OPEN The Lakehouse ALL YEAR! Inn Winery Visit us for your next Vacation or Get-Away! RIB, STEAK, & CHICKEN DINNERS Four Rooms Complete with Private EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY Hot Tubs & Outdoor Patios 5 - 9PM Call for Reservations Three Rooms at $80 One Suite at $120 JOIN US FOR LIVE ENTERTAINMENT ALL Live Entertainment WEEKEND! Fridays & Saturdays! Appetizers & Full Entree Menu See Back Cover See Back Cover For Full Info For Full Info 4573 Rt. 307 East Harpersfi eld, Ohio 440.415.0661 2 • (440) 415-0999 June 23 - July 7, 2010 We would like to thank all of our sponsors and encourage our readers to patronize the fi ne businesses appearing in the North Coast VOICE. Publisher Rockin’ Punderson Music & Art Festival Township Park (Route 531 in Conneaut) looks “No Sanity Clause: The Crazy Comedy of the Carol Stouder July 10, 2010 10 am until 10 pm (art until like Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, the Marx Bros.” The seven movies are Groucho, 5 pm) Newbury Kiwanis Club in conjunction site was chosen to provide the most educa- Chico, and Harpo’s greatest fi lms—and thus Editor with University Hospitals Geauga present an tional World War II reenactment possible. The some of the funniest comedies ever made—and Sage Satori all day Music and Art Festival at the Ski Hill use of artillery, fl ame throwers and machine include such celebrated and surreal classics Advertising & Marketing at Punderson State Park. Featured musicians guns brings one back to June 6, 1944 as Al- as HORSE FEATHERS, DUCK SOUP, and A
[email protected] are: 10 am Brian Henke, 12:30 Lo-Watt lied Forces fi rst started their counter-attack NIGHT AT THE OPERA.