2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey

Executive Summary Report

Prepared for: Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corp.

Prepared by: Port Authority of New York & Engineering Department

In Association with:

Revised September 2010 Table of Contents Purpose ...... 1

Survey Schedule ...... 1

Survey Methodology ...... 1

Key Findings and Selected Tables from the Final Weighted Database ...... 5 System-Wde Origins-and-Destinations ...... 5 System-Wide Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs ...... 9 Access and Egress Modes...... 11 Trip Frequency and Trip Purpose ...... 11 Demographics ...... 14 Tourist ...... 15 Weekday Station-by-Station Findings ...... 15

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey i List of Tables Table ES-1 - Sample Size ...... 4 Table ES-2 - Top 10 Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs - WEEKDAY Survey ...... 9 Table ES-3 - Top 10 Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs - SATURDAY Survey ...... 10 Table ES-4 - Top 10 Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs - WEEKDAY AM Peak Period (7AM to 10 AM) ...... 10 Table ES-5 - Access and Egress Modes - Weekday and Saturday Survey ...... 12 Table ES-6 - Purpose of the Trip by Trip Frequency - Weekday (All Respondents) ...... 13 Table ES-7 - Purpose of the Trip by Trip Frequency - Saturday (All Respondents) ...... 14 Table ES-8 - Gender ...... 15 Table ES-9 - Tourist ...... 15 Table ES-10 - Top Two Access or Egress Modes of New York Station Trips ...... 16 Table ES-11 - Top Boarding or Exiting Stations of New York Station Trips ...... 17 Table ES-12 - Top Access or Egress Modes of Grove Street, Exchange Place, and Pavonia/Newport Trips ...... 18 Table ES-13 - Top Boarding or Exiting Stations of Grove Street, Exchange Place, and Pavonia/Newport Trips ...... 19 Table ES-14 - Tabulations and Cross Tabulations ...... 20

List of Figures

Figure ES-1 - PATH System Map ...... 2 Figure ES-2 - Weekday Origins ...... 5 Figure ES-3 - Inter and Intrastate Trips - Weekday ...... 6 Figure ES-4 - Saturday Origins ...... 7 Figure ES-5 - Inter and Intrastate Trips - Saturday ...... 7 Figure ES-6 - Origins 7AM to 10AM ...... 8 Figure ES-7 - Inter and Intrastate Trips - 7 to 10 AM Weekday ...... 8

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey ii Station Snapshots Figure 1 - Weekday Trips Boarding at the World Trade Center Station Figure 2 - Weekday Trips Exiting at the World Trade Center Station Figure 3 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Christopher Street Station Figure 4 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Christopher Street Station Figure 5 - Weekday Trips Boarding at 9th Street Station Figure 6 - Weekday Trips Exiting at 9th Street Station Figure 7 - Weekday Trips Boarding at 14th Street Station Figure 8 - Weekday Trips Exiting at 14th Street Station Figure 9 - Weekday Trips Boarding at 23rd Street Station Figure 10 - Weekday Trips Exiting at 23rd Street Station Figure 11 - Weekday Trips Boarding at 33rd Street Station Figure 12 - Weekday Trips Exiting at 33rd Street Station Figure 13 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Newark Penn Station Figure 14 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Newark Penn Station Figure 15 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Harrison Station Figure 16 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Harrison Station Figure 17 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Station Figure 18 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Journal Square Station Figure 19 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Grove Street Station Figure 20 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Grove Street Station Figure 21 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Exchange Place Station Figure 22 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Exchange Place Station Figure 23 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Pavonia/Newport Station Figure 24 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Pavonia/Newport Station Figure 25 - Weekday Trips Boarding at Hoboken Station Figure 26 - Weekday Trips Exiting at Hoboken Station

Report Appendices Appendix A – Survey Methodology and Survey Instrument Appendix B – Weighting Factor Methodology Appendix C – Survey Coding and Logic Check and Record Layout Appendix D – Final Weighted Tables

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey iii

Purpose As part of its research activity, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANY&NJ) maintains an ongoing program designed to monitor and analyze trends in interstate transit ridership. The 2009 System-Wide PATH Passenger Survey data will assist the Port Authority with their monitoring efforts and with updating their database on current trends in inter- and intrastate ridership. Previous system-wide surveys have been conducted in 1996, 2001 (both before and after the events of 9/11), 2004 and 2007.

