

ASSEMBLY Friday, 18 November 1983, THIRTY-EIGHTH SESSION at 11 a.m. OffICial Records NEW YORK

President: Mr. Jorge E. ILLUECA (panama). South Africans will be welcome only as hewers ofwood and drawers ofwater for the white man. The 1936 Land Act was designed for this purpose. Already a few million black South Africans who have been herded into barren In the absence ofthe President, Mrs. Jones (Liberia), have been deprived of their citizenship of Vice-President, took the Chair. and forced to become citizens of tribal archipelagos scattered all over the periphery ofso-called AGENDA ITEM 32 white South Africa. When all the tri~ ofthe bantustans have been forced to accept tribal independence, 87 per Policies ofapartheid of the Government ofSouth Africa cent ofSouth Africa will become a whiteman's country; (continued): albeit a white man's country surrounded by an angry sea ofblack humanity. This is the ingenious evil philosophy (a) Ref)Ort of the Special Comndttee against ; behind the constitution which the ofSouth (b) Report of the Ad Hoc Committee on the Drafting Africa accepted on 2 November. of an International Convention against Aparth2id s. And yet there are among us a few doubting Thomases in Sports; who still insist, against all the evidence to the contrary, (c) Report of tbe Secretary-General that the blacks will be taken care of in some future dis­ pensation. It is argued that urban blacks, in particular, 1. Mr. LEGWAILA (Botswana): On 13 July 1983 the who may be found to have no connection with distant South African Broadcasting Corporation broadcast an tribal enclaves and cannot therefore be expelled to those essay on constitutional development, part ofwhich reads: enclaves, will have to be accommodated somehow. What "Evading reality, building constitutions to ideological accommodation? The day after the 2 November referen­ constructs, is a prescription for disaster". dum the Prime Minister of South Africa made it clear 2. It is common knowledge that early this month, on that there was no hidden agenda for working out a con­ 2 November to be exact, a referendum designed precisely stitutional accommodation for blacks. Indeed, through­ to entrench the ideology ofapartheidand white domina­ out thecampaign for the referendum the Prime Minister tion was held in South Africain which anew, even more of South Africa and his Ministers wt:nt out oftheir way rabidly racist so-called constitutional dispensation was to assure their Afrikaner nation that there would never approved by the white minority. The new dispensation, be power-sharing between whites and blacks, and that a veritable prescription for disaster, invites Coloured and blacks were already exercising their right to self-deter­ into the white man's laager '0 join mination in the bantustans. the white minority in a futile attempt to evade reality~ 6. In other words. so far as the white Government in to seek refuge in the precarious company ofa beleaguered is concerned, blacks have already been taken care minority hell-bent on preselving a racist and inhuman of. They have been given homelands, or bantustans, to ideology at all costs. run as independent sovereign States. Four ofthese home­ 3. The results ofthe referendum welcomed by a promi­ lands are today "independent" and sovereign republics. nent member ofthe United Nations as marking "apoten­ It is the and the Indians who, in the pecking tially significant date in the modem history of South order of the race classification Act and the 1936 Land Africa" [56th meeting, para. 124), have been totally Act, have no homeland they can call their own. They rejected by this Assembly-rightly so, because the results therefore must be accommodated within white South of the referendum are far from being a step in the right Aftica, so the reasoning goes, as junior partners, or co­ direction, the direction of meaningful change in South conspirators ina crude conspiracy contrived to delay sine Africa. On the contrary, the new constitutional dispensa­ die the introduction of majority rule in South Africa. tion can serve only to exacerbate racial polarization in 7. To Coloured and Indian SouthAfricans, we have this ~'outh Africa, as it entrenches for all time the disfranchise­ to say: South Africa belongs to all South Africans­ ment ofthe majority population ofthat unhappy country. black, white, Coloured, Indian, Chinese and all others By what logic can the enfranchisement of 2.8 million who have over the centuries of South African history Coloured and 800,000 Indian South Africans, and the made their homes in their country. South Africa is the continued disfranchisement of 23 million black South common heritage ofall who live in it. The minority whites Africans, be described as a step in the right direction, have no right to deprive the majority non-whites of the "a potentially significant date in the modern history of citizenship of their country. South Africa"? By what logic can a constitution which 8. Coloured and Indian South Africans would be selling so recklessly launches the white minority in South Africa their heritage ifthey ever accepted a dispensation which on so dangerous a collision course with the black majolity clearly circumscribed their right to participate fully and be welcomed as offering the best hope ofavoiding disaster freely, on a basis ofequality, in the political life of their and catastrophe in South Africa? country. The new dispensation leaves them in an under­ 4. The facts are clear and irrefutable. The ultimate privileged position vis-a-vis whites, and to accept the objective of the white regime in South Africa is, and dispensation in the hope of working against apartheid always has been, the transformation of two thirds of "from Within" is an exercise in self-delusion. As we South Africa into a white man's country, where black pointed out in our statement on this item at the thirty- 971 A/38/PV.62 972 General Assembly-Tbirty-elgbth Session-Plenary Meetings

seventh session [66th meeting], the new electoral college freedom and equality as the common heritage of all the constituted under the new dispensation will be composed children of God. ofso whites, 25 Coloureds and 13 Indians to ensure that 13. The Ciskei, an impoverished "independent" waste­ Coloured and Indian South Africans continue to play the land, has also been turned, by the ruling family ofSebe, role ofhewers ofwood and drawers ofwater. In a white­ into hell on earth-so hellish is the place indeed that the dominated electoral college, conditions which today Sebe oligarchy has even started incarcerating its own prevail in South Africa will remain unchanged. members, in addition to endeavouring, with the fanati­ 9. But something terribly traumatic would disfigure the cism of a zealot, to obliterate from the face of its feral political structure ofthat strange society ifthe Coloured fiefdom every trace ofthe authentic liberation movements and Indian South Africans should allow themselves to of South Africa. be lured into the white man's laager by the promise of 14. The situation is not much different in the Transkei a few cabinet posts in a partially recycled, seasonally and Bophuthatswana. Because these products of apart­ adjusted apartheid regime: the solidarity ofpurpose that heid take their hollow independence too seriously, they has always characterized the relationship between black, have concluded that the only way to ensure the perma­ Coloured and Indian South Africans would come to an nence oftheir discredited and treecherous tribal regimes end. Coloured and Indian South Africans would become society~a and their continued enjoyment ofthe perquisites ofstate­ part and parcel of an even stranger society hood, however hollow, is to enact the same oppressive composed of minority groupings brought together by a legislation that South Africa uses against freedom fight­ morbid fear of change. They would §hare the burdens ers: like father, like son. ofapartheid, co-author its crimes and become part ofthe enemy camp vis-a-vis the majority ofthe people ofSouth 15. Regionally, the brutal enforcement ofthe apartheid Africa. Surely, we cannot accept that our Coloured and policies in both South Africa and Namibia has wrought Indian brethren, who have contributed so much to the unspeakable havoc with the lives, economies and general struggle for justice and freedom in South Africa, their well-being ofthe countries and people ofsouthern Africa. motherland, will so recklessly wish to place their names No country, not a single one in the region, can feel safe on the roll ofinfamy by allowing themselves to participate in the face of an aggressive regime sworn to employ all ma constitutional charade which sets them on a collision the force at its disposal to intimidate its neighbours. The course with their own destiny as South Africans. region has become home to a growing assortment ofdis­ 10. We remain adama..,t in our view that there will be sident movements spawned by Pretoria, whose vocation no hope for the future of South Africa until the white it is to destabilize South Africa's neighbours, to intimi­ rulers ofthat country stop deluding themselves into think­ dat':: them into abandoning their opposition to apartheid. ing that apartheid and can be reformed and made 16. The case of , whose southern sector has acceptable to its victims. There can be no hope for South virtually become a permanent home for uninvited South Africa until, as theNatal Mercury observed recently, "a African troops and their UNITAl 3urrogates, that of compromise is negotiated with the leadership ofall races Lesotho, against which the murderous thugs of the so­ about a conference table"-a conference table at which called Lesotho Liberation Army have been unleashing the genuine leaders of all the races in South Africa will operations from South Africa, and that ofMozambique, be present together to work out a non-racial and demo­ which is being subjected to periodic invasions and to the cratic dispensation acceptable to all the people of South murderous escapades ofdissident thugs-to mention but Africa. a few-leave us in no doubt as to the lengths to which 11. But while we express our revulsion at the new ugly South Africa is prepared to go in its military crusade face ofapartheid and racism represented bythe so-called against change in that country. None ofus in the region new constitutional dispensation, we should not lose sight -not a single one-will ever know peace, security or ofthe havoc the enforcement ofthe old apartheid policies stability as long as we remain opposed to the system of has continued to inflict on the lives ofmillions of South apartheid. Africans who are not allowed even to complain peacefully 17. That is South Africa that I have just described, A1an about their sorry plight. They continue to be denied the Paton's beloved country, a beautiful land of endless right to participate in the shaping of their own future in plains, rolling foothills and imposing mountains, a coun­ their own country, to seek justice in the courts of law, try endow~d with so much in terms of both human and to live, work and worship where they choose, to love and natural resources that it need not also become a country marry whomever they choose, to enjoy family life in where racism has been elevated to the level of a State peace, freedom and liberty in a country which in every religion. There is more than enough wealth in South way is their very own. There is no place for them any­ Africa, produced