

Published by the NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence ISBN: 978-9934-564-32-1 Principal Investigator & Editor: Prof.Neville Bolt Authors: Iselin Engebretsen, Elīna Lange-Ionatamishvili, Miranda Karin Michélsen Forsgren, Rakin Sayed Project manager: Elīna Lange-Ionatamišvili Design: Kārlis Ulmanis

Riga, July 2021 NATO STRATCOM COE 11b Kalnciema Iela LV1048, www.stratcomcoe.org Facebook/stratcomcoe Twitter: @stratcomcoe

This publication does not represent the opinions or policies of NATO or NATO StratCom COE. © All rights reserved by the NATO StratCom COE. Reports may not be copied, reproduced, distributed or publicly displayed without reference to the NATO StratCom COE. The views expressed here do not represent the views of NATO. Table of contents:

Introduction ...... 6 What is this Project? ...... 6 Why a Strategic Communications Lens? ...... 6 Methodology ...... 7 Which Key Areas are Explored? ...... 8 Which Strategic Communications Questions are Raised and Why? ...... 9

CHAPTER 1. The Nordic-Baltic Eight and Crisis Cooperation ...... 10 The Nordic-Baltic Format: Regional, EU, and NATO Cooperation ...... 10 Nordic-Baltic Cooperation in Times of Crisis ...... 12

CHAPTER 2. How the Nordic-Baltic Eight Responded to the First Wave of the Pandemic: Country Case Studies ...... 16 Sweden ...... 17 ...... 24 Finland ...... 34 ...... 42 Iceland ...... 50 Norway ...... 58 Latvia ...... 66 ...... 74

Disinformation in the Baltics ...... 82

Conclusion ...... 85

Endnotes ...... 90

���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 5 This publication captures key points of political debate which framed policy decisions during the first wave of the pandemic in the Nordic-Baltic region.


What is this project? fall in national economic growth, and When the Covid-19 virus struck in assumption of state debt so punitive to their 2020 with the full force of a pandemic, eight taxpayers. Any complete picture would also countries allied in the Nordic-Baltic region tell the story of how governments chose immediately faced a challenge to their to speak to their electorates, and how civil hard-won partnership. For three decades society would respond to unprecedented Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, measures imposed in peace time: curbing Lithuania, Norway, and Sweden had been individual freedoms, it may be assumed, building a common purpose. How would would elicit a consequent questioning of that friendship respond to the greatest trust between government and governed. health scare in a hundred years? This report aims to answer this question by looking All states communicate strategically. But at developments in the Nordic-Baltic Eight that is not to say they engage in Strategic (NB8) through a Strategic Communications Communications. Which is understood lens. as the shifting and shaping of significant discourses in societies. It aspires to change the way people think and behave; in Why a Strategic Communications lens? other words, to achieve a strategic effect. Inevitably, such an ambitious task requires To understand fully the pandemic that separating out diverse audiences and gripped these eight partner states is to paint honing particular approaches to appeal to a picture that goes beyond the number of those audiences’ attitudes and grievances. human lives lost or the rise in unemployment, In trying to achieve a strategic effect – in

6 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� short, change – the strategic dimension The Nordic governments started from of the term Strategic Communications a strong position. The sees strategy as focused on the long term; (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, more specifically, its proponents play the Sweden) make up the world’s eleventh long game. However, the NB8 members in largest economy1. Their populations show early 2020 would find themselves facing high levels of trust in government structures a national crisis on a scale they had not and law enforcement, and demonstrate a experienced since the Second World War. high degree of confidence in their partner Uneven levels of preparedness, despite states.2 The same cannot be said of the repeated warnings from global health Baltic countries. By comparison, trust in officials that dated back to the early years government is low3 and their economies of this century, would suddenly demand are less prosperous.4 Consequently, the governments act in ways for which their Nordic countries spend above the European populations had not yet been prepared. By average on healthcare, whereas the Baltic the time the scale of the pandemic had been countries allocate significantly less. This recognised by scientists and politicians, context would influence the decisions of governments could be excused for having governments and the subsequent debate. resorted to short term reactions expressed The Baltic countries would find themselves through crisis communications. The latter, trapped between trying to maintain their however necessary, live in constant tension under-funded health systems throughout with long term communications. The aim, stricter lock-downs, while at the same after all in Strategic Communications, is to time fearing for the consequences for their ensure consistency and coherence between economies. the demands of today and the ambitions of tomorrow. How did the NB8 fare? Methodology The answer is not simple, especially when faced with the conundrum brought about This publication is written under the aegis of by the Covid-19 pandemic. From the outset, the NATO Strategic Communications Centre it was clear that the pandemic was as of Excellence and its multi-year project much political, economic, and social in its researching the Nordic-Baltic region. For effect as it was bio-medical in its nature. NATO, the Nordic-Baltic region is of growing Governments across the world have since importance to Europe’s changing security faced hard choices in balancing these order. Not all Nordic countries are members threats against the well-being of their of the Alliance, but NATO enjoys close citizens while retaining friendly relations cooperation too with partner nations Finland and long-term objectives in international and Sweden who are also contributing politics. partners of the Centre of Excellence.

���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 7 This report examines the communications countries as their primary source, and strategies of all members of the NB8 consulted other mainstream media, freely during the first six months of 2020. During available policy documents, new and those months, the Covid-19 virus reached existing legislation, as well as country Europe. And soon the first cases were subject matter experts using questionnaires reported in France (January-February), a and interviews. The objective has been to global pandemic was declared by the World crystalise dominant conversations around Health Organisation (11th March), and the the Covid-19 pandemic in each country, and first wave of Covid-19 infections swept to bring out aspects that underlined regional through a locked-down Europe (March-May) cooperation or revealed a certain distancing before countries gradually re-opened as between them. We trust this publication the first wave seemed to abate (June). As will offer constructive comparative data the Covid-19 virus continues to spread, from the region, and encourage further further time must elapse before more reflection on how best to balance Strategic meaningful analysis of the consequences of Communications with crisis management. the pandemic can be drawn. Nevertheless, by separating out one particular period encompassing the first wave in Europe, Which key areas are explored ? it is possible to single out the various approaches adopted by the NB8 to tackle The report looks at the different strategies the pandemic. Nordic-Baltic countries applied to tackle the Covid-19 pandemic from national, regional, This publication captures key points and international perspectives. The key of political debate which framed policy areas the report explores are: decisions during the first wave of the pandemic in the Nordic-Baltic region. It The national approach in each of the further analyses those developments eight member countries; through the lenses of persuasion and coercion, lives and livelihoods, linguistic The balance between persuasion choices, and societal responses. In and coercion in steering societies to some cases, the researchers witnessed complying with government measures; crisis management focused on immediate concerns; in others, Strategic The debates surrounding increased Communications, pursued with long-term support for lives and livelihoods. objectives in mind. As the case studies reveal, governments Our researchers have drawn on information reacted differently, drawing on the historical from public broadcasters of the eight consciousness and experience from

8 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� previous crises, considering the shape of Was the region equipped to act the national economy and healthcare, as effectively and offer mutual support well as employing regional diplomacy. during a crisis?

Did the member governments achieve a Which Strategic Communications desired behaviour change at home? questions are raised and why? Were they able to position their In the context of the Nordic-Baltic project countries internationally and run by the NATO StratCom COE, the central strategically? Strategic Communications question arising from the case studies were:

���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 CHAPTER 1


A short introduction to the Nordic-Baltic format

A short overview of the EU/NATO membership and relationship

An inquiry into what advantage the region derived from regional, EU, and NATO cooperation?

The Nordic-Baltic Format: Regional, EU, and NATO Cooperation

‘If Baltic and Nordic countries agreed on a common position in the most crucial issues, the Baltic Sea Region would have a high chance of becoming the leading player in the EU.’5

The Nordic-Baltic region shares historic created to counter the dominance of the trade and socio-cultural ties that go back Hanseatic League. In the 20th century, centuries. The best known associations the three Baltic countries were separated include the Hanseatic League, a trade and from their northern neighbours for fifty defence union of the Late Middle Ages, and years behind the Iron Curtain. During the Kalmar Union of the Scandinavians which time, the Nordic countries were

10 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� strong supporters of Baltic independence. strategic importance of their region and Symbolically, Iceland was the first country show a genuine will to work together to to recognise the restored independence strengthen its position. Witness: within the of Lithuania, then Estonia and Latvia. EU the Nordic-Baltic members have created When the Soviet Union dissolved, active a Nordic-Baltic Six group to defend their engagement between the Nordics and shared interests.6 the Baltics was restored. In 1992 the NB8 was established as a platform to discuss There is also regional cooperation in the and coordinate important regional and security domain. Following the end of the international issues. Cold War, there was a growing tendency in Europe to create cooperative formats The NB8 was initially called the 5 + 3, to protect regional security, reflecting referring to the cooperation of the Nordic five traditional patterns of collaboration and with the Baltic three. Nordic cooperation has conflict.7 The Baltic Sea region is no a well-established institutional foundation, exception. The Nordic Defence Cooperation having had the Nordic Council of Ministers (NORDEFCO), which in 2009 unified existing as its governing body since 1971. Similarly, security cooperation arrangements between Baltic cooperation is governed by the Baltic the Scandinavian countries, was joined Council of Ministers through the Baltic by Iceland. The Baltic countries would Assembly established in 1991. The rotating also become strongly involved with the NB8 chairmanship was initially filled by the NORDEFCO.8 Nordic countries, expanding to the Baltic countries only in 2008. Since the 2014 annexation of Crimea by Russia, Nordic-Baltic countries have been At present, the eight countries constituting particularly alarmed by their big neighbour’s the Nordic-Baltic region, share common revisionist behaviour, increased attempts goals in security, economics, and politics, to manipulate their national information while diverging on certain policy aspects. space, and its intimidating rhetoric. Russia The divergence is most visible in their has strong military, economic and political approach to membership in international interests in the Baltic Sea and is particularly organisations: Sweden and Finland are displeased with the increased NATO not members of NATO, while Norway and presence in the region.9 NATO’s Enhanced Iceland are not members of the EU. The Forward Presence, deployed to the Baltic fifty years under Soviet occupation have countries and Poland in 2017 as a response also resulted in differences arising between to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, has been the Nordic and Baltic subgroups from their a prominent target for Russia; so too was economic and socio-cultural settings. Still, increased Swedish and Finnish cooperation all of the countries recognise the geo- with the NATO alliance.10

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11 Following the renewal of Nordic-Baltic cooperation in 1992, the first shock to hit the region was the 2008-2009 global financial crisis.

For NATO, the Nordic-Baltic is an important Sea is an obvious area for accidents to region from the perspective of Baltic Sea occur or for provocations that might lead security, especially since 2004 when the to confrontation between the West and three Baltic countries joined the Alliance. Russia.12 Consequently, the Danish Centre for With the relationship between NATO and Military Studies has argued for establishing Russia deteriorating as early as the Russia- a Nordic-Baltic Schengen for defence. It Georgia war in 2008, the importance of would entail a coordinated political and being able to secure NATO’s eastern border administrative effort to identify and remove and take rapid action in the Baltic Sea obstacles to the rapid deployment of troops has increased.11 That cannot be achieved and materiel across Nordic–Baltic borders without NATO’s close engagement with via air, sea, and land. In addition, it would non-member states such as Sweden and involve ensuring the necessary political and Finland, as well as with existing Baltic Sea legal frameworks and streamlining national security formats such as NORDEFCO. infrastructures.13

Moreover, any kind of social, economic or Nordic-Baltic Cooperation political crisis of national origin has the in Times of Crisis potential to spill over borders and escalate into a regional security crisis. In this As for the NB8’s ability to react to a crisis, context, the Swedish Civil Contingencies certain mechanisms exist. But more could Bureau has been advocating for increased be done. Given the region’s proximity to regional preparedness for transboundary Russia and recognising that the relationship crisis management14, emphasising that between NATO and Russia is at its lowest the current institutional preparations of ebb since the Cold War, the possibility these nations and their ability to organise of escalation and conflict in the Nordic- a response are insufficient. To deal with Baltic region has increased. The Baltic transboundary crisis there is a need for

12 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� transboundary cooperation with new kinds crisis. Since the Nordic and Baltic banking of political-administrative arrangements.15 systems are heavily integrated, in 2010 the eight countries signed a Memorandum of In the Baltic Sea region, the formal, Understanding (MoU) on cooperation and institutional formats to help national coordination on cross-border, financial governments address transboundary crisis stability.18 A specific financial stability are: the , the Council of instrument was created: the Nordic-Baltic the Baltic Sea States, the EU Strategy for Cross-Border Stability Group. The MoU the Baltic Sea Region, the Nordic Council, was updated in 2018, followed by a joint Nordic Investment Bank, and NATO. The exercise in financial crisis management NB8 format has a less formal character and in 2019.19 As this report demonstrates, hence does not serve as a formal venue for although all economies inevitably suffered regional crisis management. Its founding from the Covid-19 virus, none of the Nordic- document is the co-operation agreement Baltic countries ran into financial problems of 1992 between the Nordic Council and during the first wave of the pandemic. The the Baltic Assembly, followed by the 1997 financial assistance mechanism from the agreement. It is periodically reviewed, Nordic Investment Bank (NIB) contributed to setting priorities and outlining action plans the region’s stability. NIB is an international for regional cooperation.16 Importantly, it financial institution owned by all eight of the does not speak directly to regional crisis Nordic-Baltic countries and is designed to management. exercise a stabilising role during economic crisis. Following the renewal of Nordic-Baltic cooperation in 1992, the first shock to hit the During the first wave of the pandemic, region was the 2008-2009 global financial the NB8 also cooperated in repatriating crisis. In 2010, a Wise Men’s Report on Baltic their citizens. Less than a week after the and Nordic Co-operation was published, World Health Organisation (WHO) declared authored by the former Prime Minister of Covid-19 a global pandemic, the Foreign Latvia, Valids Birkavs and former Minister of Ministers of the NB8 agreed that they Defence of Denmark, Søren Gade. It declared would work together to ensure transit ‘the global financial and economic crisis for EU and EEA citizens and permanent has proven our interdependency and made residents returning home – if necessary it even more important to cooperate both by establishing transit corridors. They also internationally and regionally’.17 Indeed, the decided to establish a network of consular crisis brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic directors to exchange information, best highlighted the inter-dependency of the practices, and possible practical measures region. It also demonstrated that the region to help citizens and permanent residents of had learned a lesson from the global financial their countries return home.20

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 13 Regional attempts to maintain open borders partners in need, and functions as a tool were pursued during the pandemic. Estonia, of public diplomacy. Through the Trust Latvia, and Lithuania created the Baltic Fund, Latvia has provided 9,000 litres Bubble (also known as mini-Schengen) of surface disinfectant to Ukraine23, and as an internal travel zone during the Lithuania donated 25,000 disposable suits pandemic.21 Unfortunately, due to varying for biological protection to Moldova24. The infection rates, it survived only between Trust Fund has also provided several NATO May and September 2020. Still, it offered members with ventilators and medical an opportunity for Baltic politicians again supplies.25 At the same time, NATO has to proudly promote historic Baltic unity and ensured continuity of its own operations, brotherhood between its peoples. At the including the Enhanced Forward Presence same time, when the Nordic countries of in the Nordic-Baltic region. This has had Denmark, Finland, and Norway reopened to the effect of preventing the pandemic crisis one other in mid-June 2020, a decision was from impacting military readiness.26 taken to exclude Sweden due to its different approach to pandemic management and The EU, meanwhile, would set out to play an higher infection rates. Subsequently, the important role in coordinating a common Swedish Foreign minister was quoted European response to the virus outbreak. as saying that this decision had created This would involve making centralised wounds that would take time to heal.22 But vaccine purchases on behalf of its member the question remains – would the Nordics states. What would subsequently prove to have done any better had they coordinated be a constrained approach to acquisition and chosen a single regional approach to and supply lies beyond the scope of this handle the pandemic? Or better still – had publication and invites careful analysis the NB8 opted for a joint approach? in the future. However, what can be said is that the EU sought to communicate on What of the NB8’s cooperation with NATO behalf of its member states and encourage and EU on crisis management? The answer a unified approach to avert what would depended on who had membership of which eventually come to be labelled by journalists organisation. NATO members – Iceland, as vaccine nationalism, and to avoid a less Norway, Denmark, and the Baltic countries – than coordinated response to securing have coordinated closely with NATO during and distributing PPE (personal protective the pandemic. Beyond employing existing equipment) across the Union.27 In this mechanisms for crisis response involving context, Sweden as an EU member state their military structures, countries have had took on the role of negotiator with the the chance to provide and request support EU to help non-EU members Iceland and through NATO’s Pandemic Support Trust Norway acquire vaccines through the EU Fund which assists NATO’s members and cooperation project.28

14 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������



19% population of the population 10.2 born abroad million

EU member since 88% EU people found 1995 in the Stockholm Capital Region

Stockholm 11% 1/5 health expenditure population is GDP 65 years of age €492.9 or above billion € 44,044 per capita SWEDEN


Sweden has a population of 10.2 million with 19% of the population born abroad.29 The country has an urban population of 88% with the highest concentrations of people found in the Stockholm Capital Region.30 Just over one-fifth of the population is estimated to be 65 years of age or above.31 The country’s GDP (PPP) is estimated to be € 492.9 billion (€ 44,044 per capita) with a health expenditure of 11%.32 It has been an EU member since 1995.33

19% population of the population 10.2 born abroad million

EU member since 88% EU people found 1995 in the Stockholm Capital Region

Stockholm 11% 1/5 health expenditure population is GDP 65 years of age €492.9 or above billion € 44,044 per capita

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 17 Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020)

Travel restrictions: domestic travel guidelines introduced Covid-19 strategy36 March 19th. First case: presented: No entry to Sweden from non-EU 34 37 January 31st April 7th countries after March 19th.38

First death: State of emergency Tech response (apps): March 11th35 declared and ended: No official app. none declared.

Country response to Covid-19 evaluations of crisis responses have criticised the Swedish model for responding Sweden adopted a different approach from too slowly and hindering fast and decisive its neighbours in the NB8 and EU with fewer action when faced with a threat.40 This was bans and an explicit responsibility placed noted during the 2004 Tsunami in South on individuals. It was one of the countries East Asia when many Swedes lost their hardest hit by the Covid-19 pandemic lives.41 The 2009 experience with Swine measured by the number of deaths per Flu is also believed to have had an impact capita compared to its NB8 neighbours.39 on Sweden’s less regulated approach to the The Swedish strategy has invited criticism Covid-19 pandemic and the population’s from internal political actors due to few perception of the crisis. At the time, the coercive measures being applied. Public Health Authority urged the population to be vaccinated, only later to discover side Historical consciousness effects, particularly with children.

A Swedish model for crisis management Overarching approach has been used in different crises in recent years, and is generally considered to ‘The overall objective of the Government’s have been successful. Although certain efforts is to reduce the pace of the Covid-19

18 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� virus’s spread: to “flatten the curve” so that entails national politicians maintaining their large numbers of people do not become ill at distance from local management of the the same time’.42 The Strategy in Response crisis, and following the above principle of to the Covid-19 Pandemic document responsibility in crisis management. is broad, without specific numbers, measures or rules. It contains a general From March 2020, the Public Health Agency, passage referring to high levels of trust in the National Board of Health and Welfare, government agencies in Swedish society.43 It and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency also illustrates how, in general, the Swedish held daily joint press conferences on the population acts responsibly – namely, in line Covid-19 situation.48 Press conferences with government guidelines.44 Note: these were broadcast live on public service radio are guidelines and recommendations, not and television, and regularly attracted rules and laws. around one million listeners and viewers49: approximately 10 % of Sweden’s population The Swedish model for crisis management tuned in each day. From 10th June, the is built on three principles: press conferences were held bi-weekly.