The findings from the system-wide interview surveys are contained in three documents – the Executive Summary Report, Station Snapshots, and the Report Appendices. This document is the Executive Summary Report and contains key system-wide and station-based findings that are highlighted in figures found in the Station Snapshots document. The Station Snapshots document contains two figures for each station that show the origins, destinations, boarding and exiting stations, and travel modes of passengers that enter and exit each station on a typical weekday. The Report Appendices contain a full set of tabulations and cross tabulations of the data. A follow-up telephone customer satisfaction survey was also conducted in the fall of 2009 and the findings are discussed in a fourth document entitled "PATH Customer Satisfaction Study Wave VII".

Survey Schedule The interview surveys were conducted on a typical weekday (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) and Saturday at all PATH Stations (see Figure ES-1) in the months of September and October of 2009. Weekday surveys were conducted between the hours of 5 AM and 1 AM and Saturday surveys were conducted between 8 AM and 10 PM.

Survey Methodology An interview-assisted approach was used to conduct a short origin-and-destination survey (about two to three minutes to complete). The survey was conducted by interviewing PATH customers as they passed through the turnstiles to access the train platforms. A survey form was developed and programmed into a hand-held Palm© Personal Digital Assistant (PDA).

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 1

Figure ES-1 PATH System Map

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 2

The PDA recorded the time of day of the interview and the interviewer recorded the gender of the customer being surveyed. The interviewer proceeded to ask the following questions and then asked for a follow-up contact name and telephone number:

1. At which station will you leave PATH?

2. Where is your final destination (town, zip code, or nearest intersection, if Manhattan)?

3. After you leave PATH, how will you get to your final destination (via what mode)?

4. Where did you begin your trip (town or zip code, or nearest intersection, if Manhattan)?

5. How did you get to this PATH Station (via what mode)?

6. What is the main purpose of your trip?

7. Are you a tourist?

8. How often do you make this trip by PATH?

Depending on a survey respondent’s answer to a particular question, follow-up questions may have been asked. If a person responded that he/she took a bus as his/her access or egress mode, he/she was asked whether it was a NJ Transit, MTA, or private bus and the bus route they used. If a person said he/she walked as his/her access or egress mode, the surveyor asked a follow-up question whether he/she used any other forms of transportation as part of his/her trip because the walk category in the survey is only for those trips that involved only walking.

For the final question, the interviewer asked the customer if he/she would be willing to participate in a follow-up telephone survey by providing a contact name and telephone number. The customer was informed that if he/she provided a contact name and telephone number he/she would be entered into a drawing for a cash prize. The survey was concluded and the interviewer thanked the customer for his/her time.

A customized survey was created for each station so that the survey question script was specific to that station. For example, the access mode question for the Newark Penn Station survey only included modes that could be used to reach Newark Penn Station. This helped to minimize errors.

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 3

A total of 12,950 interviews (8,566 Weekday and 4,384 Saturday) were conducted (see Table ES-1). Specific survey quotas by station and time period were defined to obtain a statistically valid sample throughout the survey period. A more detailed description of the sampling plan and survey methodology can be found in Appendix A of the Report Appendices. Table ES-1 Sample Size Weekday Entry Saturday Number of Activity Number of Entry Activity Weekday (5AM to Saturday (8AM to Station Interviews 1AM) Interviews 10PM) World Trade Center 1402 48,865 343 11,599 Christopher Street 431 4,198 254 2,102 9th Street 424 4,618 455 2,926 14th Street 451 9,053 325 4,213 23rd Street 484 6,638 303 2,415 33rd Street 1031 35,708 319 15,123 Newark 898 30,028 369 9,281 Harrison 417 6,282 355 1,860 Journal Square 734 25,635 356 12,623 Grove Street 463 14,171 305 6,055 Exchange Place 506 17,626 342 3,033 Pavonia/Newport 511 17,747 326 6,906 Hoboken 814 28,128 332 10,232 TOTAL 8,566 248,696 4,384 88,368

Responses to the survey were weighted so that they would reflect their true proportion in the riding population, and thus could be expanded to that population. This was necessary because various “real-world” conditions (such as crowding and population characteristics) caused response rates to vary from station to station and from time period to time period. Through weighting, the survey results depict proportional response rates across the study. A description of the weighting methodology can be found in Appendix B of the Report Appendices. A copy of the record layout which indicates the question number and description along with the corresponding data fields and codes that were used during data entry can be found in Appendix C of the Report Appendices.

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 4

Key Findings and Selected Tables from the Final Weighted Database The following sections contain key findings and selected tables that were prepared from the final weighted database. The first sections discuss system-wide findings including origins-and- destinations, boarding and exiting stations, access and egress modes, trip purpose, trip frequency, and demographics. Subsequent sections discuss findings at specific stations.

