United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,157,976 Tien Et Al
USOO6157976A United States Patent (19) 11 Patent Number: 6,157,976 Tien et al. (45) Date of Patent: Dec. 5, 2000 54 PCI-PCI BRIDGE AND PCI-BUS AUDIO OTHER PUBLICATIONS ACCELERATOR INTEGRATED CIRCUIT PCI System Architecture, Tom Shanley/Don Anderson, 75 Inventors: Paul Tien, Fremont; Cheng-Yeuan 1995, pp. 381-382. Tsay, Pleasanton; Rsong-Hsiang Shiao, Fremont, all of Calif. Primary Examiner Ayaz R. Sheikh Assistant Examiner Rupal D. Dharia 73 Assignee: ESS Technology, Fremont, Calif. Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Gray Cary Ware & Freidenrich 57 ABSTRACT 21 Appl. No.: 09/074,657 A semiconductor device with an embedded PCI 2.1 com 22 Filed: May 6, 1998 pliant bridge provides expanded functionality as System 51511 Int. Cl. ............................. GO6F13FOO700; GO6F 13/38/ level implementationsp of a PCI-to-PCI bridge,9. and enhances 52 U.S. Cl. ............................ 710/129, 710/127, 710/64; the level of integration possible. The embedded PCI-to-PCI 345/435; 84/604; 84/621; 84/622; 84/647 bridge allows the creation of multi-function, multimedia 58) Field of Search 345/435: 710/127 add-on cards Supporting multiple devices. Multi-function, 710129,6484/602,604 621 622 647. multimedia Subsystems that provide audio, graphics, MPEG, s w is s s 454. 70425s etc., are mapped into a bridged-to PCI-bus that keeps Such s traffic off the main PCI-bus. The advantage for the system or 56) References Cited add-in card Vendor is that the various multimedia chips that are combined can come from different Sources, providing an U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS optimized and highly customized combination of functions.
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