

North Carolina State University's Student Newspaper Since 1920 Volume LVlI, Number 27 Monday, November 1, 1976

' WKNC to air election results byGregRogers University in Boone. reporter from the student newspaper at cent for national races and 60 per cent for News Editor ' SAM TAYLOR, assistant news director UNC-G hasagreedtocoverelection results state-wide races. Races of primary at WKNC. told the Sunday from the Jimmy Carter headquarters in importance to the network would be the WKNC-FM. along with four other approximately six reporters will be sent to Atlanta. Ga. presidential. guberantorial. lieutenant student-operated radio stations. will pro- the Democratic headquarters at the Hilton Several political scientists from UNC-G gubernatorial. labor commissioner. super- vide coverage of national. state-wide and Inn. two to three reporters to Republican have offered their assistancw in interpret- intendent, of public instruction. state local elections Tuesday night. gubernatorial candidate David Flaherty's ing the election results. and Taylor said auditor' and state treasurer. . Approximately 30 students from parti—. headquarters at the Sheraton Inn at “hopefully this will help us to make some “We'redefintely going to concentrate on cipatingradio stations. which have banded Crabtree Valley. and six reporters to the predictions ourselves." getting results which have importance to together to form the remaining Republican candidates' head- OFTHE so students participating in the North Carolina as a whole." Taylor said. University Radio Network (URNET). will quarters at the Royal Villa. election night coverage. Taylor said 15 HE ALSO SAID between election provide election coverage beginning at He said the remaining staff members would be involved from WKNC. broadcasts, the classical show from 7 pm. 6:30 pm. and concluding at 3 a.m. would be sent' to the various party Programs willbe aired every 30 minutes to 9 pm. and the progressive show from 9 Wednesday. headquarters as stories broke or would be at 6:53 p.m.. Taylor said. and would last pm. to 3 cm. would continue. Participating stations include WSHA. involved in production work. seven minutes long. He said 15 minute Theideaof URNET came into being just in Raleigh; WUAG. Two stringers, continued Taylor. have wrap-upswould beairedat 11 pm. and at 3 prior to the March Presidential primary Univeristy of North Carolina at Greens- agreed to provide coverage for the .m. this past year. with its objective being to boro; WECU. East Carolina University in network at the President Ford Headquar- Taylor said time allotments for the provide high quality programming on the DC. Taylor also said a elections would be approximately 40 per election to those stations that did not Greenville; andWASU. Appalachian State ters in Washington. have the resources to provide such programming. Taylor said over the summer. the network received three grants from Raleigh companies to fund a special Politics program entitled “Profile '76" that WL‘ broadcast. Thus. the idea to cover the election results stemmed from these Campus organizations working for Nov. 2 win efforts. Total costs ofthe election programming. a i” byLynneGriffin about 60 membgrs. have been active on Members were actively involved in the which includes costs for an audio-loop and PaulTaw News Editor campus in promoting their ,party. ac- JackFordvisittoMeredith Collegeand the two private audio lines to the Democratic cording to Pat Mulkie. chairman of the Elizabeth Dole visittoPeace College. They and Republican headquarters. is 8600. Elton Who? Campus political organizations have club. worked with publicity. security and have Taylor said several businesses in Raleigh been striving this semester to make THEY DISTRIBUTED absentee ballot also volunteered for work at the Ford and Greensboro. plus money from indi- A surprise visit by a student masquerading as performer Elton John caused quite a bit of students aware of the election. the issues cards, paid for by the College Federation. Headquarters. ‘ vidual newsbudgetsfromtheparticipating commotion lastThursdayeftemoon. Girls were screaming in delight and even the secretary and their candidates. to those students planning on voting for They were able to conduct a rally with stations. should cover the costs of the in the Program: Office in the Student Center managed to obtain the lmposter's autograph, Currently. Statehassix organizations or Republican candidates. the local Republicancandidates which they broadcast. only to throw it to the floor in disgust when she reeliied it was a fake. groups working for particular candidates They also conducted a door-to-door felt was successfulinthattheywereable to and parties. These include the College campus survey at the beginning of the learn a great deal from the candidates Republicans, The McCarthy '76 group. semesterwiththeresultsbeing20 per cent participating. Students for Carter and Hunt. the Young undecided. 37 per cent for Ford and 43 per MULKIEALSO being campus coordi- |.iz praises husband, GOP Democrats. The Young Libertarians and cent for Carter. Mulkie said. however. that nator for Ford and a research assistant for the Young Socialist Alliance. he now felt Ford is ahead among student Jerry Blackwelder who is the state's The College Republicans, working with voters. See “Campus, "page two byCharles Lssitter possible question of a conflict of interest. career. she took time to discuss her views Staff Writer So first of all I checked the legal side of it. of the president. Dole said Ford had and indeedthere's no problem working full emphasized the role of women in govern- Elizabeth Hanford Dole. wife of Repub- time with the commission. and working on ment. She said she thought Ford had the Hussaihi calls for Middle EaSt peace lican Vice-preside 'al Candidate Robert the campaign nights and weekends." said capabilities of a true leader. and also said Dole. spoke t enthusiastic crowd of Dole. Ford was an open. candid and honest approximately 300 people Friday at Peace She also added. “Since I wanted to make president. settlement in Arab Club speech College. r-\i/‘ " x sure there was no conflict of interest. I Dole commented on Ford's contribution The predominantly female crowd came decided on a leave of absence." to increasing the role of women in by Helen Tart dominated audience numbering over 150 Palstinian grievances beginning with the to its feet on a number of occasions to give points of the speech government. "Ford has brought more native supportive standing One of the major women into high level policy-making Staff Writer here Thursday as the guest of State's British occupation of Palestine. the Salisbury was the role women play in government positions than we've ever had in the Arab Club. , . Resontlnned by saying the Israelis ovations. today. Doleexplained she and her husband history of our country. I think you can Hatem Ishaq Hussaini. assistant direc— Stressing that “military occupation is have treated and are still treating Dole'sspeech covered avarietyoftopics. had similar views on the subject. expect more women to be coming into tor of the Arab Information Center in one of the worst human relationships." Palestinian Arabs as “truly third or fourth from her own career to her husband's. to “Bob and I both believe very strongly Washington. D.C.. addressed an Arab- Husssini veas .... ofthéhisto of class citizens." stands on national defense and what she these important positions ofpolicy-making IN A CALL to the American people, he saw as the role of women in politics today. that a woman should develop her own within our federal government." assorted. “We want to appeal to the SHE SPOKE ABOUT her close ties to sense of identity. and that she should have After finishing her speech. Dole pro- American people who have worked for her native state of North Carolina. “I'm every opportunity to choose what she ceeded to the reception in the Main civil rights. human rights. Those that delighted to be back in North Carolina this wants to do. That's the key to the whole Building where she was given a very warm opposed the war in Vietnam. so give arms morning. This is my stomping ground; I'm thing —— choice." welcome by her admirers and supporters to Israel. Are the bombs kinder in the back homenow. I was born and brought up AFTER DISCUSSING her life and her of Peace College. Middle East? . in Salisbury and I went to school at Duke. “Arabs. Palestinians. and I'm sure My family is still all at Salisbury. and I Israelis. too. want peace." Husseini said. don't mind telling you I really do feel at Technician receives ’All America’ inaplea for peace. “Our dreamisa secqu home here this morning.” democraticland." he asserted. speaking of Dole said her husband had given her a Palestine. “Let the Palestinianscome back great deal of support concerning her rating for 14th consecutive semester and let the Israelis remain." career. She said that she had never been In an attempt to give 'a better discouraged from pursuing herown career. Marking its 14th consecutive se- semi-annual competition. Fewer than understanding of the Palestinians. "I'd haveto say Bob Dole is certainly the mester of superiority among college 10 per cent of all entries achieve “All Hussaini read and explained some greatest supporterofmy career. and at the newspapers. the Technician has been American" status. the highest possi- Palestinian poetry. time that we were married. he encouraged named a recipient of the Associated ble rating. “Poetry is very important to the me to continue with my career and not to Collegiate Press' “All—America" rating Judging of papers is divided into Palestinian." he explained. “He has no give it up." she commented. for the spring 1976 semester. five major categories. with an aggre- home. no one he can complain to. He The Deputy Director of the Federal The ACP. a division of the gate possible perfect point total of expresses his grievances through poetry." Trade Commission must deal with big University of Minnesota school of 4.500. The spring ’76 Technician rated WHILE ANSWERING questions after business every day. This is Dole's position journalism. is the oldest. largest and 4,330 points. V the lecture, Husseini expressed dis- in the government. and she explained that most respected critical service for In summary comments. ACP judges appointment that there was no one at the she wanted no conflict of interest in her college newspapers in the country. said "...the Technician is a highly , lecture to argue the Israeli view. job. and the job that Senator Robert Dole The service evaluates hundreds of professional package...you have NuanlshsqsddhnslsuefiWWPwtounhdmdflim. On a last note; he stated. "Peace will- might have. papers from across the nation in its something for everyone." ; during an address to the Arab Club last Thursday night. come. Peace is in our hearts." “I WASANXIOUSthattherenot be any

On The Brickyard

Green draws large following in |t.governor’s race would vote for Jim Hunt in the open classroom. and he's not learning from Tommy Wells of Raleigh. The senior byJanJackson involvingthe wholeelection and the lack of Sophomore Steve Neal has already anything." explained Rhodes. “In high commented. "Idon't know who I’ll vote for. Staff Writer clarity about the issues. voted for Jimmy Green by absentee ballot. gubernatorial race. She said. ”I've worked but I won’t vote for Jimmy Green. I don't GENE IRONS. a Textile Chemistry Neal reasoned. “Mainly. he was a with Jim Hunt and I think he's done a good ~ school it's okay." think he's qualified." Wells didn't feel Candidatesforthe lieutenant governor’s major from Chapel Hill, classified himself Democrat. I voted a straight Democratic job with the legislature. I don't know any i 0fabortion. Rhodes said that the woman Green would provide enough leadership office. Bill Hiatt. as far as State students as “not committed" in the lieutenant ticket." of the other candidates." should be able to make the decision. and are concerned. is having very serious gubernatorial race. - THE TEXTILE Technology major from Green backer. Kathy Rhodes said about she agreed with President Gerald Ford's identification problems. None of the Theseniorstatedthst he may not vote in Kernersville added. "There are no Repub- Green. "He's the best man for the job." amendment proposal. students interviewed were aware that he lican candidates in our country. but mainly ADDEDTHEAPEX native. “I've heard Another freshman. Raleigh native it's just choosing the lesser of two evils.” of him. but I‘ve omly lived here five was the Republican candidate. know him that Kathy Fisher has planned to vote for Someofthose polled were also unaware Carol Woodard from Fayetteville never months. so I don't really Green. She explained. "He's the only one Democratic got around to registering to vote. She well." that Jimmy Green was the added. “To tell the truth. I don't know Rhodes. a freshman in Biology. listed I've heard about." who's running." two issues of great concern to her: The botany senior is interested in equal education and abortion. Rhodes disap- insurance rates for different age groups proved of open classrooms for young and says ifshe were voting in any race she children. “Mybrother. who'sseven. is in an 5.?