Responsibility: The party in charge The government did not participate in of a particular activity under normal daily press conferences dedicated to the circumstances is responsible for that Covid-19 pandemic in line with the model activity in a crisis.45 for crisis response. The prime minister and government nonetheless made Similarity: During a crisis, measures public appearances commenting on the adopted should be consistent with the pandemic.50 way operations are conducted under normal conditions. Every day activity As the Swedish strategy differed radically should, where possible, be conducted from most EU countries, the government in the same location as under normal produced translations of it at the beginning conditions.46 of April.51 The style of writing captured in English translation indicates that it was Proximity: A crisis should be handled written for a foreign audience which might where it occurs, by the municipality have little knowledge of Sweden. The or region in question. Only where strategy emphasises the high level of trust resources prove inadequate, will state in Swedish society and in the government efforts come into play.47 as a key reason for success.52

Consequently, Sweden’s strategy appears to With a divergent approach from its favour persuasion rather than coercion. It neighbours, Sweden faced higher mortality

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 At the beginning of the pandemic, Sweden’s approach appeared to meet with success; the government enjoyed high levels of support, and there was a party political truce for the first months.

rates than elsewhere in the Nordic and rates per capita in Sweden increased unlike Baltic region. Sweden continuously updated in other Nordic countries; the political truce its pandemic management measures, but ended, and the strategy came under intense the overarching approach, focusing on scrutiny.56 In the beginning of June 2020, persuasion and individual responsibility the leader of the conservative opposition rather than legally enforced restrictions, party highlighted a perceived lack of action remained the same. The differing and from the government.57 Although the Prime somewhat less decisive response has Minister admitted to having failed to protect been attributed by some analysts to the most vulnerable, he defended the Sweden’s bureaucratic system where strategy.58 expert agencies take the lead rather than politicians, to society’s inclination to follow The discourse became more polarised recommendations, and to the idea of the following April when 22 researchers from welfare state being primarily an economic a range of top Swedish universities and project which should not be jeopardised by research institutes publicly called for the shutting down the economy.53 The strong Public Health Agency to step down, and emphasis on protecting civil liberties for politicians to take swift and radical reflected in the Swedish Constitution has measures to prevent further spread of the also played a role.54 virus.59 They referenced the neighbouring Nordic countries’ perceived more At the beginning of the pandemic, Sweden’s successful handling of the virus. A major approach appeared to meet with success; criticism (albeit contested to this day) was the government enjoyed high levels of that Sweden’s strategy was not changed support, and there was a party political sufficiently as new facts exposing the truce for the first months.55 Gradually, death progression of the virus emerged. The head

20 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� epidemiologist, Anders Tegnell, confirmed, Public access to information. A preexisting that if more information about the virus had national helpline handled general inquiries been available at the outset, Sweden would about the new virus in Swedish and English. have acted differently.60 Most countries Information in official minority languages would admit to a large degree of uncertainty has been available continuously through in designing their initial strategies. One Swedish public service radio, which of the arguments Sweden puts forward was referred to by various government is that there is no sufficient evidence that agencies.66 The Stockholm Region launched differing strategies have actually resulted a regional helpline in March providing in considerably better outcomes for the information in six additional languages.67 societies in question. It was extended to the whole of Sweden in June.68 These do not have the same official Linguistic lenses - Key expressions status and cannot be expected to claim equal priority. It should be noted that five Flattening the curve61 was an expression months elapsed following the first case used in daily Covid-19 press conferences before accurate information was made throughout the period to describe the available in additional languages. Swedish strategy, with a specific graphic attached to illustrate it.62 The curve aims to lower the speed of the spread, to avoid Persuasion versus coercion a peak in cases and risk overloading the health services.63 By consistently employing The sliding scale between persuasion and the term flattening the curve – not to stop coercion is a constant topic of discussion the virus, but to let it run a slower course – in Strategic Communications.69 In Sweden, it can be inferred that Sweden’s approach to measures were in principle similar to those intervention was less direct than that of its of other NB8 countries – closing external EU NB8 counterparts. borders, banning visits to care homes, and imposing strict regulations for restaurants.70 We must all help out. This term is notable However, no fines were introduced since for two reasons. First, the phrase and its they had no basis in the existing legal variants were frequently used in daily press infrastructure, system of governance, or conferences to highlight the individual public opinion.71 The country’s response responsibility of citizens.64 Second, the was, consequently, more persuasive than Public Health Agency based their work on coercive compared to other NB8 countries. the Communicable Diseases Act which emphasises an individual’s responsibility in Coercive measures were aimed at limiting the spread of the infection.65 This businesses, trade associations, and gives a normative quality to the phrase. restaurant owners.72 Ultimate responsibility

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 fell on restaurant owners to prevent diverse sectors to safeguard life, health, overcrowding by their clientele, while the and people’s ability to support themselves latter were urged to conform.73 financially. It had three main priorities:

The principle of individual responsibility Additional support to relevant was constantly present. This was evident government agencies – the Public through enhanced recommendations to Health Agency for more staffing, and work from home, limit physical social National Board of Health and Welfare contact, and refrain from travelling – for purchasing testing kits and medical exemplified by the March publication of the materials.79 Public Health Agency of Sweden: ‘Consider if trips are really necessary’.74 The government started to pay the first day of sick leave, normally not Major criticism of Sweden’s approach compensated. This was to incentivise was consistent with earlier crises despite people to stay at home if they showed updates to the crisis handling strategy.75 symptoms and lessen the pressure on The approach was attacked in editorials health care services.80 of the largest Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyheter (DN). DN argued that it gave too Introduction of temporary rules to much leeway to professionals, and kept protect businesses, avoid layoffs, and politicians away from direct action.76 The maintain liquidity for companies to inferrence from this argument is that mitigate the direct economic impact of professionals act less coercively and the virus.81 more cautiously than politicians, leading to unnecessary high numbers of cases However, as the Minister of Finance is and deaths.77 It should, however, be noted a political appointment, this entails the that the government enjoyed high levels of usual proviso that the incumbent politician support during the first few months, and will make every effort to ensure calm and there was a general sense of pride among stability in the situation. the population at the distinct Swedish approach to the pandemic.78 During the first six months of 2020, the government presented nine additional budget amendments to mitigate the impact Lives and Livelihoods of the Covid-19 pandemic.82 It was estimated that up to 300 billion SEK (30 billion Euros) The government emphasised that this would be allocated to the crisis package.83 crisis necessitated increased spending. The Government’s position had been clear The additional support was distributed in from the start: the government would be

22 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� responsible for all additional costs related for business, leisure, or to see family, there to the pandemic. The Minister of Finance, was widespread disappointment at the Magdalena Andersson, on numerous perceived failure of Nordic solidarity.87 occasions reiterated Sweden’s strong state The Swedish interior minister commented of financial preparedness.84 that they hoped for greater openness towards Sweden from their immediate neighbours.88 However, there was never any Regional coordination outspoken criticism by Sweden towards the governments of other Nordic countries. Nordic EU/EAA The normally well-functioning Nordic cooperation changed considerably during A clear case of Swedish-EU coordination the first months of 2020. There were two was over the closing of the Swedish border main reasons. for non-EU entries on the 19th March, arising from an EU recommendation.89 The First, all Nordic countries except Sweden Swedish minister for the EU also impressed closed or restricted their national borders. the importance of stronger EU cooperation Normally, cross-border flows are seamless, to mitigate the impact of the virus.90 and many Swedes live on one side of the border but work on the other. This is In April, the minister for Foreign Affairs particularly the case in the Öresund and underscored Sweden’s official view that the Haparanda regions as well as along the EU was one of its most important vehicles Norwegian border. Although all heads of for cooperation, and that in times of crisis government claimed that this was a strictly they needed more cooperation, not less.91 science-based decision, it still affected the This emphasis on greater EU coordination image of seamless and integrated Nordic may be interpreted as mild criticism of EU cooperation.85 and Nordic countries which closed borders driven by national concerns instead of Second, the higher infection rate witnessed following the EU-wide recommendation in Sweden compared to its neighbouring of closing only external EU borders. The countries strained the normally well- Swedish EU-commissioner, Ylva Johansson, functioning relationships between the strongly urged EU countries to open their countries.86 This did not necessarily impact internal borders at the beginning of June.92 official relations between the countries, but affected the image of the Nordic countries as united and cooperative. When borders closed and Swedes were no longer welcome

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 ESTONIA


Estonia has a population of 1.3 million with a sizeable minority of 25% Russians.93 The country has an urban population of 69% with the highest concentration of people found in the capital .94 Just over one-fifth of the population is estimated to be 65 years of age or older.95 The country’s GDP (PPP) is estimated to be € 42.3 billion (€30,600 per capita) with a health expenditure of 6.7%.96 It has been a member of the EU since 2004.97

25% population Russians 1.3 million

EU member since 69% EU people found 2004 in the capital Tallinn

Tallinn 6.7% 1/5 health expenditure population is GDP 65 years of age €42.3 or older billion € 30,600 per capita

24 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Technical response: Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020) No official app in this period. State of emergency Estonia released its virus declared: tracing app HOIA in August Covid-19 exit strategy plan 2020. It did, however, First case: March 12th, presented: launch a chatbot on 23rd 98 100 102 February 26th. ended May 17th. April 27th. March.104

First death: Travel restrictions Baltic Bubble opened: March 25th.99 imposed: May 15th.103 March 17th.101

Country response to Covid-19

Historical consciousness The economic crisis in 2007-2009 hit Estonia and its Baltic neighbours particularly hard. It Estonia’s history is similar to its Baltic remains in the collective memory as a time neighbours’ with a fifty-year Soviet of hardship.106 The country did recover from occupation followed by only thirty the crisis, and entered 2020 with the lowest years of restored independence. During debt burden of any EU country.107 these three decades, Estonia has changed considerably from a Soviet Estonia has the apperance of being a socialist republic to a developed and pragmatic country, and has in the last 30 highly digitalised, democratic society. years excelled at being agile and digital.108 Former President Lennart Meri, said in It has a history of seeing opportunity 2001, ‘Estonia is now a normal, boring where others see crisis. A clear case arose country’.105 This comment suggested the during extensive cyber attacks on Estonia country had freed itself from the Soviet in 2007.109 Estonia used the attack to legacy to move forward like any other promote the need to address cyber security European country. within NATO. Shortly after the attacks,

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 25 NATO accredited the Co-operative Cyber of the hackathon and a strong focus on Defence Centre of Excellence in Tallinn.110 digital public-private solutions throughout Soon Estonia became known as a global the pandemic proved to be of benefit to heavyweight in cyber security-related Estonia’s Strategic Communications. Hence knowledge, advising many other states on the hackathon and society’s high level of the matter.111 digitalisation received positive reviews across international media. They were Overarching approach further employed by domestic sources to market Estonia to the world (hence many With a population of only 1.3 million people articles appeared in English rather than in and low population density, together with Estonian).116 being one of the world’s most technology- driven nations, Estonia may have been one State of emergency of the countries best prepared for managing the Covid-19 pandemic. Although its levels Once the WHO declared Covid-19 a of stockpiles or financial resources were not pandemic, Estonia’s response was swift. the highest of the NB8 countries, Estonia’s The government declared a state of government had the advantage of being emergency within one week of the WHO’s agile. Was that sufficient when faced with announcement.117 According to Estonian an unknown pandemic? officials, it was the boldest move during the pandemic.118 Before declaring the state of Digital Identity emergency, the government’s position had changed rapidly as more became known Part of Estonia’s national identity lies in about the virus and its impact on society.119 its high level of digitalisation, allowing for As late as February 27th, the Minister of greater levels of agility in its governance at Interior, Mart Helme, claimed the virus times of crisis.112 The nation prides itself on was nothing more than a common cold.120 developing its technology industries, and Although he was to be proven wrong, this 99% of government services are available indicates a tension within Estonia’s ruling online.113 This allowed the state and its coalition where different political parties services to continue working without major lacked consensus on how to approach the interruptions throughout the crisis.114 In virus.121 Still, Estonia managed to change its addition, just forty eight hours after the approach and agree on a stronger response. state of emergency was declared, Estonian From a communications perspective, the civil society organised an international declaration of the state of emergency was hackathon Hack The Crisis involving twenty a bold move by the government, sending a countries to provide solutions to the clear signal to the general public as well as Covid-19 crisis.115 Government endorsement countries around the world that Estonia was

26 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Part of Estonia’s national identity lies in its high level of digitalisation, allowing for greater levels of agility in its governance at times of crisis.

aware of the dangers of Covid, and ready to 20th was widely lauded as effective.123 act.122 Furthermore, it sent a strong signal The Advisory Board, coordinated by the to the domestic population that they should Government Office, became to all intents expect the virus to have a significant impact and purposes the main driver of Estonia’s on their lives. Covid-19 response. From a Strategic Communications perspective, it achieved Science-based approach and creating the two things: Covid-19 Scientific Advisory Board By placing scientists in the front From the first weeks of the state of line, it reassured the population that emergency a number of research and recommendations and guidelines were monitoring processes were introduced rooted in scientific understanding.124 to provide data-based information for decision-making. A cross-sectional study By removing politicians from the front was conducted by the researchers of line of communications, it proved to the University of Tartu to ascertain the be less sensitive, as scientists are prevalence of the coronavirus and progress generally held to offer advice free of of the epidemic in Estonia. Based on a political motive; hence it partly removed random statistical sample, people were political bias from the crisis in Estonian interviewed and tested across Estonia to society.125 give the state evidence-based data for making decisions about which measures Consolidating scientific effort have allowed shoudl be adopted to curb the spread of the research and analysis to develop which virus. have proved supportive throughout the management of the pandemic. For example, The creation of the Scientific Advisory Board a wastewater survey was introduced (Covid-19 tõrje teadusnõukoda) on March to evaluate the spread of Covid-19 in

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 different regions.126 Politicians continued You spread the virus. Stay home!’ launched to communicate about the Covid situation in April.133 The president called on all and the strategies government was Estonians to wave a light in their windows adopting. But as they were no longer the on one evening to encourage solidarity.134 main source of information, the public could Although the state of emergency gave take their communications with a degree rise to coercive measures, persuasive of reserve, and compare the information communications through solidarity were with recommendations from the Scientific consistently used during the first months of Advisory Board.127 2020. In this respect, a consensus appears to have emerged from Estonian society that Strong focus on economic response and this was the right approach.135 businesses Uncertainty. A key theme for Covid-19 The economy was a key aspect of official communications during the first six pandemic communications and response. months of 2020 was one of overarching Ministers emphasised that the ‘primary goal uncertainty.136 With a threat as unknown as of Estonia’s state aid package is to protect the coronavirus was in those early months, people from losing their jobs’.128 This stands populations had no alternative but to accept in stark contrast to Sweden and Finland what little information they were given. who emphasised that support packages or budget amendments were primarily In Estonia, uncertainty was exacerbated to save lives, and secondly to address by increased divisions within the coalition livelihoods.129 Prime Minister Jüri Ratas held government. The pandemic was, according dedicated meetings with entrepreneurship to some, used by politicians as a vehicle organisations to discuss the economic to advance their own agendas.137 And impact of Covid-19.130 What was perceived this concern gained prominence as the as a strong focus on the economy and divide between hardliners and softliners personal livelihoods was criticised in grew over the question of restrictions.138 Estonia’s media, leading to debates around From a communications perspective, it the government’s prioritising the economy contradicted the appeal to national unity over the lives of its citizens.131 promoted in government communications to society during the first six months of Linguistic – Key expressions 2020.

Unity and solidarity. In official communi­ Daily press conferences, organised by the cations, unity and togetherness were temporary crisis communications centre of consistently promoted.132 Notably, in the the government, featured different speakers, social responsibility campaign ‘You go out - ranging from the Prime Minister to public

28 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� health officials. Politicians could debate the importance of fast, reliable, and the situation while information to the public verified information. Thus, it could support continued to flow uninterrupted.139 the aims of the government’s proactive communications. Despite the uncertainty or perhaps because of it the restrictions, recommendations, and During the state of emergency, the regulations from the Advisory Board were Government Office under the Prime Minister broadly accepted by Estonians.140 Such developed a service that came to be known acceptance may derive from the fact that as the Single Point of Information: a back- Estonia’s Covid-19 related deaths remained end database encompassing the whole consistently low during the first six months of government was designed to answer of 2020.141 frequently asked questions by the general public and functioned in Estonian, Russian, No threat to democracy. Estonia’s and English. The aim of the system was government coalition comprised a populist to keep public messages as clear and party of the right at the time. Yet there unambiguous as possible. At the peak of was a near absence of debate around the the first wave, the system contained over a question of removing personal freedoms thousand questions and answers structured even though some actors displayed illiberal according to different themes. Content democratic tendencies.142 Thus, it might automatically mirrored Estonia’s central be inferred that Estonians felt broadly Covid crisis webpage (kriis.ee), the national confident in their democracy and saw the crisis information hotline (1247), the emergency measures as simply that – online portal of the Estonia’s biggest daily temporary emergency measures that would newspaper Postimees, and several libraries. not adversely impact levels of democratic engagement in the country. Russian population

Public access to information143 For around quarter of the population, Russian is their mother tongue due to The government provided information about Estonia’s immediate proximity to Russia Covid-19 in Estonian, Russian, and English and forced migration during Soviet languages with the aim of informing both occupation.146 In official communications, domestic and international audiences.144 the government was considered to have Estonia opened a new helpline on March successfully provided information to the 16th to release pressure on its existing Russian minority; they admitted to being well infrastructure. The hotline was serviced informed, and at times even better informed in Estonian, Russian, and English.145 At its than the Estonian speaking majority.147 An opening, the Interior Minister emphasised April 2020 poll showed that by the third week

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 A large part of the population was observed to not only comply with the regulations but also appreciate their necessity.

of the state of emergency, 97% of Russian- emergency, the then Prime Minister, Jüri speaking residents confirmed they were Ratas, asked the public to pull through the either well informed or rather well informed crisis together, emphasising that it was not about topics related to the coronavirus; just a health crisis, but an economic one.150 one third observed that the government Ratas highlighted the lack of restrictions provided an important resource.148 The on internal movement, although some Russian population sought information countries in Europe had implemented from Estonia’s media (Postimees and ETV/ them. Still, the government urged the ETV+). The conscious effort by Estonian population to avoid as much close contact authorities to provide information in the as possible.151 Government strategy was Russian language encouraged reliance reinforced by the Scientific Advisory Board, on Estonian-origin media and decreased rendering the government’s message more audience attachment to Russian-origin TV persuasive.152 from 20 to 10%. A state of emergency leads to governments gaining extraordinary legislative and Persuasion versus coercion agency power. Therefore there is a risk of undermining common liberal democratic Declaring a state of emergency sent a practices. To ward off such fears, Estonia’s strong signal to the population about the government emphasised that all restrictions severity of the situation. Border closures under the state of emergency retained a and restrictions followed, and school solid foundation in healthcare and medical closures accompanied a ban on public expertise.153 gatherings and visits to care homes.149 Despite such coercive measures, official From the first week of the emergency sit- communications were more persuasive uation the Government Office commis- in tone. After declaring the state of sioned regular public opinion surveys to

30 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� assess the level of awareness of the pub- Lives and Livelihoods lic and different subgroups about the risks of Covid-19 spreading and any associated Financial support restrictions, the population’s readiness to observe official instructions, as well as Estonia had enjoyed a vigorous start any specific needs the public would have to 2020 with rising GDP and robust during the emergency. Throughout the finances.159 The country then launched an first months of 2020, the general public economic support programme of 2 billion appeared satisfied with the government’s Euros during 2020 to lessen the impact of handling of the crisis, and the message the pandemic.160 At the launch of the first of unity and solidarity seems to have reg- financial aid package, the government istered with the public.154 A large part of stated that the main priority in designing the population was observed to not only it was to safeguard jobs to minimise comply with the regulations but also appre- unemployment.161 Estonia was, in this ciate their necessity.155 The government’s sense, unique in the NB8 for placing such Strategic Communications were, however, emphasis on livelihoods in the first state criticised for engaging excessively with aid mitigation effort. discussions that addressed the interests of elites rather than dealing with concerns of Estonians were most concerned for the wider population.156 the economic consequences of the pandemic.162 Unlike in Sweden, Latvia, Persuasion through digitalisation and Lithuania where public health was of greater concern than economic health.163 New digital initiatives to find solutions to The strong focus on economics was Covid-19 were encouraged and supported criticised by former President Toomas by the government.157 This represented an Hendrik Ilves.164 He pointed out that the effort to maintain public spirits during a 2008-2009 global financial crisis resonated time of crisis. It can also be understood as a unduly in the collective memory and in way of assuring domestic and international the government’s response to the virus, audiences that Estonia would stay true to leading to a disproportionate focus on its national identity as a digital society. livelihoods compared to lives.165 This was Estonia also took a decision to digitalise endorsed by part of the general public; all school materials by the end of 2020. which in turn might be seen to challenge But generally it was able to benefit from its Estonia’s identity.166 Being small, agile, earlier digitalisation policies, allowing for and digitalised may be an advantage, but a less stressful change in the ways people if the elderly and vulnerable were to be left and government conducted their everyday behind, was that really the kind of society business.158 Estonians wanted?

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 31 This debate, however, featured most EU/EAA prominently among the older age-group as they were most at risk from the virus. Official communications from the Estonian Among the young, financial and everyday government focused on an EU recovery aspects of a closed-down society became plan to assist livelihoods and a swift more tangible, with parents having to recovery, and so avoid the region suffering homeschool their children while unable to an enduring economic downturn.172 Again go out to work.167 the immediate emphasis was placed on livelihoods in Estonia’s communications. The government also applied for support Regional coordination from the EU solidarity fund which it hoped might mitigate direct costs incurred in the Baltic first months of the pandemic173

In an effort to show unity and cooperation Nordic-Baltic despite tough times, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania resolved to lift border restrictions Estonia signed an agreement with the Nordic between the three Baltic countries on May Investment Bank (NIB) for a loan of 750 15th.168 The press release from Estonia’s million Euros to cover its immediate costs government outlining the Baltic Bubble incurred by the pandemic.174 As an existing emphasised its importance for mutual infrastructure, the NIB represents a case cooperation in the Baltics, and for reinforcing of substantive support and collaboration tri-state unity when faced with an external between the NB8 countries. threat.169 This may have strengthened ties between the countries and could be argued Further NB8 cooperation would be to have been a Strategic Communications forthcoming in the educational sector where success. It was also seen as a concrete all eight countries, following an Estonian way of handling the crisis, and would be initiative, decided to share digital education used to compare favourably with the lack tools to support education systems in fellow of cooperation around border openings countries during Covid. This private initiative between the five Nordic countries.170 was co-organised with the government.175

Just as the Baltic Bubble opened up, border It should be noted that although the Baltic rules with Finland were slightly relaxed. A Bubble for travel strengthened the identity move that was appreciated in the business of the three Baltic countries as closely sector, given the close trade and cultural integrated partners, juxtaposing a united relations between Estonia and Finland.171 Baltic and a divided Nordic cluster, it did little to advance the idea of a unified NB8.

32 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������



Finland has a population of 5.6 million and a notable minority of around 5% Swedish speakers. Swedish is an official language alongside Finnish.176 The country has an urban population of 86% with the highest concentration of people found in the capital Helsinki.177 Just over one-fifth of the population is estimated to be 65 years of age and older.178 The country’s GDP (PPP) is estimated to be €240.6 billion (€43,500 per capita) with a health expenditure of 9%.179 It has been a member of the EU since 2007.180

5% population Swedish speakers 5.6 million

EU member since 86% EU people found 2007 in the capital Helsinki

Helsinki 9% 1/5 health expenditure population is GDP 65 years of age €240.6 or older billion € 43,500 per capita

34 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020)

First case: State of emergency: Travel restrictions Covid-19 hybrid strategy 29th January introduced: 16th March until presented: (Chinese tourist).181 19th March.183 15th June.185 6th May.187

First case of a Finnish First death: Technical response: citizen: 21st March.184 App development 182 26th February. began in April.186

Country Response especially when compared to Sweden and to Covid-19 EU average infection and death statistics.189 Finns’ reluctance to form large crowds may Historical consciousness also have contributed to a lower spread of the virus.190 Finland’s recent history differs markedly from its Nordic neighbours. Its long border Overarching approach with Russia and strained relationship with the Soviet Union, the Finnish Winter War, Finland based its approach on an existing the civil war, the loss of Karelia, and famine plan for an influenza pandemic similar to are all experiences which fall within the Denmark’s and Iceland’s.191 The Ministry of last 150 years.188 These recent hardships Social Affairs and Health was in charge of may partly explain why societal barriers preparatory measures and started planning to tolerating emergency measures were suitable measures as soon as the virus lower, and particularly when compared began to spread on a global scale.192 Similar to neighbouring Sweden. The decision to Estonia, Finland was at an early stage to implement harsh measures very early of the pandemic when stringent measures on was seen as a contributing factor to were introduced, underscoring its ability to Finland’s success in containing the virus, respond.193

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35 National preparedness is an important idea in Finland. Which was put to the test at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Leisure travel in Finland was almost a key approach to crisis management completely banned throughout 2020 – a early on, along with developing situational case of a robust and restrictive approach awareness and leadership.196 In Finland, from Finland.194 Absence of protest and trust in government and authorities is a poll showing Finns coping well during considered to be very high, which may the first few months of the pandemic explain why strict measures, including suggest how far Finland as a society roadblocks and fines, met with little protest trusts the intentions of its government.195 from the population.197 Such reluctance to protest and to comply in society suggests that despite harsh Opening emergency stockpiles measures introduced on paper, there was never any serious worry on the part of Finns On March 23rd, Finland took a decisive that their individual long-term freedoms step in underlining the gravity of the virus might be affected. Or that the government when it opened its emergency stockpiles might use Covid as an opportunity to shift to supply PPE (personal protective Finland gradually away from democracy—a equipment).198 A unique feature of Finland concern expressed in some countries. among the NB8, the country has stockpiles built up particularly for sudden crises.199 National preparedness is an important Although stockpiles were perhaps not idea in Finland. Which was put to the test pivotal, they may be seen as an important at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. communicative tool for the government. The Strict measures were introduced following move simultaneously signalled the gravity of the government’s decision to announce a the situation – stockpiles are rarely opened state of emergency for the first time since up – and resonated with Finland’s sense of the Second World War. The government collective identity as a well prepared and identified Strategic Communications as resilient country.

