~-·/JIC.7', 6-a-

student bi-weekly the uaker newspaper

VOL. 61 - NO. 4 SALEM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL SALEM, OHIO FRI., DEC. 19, 1975 Merry Christmas

Key Club Seniors by Vic Leija Yes, Key Club is on the move. The mighty seniors are all look· the senior class and total support and they have big plans ahead o.f ing for a "White Christmas" and goes to the QlfAKER basketball them. Members of "Key Club and the committee is busy putting on and wrestling teams. Good luck Hi-Tri have joined together to the final touches. Spirit is higi1 in in the upcomucgion. plan a Chri.stmas Party for the children of Salem who might not have a happy Christmas, giving Juniors lhem a more merrier Christmas. The junior class is just starting counselors about college. The jun­ Date for this is on Tuesday, Dec­ lo get their feet vvet forr the long ior guys sure look. nice in their ember 23. Key Club will b2 bring­ race ahe•ad preiparing for the Varsity S jackets. CONGRATU:t!l\­ ing musical notes to your feet and prom. Eveyrone is excited about TIONS! ears as they will be sponsoring a making plans and talking to dance on Saturday, January 31, 1976. Key Club is headed by a fine group o[ officers. They are Presi­ Sophomores dent: Brad Smith, Vice President, Now that most of the sopho· cited about handing in the one and Teddy Yuhaniak; Secretary, Mich­ mrnres are finished taking the only yearly Biology report. Con­ ael Riffee; Treasurer, Willy Shiv­ G.A.T.B. test, otherwise known as gratulations shorulc! also be given ers; Advisor, Mr. Ros.s. the ''idiot test," they are eagerly lo the sophomore boys for playing The Keyers a1re involved in dif­ awaiting the resuls to see if they such fantastic basketball since the ferent community activities, like are really silly, silly sophomores. beginning of the great season. ringing Christmas bells for the Most of them are now getting ex- KEEP IT UP GUYS' Salvation Army and they help in setting up supplies and equipment for Salem Blood Bank. Freshmen A reminder to members and The itty, bitty freshmen are Christmas (two whole weeks off!!) others who would like to join. Our really fitting in at S'.fI.S. and are and are happy to know they've next meeting will .be held in 76, taldng part in rp.oreschool activi­ made itthrmigh nearly half a Jauuci.ry 12. t~es. They are looking forward to year at S.H.S. Key Club extends to the Facul­ ty, Student Body, and who1ever reads this artic~e, a Happy Chri~t­ GLORIA Lunch Boycott Don't get us wrong, we're not mas and a Merry New Year. putting down the cooks, because The lunches at the Senior High they can on~y make the best out have finally reached an unappetiz­ White Christmas Basl{.ethall Sweetheart of what they have to work with. by Linda Lewis ing peak. Some students are in It must noit be easy trying to feed The 1975-1976 Baskcttall sweet­ Jesko of 1935 E. 11th Street, and As December 20th finally ar· the process of trying to improve a school full of kids a day. but we hea:rt is Miss Gloria De1Roads, Cathy Tullis, daughter of Mr. Ro­ rives, last minute preparations are feel that if they had moTe of a daughter of Mrs. Rose D2RfJads bert Tullis of Goshen Road. The Lhem. This will not be an easy made, everything finalized, the menu to work with, lunches could or 710 Olive Street. Gloria was escoirts were Chuck Roberts, Brett l1.:sk, but if enough are willing to decorations hung for the 1975 be improved considerably. crowned queen at half time Dec­ Albrig'it, Jim Coiian, Don Farmer, try to help in improving the White Christmas Dance. Chairman If we could have the full support l'mber 5 as Salem defeated Roy Papurocii'3J, Jamie McCorSz­ Denise Roberts, Julie Lange, and lunches, we might just succeed. of students, some changes could Youngstown South. Afterwards a hill, and Mark McCartney. Marjorie Ospeck have been work­ We took a survey, and here are be made. We're not trying to start dance was held in the cafeteria in Gloria is not planning on attend­ ing since this past summer with a the majority of the remarks we any trouble but, just a:sking for honor of the queen. Music was by ing coEege, however she hopes to committPe of 50 girls to make heard: . . . they stink . . . I found better lunches. Damian. The court was nomir.ated find a job as a secretary after lhis year a memorable "White a hair in my corn ... Have you We would app1reciate any com­ by seniors Tuesday, November 2~. graduation. She is Vice President Christmas." ever dissected a pizza burger? ments you may have. Y:ou may and the queen was chosen on Wed­ cf her senior Steno class. In previous years invitations Not