System-Wide Origins-and-Destinations One of the primary purposes of this study was to obtain PATH customer origin-and-destination data. The data revealed that nearly 55 percent of the daily (5AM to 1AM) weekday trips had New Jersey origins and 44 percent had New York origins (see Figure ES-2). About 86 percent of the weekday trips were interstate trips with about 42 percent traveling from New Jersey to New York, nearly 43 percent traveling from New York to New Jersey and 1 percent other interstate trips (see Figure ES-3). About 14 percent of the trips are intrastate trips. Nearly all (about 13 percent) of the intrastate trips are within New Jersey with the remainder within New York State.

Figure ES-2 Weekday Origins

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 5

Figure ES-3 Inter and Intrastate Trips - Weekday

On Saturday, the data for trips between 8AM and 10PM is similar to the weekday data. Most (about 56 percent) of the trips had New Jersey origins and about 43 percent had New York origins (see Figure ES-4). Nearly 84 percent of the trips were interstate trips with almost 41 percent traveling from New Jersey to New York and about 42 percent from New York to New Jersey. Only about 1 percent of the trips included other interstate trips (see Figure ES-5). Similar to the weekday data, just over 16 percent were intrastate trips with almost all (15 percent) traveling within New Jersey.

The weekday survey data was segmented to examine the AM weekday peak period (7 AM to 10 AM) trips to reflect the weekday commuter period. As shown in Figure ES-6, about 80 percent of the origins are from New Jersey and almost 19 percent are from New York. About 87 percent of the trips are interstate trips with about 68 percent traveling from New Jersey to New York and 17 percent making the reverse commute (see Figure ES-7). About 13 percent are intrastate trips with close to 12 percent traveling within New Jersey and about one percent traveling within New York.

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Figure ES-4 Saturday Origins

Figure ES-5 Inter and Intrastate Trips - Saturday

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 7

Figure ES-6 Origins 7AM to 10AM

Figure ES-7 Inter and Intrastate Trips - 7 to 10 AM Weekday

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 8

System-wide Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs The top ten boarding and exiting station pairs were identified for the weekday (see Table ES- 2), Saturday (see Table ES-3), and weekday peak 7 to 10 AM period (see Table ES-4). During a typical weekday between 5AM and 1AM, nearly 12 percent of the trips travel between the World Trade Center and Newark Penn Station – nearly 7 percent travel from the World Trade Center to Newark and about 5 percent travel from Newark to the World Trade Center. About 8 percent travel between the Exchange Place and World Trade Center Stations with about 4 percent traveling in each direction. Table ES-2 Top 10 Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs WEEKDAY Survey Number of Rank Boarding Station Exiting Station Trips % World Trade Newark Penn 1 Center Station 16,462 6.62% Newark Penn World Trade 2 Station Center 12,808 5.15% World Trade 3 Journal Square Center 11,983 4.82% World Trade 4 Exchange Place Center 10,823 4.35% 5 33rd Street Hoboken 10,266 4.13% World Trade 6 Center Exchange Place 8,732 3.51% 7 Hoboken 33rd Street 8,554 3.44% World Trade 8 Center Journal Square 7,895 3.17% 9 33rd Street Pavonia/Newport 7,650 3.08% 10 Pavonia/Newport 33rd Street 7,645 3.07% All Others 145,878 58.66% TOTAL Weekday Trips (5AM – 1AM) 248,696 100.00%

On Saturdays, travel patterns are a little more oriented to/from the World Trade Center, Newark, Hoboken, 33rd Street and Journal Square stations with 37 percent of the total trips. About eight percent of the trips are between 33rd Street and Hoboken. About five percent travel from Journal Square to World Trade Center.

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 9

Table ES-3 Top 10 Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs SATURDAY Survey Boarding Number of Rank Station Exiting Station Trips % World Trade 1 Journal Square Center 4,568 5.17% 2 33rd Street Journal Square 3,794 4.29% 3 Hoboken 33rd Street 3,720 4.21% World Trade Newark Penn 4 Center Station 3,528 3.99% Newark Penn 5 33rd Street Station 3,329 3.77% 6 33rd Street Hoboken 3,117 3.53% 7 Pavonia/Newport 33rd Street 2,912 3.30% Newark Penn 8 Station 33rd Street 2,700 3.06% 9 Journal Square 33rd Street 2,659 3.01% 10 33rd Street Pavonia/Newport 2,447 2.77% All Others 55,593 62.91% TOTAL Saturday Trips (8AM – 10PM) 88,367 100.00%