bythe sweat and blood ofall the prople where in South Africa other than in the cesspools of of South Africa, for the enjoyment of all the people of congested, murderous prisons and in detention without South Africa. There is enough land-provided it is shared trial, in the maddening solitude of house arrest and in equitably-to accommodate and sustain all the people of exile far away from their loved ones. South Africa. In-other words, have 12. Indeed, even in the so-called independent home­ no reason whatsoever t~ invest all their hopes and aspira­ lands, which are said to be the living symbols of the tions in the ideology of apartheid and to worship greed exercise ofself-determination by the discarded millions of in order to live and enjoy a good life in South Africa. black South Africans, it is still a crime for the oppressed 18. In sum, we believe it is the duty of this Assembly, even to long for their freedom, let alone to agitate for and of the United Nations system as a whole, to ensure it. The regimti3 which rule those make-believe independent that the so-called new constitutional dispensation remains tribal enclaves, true to their upbringing, provide no rejected until a truly democratic and just society is havens of brotherhood and tolerance. Their prisons are brought about in South Africa. Having remained stead­ overflowing with black political prisoners, victims of the fast in our rejection of the bantustans and their non­ same oppressive political intolerance that prevails in sensical independence, we would commit a travesty of mainland South Africa. There is no return ticket to prison principJetlo entertain any thought ofever giving the latest in the "self-ruling" homeland ofVenda, not even for men constitutional monstrosity a chance to succeed or fail. .' and women of the cloth whose only crime is to speak of What chance? We have to continue to ensure that the 62nd meeting-IS November 1983 973 maintenance ofthe apartheid system in South Africa will 23. My delegation is also concerned over the reports of remain a costly enterprise for the white minority in that breaches ofthe arms embargo that the international com­ country. munity has solemnly agreed to undertake against South Africa. Such breaches, which result in the flow of new 19. Mr. MOHD. AMIN (Malaysia): The question of supplies ofsophisticated military equipment and transfer apartheid is one of the oldest and most debated issues of arms technology, would only serve to strengthen and before the United Nations. Ever since it was first dis­ em~racial segregation and bantustanization, the introduction digmty and theIr nghtful role ID ~he life of their own ofa so-called new cOhstitutional amendment to create a country, the policy has engendered s-:nous frustrations racially segregated tricamerallegislature for white, Col­ and resentments in the overwhelmin~ portion of the oured, and Indian minorities, while excluding the African population, which is black. At the same time, it has majority from participation in Parliament, and irelituting encouraged them, and rightly so, to resort to all means other repressive measures aimed at denying the blacks of available to them, including armed struggle, in order to I that country their right to freedom. free themselves from the shackles ofapartheid. News of the inereasing momentum of anti-aparrheid movements 21. At this juncture, it appears that all efforts by the among workers and students and in general among the U~t.ed Na~ion~ and t!te interna~ional community to ofSouth Africacomes as no surprise to the elimInate this cnme agaInst humamty have been seriously international community. undermined by the deliberate refusal on the part ofseveral 26. In the light of the repressive attitude of the white countries, which are in a position to pressure South minority regime, the anti-apartheid movement in South Africa, to take the necessary measures called for by the Africa deserves our full support and encouragement. My United Nations. On the contrary, it is a matter of pro­ delegation, for its part, wishes to reaffirm its whole­ found regret that these countries are continuing to col­ hearted support for the people of South Africa in their laborate with South Africa in the economic, military and th~~ struggle against apartheid. We also wish to pay a warm nuclear fields. Such collaboration serves to embolden tribute to all the leaders of the liberation movements in apartheid resime and obstructs all efforts to liquidate the South Mrica for tbeir dedication and secrifice to this apartheid system and all its manifestations. This lack of wcrthy cause. political will on the part of the countries concerned is indeed a cause for serious concern. 27. Malaysia, true to its ff,and, was among the earliest to hav~ broken offlinks and contacts with South Africa. 22: Th~ report ofthe ~pecial Co~tteeagainst Apart­ ~here IS a total ban on all trade and a complete prohibi­ heidJA/..18/22] has outlIned the vanous acts ofreprcs7i,con tion on travel between the two countries. Malaysia is also earned out by the South African regime against the one of the countries that took the lead in the expulsion ~pponentsofapartheid.. The South African regime con­ of South Africa from the Commonwealth. We shall con­ tinues to adopt repressIve measures such as the indis­ tin~e with our policy ofcomplete boycott ofSouth Africa criminate arrest of union leaders, the imposition of until the demands of the international community are banning orders and severe prison sentences on freedom heeded. fighters. Torture and ill-treatment of political detainees and prisoners are common acts perpetrated bythe South 28: The key to the success ofthe struggle against apart­ African police. World-wide demands for the release of heid by the people of South Africa lies in the whole­ and other political prisoners have fallen hearted support ofthe international community for their on deaf ears. We are also familiar with the indiscrimi­ cause. The world has accepted that apartheid is a crime nate, arbitrary arrests and imprisonments of several against humanity which must be eliminated. What is persons for alleged participation in the struggle against lacking is the political will of many Members of our apartheid. The political imprisonment, since 1963 of Org~tion.I wish to take this opportunity to urge those Samuel Chibane, Dimake Malepe, Jeff Masemula, l~aac who stIll collaborate with the racist regime in the ec0­ Mthimunye, John Nkosi and Philemon Tefu should not nomic, military and nuclear fields to manifest their responsibility and obligations by severing all relations be tolerated by civilized society. It is therefore our sacred ")i~. ~uty t~ pressure and demand the racist Pretoria regime with South ,';, !mm~ately to release these men from their illegal 29. The r~ ~mmendations of the Special Committee Impnsonment. against Apartheid in part III of its report provide the 974 General Assembly-Tblrty-elgbtb session-Plenary Meetings guidelines for the international community to take appro­ 35. ThePresidentwill beelected bya college of50whites, priate action. My delegation extends its full support to 25 Coloured people and 13 Indians. Again, the deter­ these recommendations. We hope they will receive uni­ mining power remains in the hands of the whites. The versal support enabling the United Nations to exert black majority is excluded entirely from the constitutional pressure on South Africa to end its apartheid system. The changes; yet it numbers more than 70 per cent of the situation in South Africa has assumed s1!ch seriOlU dimen­ South African population. The South African Govern­ sions that we can no longer afford the luxury ofprocras­ ment goes so far as to deny that the black majority has tination; neither can we delude ourselves into thinking a role in the government of South Africa. that we can wait for the racist regime byitselfto institute 36. The pretext put up to seek to justify this exclusion voluntarily positive changes in its policies. The time has is toat blacks will have their political role, their authority come for positive action, which in our view could best and their destiny decided by themselves in their own be achieved through comprehensive mandatory sanctions homelands. Putting to one side the economic disadvan­ under Chapter VII ofthe Charter of the United Nations tages of most, if not all, of these homeland areas, one and an oil embargo against the apartheid regime. discovers that some other simple statistics show the brazen 30. Before I conclude, let me on this occasion reaffirm unfairness of what is being practised here. There are our full support for and commitment to the purposes and 20 million blacks in South Africa who, under the home­ objectives of the 1981 Paris Declaration on Sanctions lands arrangement, have only 13 per cent ofthe total area against Scu.th Africa.2 We express our full solidarity of land. There are 5 million whites in South Africa who with the oPi'ressed people of South Africa and with the have 87 per cent ofthe total area ofland in South Africa. political prisoners, whose just cause and determination The constitutional proposals do not represent reform at have won the sympathy, support and admiration of the all. In fact they perpetuate and exacerbate the policy of iJJtcernational community. racial discrimination. The Australian Government rejects ~,/.. Mr. WOOLCOTI (Australia): Itis to the credit of these changes as a fundamental denial of human rights in South Africa. the Government of that it brought the questior >r'f apartheid before the General Assembly over 25 years ag{;'. 37. The recently elected Australian Labour Government It is to the gc( '~ discredit of ihe Government of South undertook a thorough review of its relations with South Africa that its continued pursuit ofthe policies ofapart­ Africa. The outcome ofthat review has been a significant heid necessitates the inclusion ofthis item in our agenda strengthening ofthe Australian policy ofopposing sport­ yet again. ing contacts with South Africa. Fromnow on, all individ­ ual amateur South African sportsmen and'sportswomen 32. The policy of apartheid is simply institutionalized domiciled in South Africa will be considered as repre­ racism. As such it is abhorrent, and the Australian Gov­ sentatives of South Africa unless there is definite proof ernment and people reject it unreservedly. It is morally to the contrary. As representatives, they will not be repugnant and contains the seeds ofits own destruction. allowed entry into Australia. This means that several One ofthr x:: ~~;t fears of our day is that that destruction b~Qody categories of sportsmen and sponswomen who have could be and turbulent. Already we have seen previously been eligible to compete inAustralia will now some of tiJ~, both within South Africa and in that coun­ be banned from entry. try's attemiJ~!: to destabilize its neighbours. 