CORNWALL. (KELLY"S, :Mission Church, Mylor Bridge, Sundays 6.30 P.M

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CORNWALL. (KELLY 228 MYLOR. CORNWALL. (KELLY"s, :Mission Church, Mylor Bridge, sundays 6.30 p.m. ; wed. National, Enys, for 50 children; average at.tendance, 38 ;:: 7 p.m ~Iiss )1ary Hoar, mistre!!ls Bible Christian, Mylor Bridge; 2.30 & 6 p.m.; tnes. 7 p.m CONVEYANCE. Wesleyan Methodist, '~ylor Bridge; 11 a.m. & 6 p.m.; wed. 7 p.m Randall & Ferris, omnibus, from• Mylor- Bridge·to F1ush. ... SCHOOLS. ing, 4 times on wed. & sat National, Mylor Bridge, for 240 children; average attend­ ance, 74 boys, 62 girls & 56 infants; Philip Ashton,mast ' MYLOR. tBem;ett .Alexander, builder, .Trelew MYLOR BRIDGE. tDamel Ralph Alien, farmr.L1ttlepark Downe Mrs. Lime villa (Marked thus t should be addressed Dinney John, apartments,Restronguet Frost Mrs Flushing, Falmouth.) t Dunstan George Richard, farmer, J ohns Alfred George, Rose hill cottage · Porloe & Mount Stewart Knapp Lawrence, Rose hill PRIVATE RESIDE~TS. Fisher Blanche (Miss), dress maker, Lavin Mrs Restronguet Lawrence Mrs. Hope cottage tBealey Capt. Adum Francis, ~:m- tGlanville Philip Pomeroy, gardener to ;\lay Waiter, Bell's hill Trelew cottage Thomas Page esq. Trevissome Moore Thos. Miohl. Restrongueb hill Bond J. Gregory, Great wood Gross Samuel, market gardener, West Prestue William JamE's, 4 Cliriton ter-- Boyd l\lrs. Weir cottage, Restrongaet Bellair race, Rosehill tCarter .Alfred, Trelew Hearle Matt. Angove,farmr.Glenmore lVilmot William Chamberlain Mrs. Trenewth, Restron- Holman Michl.Hy. farmr.H.estronguet CO:U.YERCIAL. guet Lawrence Theophilus Lindsay,farmer, Blaclder James, butcher tDaniell Ralph Alien, Littlepark Oanara Collier Jas. Cobbledick,markt.gardenr· t Doble !\Iisses, Tysillic Lowry John, dairyman, Penscove Downe Edward John, shopkeeper tHoblyn Miss, Pentrelew f?lloore Richd. Jn. farmr.Trelew farm Frost Armie (Miss), dress maker J ohnson Alfred, Tregatreath Painter Richard, resident agent to Col. Frost Erlith (Miss), dress maker tKannreuther Fredk. Sillmnn,l, Car· A rthur Tremayne D ..L , J.P. Car- Gilbert .Tsph.nursrymn.&asst.overseer · • rick cottage clew (letters received through Per- Hankins Edwd. Gibson,paintr.Post ofP tl'lewman James, Beach cottage ran-Arworthal R.S.O) Jenkin Thomas Richd. master mariner· GliV,:)J Hugh Pengilly M.R.C.S.Eng. Pearce H.obert, boot ma. Tregatreath Johns Arthur, Lemon Arms P.H Albion house Pike Hy. market gardnr. ·woodlands .Johns John, jobbing gardener ;·Page Thomas, Trevissome tPorter Wm. carman, Six Turnings Moure Benjamin, market gardener tParker Rev. Richard Gazely B.A. RPndall 1Villiam Henry, Pandom inn, Moore Thomas & Son, grocers, pro-·- The Vicarage Restronguet passage vision dealers & millers (water) tPatterson Richd. Snnnyside, Trelew Richards Josiah, dairyman l\Ioore Thomas, farmer ' l'earce J oseph, Alexandra cottage, Tre- tRickard Willinm, dairyman Xicholls Elliott Rogers, frmr.Pcnowcth> gatreath tRoach John, farmer, Trevissome Pearce John, market gardener, Weir tRowe Johh Reed, Grove Rogers Robert, farmer, Tregunwith Phillips Thomas, draper Smyth Mrs. Restronguet Rogers Thos. farmer, Carsawsen farm Reading Room & Library (John Ash'? Swain Lieut. Hv.• Thos. R.l\1. Weir Rogers Wm. Henry, farmer, Hahvyn ton, librarian) fhun Count Leo, Restronguet Rundle '\\'illiam, farmer, Downstall Rees David, blacksmith Tremayne Col. Arthur D.L., J.P. Car­ Stevens James Thomas, farmer,Crow- Tallack Alfd. market gardnr.Stochilale· clew (letters received through Per­ nick fann Thomas Richard, butcher ranarworthal R.S.O) Tallack ~~lfred, farmer, Goonreath Thomas William, builder iVoolcock Thomas Henry, Tregarrick tThomas Fanny (:Miss), apartments, Tregenza Sarah (!\Iiss), grocer Pennaruw villa Tregenz<t Thus. Wm. fanner,Rose hilL CO~BlETICIAL. fThomas William, farmer, Lewithick Tresise Jas. carpenter & wheelwright, tBurnicoat Edwin, mason, Trelew tWilliams Thomas, farmer, Hitchins Tresise .John Pentecost, carpenter & . tBath Alfred,farmer,Churcb Town frm wheelwright ST. NEOT is a very large parish, in the northern part of the Rev. G. E. Hermon: there are soo sittings .. In1 nostly open moorland: the village, which is small, is on the churchyard and the adjoining vicarage grounds stand "he Fow.:Jy stream, 3 miles north-by-west from Doublebois three ancient crosses, and in the parish, near the Laun- · station on the Great ·western railway, 6 north-we8t from ceston road, is the famous "Four Hole Cross," a shaftt Liske:trd and 9 east from Bodmin, in the South Eastern about ·8 feet in height, ornamented with scrolls and inter­ divi;;ion of the county, hundred and petty sessional divi­ laced work, with a mutilated head, two holes only now sion of \Vest, Liskeard union and county court district, remainin~. A new burial ground was presented by the rm'J.l deanery of ·west., archdeaconry of Bodmin and dioc~se late Lieut.