souls, the U.S. Promises Help of 15 Million Dollar - 2004-12-28) 115

o This article explained that the US grant of 15 million dollars to countries affected by the tsunami. Nearly 5 thousand people were known to have died in Indonesia were in Sri Lanka nearly 11 thousand bodies have been recovered. Authorities in southern India said there was recorded 6600 people were killed. In Thailand, the death toll has risen more than 800. It also falls dead

114 VOA. (2012). AS Akan Biayai Pengobatan Kanker Perespon 9/11. Retrieved March 9th, 2015 from 11/1505444.html 115 VOA. (2004). Korban Tsunami Lebih Dari 23 Ribu Jiwa, AS Janjikan Bantuan 15 Juta Dolar - 2004-12-28. Retrieved March 9th, 2015 from 2004-12-28-1-1-85131062/11613.html 51

in Malaysia, Maldives, Burma, Bangladesh and as far as Somalia in Africa. White House spokesman Trent Duffy said the US 'leading partner in a relief operation, rescue and recovery of the world's largest-ever witnessed.' Powell said there are eight Americans were confirmed dead in the disaster, and several hundred more are still missing.

Based on Mika Aaltola who Director of the Global Security Research Programme and of the U.S. Politics and Power said that American soft power proved to be effective because the effect that can change point of view or the reputation of America. 116 America categorize as super power state that can affect people of other countries to immigrate to America. Americans showed superiority to the world and this proved how VOA creates propaganda to the audience or reader.

According to David Ensor who is VOA director, 56% VOA’s global viewers reached through television and radio in 2014. 117 He also added that VOA programs in Indonesia, weekly audience more than 21 million people and the Facebook fan pages has one million fans. 118 VOA has trust source of news and information about U.S. 119 Voice of America is portray of American society and according to Uttaro that with VOA can educate about American life. 120

Sometimes VOA collide with U.S. policy in reported news, and it makes VOA earn credibility to world society. 121 Gary Thomas 122 said that until now

116 Aaltola, M. (2014). Drama Power On The Rise?. The finnish institute of international affairs. February. Pp.5 117 Ensor, D. (2014). VOA in 2020. Retrieved April 3rd, 2015 from 118 Ibid. 119 Ibid. 120 Uttaro, R.A. (1982). ‘Law and Contemporary Problems’ THE VOICES OF AMERICA IN INTERNATIONAL RADIO PROPAGANDA vol 45, no. 4. Pp.6 121 Thomas, G. (n.d). Mission Impossible: Is government broadcasting irrelevant?. Retrieved April 4th, 2015 from 122 Gary Thomas spent 27 years at Voice of America before retiring in 2012. He was a senior correspondent and news analyst specializing in national security and intelligence issues. He served in Islamabad and Bangkok and covered stories throughout South and Southeast Asia. 52

VOA charter still valid which are to inform, engage and connect people around the world. 123

Meanwhile, VOA Indonesia service airs on nine television stations in Indonesia, this also to make relationship with Indonesia people. 124 In 2002, more than 7.8 million Indonesians or 6.1% listen to or view VOA programs every week. 125 Then, VOA expanded broadcasting coverage and programming in 16 countries, including Russia, Mexico, Nigeria, China, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Uzbekistan, Bangladesh, Turkey and Pakistan. 126 The fact is that the VOA is an American media that brings culture and politics and the VOA has a high reputation in the delivery of news. 127

123 Ibid. 124 United States Department of State and the Broadcasting Board of Governors . (2011). Inspection of Voice of America’s Indonesian Service.pp.4 125 BBG. (2002). 2002 Annual Report. Pp.5 126 Ibid. 127 Adelman, K.L. (n.d.). Speaking of America: Public Diplomacy in our Time. Retrieved April 5th, 2015 from america-public-diplomacy-in-our-time 53

IV.1.1. Apa Kabar Amerika VOA got fund $188 million or Rp. 2,430,276 trillion (1USD = 12927 IDR per April 15th, 2015) from the US where the VOA ranks first in addition to other institutions of American broadcasting. 128 Besides that, VOA administers its content via podcasts, syndicated feeds to users’ desktops, and mobile phones. For example, VOA has an agreement with Nokia to distribute English language content on mobile phones sold in China. In addition, VOA manages pages on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube in multiple languages. 129

Diagram 4.1 Key Uses of U.S. Strategic Communication Budget Resources for the State Department and the Broadcasting Board of Governors, Fiscal Year 2008 Source: GAO. (2009). U.S. PUBLIC DIPLOMACY: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight.

