WALHALLA's Tion of This (Jennan Settlement Was Hold in Llkowiso Isw Him
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the of Dio natal You aro our kith ami kin. Wo aro tho la tho ro- tlio "To thom ho WAH liken WAS direction of this with uaná elobrnthig anniversary enterprise, first printed In 18Ö3 Gormau Evangelical Lu- patriarchal parent.him. place, 4^ lay of our olly-in tining honor untó il« persuaded that hundred* more who are I nort by him as made Ootobor thornn church of VValballa wa» Incor¬ one lu prosperity? Ho rojotcoa with WM olovatod to tho visor of Ids oap in tho and lil» statespresident, he ntllleteil? He wopt with him. DIO ho need who is for llUStl'ioUS founder oo-hihorers, absout ill the Mesh are present in the 1, 1854, bo that tho first mooting, porated, nod tho beautiful house of wor¬ advice? Ho was his counsellor. Was ho wron«? attitude of tho gunner watching hose Hturdy, patriotic, bravo-hcartcd spirit. Tltey eateh with us the Inspira¬ look ¡un to wa i-ts tho establishment of the ship still standing, was thereafter erect¬ Hu rebuked him. Waa ho right? Hu maintained tho effect of tho shot just tired from his WALHALLA'S tion of this (Jennan Settlement was hold In Llkowiso isw him. Was bu to bo defended? He wa» ld« advo¬ so ho looked into tho futuro of this íermnu pioneers. From the shores of .Society ed. In tho officers and gun, day. his uso cate and friend. ovor romain Fifty years ago they found here a the Atlantic, from the Pacilic I) ou tho (1th Ootobor, 1848, nt members of thu Society, theretofore to Individuáis. placo witii hope tiiat it smdl slope, which aomo "He did not limit bis solicitude tho motivos that irimcvnl forest in all its native ver¬ from tho distant isles of the sea, conies twolvo signatures wero given known as lliu German Colonization So¬ Ho had ever in his comprehensive thought tb» worthy of prompted löre and beauty. Only a short limo tho »;l»d "Well done!" "Well to tho movement. Gen. Wagoner was nt ciety, woro incorporated under tho mimo advancement and progresser the Herman citi¬ him and his associates in its founding. refrain, this timo a in zens of this State. Ho sought to their his codaborors or leforehad the smoko of the last wigwam «lone." publishing paper thu Gor¬ of tho Gorman Settlement Society of promotetheir Fully fifty years ho, man lam: inure in Ch arl eaton called the Volutno 12 intellectual and moral maren and political their have looked forward |ro ascended from tho blue dome of Once more would we invite you, in Charleston. (Seo Statutes, dignity as well a» to stimulate all those enter¬ successors, 'under mountains. These gentle slopes tho language of Horace, the ancient "Toutouo," and tho printing olllco was page '¿OH.) prises whluh Involved thoH physical prosperity. that Walhalla might bocomo what thoy nd beautiful wore still tho noc- evidently in the same building with bis It appears from thc of Presi¬ "(Jouerai Wagoner was massive in brain and would have it bo; and boro, at tho closo valleys bard, who, you know, lived long before report was urnill rendezvous of with the of inno¬ residente, for wo lind from tho vory first dent Wngenor, made October I, 1854, in person, and bin entire organism naturally of tbo8o fifty yoars, wo who aro prcBont "huge stags reign "Fuss X," and could minutes adapted for tito possession of power and tito to seo tho ixteen antlers." Hut amid tho dense cently invoke tho poetic license: of tho society Hint it is recorded that within three years tho littles town exoreiso or Inlluenco. Hence, with his earnest aro permitted accomplishment rild DOSS and prodigality of primitive ns having boen held in tho ollico of tho of Walhalla had made wonderful pro¬ anti propulsive nature, he was hound to propa of much which they boped for. Wo "No stupid Inwa «ur roasts control, »nd that thero wore eleven On tho three his i It is thus that moral take courago as wo stand on tho thresh¬ iatut'0 tho Hut cooli ur "Toutoiiu," gress. locality which gandfzc noughts. penetrating, far-seeing eye guest drains louves tho bowl, ns follows: J. A. before was known as revolutions arc Oifcctod, truth eliminated from old of another half century, and fool if founder a Ol the Precisely UH ho feels Inclined- porsohs proHont Wago¬ yoars tho homo of error, and man is raised and ele¬ tho caught glimpse M ,l. ll. J. antiquated with tho STREET aient wealth hero locked of ils If li« lie OK,;, muí lmvc ii mind ner, Wuhrmann, M. llunckon, tho bear and tho wild hog ho could vated in tho scale of Intellectual existence. that along rapid development MAGNIFICENT PARADE-ELOQUENT ADDRESSES-OVER FIVE up, I'm humucrs, good! If not, lie's