Biodata Dr.Chantavit

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Biodata Dr.Chantavit Curriculum Vitae Name : Dr. Chantavit Sujatanond Position : SEAMEO RIHED Centre Director Education: 197 5-1977 PhD Education Administration, Michigan State University, USA 1972-1974 ED.S Curriculum Development & Instruction, Michigan State University, USA 1970-1972 M.A. Linguistics, Michigan State University, USA 1966-1969 A.B (English) and (Public Administration), Centro Escolar University, Manila, Philippines Administrative Position : Present Centre Director, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development 2009-2015 Special Advisor, SEAMEO Regional Centre for Higher Education and Development 2007-2009 Deputy Secretary-General, Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education 2007 Inspector General, Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Education 2004-2007 Deputy Director (Administration & Communication), SEAMEO Secretariat 2003-2004 Assistant Secretary-General and Acting Senior Advisor for Private Higher Education Commission on Higher Education, Ministry of Education 1999-2003 Assistant Permanent Secretary, Ministry of University Affairs 1994-1999 Director, Bureau of Private Higher Education, Ministry of University Affairs 1991-1994 Director, Division of International Cooperations, Ministry of University Affairs 1985-1991 Head of International Relations Section, National Education Commission, Office of the Prime Minister Chairman of Committee: 1999 until retired Chair, Committee on Hiring Consultant for the Pilot Project to Set Up Energy Conservation in the Facilities under the Supervision of the Commission on Higher Education 1999 until retired Chair, Selection Committee of Civil Servant Level 1 – 5 2000 – Present Chair, Scholarship Committee of the University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific 2001 – Present Vice Chair, Sub-Committee on Preparation of Land and Personnel, National Village and Urban Community Fund Office 2007-2009 Vice Chair, Committee and Working Group on Development of Public Sector Management of Commission on Higher Education 2007-2009 Chair, Committee on the Negotiation of Key Performance Indicators, Goals, and Evaluation Criteria of the Operation of Bureau and Units of the Commission on Higher Education for Fiscal Year 2008 and 2009 2008 – present Vice President, Shell Education Foundation 2007-2009 Chair, Committee on Distribution of Reward for Fiscal Year 2008 2007-2009 Vice Chair, Working Group on Development of Four-Year Strategic, Operation Plan, and Annual Operation Plan of the Commission on Higher Education 2007-2009 Chair, Working Group on Knowledge Management for Strategic Issues of the Commission on Higher Education 2007-2009 Chair, Public Sector Management Quality Award , Commission on Higher Education 2007-2009 Chair, Organization Leadership Working Group, Commission on Higher Education Committee Member : 1989 – 1990 Member, National Committee on the Education for All (Thailand) and was assigned to write article and present article on Education for All in Thailand in the World Conference on Education for All 1990 1994 until retired Member of the Selection Committee for Commission on Higher Education Officers Level 6, 7, and 8 1995 – Present Executive Member, Phi Delta Kappa Chapter of Thailand 1996 – 2007 Distinguished Member, Office of Civil Service Commission for the Areas of Education, Liberal Arts, and Social Sciences 1999 until retired Member, Personnel Administration Committee of the Commission on Higher Education 1999 – 2007 Member, National Metrology Committee, Ministry of Science and Technology 1999 – 2007 Member, Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology 1999 – 2005 Member, Pathumwan Institute of Technology Council 1999 – 2005 Member, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University Council 1999 – 2002 Member, Academic Senate, Rajabhat Institute Council 2000 – Present Member, Development of Ph.D. International Programme in Human Resources Development, Burapha University 2000 – Present Executive Member, International College, Silpakorn University 2001 until retired Member, Sub-Committee on Higher Education Standards, Commission on Higher Education 2001 – 2005 Executive Member, National Synchrotron Research Centre 2001 – 2005 Member, Thailand Productivity Institute 2001 – Present Member, Sub-Committee on Foreign Technical Assistance for Education Reform, Office of Education Council 2001 – 2005 Member, National Health System Reform, National Health System Reform Office, Ministry