The Third African Conference on Nutrition and Child Feeding, Held
AGENCY FOR ItJTERNATICNAL DEVELOPMENT FOR AID USE ONLY WASHINGTON, 0. C. 20323 BIBLIOGRAPHIC INPUT SHEET i.t',j,JE,.r A.Public S.ISAAR f Health f.1 A',SI. I I CAT ION u. , C' IjARY Nutr it ion 2. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Proceedings of the Third African Conference on Nutrition and Child Feeding 3. AUTHOR(S) Conference on Nutrition and Child Feeding. 3d, Tunis, Tunisia, 1970 4. DOCUMENT DATE 5. NUMBER OF PAGES I6. ARC NUMBER 1970I 420 p. ARC 7. REFERENCE ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Public Health Service, Washlnqton, D.C. 2020 1 8. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES (Sponsorlng Organization, Pubtlihers, Availability) Free copies available in English and French from: Agency for International Development, Office of Nutrition, Washington, D.C. 20523 9. ABSTRACT The Third African Conference on Nutrition and Child Feeding, held in Tunis, May 25-29, 1970, was sponsored by the Republic of Tunisia and USAID, with participation of the FAQ, UNICEF, the UN Development Program, and the WHO. The conference activities recorded in these proceedings include country reports on nutrition in Algeria, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Kinshasa, Gabon, Morocco, Rwanda, Tunisia, and the United States. Also included are thematic presentations and committee reports on nutrition and health, nutrition and agriculture, nutrition and child feeding, nutrition and education, nutrition and industry, and coordination of nutrition programs. The general discussions which followed the thematic presentations reflect the sharp focus of attention on such key questions as health and mental development, the relative importance of food crops versus cash crops, the value of nutrition surveys in providing a basis for agricultural and trade policies, the enormous need for nutrition education, and the critical need for coordination of nutritional and agricultural policies.
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