36 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Linguistic lenses - Key expressions Persuasion versus coercion

National Preparedness. In official commu- State of emergency nications concerning the pandemic, national preparedness was a key concept highlight- Within a week of the WHO declaring the ed by Prime Minister Sanna Marin when Covid-19 a pandemic, Finland announced she mentioned prepared and preparedness a state of emergency.206 It entailed a seventeen times in one speech in February suspension of face-to-face teaching, 2020.200 Press releases and statements from border closures, and limits on public both government and governmental agen- gatherings.207 The immediate shutdown cies continued to reinforce how Finland was, of large parts of society was well received and remains, well prepared for a crisis.201 A by the public. This was attributed to preemptiveness enshrined in the legal sys- the clear, calm communications of the tem would allow for swift and proportionate government.208 measures.202 The preparedness of the nation became a topic for debate in domestic me- Roadblocks around the Nyland region209 dia, often conjoined with a sense of national pride for the continuously low levels of in- Due to a relatively high spread of the fections and broad compliance with regula- virus in the Nyland region, and following a tions.203 Thus, it proved a successful govern- unanimous vote in Parliament, roadblocks ment strategy to highlight preparedness as it were introduced around Nyland between boasted the nation’s self esteem and perhaps March 28th and April 19th.210 These affected contributed to Finns continuing to comply leisure travel – necessity became the with restrictions throughout the period. guiding principle for the police, supported by the defence forces who carried out vehicle Public access to information controls.211

The first helpline specifically set up for The police reported that roadblocks were not the Covid-19 pandemic was introduced a cause for concern; nor did they antagonise in Helsinki at the beginning of March the public, but were met with a sense of to ease pressure on the normal lines of understanding and compliance.212 Although communication to the health services.204 few fines were issued – only eleven during Around the same time a general information the first week – the move clearly signalled helpline for Covid-19 was made available by to the Finnish population the true gravity of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare. the situation.213 Roadblocks became a visible The helpline continues to be available in measure of coercion introduced by the Finnish, and to some extent in Swedish and government. The absence of vocal protest English languages.205 from society against the new measures

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37 38 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� would again suggest a high level of trust economic measures. The idea of hybrid toward the government and its policies.214 is also linked to uncertainty regarding the virus at that point. Which allowed for greater In addition to high trust in the government, flexibility and adjustments to the strategy Finland displays a collective identity of a drawing on new research data and indicators resilient and prepared nation. Sisu is a word for implementation.219 The introduction in the Finnish language which has no direct of the Hybrid Strategy was accompanied translation. It describes a specific type of by rhetoric from politicians suggesting a resolve or grit in Finnish collective identity greater concern with livelihoods and a move which could be attributed to its long history away from the immediate focus on the of hardship and having endured severe threat to lives. 220 challenges. During the state of emergency, a survey recorded that 96% of the Finnish population said they would comply with Lives and Livelihoods regulations set out by the government.215 Moreover, 87% of responders were happy Proportionality or fairly happy to follow its lead. Although those numbers decreased after June 2020, Government officials highlighted the it nevertheless represents a remarkably high importance of nuance and proportionality level of compliance during the first months in communicating throughout the crisis.221 of the pandemic. Finnish sisu may have also It was understood that divergent target contributed to the overall compliance and audiences might perceive messages the low number of complaints.216 in different ways, and could comply to varying degrees. There was an awareness Publication of the Hybrid Strategy of risk surrounding parts of the elderly population who might interpret messages in At the start of May, Finland’s Government a more extreme form, and go on to isolate moved from extensive restrictive measures themselves from society and so endanger to implementing a Hybrid Strategy based on their own lives or psychological well-being.222 the ‘test, trace, isolate and treat’ approach.217 This sensitivity lends a compassionate The strategy focused on controlled and flavour to their communications: Finland gradual dismantling of restrictive measures seems to have been more acutely aware while preventing the spread of the virus so than other NB8 countries. as to shield risk groups and retain adequate capacity within the health system.218 By Finland forward, together223 calling it a Hybrid Strategy, the government ensured it could address any problem from The Finnish government initiated a protecting the health system to exercising campaign with the slogan ‘Finland forward,

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 There was an awareness of risk surrounding parts of the elderly population who might interpret messages in a more extreme form, and go on to isolate themselves from society and so endanger their own lives or psychological well-being.

together’ – an inter-agency project spanning for protecting the mental health and well- more than two years where citizens and being of its citizens by providing additional officials are encouraged to share stories levels of stability to society. on social media about how Finland works together in a crisis. This project aims to capitalise on the importance Regional coordination of psychological resilience, defined as one of the vital dimensions of Finnish Nordic society and Finland’s national Strategic Communications.224 The campaign endures Finland, like many countries around the with a new Strategic Communications team world, closed and restricted entry to its appointed to the Prime Minister’s office to borders.228 Border closures led to logistical advance the campaign until the end of 2022. difficulties in the early days, as land borders with Sweden are barely discernible. Financial aid Although commuters were allowed to cross the border, it struck many residents in the The government presented four budget region as an unduly coercive measure that amendments in the first half of 2020 to could only feed suspicion and mistrust address the challenges posed by the on both sides.229 Despite the fact that pandemic.225 The first in March was directed relationships at official levels did not change at saving lives through direct financial during this time, failure to coordinate policy support to the health sector and the costs across borders impacted the image of the of preparedness.226 Subsequent budget Nordic region as an integrated alliance.230 amendments favoured securing livelihoods by increasing support to businesses.227 These EU/EAA measures included temporary relaxation of regulations around unemployment insurance Finland remained engaged with the EU benefits. This was in line with Finns’ concern throughout the crisis, emphasising the

40 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� need to coordinate various issues from the Baltic Bubble was deemed successful the economic response to the lifting of enough to be enlarged, signals a success restrictions. for the NB8. At the same time, the negative effects arising from a near absence of Consistent with many countries in the EU, Nordic state cooperation remain a bigger Finland was among those to reintroduce problem in future if NB8 identity is to be temporary border controls at their internal strengthened. Similar to Norway (see borders – a move discordant with the EU’s below), Finland struggled to administer principle of free movement within the union. border closures with neighbouring Sweden As Finland’s course of action followed that which reported significantly higher infection of many other EU countries and lasted for rates due to its alternative response to the only one month, it does not appear to have pandemic. Finnish Nordic historian Johan adversely affected the image of Finland in Strang observed, ‘The coronavirus crisis the eyes of other EU member states. is a symptom that all is not well with this [Nordic] collaboration’.232 First, there was Nordic-Baltic no joint Nordic approach to tackling the pandemic. Second, the effects failed to Finland was invited to join the Baltic Bubble produce any Nordic or Nordic-Baltic travel towards the end of Spring 2020.231 That bubble at any point.

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 41 DENMARK


Denmark has a population of just over 5.5 million with an urban population of 88%.233 The highest concentration of people lives in and around the capital Copenhagen.234 Approximately 20% of the population are over 65 years of age and constitute a high risk group of vulnerability to Covid-19.235 The country’s GDP (PPP) is estimated to be €278.61 billion (GDP per capita €47,882) with a health expenditure of approximately 10%. It was ranked the 38th largest economy in the world according to the World Bank in 2019.236 Denmark joined the EU in 1973.237

38th population largest economy 5.5 in the world million

EU member since 88% EU people found 1973 around the capital Copenhagen

Copenhagen 20% 10% population is health expenditure GDP 65 years of age €278.61 or older billion € 47,882 per capita

42 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020)

Covid-19 strategy: Containment phase until 11th March; First Covid-19 case: SmitteStop app launched: Mitigation phase from 11th –14th April; Gradual 238 242 27th February. Opening phase from 15th April.240 18th March.

First Covid-19 death: National closure: 14th March.239 closure of border to non-citizens 12th March.241 38th population largest economy 5.5 in the world million Country response to Covid-19 all sectors of employment and in the early implementation of financial mitigation.246 Historical consciousness EU Overarching approach member since 88% Similar to Sweden, the 2004 Tsunami EU people found in South East Asia also affected Danish Denmark’s approach was similar to Iceland’s 1973 around the capital Copenhagen historical consciousness and their approach and Norway’s, characterised by their efforts to crisis management. But the last crisis to to enforce proactive recommendations have had a dramatic impact on Denmark and regulations to fight the virus on a Copenhagen was the 2008-2009 global financial national level. This was underlined when crisis.243 It shaped a collective memory Danish authorities communicated firm of economic struggle in NB8 countries, measures on the same day the WHO 20% including Denmark.244 One might surmise declared Covid-19 to be a pandemic.247 10% population is health expenditure that this collective memory guided the The measures implemented were strongly GDP 65 years of age or older Danish response during the first months influenced by advice from health experts, .61 of Covid-19.245 Furthermore, that this crisis particularly drawing on the advice from €278 led to Denmark’s proactive response to the National Board of Health.248 Similar billion € 47,882 per capita the Covid-19 crisis. A clear focus on close to Iceland, Denmark also drew heavily crisis cooperation was apparent across on recommendations from its Influenza

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Pandemic Preparedness Plan of 2013.249 the first six months of Covid-19. They were However, though health experts guided introduced a day before Norway brought in the implementation of measures, it was similar measures, only to be layered with the Danish Government that retained the persuasive communications techniques and final say before official implementation.250 coercive measures including bans on large Therefore, in contrast to Sweden, groups meeting, border restrictions, and Danish politicians held central roles in school closures.255 communication and decision-making during the first months of the pandemic. After a month of Mitigation, the Prime The political consensus on measures Minister announced the early signs of a put forward by the one-party, minority decline in the infection rate.256 Soon after, government helped the management of the the Gradual Opening phase was declared.257 pandemic during the first wave. Whereupon, on the 15th of April, some children returned to school.258 Denmark was Denmark’s response strategy was based one of the first countries in Europe to allow around three phases: Containment phase, the general reopening of primary schools.259 Mitigation phase, and Gradual Opening The government’s swift approach and early phase.251 Similar to Finland’s Hybrid reopening gained international praise,260 Strategy, Denmark focused on ‘slowing offering other countries hope for ‘cautious down the spread of the virus, limiting the optimism’.261 However, Danish professional number of infected individuals, reducing and academic commentators from diverse the burden on the health system and the areas of expertise expressed concern about Danish society as a whole.’252 This objective the reopening.262 They argued that it was suggests the Danish authorities took an happening too soon and would seriously overarching approach, encompassing both impact the health sector, prompting debate lives and livelihoods. about normalising livelihoods at the cost of saving lives.263 Denmark was initially placed into the Containment phase: people were offered Throughout the first six months of Covid-19, general hygiene advice, efficient diagnosis government communications prioritised of infected individuals, isolation of positive engaging with Danes inside and beyond Covid-19 cases, and confining close national borders. Information was delivered contacts to home-quarantine.253 However, through an inter-agency effort: the Prime as the virus spread, Denmark quickly found Minister, the Minister of Health and the itself moving into the Mitigation phase Elderly, the Director of the National Board by 11th March.254 During this time, the of Health, the Academic Director of Statens Danish population was placed under the Serum Institut, the Chief of Police, and strictest national regulations seen during the Director of the Ministry of Foreign

44 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Samfundssind – this particularly Danish concept prioritises society over personal interest, and became a keyword in authoritative communications during the early months of Covid-19.

Affairs.264 Close inter-agency coordination to the nation on specific questions.267 More in communications and particularly firm than 50% of the Danish population listened communication during the Mitigation phase to or watched her address, suggesting a conveyed the gravity of the situation. high level of interest268, and underscoring the extraordinary situation for which the speech Linguistic lenses – Key expressions served as a persuasive communications tool.269 The distribution of information was organ- ised through several media outlets and plat- Samfundssind roughly translates as forms.265 ‘community spirit’. This particularly Danish concept prioritises society over Stand together by keeping distance. This personal interest, and became a keyword exhortation was used on several occasions in authoritative communications during the by the Prime Minister, , early months of Covid-19.270 The word was and later heard in Queen Margrethe’s employed to motivate Danes to comply with address to the Danish nation. Danes were new recommendations and regulations, urged to work together as a community, speaking to social empathy and an already even if they could not be together in the strong Danish sense of community. same place. The Prime Minister went so far Samfundssind is supposed to trigger as to describe it as the Danish strategy.266 individual responsibility for the whole of This message emphasised community society, even if one might not be personally feeling, appealing to social attitudes and worried about getting sick.271 behaviour in order to gain compliance. Public access to information When the Queen incorporated ‘stand together by keeping distance’ into her Information regarding Covid-19 was provid- address, it had the effect of strengthening its ed through several lines of communication, aim and message: the Queen rarely speaks such as press conferences on television

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 45 and radio, Facebook, and the government’s itself questioning which measures might official Covid-19 website.272 These mediums best stem the advance of the virus. provided information based on the imple- mented recommendations and regulations. As the Mitigation phase was implemented Any information distributed was provided in on March 11th the tone changed. Danish as well as several other languages, Recommendations became advice with such as English, Turkish, Polish, German, a sense of urgency as well as outright Farsi, Arabic, and Somali.273 In early March, bans – some backed up by fines.279 Danes communications centred on good hygiene were subjected to greater restrictions and to avoid spreading the virus; to which effect to some extent coerced into compliance posters were produced in seven languages, for fear of being penalised if they did not. but excluding Danish.274 Coronavirus ho- The Prime Minister announced that from tlines were established to provide informa- then on educational institutions, including tion to those seeking further clarification.275 daycare, would be closed, civil servants would work from home, and nightclubs, restaurants and pubs would also close Persuasion versus coercion for a period of time.280 That was followed by further bans: on 17th March the Prime Although both persuasive and coercive Minister announced a temporary ban on measures were employed in the early holding or attending events or activities months of the response, Danish authorities where more than 10 people were gathered. drew more readily on persuasion rooted in The fine for non-compliance was set at samfundssind. Persuasion took the form 1,500 DKK (200 EUR).281 Amendments to of recommendations in the Containment the Epidemic Act, unanimously enforced phase – keeping one’s distance, washing by Parliament, authorised the Minister hands, general hygiene advice, self isolation, of Health to implement bans on larger and home-quarantine.276 They sought gatherings. It communicated the gravity compliance from citizens without making of the situation282 and Parliament’s ability individuals feel restricted in their daily lives. to achieve consensus at a dangerous time This approach was criticised by a virologist when swift action was required.283 However, from the University of Copenhagen who this legislative initiative drew criticism called for stricter measures and argued from professionals and academics for against excessive personal discretion infringement of democratic freedoms;284 it and responsibility.277 Still, the Minister of runs counter to the liberal mindset of the Health held firm to the policy direction.278 Nordic countries.285 Balancing persuasion and coercion during the Containment phase was difficult. During Overall, the appeal of Denmark’s authorities those early months, the whole world found to the population’s samfundssind was

46 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� successful. Community spirit and parties were apparent during those early mobilisation were captured symbolically months of 2020. It was safe to assume on the 16th of March when individuals that Danish society had complied with the organised a national clap-along to raise measures which probably contributed to community spirits.286 Although there the early reopening of society and fall in were some breaches of the regulations, infection rates.289 society generally reacted favourably to both persuasive and coercive measures.287 Finally, the launch of the Smittestop app Disobedience was rarely captured in Danish showed the Danish public was open to using news reports. Moreover, approval ratings it; on its first day, it had 245,000 downloads. for the Prime Minister doubled between That figure reportedly increased to almost March288 and April,288 suggesting that Danes 1.4 million by September (a quarter of the trusted their government’s handling of the adult population), with 400 people logging pandemic. No major public demonstrations onto the app to register they had been against the measures were organised and no infected.290 By comparison, the Latvian major disagreements between the political app ApturiCOVID – the first app of its

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47 In the early months of 2020, Denmark’s government asserted its core objective as one of saving lives and safeguarding the whole of Danish society.

kind – was downloaded by 40,000 people were not inconsistent with attempts to in its first week and would be downloaded combat the negative effects of the virus 300,000 times (one fifth of adults).291 in other countries’ economies. Meanwhile Denmark’s early and gradual reopening of society was also a policy intended to Lives and Livelihoods safeguard businesses. That said, the focus on saving lives was prioritised. 35.7 million In the early months of 2020, Denmark’s DKK (4.8 million euro) was allocated to government asserted its core objective as fighting loneliness among the disabled, one of saving lives and safeguarding the and similar amounts to related problems.295 whole of Danish society.292 It did not mean, Addressing mental health specifically, however, that livelihoods were neglected. a short film was screened by the health authorities to demonstrate that a quick In early March, days before Denmark phone call could make a big difference introduced its strict regulations, the to a sufferer.296 This message ran on the government introduced measures to state broadcaster TV2 and on social media mitigate any immediate, negative financial platforms to reach wider target audiences.297 consequences.293 By late March, the Prime Minister had announced the availability of three support packages for employees and Regional coordination companies amounting to more than 285 million DKK (38.3 million euro), promising Nordic that further compensation would be forthcoming within months.294 Although Traditionally, Nordic countries enjoy close financial measures were taken to protect cooperation. However, it was challenged people’s homes and employment, these during the first wave of Covid-19 due to

48 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� divergent policy responses. In March, travellers and non-permanent residents – Denmark, like many other countries in consequently other EU member states.300 Europe, closed its borders, including to all This policy showed EU member states Nordic countries. Nevertheless, because willing to favour initiatives designed to Norway and Iceland were able to meet the prevent the rapid spread of the virus. country’s travel requirements, Denmark Which in turn undermined fundamental EU opened its borders to them before it did principles of unrestricted movement within to Sweden and Finland.298 Although the the Union. country’s official relations did not suffer any adverse effect from border restrictions and Nordic-Baltic closures with its Nordic neighbours, that sense of unity was tested. NB8 communications around the pandemic were set at ministerial level in early March.301 EU/EAA Discussions primarily took place in video conferences where ministers discussed Collaboration between the EU and Denmark the need for cooperation. However, the was rarely a cause for concern during only implemented coordination was seen the first wave; indeed Denmark called for through a new network of consular directors greater EU collaboration.299 But like most who were tasked with repatriating citizens NB8 countries, Denmark also enforced stranded abroad and returning them safely border closures in March to non-Danish to their countries within the NB8.302

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 49 ICELAND


Iceland has a population of just under 370,000.303 The country has an urban population of 93.3% and 50% of them live in or around the capital, Reykjavik.304 Roughly 15% are aged 65 or over, therefore in the high risk age group.305 The country’s GDP (PPP) is €16.7 billion (€46.283 per capita) with a health expenditure of approximately 8.5%. It was ranked the 109th economy in the world according to the World Bank in 2019.306 Iceland is not an EU member but an EEA member.307

109th population largest economy 0.37 in the world million 93% urban EEA EU population member 50% around Reykjavik

Reykjavik 15% 8.5% population is health expenditure GDP 65 years of age €16.7 or older billion € 46.283 per capita

50 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020) First fatality: 24th March

First case: Emergency alert ended: (first Icelandic citizen 28th February.308 25th March.309 dies).311

Emergency alert level declared: Travel restrictions: Technical response (apps): 6th March. external EU/EEA border Icelandic tracking closed from 20th March.310 app Rakning C-19 made available from population 109th 2nd April.312 largest economy 0.37 in the world million

Country response to Covid-19 that began in 2008.316 At an early stage, the Government communicated clearly 93% Historical consciousness that they were better prepared for Covid-19 urban as a result of the 2008 experience.317 EEA EU population member Among its NB8 allies, Iceland is the only Significantly, 80% of respondents to a poll 50% around country accustomed to natural emergencies in March stated they were more concerned Reykjavik in the form of extreme weather conditions, about the economic effects of Covid-19 avalanches, volcanic eruptions and frequent than its impact on health.318 Mindful of this Reykjavik earthquakes.313 Such events suggest that sentiment, the government acted promptly, Icelandic society might be predisposed to providing large amounts of financial help in complying with authorities and experts in those early months.319 15% times of crisis.314 In the early months of the 8.5% population is health expenditure Covid-19 outbreak, Iceland’s population and Overarching approach GDP 65 years of age or older authorities could draw parallels with previous .7 crises.315 The small and accessible population €16 offered a considerable advantage in tracing billion € 46.283 per capita Like other NB8 countries, Iceland’s economy the spread of the virus and managing the suffered greatly during the financial crisis pandemic response.320

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 51 Iceland’s early response was driven by a society. However, it communicated strongly collaborative approach whereby politicians that further changes were to come.326 allowed the health authorities and experts to take a scientific lead.321 Transparency, Although Iceland enforced firm regulations, i.e. truthful and timely provision of available it never imposed a complete lockdown of information about the crisis, guided the society.327 Iceland’s authoritative response expert- and government- driven approach,322 would be seen in the way they used and should be viewed as a communications persuasion, making recommendations tool used by experts to raise awareness, around personal hygiene, and softened and build support and trust around otherwise coercive regulations to restrict recommendations and regulations.323 public gatherings that would incur fines and partial school closures.328 To deal with the pandemic, Iceland applied its Civil Protection Emergency Levels, which In order to analyse and sequence positive consists of three phases: Uncertainty, coronavirus samples, Icelandic agencies Alert, and Emergency; and the National cooperated with the private company Pandemic and Influenza Preparedness Plan, deCODE Genetics, a subsidiary of the which is one of three types of emergency American multinational biopharmaceutical plans in the Icelandic Civil Protection. company, Amgen. This type of initiative By the 27th January, two weeks before involving a private company providing the WHO declared the coronavirus to be temporary free testing and investing its a global pandemic, Iceland was already own resources in tracking the spread of the introducing its Uncertainty phase.324 That infection was unprecedented. Throughout was followed by a further anticipatory the crisis, deCODE Genetics worked hand- measure: on 6th March, five days before in-hand with Iceland’s Directorate of the global pandemic was declared, and Health. This partnership allowed Iceland to as soon as Iceland had detected its first instigate screening early in the pandemic case of person-to-person transmission, the and produce an in-depth understanding of country’s Chief Epidemiologist together the viral spread and asociated symptoms. with the Civil Protection Department of the Free testing offered by deCODE Genetics National Commissioner of the Icelandic for a time to any willing Icelander helped Police instigated the highest phase of to detect and research asymptomatic and civil protection – the Emergency level.325 mild cases.329 The initial controversy over Iceland’s authorities drew heavily on the data protection was quickly resolved by existing Pandemic Influenza Preparedness classifying deCODE Genetics’ screening as Plan when enacting this measure. clinical work.330 This partnership, providing Triggering the Emergency phase did not valuable early insights into the nature of the lead immediately to any dramatic change in pandemic, drew international attention and

52 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Although Iceland enforced firm regulations, it never imposed a complete lockdown of society.

contributed to raising Iceland’s profile. In the attitude, their communications remained early months, Iceland, with its pioneering sympathetic and accessible, always approach to private-public partnership, foregrounding evidence-based thinking in tested proportionately more individuals than their attempts to educate the population.337 most countries.331 Consequently, the public felt that it had retained some freedom of choice in In addition, the Rakning C-19 tracking app, complying with the recommendations and downloaded by some 40% of Icelanders, regulations. Public trust in these three was well received by the population332 individuals has never dropped below 90% but did not prove to be a game-changer in during the pandemic.338 contact tracing.333 The key communicators also stressed Various key communicators were evident they did not have all the answers339 – in during the first six months. Namely, the an attempt to win over the public, this Chief Epidemiologist, the Director of represented a communications tool to Health, and the Chief Superintendent at demonstrate that the Covid-19 virus the Department of Civil Protection and was new to everyone in this climate of Emergency Management.334 Often they uncertainty. While the triumvirate occupied were referred to as ‘the triumvirate’ or the foreground, the Government and Prime ‘the trio’, becoming the face of Covid-19 Minister made frequent appearances, information, and were viewed as a particularly at dedicated government press source of trust as they emphasised their conferences.340 Where, nevertheless, the transparency335 and humility.336 Rather Prime Minister would highlight the need for than display an uncomfortably draconian the expert-driven approach.341

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53 Linguistic lenses - Key expressions a blend of daily press conferences until mid- May, the official Covid-19 website, covid.is, Certain themes were repeated during the and information campaigns.346 By providing dissemination of information by public information, the aim was to educate the figures and on online platforms. public to make evidence-based decisions about following the guidelines.347 Perceived Personal and collective responsibility. Au- primarily as positive, some negative thorities drew on variations on a theme of reactions were however forthcoming, responsibility during the early months – work- suggesting government agencies in March ing together and community spirit in a time of had failed to address minority groups.348 crisis.342 The Chief Superintendent at the De- 15% of the country’s population does not partment of Civil Protection and Emergency speak Icelandic, which makes distributing Management observed ‘we must do this, each information more challenging.349 Minority person for themselves and all together’.343 groups reportedly felt ignored during these The Chief Epidemiologist saw cooperation as vital communications stages.350 Following the key to combating the virus.344 these complaints, the communications problem was resolved with provision in In response, a catchphrase emerged in Ice- eleven languages.351 landic society: ‘I Obey Víðir’. This phrase rhymes in the Icelandic language and it became a catch-all signal for people to Persuasion versus coercion give their best effort to contain the risk of infection. The phrase incorporates the Before the Emergency Alert level was name of Civil Protection and Emergency declared in March, measures inclined Management Division manager Víðir Rey- more towards persuasion. Agencies urged nisson, a prominent figure in Iceland’s pan- and recommended that people keep their demic response.345 A sense of togetherness distance and wash their hands, while prompted this catchphrase – to obey Víðir providing transparent information352 in an was to demonstrate that one was part of the appeal to Icelanders’ sense of personal community, and despite the connection to responsibility without limiting their way of police authority, it had a sense of levity and life. As in Latvia and Denmark, both tone humour, while simultaneously highlighting and measures would gradually change once the high degree of authoritative legitimacy the virus began to spread and a sense of attached to the police force. pandemic fatigue started to set in.