38. Australia's Foreign Minister, Mr. Hayden, said that 33. Last month, the Government of South Africa held the Government, after carefully reviewing the question a referendum on various proposals for constitutional of sporting contacts, had also decided that no South change. Attempts have been made to depict them as African sporting teams would be allowed entry into important changes. The proposals are to replace a uni­ Australia, Australian sportsmen and sportswomen would cameral system with an ;mangement whereby there will be discouraged from competing in South Africa, "third be three houses: a houie of assembly with 168 white country" contacts in which Australians compete against members, a house of rtt>resentatives with 85 so-called South Africans in other countries would be opposed, the Coloured members and a house ofdeputies with 45 Indian Government would seek to persuade Australian sports members. In other words there will be 130 Coloured and bodies to bring pressure to bear to have South Africa Indian members and 161; white members in the Parlia­ expelled from international sports federations and com­ ment. The mathematk~ of this are obvious: the whites petitions, and the Australian Government would seek to will maintain their dominance; the bJ~~k population will persuade other Governments to discourage South African remain unenfranchised. participation in sporting competitions in their country. 34. Under these so-called constitutional reforms, the 39. Mr. Hayden said that this recent toughening ofthe pivotal function will rest with the executive position of policy on amateurs was because amateur sports con­ President. The position of Prime Mini:;ter will be abol­ testants competing overseas normally did so either tfuectly ished. The President will have wide-ranging powers. He or indirectly under the auspices, and at the expense of, will have the authority to appoint and dismiss ministers, their country or national sporting bodies. In these cir­ to convene and dissolve Parliament, to proclaim martial cumstances, they were clearly national representatives. law, to declare war, to assent to or refuse bills and to send bills back to Parliament for reconsideration. Very 40. Only individual genuinely professional sportsmen importantly, the President will have the authority to and sportswomen who play sports for a living and do not determine whether matters are within the category called rely on the support ofa national body for their participa­ "ownaffairs"-thatis, peculiar to a particular house and tion in overseas competition will be allowed entry into therefore dealt with only by that house-or are "general Australia. This represents one of the most, if not the affairs", in which case they will be dealt with by all of most, stringent set of guidelines applied by any country the houses. This means, ofcourse, that in the final r"",ult in the Western world. the white national party will continue to have the sole 41. The recently elected Australian Government has also legal power over the destiny of South Africa. The views declared that it had been concerned that in its policies of the non-white members of the South African com­ towards South·Africa the previous Australian Govern­ munity will largely continue to be ignored at the national ment had not been sufficiently active in pursuing meas­ level. ures aimed directly at assisting the non-white citizens of 62nd meetIng-18 November 1983 975

South Africa, those who feel the full depressing weight contribute to the maintenance ofthe system ofapartheid ofapartheid. Australian resources are ofcourse limited, are accomplices in the perpetuation of this crime. but it is within our capacity to do more towards assisting 49. This year, apart from the Conference to which I the victims of apartheid and community development. have referred, there have been many other international Accordingly, the Australian Government intends to forums whose purpose was to unmask the crimes ofthe initiate a scholarship programme for disadvantaged South Pretoria racists and their henchmen and to mobilize the Africans. public opinion ofcountries for an active struggle against 42. Another outcome of the Australian Government's the policy of apartheid. In this respect we should pay a policy review is that the Government is prepared to see the particular tribute to the work done by the Special Com­ establishment in Australia of information offices ofthe mittee against Apartheid under the chairmanship ofthe African National Congress of South Africa [ANC1 and representative of Nigeria, Mr. Maitama-Sule. The Special the South West Africa People's Organization [SWAPOJ. Committee's report [A/38/22J testifies to its work. The Government believes that information activities by SO. That report and many other documents provide such offices are legitimate and accord with the operation convincing evidence that the apartheid regime has not of a free democratic society. Their primary function renounced its policy of cruel exploitation, arbitrary would be to disseminate information on apartheid and behaviour and repression against the overwhelming conditions within South Africa and through that activity majority of the country's people. The policy of creating to counter to some extent the barrage ofpropaganda put bantustans is continuing. Four such bantustans have out by the South African Government. already been established, as the result ofwhich morethan 43. I should also point out that there is already a."l office 8 million Africans have been deprived of South African that operates on behalf of the Pan Africanist Congress citizenship. of Azania [PAC1 in Australia. SI. In a special report of the ILO,4 we read that the Mr. I/lueca (Panama) took the Chair. purpose ofthe racist regime is to turn South Africa into 44. Before concluding I should add the voice of the a country without black citizens. This inhuman con­ Australian Government to the international demand for spiracy ofthe racist regime against the indigenous African the release ofSouth African political prisoners. While my inhabitants, as correctly pointed out in the conclusions Government does not support armed struggle, it does and recommendations of the Special Committee, "sur­ understand why opponents ofapartheid have taken that passes the enormity of similar Nazi crimes" [ibid., course. We hold the apartheid system itself responsible para. 233J. for the escalation oftension, confrontation and violence 52. The racist regim~ continues to pursue a policy of in South Africa. repression against all opponents ofapartheid. Thousands 45. The Australian Government is unreservedly com­ of South African patriots languish in torture chambers. mitted to taking all constructive and practical measures Many of them have been horribly tortured. Executions which will contribute to the international effort to eradi­ of the regime's opponents continue. cate the policy of apartheid. 53. No one can be confused bythe cosmetic operations 46. Mr. VASILYEV (Byelorussian Soviet Socialist recently undertaken by the racists of Pretoria. What is Republic) (interpretation/rom Russian): The intensifica­ happening in South Africa has nothing to do with the tion by the forces of imperialism and reaction of their renunciation ofapartheid. The so-called reform process­ deliberate disruption ofdetente, the spiralling arms race on behalf of which extensive propaganda has been con­ and their policy of declaring whole regions of the earth ducted in the West-does not provide for even a formal "spheres of their vital interests", their interference in participation 'of the African majority in running the other people's affairs and their suppression ofthe national affairs of the country. In fact, this is not a repudiation liberation struggle have led to a significant growth in of apartheid but an adaptation of it to changed condi­ tension and increased military danger which is felt in all tions. Thus, it is no coincidence that the process of continents. Africa is no exception. In Africa this trend "reforming" apartheid has been leading to heightened has manifested itselfin the mounting aggressiveness ofthe repression against the opponents of the regime, on the main enemies ofthe African peoples, namely, the South one hand, and is accompanied by militarization of all African apartheid regime and its overseas "historic ally", aspects of public life and a growth in South Africa's mili­ which create a real threat to international peace and tary potential, on the other. security. 54. The Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic sup­ 47. For many years the United Nations has consistently ported General Assembly resolution 38/11, adopted on worked hard to put an end to the policy ofapartheid pur­ 15 November, rejecting the "so-called 'constitutional sued by the South African ruling regime. The Security proposals' and all insidious manoeuvres by the racist Council has repeatedly condemned the South African minority regime ofSouth Africa further to entrench white racists, and in resolution 473 (1980) it again emphasized minority rule and apartheid". that "the policy of apartheid is a crime against the SS. Notwithstanding the manoeuvres ofthe racists and conscience and dignity of mankind and is incompatible their cruel repression, opposition to the apartheid regime with the rights and dignity of man, the Charter of the is intensifying, embracing ever wider segments of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration ofHuman population. In the Special Committee's report, we read Rights, and seriously disturbs international peace and of considerable successes "of national mobiIization for security" . unity and freedom in South Africa, encompassing trade 48. In the Declaration adopted by the Second World unions, students and youth, religious bodies, community Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimina­ organizations and all other segments ofthe population" tion, held in Geneva from 1 to 12 August 1983,3 empha­ [ibid., para. 279J. The report has high praise for theANC, sis is laid on the fact that apartheid as an institutionalized the vanguard of the national liberation movement of form of racism is a deliberate and totally abhorrent South Africa, for its consistent intensification of the affront to the conscience and dignity ofmankind, a crime . armed strugg!.:. against humanity and a threat to international peace 56. The crimes of the racist regime of Pretoria against and security. The Declaration also says that all those who the people ofSouth Africa are aggravated byits aggressive 976 General Assembly-Tblrty-elgbtb SessIon-Plenary Mef'l;::n;:::8S=-- _ actions against sovereign neighbouring African States and certain data, in a sparsely populated area of northern its continued illegal occupation ofNamibia, whose people Tr&I1svaal there is a secret experimental base where tests is still subjected to harsh terror and inhuman exploitation. are being carried out on a so-called ethnic weapon: viruses 57. The-Security Council has repeatedly condemned the or various chemical elements capable ofinjuring or caus­ aggressive acts of the South African racists against the ing disease only among persons of black skin. This neighbouring countries as a direct threat to international information is referred to in the December-January 1983 peace and security and has warned that,. if they are Bulletin ofthe Committee on South African War Resist­ repeated, the measures provided in Chapter VII of the ance, London. Charter of the United Nations may be applied against 63. In violation ofGeneral Assembly resolutions, West­ South Africa. However, notwithstanding all the decisions ern countries have not only not ended their co-operation ofthe United Nations and the emphatic demands of the with South Africa in the nuclear sphere but are actually international community, the apartheid regime continues expanding it. This is confIrmed by the permission granted its acts ofarmed aggression, as can be seen from the acts by the United States State Department in September of of brigandage