EXCAVATIONS AT A PORTION OF THE SECESSIONVILLE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE (38CH1456), JAMES ISLAND, CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA ~~ ,---~_tlll ~_--,· CHICORA FOUNDATION RESEARCH SERIES 52 EXCAVATIONS AT A PORTION OF THE SECESSIONVILLE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITE (38CH1456), JAMES ISLAND, CHARLESTON COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Research Series 52 Michael Trinkley Debi Hacker With Contributions By: Cheryl Claassen Arthur Cohen Douglas S. Frink S. Homes Hogue Irwin Rovner Michael S. Smith Chicora Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 8664 • 861 Arbutus Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29202 8031787-6910 Email:
[email protected] June 1997 ISSN 0882-2041 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publications Data Trinkley, Michael. Excavations at a pOltion of the Secessionville archaeological site (38CH1456), James Island, Charleston County, South Carolina / Michael Trinkley. Debi Hacker ; with contributions by Cheryl Claassen. ret al.I p. cm. -- (Research series, ISSN 0882-2041 ; 52) "June 1997." Includes bibliographical references. 1. Secessionville (S.C.)--Antiquities. 2. Excavations (Archaeology)--South Carolina--Secessionville. 3. Indians of North America--South Carolina--Secessionville--Antiquities. 4. United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865--Antiquities. 5. Military camps--South Carolina--Secessionville--History--19th century. I. Hacker, Debi. II. Claassen, Cheryl, 1953- III. Chicora Foundation. IV. Title. V. Series: Research series (Chicora Foundation) ; 52. F279.S39T74 1998 975.T915--dc21 97-46639 CIP Copyright @ 1997 by Chicora Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transcribed in any form without the permission of Chicora Foundation, except for blief quotations used in reviews. Full credit must be given to the author and the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of American National Standard for Infomlation Sciences - Permanence of Paper for Printed I.ihrary Materials, ANSI Z39.48-1984.