-Col. Grylls in I8,86, and opened in the following' of TruTO. SL. Neut, after whom the place is named, is year. The register dates from the year I549 (4th Edward said to have been an elder brother of Alfred the Great. VI.). The living is a vicarage, net yearly value £26o, T~e church of St. Neot, or St. Guerier, as it was formerly including 26 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of.' calletl, dedicated Oct.. 14th, 1321, is a large building of Mrs. Grylls, and held since 1900 'by the Rev. William• granite, in the Perpendicular style of the 15th century, Richard Stuart Majendie M.A. of Keble College, Oxford ... consisting- ,of chancel, nave of seven bays, aisles, south There are W£>sleyan and Bible Christian chapels at St. porch auu-a fine embattled western tower of earlier date, Neat, and Bible Christian chapels at Trenant, Tredinnick'• with pinnacles, containing 6 bells, all cast in 1777: the and Harrowbridge. The charities are of about £w8 yearly· south poreh is grained, and has a parvise a hove: the value. The Church Institute was erected in 1896 at the churr.'il po~sesses an interesting series of stained windows, cost of Rev. G. E. Hermon M.A. and others, and contains • 17 in number, assigned by '\Vhit:aker to the 12th century, reading and recreation rooms divided by a movable parti­ but by others to circ. 1480: these were restored in 1824, tion, and is nlso used for entertainments &c. A fair is' at the cost of the late Hev. Richard Gerveys Grylls, then held on the first Tuesday in April and November, yearly, patron of th3 living, at 'a cost of £2,ooo; two illustrate for cattle. St. Neot's Well, about a quarter of a mile the legends of St. George and St. Neot, and in others are we~t of the church, was carefully and substantially re­ subj e.-:ts from the Old 'l'estament, the hierarchy of angels constructed about 187o. Near the northern extremitv-• and figures of saints: in 1864 the chancel was restored by of the parish, amid bleak and desolate moors, and at- the late Lieut.-Col. S. M. Grylls: in 1885 a sum of £6oo an elevation of Bgo feet above the sea level, is Dosmery · w:1s expended in interior restoration and part of the old or Dozmare pool, fed by some undiscovered spring, and seats were replaced by O'ak benches: in r88g-go a new the subject of various legendary tales: !Brown Welly Hill,. a mile south of the pool, is a rocky eminence, I,Ioo feet vertry• was added and. the whole of the nave reseat.ed at a cost of £1,730: in the church is a monument, with a a hove the sea level. There is excellent trout fishing in.: history Qf St. Neat in 32 rhyming couplets, and memo­ ·the Fowey and other streams in the neig-hbourhood, and rials to 1Villiam Bere, ob. 1610; the Rev. S. Thomas, 37 the surrounding scE-nery is highly attractive. Lewarne, ~'ears vicar, ob. 1702, and Millicent, his wife, ob. 1705 ; the property of '~rs. Grylls, is a modern mansion in the Thomas Pomery, gent. ob. 1750, and to the family of Tudor Gothic style, situated in extensive grounds on Dangar, r82o-68: in 1900 a rood screen and parcluse an elevation about 100 feet above the Li!'keard road, and" screens of teak, from designs by Mr. G. H. Fellowes commands a magnificE-nt prospect of the river Fowey. Prynne F.R.I.B.A. and executed by H. H. Martyn, of :Mrs. Grylls, who is lady of the manor, Viscount Clifden,. Cheltenham, were presented by the Rev. G. E. Hermon Cecil Edward Bewes esq. of Ridg-e way, Plympton St. Mary •. M.A. of Doublebois House. and vicar here I8g6-Igoo, at Mrs. Glencros!'l, of Luxstowe, Liskea.rd. and Capt. RicharC. a cost of £goo: the choir 11talls and sedilia were given Carlyon Coode, of Polapit Tarnar, Werrington, Devon, ara.~ by thB parishioners, and the bra"!s lectern was the gift the chief landowners. The bailiff of the manor (H. G. T .. .
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