Inside minutes of the terrorist assaults on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, VOA assembled all of its multimedia resources to give extensive scope of WTC and the Pentagon attacked. Moreover to carrying statements by President Bush, members of Congress, Secretary of State Colin Powell and other U.S.

128 GAO. (2009). U.S. PUBLIC DIPLOMACY: Key Issues for Congressional Oversight. May. pp.8 129 Ibid. 54

officials on television, radio and the Internet, language services secured interviews with a wide array of experts and analysts. 130

More than 20 agencies worldwide and reporters in Washington covered improvements in the war on terrorism from Presidential speeches and United Nations debates to humanitarian aid projects in Afghanistan. VOA's worldwide reputation for credibility gave it access to newsmakers and events around the globe, resulting in programs that were particularly valued by people in countries where information is restricted or distorted. 131 The 40th U.S President said that:

“The Voice of America has been a strong voice for the truth. Despite problems of antiquated equipment and Soviet jamming, the Voice of America has been able to extend its message of truth around the world…” (40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan in 1984) 132

Whereas in 2003, VOA launched broadcasts to Zimbabwe in Shona, Ndebele, and English (languages in Zimbabwe) 133 and in 2004, VOA Indonesian doubled its programming on TV and radio where its increasing weekly audience to more than 10 million. 134 Then in 2008, the VOA Indonesia service released the program called Apa Kabar Amerika.

The Apa Kabar Amerika airs in TvOne which is national TV station in Indonesia also in VOA Indonesia channel on YouTube. In the episode of 17th August 2009, aired about Indonesian citizen who life in Washington DC held bazaar and entertainment events in the anniversary of the Indonesia Republic. Although many Indonesian citizens who have for years been living in America, but they still have a sense of nationalism and in bazaar contained Indonesian food and traditional dances. 135

130 BBG. (2001). 2001 Annual Report. Pp.4 131 BBG. (2002). 2002 Annual Report. Pp.4 132 In BBG. (2009). 2009 Annual Report 133 Ibid. pp.13 134 BBg. (2004). 2004 Annual Report. Pp.5

135 YouTube. (2009). Warga Indonesia Rayakan HUT RI di AS - Apa Kabar Amerika. Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 55

In 23rd August 2009, this program aired, “Buka Puasa Warga Indonesia di Amerika” 136 a review in the month of Ramadan, here also show the US President, Barrack Obama explained that under his administration, relations with the Muslim world would be fixed.

IV.1.2. Dunia Kita Slightly different from Apa Kabar Indonesia, the Dunia Kita program more or less about humanity review and it airs in Metro TV which is national TV station. In episode “Piknik di Tengah Kota” on 3rd July 2009, brought information about women in gulf countries have a major role in the business of democracy in the country. In addition, study of public institutions Freedom House, explained that countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Qatar have increased women's equal rights although on a small scale. Also added that in 2003 there were only 46% of women who work and Kuwait in 2009 to 51%. 137 Then, inform about the band's performance of Bali, Superman Is Dead at the Velvet Lounge, Washington. 138 In this edition showed the positive things about the Middle East and Indonesian band who underwent a mini concert in America.

On 14th August 2009 edition, featuring Indonesian Diaspora in America held flag raisers forces training or Paskibraka in the Indonesian ambassador's residence in America, and most of the young men on that training not raised in Indonesia but in America. 139 Then the information about the group Reog, Singo Lodoyo that enliven the aniversarry of the Republic of Indonesia in America, and events of Reog viewed by Americans. In addition, Ray Fernandez, who is a

136 Ibid. (2009). Buka Puasa Warga Indonesia di Amerika. Retrieved March 17, 2015 from 137 YouTube. (2009). Peran Perempuan dalam Demokrasi di Timur Tengah - Dunia Kita. Retrieved April 15th, 2015 from 138 Ibid. Tur Superman Is Dead di AS - Dunia Kita. Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 139 YouTube. (2009). Paskibra di Amerika - Dunia Kita "Edisi Hari Kemerdekaan" 14 Agustus 2009. Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 56

foreign citizen also become players of Reog. 140 In this edition of Independence Day, featuring Reog which of course can introduce and promote Indonesian culture.