Kathy Rhodes serrations for the Senate. Wells. an Environmental Design and the lieutenant gubernatorial race at all. He Architecture major. emphasized. “I don't explained. “I was going to vote for Howard think he has done a good job as Speaker of Wsls Lee. but inadequate choices for lieutenant the House. Ithinkhe fumbled around andis Tommy governor made me changegmy mind. Steve Neal not the leader he is made out to be." candidate; nonetheless. Green was the “I'm so turned off by the whole thing." THE PRE-MEDmajor said an important He is alsoopposedtonuclearreactors for choice of halfof the people either because Irons added. issue to her is liquor-by-thedrink; I'm energy “asthey are now" and agreed with I he is a Democrat or because his name is He felt the most important issue of the opposed to drinking." Jimmy Carter's plan to pardon draft more ' 'ar. entire election was the economy. and he against it. I'm resisters. l Generally. there was great discontent pondered. “Is it hopeless? I don't know." Green's only strong opposition came Two / Technician November 1 1976

Soil Judging team wins first place byEddieJames science. explained the scoring and judging hadnotbeenheldinthe state. butitdid finals in Clemson will help us. but I think Staff Writer in the contest. give the team an advantage. The same we could win anywhere.” commented “Each judge has an official placement situtation has unfolded for the soil team Kleiss. “In the past we have gone to Texas State's SoilJudgingteamwon first place sheet and the contestants are graded this year. Having the regionals in Clemson and Illinois. There will be teams repre- honors in the Southeastemwxg’mnal according to the required objectives." said undoubtedly gave the team the advantage senting all regions this spring. Having the Collegiate Soils Judging con old at Kleiss. There are four pits to observe and of working in familiar surroundings. An contest in Clemson will help. though. The Clemson University recently. the individual is given 40 minutes at each even biggeradvantagewill resultwhenthe soilismuchlikethat wepracticeon andit is This was a meaningful honor for State. pit. The judges. of course. know what the finals are held this spring. also at Clemson. kind of like having a home field traditionally an agricultural school. parent material. texture and so on is. and “There is no question that holding the advantage." Twelve teams from universities through- they grade each contestant on the out the Southeast competed with a total of correctness of his evaluation." 58individuals.Seeondplacewenttothe AS WITH ANY team. experience is University to conduct University of Kentucky. and the Univer- desired. but not necessary. This year’s Soil sity of Georgia took third. Judging team has only one experienced member. Alton Robertson. Kleiss is not Soiljudging is basically an evaluation of worried. however,‘ by the team's lack of coal research project the soil. The participant must examine a experience. soil profile six-feet deep. There are four by Teresa Damiano “The trouble with the process now is pita which each student must observe and “Most participants have had the basic Staff Writer that coal has just a little bit of everything record his findings. background training." said Kleiss. “They in it. including mercury and arsenic." said have all had courses in soil profile. etc Dr. James K. Ferrell. head of the Ferrell. INADDITION to evaluatingthe profile. Their background includes learning the Department of Chemical Engineering. has FERBELL SAID someof the pollutants eachindividualmustexaminetheaoilfor nomenclature and how to describe and been selected to conduct a 81.3 million. resulting from large-scale coal gasification texture. color. physical properties and estimate the soil. Evaluation of the soil is five year research project under the might be cancer-causing and therefore record watermovement. what it is all about. sponsorship of the Environmental Protec- would require extra care. The water inn-offIs observed as in the “In the classroom we study the soil, and tion Agency to help assure the environ- To determine ways to avoid the permeability of the soil. The run-off is then we practice what we have learned in mental soundness of coai gasification. discharge of unwanted pollutants to the related to the soil slope and the amount of the field.” explained the coach ofthe team. Coal gasification is a process for turning environment, the EPA is sponsoring the Thedlfterenteoloraliningthetreesmakefaloneofthem‘beautlhilaeaaonsofthayear. erosion is observed with the run-off. The State basketball team would dirty coal into a clean gaseous substance research team to avoid the problem before Yet, when the leaves fall, it brings on a job that's not e so beautiful Joe Kleiss. assistant professor of soil probably have Won in '74 even ifthe finals which canfibe used as an energy source. it occurs. The coal gasification process is not presently being used commercially in the . but Ferrell believes the Campus groups working for election day wins process will be a necessity for the country andsaiditisexpectedto becommercially feasible in this century. ACCORDING TO Brigid Hagarty. "The they helped distribute the absentee ballot tarian candidate came in third. thereby from page one THEY ALSO helped distribute cards. "Commercial coal gasification is some Continued signifigance of McCarthy’s campaign is sponsored by the N.C. Student Legis cards sponsored by NCSL. according to winning over the other third party years off.” he said. “but some believe it is that he is pointing out the unfairness ofthe lature. enabling students to receive Kevin Beasley. president of State‘s club. candidates. inevitable in meeting our energy needs." publicity chairman for Ford. was able to two-party system. I think he is striking a applications for absentee balloting. In They helped the Students for Carter and HE EXPLAINED that with only about get more information on the candidates note in EPA‘S CONCERN and research team's enablingthem to distribute more material. liberal-minded voters." addition to this distribution. they made up Hunt campaign in the various nearby seven or eight active members. their job is to refine the coal gasification She felt the people likely to vote for a flyer including information about the towns and are going today to cover campaign on campus was not able to be process so it will be environmentally He commented on the outcome of McCarthy would be those sympathetic to various methods of voting absentee which precinct 23. the precinct in which State is strong. buttheyareworkingto strengthen sound for commercial use on a wide scale. student voting. “I think about 60 per cent women’s rights and social problems. as they distributed along with the absentee located. it. According to Scoggin, by next election “This is basically an environmental ofthe student body will vote in the election Beasley agreed the race would be close timethe studentswill bemoreaware ofthe research project," said Ferrell. “I think a and out of this 60 per cent, I expect about well as those opposed to the two-party ballot cards. 35 per cent will vote for Ford. system. She estimated McCarthy would Several members of the organization betWeen Ford and Carter. but he also Libertarian party. good feature of this project is that we are receive about five per cent of the will also be working Tuesday by driving commented. “A lot of people feel that He predictedthatabout 10to 15 per cent attempting to solve a potential problem McCarthy '76 backers no longer have an nationwide vote and said she could not people to the polls making iteasier for NorthCarolina will give Carter the largest of the voting students would vote before it occurs instead of waiting until organization as such on campus. but they conjecture as to how much support he them to vote. percentage of votes next to Georgia. but I Libertarian. after the fact." do have three or four full-time workers on wouldreceive fromthestudent population. Davis commented on how she felt the just don't think that is going to happen. The Young Socialist Alliance has been Ferrell said to be “commercially attrac- campus for McCarthy. They began the Students for Carter and Hunt. working students would vote. “I've notarized “AS FAR as the campuses are con- mainly spreading the socialist beliefs tive." a coal gasification plant would burn semester with an organization headed by with about 25 active members. have been several ballots and talked with many cerned. a recent survey showed an through distributionofliteratureand word about 15.000 tons of coal a day to Erik Strangeways. but Strangeways left students. and I think the majority of the increasein conservatives and adecrease in of mouth. according to Jim Rogers. economically worthwhile. school to work full-time for McCarthy. actively promoting these two candidates “When you talk about 16,000 tons per primarily through distributing printed students are voting for Ford." She did. liberals. and I think the conservatives will ‘treasurer of the organization. day. even trace quantities add up." he Now. students like Brigid Hagarty, an information concerningthe candidates and however. feel that Carter would win the be voting for Ford giving him a lead." he “We initiated the debate held here on elector for McCarthy; her husband. explained. campus recently. and we have set up said.- Edward Hagarty; and Tim Katterman through publicizing them by word of election. FERRELL and a team of other State have been actively involvedIn gathering mouth. according to Linda Davis. presi- She estimated that 40 per cent of the Don Scoggin. chairman of the Young literature tables around campus." he faculty members will work on a pilot coal support among the student body for dent of the organization. voting portion of the student body would Libertarians. said their largest efforts had commented. He also explained that they gasification plant, being built under EPA McCarthhy vote for Carter and00 percent would vote goneinto distributing-information through tried to talk with people about dicialism. sponsorship in the basement of Riddick The group has set up tables in the old for Ford. their literature tables from which he said AS FAR as student support for their Engineering Laboratories. The pilot plant. They have on-campus distribution areas Student Union and the Student Center WITH APPROXIIA'IELY 25 active they had an excellent response. presidential candidate is concerned. for literature on McCarthy. and they Rogersstated. “Ourcandidatein noton the to be completed in one year. will be 30 feet worked at the Volunteer Services Flea with literature on all the Democratic members.the YoungDemocratshave been “Our campaign on campus has primarily in width and length and three or four Market by giving out buttons. bumper- candidates. They have distributed leaflets working towards promoting and publici- been a low key effort. It's awfully hard to ballot in North Carolina. but if he were. I stories tall. .. stickers and literature. They also held a ‘ ofinformation at various shopping centers zing the Democratic candidates at the get people to vote for third party would estimate that approximately 10 per Ferrell said the pilot plant will burn fund-raising wine and cheese party for and Saturday they took a group of 12 local. state. and national level. candidates when they know they won't centofthe voting student body would vote about 50 pounds of coal an hour and students at the beginning of the semester. students to Asheboro, Cary. Pittsboro. The group helped establish clubs at win." he commented. for him. therefore the quantity of pollutants given andthey distributedliteratureat the State Sanford and Siler City campaigning for Peace Methodist College in He did state. however, that on WKNC's He also commented. “There are a lot of off will not be dangerous and will be easy their candidates. Fayetteville and Fayetteville State. and Presidential Preference Poll. the Liber- closet socialists around now." v to dispose.of. .. 2‘,» Wu." . TEAC aan¢aloallll UUIVBCU HOSE