Table ES-4 Top 10 Boarding and Exiting Station Pairs WEEKDAY AM Peak Period (7AM to 10 AM) Boarding Number of Rank Station Exiting Station Trips % Newark Penn 1 Station World Trade Center 8,754 10.58% 2 Journal Square World Trade Center 6,664 8.05% 3 Hoboken 33rd Street 5,591 6.76% 4 Hoboken World Trade Center 4,124 4.98% World Trade 5 Center Exchange Place 3,723 4.50% 6 Exchange Place World Trade Center 3,541 4.28% 7 Pavonia/Newport 33rd Street 3,445 4.16% 8 Hoboken 23rd Street 2,927 3.54% 9 Grove Street World Trade Center 2,836 3.43% 10 Grove Street 33rd Street 2,451 2.96% All Others 38,690 46.76% TOTAL Weekday Trips (7AM – 10AM) 82,746 100.00%

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When examining at the weekday AM peak period (7 to 10 AM) data, it is clear that most of the AM peak travel is oriented from New Jersey to New York. Nine of the ten top boarding and exiting station pairs have a New Jersey station as the boarding station and a New York station as the exiting station.

Access and Egress Modes As part of the survey, passengers were asked about the access mode they used to reach the PATH station and the egress mode they were expecting to use once they exited the PATH System. Table ES-5 shows the access and egress modes used for weekday and Saturday trips.

The mode with the highest percentage is the “walk only” mode. During the weekday, about 56 percent of the trips have walk as the access mode and 60 percent have walk as the egress mode. On Saturdays, about 54 percent of the trips have walk as the access mode and about 57 percent have walk as the egress mode.

Ranges of 14 to 19 percent of the trips have the New York City Subway as the access or egress modes. About 6 to 8 percent of the trips have bus as the access or egress mode. Approximately 7 percent of the weekday trips have NJ TRANSIT rail as the access or egress mode; yet on Saturdays only about two to four percent have NJ TRANSIT rail as the access or egress mode. About 8 percent of the weekday trips and 7 percent of the Saturday trips have auto as the access mode. About 7 percent and 9 percent of the weekday and Saturday trips, respectively, have auto as the egress mode.

Trip Frequency and Trip Purpose Trip frequency data provided information regarding how often or how many days per week a particular passenger rides PATH and trip purpose data provided information as to why a particular passenger rides PATH. Tables ES-6 and ES-7 are cross tabulation tables that list trip purpose (down the rows) by trip frequency (across the columns) for weekday and Saturday trips, respectively. It is important to note that due to rounding the percentages shown in each column may not appear to total 100 percent.

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 11

Table ES-5 Access and Egress Modes Weekday and Saturday Survey Access Mode Egress Mode Weekday Saturday Weekday Saturday Mode 248,696 88,368 248,696 88,368 Total 12,873 2,831 9,784 2,352 Auto: Drove Percent 5% 3% 4% 3% Total 7,876 3,949 6,304 5,091 Auto: Passenger Percent 3% 4% 3% 6% Total 2,908 609 1,416 228 Commuter Van Percent 1% 1% 1% 0% Total 3,411 2,584 3,042 3,734 Taxi Percent 1% 3% 1% 4% Total 140,497 47,939 149,897 50,768 Walk ONLY Percent 56% 54% 60% 57% Total 17,225 1,920 18,111 3,236 NJ TRANSIT Rail Percent 7% 2% 7% 4% Total 4,265 2,230 4,363 1,287 NJ TRANSIT HBLR Percent 2% 3% 2% 1% Total 234 191 59 116 Percent 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 16,368 7,136 13,902 6,321 Bus Percent 7% 8% 6% 7% Total 36,575 16,911 35,813 12,956 NYCT Subway Percent 15% 19% 14% 15% Total 2,950 938 2,837 1,305 Newark City Subway Percent 1% 1% 1% 1% Total 355 124 439 117 Ferry Percent 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 1,754 201 1,581 215 LIRR Percent 1% 0% 1% 0% Total 256 47 197 7 MetroNorth Percent 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 24 14 56 18 Other Percent 0% 0% 0% 0% Total 433 339 784 547 Bike Percent 0% 0% 0% 1% Total 692 403 110 71 No Answer Percent 0% 0% 0% 0%

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 12

Table ES-6 Purpose of the Trip by Trip Frequency Weekday 6 or less Trip Frequency more 4 to 5 1 to 3 than days a days a days a once a No