too bad ... I'm tired of the place them in the box labeled nesday, December 3. Others on Gloria was not the first in her were issued and only students with same things ... I don't eat them. "lunches" in the Library. the court were Abi Chappell, famil~, to be on court. Theresa an invitation col!ld go. They were daughter ;:if J\IJ:r. and Mrs. Robert DeRoads was Salem High's foot­ slso matched up with a partner Chappell of 911 Franklin, Jacque ball queen in 1967 and Helen De­ and went with that person, a blind Elils, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roads was on football court in :late for the White Christmas 1 .Jack Ellis of 1980 Oak street, Julie 1972 . They also did this for the Prom in Lange, daughter of Mr. and Mrs . .he Spring. In recent times, how· Arthur Lz.nge of 1433 Cleveland ever, anyone, .Junior or Senior. Street, Sue Henderson, daughter ~an go, with whomever t h e y of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hender· Students Look ~hoose. This year the group "Mojo" son of 1244 N. Union, Janie Jesko, [rom Pittsburgh will perform. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard At Their World .ickets are $3.00 per couple with by Holly Lutsch :he music starting at 9:00. The ;afeteria will be decorated with Choir News The Ohio Department of Educa­ :he special theme chosen for the by Sue Riley tion chose 108 students from Sa­ iccasion. lem High Schoo1l to study the at­ Needed funds for the expenses The chornl department of Salem titudes they have toward some :omes from activities sponsored High is really on the mo·ve. They social, po1litical, and educational )y the "White Christmas" Com­ have alre

Sch11ller, Becky Burson, Margarzt match between Salem and West Fornesi, Debtie Galchick, and Branch. If you have noticed, they Kathy Walter. The entirely new M. B. S. New ~ajorettes, now own new shirts and warr.i-up twirling flag squad will be Connie Here we are again at the grind­ jackets, soon to be followed by J\/Iartin, Linda Scott, Betsy Silver. stone beating our brains out try·­ new uniforms. Remember there is Bonnie Chandler, Diane Metts. ing to figme out new and wonder­ Barb Kovach. Kathy Howell, Nan­ a wrestling match at home Janu­ ful gossip which we can pass Color Guard Chosen cy McGhee, Yvonne Brennan and ary 16 for those that can't go to along to you. Gloria Hays. watch the Salem Roundballers. These twenty-nine majorettes We would like to extend a spe-· On Thursday, December 11, try Park, Annette DiAntonio, and Many people have been asking and color guard majorettes were cial congratulations to the crutch outs were held for next year's Chris Schuller. The head majorette around why "Strike Three" did sele'Ct.ed by Mr. Jeckavitch from brigade who have mastered the color guard and majorettes. Both wm be Jill Diamond. a field of fifty-two based on var­ not appear in the last issue. art of walking doiwn steps one corps are expanding next year; Color guard captain will be Ly­ ious areas such as marching abil­ on leg. What's the matter boys, can't take lhere will be nine majorettes and dia Maniscalco. There will be an ity, co-ordination. and appearance. It looks this year instead of it? twenty color guard members. Next American flag squad of three All the girls are anxious to begin $inging 'Tm Dreaming of a White Now let's head on down the year's majorettes are: freshmen­ members: Elaine Lesick will be practice for football season. It's Christmas," we will all be singing halls of SHS and eavesdrop on a Mary Beth Lowdermilk, Dawn El·· Lhe Ameirican flag bearer, and the 0bvious that they possess one of "Raindrops Keep Falling On My few unsuspecting students . . . ias and Jody Southern; Sopho­ guards will be Dandy DiAntonio the several qualities necessary to Head." It seems as though people New craze - knee surgery -- ~ in mores - Denise Kekel and Jackie cind Sue Williams. The gun corps be a majovette or a color guard are a3king Santa for rowboats this 2 weeks . . . Gloria DeRoa.ds new Howery and Juniors - Melody will consist of :Lori Secrest, Heidi member. That quality - ambition. year in the place of sleds. sweetheart . . . Get the Spirits . . There has devc~oped a new and . It's almost second semester and fascinating breed of hlea:·her term paper time . Let's go Pep Club Continues bums born during the early suc­ Christmas Caroling . . . Santa's cess of our basketball team. These getting buzzed . . . boys keep alive the morale of both ... Did you make your deadline? ... S-A-T-U-R-D·A-Y Night'!! ... by Ann Flood To Cheer For Victory the fans and players and get an occasional glance from the police. Have you