ofthe racist warmongers against Angola, this year to seven United States corporations to provide and other African States. technical and operational services for South African 58. The reasons for the brazen conduct ofthe Pretoria nuclear facilities. As reported by American sources, they authorities are well known. The South African racists rely include supply of equipment and spare parts, technical on comprehensive political, military and economic sup­ assistance by American experts and training of South port from the United States and certain other Western African personnel. countries. The Special Committee's report notes that: 64. Many facts relating to the close economic and fman­ "As a result of the position taken by its Western cial co-operation between the West and South Africa and permanent members, the Security Council has proved the activities ofthousands of Western corporations and powerless to implement its own resolutions calling for their subsidiaries in South Africa have already been cited an end to apartheid and repression, the release of at this session of the General Assembly. I should like ao South African political prisoners, the independence of refer to just one of them. According to the Washington Namibia and the cessation ofacts ofaggression by the Post of 17 October 1983, United States investments in racist regime" [ibid•• para. 249). South Africain 1950 amounted to $140 million. At pres­ 59. The so-called policy of "constructive engagement" ent, according to the American press, those capital invest­ with South Africa, proclaimed by the current American ments have amounted to $14.6 billion-in other words, Administration, encourages the racist regime to engage by comparison with 1950 they have increased more than in new acts of aggression and to continue its policy of 100 times. Such is the steadily growing United States apartheid aild constantly to disregard international public contribution to the policy of apartheid pursued by the opinion. Government of South Africa. 60. South Africa has virtually been turned into an 65. Continuing to defend the Pretoria regime and outpost in the struggle against the national liberation opposing sanctions against it, Western countries, as movement onthe African continent. The expanding links emphasized in the Special Committee's report, thereby between Pretoria and the leading Western countries have "undermine the fabric ofinternational law and morality, reached such a stage that now· it is possible to talk bluntly as well as the authority of the United Nations". of a special permanent and increasingly strong alliance 66. The efforts ofthe Western Powers to streng£1len and between the ruling circles of South Africa and the main give comprehensive support to the racist regime ofSouth imperjalist States and transnational corporations. Africa are without any doubt part of broader plans by 61. If we take the military sphere, we see that the imperialism to recover the positions it has lost in Africa, Security Council's 1977 arms embargo against South to deprive the African peoples of the gains they have Africais not being observed. Moreover, we read in the made in their national liberation struggle and to bind Special Committee's report that: them down with more and more new fetters of neo­ "The racist regime has, with the assistance and collab­ colonialist dependence. oration ofcertain Western States and , expanded 67. The time is long overdue for the adoption by the its military establishment. It has been able to obtain international community ofeffective measures against the an enormous amount ofmilitary equipment and tech­ racist regime of South Africa. The Byelorussian SSR nology, to build up its domestic arms industry and to therefore fully supports the proposals of the African acquire nuclear capability because of the collusion countries for the application by the Security Council of of certain Western Governments and Israel, as well comprehensive sanctions against the apartheid regime, as as a number of transnational corporations." [Ibid.• provided for in Chapter VII ofthe Charter. Our delega­ para. 247.) tion also supports other measures proposed in the report 62. The SouU African authorities are trying to have of the Special. Committee aimed at the eradication of placed at their disposal not only the most complex con­ apartheid, the immediate granting of independence to ventional armaments but also weapons of mass destruc­ Namibia and the cessation of South Africa's acts of tion. The Institute for Aviation Medicine, in Pretoria, aggression against its neighbouring States. is conducting "top-secret studies" on the manufacturing 68. We consider that this session ofthe General Assem­ of a binary chemical weapon. The bly must decisively condemn the actions of those States already has in its arsenal munitions with indiscriminate which have been co-operating with the racist regime in effects considered to be inhumane by the majority of the political, economic, military, nuclear and other fIelds States Members of the United Nations. These include and to grant it political and diplomatic protection. It is napalm, used regularly by the essential to secure full ~ompliance by all States with the in Angola; Agent Orange, a lethal herbicide which, as Security Council's embargo on arms deliveries to the is well known, was used extensively by the United States racist ,regime of South Africa, the cessation of all co­ in its war in Viet Nam; incendiary bombs and white operatIon with South Africa in the nuclear sphere, and phosphorus shells; plastic shrapnel, which cannot be the adoption by the Council ofmeasures to prevent South detected in human tissue by normal X-rays. According to Africa from acquiring nuclear weapons. 62nd meetlng-18 November 1983

69. The Byelorussian delegation is prepared to support racist armed forces in which a number ofpersons, includ­ any measures designed to eliminate the vestiges ofracial­ ing women and children, were killed; in May 1983, Maputo ism, and apartheid from this earth. was bombed by the South African air force, resulting in 70. Mr. ZADOR (Hungary): In the light of the recent the killing and wounding ofinnocent civilians, consider­ events in South Africa, the discussion ofthe agenda item able d~mage to a factory and the destruction of houses. on policies of apartheid of the Government of South Representatives ofthe Government ofSouth Africatried Africa, now before the General Assembly, has a special to justify its aggression as an alleged search for "ANC significance. On 15 November, this Assembly adopted terrorists" in the neighbouring countries. resolution 38/11, rejecting the so-called constitutional 76. Angola has been the target ofSouth African armed proposals of the racist regime of South Africa as yet aggression since it gained independence. In fact, the another attempt to perpetuate the inhuman system of military forces ofSouth Africa are occupying the south­ apartheid. My delegation joined the overwhelmil1g major­ ern parts of the territory of Angola, thus posing a con­ ity of Member States in voting for that resolution. We stant threat to that independent non-aligned State. The believe that the international community should send a racist regime's policy of military intervention ~ ~~rt of strong signal to Pretoria that its manoeuvres will be a wider strategy aimed at the destabilization ofthi; iront­ doomed to failure. The racist minority regime cannot line States. This policy ofSouth Africa constitutes a grave violate international law and the Charter of the United threat to the peace and security of the region and, in a Nations without serious repercussions. global sense, it must therefore be treated with the utmost 71. According to some sympathizers with the Pretoria seriousness. regime, the constitutional proposals are a step in the right 77. My delegation resolutely condemns the aggressive direction and can be considered as an integral part ofan policy of the racist regime against its neighbours. At the evolutionary process leading to a multiracial society. This same time, we express our appreciation to the front-line argument is totally false because the consequences point States for their constant support for the struggling people in the opposite direction. The manoeuvre by the racist of South Africa and for their sacriflces in the struggle regime is aimed at the total exclusion of23 million blacks, for a non-racial, democratic society in South Africa. who make up 72 per cent of the total population, from 78. The racist regime ofSouth Africa would not be able citizenship in South Africa, and at their deprivation of to continue its brutal policy of oppression against the all political rights. The so-called Coloured people and people of South Africa and to carry out acts of armed those of origin would be liable to compulsory aggression against the front-line States without the sup­ military service and could be used against their black port ofits friends. As a member ofthe Special Committee brothers-in-arms. By using this tactic, the racist regime against Apartheid since its establishment, my country intends to weaken the liberation struggle by provoking attaches great importance to efforts to end all collabora­ conflict among the oppressed people. These manoeuvres tion with the racist regime ofSouthAfrica in diplomatic, must be rejected and condemned in the most resolute political, economic, military and other fields. There is manner. need for concerted action by all States to put pressure on 72. As the report of the Special Committee against Pretoria in order to terminate the inhuman system of Apartheid states: apartheid. We rej~t the contention that apartheid can be reformed or improved by evolutionary changes. We "Thesituation in South Africacontinued to deterior­ believe that the inhuman system of apartheid must be ate in the year under review. The apartheid regime eliminated once and for all because the policies and prac­ further intensified its repre$sion ofopponents ofapart­ tices of apartheid are crimes against humanity. heid. For their part, opponents of that evil system increased their resistance in every possible way, includ­ 79. The latest events in South Africa must be takenvery ing an e-;calation of the armed struggle against the seriously because the possibility of a more dangerous regime." [A/38/22, annex para.I.) conflict situation has increased considerably. This is L further accentuated by the intensified co-operation between 73. One ofthe most brutal manifestations ofthe oppres­ South Africa and certain Western States in the military sive policy ofthe racist regime was the execution ofthree and nuclear fields, as is clearly revealed by the documents freedom fighters, members ofthe ANC, in spite ofmany published by the Special Committee against Apartheid. calls for clemency. Torture and ill-treatment have caused Hungary, as a member of the Committee, will continue the deaths ofseveral political prisoners. A large number to support all actions by the international community of opponents of apartheid from different walks of life against apartheid, which is the most brutal mass violation have been arrested, detained, tried and sentenced to long of human rights and constitutes a threat to world peace terms of imprisonment. and international security. My country gave expression 74. On 11 October 1982, an international campaign was to its firm commitment in this regard at the Second World launched for the release of