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New Commander Cody Band

A sellout at the Pier Last Wednesday night the band. and they would not have Nicollette Larson soloed 0n Cody then led the tight and began playing with his feet! New Commander Cody Band been as appreciative of Sutro's Cody's “Seeds and Stems." Her musically proficient band into Excitement prevailed as the played to sold out houses at the talent. sweet, soft voice was remini- Cody's biggest hit “Hot Rod band retreated to the dressing Pier. The Pier was packed for After the two preliminary scent of Emmylou Harris. The Lincoln." room. two reasons. First, The Com- songs.- Cody came on like a lonesome wailing of Bobby Cries for more would not be mander himself is a renown raverfiing bear looking for meat. Black’s pedal steel guitar pro He introduced the song by lessened until an encore was musician and entertainer. Se- The ‘audience loved it and vided on illusion of heart strings saying. "My pappy said. “You're produced. Because of the condly. his backing band. Sutro. responded in kind. breaking during the country a wanton—depraved-alcoholic- crowd's intense maniacal be- is musically tight and a perfect The band broke into "It blues number. teenaged~commie-buttfucker if havior, the band returned to complementfo Cody. Sutro has Should Have Been Me" with The whole band got its share you don‘t stop driving that Hot sing an appropriate song. been to r for four years. Cody doing the vocals. It was of the spotlight. Rhythm guitar Rod Lincolnl'" ”There's a Riot Goin' On." The' evening's reportoire good. but better things were in player. Micheal Roy Clark. sang The audience went berserk! The band closed with a Bobby was pre nted in a high energ the offing. and led on his own song, “Stuck Cody had them in the palm ofhis Darin hit “Splish Splash." The fashio . Nick Fink, Cody’s Cody led into his “Western out on the Highway." It too was hand, and he knew it. Cody band was operating with maxi- sound engineer, worked fever- Wing" with “Not Smoking a slow country blues type, yet adanced and sang. His vibrant mim effort and was sustained by ishly to get the sound right. The Cigarettes". His female vocal- the middle of the song included personality flew into the aud- the rabid crowd. second show had a studio ists, Chara Penny and Nicolette two minutes of high octave ience. and they loved it. Cody's distinction seems to quality sound. A rare feat at a Larson. supported well and rock'n roll. stem from his throaty vocals. live show. presented an impish appear- It was Cody's turn out in front After “Hot Rod Lincoln," his songs. and his talented band. Sutro did a couple of instu- ance. again. The band launched into Cody would not let up. While the Yet the key to his success has to mentals before Cody came out. The band began “All for the Cody's famous western swing people were still on their feet. be his vibrant personality and That was good strategy on Love of Rock'n Roll”. Darius and rock'n roll revue. Cody and the band exploded personal enthusiasm. The New Cody's part. This action gave Javaher played a good lead Cody's throaty vocals have into “Lost in the Ozone Again." Commander Cody Band likes to the audience a chance to hear guitar and sang the song well, gotten even gruffer. His “Tall The super country rocker could play, and it shows. the band alone and to exper- too. Cool Lonestar" went over well. hardly be heard above the din. The motifsofhis songs are the ience Sutro's own musical abil- The New Commander Cody Cody’s personal animation and The New Commander Cody salt of the earth: drinking. sex. ity. Band began playing rock'n roll. the band's enthusiasm made Band was made in Raleigh. good music. and FUN. The Cody is on a new course. He Co'dy was in the background but each number a winner. Cody traversed the stage and Commander Cody Band creates no longer uses the Lost Planet . played his piano with enviable “Rock'n Roll Widow" was as got behind his grand piano. He a good time and thenJiands it to Airmen. He was trying to get finesse. “Rock that Boogie" was solid as any song presented that played the boogie-woogie great the audience. Maintaining this the new band over the top and done well. Cisco Crispen's sax night. Fred Myers drumming “Beat Me Daddy-Eight to the musical life style will jnsure accepted. His immediate pre- and R. B. Greer's bass added a folded in well and gave solid Bar." As if his enviable piano them an illustrious future. sence would have diverted the flowingdimensiontothe rocker. direction to Clark's and Java- talent was not enough, Cody crowd's attention from the . Things slowed down when her’s impressive guitar work. climbed atop his piano and Bill Triplett The New m pim to seldom houses. ****************************************.***************************************************v*******************,***

Nugent excites crowd Last Friday night a Greens- were replaced by Montrose. formed everyone that he was a boro Coliseum. Montrosecorrected the mistake Detroit native and that his turned the audience into a of having a no talent group like guitat was a Detroit product wasteland with an extremely Rex by playing an exceptionally “guaranteed toblow the ballsoff good hardrock performance. good set. They boosted the a charging rhino at sixty feet." Nugent. with all of his jumping listeners’ enthusiasm greatly. When Ted finished up. the around and blood curdling showing their fine talent at the people went berserk and de- screaming, gave ashow thatwill same time. Their show was manded an encore, which he be remembered for a long time. greatly enhanced by the addi- gladly gave. One of the songs tion of a light show midway played for the encore was The masterful guitar playing through their gig. Montrose. “Motor City Madhouse". and as of Ted was unbelievable in that who played for forty-five min- usual. it was fantastic. it put all seven albums of his to utes with one encore. is a band Ted Nugent consisted of Ted shame, which is a pretty worth paying money to see on lead guitar and vocals. difficult feat to manage. This again ifthe occasion ever arises. Derick St. Holmes on rhythm was the third time in a year that The audience seemed to go guitar and vocals, this blood sucking savage of insane when Ted Nugent ap- on bass, and on rock music played at Greens- peared and started up with drums. Each and every musi- . horoandit was quiteaunely his "Stranglehofl‘fihfii‘.’ m ‘cia‘n’was superb in their one best of the three. the Doctor Ordered.” Allduring hour and twenty-five minute V Ted Nugent Debbie Altomere The night started outon a bad the concert. Ted kept scream set. Anyone who missed this note with some rednecks tos- ing and jumping up on the concert really missed “the best sing firecrackers into the drummer’s platform. MidWay guitar player on the planet." crowds. Luckily noone was hurt through the concert, Ted in- in the audience ofaround nine or Randy Roscoe The perfect gift ten thousand. The first group to play was an amateurish teeny— 3&6 TRAVEL CLUB/OTC CHARTER for the one you love. ESCAPE To PARADISE lSLAND bopper band called Rex. They January 36,1977,$295.00 per person, 4 days, nights, double occupancy. were mildly accepted by the Depart from WinstonSalem,N.C,on 737 Jet For further crowd. information and brochure call: After p.m (919)7683644 or 7258497 or A perfect Keepsake diamond says it all, reflecting Aftera thirty minute set. Rex write to PO. Box 112‘s. Winston-Salem.N.C. your love in its brilliance and beauty. And you can exited and shortly thereafter choose with confidence because the Keepsake guar— antee assures perfect clarity, fine white color and precise modern cut. There is no finer diamond ring.

Ted Nugent performed at Greensboro Coleeurn Friday night. Debbie Altomare

8W 57m5% ”4 ”IN-4414M [752% 7rsz Latest News In Speakers __MW' 215 9‘02. ¢ "HIGH POLYMER (War/£01- 7% ma Ice. MOLECULAR FILM" fiwmflaz(’Lfijm’xézmam GDPIONEER MIME/amend HPM-4O 3-“ AY 3-I)Rl\ ER SPEAKERS 754ml do Atotally unique concept. The super sum mgaflflgam tweetersarecurved membranesof High Polymer Molecular Film. Notcones. Not domes. Novoice coilormagnet. Filml Mi W “/ Producing a louder, clearer, lessdistorted sound. .\.\ 74% 4mg. 44» TlPYON _W7M High Polymer Molecular film supertweeis. .mao 10” carbon-fiber blend cone woofer 1%" carbon-fiber blend cone tweeter Speaker Systems KW” Bass-reflex bookshelf-type cabinet 5188 pr. lHow to Plan Your Engagement and Wedding Everything about planning your engagement .mI andling In a beautiful 20 page a booklet Also valuable information about diamond quality and styling Gift offers We accept OUt‘Of’town Cheeks for complete 44 page Brides Keepsake Book and giant full color poster All for 25¢ \OIITHEIIS'I'EB BankAmericard . l i) . Master Charge EN‘M Daily0 8:15-5:15' l Address __ --_-_, -,,-_ V ' City Saturday 9-1 State ZIp Fora free booklet on mixology write:GlROUX, PO.Box21866,Astoria Station,NewYork, N.Y. 11102. Hillsborough 5t. 828-2311 l Keepsake Diamond Rings. Box 90. Syracuse. New York 13201 ’— Glroux is a product of A-W BRANDS, INC. a subsidiaryof IROQUOISBRANDS LTD. 414 LFinp KeepsakeJewelersin Yellow pages or that tree 800-243-6i00 in.6221 300-8824“ Four / Technician November I I976