seen the good movie and Peggy Koenreich cheering se-c:tion at the games is We hope the roundballers get They do this by rocking the b'ea­ "Whiff" . . . here. wa~k like this Those super spirited girls of Pep from the clappers Pep Club made psyched by their decor1ated lock­ chers in time to the music, caus·· . . . Brownie, Brownie . . . guess Club continue to support t h e lo help cheer the Quakers on to eTs, much time and effort were ing all to waken up and some the curfew really works . . . Con­ Mighty Salem Quakers in all of \·ictory. Plans are being made for J1tit into them. A special thanks to to even get SEASICK (wait a min·· gratulation;;; new Majorettes tncl Color Guard . . Fly off . . . In lheir efforts. As ha~ been the trad­ I.he annual hall decorating contest lhese instigators of school spirit­ ute - Bleacher-sick???) ition, Pep Club sponsored the in Janua1ry. This contest always Pepettes, Reserve and Varsity An amazing but wonderful the past years corny people have dance honoring the Basketball seems to get up the spirit as the Cheerle1aders - Freshmen too, Re­ ehange of pace of the Salem fans always put we will see you ne.xt Sweethoa,rt and her court (con­ walls are seen plastered with f.erve and Varsity Pep Band, seems to be wrestling. Many fans year. Well, we ain't gonna put it gratulations Gloria). Another ac­ signs. Sooo to appear will be our Cheering section at the wrestling turned up to cheer, scream, and in this year ! ! ' tivity Pep Club has :Ione was to !.\/fighty Quaker mascot - Vic Lei­ matches, the "snake," and the even jump during the exciting Toadies! give suckers that said "lick 'em" ja. Assembling the costume wer.~ boy's "cheering" section at the to all the basketball players and Martha and Ann Flood and Sha r games. GOOD LUCK ROUND­ wrestlers. The extra loud clapping Fitch. Get ready to see our man BALLERS AND WRESTLERS. you may hear coming from the Sam at the next Pep Assembly. HEY, WE'RE NO. 1! Alternative For Study Hall Is Considered by Debbie Conser where they think they can ;;;it and talk with their friends, but end Last we12k the .Tournalfam clas­ up getting moved or getting their ses of S.H.S. were given the as­ card pulled. This just isn't fair to i.:ignment to write an editorial the students, because they should based on their opinions of either be given the right to use their an alternative for study hall, smok­ free period to talk with their ing in the restrooms, or a new friends who have their free period idea of suspension from school. These three ideas were discussed at the same time or to do some­ at a recent meeting between a thing else. That's why there committee of teachers and the should be an alternative. A lounge student council. My topic was the could be set up in room 124 where alternative for study hall. the s~udents could buy things to During the students study ha~I eat and talk with friends. This one is given an opportunity to at­ bad been done several years ago. tend the ~tudry hall or the library. When the weather is warm, a Teachers and some students com­ place could be set aside outdoors plain, because of the noise and for students to go to. Whether one carrying on in the study hall. As a wants to study or not it wou~d be result students go to the library enjoyable for everyone.

"KINGPIN," on side one, is a quick moving, easy-to-dance-to New Pep Bond Ploys ICARU·S tune. Side two is "FROM THE START," also a good song. Both songs are worth listening to, and are on the PARTHENON RE­ For Reserve Gomes - Mal~in' Music CORJ)ING label. -- As aewcomers on the scene thi.s In the Octcber issue of NOW by D·:>ug Gordon by Tod Raymond ing really adds to the power need­ magazine, Barry Walker reviewed year, the reserve pep band hasn't Again this year, the basketball "Wonderin' whRt you've been ed to drive the music of Icarus. Icarus a:long with Left End and had the time to de\'elop the range fans at S.H.S. arc boosting the doin'; et>u.ld I be th£: one that's The group has acquired a new East Wind. I"m glad to say Icarus of songs available to the older losin' . , . '?" Anyone who is a ··drummeT, Tom Syncck, who has came out on top. "For a band that team spirit with the help o.f some group. Some sophomore boys got .fan -QI Icarus. Salem's own local been doing a good job since Lee has been together for only eleven talented -musicians. Something's months, Icarus ha;;; strong tight- together near the end of football rock group, would recognize tho~e Campanelli has left. It has been been added. though. In addition to lines as those of their song reported, however, that Tom is ness," said Walker. · season and