Purpose of Trip week week week week Answer Total Total 12,366 156,458 12,176 3,686 0 184,687 Work commute Percent 79% 90% 38% 14% 0% 74% Total 756 2,631 4,149 4,656 44 12,236 Business travel Percent 5% 2% 13% 18% 16% 5% Total 1,090 11,824 4,525 816 0 18,254 Travel to/from school Percent 7% 7% 14% 3% 0% 7% Total 265 838 2,062 2,943 0 6,109 Shopping Percent 2% 0% 6% 11% 0% 2% Entertainment/ Total 741 1,154 4,512 6,028 28 12,463 Recreation Percent 5% 1% 14% 23% 10% 5% Total 334 954 3,558 6,419 24 11,289 Visit family or friends Percent 2% 1% 11% 24% 9% 5% Total 55 456 249 230 158 1,149 No Answer Percent 0% 0% 1% 1% 58% 0% Total 52 65 349 1,021 18 1,506 Doctor/Medical Percent 0% 0% 1% 4% 7% 1% Personal Total 10 172 210 612 0 1,004 Business/Errands Percent 0% 0% 1% 2% 0% 0% Total 15,670 174,552 31,791 26,411 273 TOTAL Percent 6% 70% 13% 11% 0% 248,696

Looking at the total for each trip purpose(across the rows), about 74 percent of the weekday trips were for commuting to or from work, about five percent were traveling for business, and about seven percent were traveling to or from school. Not surprisingly, Saturday trips are using PATH for much different purposes. About 22 percent of the trips were for commuting to work, almost 23 percent were for visiting family or friends, about 26 percent were for an entertainment or recreation related trip, and almost 12 percent were for a shopping trip.

Looking at the total for each trip frequency (down the columns), about 70 percent of the weekday trips occur four to five days per week, over 6 percent occur six or more days per week, and nearly 13 percent occur one to three days per week. The types of trips being made on Saturdays occur less often as compared to the types of trips being made on a weekday. About 35 percent of the trips occur less than once a week, nearly 29 percent occur one to three days per week, nearly 20 percent occur four to five days per week and about 16 percent occur six days or more per week.

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 13

Table ES-7 Purpose of the Trip by Trip Frequency Saturday 6 or less Trip Frequency more 4 to 5 1 to 3 than days a days a days a once a No

Purpose of Trip week week week week Answer Total Total 6,940 9,364 2,398 1,035 4 19,740 Work commute Percent 50% 53% 9% 3% 1% 22% Total 720 663 988 1,035 0 3,406 Business travel Percent 5% 4% 4% 3% 0% 4% Travel to/from Total 761 2,285 1,986 407 0 5,439 school Percent 5% 13% 8% 1% 0% 6% Total 1,036 812 4,433 4,217 0 10,498 Shopping Percent 7% 5% 17% 14% 0% 12% Entertainment/ Total 2,323 2,266 8,459 10,172 42 23,261 Recreation Percent 17% 13% 33% 33% 16% 26% Visit family or Total 1,663 1,613 7,032 10,123 29 20,459 friends Percent 12% 9% 27% 33% 11% 23% Total 499 515 495 2,213 187 3,908 No Answer Percent 4% 3% 2% 7% 72% 4% Total 6 9 78 208 0 302 Doctor/Medical Percent 0% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% Personal Total 5 70 129 1,151 0 1,355 Business/Errands Percent 0% 0% 0% 4% 0% 2% Total 13,953 17,596 25,997 30,561 261 TOTAL Percent 16% 20% 29% 35% 0% 88,368

Demographics Gender data was the only demographic data collected since the survey was conducted by interviewing passengers in PATH stations and it was unlikely that passengers would answer questions about age, occupation, disabilities, and income during a face-to-face interview. During both the weekday and Saturday surveys, about 42 percent of the trips were made by females and 58 percent were made by male (see Table ES-8).

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 14

Table ES-8 Gender

Weekday Saturday Gender 248,696 88,368 Total 103,755 36,810 Female Percent 42% 42% Total 144,941 51,558 Male Percent 58% 58%

Tourist During the 2009 surveys, the surveyors asked each passenger if he/she is a tourist. During the weekday survey 13 percent of the trips were made by tourists. During the Saturday surveys, 64 percent of the trips were made by tourists (see Table ES-9).

Table ES-9 Tourist

Weekday Saturday Tourist 248,696 88,368 Total 31,887 56,557 Yes Percent 13% 64% Total 216,809 31,810 No Percent 87% 36%

Weekday Station-by-Station Findings This section discusses the weekday survey findings on a station-by-station basis. Two specific sets of data were analyzed from each station – trips that began at each station or the “boarding” location and trips that ended at each station or the “exiting” location. A boarding figure was developed for each station using trips that enter the PATH System at each station. The boarding figure for each station contains a pie chart showing the access modes, a GIS map showing the origins, and a second pie chart showing the exiting station for trips that began at that particular station. An exiting figure was also developed for each station using trips that exit the PATH System each station. The exiting figure contains a pie chart showing the egress modes, a GIS figure showing the destinations, and a second pie chart showing the boarding stations of trips that exited trains at that particular station. The figures can be found in the separate Station Snapshots document. The section below highlights the Station Snapshots findings.