Equus: an abundance of new ideas, skillfully executed by Larry Bliss and blinds six horses in the boy he is supposed to'cure.‘ private world. for a skillful portrayal ofequine In a way sex causes Alan's Alan'3 beliefs give him. As he Quitelfrankly cannot Isolate a Sta/I Writer stable where hr‘ \ "~ Bill Barrett as Alan Strang Another standout in the power and beauty downfall. Another assistant at comes to know Alan. the “central meaning" for Emma There'salinein sSimon and That brief summary hardly has a far more demanding part supporting cast is Peter Equalsis Latin for Horse. The the stables. well-playedbyEllen psychiatrist compares the after one viewing. Suffice it to Garfunkel song. “The Dangling does justice to the richness of than Leary. The script calls for Phillips, who is given an animals assume a great signifi- Parker. tries to induce him in youth'sfervortotheennui ofhis saythatitcoversawiderange Conversation." that goes: “Can the ideas explored in Equus. Barrett to sing. dance. cry. interesting double role as a cance for Alan. He literally thestablelate one night. Alan is own loveless mamage'. of complex questions. analysis be worthwhile?/ Is the The show is staged with a bare scream—all of these are done horseman Alan encounters at warships them, forming a reli- impotent. even when confront- Dysart realizes that “"curing To return to Simon and theatre really dead?" minimum of props: metal/WI with phenomenal talent and an early age and as Nugget. gion around them that is a ed with her nude body, because Alan will rob the boy of all Garfunkel. Equas' author Equals, by Peter Shaffer. railings and three benches. vitality. His ability to cross or Alan's favorite horse at the urange blend of Christianity his gods. the horses. have seen enthusiasm for life and reduce seems to imply that modern presented this Saturday as the Significantly. the set create circle the stage is uncanny. stables. andnaive sexuality. He secretly them. Alan feels the shame of a him to a machine for making techniques of analysis can do first of Stewart Theatre's 1973 the impression of a courtroo John Carpenter and Ruth The manner in which the rides Nugget in the middle of man found bowing to an idol. money; drinking and mounting little for someone like Alan 1977 drama series. raises seri— The Equus company is, w h- Klinger as Alan's parents work horses are represented onstage thenight;thefirst act ends with Tormented by their seeing him. women. Dysart describes a Strang and could possibly OIIl doubts as to the answer to out exception. thoroughly pro- well together. Theirs is a is fascinating; the actors wear astunnin'greenactment ofthese Alan takes a spike and puts out dreamin whichheisahigh damage such a person irrepa- that first question and offers an fessional. David Leary brings marriage of opposites: Frank 3 dark brown clothing, stand on rides. The spectacle of Alan. their eyes. priest at a pagan festival, rably. And John Dexter's pre- energetic “No” to the second. to the role of Dysart brings an vehemently atheistic socialist “hooves" made of metal struts ridingthe back ofthe bent-over CertainlyAlan'sbehavior and ordering his subordinates to ciseandunifiedfusionoqum’ The play'Is synopsised easily' effective mixture of compassion and Dora a devout Christian. and wear horsehead-shaped actor Phillips. the platform his personal religion are un~ disembowel children; this fan diverse elements proves that Martin Dysart. a British insti- and iron discipline. As the play Both try to imbue their son with sculpture mounted on sort of a beneath being turned by the healthy. Yet. as Dysart states tasy is a parable of his role in although there are no Ibsens. tutional psychiatrist strives to progresses. Dysart's doubts their own values, and the helmet. Mime Claude Chagrin other horse-actors, creates an quite clearly. one cannot help society as a man charged with O'Neills or Millers on the find out why Alan Strang. a grow until he is nearly as conflict this produces in Alan and mime supervisor Peter image that is not easily forgot- but envy the intense passion. making his patients' minds dramatic scene. modern theatre 17-year-old boy. takes a spike intellectually helpless as the drives him further into his Lobdell dcscrve special credit n. the powerful :aliveiiess" that “normal." is very far from oblivion