st.art.ed playing a few the :raditional eight for the v::ir­ "KINGPIN." planning to leave the group after Where does learns play? That's p€p songs. After a couple p;-ac­ Icarus is made up of four guys Christmas. not much of a problem for these siy games, a younger group now tices, they decided they might be with a hell o.f a lot of talent who If anyone has ever seen Icarus guys. Aside from playing in Sa­ performs for the reserves. good enough to play for the re­ enjoy doing what they do best - perform. most would agree that km, they a~so play in other cities Leading the varsity pep band are serve games. Two days before the makin' music. Dave Morgan. the they appeal to the people because like East Liwrpool at Lake Mar·· the .. veteran" cornets. Andy first game, two new members they play. the kinds of music the win, and even in other surround­ weTe added and Mr. Jeckavitch lead singer, is excellent on the Schull0r, Bill Bentley, Jon Whin­ guitar as well as being a vocalist. people want to hear. Slow or fast, ing states such as West Virginia gave his approval to p~ay for the nery, and Steve Barrett are all If anybody is wondering who the soft or loud r- Icarus will play it. and Pennsylvania. As for Salem, games. Memters are: cornets, guy is that keeps playing the key­ Their songs range from their Icarus took part in a concert al­ playing for at lea~t the-ir second Doug Gordon, Larry Smith, Kevin boards ;;;o well, it's S'alem High's own such as ·'KINGPIN," "FROM ong with King Cobra and B!ggy year. The "rookies" include :Phil Ward, and Rick Ciminelli; bari­ own Greg Smith. Greg also dou­ THE START,"' "FREEDOM FLY· Rat at the Memorial Building on Campanelli, tuba; Gary Walke;:-. tone, Scott S'nyder; Trornbcne, bles on the guitar and sings great. ER," and "COMPOSER" to songs December 6. trombone; John McQuilkin, bari­ Kevin Guchemand; tuba, Dave Dave and Gveg have good harm­ by popular groups like "TUSH" by So there you have it. Icarus-not tone; and George :E:quizi, drums. Snyder; and drnms, Scott Sorge. onizing ability, which is some­ Z. Z. TOP and "JULY MORN· the myth, the rock group. They These eight have practiced many Their playing time this year will thing not too many local groups JNG" by URIAH HEEP to name play local now, but if the 'right hours to play for the football and provide good experience for next have. The song "FREEDOM FLy.. a couple. Pe

I.\•& (DO\,.O M~E. ~f.O~ \,.\\<.!. ~E. ••• • • .. . • ·~·­~ .,,,..,- ~GE 4 THE SALEM QUAKER FRI., DEC. 19, 1975 ASSAM SEES IT BASKETBALL TEAM LOOKS IMPRESSIVE by Benjy Francisco the Salem High gym in som€' time. handed previously unbeaten the Quakers by a 57-56 margin, the Quakers beat the Ravenna D. Sweet Stapleton led all scores with 25, Youngstown South its first loss by snapping Salem's 17-game home Ravens 70-61 in the sixth game Salem's basketball team is off but the propelling force came a score of 66-56. In this game, Tim winning streak. Mr. Hardman of the season. Ravenna came to a good start as they have cap· from Randy Fortney who netted Cope gave another fine perform­ said, "This was a very hard game Salem trying to repay back the red a 6-1 record thus far in the 13 points in the final period and ance by scoring 22 points and to lose. After both teams had loss from last year, but the Salem ason. With a little over a third finished the game with 23. grabbing 15 ll'e'bounds. Senior fought so hard, it was a shame squad was determined to win this the season over, the Quakers The third win of the Quake'l's guard Rick Uptegraph turned in any team had to lose." After the game. Mike Stapleton led the Qua­ ad into a busy Christmas vaca- came from the Struthers Wildcats a fine performance also by show­ game, the Salem fans just stood kers with 26 points while Dion 1n with arch rivals West Branch at their home court. This victory ing a lot of hustle and scoring 10 bewildered, not believing what had Treleven scored lL Randy Fortney . the agenda. came as a result of a brilliant in­ ponits. Mike Stapleton 16 points. Just happened. Tim Cope led the and Tim Cope chipped in with 10 Salem captured their first win dividual effort by Mike Stapleton, Coach Hardman said that this was Quakers with 24 points and 17 apiece, and sophomore Tim Bai­ er Chaney with a score of 77-54. who scored 36 points while lead­ definitely the best team p€'rform• rebou:1ds, with Mike Stapleton and ley got into double figures for the on Treleven led both teams with ing the Quake·rs to the victory by ance up to that point. Randy Fortney scoring 14 points first time as a varsity player. points, with Randy Fortney, a score of 68-!17. "I didn't