w.c.baker rare books and ephemera CATALOG ONE a selection of unusual printed and manuscript works relating to magic, medicine, museums, religion, science, the stage, and other diverse subjects To purchase or inquire about an item, please contact Will Baker by email at Time hath endless rarities, and shows of all varieties...
[email protected] or by phone at (203) 752-7410. —THOMAS BROWNE Payments for orders may be submitted by check (U.S. funds only), money order, wire transfer, major credit card, or PayPal. Libraries and known customers may be billed. All materials are guaranteed to be as described. Purchases may be returned within two weeks of receipt after contacting the seller. All items are subject to prior sale. On the Cover: “The Oldenburg Horn” (illustration detail), in Oliger This first catalog is dedicated, with deep gratitude, to my generous Jacobæus: MUSÉUM REGIUM SEU CATALOGUS RERUM TAM NATURALIAM, QUÀM ARTIFICIALIUM… (Copenhagen: Joachim and patient guides and mentors in the rare books and oddities trades, Schmetgen, 1696). Item 40. especially Bruce Altshuler, Nick Aretakis, Terry Belanger, John Block, Bekah Dickstein, Joanna Ebenstein, Blake Ferris, Johnny Fox, Book design by Design Monsters. Basie Gitlin, Jeffrey and Sandra Inskeep-Fox, Evan Michelson, Joan All text and images in this catalog Nordstrom, Bill Reese, the staff of the William Reese Company, John © 2015 W. C. Baker Rare Books & Ephemera. Schulman, Dan Slive, John Stinson, Michael Vinson, David White- sell, Tom Wood, and Mike Zohn. Please visit us online at www.wcbaker.com. P. O. Box 9197 • Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15224 (203) 752-7410 •
[email protected] CATALOG ONE w.c.baker rare books and ephemera CLEVELAND • PITTSBURGH 1 1.