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Xerox University sysicrofilms 300 Norih Zeeb Road Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 75 - 11,358 HENDEL, Kurt Karl, 1944- JOHANNES BUGENHAGEN'S EDUCATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1974 History, modern Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48io6 0 1975 KURT KARL HENDEL ALL RIGHTS RESERVED THIS DISSERTATION HAS BEEN MICROFILMED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED. JOHANNES BUGENHAGEN’S EDUCATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Kurt Karl Hendel, B.A., M.A. * » « * » The Ohio State University 1974 Reading Committee: Approved By Professor Harold J. Grimm Professor Franklin J. Pegues Professor Paul C. Bowers Jviser Department of History ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my deep appreciation to Dr. Harold J. Grimm for his guidance and encouragement throughout my graduate program. My family also deserves a special word of thanks for their perseverance and sup port . it VITA May 27, 1944 . Born--Wolfsdorf, Germany 1966 B.A., Concordia Senior College, Ft. Wayne, Indiana 1970 » » » » M.Div., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Missouri 1 9 7 0 -1 9 7 4 ........ University Fellow, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1971 .............. M.A., The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 1 9 7 2 -1 9 7 3 ........ Teaching Associate, Department of History, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio PUBLICATIONS Translation: Liermann, Hans* "Protestant Endowment Law in the Franconian Church Ordinances of the Sixteenth Century." The Social History of the Reformation. Ed. by Lawrence P. Buck and Jonathan W. Zophy. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1972. Review of Confrontation at Worms, by DeLamar Jensen. The Sixteenth Century Journal, October, 1974, p. 133» FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Renaissance and Reformation. Professor Harold J. Grimm Minor Fields Medieval Europe Professor Franklin J. Pegues Tudor and Stuart England. Professor R. Clayton Roberts Colonial and Revolutionary America. Professor Paul C. Bowers iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Pago ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ................................. il VITA ................................. iii INTRODUCTION . 1 Chapter I. THE EMERGING REFORMER ..................... 5 Education and Treptow Wittenberg II. BUGENHAGEN'S ORGANIZATIONAL TRAVELS .... 56 Braunschweig Hamburg LUbeck Pomerania Denmark Schleswig-Holstein Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel Final Years III. THE THEORETICAL M I L I E U ................... 8l Lutheran Theological Principles Luther Instruction of the Visitora--Melanchthon Bugenhagen IV. BUGENHAGEN'S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM; PRIMARY AND ADVANCED INSTITUTIONS................. 128 German Boys' Schools Girls' Schools Lectorium University Libraries V. BUGENHAGEN'S EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM: THE LATIN SCHOOL ................... ..... 156 Number Curriculum Administration Teachers Students iv VI. BUGENHAGEN'S EDUCATIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS . 201 Teacher and Reformer Writer of School Orders Bugenhagen in the Sixteenth»century Context Bugenhagen and Modem Education CONCLUSION ....................... 223 BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................... 226 INTRODUCTION Johannes Bugenhagen and Philipp Melanchthon have been recognized as the two most significant co-workers of Martin Luther and leaders of the Lutheran Reformation. While Melanchthon*s contributions have been extensively examined, Bugenhagen*s work has not been analyzed as carefully. His place in the triumvirate of German reformers is quite se cure, but Reformation scholars have little to say about the Pomeranian reformer. A general recognition of his organizing genius and his close relationship with Luther usually suffices as a description of Bugenhagen*s signif icance for the Reformation. Few biographies of Bugenhagen have appeared in the twentieth century, and those which have are generally based on the nineteenth-century works of Karl August Trau- gott Vogt 1 and Hermann Hering. 2 While a series of commem orative collections appeared in 1 9 5 8, the four hundredth anniversary of Bugenhagen*s death, a large proportion of the articles addressed themselves to Bugenhagen-s signif icance for a particular geographical area. The volume edited by Werner Rautenberg does contain helpful material#^ The only significant monograph about Bugenhagen in the twentieth century has been Johannes H. Bergsma*s analysis & of Bugenhagen*s liturgical work. Even Bergsma's study 2 is in large part merely a collection of the liturgical sec tions in Bugenhagen*s church orders. It is particularly surprising that BugenSmgea* s edu cational work has not attracted significant historical scholarship. Luther's creativity and contributions in the area of education have quite naturally received extensive attention.^ Melanchthon has found a place in history as the Praeceptor Germaniae. However, except for passing references in histories of education and two nineteenth- century doctoral dissertations devoted to the general sub ject , ^ Bugenhagen*s educational contributions have been overlooked or ignored. Yet Bugenhagen deserves recogni tion for his dedication to the revival and the growth of education in the sixteenth century. He established schools wherever he organized churches in northern Germany and Den mark. His church orders, the constitutions of the new evangelical churches which Bugenhagen produced for every area in which he worked, consisted of three major sections. A school order always constituted one of these sections. In his school orders Bugenhagen presented a comprehensive educational program for the new evangelical churches. It is my purpose in this dissertation to examine and evaluate Bugenhagen*s educational contributions through a study of his career as an educator and a careful analy sis of his school orders. While Bugenhagen was not a creative educational theorist, he was a capable and dil igent educator and administrator. His body of school 3 orders, one of the most extensive and significant produced during the sixteenth century, played an essential role in the establishment of schools in the evangelical areas of northern Germany. Bugenhagen's educational work was deeply appreciated by his contemporaries. It deserves the atten tion of twentieth-century Reformation scholarship. Footnotes ^Karl August Traugott Vogt, Johannea Bugenhagen Pomeranus (Elberfeld: R.L, Friderichs^ lôé?)* 2 Hermann Hering, Doktor Pomeranus, Johannes Bugen hagen, "Schriften des Vereins für Reformationsgeachichte,” No. XXII (Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1888). « Rautenberg, ed., Johann Bugenhagen; Beitrflge zu aeinem 400. Todestag (Berlin: Evangelische Verlags- anstalt, I9 5 8). 4 Johannes H. Bergsma, Die Reform der Messliturgie durch Johannes Bugenhagen (Kevelaer: Butzon & Bercker; Hildesheim: Bernward Verlag, 1966). Numerous works have dealt with Luther's educational contributions, among them Gustav M. Bruce, Luther as an Educator (Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1928); H. Keferstein, Dr. Martin Luthers Pfldagogische Schriften uhd Aeusserungen (Langensalza; Hermann Beyer & SBhne, I8 8 8) ; P.E. Kretzmann, edi, Luther on Education in the Christian Home and School (Burlington, Iowa; The Lutheran Literary Board, 19^0); J.C.W. Lindemann, Dr. Martin Luther als Erzieher der Jugend (2nd ed.; St. Louis; Aug. Wiebusch ul Sohn, 1 8 6 6); Johannes Meyer and Johannes Prinzhorn, Dr. Martin Luthers Gedanken über Erziehung und Unterricht (Hannover; Carl Meyer, IÔ8 3)î F .V.N. Painter, A History* of Education (New York; D . Appleton & Company, 109 6); F.V.N. Painter, Luther on Education (St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House,' n.d.). ^I am referring to Carl