Filet Mignon

What is it? This is the tenderest steak cut from the larger Tenderloin roast. Known for its tender texture, smooth bite and is nicely marbled. We cut ours at 1.5+ inch thick best for but you can also purchase our Petite Tenderloin which is the flat end of the Tenderloin cut and very thin for easy pan .

How to cook! For best results season with a pinch of coarse salt and pepper, allowing to come to room temperature before cooking. The tenderer the steak the quicker they cook so watch the Filet as it will overcook quickly. See below for a great Lemon and Parsley Butter addition! . Grill: Cook over medium heat app 5-6 minutes per side. Note: each grill is different! A new “Viking” stainless steel gas grill will cook different than the faithful charcoal but this is a guide. See the next section for what really matters when cooking a great steak like this.

Pan Fry: you can also pan fry the Filet using a lower to medium heat. Sprinkle the pan with oil, season the steak with salt and pepper and cook for app 6-8 minutes per side.

What to remember! Grassfed steaks cook faster and are better enjoyed rare to medium rare! The worst thing you can do is over cook a great steak like this which can make it dry and chewy. The variable that has changed my grilling from bad to decent is knowing steak continues to cook after you pull it off the heat. Always remove before they are cooked to your desired wellness.

“Better to be a bit under than over. This is my “Price is Right” steak cooking motto.” Filet with Lemon Parsley Butter Salt & Pepper Steaks to taste. 4 Tbls. Butter 1 Tbls. Fresh Parsley ¼ tsp. grated Lemon zest ¼ tsp. Salt & Pepper Grill Steaks over med-hi heat for 3-5 min. each side. Mix butter, parsley, lemon, salt & pepper. Top each steak with a dab of the Lemon Butter.