CORNWALL. (KELLY"S, :Mission Church, Mylor Bridge, Sundays 6.30 P.M
228 MYLOR. CORNWALL. (KELLY"s, :Mission Church, Mylor Bridge, sundays 6.30 p.m. ; wed. National, Enys, for 50 children; average at.tendance, 38 ;:: 7 p.m ~Iiss )1ary Hoar, mistre!!ls Bible Christian, Mylor Bridge; 2.30 & 6 p.m.; tnes. 7 p.m CONVEYANCE. Wesleyan Methodist, '~ylor Bridge; 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Randall & Ferris, omnibus, from• Mylor- Bridge·to F1ush. ... SCHOOLS. ing, 4 times on wed. & sat National, Mylor Bridge, for 240 children; average attend ance, 74 boys, 62 girls & 56 infants; Philip Ashton,mast ' MYLOR. tBem;ett .Alexander, builder, .Trelew MYLOR BRIDGE. tDamel Ralph Alien, farmr.L1ttlepark Downe Mrs. Lime villa (Marked thus t should be addressed Dinney John, apartments,Restronguet Frost Mrs Flushing, Falmouth.) t Dunstan George Richard, farmer, J ohns Alfred George, Rose hill cottage · Porloe & Mount Stewart Knapp Lawrence, Rose hill PRIVATE RESIDE~TS. Fisher Blanche (Miss), dress maker, Lavin Mrs Restronguet Lawrence Mrs. Hope cottage tBealey Capt. Adum Francis, ~:m- tGlanville Philip Pomeroy, gardener to ;\lay Waiter, Bell's hill Trelew cottage Thomas Page esq. Trevissome Moore Thos. Miohl. Restrongueb hill Bond J. Gregory, Great wood Gross Samuel, market gardener, West Prestue William JamE's, 4 Cliriton ter-- Boyd l\lrs. Weir cottage, Restrongaet Bellair race, Rosehill tCarter .Alfred, Trelew Hearle Matt. Angove,farmr.Glenmore lVilmot William Chamberlain Mrs. Trenewth, Restron- Holman Michl.Hy. farmr.H.estronguet CO:U.YERCIAL. guet Lawrence Theophilus Lindsay,farmer, Blaclder James, butcher tDaniell Ralph Alien, Littlepark Oanara Collier Jas. Cobbledick,markt.gardenr· t Doble !\Iisses, Tysillic Lowry John, dairyman, Penscove Downe Edward John, shopkeeper tHoblyn Miss, Pentrelew f?lloore Richd.
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