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 15

New York Stations – World Trade Center, Christopher St., 9th St., 14th St., 23rd St., and 33rd St. When examining the Station Snapshots figures (1 through 12) for the six New York stations, there are some consistent trends that can be observed. The top access or egress mode for trips to the six New York Stations is either walking or subway. Table ES-10 shows the percentage of boarding or exiting trips at each station that either have walk or subway as the access or egress mode.

At stations with subway access nearby including the World Trade Center, 14th Street, and 33rd Street, the subway percentages ranged from 27 percent to 40 percent. At stations with more distant or less robust subway access (Christopher Street, 9th Street, and 23rd Street) the subway percentages ranged from 9 to 23 percent. Walking is the top access or egress mode at all stations. At stations with subway access nearby including the World Trade Center, 14th Street, and 33rd Street, the walking percentages are not as high as stations without robust subway access. At World Trade Center, 14th Street, and 33rd Street, the walk percentages range from a low of 48 percent to a high of 70 percent. At the other New York stations, the walk percentages range from 75 percent to 85 percent. Table ES-10 Top Two Access or Egress Modes Of New York Station Trips

Station Walk Subway World Trade Boarding 60% 35% Center Exiting 62% 34% Christopher Boarding 85% 9% St. Exiting 84% 11% Boarding 80% 17% 9th St. Exiting 82% 15% Boarding 69% 27% 14th St. Exiting 70% 26% Boarding 75% 23% 23rd St. Exiting 80% 15% Boarding 49% 40% 33rd St. Exiting 48% 42%

Knowing that the top access and egress modes are walking and subway, it isn’t surprising that the top origins for trips that enter the PATH System at these six stations and the top destinations for trips that exit these stations are generally either within a short walking

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 16 distance of the station or a subway ride away. As shown in the Station Snapshots Figures 1 through 12, the top origin or destination of New York station trips is the area in the vicinity of the station. The top origin or destination for World Trade Center trips is Lower Manhattan (which includes the area between the Battery and Reade Street). The top origin or destination for Christopher Street, 9th Street, 14th Street, and 23rd Street trips is the Valley (which includes the area between Reade Street and 25th Street) and the top origin or destination for 33rd Street trips is Midtown (which includes the area between 25th Street and 59th Street).

The top exiting stations for trips that enter the PATH System at the New York City stations and the top boarding stations for trips that exit the PATH System in New York City are all New Jersey stations. Table ES-11 shows the top four boarding or exiting stations for trips from the six New York stations. All of the stations have Hoboken as one of the top four boarding and exiting stations and nearly all have Journal Square, Grove Street and Pavonia/Newport as one of the top four boarding and exiting stations. The World Trade Center has Exchange Place as one of its top four boarding and exiting stations. At the World Trade Center, which is on the Newark/World Trade Center line, the top boarding and exiting station is Newark with 25 and 34 percent, respectively. At Christopher Street, 9th Street, 14th Street, 23rd Street, and 33rd Street, which are all on the Journal Square/33rd Street and Hoboken/33rd Street PATH lines, the top boarding or exiting station is Hoboken in nearly all the cases with 26 to 44 percent of the trips. Table ES-11 Top Boarding or Exiting Stations of New York Station Trips Journal Exchange Grove Pavonia/ Station Newark Square Hoboken Place Street Newport

World Boarding 25% 24% 12% 21% - - Trade Center Exiting 34% 16% 11% 18% - - Christopher Boarding 10% 9% 44% - 18% - St. Exiting - 13% 36% - 15% 11% Boarding 9% 9% 37% - 15% 20% 9th St. Exiting - 13% 36% - 11% 27% Boarding 14% 8% 43% - 18% 8% 14th St. Exiting 15% - 38% - 14% 16% Boarding - 14% 40% - 12% 12% 23rd St. Exiting - 10% 37% - 20% 14% Boarding 14% 14% 26% - - 24% 33rd St. Exiting - 18% 29% - 13% 21%

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 17

New Jersey Stations – Newark Penn Station, Harrison, Journal Square, Grove Street, Exchange Place, Pavonia/Newport, and Hoboken When examining the Station Snapshots figures (13 through 26) for the seven New Jersey stations, there are fewer trends than at the New York stations most likely due to the diverse nature and locations of the stations. For the purpose of discussion, a few of the stations can be grouped together, like the three smaller Jersey City stations (Grove Street, Exchange Place, and Pavonia/Newport), but others, like the three larger stations (Newark, Journal Square, and Hoboken) and Harrison, have unique characteristics.