On the phenomenon in American edition (27th August 2009), featuring impressions of Indonesian citizens who became Greening Director in San Francisco. Astrid S. Haryati has the goal of making San Francisco more green and environmentally friendly by involving residents of the city. She proves that Indonesian citizens are able to compete with Americans. 141

Then, on Labor Day edition on 3rd September 2009, informing Muslims in Egypt have a dilemma in doing business in the month of Ramadan due to reduced working hours, but on the other hand the Muslims in Egypt does not want to reduce productivity. Taking the example of Egypt as information from VOA, shows that America is open to Muslims. 142

In the edition of Back to School (11st September 2009), showed that the American students spent the holiday with positive activities, namely social activities and 14000 students build a house with Habitat for Humanity. 143 While at Florida Virtual School, using Code Conspiracy program in the teaching process in which this is a game that teaches American history. John Diaz, who is a student at the school said that he was interested and very liked by teaching through games because it helps him in American history. 144 This edition showed teaching methods developed in America as well as the positive things in the student do when vacation.

140 YouTube. (2009). Reog di Amerika - Dunia Kita "Edisi Hari Kemerdekaan" 14 Agustus 2009. Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 141 YouTube. (2009). Anak Bangsa Hijaukan Kota Amerika - Dunia Kita "Fenomena di Amerika". Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 142 YouTube. (2009). Bisnis di Mesir bulan Ramadhan - Dunia Kita "Ep. Hari Buruh". Retrieved April 15th, 2015 from 143 YouTube. (2009). Kegiatan Liburan Mahasiswa Amerika - Dunia Kita "Back to School". Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 144 YouTube. (2009). Belajar Sejarah lewat Video Games - Dunia Kita "Back to School" 11 September 2009. Retrieved April 15th, 2015 from 57

Moreover, on 25th September 2009 edition, aired Indonesian citizens celebrate Eid in America. Indonesian citizens in the state of Virginia, Arlington, do Eid al-Fitr prayers in the hall of Thomas Jefferson and the number of pilgrims in attendance is 3000. The hall rental fee of $ 7,000 per day, but the Indonesian embassy to America and at the same time contribute and donations from citizens of Indonesia. 145 According to the host, There are 7 million Muslims in America and by Nadia Rachid Muslims from Morocco, there is a difference in the atmosphere between Muslim countries and in America. In America itself, Islam is a minority religion and during Ramadan, Muslim Americans hold iftar (break fast) together in mosques and Islamic centers. 146

Dunia Kita program provide information to the people of Indonesia on Indonesian citizens live everyday in the US and how the Muslim community can mingle with non-Muslims. The Dunia Kita is one of VOA program that can be seen via TV, YouTube and in BBG Direct. VOA managed its role as a leading international multimedia broadcaster by making innovative improvements in its programs to strategically important countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, India, Indonesia, China, and in Latin America. 147

IV.1.3. Warung VOA Budget of VOA in 2001 was the lowest when compared with subsequent years. In 2001, VOA budget only $ 112.7 million, and following year (2002) increased to $ 147.588 million then in 2003 decreased in $ 146.1 million. Meanwhile in 2004 became $ 152.2 million and in 2005 increased to $ 5.8 million which were $ 158 million. Afterwards in 2006 became $ 166.6 million while in 2007 up to $ 6.2 million became $ 172.8 million and in period of 2008 became $

145 YouTube. (2009). Sholat Idul Fitri Warga Indonesia di Washington - Dunia Kita "Ep. Lebaran". Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 146 YouTube. (2009). Warga Muslim Amerika di Bulan Puasa - Dunia Kita. Retrieved April 15th 2015 from 147 BBG. (2004). 2004 Annual Report 58

188.4 million while in 2009, reached a peak nearly $ 200 million, which amounted to $ 196.5 million. 148

VOA Indonesia programs not only in , but also in Javanese. Warung VOA is one the program airs in Javanese language in JTV where it is the regional TV station in East Java. In addition through the TV, this program also can be accessed via YouTube and through BBG Direct 149 and Warung VOA also has Facebook pages. 150