think we In the fifth game of the season. and 8 points respectively. On Tuesday Salem defeated m Cope, and Mike Stapleton rebounded that well," said Coach Canton Timken just squeezed b~ Salem came out victorious as Mooney 51-41 for its 6th win. >0 sccring in double figure's. Hardman. "But anytime you can :tpleton also led the QuakeTs in win on the road by 11 points, T bounding with 16. think it's a pretty good effort." [n the second game, Salem Cope propelled the Quakers in the ade Youngstown North its vic­ fourth quarter by adding 10 points Wrestlers Have Rugged Schedule n by a score of 77-57, in one of and finished with 14. ~ most physical battles seen at On Homecoming Night, Salem by Mark Batcha Brad Smith was pinned at the IS:j bout 9-4. Emil Kataro won ~ Wrestling season has finally roll­ pound unit in 1: 23. At the heavy­ match 12-4. Don Miller ::;kunk€'d ed around, but the Quaker grap­ weight class Butch Zeppernick his opponent 16-1 at 145 lbs. ,Tohn plers aire off to a slow start. After registered a pin in 2: 57 for the Ross was decisionetl 4-0. Greg Sis­ Girls' Basketball over a month of pre-season con­ QuakETS. ler lost 7-0 at 167 pounds. Mike ditioning and scrimmages against In the reserve match Kevin Fehr Riffee narrowly lost 7-6 at 175. Ursuline, Louisville, Canton South clecisione!d his man at 119 lbs. in Brad Smith registered a pin for Practice Starts Soon and Canton Lehman High schools an exhibition match. Dave Sabi­ lhe Quakers pinning his opponent by Bob Fisher This year the girls will be play­ wrestling teams, the Salem mat·· tino pinned his opponent at the 145 in 2: 59 at 185 pound class. Butch Last Monday, Dec. 15, girls bas­ ing the game of basketball exactly m€'n opened their season against pound class. Frank Batcha pinned Zeppernick tied his foe 3-3 at tball practice officially started the way the boys play it. The of­ Ravenna High School on Saturday his rival at the i75 pound division heavyweight. i t h twenty-two young ladies ficials will be calling the games December 6. s·alem lost the match to round out the only victories in Salem's Reserves lost 48-5, with mpeting for a spot on this year's more strictly. They will be calling 42-14. At the 98 pOIUild weight class the reserve match for Salem. the only points coming on a deci­ tm. Because of such a gooid three seconds, more traveling vio­ for Salem Jessy Christy was pin­ The Salem High Grapplers took sion by Mark Watterson at 167 rn-out Miss Stevens, and Mrs. lations, and just have all around ned in 2 minutes, 56 seconds. At pounds. and a tie by Frank Batcha 1posito, the coaches, will have stricter officiating, so our two 105, Bob Risbeck tied Paul Smith at 185. hold a cut throughout next young coa.ches really have their of Ravenna 10-10. In the 112 cate­ BULLETIN Salem hosted Beaver Local Tues­ ~ek to limit the team to fifeen. wock cut out for them this season. gory, Dave Drakulich lost a 10-0 Wrestlers Defeated day, Dec. 16 and defeated them for ·actice sessions will be held Also this year the girls will be decision. In the 120 pound slot, Beaver Local - 32-21 the first victory. Canton McKinley roughout the Christmas VHca- going to tournaments at Hubbard Rick Eakin drQPped a 6-0 decision. invades us on Dec. 18. On Dec. 27, 1n, Lhe Qu~kcr~ invr..dC' Al!iance. On Retmning girl letter winners for regular season ball. the 132 pound class John Plegge on arch-rival West Branch last JEtnuary 3 the Quakers go to the ~ 75-76 season will be: Seniors. The girls will have two scrim­ was beat 5-2. At the 138 lb. divis­ Saturday, December 13, and

All Your Pharmaceutical Bond Buys New Uniforms August of each year. Donations by Audrey Cleveland iug to raise money for uniforms from several civic organizations Needs At Membe•rs of the band, color for some time, made $3,580 dol­ and groups in Salem have also guard, and majorettes were ma­ lars on December first when the helped to boost the money up to sured, weighed, and fitted Mon­ Salem Burger Chef donated all its its goal. day for the new uniforms which The Action Bank 281 K 2nd Street sales for that day to the band. The band would like to thank are to arrive in spring to replace Some $30,00 is needed to pur­ all those who ate at th€' Burger Member F.D.I.C. 337-8727 the 10-year-old, threadbare uni­ chase the uniforms. Besides the Chef December first. Your help forms. the members are now wear­ money made at the Burger Chef, put the band one step closer to Phone 337-3411 Free Parking Free Delivery ing. the band is using the monies of receiving new uniforms for the The band. which has been try- its annual Tag Days held in late 1976 year.