Table ES-12 shows the top four access or egress modes at Grove Street, Exchange Place, and Pavonia/Newport. Walking is the top access or egress mode ranging from a low of 71 percent (Grove Street exiting) to a high of 91 percent (Pavonia/Newport exiting). At all three stations, “Auto:Drove” share ranges from a low of 2 percent (Pavonia/Newport exiting) to 11 percent (Grove Street boarding). The Hudson Bergen Light Rail (HBLR) mode share ranges from zero percent (Grove Street boarding) to 11 percent (Exchange Place exiting). Table ES-12 Top Access or Egress Modes of Grove Street, Exchange Place, and Pavonia/Newport Trips

Auto: Auto: Commuter Station Bus Walk Drove Passenger HBLR Taxi Van Boarding 8% 72% 11% 5% - - - Grove Street Exiting 10% 71% 10% 2% 2% 2% 2% Boarding - 79% 5% 3% 10% - - Exchange Place Exiting - 82% 3% 2% 11% - - Boarding - 84% 4% 7% 3% - - Pavonia/Newport Exiting 1% 91% 2% 1% 5% - -

The top boarding or exiting stations of Grove Street, Exchange Place, and Pavonia/Newport trips include the World Trade Center, 33rd Street, and Newark Penn Station (see Table ES-13). At Exchange Place, trips are more heavily oriented toward the World Trade Center (49 to 61 percent). At Grove Street, travel is a little more balanced between the World Trade Center (23 to 28 percent) and 33rd Street (29 to 34 percent). At Pavonia/Newport, from 42 to 43 percent are traveling to or from the 33rd Street Station and 15 to 19 percent are traveling to or from the World Trade Center. At all three stations, Hudson County and more specifically Jersey City is the top origin or destination of at least 90 to 92 percent of the trips.

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 18

Table ES-13 Top Boarding or Exiting Stations of Grove Street, Exchange Place, and Pavonia/Newport Trips World Newark Trade Journal 33rd 23rd Penn 9th 14TH Station Center Square Street Street Station Street Street Boarding 23% - 34% 10% - - 9% Grove Street Exiting 28% - 29% 8% 8% - 11% Boarding 49% 9% 11% - 13% - - Exchange Place Exiting 61% 5% 8% - 13% - - Boarding 19% - 42% - - 7% 8% Pavonia/Newport Exiting 15% 7% 43% - 8% - -

Newark Penn Station is in a downtown business district and is unique compared to the other New Jersey stations because it is so transit accessible with many transit options including NJ TRANSIT rail, bus, and Newark City Subway. NJ TRANSIT rail (32 to 39 percent) is the top access or egress mode, walking is the second highest mode (21 percent) and bus is third (16 to 18 percent). Most of the trips leaving the PATH System at Newark Penn Station come from the World Trade Center (52 percent) or 33rd Street (11 percent). During the week, about 43 to 47 percent of the Newark Penn Station trips have Newark as their origin or destination, and an additional 11 to 12 percent are traveling from or destined to other parts of Essex County. About 13 percent have Union County (which is along NJ TRANSIT rail lines) as their origin or destination. Almost 14 percent originate in Middlesex County and almost 15 percent are destined for Middlesex.

Harrison does not have as many transit options as Newark but it does offer plenty of off- street parking lots that are generally less expensive than the lots in the Newark Penn Station vicinity so it is not surprising that the top access or egress mode is auto (drove or passenger) with 49 to 61 percent. Walking (33 and 43 percent) is the second highest access or egress mode. Similar to the Newark Penn Station trips, most of the Harrison trips travel to or from the World Trade Center (36 to 59 percent), 33rd Street (13 to 19 percent), or Journal Square (9 to 11 percent). The top origins or destinations for Harrison trips include Hudson County, Harrison's home County, and neighboring Essex County.

The Journal Square PATH Station is part of the Journal Square Transportation Center which also houses a large bus station which is probably the reason that bus is the second highest access or egress mode for Journal Square PATH trips. The top access/egress mode is walking (54 to 65 percent). The top three boarding or exiting stations of Journal Square trips include the World Trade Center (31 to 47 percent), 33rd Street (18 to 26 percent) and Newark Penn

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 19

Station (12 to 18 percent). About 93 to 95 percent of trips have either come from or are going to Hudson County locations.