Nelson Mandela and other Conference to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimina­ political prisoners. That campaign has received signifi­ tion, held from 1 to 12 August 1983 in Geneva. The cant support during the past year. On the initiative of people and Government of the Hungarian People's the Hungarian Solidarity Committee, a number oforgan­ Republic, in supporting the legitimate struggle of the izations and city leaders in my country have also joined people ofSouth Africa under the leadership ofthe ANC, the world-wide campaign. We believe that the actions in are hopeful that a just, non-racial society will soon emerge support of the struggling people ofSouth Africa should in that part of the African continent. continue even more intensively in the future. The inter­ 80. Before concluding, permit me to express my delega­ national community has a decisive role to play byexpress­ tion's thanks and gratitude to Mr. Maitama-Sule, of ing solidarity with and lending manifold support to the Nigeria, Chairman of the Special Committee against ANC, the leading force ofthe struggling people ofSouth Apartheid, for the dedicated leadership with which he Africa. guided the work of the Special Committee during his 75. During the past year, the racist regime of South tenure ofoffice. We wish him well in his new, responsible Africa has intensified its armed aggression against the post. front-line States. Last December, Lesotho, a small, 81. Mr. McDONAGH (Ireland): Many of the great defencel~s country, fell victim to a brutal raid by the problems faced bythe General Assembly recur regularly' 978 General Assembly-Thirty-eigbtb Session-Plenary Meetings on its agenda and seem to defy all efforts to achieve any of bantustans, the white minority hopes that, without amelioration or solution. Perhaps the most intractable diminution ofits own political or economic power, it can of all is the policy of institutionalized apartheid which thus seem to be solving the problem of political rights is practised by the Government of South Africa. Its for the majority of the people of South Africa. Under implacable face continues to confront us, continues to this policy, four fifths of the land would be assigned to offend all human decencies, after more than 30 years of one fifth of the population, that is, to the ruling minor­ unequivocal condemnation by this Organization. It is a ity. The fundamental injustice ofthis system ofseparate face of obduracy and defiance, and we scan it in vain development is immediately evident and it also results for any sign ofunderstanding or compassion. The policy directly in another injustice: the denial to black Africans ofapartheid remains intact, and millions ofhuman beings ofrights in their own country, for, once assigned to their continue to live out their life span under its dark shadow. own so-called homelands, they would then be regarded 82. Through all ofthose years, at session after session as aliens. The fraudulent nature of these proposals has ofthe General Assembly and elsewhere, Irish representa­ long been perceived by the international community, tives have reiterat~d the Irish Government's intense and which sees the bantustans for the shams that they are and long-standing feelings ofabhorrence for the racial policies refuses to recognize them as independent. Ireland joins ofthe Government ofSouth Africa and the practices by in refusing to accord them any legitimacy or recognition. which those policies are implemented. We will continue 87. In the economic field, the great discrepancy between to do so for as long as the situation in South Africa the treatment ofblack and white workers is but an every­ remains unchanged, because we believe that the system day example of discrimination and a clear indication of of apartheid constitutes an open, direct and systematic the indifference ofthe South African Government to the challenge to a concept of ma.-t:t which is basic to our economic and social well-being of the majority. Black civilization. South Africans have contributed greatly by their labour 83. It is, ofcourse, always deplorable that men should and skills to the development oftheir country. They have be discriminated against because of their opinions or done so in spite of the lack of opportunities for promo­ beliefs. Such discrimination denies to men those liberties tion to skilled and managerial positions and the denial which we hold to be their right, liberties which countless to them ofwages commensurate with those paid to white numbers throughout the ages have died to uphold. How­ employees for similar work. It is abhorrent that they ever, where discrimination occurs on grounds of race or whose labours are the key to the prosperity of South colour the offence goes much deeper, in that it offers a Africa should be the victim of wholesale discrimination calculated affront to the very basis on which man's claim as a result of a range of policies instituted by the Gov­ to other rights rests, that is, his claim to share with all ernment which has reaped such benefits from their toil. ofhumanity a special and unique status derived from the Inthis context, I shou!d like to reiterate my Government's "dignity and worth of the human person"-a claim so support for the Code of Conduct for subsidiaries .of basic that it is affmned as part of the Preamble of the companies doing business in South Africa adopted by the Charter of the United Nations: Such discrimination, members of the European Community in 1977, as an wherever it occurs, is abhorrent to us. But where it is effort to improve the living and working conditions of erected into a philosophy ofGovernment, as it is in South black workers and to support the right of all workers to Africa, it offers a grave and sustained threat to those organize freely against exploitation. We would urge the values on which human civilization is built. subsidiaries of all companies doing b~siIless in South 84. Speaking some years ago on this issue in another Africa to conform to this Code of Conduct. forum, the Prime Minister of my country described 88. On 2 November last, a constitutional referendum apartheid in the following terms. "Apartheid", he said, was held in South Africa. It allowed the white popula­ ". .. is something more radically evil than political tion to decide that non-whites, other than blacks, should repression-since it is founded on something immutable. be allowed some participation in the institutions ofGov­ A man can change his politics-he cannot change the ernment. I should like to state here categorically that in colour of his skin. Apartheid therefore offers the black the view of the Irish Government the changes effected man no hope." by the referendum are clearly designed to entrench stilI 85. It means nothing that the Government of South further the system ofapartheid by encouraging the com­ Africa should affirm that the black or Coloured popula­ pliance of the so-called Coloured people and people of tions there have a higher standard of living or better Asian origin with the exclusion ofblack people from the amenities than peoples in neighbouring countries. This political system. It would be delusory to see this so-called claim, even if true, is irrelevant, for it derives from fac­ reform as a chink of light in the all-surrounding dark­ tors outside the apartheid system. Nor does it matter that ness. Ireland deplores it, and we fear for the effects which the South African Government claims that the policy of it may have in further alienating the majority in South separate development has been or will be fairly applied, Africa. for that is merely a statement about the operation of an 89. In our view, the victims and opponents of apart­ indefensible system. We condemn the injustices and heid within South Africa have shown great patience in inequities of the system as it operates, but above all we the fac~ of extraordinary provocation. They have been condemn unreservedly the premise on which it is based: consistently prevented from working for constructive the insistence on the intrinsic inferiority ofcertain races changes in the system by peaceful means. Efforts to and the refusal to concede that all share a common dignity reason and to persuade have been met by brutal repres­ and status as men and common and immutable rights as sion. Ifnow they should turn towards violent means, they individual persons. would do so from a sense of growing hopelessness. My 86. In spite ofinternational condemnation and in spite Government could not condone such violence, but we of the growing alienation of the majority of its own cannot deny understanding the sense ofbitter frustration people, the South African Government has sought to from which it might spring. We have a deep sympathy entrench racism, and every aspect of the South African for th.ose in South Africa who are victims of repression State and South African society, political, social and bec~tise of their colour or their stated political beliefs. economic, is fundamentally affected. By assigning black The political prisoners in South African gaols bear living tribal groups to designated homelands under the system witness to the ideals ofdemocracy and justice, which are 62nd m~tfng-18 November 1983 incompatible with the policies of the South African compassion, came to visit Mr. Thoreau ill jail. When he Government. saw his friend behind bars, Mr. Emerson asked, "Henry 90. Ireland has no diplomatic relations with South David, what are you doing in there?" Mr. Thoreau Africa, and successive Irish Governments have taken. looked out at his friend and asked in reply, "Ralph measures to ensure that no official encouragement is given Waldo, what are you doing out there?" Today, the same to economic relations with that country. Irish Govern­ questions are appropriate as we once again debate the ments have also emphasized their support for the prin­ policies ofapartheidofthe Government ofSouth Africa. ciple ofnon-discrimination in sporting and cultural areas 95. -For almost as long as there has been a United and have contributed regularly and on an increasing scale Nations, this abhorrent doctrine has been a topic ofdis­ to the various funds set up under the auspices of the cussion on this body's agenda. Long before the forma­ United Nations to help those who are disadvantaged tion of this Organization, and long beforre the creation under the system of apartheid. ofthe war-time alliance which led to its formation, apart­ 91. It is our belief, however, that protestations by heid was a topic of much discussion and considerable individual States and unilateral actions by them are not opposition within South Africa itself. likely to be very effective in persuading those who hold 96. There is not a single nation in the world, with the power in South Africa to face reality. I wish, therefore, obvious exception ofthe Republic ofSouth Africa, which to confirm once again that my Government is among has not condemned in word, if not in deed, the odious those which would favour action undertaken in an organ­ doctrine of apartheid. Every nation in the world, with ized way, in proper form, and by the international com­ the obvious exception of the Republic of South Africa, munity as a whole, to bring steady pressure to bear on has verbalized a commitment to eradicate the practice of white South Africa to change its disastrous policies. At aPQrtheid from the human experience. Today, no rational, the same time, we believe that