crier THE ASSOCIATION for Women PRE-VET CLUB meets Nov. 3, 7:30 APPLIED BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS- THERE WILL BE a very important GET TEACHING EXPERIENCE ALL. VIE AND TED MAJORS: XI SIGMA PI will meet Thurs, Nov. TORA,TORA,TORA will be shown Students will meet tonight at 7 p.m. p.m. in Williams Auditorium. Dr. appropriate technology for the New meeting of the University Players by volunteering as a tutor or teacher There will be a VICA Club meeting 4, at 7 p.m. In 2010 Biltmore. This on Nov. 3 at 7:30 in Stewart Theatre. In the lounge of Bowen Dorm. Fred B. McCashin, Olympic Jump Age. Eliminating behavioral waste Wed, Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. The list of aide.. Contact Volunteer Service III on Wed, Nov. 3 at 7:30 in Room 412 will be a regular business meeting Free and public invited. ing Team, will be the featured is a more urgent issue than natural plays for the Spring Maior will be 3115-E Student Center or Call Poe Hall. All interested, please and all members are urged to RECIPES THAT CHILDREN can INFORMATION on Christmas In- speaker. resources! Join our informal read- narrowed at this time. 737-3193. attend. attend. Mr. Koehler from the Water easily prepare are needed by the ternational House for foreign AG ECON CLUB will hold an infor- ing group for fun, interest, films. THE NCSU CHAPTER OF ASPA. Resources Research Institute will NCSU Volunteer Service. Send students available in Foreign Stu- mal reorganizational speakers, maybe credit! Sign-up POSITION OPEN for'piarried cou- INTERNATIONAL Student Board the American Society for Personnel speak on the EPA of 1972, Section recipes to Box 5217, NCSU or bring dent Adviser’s Office and in Student meeting in sheet in Darian Smith’s mail slot on ple desiring live-in house counselor will sponsor second Rendezvous on will meet Wed., Nov. 200: ”Stream Water Quality them to 3115E student Center. Center Program Office. Room 2, Patterson Hall on Wed, the 6th. floor of Poe Hall, or drop me positions in adolescent group home. Sat., Nov. 6 at 0 p.m. Come to the Administrators Control." Recipes will be distributed to local AlCHE- There will be a meeting of Nov. 3st p.m. Good opportunity to a card care of D. Smith, 4108 Training and experience in adoles- Packhouse in the basement of the 3, at 4 p.m. in Room 2 of Patterson FOREST PRODUCTS Research So preschools that use the student chapter of the AlCHE on pick up some spring course sugges Gregory Ln., Raleigh, 27610. cent development and residential Student Center; meet other students Hall. All members and any student . ciety will meet Wed, Nov. 3, 7 p.m.., means to cooking as a Tues” Nov. 2st p.m. in the Chapter tions. All Ag Econ maiors are urged treatment is essential. Send Vitae and enioy drinks. music and enter- having an interest in the area of in Blltmore 2006 Earl Deal of teach science, readIng, Room, RD 115. to attend. RESEARCH CONSUMER com. to: Dr. John Fellerath, Tree House, tainment. Admission free. personnel management are invited. Forestry Extension nutrition. and, of course, for fun. WANTED: Ride to Boone on Fri., plaints for local telephone "hot- Inc., PO. Box 823, Chapel Hill, NC A speaker will be present. visual will give a AG. EDUCATION CLUB meeting Nov. 5. Will share expenses. Contact line." Contact Volunteer'Service in 27514. THEATRE IN THE an- presentation and discussion WEST CAMPUS AND IRC will Mon., Nov. 1', 7:30 p.m., Room 532 of Phil at 833-5067. 3115E Student Center or Call nounces auditions for ”Christmas E.O. SOCIETY LUNCHEON on on logging In the Scandinavian sponsor a Traditional Homecoming Poe Hall. "Battle of the Classes," 737-3193. THE MED TECH CLUB will visit Carol" to be held Nov. 4 at 7:30, Wed., Nov. 3 at 12 noon in Room 242 countries as compared to such Pep Rally, Thurs., Nov. ll. Pep Parliamentary Procedure contest. BARTENDER NEEDEDfor private the Chapel Hill Lab Fri., Nov. 5. near the Bell Tower, RD. Speaker will be speaking. All operations in this country. All Rally will start at6.pm. In the West All members and guest Invited. party on Thurs., Nov. 11 between 6-9 CHINESE AND JAPANESE are Please meet outside of Dr. Bill campus of NCSU. Needed are E.O.'s invited. 51.00. members and interested persons Campus ampltheatre and a disco Refreshments will be served. p.m. Call 782-0610. offered by the Dept. of Foreign Grant's office at I p.m. If inter- actors, actresses, dancers, singers invited. dancewIllfoIlowatspm. Freebssr Languages and Literatures in its ested, please sign up outside of Dr. and tech personnel. Call backs Fri., PRE-THANKSGIVING DINNER, THE NC STATE FRENCH CLUB toeveryoneattendinol FREE FILM: Tonight at 8 p.m. in "GOOD GOVERNMENT, Right self-Instructional Languages Pro- Grant's office. Nov. 5. Catholic student Center, Walnut will meeton Mon., Nov. 1 at 5p.m. at the Library, see Lillian Gish in Government" is the title of the gram. It is hoped that sections for SAILING CLUB will meet every Room, Nov. 14, 4:30 p.m. Tickets the Rathskeller on Hillsborough st. Victor Seastrom's haunting melo- discussion at the next meeting of the beginners in Arabic and Yoruba can FILMS BOARD will meet Mon., Thurs. in Room 24s Harrelson at are 51.00 and available in The Nub. Come and practice your French and DIAMONDS drama, ”The Wind," with live piano Christian Science College Organiza- be started in the coming Spring Nov. land Tues., Nov. 2 at 5 p.m. in 7:30. This week we will silk screen .help plan coming activities! Re- accompaniment. tion, Tues. evening at 7:30 in The Semester. Code name for these Room 3115-G of the Student Center. and T-shirts that people bring, with THE EDUCATIONAL COUNCIL of freshments will be served. Al THERE WILL BE an Organization- Mob. All are invited to attend. courses is FL-IOI, 102, regardless of UNDERGRADUATE and Freshmen our logo. NCSU will meet on Wed., Nov. 3 at 5 WATER SKI CLUB MEETING. al meeting of the NCSU Statistics CLOGGING CLUB organizational the language. If you are interested groups will meet Tues., Nov. 2. at SQUARE DANCE at Glenwood p.m. in 520 Poe (Student Lounge). 19:30 on Wed., Nov. 3 In the Green Club Tues., Nov. 2 at 7:» p.m. in 375 meeting Tues., Nov. 2, 7:30 p.m., call 737 3343 or see Dr. Alan A. the Wesley Foundation (Methodist Towers, residence for low-income All representatives are urged to Room of the Student Center. All Harrelson Hall. All statistics ma- Student Center Ballroom. All invit- Gonzalez in Room 118 of the 1911 Student Center at Clark and Horn). elderly, every Tues. night. Call 'come. members are urged to attend. Iors are encouraged to attend. ed to ioin and participate. Bldg. Dinner at 5:30 is followed by a Volunteer Service for more details. THE SOCIOLOGY CLUB will meet program. Students are cordially ASME LUNCHEON thls week fea- PRE-MED, PRE-DENT CLUB and in the Student Center Ballroom on invited. The Study of St. John tures Marcus Crofts speaking on AED will meet Tues., Nov. 2 at 7:30 wed., Nov. 3, at7 pm. Dr. James O. continues Wed., Nov. 3, in The Mob. Conversion In the U.S. p.m. in 3533 Gardner Hall. Dr. Shurling will be our guest speaker Chapters 10-12will be studied. If you "Metric Osterhouf, chairman of admissions discussing "The Future Family and classifieds are interested in thorough Bible Today.” Everyone is Invited to at the Duke University School of the Rehabilitation of the Juvenile study, please Ioin in. Sponsored by attend on Wed. at noon in BR 2211. Medicine, will be our guest speaker. Delinquent Within the Family." GAY? Not sure? Call 021-0884 and FOR SALE: 1975 Fiat 124 Sport MISSING-SIGMA KAPPA coat-of- the Wesley Foundation. THE BAHA'I CLUB OF NCSU is All Interested students and mem— Refreshments will be served! rapwith people that understand. Be Coupe, AM-FM, AC, 5-speed, Pipin arms. Much sentimental value. If NCSU VOI UNTEER SERVICE is sponsoring an open discussion on bers are asked to attend and ask brave. 9-5 p.m. and 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Red, 21-27 m.p.g., 22,000 miles. Call you have any information, please sponsoring a "Volunteer of the Nov. 1,at! p.m., In the Blue Room of questions. EVENING CLASSES will be offered NEED MONEY FOR SCHOOL: We 833-5954. call 833 4710. No questions asked. Year" contest. Anyone wishing to the student Center to discuss the by the Dept. of Foreign Languages pay $4.3 per hour. Need auto. Call 1975 FIAT X/19. White. Good condi- nominate a NCSU student can pick new plan for the unity and peace of NUCLEAR ENGINEERING Stu- and Literatures In the Spring Se- 95 carat ...$297 033-603 any Mon-Wed. from 3-5 tion. AM-FM radio. Can be seen at DIAMONDS a girl's best friend and up nomination forms at the Volun-~ mankind. On Mar. 11, 1936, the dents: An organizational meeting mester. Elementary French 101- Il‘l "IO B'IOFDOOI'I. Credit Union, 119 N. Salisbury. a man's best investment. Our gems leer Service in 3115-E Student Guardian of the Baha'i Faith wrote; for the Spring 1977 Eastern Student Imx, German (FLG) 323, Elemen- 56 Carol ...$497 are priced 40 percent below retail Center. The nominee should cur- “The Revelation of Baha'u'llah... Conference is to be held Mon., Nov. tary Spanish 101-102x and Spanish and graded by the American Gem rently be involved in volunteer work should...be regarded as slgnalizing 1, at 4 p.m. in the Conference Room (FLS) 315, 309, 304. Call 737-2475 or IHCordl ...$697 NEED SECRETARY. No typing. BECOME A REGULAR DONOR. Society and Gemological Institute of in the Raleigh area. Nomination through Its advent the Coming of of Burlington 1121. Anyone inter- come to 126A In the 1911 Bldg. for Just answering phone. Interview Earn up to 516 per week in spare America. Call 781-0391 alter 5 p.m. forms should be sent to Volunteer Age of the Entire Human Race.“ ested in working with the ANS more Information. time Is 3-5 p.m. any Mon-Thurs. at time. South Wilmington Street Service, Box 5217, NCSU by Nov. 26. officers in any phase of the confer- SPEND NEW YEAR'S EVE In 401 Oberlin. Room’104. Blood Bank, LOST: I971 Duenas Memorial high The winner will receive dinner for THE WAKE COUNTY COUNCIL on ence is urged to attend. This Moscow. 10 days In U.S.S.R., Dec. 108 5. Wilmington St. school ring. If found, Call 782-2837 or two at the Village Dinner Theatre, Aging will hold an orientation pro- conference will be planned almost 6-Jan. 13, Includes round-trip flight ST. JOHN'S MCC'S FORUM on Nov. OVERSEAS JOBS- summer/year- 834 6791. Reward offered. and will be nominated for the State gram for the Friendly Visitor entirely by the NE students, so your from N.Y.. hotels and meals-Lenin. 3dealswith psychological aspects of round. Europe, S. America, Ausfra of N.C.'s “Volunteer of the Year." program on Tues., Nov. 2 at 7:30 help is needed. If you can not attend grad-Moscow-Kiev. Deadline for IIIII‘IAMIN .....~ homosexuality led by a professional Iia, Asia. etc. All fields, 5500-51200 BAZAAR 8. RUMMAGE SALE- This contest is the perfect opportun- p.m. at the Sears store conference and are interested, drop by the applicatlon and a $200 deposit by psychologist. St. John‘s is a monthly. Expenses paid, sightsee- Friday, Nov. 5th., 9 a.m.-8 p.m. at ity for volunteers to receive public room. For more Information, call ANS office In Burlington 1222 Mon.- Nov. 6. Information concerning this predominantly on church which ing. Free info-Write: International the Community United Church of recognition for their hard work. 833-0965 or call the Council at Fri. from 8:45 to 9:00 a.m., and on matter, please contact Betty Wheel- 333 Fayettevlllg St. sponsors a forum each month. For Job Center, Dept. NK, Box 4490, Chirst on the corner of Wade Ave. Anyone having questions should call 0342700. The Friendly Visitor any Monday, Wednesday, or Friday er at 737-2404, office, or at home. Phone:_034 4329 Info., call 032-1582. Berkeley. CA 94704. and Dixie Trail. 737-3193. Program needs you“ afternoon. 707-9244. ussssssussssssssssssasessssesssevssssssas» WWW«or ‘til hell freezes over ib IN THE PEACE CORPS C AND VISTA . Accesso HAPPY HOUR fia NEEDS You. . Zzpm--5pm & OI. YOU"LL FIND PLENTY Waterlbe' SALE W 7pm- Midnight .M OF ACTION tittittitti heaters W/°°"‘°' 4995 Mattress Pads Appearing Tuesday Thursday 1295 If you graduate Sheets: select groups Pat Martino within the next: fen Plus: months, now is the Jazz Recording Artist |——Limited quantities of Chairs, Coffee tables, End tables, Lamp tables, I you‘llAs acompetewomanforfiurROTC student,commis- time to apply for Peace Corps overseas ll-_WIitert>ed frames, 9 drawer dresser, Outer Banks Hammock chair, alon on the same ting as the .,,assignments and VISTA assignments in I Bedspreads, and various Pillows. Most of these items will be at cost or O man In your class. NIGHT-Every Sunday Night .1 0-yearTherescholarshipare 2--year. 3--yssr,programsand JAE the U. s . ACTION needs volunteers with 'I less than cost. avallabrollod Inla.the FROn Cwoman0-year pro-sw- SUPPER Tues-SImday 7:00~until degrees in agriculture, health fields, gram Is also qualified to com- education and petescholarshipfor anwhichAFROTCwIlI covercollsg.I Open for LUNCH 11:20-2 Mon-Fri professional services, ll ass cadet.nlng 2Tuitionor 3 yearsIs covered..she has many other areas. allrel fees paid”..Ipus.tsxtbook8100 a monthcosts allowance. tax-free. mm Get an application from the Placement InAwoman'the Air Forcea placeand Isourdef‘initelyInning Office now and sign up for an interview. Here it is! caremmyoths ooIleaswillbsespsrlthesncs.h hllghT “FLEETmugs stub Espresentatives will be on campus Nov. 1 and 2, so don't: delay. NIIWHMI-hcem NDvember’s Wolfpack Special r ------1

Welcome, Mission Valley Shopping Center Neighbors! Phone 833-2825. Clip this ad and receive these offers good onyl r-n. of this"location- ('3‘

0% Monday Buffet Tuesday Buffet Wed. Er Thurs. Special Special Buffet Special 5pm - 8pm 5pm - 8pm 5pm - 8pm ALL YOU CAN ALL YOU CAN Any purchase at our place! We’re ~. :9: ALL YOU CAN just a couple blocks away in - -- EAT EAT EAT Cameron Village, with SPAGHEI'TI 8 PIZZA, aSporting Goods ‘ PIZZA SALAD SPAGHE'ITI Er aAthIetic Shoes SALAD All the Fried Chicken oProtective Equipment -- ._,( $200 $2.49 plus tax Marmups Er you can eat — only i 7.99 Sports Apparel, HAM OTrophies 1‘ r Luncheon Specials every Mon-Fri. &’ It’s our all-you-can-eat Monday, Tuesday 8* Wednesday . V' Pack special good from 5:00 pm to closing. Bring your \ $189 Ham-23m llam-2pm SWISS plus tax SUBMARINE ‘ gang by for the best tasting country Fried Chicken dinner Open Fri. nights ’til 9 All served with SaladBar- Coffee or Tea you can buy including Brunswick stew, potatoes, cole slaw We Back the Pack! with , and cornbread sticks served Family style. And we ’1] serve (Coupon expires Dec. 1, 1976 I LASAGNA Dinner I LASAGNA Dinner I lASAGNA Dinner I you all you can eat for only ‘1.99 a person II (Beverage not included) . 1| 2 for1 2 for1 2 v1 ; - II Johnson-Lambe Co. 832-8848 II Expires Nov. 30 -Expires Nov. 30 Expires Nov. 30 I i PARKERS BARBECUE 422 Woodburn Rd, Cameron Village Present when paying new... when pawns Hg... when ”M I . 2808 5. Wilmington St. — Raleigh r...------—------—--L---‘ 1L_--s-—-—------;--fi------I _‘""“‘"*-—‘ *——' —' *-—--~ - -~ —-- ~ ‘ - . I,