On 6 July 2009 edition, teachers from Indonesia were invited to the United States in terms of comparative studies in the education system. According to Ratna Harris, comparative study participants, the program is called Democracy and Tolerance, where the program lasts for two years and Nurul Hidayati which is also a participant of this program explains that the difference between Indonesia and the US, as if in Indonesian students in school is to wear uniforms where in America is not . There are 15 teachers from Indonesia will be invited to the United States through a test that was held to be able to participate in this program. 151

While on the 24th October 2009 edition with topic of “Jalanan Nok Washington DC”, aired that there were some street stall sell Halal hotdog around Washington and the price of the hotdog is $1.50. Besides that, there is public transportation of pedicap in Washington but the pedicab in Washington slightly different with in Indonesia. According to Robert Hart, pedicap driver, pedicab in the U.S. is much easier than in Indonesia and the driver needs special permit to driver the pedicab. Meanwhile, the price of pedicab is expensive, around $4000 - $5000. The salary of the driver around $100-$122 per day and for one hour tour it

148 ibid. (2009). 2009 Annual Report. 149 BBG Direct. (n.d). BBG Direct. Retrieved April 17th, 2015 from 150 Facebook. (n.d). Warung VOA. Retrieved April 17th 2015 from

151 YouTube. (2009). Warung VOA "Studi Banding Pendidikan AS & Indonesia" 6 Juli 2009 . Retrieved April 17th 2015 from 59

cost $45 and for short distance it cost $10-$20. 152 Whereas, in the 2nd November 2009, raised the topic of “Musim Gugur Nok America”. Americans have a tradition in the fall, such as Halloween, Thanksgiving and Pumpkin Hunt. 153

Until now (2015) the program is still going on JTV, and apart from already mentioned earlier, this program can also be seen through 154 and the duration of the video archives are three years. The Warung VOA program also helps in learning English in ‘English In A Minute’ segment, so that the public better understand the cultural differences between the US and Indonesia. In the segment ‘English In a Minute’ every week is teaching what should be done in America and what not.

152 ibid. (2009). Warung VOA 24 Oktober 2009. Retrieved April 17th 2015 from 153 Ibid. (2009). Warung VOA 2 November 2009. Retrived April 17th 2015 from

154 VOA Indonesia. (n.d). Warung VOA. Retrieved April 17th 2015 from



In conclusion, VOA that has a lot of programs such as Apa Kabar Amerika, Dunia Kita and so on, airs Muslim life in the U.S. Apa Kabar Amerika providing news about American and Indonesian citizens living in America. In terms of influence on the Muslim community, the program of Apa Kabar Amerika brings news about how Muslim community ran Ramadan at the U.S. and this shows to Muslim community includes Indonesian that American is not anti to Muslim community. Whereas, Dunia Kita brings insight into the lives of Indonesian citizens in America also show that Indonesia society life in U.S. can be succeed in the career, it shows that Indonesia society can undergo their career properly post 9/11 tragedy. Meanwhile, in order to deliver the messages properly to Indonesia society particularly Java, VOA makes program of Warung VOA where on that program, the host uses Javanese language in deliver information so Javanese is able to understand the news.

In general, VOA programs also report Muslim life of how they can run Ramadan with devoted. With airs news about Muslim community, the U.S. also shows that Muslim in the U.S. could fasting and do their will as Muslim. the presence of VOA become medium for Americans to make positive image in the world eyes. The American foreign policy is influenced by the participation of the media. Through the media, political activity can be seen so the society knows the latest activities. Soft power of the U.S which is the VOA raises America's reputation. Citizens of Indonesia majority is Muslim, see any change in America. With the leadership under Obama's that softer than Bush, brought America to the changes to the Muslim world.

Afterwards, from Obama's visits to Indonesia are covered by the VOA provide public opinion in the community. Then, the news in that show by VOA mostly positive news, and this brings a good image to society of other countries.


By continuously showing positive news for America, making America branded 'bad' to 'good'. Then, the number of VOA programs in Indonesia facilitate America spread their information of the U.S to Indonesia.

Moreover, based on VOA Charter, VOA is made by the U.S. to represent the U.S and programs from VOA make Indonesian society sees the United States good and many Muslim communities in America makes America more open to the Muslim community.

Of 9/11 incident, it changes the 'face' of America and various media broadcast that shocking incident. Then, terrorist spread and attack almost the entire world. VOA be a 'weapon' of America to form public opinion related to the case. By restoring the reputation of America, making America earn its reputation back as land of ‘The Free’ which offers plenty of opportunities. Also VOA that contains news from America, making propaganda to Indonesia.

