AUGUST 30, 1985 Open House at Am David
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r,/ ~inside: r From The Editor, page 4 I Around Town, page 8 THE ONLY ENGLISH JEWISH WEEKLY IN RI AND SOl'THEAST MASS VOLUME LXXII, NUMBER 39 FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1986 30t PER COPY Special Report: 5745: ADL Mission To Eastern Europe .__ __A Year In Review~-~ by Lesley Weiss rights records. The president also has the From June 30 - July 12, 1985, the Anti ezaggerated view that American Jews con Defamation League of B'nai B'rith spon trol the status of MFN which contributes sored a mission to Eastern Europe to visit towards the tolerant treatment of the with the remnants of the Jewish com small Jewish community that remains in munities in those countries, meet with Romania. His benign treatment is helped their leadership and American Embassy by the recognition that the Jewish com officials. munity is shrinking rapidly and poses no The purl)Ol,e oft he m ission was to ascer great threat to the government. tain the condition of Jewry behind the iron Rabbi Moshe Rosen, Chief Rabbi of curtain and lend organizational and Romania, is the patriarch of the com emotional support to the remaining small munity and head of the Federation of Jewish communities. We also hoped to Jewish Communities. The Federation aids gain an understanding of the current Jewi. in 68 communities with funds from problems facing !he Jewish communities the Joint Distribution Committee which to share the information with the AOL in provides free hot meals, kosher kitchens, the U.S. and France. winter fuel, clothing, medical services and The members of the ADL delegation pharmaceuticals. The Federat ion operates were leadership from Massachusetts, synagogues, Talmud Torash, maintains Rhode Island, and Washington, D.C. The Jewish cemeteries, and distributes New Englirnd Office initit1ted the mission. passover matzot and wine. The groups included four survivors of the There are 30,000 Jews in Romania to Holocaust. day. Eighty-five percent are over 70 years First Stop - Romania old. Oft he 400,000 Jews who survived WW The first stop on our mission was in 11, 96',,, haveemigrated to Israel. There was Bucharest, Romania. Romania is one of a community of 800,000 before the war. the most repressive countries in eastern Highlight, and lmpreuions for immigrant Europe. Although we received tourist 1 don't think any ofus were prepared for A Bar Mitzvah ceremony 100 new children, most of them Ethiopian, was held Monday, June 10 at Jerusalem's Western Wall. privileges, we felt the tension and repres- the enthusiastic welcome we received. We sion immediately upon arrival. · were received as an official delegation, met President Nicolau Ceausescu rules the by the .lewish leaders of the community at Herald ~it.or Robert lsrad, in a the community react? Have the 8C8nJ the airport who t raveled with us thr'Nt part report that begins this week caused by the strike healed? throughout the country. At each com on page 4, reviews 5745's top storiea Also, how the Rhode Island Jewish munity, we were overwhelmed by the and how these stories have affected our community reacted to news of the warmth and hospitality shown to us. We community. Ethiopian Jews, pictured above, during traveled by plane to the shtetls of This week, an exploration of the the controveraial airlift earlier this Botosani, Dorohoi and lasi where the once three week strike at the Jewish Home year. thriving Jewish populations were for the Aged in Providence. How <lid decimated by the Holocaust including a pogrom by the local population which claimed 11,000victims in 1941. In Iasi, we visited the mass graves of the victims of the pogrom and there in cemetery in the Israeli Women Increase rain the Rabbi sang a moanful chilling Kaddish as the survivors of the pogrom Feminist Activism looked on. The secret police stared in the background. by Lisa Hostein to try to put aside political and religious Upon arrival in each community, the (JSPS), JERUSALEM - There is a differences which had previously hindered Jewish leaders were waiting outside on the new sense of optimism among Israel's activity and to unite behind a common sidewalk with flowers, the music began to activists for women's rights that "the time agenda for a new feminist effort. " It is play, the children began singing Hebrew is now" to increase the pressure for change important for women to ban together to songs, the kitchen help were fixing their in all comers of society which affect make clear what are the demands common hair, the tables were set with their best women - political, economic, religious, to all women," believes Shalvi, who agreed food, and everyonewaswearingtheirfinest social and educational. to chair the lobby which formed shortly clothes. The leaders had mobilized the en "The demand fo r greater equality and after the dialogue. tire community to welcome this delegation participation comes in waves, and today I The major concerns of the Women's from America. Our presence was a