foe Cord Ölten, Eimer Cappoluiaun, Jacob then count 05 attractive houses, of which "Honorai Wagoner did not contine himself to of thia .Southland, and especially in thia lower to sustain a To sin lils . complex, onlight- liquor leisurely. Schroder, Jacob ll. I). Ellor- were rosidcuci H. Thoro wore :i(X) iu- a lifo of usefulness to bis own people only. He Piedmont section, at tho ncd civilization. As bo drank from 1'Nir this one time, wo would Koopinan, 40 held ouldie glorious very begin horst, Churn Hullw.nkol, I). Von Eitzen exclusive of tho residents on high trust-legislative, municipal, foot of mountains whoso minorai re¬ THOUSAND PERSON! bo refreshing brook, and reclined under 'A country mouse, receives within ( and Itah!tauts, military anil moral. Ills rugged cave u city brother, Goingo. Cordes. These had all paid tho farms adjoining. tho resi¬ "Ho was a man of considerable learning, in sources aro undovolopod, wo may fool he restful shade of the as he As one " Among trees, old coim-ndc would another.' > their initiation foo of $10. It did not dents are mentioned a number of black¬ w hich history anti political economy were promi¬ with certainty that a great futuro yot lohold "simile above shade, a woolly take loni' for this numbor to doublo and tailors, some nent. Ito wits much given to reading, rolfootlon awaits Walhalla. Walhall/«, "tho Paradise of tho Cronshaw, A. C. J. M. Mor¬ After Mr. address tho smiths, shoemakers, twenty and and had a talent for ; Bruoko, hentt'O of stateliest hue," bis mind Jaynes's soon lo triple In 18-11) tho hist land pur ono cabinet work¬ studv strong analysis wondered back across tho carpenters, painters, hence he exercised all these public trusts with '?Amt now, oh, founders, wiso and true, (Joela," to-day oolobralos ¡ts Semi-1 gan, .I. W. Chambers, J. L. Klturnlly Artillery Band played and then tho chase wns m.ule. In tho "Toutouo,'' man, one one apothecary, eminent ability, great assiduity and with an Who budded hotter Mum ye knew, Camp« inters to the land of bis birth be sat coppersmith, as a Centennial. years ago a colony A. J. L, li. L. ; address of tho .John 1). Issued lOth october, 18-18, wo lind tho ono physician, four merchants, two Integrity that shone forth bright beacon We build to you this granite pile Fifty bell, Ridley, Hayes, gain upon lb" banks of the Weser and day by lion. report of tho with tho fol¬ hotels, four ono one light for tho direction of all who would guitle To provo throughout time's 'little while' organization, brickmasons, bilker, the ship of State. That human hearts do not forget of Germans from Charleston landed Dihvorth, lilias Crooks, li. F. Driver, bought of the shady groves of tho Cappeltnarm was delivered. Mr. lowing lamed oflicors: butcher, ono barber, ono teacher and "Tho honors Honorai received In his Tiloso without coronet, be recalled the of J. lu-nu ono Wagoner princes hero under the shadow of the Hine 10. M. 1). F. fatherland i story mann's address ing Wuhrmnun, prosidont; minister of tho gospel. liir linc hecanie him well and wore worthily Whoso hands the virgin forests fell, Mason, Dilworth, Ter- Valhalla ; how in Scandinavian my- Cappel showed vi¬ Jacob .Schroder, treasurer; 1). Von Eitzen, TllOSO who settled permanently and horne, and if death had not Intervened lt is Whose fearless feet the pathway pell to found homes for themselves roll J. AI. it was as an ideal and Cord Claus bull¬ wore tho on beyond doubt that In view of bis (pialillcatlons, To homes where homeless men may dwoll- Ridge Carver, Dowis, Andrew bology painted place gorous research, caro and com¬ Bociettry, Otton, pioneers hero tho ground usefulness ¡md sorvlco an rest ye weill" if sweet "the Paradise of tito winkle, II. D. J. M. Ilonckou, encountered obstacles and soon public appreciative Strong rounders, and theirs. The fundamental idea Mathis, E. C. White, Hobt. rest, It was a and Ellorhorst, many community would have conferred still further Vaughn, ¡ods," tho "happy homo," and "Wal¬ pactness. graphic directors, found thal their undertaking was not an and higher honors on a person so distinguished. After music, Rev. W. A. C. was to establish in this ;S. V. W. O. F. said "its name shall he." of an Tlio of tho is sot forth ono. In back to farm lifo "Tilla great (¡orman citizen < Ul always bo delightful Harbin, Singleton, lalla," be, picturesque painting historic purpose Society easy going ranked amongst tho foremost of las countrymen of was Us was kindled, his heart was in tho by-laws to bo ohielly to olïor to under conditions of climate and land en¬ Illus¬ Mueller, ('ballestón, pre¬ section an agricultural settlement, \V.