Public access to information After declaring the Emergency on the 6th March, measures shifted from a persuasive, Dissemination of information was diverse – to a more coercive tone – recommenda-

54 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� tions would be replaced by restrictions and were to limit the pandemic’s damage to our outright bans. March was characterised by citizens’ health and our social and economic firmer regulations such as closing colleges infrastructure’.362 These words would later and universities and banning large gather- be carried over into several initiatives. ings.353 Fines and imprisonment for severe violations were introduced. Although fines Covid-19 impacted all economic sectors in were rarely used and no one was detained.354 Iceland during the first six months. Many Measures are assumed to have arisen from livelihoods were affected. As a pillar of the the need to exercise caution and not be- economy, tourism was hit especially hard cause of extensive lawbreaking.355 due to travel restrictions.363 The government was quick to communicate to the population Alternative methods of persuasion included that economic relief would be introduced, a new social distancing song featuring and on the 10th March, the economic action famous Icelandic musicians and the plan was announced.364 The plan focused triumvirate.356 The song adapted a well- on ‘extending tax deadlines, providing relief known melody, rewriting the text to highlight for tourism services, creating a marketing the importance of following the regulations, campaign for tourism, increasing benefits, working together and obeying Víðir.357 developing infrastructure projects and cooperating with the Icelandic Financial Although these measures impacted society Services Association’.365 as a whole, former members of the Icelandic parliament criticised them for being too The plan was subsequently carried out relaxed.358 They argued that the Government through a three-step package during the should take stricter measures to eliminate the spring of 2020.366 The financial contribution spread of Covid-19 and not simply contain it.359 received a mixed response in April in With a less than complete lock-down, people newspaper editorials. In the tourism sector nevertheless felt measures to be adequate some saw the measures as exceeding and should stop short of overly regulating expectations while others criticised them society.360 At the end of April, an International for not prioritising the sector sufficiently.367 Gallup poll, revealed that 96% of Icelandic This underlined conflicting conversations in respondents were satisfied and trusted the society around financial support. authoritative handling of the virus to date.361 Support for the economy could be seen in the way that travel inside the country Lives and Livelihoods was permitted from May. The government went so far as to provide Icelanders with The Icelandic Government communicated domestic travel vouchers: 5,000 ISK from an early stage that their ‘priorities (33 Euros) was distributed to each Icelander

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 55 Personal health, particularly mental health, was impacted by the restrictions which limited people’s ability to socialise.

in the full knowledge that this token amount signed up to make regular phone calls to would have little impact.368 However, it was people who lived alone and were over the to be a symbolic gesture reflecting the age of eighty five – a way of mitigating the government’s efforts to maintain support negative health effect.374 across society.369 One-off wage enhancements were granted People’s health was valued through as a mark of gratitude to individuals efficient and strict implementation of working in the health sector, recognising the recommendations and regulations: the increased pressure of working hours and state aimed to save lives, especially those the increased chance of infection.375 in high-risk groups.370 Iceland like other NB8 countries, experienced a period of medical swab shortages due to high demand.371 In Regional coordination turn, this led to the Chief Epidemiologist voicing his concerns following a clear Nordic failure of communications on the swab shortage.372 Nordic cooperation was most apparent during March and April. Nordic Ministers Personal health, particularly mental health, addressed the issue of their citizens was impacted by the restrictions which stranded in Nordic countries due to closed limited people’s ability to socialise. Conse- or restricted borders.376 Governments quently, mental health services received a acted by reaffirming that they were working financial boost of 540 million ISK (35 mil- towards Nordic solidarity. It drove their lion euro) to include communications cam- efforts to repatriate those stranded.377 Their paigns promoting the need to safeguard exchanges further addressed the need for citizens’ mental health.373 A ‘phone friends longer-term cooperation in post-Covid times scheme’ was introduced where volunteers to re-energise Nordic tourism and trade.378

56 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� The Chief Epidemiologist of Iceland Like other NB8 countries, Iceland restricted meets regularly with Nordic counterparts. and closed its external borders to foreign Such meetings happened almost weekly nationals.382 Though this initiative runs throughout the pandemic. The Director counter to the principle of free movement of Health and Chief of Police for Civil between Schengen member states, it was Protection also maintain regular contact implemented as essential to suppress the with Nordic counterparts. spread of the virus.

EU/EEA Nordic-Baltic

Iceland is not part of the EU, but it is an EEA/ Echoing the cooperation between the Nordic EFTA member state.379 Nonetheless, close states, the most noticeable NB8 coordination ties with the EU were evident during the first was to be seen in communications efforts months with the establishment of a non- directed at cross-border travel. States exclusion agreement.380 Iceland was not to emphasised their committment to ensuring be excluded from the preliminary EU ban on that individuals stranded across the eight exports of medical equipment outside the countries could return home in spite of EU, reinforcing cooperation between Iceland border restrictions.383 and the EU.381

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 57 NORWAY


Norway has a population of just over 5.5 million, with around 83% ethnic Norwegians.384 Roughly 17.5% of this population are aged 65 and over385 and are in the Covid-19 high-risk group. The Norwegian population is spread across the country. However, a higher density of individuals lives in the south than in the north.386 The Norwegian urban population is 83%.387 Norway has a GDP (PPP) of €281.8 billion (€52,710 per capita) with a health expenditure of 10%, and was ranked 30th strongest economy in the world according to the World Bank in 2019.388 Norway was a founding member of EFTA in 1960. Today the country is a member of the EEA and cooperates with the EU.389


30th 5.5 83% ethnic strongest economy Norwegians million in the world EEA 83% member urban founding member EU population of EFTA in 1960 higher density lives in the south

17.5% 10% population is health expenditure GDP 65 years of age €281.8 or older billion € 52.710 per capita

58 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020)

Covid-19 strategy: Preliminary strategy in force on Technical Apps: 12th March, First Covid-19 case: Smittestop app, 16th official long-term coronavirus strategy enforced 390 394 26th February. 5th May. 392 April.

First Covid-19 death: National lockdown: 13th March. 391 borders closed to non-citizens 12th March. 393

Country response to Covid-19 a general sense of community spirit and national togetherness.397 That same spirit Historical Consciousness would reemerge during Covid-19, when authority and media lines of communication Previously, the crisis that had the greatest appealed to it.398 impact on Norway’s collective memory was the terrorist attack of 22th July 2011 which Overarching approach highlighted the absence of a coordinated response plan for a national crisis.395 The As in Denmark and Iceland, Norway’s responsibility for crisis coordination was approach could be characterised as subsequently amended and assigned to anticipatory and collaborative. The the Ministry of Justice and Emergency government led it, but recommendations Preparedness.396 Following which changes, from health experts guided it.399 This there were signs of improved cross-sectoral close cooperation with health experts was and inter-agency coordination during the revealed when the government provided the first six months of Covid-19. Norwegian Directorate of Health the legal right to enforce preventative measures.400 Although the terror attack identified this Responsibility for crisis management across failing, it also shocked the nation, prompting sectors was brought under the Ministry of

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 59 The strategy’s core objective was to suppress the virus by enforcing firm preventative measures such as quarantine, isolation, and travel restrictions to limit the burden on the health services.

Justice and Emergency Preparedness at a Norway’s preliminary response strategy ministerial level when the situation indicated appeared on the 12th March. It attempted to the virus would impact all sectors.401 employ persuasive and coercive techniques through recommendations and regulations Overall, the collaborative response was and was referred to as the strike down further evidenced by information distributed strategy.406 The strategy’s core objective through joint press conferences, supporting was to suppress the virus by enforcing firm a strong desire for national community preventative measures such as quarantine, spirit.402 The disseminators varied. In isolation, and travel restrictions to limit contrast to Sweden, key political figures the burden on the health services.407 The were central and included the Prime Minister, strategy was characterised by its focus the Health and Care Services Minister, and on bringing the R number below 1 – the the Minister of Justice,403 the Director of R number is used for rating a disease’s the National Institute of Public Health, and ability to spread – and was considered an the Director of the Norwegian Directorate important indicator of whether preventive of Health.404 As in Denmark, the monarch, measures were working.408 The R rate King Harald V, gave a speech to the nation. should be understood as a communications Which further emphasised the gravity of tool to help individuals monitor the spread the situation; the King rarely addresses the of Covid-19. nation on specific matters, and the speech may be understood as part of a broader Although the Norwegian approach seems campaign of persuasion.405 Several different collaborative, there were conversations lines of communication taken together sent around which strategy to adopt. NRK, out a strong message of close inter-agency a Norwegian broadcaster, attempted to cooperation throughout the first six months highlight this tension by pointing out that of Covid-19. the National Institute of Public Health and

60 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� the Norwegian Directorate of Health had In May, the Norwegian authorities presented recommended alternative, preliminary the official long-term Corona Strategy, plans to the government.409 In reply, the referred to as the control strategy.416 The Directorate of the National Institute of new plan retained the same objective as the Public Health stated that no significant strike down strategy – to ensure that health tension existed between the two agencies services provide help to all citizens and save since at that time it was still impossible lives.417 By contrast, it favoured increased to ascertain which measures would control measures such as greater testing, be more effective.410 Which highlights quarantine, isolation, and infection tracing how difficult expressing confidence at while society was gradually re-opening.418 a moment of uncertainty would prove, At this stage, authoritative communications particularly during a crisis.411 At the same continued to target maintaining community time, considering different options could spirit.419 only strengthen democratic checks and balances. Linguistic lenses - Key expressions

Building on the idea of democratic balance, Key expressions were seen in state the new Corona Law is of note. The Corona communications during the first six months. Law was written to facilitate firmer measures being rapidly deployed in a national crisis.412 Nasjonal Dugnad. Dugnad means an Fifteen high profile Norwegian lawyers individual participates in voluntary argued that this new legislation should communal work with a group of people on a have involved more transparency since it local or a national level.420 The word derives was created and implemented in a very from the Norwegian tradition of volunteering short time and, allegedly, in secret.413 when a community needs help. It appeals to Lawyers criticised the law for granting Norwegian collective identity,421 and unites the government excessive power and the Norwegian community, appealing to allowing it to circumvent the normal legal personal and collective responsibility in process. They questioned why they had everyday life.422 Such is its keen sense not involved the lawyers association and of responsibility and place in Norwegian judges association.414 It would appear the society that failure to join the dugnad, invites purpose of the law had been to streamline social opprobrium.423 No one wants to be the legal process during the crisis to save seen not to participate.424 This persuasive lives and protect the health sector. 415 Such communications tool was employed to critique suggests that governments might gain community spirit, togetherness, and place more emphasis on the transparency national compliance to recommendations of their actions and communication to avoid and regulations. Covid-19 was positioned resistance during crises. as a crisis and a Nasjonal Dugnad ‘that

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 61 everyone had to take part in, together, and advice on washing hands, and discouraging on behalf of the Norwegian community’.425 non-essential travel.432 These measures appeal to Norwegians’ sense of personal Public access to information responsibility and nasjonal dugnad, and won support with little criticism since they had Information relating to Covid-19 was no significant impact on their way of life. widely disseminated through daily press conferences.426 However, the state developed However, after the 12th March, the dedicated Covid-19 information hotlines, most coercive regulations to be seen together with Covid-19 specific sections in peacetime appeared.433 Regulations on authoritative websites and automated implemented included school closures, chat services.427 They could ease the bans for stays in holiday cabins, restricting pressure of calls on emergency hotlines.428 and closing national borders to non-citizens, Information was further distributed via text and fines.434 This represented an overall messages – municipalities sent out specific change in tone and gravity. And as modes of recommendations and regulations based on persuasion gave way to coercive measures, an individual’s location.429 The government so the the criticism increased. That said, distributed information in several languages when the Directorate of Health undertook to all parts of Norwegian society.430 proactive measures, they committed to evaluating all measures iteratively and on a rolling basis.435 Such reassurance was a Persuasion versus coercion short-term communications tool designed to maintain calm; measures were to be read In Strategic Communications, there is a as timely and proportionate to prevent push constant push and pull between persuasion back from Norwegian society. and coercion. Calibrating the two can be challenging in times of crisis where the Although minimal, some resistance was state strives for compliant attitudes and forthcoming, most significantly following behaviour from society. To gain such the cabin ban before Easter break, which compliance from Norwegian society, as imposed a fine of 15,000 NOK (1,400 in other NB8 countries, authorities used a Euros) or ten days in prison.436 The ban blend of measures. may have been severe but government communications sought to ensure that Before implementing the strike down small municipalities could deal with the strategy on the 12th March, measures virus’s spread and that individuals from were characterised by persuasion drawing bigger cities did not carry it with them.437 on recommendations and advice.431 This Nearly 10% of the population owns cabins, included maintaining personal distance, and the Government saw the potential

62 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� threat that travel to cabins might cause to north – local authorities embraced further smaller communities.438 The cabin ban was regulations on quarantine and entry rules as unpopular during the Easter holidays which a prevention measure.443 are important to Norwegians; 439 Norwegian traditions are rooted in being outdoors, The mayor of Vardø stressed, ‘we do not skiing, and family time spent together in live five minutes away from the hospital as brighter, cold weather.440 It is a time to in , so we must have stricter measures escape the city to embrace nature’s calm; here in the north’.444 This statement by being denied it, people were even more illustrates Norway’s demographic and disappointed during an already challenging geographic differences, but also highlights time.441 a resort to more coercive measures when persuasive measures were not Further tensions arose from domestic travel deemed sufficient. This was in contrast restrictions and divergent regulations at to recommendations at a national regional and local authority levels. Certain level,445 suggesting a tension between the municipalities in the north of Norway municipalities and government, and further enforced stricter coercive measures under underlines how the north of Norway rejected the Communicable Disease Act’s legal southerners travelling to the north during rights.442 Due to the variable spread of the the pandemic: after all, having contracted virus in Norway – higher in the southern the virus, how might northerners receive part of Norway, lower in the less populated medical help in time?

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 63 The Smittestopp app was launched on meanwhile, pledged its full support in the 16th April amid criticism.446 State mitigating the worst of the effects.457 communications tried to persuade people to download the app to track and trace the Government was especially aware of the im- spread of the virus.447 Downloading the app pact of the virus on the economy. They de- spoke to nasjonal dugnad. 448 However, the clared the economy robust in order to high- initiative met with suspicion while users light Norway’s economic preparedness.458 hesitated to reveal personal data. 449 That A comprehensive economic strategy would same distrust of the app was endorsed by support this conviction; it was built around Amnesty International, who claimed it was three phases under the rubric: ‘targeted, one of the most intrusive in the world.450 effective and reversible’.459 Consecutively, Consequently, the app’s first version was each phase targeted avoiding bankruptcies; short-lived and officially shut down in June.451 supporting business and industry; and di- recting broader measures to keep the econ- Despite limited criticism, Norwegian society omy functioning.460 was broadly positive. There were neither large demonstrations nor sustained critique Support took the form of securing health care towards the measures. Indeed, a survey in equipment, increasing intensive care spaces April demonstrated this positivity when 77% in hospitals, introducing business and of the electorate confided the government industry compensation schemes, extending had enforced the appropriate measures,452 unemployment benefits, and increasing suggesting sustained, high levels of trust access to student loans.461 By early April, in the government.453 Particularly in the these measures had cost the country more Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, for providing than 139 billion NOK (13.3 billion euro).462 clear lines of communication in a calm Economic assistance met with a mixed manner.454 By contrast, only 6% thought the response; it was begrudgingly remarked that government had taken the wrong turn.455 the assistance was a good starting point.463 And for the government’s part, in May they However, the difficult situation faced by complimented the Norwegian population for students featured prominently in the media committing to nasjonal dugnad and taking where journalists, students, and politicians personal responsibility.456 criticised student assistance for being contingent on taking out further loans and incurring new obligations.464 Students voiced Lives and Livelihoods their concern about taking up the offer for fear of storing up problems for the future.465 The Norwegian government implemented a wide range of measures, affecting both Due to Covid-19 uncertainty, the government lives and livelihoods. The Government, was eager to demonstrate compassion

64 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� towards children and teenagers during coordination is usually smooth and close.473 those early months. Press conferences Which raised the question whether clarity of explicitly targeted the young. They explained communication had also fallen victim to the the nature of the virus and to whom they virus. could turn if afraid.466 Health Minister, Bent Høie, would attract public approval The contrast in approaches led Oslo to following a powerful speech to the country’s keep most of its Swedish border closed to teenagers.467 His words were well-received leisure travel and tourism in June, unlike when he thanked them for putting their lives Finland, Iceland, and Denmark.474 These on hold.468 It served to humanise an alien border regulations may not necessarily have situation. And it was his honesty in particular damaged the Nordic countries’ solidarity, that met with praise together with his down- but they did affect the traditional image of a to-earth handling of the problem.469 close-knit alliance.

EU/EEA Regional While not a part of the EU, ties remain Nordic strong through close collaboration and membership of the EEA.475 Prime Minister, Nordic cooperation played out initially at Erna Solberg took a lead role in the EU the ministerial level as it tried to deal with Coronavirus Global Response Summit repatriating citizens just as the world was in May to show economic and political gradually closing down. Norway’s Minister support.476 This involved working closely of Foreign Affairs was reassuring: ‘we are on promoting collaboration on vaccine close to each other in the Nordics, and have development which continued during the a long tradition of helping each other. In this crisis.477 crisis, Nordic solidarity and unity give us strength’.470 Norway further set up a health team which was deployed to Italy, an EU member state, For all that, little mention of Nordic to show solidarity and unity in times of cooperation was to be found in Norway’s crisis.478 Similar to the Nordic effort, Norway media. Swedish and Norwegian policies also aided repatriation efforts of EU/EEA were reported in stark contrast. Indeed, citizens throughout the first six months of Norway’s resolute action led only to the pandemic.479 confusion and tensions over cross-border restrictions.471 Both Swedish and Norwegian communities who regularly travel across the border were caught by surprise;472 border

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 65 LATVIA


Latvia has a population of just over 1.8 million with a large Russian minority that makes up a quarter of the population.480 The country has an urban population of 68.3% with the highest concentrations of people found in and around the port and capital city of Riga.481 Just over a fifth of the population is estimated to be 65 years of age and over.482 GDP (PPP) is estimated to be 50.41 billion Euros (30,898 Euros per capita), ranking it the 99th economy in the world with a health expenditure of 6.2%.483 It has been an EU member since 2004.484


99th 25% economy 1.8 Russians in the world million

EU member since 68% EU urban population 2004 highest concentrations around Riga

Riga 6.2% 1/5 health expenditure population is GDP 65 years of age €50.41 or older billion € 30,898 per capita

66 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020)

Cabinet of Ministers approves Strategy for Latvia for Mitigation of the International travel Consequences of the Crisis First case: restrictions imposed: Caused by Covid-19: End of state of emergency: 2nd March.485 17th March.487 26th May.489 10th June.491

State of emergency First death: Technical response: declared: 3rd April.488 Apturi Covid first track 486 12th March. and trace app 29th May. 490

Country specific approach in response to Overarching Approach Covid-19 pandemic Latvia’s approach to managing the spread Historical Consciousness of Covid-19 during the early months of 2020 was government-led with key figures such Covid-19 brought to the fore existing as the Health Minister and Prime Minister systemic problems in Latvia such as an regularly communicating with the public. underfunded healthcare system, socio- The approach was collaborative, actively economic inequalities, and the precarious heeding the advice of experts from the position of students in higher education.492 Latvian Centre for Disease Prevention and Moreover, Latvia had been among the Control (SPKC).495 These SPKC authorities hardest hit countries during the 2008-2009 communicated with the public through global financial crisis, with rapid growth interviews and announcements on news before the crisis and a sharp decline outlets and social media.496 afterwards.493 Some commentators opine that with the onset of the epidemiological Latvia’s response could be characterised crisis, Latvia had not fully recovered from as dynamic. Like Denmark, it announced the financial crisis with parts of society still a state of emergency on 12th March (the suffering extreme economic inequalities.494 day after the WHO declared Covid-19 a

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 67 Latvia could position itself internationally as tech-savvy in crisis management, which marked a shift from addressing domestic to international audiences.

