Rosella Norwood Gampola Do. Kadugannawa Nawalapitiya
IST of Persons in the Central Province qualified to serve as Jurors and Assessors, under the provision! L of the 257th section of the Ordinance No. 15 of 1898 (Criminal Procedure Code) for the year 1908. [N.B.—The letter s prefixed to a name signifies that the person is qualified to serve both as a Special and an Ordinary (English-speaking) Juror. The mark * prefixed to a name denotes a fresh name added (Section 258, Criminal Procedure Code).] ENGLISH-SPEAKING JURORS. 5 Acton, C. J., superintendent, S Aste, P. H., planter, Bin-oya (in 1 Stonyhurst and Orwell Gampola Europe) Rosella Adams, P. C., Wategodaestate Matale * Astell, A., planter, Gleneaim Norwood Agar, Roper, planter, Logie Talawakele * Astell, T. W., planter, Gangawatte Maskeliya * Agar, J., planter, Choisy Pundalu-oya Atkin, R.L., planter, Dandukalawe Hatton s Aitken, W. H., planter, Glen- Atkinson, P., Sinayapitiya Gampola cairn Norwood Atkins. A. D., Cleveland do. Alger, A., Iona Agrapatana Atkinson, R. S., proprietory, s Alleyn, H. M., planter, Choisy Pundalu-oya planter, Heatherton (in Europe) Arabegama Allison, J. A. W., Oodewelle Kandy Avery, W., Oswald, superintendent Allon, T. B., Miller & Co. do. Kumaragala Kadugannawa S Alston, G. C., planter, Queensland S Aymer, J., Goorookoya Nawalapitiya (in England) Maskeliya Badcock, R. G. R., Eildon Hall Lindula Alston,-R. G. F., planter, Hornsey Dikoya Badelay, C. F. B., planter, Erls* Alwis, D. L. de, clerk, Mercantile j mere Dikoya Bank of India Kandy | (Udu Pustel- Anderson, C. P., planter, Bandara- | lawa and a SL u, G. S. junior, Ttenp K S a k .I . ' S =“«<*■ C W*“ “ » t d .
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