Similar to Newark Penn Station, the Hoboken PATH Station is part of a larger NJ TRANSIT rail complex. While walking is the top access/egress mode for 49 to 58 percent of the Hoboken trips, NJ TRANSIT rail is the second highest access or egress mode. The top boarding or exiting stations include 33rd Street (30 to 37 percent), the World Trade Center (19 to 21 percent), and 14th Street (12 to 14 percent). Between 57 and 67 percent of the trips have origins or destinations in Hoboken, about 11 to 12 percent in Bergen County, and about 3 to 5 percent in Essex County (not Newark).

A complete list of straight tabulation responses to each survey question along with the cross- tabulation tables included in Appendix D can be found in Table ES-14.

Table ES-14 Tabulations and Cross Tabulations Table Number Table Description Table 1 Q.1 Boarding Station Table 2 Q.2 Gender Table 3 Q.3 Exit Station Table 4 Q.4 Origin Table 5 Q.5 Egress Mode Table 6 Q.6 Destination Table 7 Q.7 Access Mode Table 8 Q.8 Trip Purpose Table 9 Q.9 Trip Frequency Table 10 What Bus Company Did you Use? Trips Exiting by Bus Table 11 What Bus Company Did you Use? Trips Entering by Bus Table 12 Exiting Station By Boarding Station: Weekday Table 13 Exiting Station By Boarding Station: Weekday 7-10 AM Table 14 Exiting Station By Boarding Station: Weekday 4-7 PM Table 15 Exiting Station By Boarding Station: Saturday Table 16 Access Mode By Boarding Station: Weekday Table 17 Access Mode By Boarding Station: Saturday Table 18 Egress Mode By Exiting Station: Weekday Table 19 Egress Mode By Exiting Station: Saturday Table 20 Purpose of Trip By Frequency: Weekday Table 21 Purpose of Trip By Frequency: Saturday Table 22 Origin By Destination - All Stations - Weekday Table 23 Origin By Destination - All Stations - Weekday 7 - 10 AM Table 24 Origin By Destination - All Stations - Weekday 4 - 7 PM Table 25 Origin By Destination - All Stations - Saturday Table 26 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - World Trade Center Table 27 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Christopher Street

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 20

Table Number Table Description Table 28 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - 9th Street Table 29 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - 14th Street Table 30 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - 23rd Street Table 31 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - 33rd Street Table 32 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Newark Penn Station Table 33 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Harrison Table 34 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Journal Square Table 35 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Grove Street Table 36 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Exchange Place Table 37 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Pavonia/Newport Table 38 Origin By Destination - Weekday Total - Hoboken Table 39 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - World Trade Center Table 40 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Christopher Street Table 41 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - 9th Street Table 42 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - 14th Street Table 43 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - 23rd Street Table 44 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - 33rd Street Table 45 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Newark Penn Station Table 46 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Harrison Table 47 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Journal Square Table 48 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Grove Street Table 49 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Exchange Place Table 50 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Pavonia/Newport Table 51 Origin By Destination - Saturday Total - Hoboken Table 52 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - World Trade Center Table 53 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Christopher Street Table 54 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - 9th Street Table 55 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - 14th Street Table 56 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - 23rd Street Table 57 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - 33rd Street Table 58 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Newark Penn Station Table 59 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Harrison Table 60 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Journal Square Table 61 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Grove Street Table 62 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Exchange Place Table 63 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Pavonia/Newport Table 64 Origin By Access Mode - Weekday Total - Hoboken Table 65 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - World Trade Center Table 66 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Christopher Street Table 67 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - 9th Street Table 68 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - 14th Street Table 69 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - 23rd Street Table 70 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - 33rd Street Table 71 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Newark Penn Station Table 72 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Harrison Table 73 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Journal Square Table 74 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Grove Street Table 75 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Exchange Place

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 21

Table Number Table Description Table 76 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Pavonia/Newport Table 77 Origin By Access Mode - Saturday Total - Hoboken Table 78 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - World Trade Center Table 79 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Christopher Street Table 80 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - 9th Street Table 81 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - 14th Street Table 82 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - 23rd Street Table 83 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - 33rd Street Table 84 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Newark Penn Station Table 85 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Harrison Table 86 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Journal Square Table 87 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Grove Street Table 88 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Exchange Place Table 89 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Pavonia/Newport Table 90 Destination By Egress Mode - Weekday Total - Hoboken Table 91 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - World Trade Center Table 92 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Christopher Street Table 93 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - 9th Street Table 94 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - 14th Street Table 95 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - 23rd Street Table 96 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - 33rd Street Table 97 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Newark Penn Station Table 98 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Harrison Table 99 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Journal Square Table 100 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Grove Street Table 101 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Exchange Place Table 102 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Pavonia/Newport Table 103 Destination By Egress Mode - Saturday Total - Hoboken

2009 PATH System-Wide Passenger Survey 22