pandemic) and rapidly implemented strict lifting the state of emergency in June, a travel restrictions in and out of the country press release detailed the restrictions that five days later.497 The state of emergency were to remain in place.503 aimed to restrict movement and slow the spread of the virus, according to the Ministry Notably, there was consensus among the of Foreign Affairs.498 public over restrictions, according to a survey in late April / early May which saw As the pandemic continued, a practical need just under 70% of respondents describe to ‘coexist’ with the virus was communicated them as appropriate while only 10% thought by authorities.499 This sentiment of life them to be excessive.504 continuing alongside the virus may indicate a sense of pragmatic longevity to Latvian Latvia ahead of the curve. The ‘Latvia ahead communications as well as an awareness of of the curve’ video campaign demonstrated the uncertain nature of the virus. longer-term communications to international audiences.505 Supported by the Latvian The government’s actions and Investment and Development Agency, it drew communications intersected over how on success stories such as the roll-out of one cautious the country should be. The state of the first tracking mobile applications to be of emergency was extended between endorsed nationally, Latvia’s e-Parliament, March and June, and with each extension and remote learning improvements.506 authorities underscored a sense of caution Latvia could position itself internationally in their messaging.500 In April the Prime as tech-savvy in crisis management, which Minister Krišjānis Kariņš stated that despite marked a shift from addressing domestic to low levels of infection Latvia ‘cannot relax’ international audiences. due to the extensive spread in Europe.501 In May’s extension, the Health Minister Ilze In a similar vein, the public mobilised Viņķele stated that ‘the pandemic has not digitally with a number of tech-based finished’, highlighting its urgency.502 Upon initiatives, many of which materialised

68 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� from the Latvian ‘Hackforce’ online event when two hundred cars congregated at designed to provide innovative solutions Latvia’s Rumbula Airfield in violation of to the crisis. This hackathon saw the restrictions.511 That said, according to SPKC innovation of face shields, and artificial lung authorities and the Health Minister, the ventilators, while attracting over 800 people Latvian public generally showed high levels from around the world.507 Authorities from of responsibility.512 the SPKC and Ministry of Health actively supported the initiative and engaged with Public attitudes to the government’s initial the organisers, expressing interest in approach saw public trust and confidence staging a further hackathon.508 A dialogue in the government rise.513 One survey in between government and civic actors to April recorded just under three-quarters of encourage crisis-led innovation from the respondents supporting the government,514 public, it could be argued, sought to position with around a quarter holding a distinctly Latvia’s digital efforts alongside its Baltic negative opinion.515 The head of the neighbour, Estonia, in projecting the image polling agency noted that just 2% of of a tech-savvy nation. respondents claimed to have no opinion – an uncommonly low figure.516 Linguistic lenses – key expressions Public access to information Responsibility. As in Lithuania and Sweden, various state authorities built on the theme A number of oulets were used to offer of responsibility. Whether Prime Minister, places of advice/information and lines Health Minister, SPKC authorities, or of communication. As in Lithuania (see President, all stressed the need for people below), businesses had access to relevant to take responsibility for their actions to advice through the Investment and benefit society.509 Prime Minister announced Development Agency.517 Hotlines handled before the state of emergency that ‘the questions related to testing and Covid- most important thing now is the individual related advice.518 Latvia has a large Russian- responsibility of each person to follow the speaking minority, so an additional website recommendations’ – a message that was and hotline providing Covid-19 information relayed repeatedly to the public during the were made available in Russian, and later in early stages of the pandemic.510 English.519

However, sometimes the public did not comply with government recommendations Persuasion versus coercion and restrictions; namely, when people lied to medical staff to avoid home quarantine Persuasive and creative mediums were or to receive the Covid-19 test free, or used to attract public compliance, such

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69 as a short video by medical staff at a Riga public frequently via social media accounts, hospital, encouraging people to abide by the updating them on how many violations restrictions.520 Short videos were created were being pursued while also urging them by a second Riga hospital and the Health to keep within the restrictions.526 Hence Ministry during Easter to encourage people frequent social media communications to act responsibly by not visiting their loved from state police appeared to provide an ones.521 This emphasised a more persuasive online deterrence and remind the public of a approach to public compliance, but police presence. persuasive communications were driven by those non-governmental actors who most Society mobilised in a number of ways during needed their message to reach audiences – the crisis. Thousands of hot meals were namely, medical staff. provided for medical staff funded through donations from society, and an online From mid-April, SPKC implemented a social network of volunteers was established to advertising campaign called ‘Home. Soap. provide goods for the vulnerable free of Two meters.’ to raise awareness about charge.527 These mobilisations reinforce steps to prevent the spread of the virus. The a sense of collective social action during slogan was quickly picked up by radio hosts, times of crisis and, together with digital musicians and politicians.522 mobilisations, paint a picture of a public that was intent on mitigating the social and Like other NB8 countries, more coercive economic effects of the virus. measures included restricting public gatherings from the end of March and up to €2,000 fines for violating the state of Lives and Livelihoods emergency. 550 people were fined by the end of April (the maximum fine was issued to one Unlike many countries, and particularly in citizen for twice breaking the home quarantine contrast to its Baltic neighbours, Latvia rules).523 State police urged people to report did not completely shut down business instances of rule-breaking, so involving the activity but obliged firms to observe social public in a more coercive programme and distancing, stressing the need to preserve fostering a proactive civic role.524 the nation’s livelihoods.528

State and municipal police played active At the outset, the government swiftly roles. Where there was a failure to comply, engaged with business and industry both state and municipal police were representatives at both inter-sectoral and authorised to move people by force to inter-ministerial levels.529 The Ministry their place of residence and quarantine.525 of Economics set up consultations with The state police communicated with the businesses and associations to identify the

70 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� need for aid and any problems posed by the Ministry of Health to fight the pandemic.537 pandemic.530 This dialogue-driven approach Consistent with many countries during between government and key audiences the crisis, those ‘most directly involved in and stakeholders showed policy making to mitigating the effects of Covid-19’ were be multilateral, not simply unidirectional, also the beneficiaries of temporary wage and so encouraged engagement. increases.538

Latvia’s longer-term approach involved an However, a frequent discourse among economic strategy which was signed off commentators and workers alike centred in May.531 It was to be implemented over on Latvia’s downtime benefits. By April, one three years in three phases: economic third of applications had been rejected.539 stabilisation; re-orientation; and growth. Media coverage surfaced of people who The strategy deals with immediate negative found themselves ineligible for downtime consequences of the virus and addresses benefits, and criticism split broadly two ways structural changes in Latvia’s economic and affecting different parts of society. One was employment landscape so as to rise above a disagreement over eligibility conditions their pre-Covid position.532 Furthermore, related to past tax payments; the other was industry representatives were included having to demonstrate unemployment in in the planning process to substantiate order to qualify for the benefit.540 The low the rhetoric in policy making with key threshold to be eligible for downtime benefit stakeholders.533 prompted a discussion around the the number of Latvians working in the shadow Moreover, the government provided a range economy. Covid-19 had brought an old of support measures to different sections social problem to the surface.541 of the population. Support was provided to furloughed employees, the self-employed, The government’s policy on downtime and those who did not qualify were offered benefit was iterative. Consequently, a other options through the State Social number of amendments to the measure Security Agency.534 Between March and were made.542 It indicated an initial sense of June, downtime benefits to the value of over dissatisfaction with this measure, but also 50 million Euros were paid out to over 50,000 showed the government having to adjust employees by the State Revenue Service.535 policy to widespread criticism in what Support was also offered in the form of ressembles a dialogue between critics and loans, tax reliefs, and rent reductions for beneficiaries, and the government. businesses.536 Certain sectors did mobilise during the By the end of April, the government crisis, such as the Latvian Association of had allocated 19.7 million Euros to the Restaurants (LRB) that started a so-called

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 71 ‘pot revolution’, encouraging people to bang subscribe and donate to media outlets.547 pots and pans in protest to government Calls for support communicated not only policies – specifically for not reducing directly to the government but, crucially, VAT for catering firms and restaurants.543 reached all parts of society. On 6th April Interestingly, the Vice President of the LRB the National Electronic Mass Media stated that the ‘pot revolution’ was ‘for those Council announced that it had prepared a 40% of the Latvian population who live in support programme for mass media and poverty’, underlining how yet again Covid-19 submitted it to the Government, requesting acted as a catalyst for wider conversations an allocation of 1.6 million Euros to support across society.544 The campaign called on commercial media.548 That was followed on people outside the hospitality sector to 27th April by a joint initiative of the Ministry join the protest and received support from of Culture and the Societal Integration one of Latvia’s best known chefs, Mārtiņš Fund549 to allocate nearly 1.2 million Euros Sirmais.545 It also received substantial media for support of media. coverage while failing to achieve significant change. Latvia may have favoured livelihoods by not imposing a complete lockdown on Another area to voice its discontent was employers, but its business and downtime the hard-hit tourism industry. Several support scheme left entire segments of organisations sent an open letter to Latvian society feeling disenfranchised. These European Commission representatives, cases capture how communities expressed demanding greater support to see the their discontent and/or need for help during industry through the crisis.546 This not the crisis before mobilising, often attracting only represented the mobilisation of a others who shared their dissatisfaction. dissatisfied sector, but the appeal toa Government policy formulation was not supranational institution – the European simply a one-way, linear communication. Commission – bridging a domestic affair to Rather it witnessed pushback in the form of an external concern. popular discontent.

The Latvian Association of Journalists called not only on the government, but Regional entrepreneurs and the public for support with specific ways to aid the sector. Baltic By urging the government to support financially journalism that exhibited good Early communication was established practice, calling entrepreneurs to move between Baltic governments at presidential their advertising from social networks to and ministerial levels to discuss the local platforms, and imploring the public to respective situations in their countries.550

72 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Initially, Latvia and Estonia coordinated Investment Bank was extended to Latvia activities across their Valka-Valga border for support measures.556 Nordic-Baltic that divides a city, highlighting a mutual coordination was thereby formalised, need for cross-border cooperation. The flow allowing Latvia to draw on existing financial of people crossing the international border infrastructures as a safety-net for tackling was allowed to continue despite increasing the pandemic. restrictions, enabling people to continue working and living on either side.551 EU/EAA

The most notable act of coordination Latvia participated in the EU-instigated occurred when the Baltic Bubble was set Covid-19 support initiative labelled Team up, allowing residents of these countries Europe, and launched in April to support EU to move freely between Baltic countries partner countries during the pandemic.557 without self-isolating provided they had not Under this initiative Latvia re-directed visited countries outside the Bubble in the development assistance to help the EU’s previous fourteen days.552 This showcased Eastern Partnership during the crisis.558 Baltic coordination and cooperation Latvia would be seen to be encouraging internationally during the crisis and regional initiatives to fight the pandemic. emphasised a unified image of the Baltic region. Latvia and Estonia also cooperated Once restrictions began to ease and to organise The Global Hack during April international travel beyond the Baltic Bubble 9-12, where Latvia was responsible for the was re-established, EU/EEA permanent economy ‘track’.553 residents were the first visitors allowed to travel to Latvia.559 Such relaxation of Nordic-Baltic restrictions pointed to Latvia’s efforts to reinforce links with the EU as a national Early communications across the NB8 took priority. place in meetings only days after Latvia had announced a state of emergency.554 An emphasis on information-sharing, coordination, and a coherent exit strategy were tabled from which arose a coordinated effort between their consular services to repatriate fellow citizens.555

How Nordic-Baltic cooperation had become institutionalised was revealed when a 500-million-euro loan from the Nordic

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 73 LITHUANIA


Lithuania has a population of just under 2.8 million with an urban population of 68%.560 Polish and Russian communities make up just under 6% and 5% respectively.561 A higher concentration of people lives in Vilnius, Kaunas, and Klaipeda.562 Just over one-fifth of the population is aged 65 or more.563 GDP (PPP) is estimated to be 85.95 billion Euros (€30,900 per capita), ranking it the 83rd largest economy in the world with a health expenditure of 6.6%.564 It has been an EU member since 2004.565

83rd population largest economy 2.8 in the world million

EU member since

EU 68% 2004 urban population

Klaipeda Kaunas Vilnius 6.6% 1/5 health expenditure population is GDP 65 years of age €85.95 or older billion € 30,900 per capita

74 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Short Covid-19 timeline (January-June 2020)

Technical response:

National quarantine: Karantinas app Lithuania closes airspace National quarantine First case: 16th to passenger flights: available, ends: 24th February.566 March.568 4th April.570 7th April.572 17th June.574

State of Travel First death: Covid-19 Emergency declared: restrictions imposed: 21st March.571 Management Strategy 26th February.567 16th March569 approved by Cabinet of Ministers: 6th May.573

Country response to Covid-19 led and headed by the Health Minister Historical Consciousness who was also the State Commander of National Emergency Operations. There was Like many NB8 countries, the pandemic significant input from the Prime Minister evoked associations with the country’s state and cabinet who took greater control of economic preparedness for the 2008-2009 following criticism of the Health Minister’s global financial crisis. Various authorities initial handling of the crisis and due to the including the President recalled that Lithuania extent of the widening pandemic.576 was in a better position to confront this crisis than it had been in 2008.575 Which served as a A nationwide quarantine was declared on reminder to reassure the public that Lithuania 16th March ‘to limit the spread of the virus had grown and developed since the previous and preserve the health and lives of the crisis and was in a stronger economic population’.577 The lockdown saw restricted position than a decade ago. travel in and out of the country, as well as between certain parts of Lithuania, and the Overarching Approach closure of non-essential shops among other measures.578 Although the government The coronavirus response during the approached its task in a more coercive first months of 2020 was government- mindset than its NB8 neighbours, measures

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 75 sometimes met resistance from various between the President and those charged directions. with managing the crisis in the government. The President vetoed a measure that would Key actors and discourses during the early have introduced price controls on certain stages of the crisis included: items, criticised the Health Ministry for not joining an EU procurement mechanism for Tensions between the President and protective equipment, and criticised the government crisis managers; speed at which subsidies were reaching beneficiaries.583 It suggests the executive Tensions between national and branch was not always working in unison municipal powers; during the crisis.

Tensions between the Health Ministry As in Latvia, Government communications and medical professionals. were characterised by caution. The President counseled against opening up the Lithuania was initially proactive while economy too quickly. Easing restrictions responding to the emerging pandemic was described as ‘a gradual resumption threat. Before the lockdown, it declared an of more activities’ rather than ‘a relaxing emergency on 26th February – two days of the quarantine’.584 This cautious style of after the first case was reported.579 They public messaging was echoed by the Prime announced it to increase coordination, Minister Saulius Skvernelis who asserted streamline processes, and capitalise on that ‘although we won the battle, we have not equipment in state reserves.580 However, won the war against the pandemic yet’.585 the government was soon criticised by the medical community, the mayor of Vilnius, The government communicated its the President, and the political opposition for future trajectory through an exit plan being too slow to procure testing reagents, and a Covid-19 Management Strategy secure protective equipment supplies announced in April and May respectively. for medical staff, and offer testing to the The exit plan communicated short-term public.581 This was a common criticism tangible goals and preliminary dates over at LRT (national news broadcaster). The the coming weeks with a cautious message LRT’s opinion pieces centered on holding that the plan remained contingent on the government to account and highlighting the epidemiological situation.586 The widespread dissatisfaction with the testing plan was released against a backdrop of process and lack of protection for medics.582 gradual lifting of restrictions including the reopening of retailers, resumption of Lithuania’s crisis management was flights, and increases in outdoor public sometimes questioned, revealing a tension gatherings.587 The government seemed

76 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� aware of the need to balance lives against to observe restrictions, then to praise their livelihoods. responsible conduct once the situation began to improve,591 aligning with the The Covid-19 Management Strategy Management Strategy’s recognition of the introduced five key principles: 1) protection of public’s role in combating the virus.592 high-risk individuals; 2) local decision- making and treatment of cases; 3) ensuring Public access to information prompt provision of information to the public; 4) evidence- and fact-based decision- Clear lines of communication were estab- making; 5) international cooperation, in lished during the first wave with hotlines, web- particular at the European Union level.588 sites, and automated services offering infor- Beyond biomedical considerations, a mation and support. These hotlines focused well-informed public and international on health, Covid-19 inquiries, and business cooperation were prioritised in combating support.593 A Karantinas app was released in the pandemic. a test mode with a projected release date in the autumn of 2020,594 and the automated However, a lack of transparency and com- chat service, Viltė, was set up to offer fast munication from the government during and accessible information about the virus.595 the crisis was a recurring theme in opinion A deliberately digital effort was conceived to pieces on the state broadcaster, LRT, as well inform the public. Information was also made as in other media outlets and social media. available by the Vilnius municipality at an ear- Which suggests broader public dissatis- ly point in Polish and Russian languages (Lith- faction with government communications uania’s largest minorities).596 during the early pandemic despite commu- nications being prioritised in their manage- ment strategy.589 Persuasion versus coercion

Linguistic Lenses - Key expressions At first the government adopted a more coercive stance in contrast to its fellow Responsibility. Consistent with Latvia NB8 countries by enforcing self-isolation, and Sweden, a continual appeal to the and mandating those Lithuanians returning people’s sense of personal responsibility from abroad and those with Covid-19 to was apparent. The Prime Minister used the quarantine in accommodation allocated by word repeatedly in his March address to the municipality.597 Such measures led to the country.590 Responsibility and similar a passionate response from the Mayor of concepts recurred throughout government Vilnius who publicly condemned them as communications with the public during being contrary to scientific consensus and a those early days. They served to urge people misuse of resources.598

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 77 A survey conducted before the national quarantine showed 66% of those surveyed reacted positively to the government’s crisis response while just under 20% were critical.

Although this measure was withdrawn after rules.602 Despite these restrictions, a high barely one day, it offered two causes for number of people still attempted to travel. reflection.599 First, the government’s stern communications with the public to ensure State agencies engaged in persuasive compliance, and second, tensions between campaigns such as ‘Thank you Lithuania’, centralised and municipal approaches to a cautious musical celebration, which was ensure such compliance were a reminder directed at all who had persevered during that policies can also invite feedback and the lockdown.603 This national show of resistance. unity was likened by the Head of the Public Information Group to Lithuania’s struggle When arrivals were permitted to isolate for freedom three decades earlier, layering at home, Lithuania introduced fines for a persuasive measure onto collective breaking quarantine regulations – over memory.604 1,000 fines were issued by mid-April.600 Easter weekend witnessed more apparent, The public mobilised during the crisis coercive measures such as inter-city travel through voluntary initiatives. A government- bans, fines, and the use of the police and backed National Volunteer Coordination Riflemen’s Union (a paramilitary non- Centre became a portal for volunteers profit organisation) to enforce restriction to help the vulnerable during the crisis measures during the long weekend.601 The by using their cars or doing shopping Police Commissioner General described it for other people.605 In addition, on social as an ‘unprecedented operation’ with 15,000 media Lithuanians collected money to help drivers barred from entering various cities purchase and deliver much needed medical and over 200 people fined for breaking the supplies to hospitals and retirement homes.

78 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� A survey conducted before the national preserving lives with allowing people to quarantine showed 66% of those surveyed continue to earn a living. reacted positively to the government’s crisis response while just under 20% were After the national quarantine was an- critical.606 In June during the national nounced, Lithuania launched an economic quarantine, a survey showed positive action plan with measures worth 2.5 billion responses had dropped to under 60% with Euros.612 The Action Plan allocated 500 mil- criticism increasing to a quarter.607 lion Euros to the health care system with the remainder for employment and personal income protection, maintaining business li- Lives and Livelihoods quidity, and stimulating the economy.613

Controversy emerged around a Health Lithuania’s authorities engaged early in Ministry seeking to prioritise its health dialogue with the relevant stakeholders. A workers’ safety initially while there was meeting was held with trade and industry an early call for adequate protection and representatives a day after the nation was testing for medical staff.608 Despite this, quarantined. The First Deputy Chancellor of by the end of March, medical workers the Government explained the importance accounted for 12% of all cases.609 of clear communications with the business Subsequent criticism of the Health Ministry sector and invited them to talks.614 appeared extensively at the start of the pandemic and the Lithuanian Medical The Action Plan welcomed public Movement even demanded the Health contributions in a Ministry of Finance Minister be removed as crisis manager.610 press release inviting the public to ‘send This discourse reveals a tension between proposals for additional economic and the Health Ministry and medical workers financial measures’.615 This preemptive at a time of crisis, but indicates how such invitation to the public and stakeholders actors mobilised against government seemed to show a desire to involve a broad decisions in voicing their discontent. representation in policy making. The press Government decisions were not simply release also provided the account number disseminated top down but were resisted for a Covid-19 Mitigation Fund which was from the ground up. headed by the former President and used for purchasing PPE, Covid-19 tests, and In a speech only days before a national medical equipment. It invited people to join quarantine was declared, the Prime Minister the relief efforts.616 depicted the restrictions as not ‘against’ businesses, people, or state, but the virus.611 Lithuania’s ‘Plan for the DNA of the Future This hinted at an attempt to balance Economy’ would see 6.3 billion Euros

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 79 pledged to long-term investment in areas could travel throughout the three countries such as digitisation, infrastructural changes, without having to self-isolate provided they and re-training.617 Not only was this initial had not travelled outside the region during announcement aimed at adapting long the previous two weeks.623 This was the first term to pandemic conditions, but the zone of free movement of its kind in the EU accompanying press release presented and highlighted sophisticated coordination the global economic situation as a fresh on a ministerial level.624 In its first days, opportunity for Lithuania, thus turning a the volume of travel between Lithuania and negative into a positive story.618 Moreover, Latvia increased twenty-fold.625 The Prime the scheme was offered for public debate Minister also highlighted the high levels of and this nationwide process was to become trust in their respective health systems.626 another way of shaping policy through consultation. Beyond the Baltic Bubble, however, Lithuania pursued its broader strategic objectives Inefficiencies in providing state support bore such as its opposition to the Astravyets the brunt of criticism. Even the President in nuclear power plant that had been built in his Address to the Nation became a critic neighbouring Belarus. This would cause in a public display of disapproval.619 The tension between Lithuania and its Baltic government lowered certain criteria for neighbours due to Latvia’s and Estonia’s eligibility for particular benefits and pledged refusal to boycott the power supply, reminding to streamline the process via automation.620 the partners of pre-existing differences that Overall it revealed a tension between those the pandemic had briefly disguised.627 charged with managing the crisis and the President. Public criticism was further EU/EEA voiced by the tourism industry. A rally demanding greater government assistance Lithuania underlined its commitment to its saw picketing against funding allocation EU neighbours by banning exports of PPE decisions of cultural institutions by one to non-EU countries, prioritising fellow EU group of cultural workers.621 states during the pandemic.628 The country also signed a 700-million euro loan with the European Investment Bank to maintain Regional State Treasury liquidity, drawing on an existing financial structure to mitigate the Baltic effects of the crisis.629 However, the story was far from harmonious. The relationship A notable case of Baltic regional coordination was not just one of coordinated policy was captured in the Baltic Bubble.622 making. Lithuania declined to sign up to an Residents of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia EU tender for medical supplies; an act for

80 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� which the Lithuanian President criticised the Health Ministry. Instead they relied heavily on Chinese imports of medical supplies.630


A prominent case of Lithuania’s coordination with the Nordic region was on show when the country signed a 400-million euro loan from the Nordic Investment Bank.631 This was to contribute towards financing Lithuanian support measures and exemplified how an existing Nordic-Baltic financial structure could be employed for support during the crisis.