. ._ Marc Dabaglan' John Mgohn Lives Burney HEY om, 615M news! I . unms‘mm. an: Beau»? a a; we W. ' mneks mm mm mm- . i am A L£YT£¢ rm Harrie. Does. 5H5 Eve» um me to was You Home oven. was. r— j THciRS )5 me ONLH’ CLASS «+00 ween-sue. 5 Organ cease, Mw -—_ Jtfi‘r 1m ONL‘Lr ONE ‘ Q; r E $ THAT mums...

i as11 37'7" . g. ._J StateSide 7 ' Rob Carspecken mime THERE IS vou mo rim no 'Rov Rooms mam ( mfl'm’flcfl°§§m§§ on canvass? SEE? ER - TExns 'TATERS. vsnu, ‘ nucss / YEAH, I GUESS. DOES r pron” \ WENT 3 WHAT ? r


Wig Hofe‘r" i am The R A

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News/ , ‘ ‘ :5:


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X Wlmr W] ALRIGHF! I Gar #41; 0F jvj ‘57-? ”:30 M 7/" 60mm, W5] \. rflfl£ ”(E 57% wow!“ IF rm: ma. ‘EFrf fi’taumewurtx/g fig}

Or Else

Sincerely, There will be a meeting of the Ad, Design staff on Wednesday, November 3, 1976, V“MWWWWW .‘¢ at 5 pm. in the Editor’s Office, Your loving news editor Be sure to bring your excuses with you. — Howard A Serious announcement A Senous message 2.5. 2,; 1i 3‘2 3.: 3: . Sports Six / Technician November 1, 1976

State tests Mu rphy’s Law

Error-ridden Pack

alls to Gamecocks

by Jimmy Carroll Brown. who carried 18 times Editor for 69 yards. credited South Carolina with most of the COLUMBIA. S.C.—The Wolfpack's problems. slang term is Murphy's Law. It “We didn't have the ball that says if anything can go wrong. much." said Brown. who moved it will. into third place on the school's State experimented with ‘ all-time career rushing list. Murphy’s Law here Saturday. “Their offense kept it. and their and each time the Wolfpack defenseplayed very hard. They found the results to be conclu- backed us up deep a couple of sive evidence that the theorem times and gave us a lot of Chris Seward is true. _ trouble." Brown received the Ted Brown finds running room around the left side as Gamecock linebacker David Presioso pursues. South Carolina held the State CONSIDER THE following Dick Christy Award as the running back to iust 69 yards. mishapsthe Wolfpack managed team's outstanding player in to execute in its 27-7 loss to the game. South Carolina: EVANS, who had guided an —With Jay Sherrill lined up impressive Wolfpack veer to to attempt a 52-yard field goal wins over North Carolina and with a strong wind to his back Chris Seward Clemson the past two weeks. Defense plays well until and the Gamecocks leading State defensive backs Alan Beltrue Ill and Richard Wheeler [2!) managed to direct the Pack for 10-7, the ball slipped through stop South Carolina running back Kevin Long. only 221 yards in total offense. holder Kevin Scanlon's hands. State ran just 57 plays to South South Carolina recovered 16 field goal of the day with no scored to go ahead 19-7. it went Carolina's 80. yards closer to their end zone. time on the clock as the half for a two-point conversion but “They have a very good team -—The Wolfpack was backed ended. missed. State was called for a and beat us soundly." Evans fourth quarter breakdown up on its own seven-yard line AT THE HALF. instead of personal foul penalty on the said. “Our passing game wasn't when Ted Brown ran for a being ahead 14-10. or possibly play. and U80 got another clicking. We need to work on it by John Delong striking distance. After a Ted Brown Middle guard A.W. Jenkins finished with would-be first down. The play even 17-10 the Pack trailed chance. This time it was good. more and get it down pat for Staff Writer funfble at the State 26-yard line on the 12 tackles. was called back, however. when 18—7. It continued to experi- —Leading by 14 with 10 the last two games." first play of/‘the second quarter, the “But then' we started having break- State was called for illegal ment in the second half: minutes to play, Clarence Williams led South Carolina's COLUMBIA, S.C.—“This was darn defense held on three downs and Britt downs everywhere," said Cowher, as USC procedure. State couldn't get —Johnny Evans hurled a Williams fumbled. The ball rushing attack. which garnered discouraging. It was the lousiest game we Parrish kicked a 35-yard field goal. marched 63and 66 yards forfourth-quarter out of the hole and was forced long pass for split end Elijah rolled and bounced 12 yards 309 yards. by covering 105 have played all season.” scores. "They didn't wear us down to punt. setting up another Marshall who was a step behind past a half dozen State de- yards in 23 carries. Kevin Long On South Carolina’s next possession. physically, or anything. With the offense South Carolina field goal. his man inside the five-yard fenders before South Carolina added 90 yardson 15 carries for This came the sad. but true assessment following a botched-up field goal attempt from State coach Bo Rein following the by State. the Gamecocks drove to the they ran. we had a lot of reading to do an —As the Gamecocks were line. The ball bounced from recovered. It was State's last the Gamecocks. Wolfpack's 27-7 loss to South Carolina. a they were difficult reads. so they might driving at the close of the Marshall‘s hands, incomplete. hope for a comeback. South Carolina scored first. one-yard line. where defensive end Jeff have worn us down mentally." second quarter, State defensive —0n fourth down with a yard “I'M VERY disappointed." going 66 yards in nine plays game which seemingly mirrored the Easter and safety Tom Ebner thwarted a said State coach BoRein. “We'd with Williams going the final frustrations State has experienced fourth and goal attempt. * "Whatever, it appeared‘by the fourth back Woodrow Wilson scurried to go on the South Carolina 47, throughout its 3-5—1 season to date. quarterthat nothing the Wolfpack defense in front of receiver Philip Evans couldn't find the handle been getting better and better. eight yards on an option pitch BUT WHILE THE Gamecocks rolled up IN THE THIRD quarter. the defense Logan for an apparent inter- on the snap from center, and but we didn't play well today. from quarterback Ron Bass. came up with another big play when could do would spur the offense on. What disappointed me the most State came right back to tie 27 points and 381 yards in total offense, Dropped passes and assorted other ception. However. the ball the Gamecocks took over. State’s defense certainly didn't rate any Gamecock quarterback Ron Bass appar- mix-ups continued. slipped through Wilson's grasp —-Late in the third quarter. was that when the game was in‘ the score 7-7 on a bruising “lousiest" or “worst yet" labels. at least for ently hit Don Stewart with an 11-yard and Logan made the catch for Timmy Johnson broke a dive doubt. we missed our chances four-yard carry by Johnson. ‘ three quarters when the Wolfpack trailed touchdown pass, but Stewart was detected “It seemed like South Carolina was the first down. The field in play from the SC 37 and was in to make the big plays. Johnson's TD, his first of the opportunity for offensive pass interference and the getting the breaks out there all day long." front of Wilson was clear to the the clear at the 20 when he “This just wasn't a good season. culminated an 80-yard. only 13-7 despite allowing Wolfpack took possession at the 20-yard added Banther. “but I guess in reality they end zone. slipped to the Astroturf for a day," he continued. “We had 12-play Wolfpack drive. after opportunity to slip away. were going both ways.” poor execution “Whatmorecanyouaskthan the way we line. —Logan's catch kept the 17-yard pickup. State failed to and more pen- It was soon thereafter that 'played for three quarters?” wondered ' Throughout that time. the Wolfpack In realitythey might have been. But. as Gamecock drive alive. and score or even get a first down. alties than we've had in a long State began finding out that defensive end Ron Banther. a man more corps of linebackers played superbly. Bill in so many games, the team who Britt Parrish kicked his second —When South Carolina time." Murphy's Law really works. disgusted than discouraged. Cherry finished ..with 14 tackles, Bill capitalized on the breaks won. And there's _ ‘——/—I—I—l—l— ._ _ __ _ —I— ._ .. ._ _ _I._ _. _ kl- _ ._.l._. _.____.____v______- c _,- .__. Indeed, to thaw-point; the‘Wolfpaclr‘s ... Cowher‘was credited ”with 13. Jack Hall not much doubt that South Carolina- defensive prowness had kept it within had 11 and Kyle‘ Wescoe added nine. capitalized on the most. A . HE/SIIE MECK IS UDDER DEGHLIT SING E8 ONLY ‘ ere are lots 0 reasonsuyou may not be meetin the kinds of co le on like to meet. But ...Don’t Miss It! lack ofgrififiortunity ireedh'txle one of them.. _ IIE/S. is a new. unique. inexpensive, highly rsonalized and unconventional dating servrce in he Trian le Area. Discretion. integrity and \ confidentiafiitye are our b words. And your social satisfsaction is our goa . Moreover. results are guaranteed. Interested? Send a stamped self-addressed business envelope along with ad for_our brochure and an plication. Your inquiry will cost you a r: 1022 s. Saunders St. I Raleigh. N. c. 21600 stamp-_ ut your reluctance may cost on .a Telephone . 828 3100 gewar mg new relationship. Try us! “El is un. Po Box "09,. Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514

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-Mondoy Nov. l.....Syme, Gold, Welch, Triod.. ...l-5 pm FREE ELECTIVESL-NO PRE—REQUISITES SIGN UP FOR Tuesday Nov. 2....Berry, Becton, Bagwell, Quod.....12-5 pm MUS 012 GROUP FOLK GUITAR(no credit) Section MUS 040 PIANO (1 credit) Sections Wednesday Nov. 3. 5.5.5. Tunnel ...... l-5 MUS STRING CHAMBER MUSIC (1 credit) 1 Section MUS 495C VOCAL MUSIC READING (1 credit) 1 Section Thursday Nov. 4...... Tucker-Metcolf Area ...... l2-5pm . . . . _ MUS 495d SURVEY OF MUSIC DRAMA (3 credits) I\Section

String Players are invited to join' the NCSU Symphony Orchestra. Friday Nov. 5 ...... Bragaw, Sullicln-Lee oreo...... l-5 pm November I, 1976 / Technician r’ Seven