we must impose on our­ civilized human being would publicly defend apartheid selves a discipline and a self,restraint to match the depth and its perverse legacy ofhatred, pestilence and destruc­ of our concern for the welfare of the black majority of tion. Yet, somehow, this illness persists. South Africa. We must deny ourselves the easy luxury of advocating courses ofaction which would relieve our 97. Desr,>ite a seemingly endless progression of resolu­ own righteous indignation, without offering any real tions, appeals, condemnations, petitions and protests, the prospect of success. My Government would therefore apartheid regime is still there. Perhaps its foundation is favour the imposition by the Security Council ofa series not quite as strong as it once was, but, paradoxically, its of graduated sanctions against South Africa, sanctions military strength and economic power are, in a sense, carefully chosen and to be fully implemented by all. greater than ever. Fortunately, the opponents of apart­ Specifically, we feel that the existing arms embargo heid are also stronger than ever. should be strengthened and more carefully monitored, 98. Admittedly, those who oppose apartheid do not that a mandatory oil embargo should be formally imposed confront South Africa by itself. Those who oppose any and that loans to, and new investments in, South Africa evil seldom confront only the direct practitioners ofthat should be banned. evil. There are usually others who indirectly benefit from 92. We must, presumably, recognize that it is idle to the evil being practised, and there are still others who expect spectacular or rapid change in South Africa. We simply acquiesce, with studied indifference, in the suffer­ must hope, however, that, at the very least, the Govern­ ings and strivings of their fellow human beings. ment of South Africa, in its considered appraisal of its 99. Today, as always, there are v,oices being raised own interests, will not continue to remain obdurately telling us to be patient. Things will change, they say• Yet, indifferent to the weight ofworld opinion. It is never too those same voices are not themselves patient when con­ late for reason and moderation to prevail, and the broad sidering the actions ofthose they perceive to be their foes. world community would not be slow to support any Furthermore, those same voices never seem to recall just genuine and consistent movement along the high path how patient the people ofSouth Africa have already been. towards reconciliation between black and white. Such How many more generations must be born as slaves in reconciliation is still possible and can operate, as in other their own country before those voices acknowledge that nations, to form a true national identity, so that South every slave has not only a right but a duty to rebel? Africa can emerge from its present isolation and play its true and rightful role in international affairs. The con­ 100. Speaking ofan earlier slave society, Henry David struction ofa multiracial society is not an easy task, but Thoreau wrote: "As for adopting the ways which the State the longer it is postponed, the more difficult it becomes has provided for remedying the evil, I know not ofsuch and the greater the likelihood ofviolence. In the shadow ways." He could easily have been referring to South ofdominant racial theories, the only sentiments that can Africa today. He said: "There are thousands who are in thrive are fear and hate. opinion opposed to slavery ... who yet in effect do nothing to put an end to (it) ...". Again, it is as if he 93. We ask the white people ofSouth Africa, and their is with us today, pointing an accusatory finger at those Government in particular, in their own interest and in who choose to rationalize their own inactivity in the face the interest of our common humanity, to reflect, before of the need for participants rather than spectators if we it is too late, that they may be wrong and to realize what are ever going to eradicate apartheid. may be the fearful consequences of their error. 101. Few other items on our agenda have been so scru­ Mrs. Jones (Liberia), Vice-President, resumed tlle tinized, discussed and voted upon as this one. All of us Chair. are by now painfully familiar with the statistics, the 94. Mr. VANLIEROP(Vanuatu):HenryDavidThoreau arguments and ultimately the positions which most ofus was a great American writer, philosopher, naturalist and will take on the wording of the various resolutions. humanist. During the campaign to end the institution of Somehow, that all seems somewhat abstract and removed slavery in his country, he was imprisoned for refusing to from the reality ofan African child in South Africa who pay taxes to a Government which at that time supported is compelled to live in a dusty, barren and remote corner and upheld slavery as legal. His friend, countryman ofhis or her country; who wears tom and tattered clothes and fellow writer, Ralph Waldo Emerson, being a man of and no shoes; whose parents, because ofDraconian laws, General Assembly-Tbirty-eigbtb SessIon-Plenary Meetings

are not permitted to live together, let alone wherever they 110. New Zealand is totally opposed to apartheid. There might choose or be able to afford. are many countries around the world with oppressive and 102. Some will say that this is the plight of most chil­ authoritarian governments which show little respect for the rights of their citizens and tread on their personal dren born to poor parents in the developing world. In Afri~ a sense, this may perhaps be true; living conditions are, freedoms. But only Soutb has also legalized racial in fact, harsh in most developing countries, but not by discrimination and made it the basis of a whole social choice. However, in South Africa, the legal system man­ order. In South Africa, a person is judged, and his place dates a permanent state of harshness and inequality. in society is determined, not by his character or by his Furthermore, as we all know, South Africa is not a personal worth, but simply by his race. This legalized developing country. It is an enormously wealthy society racial discrimination is not just contrary to the principles in which a minority of its citizens have decided to bar ofthe Charter ofthe United Nations; it flouts the stand­ the producers of most of the wealth from enjoying any ards common to all the great human traditions. of its fruits. 111. Apartheid is contrary to the principles and tradi­ tions by which New Zealanders actually live. Ours is a 103. South Africa's worst crime, and we believe the one multiracial society: many New Zealanders have come in which sets it apart from every other contemporary State recent times from Polynesia, from Asia and from which calls itself civilized, is the fact that black children to jointhose ofPolynesian and European origin who were in that land are not even permitted to dream the dream born in the country. We New Zealanders are committed of children everywhere else-the dream of a better life, to building a partnership-a society in which all groups the dream of the future. live together in a spirit ofmutual respect. Racial equality 104. No matter what we may think of other societies, is fundamental to this task. New Zealand~s laws do more their values and their social systems, the fact remains that than justprohibit racial discrimination: they actively seek South Africa is the only country which, by word and to promote racial harmony. deed, denies to children the right to hope for a better life 112. The South Africans say that things are changing simply because of the colour of their skin. How patient in their country, that some of the restrictions on social would the voices which counsel patience when dealing contact between people of different races are now being with South Africa be if we were talking about their relaxed. Any such relaxation is, ofcourse, to be welcomed children? How concerned would they be with the words andencouraged. But there is no sign so far that the South or tone ofa resolution ifthey were the slaves and others African Government is ready to abandon the system of were the masters? apartheid or to give Africans a share in government and 105. It is relatively easy for us to sit here in these a say in their own future. Its policy is still one of what chambers and to say that this word or that phrase in a it calls separate development. And that still means forc­ resolution goes too far. However, we have asked in the ing black South Africans into overcrowded and largely past, and we ask again, how can the word'i of a resolu­ impoverished homelands, making them foreigners in the tion be equated with the acts of terror committed every land oftheir birth and compelling them to work in white day and permanently institutionalized by the South areas as migrant labourers with few legal safeguards to African regime? Is it the drafters ofthe resolutions who protect them against the depredations and the degrada­ have gone too far, or is it the apartheid regime and its tions of the apartheid system. supporters who have gone too far? 113. Indeed, legislation now proposed would put addi­ 106. Thoreau told us, and rightly so, that: "Under a tional constraints on their freedom ofmovement, on their government which imprisons any unjustly, the true place choice ofemployment and on their right to decide where for a just man is also a prison". Today, in South Africa, to live; and in the enforcement of these rules Africans Nelson Mandela and thousands of his compatriots are would be subjected to further and indefensible humilia­ in the prisons of South Africa. In fact, for millions of tion. Apartheid thus still means that most of the people human beings, black, brown, yellow and white, who in South Africa will continue to be denied their basic cherish freedom and democracy, the Republic of South rights and freedoms simply because ofthe colour oftheir Africa is nothing but a gigantic prison. skin. 107. We, the members ofthe international community, 114. The South African Government's constitutional have before us the same choice we have always had in proposals will change none of this. They will not result dealing with South Africa. Do we work to help South in the political representation ofAfricans or in the sharing Africa's people tear down the walls ofthat prison, or do ofpower. There is no sign that the rulers ofSouth Africa we work to market and enjoy the fruits ofthe slave labour are yet prepared to concede any of the basic principles held in captivity by the Pretoria regime? of apartheid or to take the decisions that might make peaceful evolution possible. They remain committed to 108. Let no one introduce any extraneous issues. Let the retention of power and privilege in their own hands, no one attempt to obfuscate the matter before us now. even at the cQst of massive suppression of the rights of Either we stand for truth, justice and equality in South the black majority. The apartheid system can be main­ Africa right now, or we must expunge those words from tained only by force, and the strength of the military our vocabularies. machine built up 'by the South African Government bears 109. Mr. HARLAND (New Zealand): When the Prime witness to that fact. Minister ofNew Zealand spoke in the general debate on 115. New Zealanders, like people in other countries, 4 October he noted that: "The essential character ofthe have been dismayed by the recent rise in the level ofvio­ apartheid system remains intact, in spite of the strong­ lence in and around South Africa. They are shocked by est condemnation by the international community". bomb explosions that kill innocent civilians in the cities (18th meeting, para. 269.J Far from moving to dismantle of South Africa. They are no less shocked by raids into the system, the South African Government is in the neighbouring countries in which even larger numbers are proCess of modifying the country's constitution in such killed. Complaints to the United Nations have shown that a way as to further entrench racial discrimination. Once in retent years South African secu..