Geoturystyka 2 (13) 2008: 25-44 Podhale Palaeogene Flysch as geotouristic attractive region – first look to its unique geological values Paleogeński flisz podhalański jako atrakcyjny region geoturystyczny – pierwsze spojrzenie na jego unikalne walory geologiczne Michał Krobicki & Jan Golonka AGH University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Al. Mickiewicza 30, 30-059 Kraków e-mail:
[email protected],
[email protected] Chabówka Introduction Nowy Targ Szczawnica Podhale region is very attractive area for tourists both by Czarny Dunajec Warszawa Niedzica its close connection to Tatra Mts on the one, southern side, and to the Pieniny Mts on the opposite, northern side. Such Zakopane geographical position of this region is useful to visit both Kraków mentioned regions, which are prime geotouristic attractions in southern Poland (Krobicki & Golonka, 2008). But Podhale area with gentle hills, wild forests, clean rivers and streams and perfect landscapes to both, southern and northern direc- Abstract: The primary aim of this paper is note the attention tions, offers also high spectacular inanimate nature objects to geological phenomena in the Podhale Flysch region, and of our Carpathians, by study of Palaeogene flysch deposits. especially lithological differentiation of flysch rocks, their Maybe first impression indicates very monotonous sequenc- sedimentological features, tectonic structures, stratigraphical and palaeontological aspects, and all of these according to es of flysch-type rocks, but several features of these sedimen- recent regional position of Podhale and its palaeogeographical tary units and their tectonic regimes surprisingly give us history in wider geodynamic context. Authors summarized introduction to understanding complicated history of the the newest knowledge about geological history of the Podhale origin of the Podhale Palaeogene Flysch.