Virginia wins 3-0

State ’outplayed’ in soccer match

CHAKLOTTESVIIJE. VA.- 3' Virginia's soccer team defeated State Saturday afternoon by the score of 3-0. Virginia scored one goal in the first half and two in the second half. Co-captain Dan Beatty stated that State just didn't play well at all. “THINGS JUST weren't go- ing well." he said. “We would start to get things going when all of a sudden we would get a couple of quick calls against us. then we would start losing any type of play and control. It was just a very bad game for us. There'sjust not too much to say about the game. Virginia out played us in all areas: passing. hustling. trapping. etc.” Co-captain Dave Byrne was also very dissatisfied with the Pack’s rformance on Sat- : “The game was played on noturf which did not help at all. We had a hard time keeping the ball close when we Seward “trapped and passed. But they TheWoItpaclrsoccerteamlosttoVirgInIaSaturdayas the Cavaliers outplayed State In all areas. The Pack boaters host outplayed us. We couldnt get Davidson Tuesday at p.111. any type of offense generated because we played with a three man line. We only got off about eight shots on goal. which is real bad." Pack wins state women’s cross country title But the Wolfpack has the WINSTON-SALEM—Laurie Gentry' ran the three-mile minutes with Carolina's Carol and Carolina 53. opportunity to get back in the Gentry set a course record and course in 17:52 to shatter the Jennings third in 18:20. State runners finished sixth. win column Tuesday when it led State to the North Carolina old record of 18:39 set by Wake The three runners qualified seventh and eighth to give the meets Davidson at 3 pm. on Collegiate Women’s cross Forest's Ketty Consolo earlier for the national collegiate Wolfpack the state title. Dee Doak field. country championship here this year. championships Nov. 13 at McAdams was sixth with a time Saturday. Consolo finished second in 18 Madison. Wis. of 20:43. Jeannie Kemp was —Pete Michenlelder State won the team title with seventh at 20:50 and Vickie 33 points. Wake Forest had 37 Bryant eighth at 21:10. ACC Scoreboard —-—— r' — - — *- ————————— 1 We booted it RESULTS Cincinnati in Maryland. 1:30 ' ”2 ID. W Rb 5” M WW I South Carolina 27. State 7 The headline and caption in Carolina 34. Wake Forest 14. Lem!“ “Wm“ 1‘30 I Includes a hot baked potato, crisp garden I Friday's Technician errone- Duke 31, Georgia Tech 7 STANDINGS fresh salad, and fresh baked hot roll. I ously reported the results of Maryland 24. Kentucky 14 ACC Overall l on LY I the State-North Carolina soccer Clemson 15. State 12 Maryland ...... 3-0-0 8-0-0 "WI" 52-59 . ' match held Tuesday. As the VMI 13. Virginia 7 Carolina ...... 1-1-0 0-2-0 Off story reported, the correct Duke ...... 1-1-1 4-3-1 l EOE— . with coupon | ChrIsSeward score was Carolina 4. State 1 SATURDAY‘S GAMES State ...... 2-2o 3-5-1 , ,1 ,- DLY [State quarterback Johnny Evans ran for only 20 yards Saturday In the Wollpack's 27-7 loss to South and not the reverse. e Carolina at Clemson. 1:00 Wake Forest .....2-3-0 3-6-0 I SALAD BAR / ~1‘ ./. ‘ ‘ , 7FR‘E’l I 'Carollna. Evans had a bad day passing too. connecting onjust 8 of 10 attempts for 01 yards and having Technician regrets this e or State at Penn State. 1:30 Virginia...... 1-241 1-741 | 29 " c E ,, one Intercepted. and apologizes to its reamsrs. Wake Forest at Duke. 1:30 Clemson ...... 0-2-1 24-2 WI"! Di’merl STEAKR' / 0:21.932, 1:326” : _--’W\N1 --/-’.w~.. l GOOD AT ALL THREE RALEIGH LOCATIONS: RESEARCH l—5926 Glenwood Nit/2415 Walt. Forest BIL/2701 5. Wilmington SI. .um*m. Specializing In All Eating Habits ”-4 Thousands of Topics , __ ., Sand for your up-to-date,160v SAVE $.50 ON ""“R‘elaxing'Bar‘wf DrinkingAtmosphere T- CAPTAIN JACK'S T page, mail order catalog. End l $2.00 $1.00 to cover post-es “d FISH DINNER u handing. CHICKEN DINNER! ' Games Room I 3 Pieces of Flounder, cocktail sauce or tarter sauce, lemon l RESE’107‘" ASSISTANCE, INC. OFF 11322IDAHO AVE.,1. 206 The Student’s Friendly Place I wedge, baked potato, cole slaw, and fresh baked mil. I LOS ANbELES, CALIF. 90025 ANY I213l 477-8474 "Serving State Students for 25 years.” Our research pours are sold for , . 7o¢orr ”7159'e . l - research purpmes only. Players I —— . . with coupon KING SALAD BAR V -.__I “ ‘ 7mew Rattan. I 29‘ i Coupon Expires l wm. Dinner! Dec. 31, 1975. SIZE I . featuring "Oscar” in the middle GOOD AT ALL RALEIGH LOCATIONS: tank I 5926 Glenwood Ava/2415 Wake Forest Rd./ 2701 S. WIImmgton St. PIZZA! I— ______J racos-'eucmuoas- TAMALES- RICE- IEANS—CDIUCONCAINI g TEXASSTYLE g I m$afiu Get 3 piecies of country crisp hicken,golden french fries&a hot With this coupon 11 se.-9 p... roll for only $I.49! V~Ms. Bring this ad and save $.SOoff th i . 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Union Filtns “llannv -- The staff of the NATIONAL LAMPOON wishes to Committee presents thank the Academy for its very kind words on behalf of their monumental special edition, THE NAKED AND THE NUDE “One of the Best Movies of HOLLYWOOD AND BEYOND 1974” The history of films as it has never been presented M M “Dc-TV 31hCentury-Foam A FILM BY PAUL MAZURSKY before, and hopefully, never will be presented again, "HARRYGI'IUNTO"Sum-e ART CARNEY In brilliant multicolor and no-sound. M ELLEN BURSTYNISW GERALDINE FITZGERALD Available at newsstands and bookstores everywhere at LARRYHAGMAN no CHIEF DAN MOE anus-er PAUL MAZURSKYasmGRENFELD a mere $2.50; a piddling amount when one considers Murmurs-sh PAUL MAZURSKY museum. the magnitude of the subject and scope of the presentation. m. Friday Nov. 5, at 7 and 9 pm. If for some reason your local dealer does not have this IIOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOO' tribute to the world of glitter and gold, send a check 3/“ admission....25' money order for $2.50 to: NATIONAL LAMPOON: ‘ 635 Madison Avenue, New York, NY. 10022, also Alt: Hollywood Dept. ‘The Adventures of Robin Hood’ Paul mi Friday Nov. 5, starring Errol Flynn . 1 pm admission....25‘ Shows Trick Shot Dillard Exhibition STEWART THEATRE 7:30 pm 9:00 pm FREE Tuesday Nov. 2, I976 Stewart Theatre

19 Eight Technician ’ November 1, 1976

Technician ll

Opinion No Kiwmc... How up wit Cam’s GET on: so _. LIGHT?\

Good vs. bad . . .

