ARCHAEOLOGICAL TESTING OF 38RD1082, KIVA CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, RICHLAND COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA CHICORA RESEARCH CONTRIBUTION 232 © 2001 by Chicora Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted, or transcribed in any fQrm or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherWise without prior permission of Chicora Foundation, Inc. except for brief quotations used in reviews. Full credit must be given to the authors, publisher, and project sponsor. ARCHAEOLOGICAL TESTING OF 38RD1082, KIVA CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, RICHLAND COUNTY, SOUTH CAROLINA Prepared By: Michael Trinkley, Ph.D. Prepared For: Ms. Rebecca Miles, CEO Mental Health Association in South Carolina 1823 Gadsden Street Columbia, SC 29201 Chicora Foundation Research Series 232 Chicora Foundation, Inc. PO Box 8664 c 861 Arbutus Drive Columbia, South Carolina 29202-8664 803/787-6910 Email:
[email protected] October 30, 1997 rl'his n.'port is printed on pern1anent paper 00 ABSTRACT ·rhis study reports on archaeological stains or other disturbances. No vertical testing at 38RD1082. 'll1is site was first reported as stratigraphy was apparent in this work, with both a scatter of lithic n1aterials encountered during Early Archaic and Late Archaic materials co construction of t\\'O concrete pads for aparttnent occurring in the san1e zone of dense remains. units. Situated north of the ('ity of ('olurnhia, just Horizontal stratigraphy, while difficult to outsi<lc Blythe\vood, the site \Vas found on a ridge conclusively identify in the testing, is possible. The nose currently wooded in 1nixed harlhvoods and investigations, however, failed to identify any p111cs. features an<l no concentrations of materials were identified in the units excavated.