~ty forces have time and again, South Africa is deliberately flouting the expressed again made such attacks across their borders. Although views of the whole international community. they are said to have been directed at the bases ofnational 62nd meetlna-18 November 1983 981 liberation movements, the effect and the objective of ofendeavour, has been closed offto the indigenous popu­ these raids have been to destabilize adjoining States. lation, which in the end is doomed to live in bantustans­ These military operations have in some cases been sup­ bantustans that at best are not much better than gaols plemented by punitive economic measures and by the or animal pens. That is the real position of the blacks promotion of internal resistance to neighbouring Gov­ as compared to that of the privileged white minority. ernments. All of these actions violate international law as well as the canons ofcivilized behaviour. They are also 120. That white minority has arrogantly defied inter­ futile for, however South Africa may justify its actions, national law, the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights, in the end the real problem is the South African system the International Convention on the Elimination of All itself. There is no military answer to thatproblem. Vio­ Forms ofRacial Discrimination, the International Cove­ lence will not solve it, only exacerbate it. The problem nmts on Human Rights and the International Conven­ can only be resolved by policies that follow a very dif­ tion on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime ferent course from that to which South Africa still seems ofApartheid. This arrogant defiance has gone so far as a declaration that the 23 million Africans who are the to be committed. rightful owners ofthe countrybelong not to SouthAfrica 116. New Zealand has demonstrated its opposition to but to the bantustans, which are situated in arid lands apartheid in various practical ways. It has rejected the constituting 13 per cent ofthe territory ofSouth Africa. idea of establishing diplomatic representation in South Africa. It rejected from the outset the idea ofrecognizing 121. This racial defiance reached its zenith when the any of the so-called bantustans. Our Government has Pretoria regime decided to ignore the international com­ scrupulously enforced'the arms embargo against South munity's condemnations of the policy of apartheid, a Africa, which New Zealand observed long before it policy that is in complete contradiction with article 1 of became mandatory. There is now no New Zealand invest­ the International Convention on the Elimination of All ment in South Africa. Our trade with that country is Forms of Racial Discrimination. negligible. We have made clear our willingness to carry 122. The long-term objective ofthe implementation of out any economic sanctions that may be imposed on this policy of apartheid--implementation that is being South Africa by the Security Council. Sporting contacts gradually achieved despite condemnation byworld public are actively discouraged by the Government in accord­ opinion and the United Nations and non-recognition of ance v.-ith the terms of the Gleaneagles statement on these puppet States as independent States-is to uproot apartheid in sport. New Zealand has long supported the indigenous population from South Africa. international efforts to secure the release of political prisoners in South Africa, and we have contributed to 123. Proofofthis is contained in an article by Mr. C. P. funds providing humanitarian assistance to the victims MudIer, South Africa's Minister for Admin­ of apartheid. istration, in the July-August 1983 issue ofAfrica Report. 117. To sum up, New Zealand regards apartheid as an In that article, he states that all the blacks ofSouth Africa unjust and inhuman system, and we want to see it ended. will finally be absorbed into a new independent State. Our position has been, and continues to be, demonstrated There can be no doubt that this means that the objective in various practical ways. We are willing to co-operate of this repugnant policy is to turn South Africa into a with others in working out how to end the system in a white State, after removing all the indigenous people from way that will permit the growth of a multiracial society it and placing them in homelands which lack the very minimum essentials for the economic life of any State. based on equality, non-discrimination and mutual respect. The indigenous population will therefore have no way of 118. Mr. JAMAL (Qatar) (interpretation/rom Arabic): escaping from dependence on Pretoria; in other words, The repugnant policy ofapartheid, which is rejected by they will be absolutely dependent on a State that deals all religions and is contrary to all ethical principles and with them from the vantage point of superiority, con­ laws because it is based on a doctrine of racial superior­ tempt and diktat. Those are only some of the elements ity, inherent hatred and the dehumanization ofman from of this policy of racial discrimination. a narrow, racist perspective and seriously violates basic human rights, has been made the corner-stone of all the 124. With increased black opposition, under the leader­ economic and political legislation ofthe Pretoria regime. ship of the ANC and PAC, more brutal measures have It continues to be the philosophical basis of the social been taken in order to stamp out this opposition. The conduct of the white minority in South Africa; that Government has imposed a ban on the opponents of minority eagerly pursues this policy because it is the basis apartheid and given them a choice: either to be silent or of the advantageous political and social position that to be put in prison or eveD. assassinated-and assassina­ ensures for these settlers all the privileges they enjoy tion is not an unusual occurrence. through the suppression, exploitation, oppression, coer­ 125. In the many resolutions that it has adopted annu­ cion, starvation and alienation inside the country of the ally since 1960, following the massacre, the black African majority which the indigenous population General Assembly has condemned the policy of apart­ of South Africa constitutes. heid and has resolutely supported those who oppose this 119. The bases ofapartheid were laid down before the inhuman, illegal policy. In 1970 the General Assembly establishment ofSouth Africa in 1910 and have become recognized that the struggle against apartheid should be more complex with every passing day. The implementa­ carried out by all possible means. Since 1962, it has been tion of this policy began with the enactment in 1911, by calling for diplomatic and economic ostracism of South the British occupation authorities, ofthe Colour Bar Act. Africa. It has adopted resolutions calling on Member That law prohibited blacks, Asians and persons ofmixed States to cease their economic relations with South Africa origin, called Coloureds, from doing certain jobs. In and to r.efrain from extending credit to or investing in 1913, the agrarian law relating to the indigenous popu­ that country. But these resolutions have gone unheeded lation gave the most fertile lands to the whites. And from by the Western States that co-operate with the Pretoria the time the African National Party came to power in regime. Those States have gone so far as to prevent the 1914 to the present day, the policy ofapartheid has been Security Council from adopting comprehensive sanctions given practical form in countless unjust and arbitrary against South Africa under Chapter VI! of the Charter laws. Everything that makes life worth living, every field of the United Nations. 982 General Assembly-Tbirty-eighth Session-Plenary Meetings 126. In the past few years, there has been ther proof demonstrated a growing capacity and efficiency, and of this negative position as a result of the adoption by those actions are becoming more and more successful. the United States of a new policy, called "constructive As in so many instances in the past, the people of South engagem~ilt". That policy cOflsists in rejecting political Africa resorted to armed struggle when it proved impos­ confrontation with the Pretoria regime; instead, it encour­ sible to win freedom by peaceful means. ages that regime by co-operating with it and providing 132. Instead of drawing the correct lesson and recog­ various kinds of economic assistance to it. nizing the absolute necessity of changing the system of 127. What has been the result of this "constructive apartheid into a system that would safeguard the inter­ engagement"? South Africa has tightened its grip onthe ests ofall and not only parts ofthe population, the racist excluded black majority, numbering 23 million, by means regime is attempting to crush the resistance ofthe people of a referendum on a new Constitution. That Constitu­ and to preserve the interests of the ruling minority. It is tion gives the 2.7 million Coloured persons and persons stepping up its acts of repression, assassination of free­ ofmixed race and the 8 million persons of Indian origin dom fighters and aggression against neighbouring , .otL~'l.~ the right to vote in separate representative assemblies tries. Ignoring all international calls for clemency, in J\'1l1~ controlled by the white Parliament while the black major­ ofthis year the apartheid regime executed three freedcrn ity has been totally disregarded. The racist design is to fIghters of the ANC. The appeal for clemency made by uproot that black majority altogether from the white and this Assembly last year, as well as appeals by Heads of Coloured communities and to isolate it in homelands. State and other personalities, were in vain. 128. Since the Pretoria regime's aims are in contraven­ 133. Acts of aggression and terror against neighbour­ tion ofthe Charter and international law, my delegation ing front-line States, as well as against Lesotho, have supports the recommendations in the report ofthe Special become an everyday practice. The Pretoria regime has Committee against Apartheid [A/38/22# sect. //1), wlrlch resorted to recruiting, arming, funding, training and are designed to eradicate apartheid. We support in par­ deploying armed groups in its campaign to destabilize and ticular the recommendation in which the international intimidate the front-line States and thus undermine their community is urged to fulfll its obligation to implement solidarity with the liberation struggle of the oppressed the measures it has already adopted in order to secure people ofSouth Africa. The occupied territory ofNamibia the eradication ofthe system ofapartheid and to enable is used as a launching pad for constant acts of aggres­ the people ofSouth Africa to exercise its inalienable right sion against the front-line States and particularly against to self-determination. We also support the request to the Angola, part of whose territory is occupied by South Security Council to meet in order to consider the meas­ Africa and the bands it is supporting. ures necessary to implement its resolution 418 (1977) 134. The least we can say in describing such a policy relating to an arms embargo against South Africa and is that it holds in utter contempt all the norms and prin­ to consider the imposition ofcomprehensive mandatory ciples ofinternational behaviour enshrined in the Charter sanctions against the racist Pretoria regime under Chap­ of the United Nations. The apartheid regime and its ter VII of the Charter. policy is the sole obstacle to peace, security and stabiliza­ 129. .Mr. GOLOB (yugoslavia): There is hardly any tion in . other issue debated in the United Nations on which the 135. Ofparticular concern is the fact that South Africa international community has achieved a greater degree has mastered nuclear-weapon technology. The danger of ofunanimity than the condemnation and rejection ofthe an irresponsible and aggressive regime, such as the South inhuman system ofapartheid. There is virtual unanimity African racist regime, possessing the weapon of mass onthe defInition ofapartheid as a crime against humanity destruction offers frightening prospects for future devel­ and a serious threat to world peace and security. Yet it opments in southern Africa, and those countries which continues to exist, and as long as it exists we must fight assist South Africa in the nuclear field may regret it only it, oppose it, stigmatize it and mobilize general inter­ too late. national support for its victims. 