not so easy

Around two weeks ago a Cuban airliner went came with the death of Che Guevara, a close down, killing over 70 innocent people. Cuban friend of Castro and somewhat of a revolu- Prime Minister Fidel Castro immediately blamed tionary hero himself. Castro said that the CIA the United States Central Intelligence Agency for engineered his death. The US. denied any the crime, saying that if the CIA were not involvement. It became obvious after a few responsible for the crash directly, then the hostile months that they Were at least partially involved. attitudes and actions endorsed by the Agency The most recent blight on the good name of and the United States had made it possible. . the CIA and the US. in general came with the Speculation began almost immediately as to fall of the Marxist Allende government in Chile. what, if any, role the United States might have which Castro and others claimed was caused by had in the crash, with the general consensus the CIA. It was of course denied. CongresSional being that we wouldn’t have done such a thing. investigation proved that a great deal of CIA The interesting thing about it, however, is that money and training went into the “revolution- just a few years ago, perhaps even after the start ary” forces which turned the country from a of the seventies, there would have been little somewhat progressive, if somewhat Communist, letters It would have been obvious that it state into a military dictatorship which" was This is the experiment I propose, I hope you should have lost him the election. Let’s look at speculation. his record as president. Unemployment has risen was Commie propaganda pure and simple. favorable to the' United States. ’Bouncing’ Carter find it interesting enough to carry out upon Nobody would have paid any attention to what Castro, it would seem, has had a pretty good 'yourself. In this next week (before the election if : from 5.5% jobless Americans to 7.9% , batting record when it comes to telling whether possible) write down the reasons for the unemployed. The GNP hasactually declined his Fidel was saying. Our compliments to you on your Monday inflation hasrisen so that But it isn’t Then any more. America has lost the CIA and the United States have been doing (Oct. 25) edition cartoon depicting Carter particular choice of candidates (and other ballot two years in office and innocence, as it were, in areas of things they aren’t supposed to, and this is the decisions) that you have made. Include a it is higher than it has been in the last 20 years. her ruffled “bouncing" on his “words.” In this case, a picture opposing foreign affairs, particularly in the area of Cuba. main reason people wondered when he blamed was worth a thousand words. paragraph about your vision for the future and As a congressman, Ford, was The change was a sudden one, considering us for the airliner crash. But he couldn't be right why you think that that particular candidate can programs designed to aid the weak and while at the same the amount of time which has elapsed since the this time. Bill Gowan best fulfill it. List the basic issues you see as most disadvantaged in this nation revelations first started‘coming in. The start of the But he could. Just last'week, two people in a Fr. EE important and most in need ofa solution. Addiy time he was promoting the largest defense “Credibility Gap” probably came with Francis Latin American country were arrested and anyother itemsyouthinkcontributed to your budget ever. He has voted against every piece of Gary Powers, the hapless U-2 pilot who got shot charged with responsibility for the crash. They John Hunt decision. Seal this in an envelope and mark it “to civil rights legislation introduced in the early 60s. down by the Russians in 1960. had maps of routes and other information. They Fr. Pre-Vet be opened in Oct. 19 ” and put it someplace He is against unemployment compensation for Now everybody knew that the Russians were ,had another thing: CIA training in explosives. where it has a good chance to fulfill its purpose. farm workers, free lunches for the children of the using spies to infiltrate the United States for Fidel strikes again. Or alternatively, take ten minutes, sit in a quiet needy, aid to education and his administration subversive purposes. Colonel Rudolf Abel, who The people have confessed. Confessions in Too much for turkeys place, and mentally reflect on the above has been labeled as “hopeless” by conservation got caught when the Rosenbergs did, ran one of that part of the world are Sometimes quite Dear Editor: question. Avoid mental wanderings and force and environmental groups. the more celebrated spy rings in the United suspect, and it is possible that the whole thing yourself to arrive at some definite concrete How Ford can stand before his countrymen States and was still in prison when Powers was was made up to make us look bad in the eyes of If Mr. Michael Adams and two others insist on answers to the above questions. When you have and claim credit for this nation being at peaceis shot down. the world. But if it is, it is really unnecessary. We putting a question mark beside sir in reference to finished, visualize yourself remembering this beyond me. He was calling for an additional 1 Not everybody knew, however, that the seem to be doing a good enough job in that Mr. Peterson, I must put a question mark beside episode and the conclusions you reached as you billion dollars to be spent in support of South United States was also using spies, and department on our own. human beings when I refer to them. prepare to vote in 1980. This is much like Viet Nam less than 3 weeksbefore the collapse Eisenhower meant to keep it that way. So it was, With all these intrusions, fed by our rage at Though your sparkling wit, and awesome sending a mental telegram to yourself and will of that government. Yet now he campaigns ' when Khruschev claimed he had shot down a having a Communist government at our very knowledge, you people I?) have demonstrated a work if the impulse is clear and strong enough. across the nation saying he is the great peace ‘ spy plane and had captured the pilot, Ike figured doorstep, and one which dared to work in spite mentality almost equivalent to that of a slug. I am ' If all of us can overcome inertia and actually keeper. . he was bluffing; he. wouldn’t have the patience to of our economic blockade, it has become referring to those slimy, fat insects that siither on do this, not only now, but each election; I believe Honestly now, can we afford 4 more years of hold onto a pilot and not parade him all over increasingly hard for the rest of the world, as well the ground leaving behind a noxious trail of the wisdom and insight gained as we this type of leadership. I think not and urge you the world, if he really had him. Eisenhower as many Americans, to decide who the bad guys secretion. Yes—a quite fitting comparison contemplate, four years later, what deductions to vote Carter/Mondale next Tuesday. denied everything. Khruschev then paradedthe are any more. though unfair to the slugs. _, we arrived at. will make us all more qualified Anthony Blackman pilot and the wreckage of the plane, marvelously It would seem that like many American Your “cute” little references to gays illustrates voters. If the voters attain a higher level of , Sr. LEB ‘ intact, all over the world. policemen and elected officials at home. your acute “sensitivity" to the newest repressed intelligence and awareness they will necessarily A few years later, there was the Bay of Pigs. America made one fatal mistake in trying to be minority. As it is no longer fashionable (nor safe) invoke a higher level ofcandidates. Thus we Castro claimed that the abortive invasion was the policeman of the world. We decided that our to ridicule blacks and women, you persons(?) would all be better able to make those decisions 'Xmas for military organized by the CIA, and displayed captured goals should be the goals of the world, our have found a new victim to bestow with your fine over the next fifty years which will be so crucial planes which he said were outfitted by the CIA. methods should be the~ methods of the world, witticisms. (You too, Burney!) -» to the survival of the world. Dear Editor: the United States denied everything; with a top and our system should by the system of the I admire Mr. Peterson for his frankness and Another Christmas season is rapidly government official pointing out that there were world. And we decided that any means were openness. He only wishesto be treated in an Joel F. Covey approaching—the time of year we most enioy clearly Cuban Air Force markings on the planes. understandable, to get what was best for intelligent and fair manner. Grad. Student Physics being with family and friends. However, for They were indeed Cuban Air Force markings. everybody. We decided we were above the law. Apparently, this task proved to be too difficult many thousands of our fellow Americans this They were painted on very carefully and And like many American policemen, we for you turkeys (I) be a very lonely Christmas; they cannot be with accurately by the CIA. became no better than the evildoers from which . , We can’t afford it their families because they are stationed Another. loss of prestige for the United States we were claiming to protect the world. overseas with the United States Armed Forces. Ms. Phyllis O'Brien To the EditOr: Forgfifige number of these young men and Soph. LUS women this will be the first Christmas away from Once again the Republicans are trying to ‘ home. portray the Democrats as mindless big spenders Your readers canhelp make this holiday A voting experiment bent on spending the nation into bankruptcy. In season a little less lonely for many ofthese Wednesday’s Technician, Mr. Rogers states that young people by joining in the collection of To the Editor: Jimmy Carter is calling for the creation of 60 Christmas mail sponsored by Military Overseas new federal programs and implies that these new Mail. This is an ideal projectfor school classes. In a democracy, the people ultimately choose programs will have toresult in higher taxes for clubs, scouts, and other groups or organizations their own fate and destiny by the leaders they the American people. Jimmy Carter has said as well as individuals and families. For more select. Therefore the voting populace should time and time again that his administration information, please send a stamped, constantly strive to clarify their motives, thinking, would set as it’s highest priority the balancing of self-addressed envelope to MOM, Box 4428, and attitudes towards how and for whom they the federal budget. Programs that cannot be Arlington, VA 22204. Thank you. vote. Voting is not a once in a lifetime financed without exceeding this budget simply proposition. Thus a system of positive feedback will not be created. Sincerely, and experience can be set up to upgrade the Earlier in the campaign Jerry Ford said that Lee Spencer he’ll run on his record. That statement alone Coordinator NOTHING IS we SAME-~- performance of the voting electorate. “AND summits-o- (oiz “ GARrooNs CAN as A RELEASE ") Rob’s Rules “WMTAWEEKEND” (on “HUMOR is SOCIAU-Y RELEVANT") '- REALITY DOESNo’i Etii‘STm LIE YMAN, , The Tooth paste Menac - \15 A HEAVY fanatics just love to gripe about toothpaste. twice as many caps to leave off of the tube. by Rob Carspecken Modern science has tried many things in the Endless Tube died without a market. Production Writer past to keep married couples, together by The latest development was a toothpaste alleviating the toothpaste problems. One com- if left in the sink, would dissolve itself. It ('7' With Halloween safely out of the way, and pany a few years back came out with a capless infested with tiny bacteria. on the theory tha Thanksgiving just around the comer, student’s toothpaste-—the toothpaste, when exposed to air would not only clean up after itself, but thoughts begin to once again turn to marriage. for short periods, would clot into a ‘hard digestion every time you brushed. This prod And the age old questions come up: where, self-sealing cap, eliminating the need for a cap disappeared (excuse the pun) when it turned, - why-when, when-why. perhaps even who. It is a . that had to be screwed on. When you needed that the toothpaste not only dissolved itself, . so You SAY \Iou've Cor A WEEKS. time when thoughts of settling down become more toothpaste, you simply gave the tube a the tube that contained it, the sink it was left I most prominent. good hard squeeze, and the cap would pop out. in, and, if it ever got that far, the whole . m WORTH 0F DiRT‘l DlSHES w your; ' But before everyone jumps blithely into The stuff, named “ToothGlop”, was not tract. There was no way to control the raven- AND YOU DoNT REMEMBER nuptial bliss, there are‘some things that ought to without its problems, however. The cap, when toothpaste bacteria, and it eventually ate aim: be considered, and I am here to point them out squeezed with force out of the tube, tended to plant where it was created. EATiNq ANYIHINQ ?--- YOU'VE FOUND A to you. This is my purpose. You must work out smash mirrors, lights, coffee mugs, and on Is there no hope for marriage? your own purpose, or become an insurance occasion, toilet tanks. Similarly, the toothpaste The safest intermediary answer is to . COUPLE 0F PAiPs 0F STPANQE SHOES salesman. would tend to follow the cap out of the tube, and Listerine on your toothbrush and scrub a (mac BLACK PUMPS) GCATYERED "New,“ Believe it or not, the thing that breaks up most land on the young wife—where it would Ivory soap might make a, strong comeback. marriages is toothpaste; or rather. what is done eventually harden, making the wife a helpless perhaps people will slowly learn to t- . \IOUR APAEYMENT .7---.Y0UK eyes FEEL with it. The three problems centered around captive of modern technology. The clincher that toothpaste problems—although if they hav . people and toothpaste are: them what leaves the took the stuff off the market, however, was that it managed to do so by now, chances are i SUNK BACK A FOOY W YoUR HEAD 7 cap off of the tube. them what squeezes the tube turned out that you could never rinse all of the never will. ' in the middle instead of fromthe end. and them toothpaste off ofyour neat, clean teeth, and the At any rate, I beseech all State stud ;. . YOU LAUQH AipT To YQURSELF Asim- what leaves globs of toothpaste laying disgust- stuff would glue your mouth closed on a everywhere to take a close look at ‘ _ ‘ ‘me “mums youpow‘r REMEMBER ? ingly in the sink. Some semi-scholars include a somewhat permanent basis. prospective spouse, before you marry fourth, them what doesn't use toothpaste. but So much for “ToothGlop”. Orbetteryet,takeacloselookatthe - g ‘1on PHONE DOESNT 5Tb? RINQIN A55 said persons usually don't make it far enough in A solution to end the squeezing-from-the- ls mm the endIeSs tube—it had a MLE JUST CALL- UP “To cm A 0 see dating to get to the marriage stage. middle problem was .g, The hows and whys involved in why and how cap on each end. so that squeezing it anywhere these things cause problems are too obvious for in the middle would eventually force the HOWYOUR WEEKEND WM" .9 Do THEY me to go in to here. The fact is that as.long as toothpaste out one or the other ends. The - mow éoMEtiliNa You DON'T .7 m that now there were 7 there are people. there will be fanatics, and problem here of course, was