of Public Health 2001 – 2004 Member and Assistant Secretary, Sub-Committee on Development of Curriculum and Teaching Plan, National Village and Urban Community Fund Office 2001 – present Member, Publication Committee, the National Identity Board, the Prime Minister’s Office 2001 – 2004 Member, Sub-Committee on the Competition of Slogan and Debate, Office of the National Anti-Corruption Commission 2001 – present Member, Ethics in Research on Human Being, Chulabhorn Research Institute 2001 – 2003 Member and Referee for the Competition of Development of Teaching and Learning Media for E-Commerce, National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre 2002 - 2009 Member, Ministry of University Affairs Foundation 2002 – 2007 Member, National Research Council of Thailand in the Area of Education 2002 – 2009 Member, Thai – American Education Foundation Board (Fulbright) 2002 – 2009 Member, Sub-Committee for the Implementation to Comply With the International Atomic Energy Agency, Ministry of Foreign Affairs 2001 – present Member, Working Group on the Promotion of Thailand as Education Hub 2001 – 2006 Member, Working Group on the Establishment of Private Higher Education Institutions, Chulabhorn Foundation 2004 – present Executive Member, International Programme for Graduate Studies, Burapha University 2007 – present Member, Faculty of Education Senate, Burapha University 2008 – present Member, Academic Senate, Rajabhat Phuket University 2008 – present Cooperation and Networking Advisor, Mahidol University 2008 – present Member, Nakhon Ratchasima College Council 2008 – present Honorary Advisor, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University 2008 – present Member, North-East University Council 2008 – present Member, Rajabhat Phuket University Council 2008 – present Member, Payap University Council 2008 – present Member, Santapol College Council 2008 – present Member, South-East Bangkok College Council 2008 – present Member, Hatyai University Council 2008 – present Member, Mission College Council 2009 – present Member, Committee on the Negotiation of Evaluation of Public Organization for Fiscal Year 2009, Office of the Public Sector Development Commission International Experience : 1980 – 1984 Deputy Director, “School Mapping Project” (a World Bank financed nationwide project covering 70 provinces), National Education Commission 1980-1993 Representing Thailand in various regional and international consulatation meeting and conferences including bilateral and multi-lateral cooperations with neighboring countries and with regional and international organizations 1982-1992 Served as organizer of a number of regional meetings and international conferences (i.e.IEA,EWCA,Searrag, SEARRAG,BRIDGES) 1986 Served as resource person in the High-level Management Workshop on Evaluation of Educational Programmes and Institutions, Republic of orea (Organized by UNESCO) 1989-1990 Responsible for the preparation of Thailand Case on Education for All and presented Thailand Case during the World Conference on Education for all 1990 Invited to serve in the Secretariate, as Assistantant Coordinator for Roundtables of the World Conference on Education for All (Organized jointly by World Bank, UNDP,UNESCO,and UNICEF) 1991-1992 Officer-in-Charge Regionaal Center for Higher Education and Development (RIHED) Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) 1992 Awarded Grant from the East-West Center to participate in the Internationalization forum Hawii 1993 Awarded International Visitor Grant from USIA to visit educational accreditation agencies and universities in the U.S. (1 month) 1993-1992 Acting Interim Director SEAMEO-RIHED 1994 Awarded grant from British Council to visit educational agencies and universities in the United Kingdom. Award : Elaine K. Komo Award of the East-West Center for outstanding accomplishment in strengthening internationalization,1992 Some Writings : 1. A Review on Teacher Education Research in Thailand, a country report for the Southeast Asian Research Review and Advisory Group (SEARRAG),1989 2. Basic Education for All ; A Mission Possible, (Thailand’s ll lustrative Case and EFA Action Plan presented at the World Conference on Education for All), National Education Commission,1990 3. Development of the Quality of Primary Education in Thailand, (Co- author, mimeograph) SEARRAG,1991 4. Thailand Vocational Education Study, (CO-author), World Bank,1991 5. Early Childhood Care and Education in Thailand, (CO-author, mimeograph,1998 .
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