great have a sense of a new wave of feminist Lobby include: improving the public event. pressure," asserts Alice Shalvi, professor image of women in the media and Letiley Wei88 In Dorohoi, the Rabbi made a welcom of English· Literature at Hebrew advertising which many feel to be sexist country with his particular brand of com ing speech after which I spoke about our Univeraity and chairperson of the and offensive: working toward a munism which has been described as being feelings about being in this community Women's Lobby, a burgeoning national "humanization of the work fo rce" with more Stalinistic than the Soviet Union. He and talked about the work of the Anti group of women politicians, academics, particular emphasis on equal runs the state together with the secret Defamation League in fighting anti businesswomen and other activists which opportunities for employment and police and there is no dissent tolerated. Semitism and educating about the hopes to become an umbrella organization legislation which makes it easier for wives Food and other commodities are scarce, Holocauft. Rabbi Wasserman had men for all feminist activity in t he country. and mothers to remain in the work force heating and ho! water limited, electricify tioned that Nate Perlmutter had been "We have another of these historic or return after leave: and pressuring the outlets cemented shut. Public institutions their guest recently. When I mentioned points where there could be a move toward rabbinic courts to become more sensitive are well equipped with informants and that he wits my boss, the audience respon improvement and fairly radical change," to the problems women face in areas of bugging devices. Our movements were ded with cheers and applause. After my says Shalvi. "The question is what tactics personal status, marriage and divorce. carefully monitored and our bus escorted remarks, I was embraced by the women in we use." Because of the political power of the by police guards. the room, the music began again and the Though their tactics may be different, religious parties, these areas are under the In the midst of this repressive climate, women danced the hora with the women in both the traditional women's sole jurisdiction of the Orthodox the Jewish community, not unlike the our group. It was an extremely emotional organizations such as Na'amat, and the rabbinate. Since many women, religious general community, lives a worried, tense moment. They were anxious and proud to newer feminist groups like the Women's and non-religious, feel c!iscrimination and careful life. The irony of the Jewish show us that they are leading a Jewish life Lobby, are working to create that under halacha in these areas, there has situation is that Ceausescu has allowed the in every respect- observing Kashrut, tak pressure. been growing concern over the increasing Jews to practice their religion and culture ing care of their elderly, teaching their The Women's Lobby fo rmed as a result inflexibility of the rabbinic courts when freely as well as re ceived resources from young, Hebrew. When their children leave of a dialogue last summer which brought dealing with such things as divorce gets the Joint Distribution Commi!tee. All this for Israel, they will leave with a developed together Israeli and American women to (official Jewish divorces) and marriage enablesthemtoeatbetterthanthegenerlil Jewish identity. discussissuesrelatingtothetopicof"Jew licenses. population. Romania is the only socialist As heartwarming as it was to see the as Woman, Woman as Jew," including the The Wodien's Lobby would ultimately country that maintains diplomatic Jews ability to be religiously free, it was family, work, religion and politics." The like to create a large enough support base relationships with Israel and emigration to also disturbing to look at their position in four-day dialogue, sponsored by the to be able to pressure for legislative Israel is slow but allowed. the context of the political seemed scared. American Jewish Congress, included changes in all spheres of life, for Ceausescu desire& closer econom ic Theyknowthatthereissomeonelistening Is raeli women leaders and American Jews "legislat,ion is the ultimatee:i:pression ofa relationship with the west and is anxious at all times. In fact, the secret police were such as Betty Friedan, Blu Greenberg, certain consciousnese and social trend to maintain the mos1 fovored nation or with us constantly. Their remarks always Elizabeth Holtzman, and'Cynthia Ozick. which doesn't yet exist," &ays Shalvi. MJ'N ststus with which America rewards includedpraiscofthegovernmentondthe The frustrations voiced particularly by "This is what we have to push for." nation~ which have exemplary human (Continued on page 12) the Israeli women inspired a group or them (Continued on page 13) 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 19&5 Open House At Am David Simplicity and infOrmality will be the accepted fo r the following programs: keys to the annual Open House and PRE-SCHOOL: For 4 to 6-year-olcls.