Media which is formatting of content control, ease the U.S. to control anything that will be shown or choose which appropriate or not. There are interests, values, and ideology in America media of VOA. In addition, with the VOA Indonesian office in Jakarta, making relations (the U.S.- Indonesia) tightened. Back to the VOA history that is used as a propaganda tool in the cold war, replacing the role of USIA.

News channel of VOA becomes a tool for political interests of America in its to portray itself as a super power country. Issues that decreases the reputation of America (towards the Muslim world), it show with VOA news indicates that the Muslim community in America is not oppressed as people think. This is shown by the news that includes how Muslims in America undergo Ramadan in America.

VOA has the role and powers to achieving the success of the United States, and VOA can also expand the discourse of the audience or the reader, especially of America. VOA airs on television can provide a more attractive


appearance than the VOA radio. Media is an effective and efficient medium to reach viewers and readers. Then, the media use as a political tool by the U.S.

Through VOA, where is a place for socialization and a forum for people to express their aspirations. Also the people of the world can know the latest news from America, and returns the response that received by the American public. If America does not use the media as a political tool, then America will have tribulation in the conduct of soft power.

Reputation of state is very important because it can bring confidence in other states for the bilateral relations between the two countries. So that America seeks to restore the reputation and world believe in America's again.

Indonesia should be able to emulate the American step in using the media as a tool of soft power in spreading the ideology and values. If this can be achieved, then Indonesia will progress also can increase the name of Indonesia in the world eyes. Indonesia should not only accept foreign media into Indonesia, but should be able to create a media that can affect other countries.

Finally, media is a political tool of the government (VOA) that can give effect to twist the situation as happened in post 9/11 America. VOA also can spread the values, ideas, ideology and insights about America. In the end, 9/11 became a benchmark in the American new foreign policy and related terrorism.




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• VOA Charter

• VOA (TV) Audience (2001 – 2009)

• VOA Budget (2001 – 2009)


VOA (TV) Audience 2001 N/A N/A 2002 N/A N/A 2003 N/A N/A 2004 Target: 12 million | Actual: 20 million Successful TV initiatives in Russia, Iran, and Kosovo are the major reasons why the actual figure greatly exceeded the target. In Iran already successful satellite TV programs were expanded. In Indonesia successful TV initiatives were also expanded via broadcast affiliates. 2005 Target: 28 million | Actual: 25 million Although the target was not met, VOA TV audiences grew by 5 million since 2004, from 20 to 25 million viewers. 2006 Target: 29 million | Actual: 29 million VOA TV audience achieved its target FY 2006 and increased its viewing audience by 4 million viewers from 2005, 2007 Target: 43.8 million | Actual: 48.8 million VOA TV audience surpassed its FY 2007 target and increased its viewing audience by 7 million viewers from FY 2006. 2008 Target: 49.5 million | Actual: 71.9 million The VOA Television programs exceeded the target of 49.5 million to reach 71.9 million weekly audience members, a noteworthy increase from 48.8 million in 2007. A significant increase in VOA Indonesian television audience on affiliate stations was measured in 2008. 2009 Target: 53.4 million | Actual: 55.6 million VOA Television programming surpassed the target of reaching 53.4 million adult viewers each week; however, the total audience reach appears to have dropped significantly since 2008. This apparent decline is almost entirely accounted for by methodological issues in the previous national survey of Indonesia. Estimating the size of the VOA audience in Indonesia is particularly difficult because VOA programming to the country consists of short segments (less than 5 minutes) placed within programs on major national television stations. Analysis of the 2008 Indonesian survey data and comparison with commercial ratings data for the

main Indonesian markets suggested at the time that the survey results may in fact have over-estimated the VOA Indonesian audience by as much as five percentage points. In such a populous country, this overestimation translates to more than ten million audience members.

Source: Broadcasting Board of Governors (2004 – 2009 Performances and Accountability Report)

Source: Broadcasting Board of Governors (2001 – 2009 Annual Reports)

VOA Budget 2001 $ 112.7 million 2002 $ 147.588 million 2003 $ 146.1 million 2004 $ 152.2 million 2005 $ 158 million 2006 $ 166.6 million 2007 $ 172.8 million 2008 $ 188.4 million 2009 $ 196.5 million