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 81 Disinformation in the Baltics

From the beginning of the pandemic, the by democratic societies against Covid-19 Baltic countries were concerned with related disinformation was raised as a major the potential spread of disinformation, concern. It was proposed that transatlantic particularly emanating from the Kremlin. partners pursue joint solutions to the threat Although the concern with disinformation posed by disinformation operations.635 Baltic was apparent in all Nordic-Baltic countries, countries have been strong advocates for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were EU-level regulation to fight disinformation.636 particularly wary. Since the restoration At the same time, Latvia has initiated a of Baltic independence, the Kremlin has resolution since adopted by the United worked to shape public opinion and Nations in March 2021 to fight the spread politics in the Baltic countries by driving of disinformation and misinformation, wedges between ethnic groups, sowing particularly in the context of the continuing distrust in media outlets and governments, pandemic.637 and undermining NATO and the EU.632 Historical experience and large Russian- Faced with the Covid-19 crisis, populations speaking minorities who consume Russian around the world have become more language media make Baltic governments vulnerable. They face fear at the level of the particularly cautious. Understandably individual, and instability at the community perhaps, since investigative reports show level.638 Fear hinders rational judgement, Russian government officials, media rendering society more susceptible to outlets, proxy news sites, and social media disinformation and talk of conspiracies.639 accounts to have engaged in coordinated As research shows, emotionally packaged campaigns to spread disinformation on stigmas – unjustified disapproval of Covid-19 and Western-manufactured something or someone shared by a vaccines.633 group – exert a particularly strong effect on people.640 Consequently, it was perhaps At a meeting in June 2020, the Presidents to be anticipated that would of Latvia and Estonia discussed how to leverage the stigma it has been creating manage the pandemic and remarked that and attaching to NATO and its Enhanced the levels of disinformation had increased Forward Presence in the Baltics. significantly, posing a threat to their societies.634 In a recent meeting between The pandemic has provided a new storyline the Foreign Ministers of the Baltic countries for the Russian government to discredit and the UK, the lack of resilience shared NATO and its forces. The Canadian-led

82 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Distrust in vaccine and government regulation have also been promoted by domestic actors who single out anti-vax and global ‘plandemic’ stories; these include local politicians and businessmen.

NATO battlegroup in Latvia was targeted during the first wave of Covid-19 were by a pandemic disinformation campaign accompanied by disinformation campaigns in May 2020, alleging a high number of and conspiracy theories. During the second Covid-19 cases among the contingent.641 A wave of the pandemic645, as the release of similar piece of disinformation targeted U.S. the first vaccine was approaching, these soldiers in Lithuania in the early days of the conversations intensified. After surveying pandemic.642 A case of disinformation that approximately 26,000 respondents in perhaps received the most international 25 countries during August 2020, the coverage was a forged letter sent from YouGov-Cambridge Globalism Project the NATO Secretary General to Lithuania’s found widespread and disturbing levels media and government institutions, as well of scepticism around vaccine safety.646 as inside NATO’s headquarters in , Although in the following months alleging that NATO intended to withdraw its vaccination had not been rolled out to any troops from Lithuania due to the Covid-19 significant degree in the Baltic countries, situation there.643 As NATO Secretary inhabitants of Latvia remained the most General Jens Stoltenberg noted, it shows sceptical with only 34% prepared to take that various governmental and private the vaccine; at the same time, 39% in actors use the Covid-19 crisis to spread Lithuania were willing to vaccinate, and 44% disinformation in order to cause confusion in Estonia.647 Such resistance makes these and damage the morale and unity of NATO populations potentially more vulnerable to allies.644 manipulation through disinformation.648 Interestingly, sociological research data in A further problem for the Baltic Latvia shows a correlation between media governments is vaccination. Scientific consumption in the Russian language conversations around vaccine development and a greater reluctance to vaccinate

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 83 or suspicion of vaccination.649 Russia’s hope to achieve herd immunity through attempts to discredit U.S.-made vaccines vaccination. That problem is less prevalent using disinformation have been discussed in the Nordic countries, where the in The Wall Street Journal.650 According to percentage of those willing to be vaccinated research by the Global Engagement Center, remains comparatively high. The number of Russia-linked social media accounts have those committed to vaccinate was reported run a coordinated campaign to spread in January 2021 to be 80% in Denmark653, disinformation on various Covid-19 related 74% in Norway654, 69% in Finland655, and topics, including vaccines.651 66% in Sweden656. Higher participation levels in the Nordic countries may be linked Distrust in vaccine and government to greater trust in government.657 Still, the regulation have also been promoted by Nordic Council Committee for Knowledge domestic actors who single out anti-vax and Culture, urged by the increased levels and global ‘plandemic’ stories; these include of Covid-19 disinformation, proposed in local politicians and businessmen.652 September 2020 that a joint policy be drawn Such disinformation continues to pose up to encourage media and information a challenge for Baltic governments who awareness in the Nordics.658

84 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� CONCLUSION

What are the main similarities/differences in the approaches?

Across the region crisis management was prioritised at a national level, followed by EU and regional cooperation to coordinate border management and repatriate citizens. At the beginning of the crisis, the approach of all countries was characterised by high levels of uncertainty. Initial measures were more persuasive than coercive in nature. However, as the pandemic progressed, all countries were quick to close their borders and impose varying degrees of restrictions. Sweden was an outlier, having decided to communicate a less coercive approach built around individual responsibility and persuasion. Higher infection rates prevented Sweden’s inclusion in the first round of border reopenings. Sweden’s Scandinavian neighbours, despite their historically close ties, remained on high alert, unwilling to allow the usual free flow of economic, leisure, and family travel.

Most countries demonstrated to their principles of pandemic management did populations a high level of flexibility in not change, a flexibile approach allowed their strategies, adapting to changing for particular recommendations and circumstances and evolving information restrictions to be varied subject to legislative about the virus. Moreover, governments frameworks. Whether Sweden’s different seemed to choose to follow expert advice approach was a better choice remains from the biomedical scientific community. under discussion, both in Sweden and Consequently, government decisions gave abroad. But the same might be said about the appearance of being scientifically neutral other countries, especially today where and less politicised. It is difficult to talk about pandemic fatigue coupled with increasing scientific consensus during the first wave effects on economies, invite more criticism of Covid-19 due to inadequate evidence on and questioning of governments. the nature of the virus. Political consensus played a decisive role in how countries Finland and Iceland were two countries handled the pandemic. Sweden’s pandemic which stood out when measured by their management was not led by politicians state of preparedness for managing a crisis. but experts and responsible government With its 150 years of turbulent history, agencies. Although its overarching Finland was well prepared for this moment,

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 85 allowing it to tap into its emergency manage the damage which economies reserves and implement civil protection were already beginning to suffer from plans. That sentiment resonated deeply Covid-19, but also to calm peoples’ with the people who embraced their leaders’ minds by building their communications crisis measures with alacrity. Iceland was campaigns around the provision of support also well-versed in crisis management due packages to individuals and businesses. to its extreme weather conditions, volcanic However, it proved impossible to win environment prone to natural disasters, universal approval, and governments were and its memory of the 2008-2009 global criticised for giving too little or too late. financial crisis. Now it was able to roll The challenge was less pronounced in out well-prepared civil emergency plans. the Scandinavian countries which were Other Nordic countries like Denmark and financially more robust than the Baltic Norway seemed to build on their Influenza countries. The Nordic Investment Bank, Preparedness Plan, attempting to adapt established by all Nordic-Baltic countries from familiar strains of influenza to resist an as an instrument for financial stability unknown mutation of the coronavirus. and economic development in the region, proved to live up to expectations. A specific feature of Nordic strategies was how they expressed concern and devoted During the first wave of the pandemic, significant resources to the psychological governments around the world raced to well-being of their societies, particularly develop contact-tracing apps to fight the vulnerable groups such as the elderly, spread of the virus. Latvia became the disabled, and young. This aspect was first to launch the publicly available app not so apparent in the Baltic strategies. Apturi COVID (Stop COVID) at the end of Nevertheless, Latvia and Lithuania offered May - voluntary, decentralised, and fully help of medical specialists to support GDPR-compliant. That was surprising; for mental well-being659, and ordinary members over a decade, Latvia’s neighbour Estonia of those societies took it upon themselves had positioned itself as the country of to mobilise around different initiatives, such digital innovation. Other countries soon as delivering food to the elderly. followed with their own national apps. The effectiveness of such apps depends on The 2008-2009 global financial crisis had how many people download and use them. remained a vivid memory for the Nordic- Iceland was the only positive case where Baltic countries (see Chapter 1: Nordic- around half of its population made the Baltic Cooperation in Times of Crisis). nationally developed app a part of their daily And for some the consequences were lives. However, it was also Iceland which still being experienced over a decade admitted that it had had no real impact on on. It meant that governments felt under efforts to detect and supress the spread of pressure to act rapidly – not only to the virus.

86 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� Did NB8 states act with a Strategic Communications mind-set? The positive cases.

As their copy writers set about crafting slogans to fend off the virus, a sensitive understanding of their populations informed government communications. All countries made efforts to be sympathetic to their national identity, historical consciousness, and deep-rooted traditions.

The Nordic-Baltic countries are largely the measures in some areas. Finland and societies where individual freedoms are Lithuania temporarily blocked out a region valued. That is perhaps exemplified by with high infection rates. In Norway, the Denmark’s choice of slogan to tackle regions in the north who felt more vulnerable the pandemic ‘stand together by keeping due to lack of access to centralised medical distance’. At the same time, collective facilities, voluntarily imposed stricter responsibility and mutual aid are strong measures to prevent serious outbreaks. features of the Nordic-Baltic mentality. For example, in Norway the idea of dugnad Government responses across the NB8 were (communal work for the benefit of the by no means uniform. The question remains community) resonated strongly when whether a Strategic Communications used in government communications. All mind-set was employed through which eight countries shared a focus on unity, risks could be evaluated, and to what solidarity, togetherness and responsibility – extent policy makers employed a way of individual and collective. Finland was the addressing innovative approaches in search one country to engage in more targeted of solutions. This would entail catering Strategic Communications by placing specific ways of explaining the pandemic ‘preparedness’ and its emergency stockpiles to different segments of the population, at the forefront of their appeal. No doubt, and to cohering short-term measures with that spoke well to domestic audiences, but long-term societal objectives. Researchers at the same time it projected an image to point to a broadly consensual approach to international observers, particularly those practical measures taken by most member watching from the East. states, except in particular national, cultural contexts. Whether generally the long-term Due to their comparatively small size, was sacrificed in the cause of immediate these states applied the same coercive pandemic relief remains to be answered. measures uniformly across the whole country. Exceptions to the rule were Finland, Lithuania and Norway who varied

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 87 Did the NB8 hold firm to its aims?

The Wise Men report of 2010660 set out to the pandemic, the joint effort to expedite review and identify key areas for the future the repatriation of Nordic-Baltic citizens of NB8 cooperation. These included: should be noted. Cooperation was steered at the level of Foreign Ministers, involved Foreign and security political dialogue; considerable regional coordination, and proved effective. Cooperation on diplomatic representations; The pandemic was not treated as a civil emergency. Nordic-Baltic countries declared Civil security and emergencies, states of emergency, corresponding to including cyber security; their local legislative frameworks. There was no regional cooperation in this regard. The NB8 brand. Recommendations from the EU were important. But, as discussed earlier, the A further two areas included Defence region itself did not strive to develop a co- cooperation and Energy (not relevant for the ordinated approach. current research). Cyber security was a problem behind the From the perspective of foreign and security scenes. As countries moved government policy dialogue, meant to increase the work and education rapidly online, it was influence of the NB8, little was achieved important to ensure systems could absorb during the period under review. The NB8 the load and remain secure. That cyber cooperated with the EU and included EAA security escaped becoming a serious source members Iceland and Norway in discussions of incidents and criticism suggests that on vaccine procurement. However, no countries were well prepared. Nevertheless, attempt was made for the region to stand this was at a national, not regional level. out in Europe with a coordinated approach Nordic-Baltic countries cooperate in to tackling the pandemic. The one exception advancing cyber security. But there was no was the Baltic Bubble which did receive explicit attempt by the NB8 to work together significant international coverage. during the first wave of the pandemic. Similarly, virus tracing apps were developed Although cooperation in diplomatic at a national level; there was no regional relationships was not a concern during cooperation.

88 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� All of the above indicates that the priority A common space for free movement to strengthen the NB8 brand for domestic, and economic activity could have regional, and international audiences was been an opportunity for innovation. not achieved. Although the Nordic-Baltic The short-lived success of the Baltic format was kept alive during the crisis Bubble, where Finland was invited to through high level official contact, it had join the three Balts in late spring of no important role to play other than to 2020, pointed the way to what might repatriate its citizens. have been. Had all eight countries committed more enthusiastically With the benefit of hindsight, the Nordic- to coordinate pandemic mitigation Baltic region might consider certain options measures, then a joint system of and possibly strengthen its brand at home viral measurement might have been and abroad: achieved capable of better monitoring a dynamic and unprecedented situation. Close cooperation among the medical scientific community of the Had a common biomedical space been region: the Nordic-Baltic alliance introduced across the Nordic-Baltic, could have constituted a joint the region’s most talented technical board where the latest information minds could have developed a common and findings were shared and joint app not only to trace all people who recommendations developed to the had come into contact with the virus advantage of the region, and in the but to identify people who had fallen process offer a balance between their ill with it. Furthermore, it could have recommendations and the WHO’s. served as an electronic vaccination passport and prime source for the Learning from Iceland’s lead, where a latest regional updates on infection public-private partnership delivered rates and new pandemic regulations. unprecedented levels of free testing In that sense, the NB8 missed a and tracing, Nordic-Baltic countries fortuitous opportunity to position their could have brought their largest alliance and countries in the vanguard biopharmaceutical companies into of global pandemic policy thinking, in a jointly funded programme with the process strengthening its influence, government to offer free (at least, promoting its brand, cohering its fellow cheaper) testing to the population populations into an imaginative and and targeting data at building more innovative Strategic Communications effective ways of containing the virus. offering.

��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 89 Endnotes

1 ’10 facts about the Nordic Region and Nordic co-operation’. 11 Eoin Micheal McNamara. ‘Securing the Nordic-Baltic region’. Nordic Co-operation. https://www.norden.org/en/ NATO, March 17, 2016. https://www.nato.int/docu/review/ information/10-facts-about-nordic-region-and-nordic-co- articles/2016/03/17/securing-the-nordic-baltic-region/index. operation [Accessed March 18, 2021]. html [Accessed March 15, 2021]. 2 Ida Kvittingen. ‘Why do the Nordics trust one another?’. 12 Ivan Timofeev. ‘Russia and NATO in the Baltic’. In ‘The Siencenorway, April 10, 2017. https://sciencenorway.no/ Baltic Sea Region: Hard and Soft Security Reconsidered’, forskningno-norway-social-relations/why-do-the-nordics- M.Andžāns, I.Bruģe (Ed.), Latvian Institute of International trust-one-another/1444626 [Accessed March 18, 2021]. Affairs, 2016. https://liia.lv/en/publications/the-baltic-sea- 3 ‘Study: Estonians have higher trust in government than region-hard-and-soft-security-reconsidered-558 [Accessed Latvians, Lithuanians’. ERR, December 29, 2020. https:// March 15, 2021]. news.err.ee/1221847/study-estonians-have-higher-trust-in- 13 ‘Options for Enhancing Nordic-Baltic Defence and Security government-than-latvians-lithuanians [Accessed March 18, Cooperation: An Explorative Survey’. Centre for Military 2021]. Studies, University of Copenhagen, May 2017. https:// 4 ‘List of European Countries by GDP’. Statistics Times, cms.polsci.ku.dk/publikationer/options-for-enhancing- February 24, 2020. https://statisticstimes.com/economy/ nordicbaltic-defence/ [Accessed March 15, 2021]. european-countries-by-gdp.php [Accessed March 18, 2021] 14 In the MSB’s report (see footnote #15) ‘transboundary crisis’ 5 ‘Baltic region could become a leading force in the is understood as 1) crossing multiple boundaries separating EU’. Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Latvia, June countries, regions, policy sectors, and technical systems; 30, 2010. https://www.norden.lv/en/whats-new/ 2) escalating quickly after periods of quiet and invisible news/30062010birkavs-baltijas-regionam-ir-iespejas-klut- evolution; 3) being difficult to understand as it emerges from par-nopietnako-speku-es [Accessed March 15, 2021]. systems with different logics and operating imperatives; 6 Piret Kuusik, Kristi Rait. ‘The Nordic-Baltic Region in the EU: 4) challenging lines of authority; 5) defying conventional A Loose Club of Friends’. European Policy Analysis, October solutions. Issue 2018:1, Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 15 Magnus Ekengren, Arjen Boin, Mark Rhinard. ‘The European https://www.sieps.se/en/publications/2018/the-nordic- Union, the Baltic Sea Region and Crises – Building Capacity baltic-region-in-the-eu-a-loose-club-of-friends/ [Accessed for Transboundary Crisis Management’, March 2018, MSB. March 10, 2021]. https://www.msb.se/siteassets/dokument/publikationer/ 7 Adrian Hyde-Price. ‘NATO and the Baltic Sea Region: english-publications/the-european-union-the-baltic-sea- Towards Regional Security Governance?’, NATO Research region-and-crises--building-capacity-for-transboundary- Fellowship Scheme, 2000. https://www.nato.int/acad/ crisis-management.pdf [Accessed: 12 March 2021]. fellow/98-00/hyde.pdf [Accessed March 15, 2021]. 16 ‘Partners: Nordic Council’. Baltic Assembly. [Accessed March 12, 2021]. 9 Kalev Stoiescu. ‘The Russian Threat to Security in the Baltic 17 Valdis Birkavs, Søren Gade. ‘NB8 Wise Men Report’, 2010. Sea Region’. Briefing Paper, International Centre for Defence http://www.bdforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/ and Security, Estonia, 2015. https://icds.ee/en/the-russian- reports_nb8_wise_men_2010.pdf [Accessed: March 10, threat-to-security-in-the-baltic-sea-region/, [Accessed March 2021]. 10, 2021]. 18 New MoU on a mandatge for the Nordic-Baltic Stability 10 Diana Marnot, Ivo Juurvee. ‘Narratives on the Nordic-Baltic Group. Government of Norway, February 2, 2018. https:// countries promoted by Russia’ in ‘Russia’s Footprint in www.regjeringen.no/en/aktuelt/new-mou-on-a-mandate-for- the Nordic-Baltic Information Environment 2019/2020’, the-nordic-baltic-stability-group/id2589041/ [Accessed: 10 November 2020, NATO Strategic Communications Centre of March 2021]. Excellence. https://www.stratcomcoe.org/russias-footprint- 19 Nordics and Baltics run “financial crisis” drill. LSM.LV, nordic-baltic-information-environment-20192020 [Accessed: February 1, 2019. https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/ March 10, 2021]. economy/nordics-and-baltics-run-financial-crisis-drill.

90 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� a308052/ [Accessed: March 10, 2021]. se/hitta-statistik/sverige-i-siffror/samhallets-ekonomi/ 20 ‘Joint statement on COVID-19: Nordic-Baltic Foreign bnp-i-sverige/‘Sveriges BNP’. 2018 estimate ‘Snabb Ministers meeting on 16 March’. Ministry of Foreign befolkningsökning bromsar BNP per capita’, Statistiska Affairs of Denmark. https://um.dk/en/news/ Centralbyrån, n.d., http://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/ newsdisplaypage/?newsid=9b6c40bd-f874-4dd9-8e4e- artiklar/2019/snabb-befolkningsokning-bromsar-bnp-per- d285e0f39e0f [Accessed March 15, 2021]. capita/. http://www.scb.se/hitta-statistik/artiklar/2019/ 21 ‘Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania open their “Baltic Bubble” snabb-befolkningsokning-bromsar-bnp-per-capita/‘Snabb mini-Schengen zone’. LSM, May 15, 2021. https://eng.lsm. befolkningsökning bromsar BNP per capita’. 2018 estimate lv/article/economy/transport/latvia-estonia-and-lithuania- ‘Sweden - The World Factbook’. open-their-baltic-bubble-mini-schengen-zone.a359898/ 33 ‘EU Member Countries in Brief’, Text, European Union, 16 [Accessed March 16, 2021]. June 2016, https://europa.eu/european-union/about-eu/ 22 Siw Ellen Jakobsen. ‘The border between Norway and countries/member-countries_en. Sweden is closed for the first time since 1954. Will the 34 Mattias Ekstrand, ‘Tidslinje: Tre månader sen första pandemic ruin their special friendship?’. Sincenorway, dödsfallet’, SVT Nyheter, 11 April 2020, sec. 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��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 91 41 Christina Grandien et al., Efter flodvågskatastrofen: svenska coronastrategi/. folkets åsikter om och förtroende för myndigheter, medier 55 Prescilia Haddad, ‘Förtroendet för Löfven och regeringen och politiker (Stockholm: Krisberedskapsmyndigheten, ökar under coronakrisen’, SVT Nyheter, 31 March 2020, sec. 2005). Inrikes, https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/fortroendet-for- 42 ‘The Swedish Strategy about COVID-19 - The Public Health lofven-och-regeringen-okar-under-coronakrisen. Agency of Sweden’, n.d., http://www.folkhalsomyndigheten. 56 Johan Sennerö, ‘Förtroendet för regeringen och se/the-public-health-agency-of-sweden/communicable- Folkhälsomyndigheten rasar i ny undersökning’, SVT disease-control/covid-19/covid-19--the-swedish-strategy/. 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92 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 69 For example, see: ‘Defence Strategic Communications’, Vol. Peter Wolodarski, ‘Peter Wolodarski: Ursäkta, måste vi 7, NATO Strategic Communications Centre of Excellence, vara plågsamt långsamma?’, DN.SE, 8 March 2020, https:// 2020. 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106 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� beredskapsmyndigheter-da-norge-delvis-stengte-n. https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/latvia-records-first- 472 Henning Carr Ekroll, ‘Full forvirring hos svenske myndigheter coronavirus-linked-death.a354508/. da Norge stengte grensen’, 26 March 2020, https://www. 489 ‘Government Approves the Strategy for Latvia for Mitigation aftenposten.no/norge/i/XgQqWo/forvirring-hos-svenske- of the Consequences of the Crisis Caused by Covid-19 beredskapsmyndigheter-da-norge-delvis-stengte-n. | Ekonomikas Ministrija’, 26 May 2020, https://www. 473 Ekroll, ‘Full forvirring hos svenske myndigheter da Norge em.gov.lv/en/article/government-approves-strategy-latvia- stengte grensen’. mitigation-consequences-crisis-caused-covid-19. 474 ‘Åpner for flere fritidsreiser mellom Norge og de nordiske 490 ‘Latvian “Stop Covid” App First of Its Kind in the World’, 29 landene’, Pressemelding, Regjeringen.no (regjeringen.no, May 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/latvian- 12 June 2020), https://www.regjeringen.no/no/aktuelt/ stop-covid-app-first-of-its-kind-in-the-world.a361746/. apner-for-flere-fritidsreiser-mellom-norge-og-de-nordiske- 491 ‘Latvia’s state of emergency Comes to an End on June 10’, 9 landene/id2706368/. 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Strautiņš, ‘Vīruss Ir Netaisns • IR.Lv’, IR.lv, 22 May 2020, 480 Population estimated for July 2021 and Russian https://ir.lv/2020/05/22/viruss-ir-netaisns/; Vita Anstrate demographic estimate as of 2018, ‘Latvia - The World and Ivans Milovs, ‘Arī Studenti Lūdz Finansiālu Palīdzību Factbook’, n.d., https://www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/ Covid-19 Dēļ’, 19 May 2020, https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/ countries/latvia/#people-and-society. zinas/ekonomika/ari-studenti-ludz-finansialu-palidzibu- 481 ‘Latvia - The World Factbook’. covid-19-del.a360468/. 482 2020 estimate, ‘Latvia - The World Factbook’. 493 Simon Kuper, ‘What Went Wrong with Latvia?’, 5 June 2009, 483 GDP 2019 estimate; health expenditure estimate as of 2018, https://www.ft.com/content/021831a2-4e5c-11de-a0a1- ‘Gross Domestic Product 2019’ (World Bank, 12 February 00144feabdc0. 2021), https://databank.worldbank.org/data/download/GDP. 494 Andris Saulītis and eng.lsm.lv, ‘Opinion: Only 10% of Workers pdf. Are Financially Protected. It’s Time to Act’, accessed 484 ‘Latvia’, Text, European Union, 5 July 2016, https://europa. 30 March 2021, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/features/ eu/european-union/about-eu/countries/member-countries/ commentary/opinion-only-10-of-workers-are-financially- latvia_en. protected-its-time-to-act.a353858/; Antoņina Ņenaševa, ‘Tā 485 ‘First Case of COVID-19 Coronavirus Confirmed in Latvia’, Pati Krīze Tikai Citā Kulītē? • IR.Lv’, IR.lv, 31 March 2020, 2 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/first- https://ir.lv/2020/03/31/ta-pati-krize-tikai-cita-kulite/. case-of-covid-19-coronavirus-confirmed-in-latvia.a350338/. 495 ‘Viewpoint: Latvia Finally Found Its “Nokia”’, 8 May 2020, 486 ‘Latvian Government Announces Widespread Measures https://eng.lsm.lv/article/features/commentary/viewpoint- to Contain Coronavirus’, 12 March 2020, https://eng.lsm. latvia-finally-found-its-nokia.a358998/; Edward Malnick, lv/article/society/health/latvian-government-announces- ‘How Latvia Has Led the World against Coronavirus widespread-measures-to-contain-coronavirus.a351529/. Pandemic’, 25 April 2020, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ 487 ‘Latvia Closes Its Borders to Passenger Traffic’, 17 March news/2020/04/25/latvia-kept-covid-deaths-dozen- 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/transport/latvia- businesses-stayed-open/. closes-its-borders-to-passenger-traffic.a352022/. 496 ‘Coronavirus: Officials Urge Public to Consider Necessity of 488 ‘Latvia Records First Coronavirus-Linked Death’, 3 April 2020, Trips’, 10 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/

�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 107 health/coronavirus-officials-urge-public-to-consider- 505 ‘Latvia Promotes Itself as “Ahead of the Curve” on COVID-19 necessity-of-trips.a351164/; ‘More Free Movement in Latvia Response’, 11 June 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ Could Be Allowed’, 27 May 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ economy/business/latvia-promotes-itself-as-ahead-of-the- society/health/more-free-movement-in-latvia-could-be- curve-on-covid-19-response.a363376/. allowed.a361437/. 506 ‘Latvia Promotes Itself as “Ahead of the Curve” on COVID-19 497 Aleksandra Palkova, ‘Latvia during Covid: How Success Bred Response’. Complacency – European Council on Foreign Relations’, 507 Alise Zita Zeidaka, ‘Krīzē Iznāk No Tviterburbuļa • IR.Lv’, ECFR (blog), 30 October 2020, https://ecfr.eu/article/ IR.lv, 25 March 2020, https://ir.lv/2020/03/25/krize-iznak-no- latvia-during-covid-how-success-bred-complacency/; ‘Latvia tviterburbula/. Closes Its Borders to Passenger Traffic’. 508 Zeidaka. 498 ‘Arrangements for Latvian Nationals to Return Home’, 509 ‘Coronavirus Country Warning List Extended by Latvian 25 March 2020, https://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/news/latest- Authorities’, 11 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ news/65778-arrangements-for-latvian-nationals-to-return- society/health/coronavirus-country-warning-list-extended- home. by-latvian-authorities.a351410/; ‘Latvia to Close Borders to 499 ‘We Need to Learn to Live with Covid-19 Mentality, Say Passenger Traffic on Tuesday 17 March / Article / Eng.Lsm. Experts’, 17 April 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/ Lv’, 14 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/ society/latvians-need-to-learn-to-live-with-covid-19- latvia-to-close-borders-to-passenger-traffic-on-tuesday-17- mentality-say-experts.a356246/; ‘Latvia’s state of emergency march.a351774/; ‘See Something? Say Something If You Extended until June 9, Some Restrictions Eased’, 7 May Spot a Public Health Violation / Article / Eng.Lsm.Lv’, 19 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/latvias-state- March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/society/ of-emergency-extended-until-june-9-some-restrictions- see-something-say-something-if-you-spot-a-public-health- eased.a358935/; ‘Latvian Foreign Minister: Opening of the violation.a352446/; ‘Infectologist: Nothing Is Really Over’, EU’s External Borders Should Be Done Gradually Taking 26 June 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/ into Account Objective Indicators and the Epidemiological infectologist-nothing-is-really-over-in-latvia.a365034/; Situation in Third Countries’, 16 June 2020, https://www. ‘Ministry of Health: Restrictions Must Also Be Observed after mfa.gov.lv/en/news/latest-news/66131-latvian-foreign- the End of the state of emergency | Ministru Kabinets’. minister-opening-of-the-eu-s-external-borders-should-be- 510 ‘Coronavirus: Officials Urge Public to Consider Necessity of done-gradually-taking-into-account-objective-indicators-and- Trips’. the-epidemiologial-situation-in-third-countries; ‘Face Masks 511 ‘Iedzīvotāji Melo Mediķiem, Lai Saņemtu Bezmaksas in Public “Part of the Key” to Easing COVID-19 Restrictions Analīzi Covid-19 Noteikšanai’, 18 March 2020, https:// Says Latvian PM’, 6 May 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ nra.lv/latvija/308159-iedzivotaji-melo-medikiem-lai- society/health/face-masks-in-public-part-of-the-key-to- sanemtu-bezmaksas-analizi-covid-19-noteiksanai.htm; easing-covid-19-restrictions-says-latvian-pm.a358659/. Māra Rozenberga, ‘Slimnīcas Ziņo Par Bezatbildīgiem 500 ‘Latvia Extends state of emergency by One Month / Article / Apmeklētājiem: Neievēro Izolāciju Un Melo Ārstiem’, Eng.Lsm.Lv’, 7 April 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/ 18 March 2020, https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/latvija/ society/latvia-extends-state-of-emergency-by-one-month. slimnicas-zino-par-bezatbildigiem-apmekletajiem-neievero- a355058/; ‘Latvia’s state of emergency Extended until June izolaciju-un-melo-arstiem.a352287/; ‘200 Cars Gather at 9, Some Restrictions Eased’. Rumbula Airfield in Violation of Distancing Restrictions’, 501 ‘Latvia Extends state of emergency by One Month / Article / 21 April 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/crime/200- Eng.Lsm.Lv’. cars-gather-at-latvias-rumbula-airfield-in-violation-of- 502 ‘Latvia’s state of emergency Extended until June 9, Some distancing-restrictions.a356791/. Restrictions Eased’. 512 Paul Raudseps, ‘Nedrīkst Ielaist Vīrusu Slimnīcās • IR.Lv’, 503 ‘Ministry of Health: Restrictions Must Also Be Observed IR.lv, 1 April 2020, https://ir.lv/2020/04/01/nedrikst- after the End of the state of emergency | Ministru Kabinets’, ielaist-virusu-slimnicas/; Ilze Viņķele, ‘Trīs Veidi, Kā Tu Vari 9 June 2020, https://www.mk.gov.lv/en/article/ministry- Pagarināt Ārkārtējās Situācijas Ierobežojumus • IR.Lv’, health-restrictions-must-also-be-observed-after-end-state- IR.lv, 25 April 2020, https://ir.lv/2020/04/25/tris-veidi-ka-tu- emergency. vari-pagarinat-arkartejas-situacijas-ierobezojumus/; Elīna 504 Ģirts Zvirbulis, ‘Aptauja: Covid-19 Dēļ Noteiktie Ierobežojumi Dimiņa, ‘Nākamais Solis Covid-19 Ierobežošanai Latvijā – Ar Polarizē Sabiedrību’, 26 November 2020, https://www. Tehnoloģiju Palīdzību Apsteigt Laiku • IR.Lv’, IR.lv, 19 May lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/latvija/aptauja-covid-19-del-noteiktie- 2020, https://ir.lv/2020/05/19/nakamais-solis-covid-19- ierobezojumi-polarize-sabiedribu.a383195/. ierobezosanai-latvija-ar-tehnologiju-palidzibu-apsteigt-laiku/.

108 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 513 ‘Government Strategic Communications during COVID-19 Violation / Article / Eng.Lsm.Lv’. in the Nordic-Baltic Region - Latvia Questionnaire’, n.d.; 525 ‘Cabinet of Ministers Approves New Procedures for the ‘Government Strategic Communications during COVID-19 Provision of Personal Protective Equipment | Ministru in the Nordic-Baltic Region - Latvia Questionnaire - State Kabinets’, 9 April 2020, https://www.mk.gov.lv/en/article/ Chancellery of Latvia’, n.d. cabinet-ministers-approves-new-procedures-provision- 514 ‘Large Majority Supports Latvia’s COVID-19 Strategy’, 22 personal-protective-equipment. April 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/society/large- 526 ‘Number of COVID-19 Cases in Latvia Reaches 577’, majority-supports-latvias-covid-19-strategy.a356922/. 8 April 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/ 515 ‘Large Majority Supports Latvia’s COVID-19 Strategy’. number-of-covid-19-cases-in-latvia-reaches-577.a355136/; 516 ‘Large Majority Supports Latvia’s COVID-19 Strategy’, ‘Number of Coronavirus Cases in Latvia Increases to 305’, 22 April 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/society/ 28 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/ large-majority-supports-latvias-covid-19-strategy.a356922/. number-of-coronavirus-cases-in-latvia-increases-to-305. 517 ‘Consultation Phone of IDAL for Businesses for Overcoming a353646/; ‘Number of Coronavirus Cases in Latvia Rises the Covid-19 Crisis – 68803505 | Ekonomikas Ministrija’; to 398’, 31 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/ ‘Survey Says: Business Exports Have Fallen 20-30%’, 22 April health/number-of-coronavirus-cases-in-latvia-rises-to-398. 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/economy/business/survey- a353982/. says-latvian-business-exports-have-fallen-20-30.a356929/. 527 ‘Līdzekļi Mediķu Maltīšu Nodrošināšanai Atlikuši Tikai 518 ‘New Hotline Number for COVID-19 Testing Service: 8303 Vienai Dienai, Pauž Organizācija - DELFI’, 15 April 2020, / Article / Eng.Lsm.Lv’, 18 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/ https://www.delfi.lv/news/national/politics/lidzekli-mediku- article/society/health/new-hotline-number-for-covid-19- maltisu-nodrosinasanai-atlikusi-tikai-vienai-dienai-pauz- testing-service-in-latvia-8303.a352248/; ‘Coronavirus Case organizacija.d?id=52057005; ‘Izveido brīvprātīgo palīdzības Count Reaches 589 in Latvia’, 9 April 2020, https://eng.lsm. tīklu pārtikas piegādēm risku grupām, cilvēkiem pašizolācijā lv/article/society/health/coronavirus-case-count-reaches- vai karantīnā’, 23 March 2020, https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/ 589-in-latvia.a355294/. zinas/latvija/izveido-brivpratigo-palidzibas-tiklu-partikas- 519 ‘Number of Coronavirus Cases in Latvia Increases to 244’, piegadem-risku-grupam-cilvekiem-pasizolacija-vai-karantina. 26 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/society/health/ a352910/. number-of-coronavirus-cases-in-latvia-increases-to-244. 528 Edward Malnick, ‘How Latvia Has Led the World against a353320/. Coronavirus Pandemic’, 25 April 2020, https://www. 520 ‘Latvian Medical Staff Appeal to Public to Stay at Home’, telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/04/25/latvia-kept-covid-deaths- 29 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/features/video/ dozen-businesses-stayed-open/; Linas Jegelevičius, ‘Latvia’s latvian-medical-staff-appeal-to-public-to-stay-at-home. COVID-19 Success Puzzles Lithuanian Pundits, Draws Global a353722/. Praises’, Baltic News Network - News from Latvia, Lithuania, 521 ‘Coronavirus Case Total Reaches 612 in Latvia / Article Estonia (blog), 29 April 2020, https://bnn-news.com/latvia-s- / Eng.Lsm.Lv’, 10 April 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ covid-19-success-puzzles-lithuanian-pundits-draws-global- society/health/coronavirus-case-total-reaches-612-in-latvia. praises-212874. a355464/. 529 ‘Merchants Must Ensure Additional Precautions in Stores 522 ‘Sociālā kampaņa “Mājas. Ziepes. Divi metri.” – “Nord DDB to Limit Spread of Covid-19 | Ministru Kabinets’, 20 March Riga”’. Fold, April 15, 2020. https://www.fold.lv/2020/04/ 2020, https://www.mk.gov.lv/en/article/merchants-must- sociala-kampana-majas-ziepes-divi-metri-nord-ddb-riga/ ensure-additional-precautions-stores-limit-spread-covid-19. 523 ‘Stricter Rules for Physical Distancing of Persons Are 530 ‘Minister of Economics: Operative Government Decisions Introduced to Limit the Spread of Covid-19 | Ministru Are Needed to Support Entrepreneurs Due to the Potential Kabinets’, 29 March 2020, https://www.mk.gov.lv/en/article/ Economic Impact of Covid-19; ME Offers Specific Solutions | stricter-rules-physical-distancing-persons-are-introduced- Ekonomikas Ministrija’, 13 March 2020, https://www.em.gov. limit-spread-covid-19; ‘Breaking Quarantine Conditions Will lv/en/article/minister-economics-operative-government- Result in Big Fines’, 31 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/ decisions-are-needed-support-entrepreneurs-due-potential- article/society/society/breaking-quarantine-conditions-will- economic-impact-covid-19-me-offers-specific-solutions. result-in-big-fines.a354077/; ‘550 People Fined for Flouting 531 ‘Government Approves the Strategy for Latvia for Mitigation Emergency Regulations’, 23 April 2020, https://eng.lsm. of the Consequences of the Crisis Caused by Covid-19 | lv/article/society/society/550-people-fined-in-latvia-for- Ekonomikas Ministrija’. flouting-emergency-regulations.a357109/. 532 ‘Government Approves the Strategy for Latvia for Mitigation 524 ‘See Something? Say Something If You Spot a Public Health of the Consequences of the Crisis Caused by Covid-19 |

�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 109 Ekonomikas Ministrija’. lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/zinu-analize/atbalsts-covid-19-krizes- 533 ‘Government Approves the Strategy for Latvia for Mitigation parvaresanai--audze-paradus-un-daudziem-nepienakas. of the Consequences of the Crisis Caused by Covid-19 | a356497/; ‘Rostovskis: Jāatbalsta Uzņēmumu Eksports Ekonomikas Ministrija’. Un Produktivitāte; Dīkstāves Sistēma - Nemotivējoša’, 534 ‘Coronavirus Pandemic in the EU – Fundamental Rights 24 April 2020, https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/ekonomika/ Implications, Latvia’ (European Union Agency for rostovskis-jaatbalsta-uznemumu-eksports-un-produktivitate- Fundamental Rights, 4 May 2020), 7–8, https://fra.europa. dikstaves-sistema-nemotivejosa.a357199/; Māris Klūga, eu/sites/default/files/fra_uploads/lv_report_on_coronavirus_ ‘Finanšu Ministrs Noraida Ieceri Maksāt Pabalstus Par pandemic_may_2020.pdf; ‘Zaudējis spēku - Par valsts Samazināto Slodzi’, 15 April 2020, https://www.lsm.lv/ apdraudējuma un tā seku novēršanas un pārvarēšanas raksts/zinas/ekonomika/finansu-ministrs-noraida-ieceri- pasākumiem sakarā ar Covid-19 izplatību’, LIKUMI.LV, n.d., maksat-pabalstus-par-samazinato-slodzi.a356027/; Ģirts Section 14 (1), https://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=313373. Zvirbulis, ‘Daudzi Mazie Uzņēmēji Nekvalificējas Pabalstu 535 ‘The Entrepreneurs Affected by the Covid-19 Crisis Have Saņemšanai Covid-19 Krīzē’, 1 April 2020, https://www. Access to a Wide Range of Aid Instruments | Ekonomikas lsm.lv/raksts/zinas/ekonomika/daudzi-mazie-uznemeji- Ministrija’, 26 August 2020, https://www.em.gov.lv/en/ nekvalificejas-pabalstu-sanemsanai-covid-19-krize. article/entrepreneurs-affected-covid-19-crisis-have-access- a354237/; Zane Čulkstēna, ‘Valstij Jārīkojas Tagad • IR.Lv’, wide-range-aid-instruments. IR.lv, 30 April 2020, https://ir.lv/2020/04/30/valstij-jarikojas- 536 (See section 13.1 for rent relief measures) ‘Zaudējis tagad/; Jānis Ošlejs, ‘Latvijas Stratēģija • IR.Lv’, IR.lv, 7 spēku - Par valsts apdraudējuma un tā seku novēršanas un April 2020, https://ir.lv/2020/04/07/latvijas-strategija/; pārvarēšanas pasākumiem sakarā ar Covid-19 izplatību’; ‘Coronavirus Pandemic in the EU – Fundamental Rights ‘Mechanisms for Entrepreneurs and Employees to Support Implications, Latvia’, 7. Them during the state of emergency Regarding COVID-19 541 Klūga, ‘Finanšu Ministrs Noraida Ieceri Maksāt Pabalstus | Ekonomikas Ministrija’, 30 March 2020, https://www. Par Samazināto Slodzi’. em.gov.lv/en/article/mechanisms-entrepreneurs-and- 542 Ģirts Zvirbulis, ‘Dīkstāves Pabalstu Maksās Arī employees-support-them-during-state-emergency-regarding- Pašnodarbinātajiem, Autoratlīdzību Saņēmējiem Un covid-19; ‘Consultation Phone of IDAL for Businesses for Mikrouzņēmumiem’, 31 March 2020, https://www.lsm. 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LSM, April 6, 2020. https://www.lsm.lv/raksts/ gadijumu-bet-nodoklu-nomaksas-pagarinajumi-aptuveni-1- zinas/latvija/neplp-komercmediju-atbalstam-covid-19-krize- precizets.a356297/. prasis-16-miljonus-eiro.a354798/. 540 ‘Dīkstāves Pabalsta Brāķis’, LA.LV, 23 April 2020, https:// 549 ‘Izsludināts pieteikumu konkurss programmā “Atbalsts www.la.lv/dikstaves-pabalsta-brakis/; Matīss Arnicāns, medijiem Covid-19 krīzes radīto negatīvo seku ‘Atbalsts Covid-19 Krīzes Pārvarēšanai – Audzē Parādus mazināšanai”’. Societal Integration Fund, April 27, 2020. Un Daudziem Nepienākas’, 19 April 2020, https://www. https://bit.ly/3bUPiqt.

110 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 550 ‘Baltic Presidents Consult Each Other on COVID-19 ‘European Union Citizens Can Travel to Latvia Again / Article Response’, 16 March 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ / Eng.Lsm.Lv’, 22 May 2020, https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ politics/president/baltic-presidents-consult-each-other-on- economy/transport/european-union-citizens-can-travel-to- covid-19-response.a351919/; ‘Foreign Ministers of the Baltic latvia-again.a360846/. States Agree to Coordinate Lifting of COVID-19 Restrictions 560 Population, July 2021 estimate, and urban population as of at the Internal Borders between the Three Countries’, 2020 ‘Lithuania - The World Factbook’, n.d., https://www.cia. 29 April 2020, https://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/news/latest- gov/the-world-factbook/countries/lithuania/. news/65944-foreign-ministers-of-the-baltic-states-agree- 561 2011 estimate, ‘Lithuania - The World Factbook’. to-coordinate-lifting-of-covid-19-restrictions-at-the-internal- 562 ‘Lithuania - The World Factbook’. borders-between-the-three-countries; ‘Foreign Ministers of 563 2020 estimate ‘Lithuania - The World Factbook’. the Baltic States Agree on Action Needed to Establish an 564 GDP (PPP) estimate 2019, GDP per capita estimate 2019, Area for Freedom of Movement’, 8 May 2020, https://www. health expenditure estimate 2018 ‘Lithuania - The World mfa.gov.lv/en/news/latest-news/65967-foreign-ministers- Factbook’; ‘Gross Domestic Product 2019’ (World Bank, of-the-baltic-states-agree-on-action-needed-to-establish-an- 12 February 2021), https://databank.worldbank.org/data/ area-for-freedom-of-movement. download/GDP.pdf. 551 ‘Valka-Valga Residents Will Be Able to Cross Latvia-Estonia 565 ‘Membership | Lithuania - Member of the European Union Border / Article / Eng.Lsm.Lv’, 16 March 2020, https://eng. | Lithuania in the Region and the World | Foreign Policy’, lsm.lv/article/society/society/valka-valga-residents-will-be- 6 January 2016, https://urm.lt/default/en/foreign-policy/ able-to-cross-latvia-estonia-border.a352000/. lithuania-in-the-region-and-the-world/lithuania-member-of- 552 ‘The Cabinet of Ministers Has Adopted Changes in the the-european-union/membership. Regulations on the Procedure for Movement of Persons 566 ‘Lithuania Confirms First Case of Coronavirus, to Deploy between the Baltic States | Ministru Kabinets’, 18 May Troops in Airports’, lrt.lt, 28 February 2020, https://www.lrt. 2020, https://www.mk.gov.lv/en/article/cabinet-ministers- lt/en/news-in-english/19/1146795/lithuania-confirms-first- has-adopted-changes-regulations-procedure-movement- case-of-coronavirus-to-deploy-troops-in-airports. persons-between-baltic-states. 567 ‘Coronavirus: Lithuania Declares State Emergency’, lrt. 553 ‘Latvia and Estonia will help the world “hack” the lt, 26 February 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- coronavirus’. LSM, April 7, 2020. https://eng.lsm.lv/article/ english/19/1146225/coronavirus-lithuania-declares-state- society/society/latvia-and-estonia-will-help-the-world-hack- emergency. the-coronavirus.a354997/ 568 ‘Lithuania Calls Nationwide Quarantine: Shutting Non- 554 ‘Joint Statement of the Nordic-Baltic Foreign Ministers Essential Shops and Closing Border to Foreigners’, Meeting on 16 March 2020’, 17 March 2020, https://www. lrt.lt, 14 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- mfa.gov.lv/en/news/latest-news/65751-joint-statement- english/19/1151486/lithuania-calls-nationwide-quarantine- of-the-nordic-baltic-foreign-ministers-meeting-on-16- shutting-non-essential-shops-and-closing-border-to- march-2020. foreigners. 555 ‘Baltic and Nordic Foreign Ministers Underline the 569 ‘Lithuania under Quarantine: Key Instructions and Importance of Regional Cooperation in an Exit Strategy for Recommendations’, lrt.lt, 16 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/ the COVID-19 Crisis’, 8 April 2020, https://www.mfa.gov. en/news-in-english/19/1151798/lithuania-under-quarantine- lv/en/news/latest-news/65826-baltic-and-nordic-foreign- key-instructions-and-recommendations. ministers-underline-the-importance-of-regional-cooperation- 570 ‘Last Passenger Flight Arrives in Vilnius as Lithuania Closes in-an-exit-strategy-for-the-covid-19-crisis. Airspace’, lrt.lt, 6 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- 556 ‘Nordic Investment Bank - NIB Provides Covid-19 Mitigation english/19/1160381/last-passenger-flight-arrives-in-vilnius- Loan to Republic of Latvia’, 9 April 2020, https://www.nib.int/ as-lithuania-closes-airspace. who_we_are/news_and_media/news_press_releases/3479/ 571 ‘Coronavirus: Lithuania Reports Fourth Death, Parliament nib_provides_covid-19_mitigation_loan_to_republic_of_latvia. Staffer Diagnosed with Covid-19’, lrt.lt, 25 March 2020, 557 ‘EU Commits 36 Billion Euro to Address the COVID-19 Crisis https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1154859/ in Developing Countries’, 9 June 2020, https://www.mfa.gov. coronavirus-lithuania-reports-fourth-death-parliament- lv/en/news/latest-news/66088-eu-commits-36-billion-euro- staffer-diagnosed-with-covid-19. to-address-the-covid-19-crisis-in-developing-countries. 572 ‘Useful and Meaningful Self-Isolation with a Mobile App 558 ‘EU Commits 36 Billion Euro to Address the COVID-19 Crisis Quarantine’, 7 April 2020, https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/ in Developing Countries’. useful-and-meaningful-self-isolation-with-a-mobile-app- 559 This also included permanent residents of the Switzerland quarantine.

�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 111 573 ‘COVID-19 Response Strategy’, 6 May 2020, https:// COVID-19 Epidemiją Lietuvoje’, lrt.lt, 24 March 2020, koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/covid-19-response-strategy. https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/nuomones/3/1154138/vitalis- 574 ‘Lithuania Lifts Quarantine – Timeline of Key Events’, nakrosis-klaidos-valdant-covid-19-epidemija-lietuvoje; Rasa lrt.lt, 17 June 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- Juknevičienė, ‘Rasa Juknevičienė. Išmoktos COVID–19 english/19/1189090/lithuania-lifts-quarantine-timeline-of- Pamokos’, lrt.lt, 23 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/ key-events. pozicija/679/1154364/rasa-jukneviciene-ismoktos-covid-19- 575 ‘Lithuanian Government’s Business Support Plan: 10 Key pamokos; Rimvydas Valatka, ‘Rimvydas Valatka. Černobylis Measures’, lrt.lt, 17 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news- 2020 – Gydytojams’, lrt.lt, 18 March 2020, https://www. in-english/19/1152162/lithuanian-government-s-business- lrt.lt/naujienos/nuomones/3/1152784/rimvydas-valatka- support-plan-10-key-measures; Paulius Viluckas and BNS, cernobylis-2020-gydytojams; Indrė Makaraitytė, ‘Indrė ‘Former President to Run Lithuania’s Coronavirus Relief Makaraitytė. Veryga Verygos Verygai Verygą. O kur Fund’, lrt.lt, 20 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- Skvernelis su Nausėda?’, lrt.lt, 25 March 2020, https://www. english/19/1153461/former-president-to-run-lithuania-s- lrt.lt/naujienos/nuomones/3/1154955/indre-makaraityte- coronavirus-relief-fund; ‘Lithuanian Economy Could Contract veryga-verygos-verygai-veryga-o-kur-skvernelis-su-nauseda. up to 2.8 Percent, Finance Minister Warns’, lrt.lt, 17 March 583 ‘Lithuanian President Vetoes Price Controls’, lrt.lt, 17 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1152295/ 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1164634/ lithuanian-economy-could-contract-up-to-2-8-percent- lithuanian-president-vetoes-price-controls; ‘As EU Tender finance-minister-warns. Stalls, Estonia Joins Lithuania in Seeking Own Medical 576 Ignas Jačauskas et al., ‘Koronaviruso Krizės Valdymą Supplies’, lrt.lt, 25 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/ Perima Skvernelio Vadovaujamas Komitetas’, lrt.lt, 25 March news-in-english/19/1155089/as-eu-tender-stalls-estonia- 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/lietuvoje/2/1154974/ joins-lithuania-in-seeking-own-medical-supplies; Augustinas koronaviruso-krizes-valdyma-perima-skvernelio- Šemelis et al., ‘Support for Lithuanian Businesses Hit by vadovaujamas-komitetas. Delays’, lrt.lt, 21 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- 577 ‘Covid-19 Management Strategy’, n.d., 2, https://lrv.lt/ english/19/1165799/support-for-lithuanian-businesses-hit- uploads/main/documents/files/COVID_19%20valdymo%20 by-delays. strategija_EN.pdf. 584 ‘Coronavirus Quarantine Will Be Extended beyond Easter – 578 ‘Lithuania under Quarantine: Key Instructions and Lithuanian President’, lrt.lt, 6 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/ Recommendations’. en/news-in-english/19/1160643/coronavirus-quarantine- 579 ‘Coronavirus: Lithuania Declares State Emergency’; will-be-extended-beyond-easter-lithuanian-president; ‘Lithuania Won Battle against the Virus, but War Is Not ‘Lithuania’s Covid-19 Infection Curve “Flattening”, but over – PM’, lrt.lt, 17 June 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news- Quarantine to Stay in Place’, lrt.lt, 27 April 2020, https://www. in-english/19/1189135/lithuania-won-battle-against-the- lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1167774/lithuania-s-covid-19- virus-but-war-is-not-over-pm; ‘Lithuania Confirms First Case infection-curve-flattening-but-quarantine-to-stay-in-place; of Coronavirus, to Deploy Troops in Airports’. ‘Government Continues to Ease Lockdown Restrictions’, 580 ‘Coronavirus: Lithuania Declares State Emergency’; 6 May 2020, https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/government- ‘Important Information Regarding the Coronavirus continues-to-ease-lockdown-restrictions. (COVID-19) | News’, 2 March 2020, https://eg.mfa.lt/eg/en/ 585 ‘Lithuania Won Battle against the Virus, but War Is Not news/important-information-regarding-the-coronavirus- over – PM’. covid-19--3. 586 Vaidotas Beniušis and BNS, ‘Lithuania to Announce 581 Remigijus Šimašius, ‘Vilnius Mayor: “Get Ready for a Long Coronavirus Exit Plan next Week’, lrt.lt, 10 April 2020, https:// Fight” – Opinion’, lrt.lt, 21 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/ www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1162200/lithuania-to- en/news-in-english/19/1153797/vilnius-mayor-get-ready- announce-coronavirus-exit-plan-next-week; ‘Lithuania for-a-long-fight-opinion; ‘Lithuania’s Medical Workers Publishes Four-Stage Quarantine Exit Plan - LRT’, 15 April Demand Better Protection from Coronavirus’, lrt.lt, 7 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1163674/ 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1160875/ lithuania-publishes-four-stage-quarantine-exit-plan; lithuania-s-medical-workers-demand-better-protection-from- ‘Lithuania Proceeds with Quarantine Easing: Small Events, coronavirus; ‘Coronavirus: Opposition Calls for Military to More Services to Resume’, lrt.lt, 6 May 2020, https://www.lrt. Take over Crisis Management’, lrt.lt, 23 March 2020, https:// lt/en/news-in-english/19/1175725/lithuania-proceeds-with- www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1154218/coronavirus- quarantine-easing-small-events-more-services-to-resume. opposition-calls-for-military-to-take-over-crisis-management. 587 ‘Lithuania Lifts More Quarantine Restrictions: Flights to 582 Dr. Vitalis Nakrošis, ‘Vitalis Nakrošis. Klaidos Valdant Resume, Outdoor Activities Allowed’, lrt.lt, 29 April 2020,

112 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1168781/lithuania- app work?’. LRT, October 13, 2020. https://www.lrt.lt/en/ lifts-more-quarantine-restrictions-flights-to-resume-outdoor- news-in-english/19/1248684/how-will-lithuania-s-contact- activities-allowed; ‘Lithuania Extends Quarantine, Allows tracing-app-work Mass Events and Outdoor Sports’, lrt.lt, 27 May 2020, 595 ‘Useful and Meaningful Self-Isolation with a Mobile App https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1182538/lithuania- Quarantine’; ‘ViLTė Is an Automated Conversation Robot extends-quarantine-allows-mass-events-and-outdoor-sports; Providing Official COVID-19-Related Information’, 17 ‘Lithuania Moves Ahead with Quarantine Easing: All Shops, April 2020, https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/vilte-is-an- Outdoor Bars to Reopen’, lrt.lt, 22 April 2020, https://www.lrt. automated-conversation-robot-providing-official-covid-19- lt/en/news-in-english/19/1166332/lithuania-moves-ahead- related-information. with-quarantine-easing-all-shops-outdoor-bars-to-reopen. 596 ‘Lithuania – Response to COVID-19 and Impact on Migrant 588 ‘Covid-19 Management Strategy’, 7. and Refugee Integration’, European Web Site on Integration, 589 Nakrošis, ‘Vitalis Nakrošis. Klaidos Valdant COVID-19 7 April 2020, https://ec.europa.eu/migrant-integration/news/ Epidemiją Lietuvoje’; Makaraitytė, ‘Indrė Makaraitytė. Veryga lithuania-response-to-covid-19-and-impact-on-migrant- Verygos Verygai Verygą. O kur Skvernelis su Nausėda?’; and-refugee-integration; ‘Vilnius Instructs People to Stay Rima Urbonaitė, ‘Rima Urbonaitė. Karūnų Kritimo Metas’, at Home and Help Seniors’, lrt.lt, 20 March 2020, https:// lrt.lt, 26 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/ www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1153409/vilnius-instructs- nuomones/3/1155319/rima-urbonaite-karunu-kritimo- people-to-stay-at-home-and-help-seniors. metas; Ramūnas Terleckas, ‘Ramūnas Terleckas. Medikai 597 ‘Coronavirus: Lithuania Confirms First Child Coronavirus Dirba, Verslininkai Laukia, Politikai Pliurpia’, lrt.lt, 30 April Case’, lrt.lt, 24 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news- 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/nuomones/3/1169070/ in-english/19/1154460/coronavirus-lithuania-confirms- ramunas-terleckas-medikai-dirba-verslininkai-laukia-politikai- first-child-coronavirus-case; ‘All Travelers Arriving at pliurpia. Vilnius Airport to Be Quarantined’, lrt.lt, 24 March 2020, 590 ‘Statement of the Prime Minister of the Republic of https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1154680/ Lithuania’, 12 March 2020, http://lrv.lt/en/news/statement- all-travelers-arriving-at-vilnius-airport-to-be-quarantined; of-the-prime-minister-of-the-republic-of-lithuania. ‘Lithuania’s New Quarantine Rules Lead to “Chaos” and 591 ‘Relaxing Lockdown Rules’, 27 May 2020, https://koronastop. Fights’, lrt.lt, 25 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- lrv.lt/en/news/relaxing-lockdown-rules; ‘Coronavirus: english/19/1154932/lithuania-s-new-quarantine-rules-lead- 39th Death, Lithuanians among Most “Responsible” in to-chaos-and-fights; ‘Savivaldybės Kritikuoja Verygą: Skuboti EU’, lrt.lt, 23 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- Sprendimai Sugriaus Pasirengimą Izoliacijai’, lrt.lt, 24 March english/19/1166551/coronavirus-39th-death-lithuanians- 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/lietuvoje/2/1154633/ among-most-responsible-in-eu; ‘Lithuania to Restrict Entry savivaldybes-kritikuoja-veryga-skuboti-sprendimai-sugriaus- to All Cities, Towns over Easter Weekend’, lrt.lt, 6 April pasirengima-izoliacijai. 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1160531/ 598 ‘Verda Aistros: Savivaldybės Turi Priglausti Ne Tik Grįžusius lithuania-to-restrict-entry-to-all-cities-towns-over-easter- Iš Užsienio, Bet Ir Iš Namų Paimti Nesunkiai Sergančius’, weekend; ‘Lithuania Won Battle against the Virus, but War lrt.lt, 23 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/ Is Not over – PM’; ‘Lithuania to Extend Quarantine, but lietuvoje/2/1154145/verda-aistros-savivaldybes-turi- Some Shops May Reopen – Prime Minister’, lrt.lt, 7 April priglausti-ne-tik-grizusius-is-uzsienio-bet-ir-is-namu-paimti- 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1160932/ nesunkiai-sergancius. lithuania-to-extend-quarantine-but-some-shops-may-reopen- 599 ‘Lithuania Walks Back on Mandatory Isolation of Travelers’, prime-minister; ‘Government Continues to Ease Lockdown lrt.lt, 26 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- Restrictions’. english/19/1155359/lithuania-walks-back-on-mandatory- 592 ‘Covid-19 Management Strategy’, 6. isolation-of-travelers; ‘Lithuania’s New Quarantine Rules 593 Agnė Slapšinskaitė, ‘Covid-19 Health System Response Lead to “Chaos” and Fights’. Monitor, Lithuania, “Measures in Other Sectors”’, n.d., 600 Vaidotas Beniušis and BNS, ‘Lithuanian Parliament Adopts https://www.covid19healthsystem.org/countries/lithuania/ €6,000 Fines for Breaking Quarantine Rules’, lrt.lt, 1 April livinghit.aspx?Section=6.%20Measures%20in%20other%20 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1157263/ sectors&Type=Chapter; Agnė Slapšinskaitė, ‘Covid-19 Health lithuanian-parliament-adopts-eur6-000-fines-for-breaking- System Response Monitor, Lithuania, “1.5, Testing”’, n.d., quarantine-rules; Rima Žilinskaitė, LRT RADIJAS, and LRT.lt, https://www.covid19healthsystem.org/countries/lithuania/ ‘Pirmoji Para Nemenčinėje Įvedus Ribojimus: Nesusipratimai livinghit.aspx?Section=1.5%20Testing&Type=Section. Dėl Dokumentų Ir Apytuštės Gatvės’, lrt.lt, 17 April 2020, 594 Giedrius Vitkauskas. ‘How will Lithuania’s contact-tracing https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/eismas/7/1164542/pirmoji-

�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 113 para-nemencineje-ivedus-ribojimus-nesusipratimai-del- 12-percent-of-all-cases-are-medical-workers-eighth-death- dokumentu-ir-apytustes-gatves. confirmed. 601 ‘Over 15,000 Denied Entry to Towns during Lithuania’s Easter 610 ‘Verygos Išvertimo Iš Posto Nori Ne Tik Opozicija, Bet Ir Travel Ban’, lrt.lt, 14 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news- Medikų Sąjūdis’, lrt.lt, 23 March 2020, https://www.lrt. in-english/19/1163193/over-15-000-denied-entry-to-towns- lt/naujienos/lietuvoje/2/1154188/verygos-isvertimo-is- during-lithuania-s-easter-travel-ban. posto-nori-ne-tik-opozicija-bet-ir-mediku-sajudis; Valatka, 602 ‘Over 15,000 Denied Entry to Towns during Lithuania’s Easter ‘Rimvydas Valatka. Černobylis 2020 – Gydytojams’; Travel Ban’. Nakrošis, ‘Vitalis Nakrošis. Klaidos Valdant COVID-19 603 ‘“Thank You, Lithuania!” Campaign in Honour of All Those Epidemiją Lietuvoje’. Who Have Helped to Overcome First Wave of Coronavirus’, 611 ‘Statement of the Prime Minister of the Republic of 25 May 2020, https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/thank-you- Lithuania’. lithuania-campaign-in-honour-of-all-those-who-have-helped- 612 It is worth noting that a further 2.5 billion Euros should be to-overcome-first-wave-of-coronavirus; ‘Lithuania Sings Its included as they extended their borrowing ceiling, ‘EUR Thanks for Quick Virus Containment’, Reuters, 1 June 2020, 5 Billion for Public Health and the National Economy’, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus- 16 March 2020, https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/eur-5- lithuania-concert-idUSKBN2383D4. billion-for-public-health-and-the-national-economy. 604 ‘“Thank You, Lithuania!” Campaign in Honour of All Those 613 ‘EUR 5 Billion for Public Health and the National Economy’. Who Have Helped to Overcome First Wave of Coronavirus’. 614 ‘A working group begins expeditious coordination of State- 605 ‘Karantino Laikotarpiu Lietuvoje – Savanoriška Iniciatyva level emergency measures for business’. Pagelbėti Senoliams Ir Skurstantiems’, lrt.lt, 18 March 2020, 615 ‘EUR 5 billion for public health and the national economy’, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/lietuvoje/2/1152652/karantino- 16 March 2020, http://finmin.lrv.lt/en/news/eur-5-billion-for- laikotarpiu-lietuvoje-savanoriska-iniciatyva-pagelbeti- public-health-and-the-national-economy. senoliams-ir-skurstantiems. 616 ‘EUR 5 billion for public health and the national economy’; 606 The critical response amounted to 19.3 percent of those Viluckas and BNS, ‘Former President to Run Lithuania’s surveyed; it is also worth noting that the article references Coronavirus Relief Fund’. the survey and does not present the original survey 617 ‘Lithuania Following COVID-19: Investment That Will Change itself, ‘Coronavirus: Two-Thirds of Lithuanians Support Economic DNA’, 19 May 2020, https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/ Government Action – Survey’, lrt.lt, 23 March 2020, https:// news/lithuania-following-covid-19-investment-that-will- www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1154046/coronavirus-two- change-economic-dna; ‘The Government Approves the Plan thirds-of-lithuanians-support-government-action-survey. for the DNA of the Future Economy’, 11 June 2020, 607 The positive response amounted to 58.8 percent as satisfied http://finmin.lrv.lt/en/news/the-government-approves-the- or rather satisfied and 26.4 percent were dissatisfied. It is plan-for-the-dna-of-the-future-economy. also worth highlighting that 14.8 percent had no opinion; 618 ‘The Government Approves the Plan for the DNA of the Please note that the article references the survey and does Future Economy’. not present the original survey itself, ‘Most Lithuanians 619 Šemelis et al., ‘Support for Lithuanian Businesses Hit by Happy with Government’s Handling of Covid-19, Survey Delays’; Kristina Jackūnaitė and LRT TV, LRT.lt, ‘Covid-19 Shows’, lrt.lt, 22 June 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news- Bares Weakness of Lithuania’s Healthcare and Social in-english/19/1190708/most-lithuanians-happy-with- Security – EC’, lrt.lt, 21 May 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/ government-s-handling-of-covid-19-survey-shows. news-in-english/19/1180656/covid-19-bares-weakness- 608 ‘Kasiulevičius Įvardijo Būtinus Veiksmus, Kaip Lietuvai of-lithuania-s-healthcare-and-social-security-ec; ‘State Išvengti Italijos Koronaviruso Plitimo Scenarijaus’, of the Nation Address by Gitanas Nausėda, President of lrt.lt, 18 March 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/ the Republic of Lithuania’, State of the Nation Address by lietuvoje/2/1152535/kasiulevicius-ivardijo-butinus- Gitanas Nausėda, President of the Republic of Lithuania | veiksmus-kaip-lietuvai-isvengti-italijos-koronaviruso-plitimo- President of the Republic of Lithuania, 18 June 2020, https:// scenarijaus; Dainius Pūras, ‘Dainius Pūras. Metas, Kai www.lrp.lt/en/media-center/news/state-of-the-nation- Išbandomos Vertybės Ir Atsparumas (II)’, lrt.lt, 3 April 2020, address-by-gitanas-nauseda-president-of-the-republic-of- https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/nuomones/3/1159767/dainius- lithuania/34260. puras-metas-kai-isbandomos-vertybes-ir-atsparumas-ii. 620 ‘Just 2 Percent of Pledged State Aid Reach Lithuanian 609 ‘Coronavirus: 12 Percent of All Cases Are Medical Workers, Businesses’, lrt.lt, 23 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news- Eighth Death Confirmed’, lrt.lt, 31 March 2020, https:// in-english/19/1166903/just-2-percent-of-pledged-state-aid- www.lrt.lt/en/news-in-english/19/1156842/coronavirus- reach-lithuanian-businesses.

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May 2020, https://koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/prime-minister- 635 ‘Baltijas valstu un Apvienotās Karalistes ārlietu ministri let-us-be-safe-together-and-stay-alert; ‘Prime Minister: turpinās veiksmīgu sabiedrību aktuālajos ārpolitikas Border Opening among the Baltic States and COVID-19 jautājumos’. LV Portāls/Ārlietu Ministrija, March 11, 2021. Exit Scenarios Will Be Coordinated’, 22 April 2020, https:// https://lvportals.lv/dienaskartiba/325793-baltijas-valstu-un- koronastop.lrv.lt/en/news/prime-minister-border-opening- apvienotas-karalistes-arlietu-ministri-turpinas-veiksmigu- among-the-baltic-states-and-covid-19-exit-scenarios-will-be- sadarbibu-aktualajos-arpolitikas-jautajumos-2021 [Accessed coordinated. March 31, 2021]. 625 ‘As Baltics Reopen, Thousands Cross Borders Daily’. 636 Samuel Stolton. ‘EU code of practice on disinformation 626 ‘Baltic States to Reopen Internal Borders on May ‘insufficient and unsuitable,’ member states say’. 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Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Latvia, 628 Exports to non-EU countries were only permitted if approved March 25, 2021. https://www.mfa.gov.lv/en/news/ by the head of the State Emergency Operations Centre latest-news/67723-latvia-an-initiator-of-a-resolution-just- ‘Lithuania Bans Exports of Protective Medical Gear to Non- adopted-by-the-united-nations-for-fighting-the-spread-of- EU Countries’, lrt.lt, 1 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news- disinformation-and-misinformation [Accessed March 31, in-english/19/1159124/lithuania-bans-exports-of-protective- 2021]. medical-gear-to-non-eu-countries. 638 Seyong Kim. Sunhee Kim. ‘The Crisis of Public Health and 629 ‘Lithuania Borrows €1.5bn to Stimulate Economy’, Infodemic: Analysing Belief Structure of Fake News about lrt.lt, 6 April 2020, https://www.lrt.lt/en/news-in- COVID-19 Pandemic’. 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116 �������������������������������������������������������������������������� Prepared and published by the NATO STRATEGIC COMMUNICATIONS CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE

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