136. By continuing with the policy ofbantustanization, 130. The fact that apartheid continues to exist in spite South African racists are trying to disrupt national unity, of the opposition of the overwhelming majority of the prevent the forming ofnational consciousness and secure world shows that the international community is facing a source ofcheap labour. They have not, however, been a grave problem which does not lend itself to easy or able to hoodwink the world into according those abom­ quick solutions. Entrenched as an official ideology and inable creations the status of independent States, which the politics and practice of the ruling class in South is what the racists would wish. Africa, it has grown into a monstrous mechanism of 137. The latest of the ploys of the apartheid regime to terror and oppression. In fact, experience has shown that prolong its existence has been the so-called constitution.al apartheid is not an isolated phenomenon but a link in proposals. These insidious manoeuvres, presented as a the chain of an elaborate system of subjugation aimed step in the right direction towards the gradual elimina­ at maintaining relationships based on dependence, exploit­ tion of apartheid, are actually calculated further to .ation and domination in southern Africa, as in some other entrench minority rule and the system ofapartheid. Like parts ofthe world. It draws its strength and resilience not the bantustans, which have the function, among others, only from the ability to maintain a reign of terror over ofacting as internal buffer zones, the so-called Coloured the majority ofthe population but also from an intricate people and those ofAsian descent would be given the role web of support from those countries that maintain eco­ of buffer classes. Their role as "junior partners" would nomic relations with the racist South African regime. be to augment the apartheid armed forces for internal 131. Terror, however, remains the main method of repression and external aggression. By forcing these strata securing the continuation ofapartheid. Arrests, torture, of the population to fight members of the liberation persecution and all other forms of degradation of the movements, the racists hope to foment a conflict that human person continue on an ever-greater scale. This would split and weaken the liberation struggle. only leads to the strengthening ofthe people's resistance 138./·}fhe overwh~lmingmajority of both the so-called to terror. The liberation struggle grows stronger with each Coloured people and those ofAsian descent have already passing day. The actions ofSouth African patriots have rejected the so-called constitutional proposals. The racists 62nd meeting-18 November 1983 983 could not deceive the international community either. 144. Yugoslavia will always stand ready to support all Three days ago, the Assembly adopted a resolution measures and actions taken by the United Nations to [resolution 38/11] that condemned and rejected those contribute to that goal and will continue to give its full manoeuvres. moral, political and material support to fighters against 139. The international community is duty bound to apartheid in South Africa. exert renewed efforts to bring the absurdity that the sys­ 145. Mr. AHMAD (pakistan): Only three days ago, in tem ofapartheid represents to an end. What is needed is resolution 38/11, the General Assembly solemnly declared strict implementation of the resolutions of the General that nothing but the total eradication of apartheid and Assembly calling upon Member States to boycott and the establishment ofa non-racial democratic society based isolate South Africa. These resolutions urge the cessation on majority rule could lead to a just and lasting solution ofall co-operadon with the racist regime in the political, of the explosive situation in South Africa. military, technological, economic and cultural fields and 146. In its so-called constitutional proposals, South in the field ofsports. Yet they are either openly ignored Africa has once again shown its contempt for world or circumvented by a number of countries which main­ public opinion and the concept of human dignity which tain close relations with South Africa, primarily in the has been characteristic ofthe racist regime's policies since economic field. Some of them co-operate with South its inception in 1948. The charade of a referendum Africa in the military and nuclear fields too. Those enacted on 2 November 1983 bythe Pretoria regime was countries bear the moral and political responsibility, an insidious device to deprive the indigenous African intentionally or unintentionally, for enabling the racist majority of all fundamental rights and to drive a wedge regime to pursue its repulsive policy. They should realize between it and the rest ofthe non-white population. That that they are supporting a system that is totally and action, which was yet another manoeuvre to perpetuate absolutely incompatible with the principles upon which apartheid, has rightly been rejected by the international international relations rest and should abandon the short­ community. sighted policies of quick profits and East-West rhetoric 147. The report ofthe Special Committee against Apart­ in the interests of justice and of securing peace and heid gives a factual description of the grave atrocities stability in southern Africa. being perpetrated by the racist regime against thousands 140. The front-line States and the neighbouring coun­ of innocent persons who have been denied fundamental tries should be commended for their sacrifices and their rights for over three decades. Execution of freedom refusal to abandon their support ofthe liberation strug­ fighters, arrests, detentions and imprisonment during gle in South Africa, and they should be supported in the which many political prisoners have died have been the hardships they have to endure. favourite methods of the minority regime to intimidate the oppressed majority. The count of martyrs runs into 141. The non-aligned countries have always emphasized the thousands-from the Sharpeville massacre to the the urgent need to eradicate colonialism, racism, racial barbaric execution ofthree ANC freedom fighters in June discrimination and apartheid in southern Africa. This has 1983. Nelson Mandela, who epitomizes the noble strug­ been a firm position of the non-aligned countries from gle of the people of South Africa, along with many the first Conference of Heads of State or Government others, has been languishing in prison in gruesome condi­ of Non-Aligned Countries, held at Belgrade in 1961, to tions. In April 1983, thousands ofpersons held a candle­ the Seventh Conference, held at New Delhi from 7 to light vigil in demanding his release and the 12 March 1983. In the Political Declaration adopted at granting of prisoner-of-war status to captured freedom New Delhi [sce A/38Il32, annex and Corr.l and 2] the fighters. Heads of State or Government stressed the determina­ tion of the non-aligned countries to intensify their joint 148. Alarmed at the unshakable commitment of the efforts in support ofthe struggle ofthe peoples ofsouth­ freedom fighters to the principles of human dignity, equality and justice, the Pretoria regime has reinforced ern Africa for self-determination. They once again con­ its repressive rule within and its aggressive posture against demned the racist regime of Pretoria and its policies, neighbouring States. We share the concern expressed by denounced the continued collaboration of certain coun­ the Special Committee over the ominous escalation ofacts tries with Pretoria and called for the cessation of all of aggression, destabilization and terrorism waged by the contacts with and all assistance to the South African racist South African regime against independent African States regime. In addition, they called for the unconditional release ofNelson Mandela and all other political prison­ since 1975. Apart from direct military incursions into ers and condemned the introduction of the so-called front-line States, the regime has also engaged in acts of constitu.tional reforms. economic sabotage, espionage, destruction ofbridges, oil pipelines and fuel depots in several neighbouring States. 142. The New Delhi Conference gave strong support to The racist regime has also declared its readiness to pro­ the struggle being waged bythe liberation movements of vide every typ,; of assistance to any insurgent groups South Africa-the ANC, whose heroic freedom fighters within the front-line States. they congratulated, and the PAC-and urged all non­ 149. In blatant disregard of world public opinion and aligned countries to increase their. assistance to enable resolutions of the Security Council and the General them further to intensify the struggle. Assembly addressed to it, the Pretoria regime continues 143. It is almost unnecessary to say that those decisions to intensify its odious policies of oppression, apartheid enjoy Yugoslavia's fullest support. We have always and racial discrimination. As part ofits "totalstrategy", considered that support fJr the liberation struggle ofthe' the illegal regime of South Africa has continued to peoples ofsouthern Africa-under the leadership ofANC strengthen its military build-up byintensifying its indige­ and PAC in South Africa and SWAPO in Namibia-is nous production and importation of arms and military the most effective way to eliminate apartheid, colonial­ equipment. South Africa's acquisition of a nuclear­ ism and racial discrimination, given South Africa's atti­ weapon capability has added a dangerous dimension to tude. Combined with effective international pressure the already aggravated situation and poses a serious threat against South Africa, the liberation struggle will, we are to international peace and security. certain, restore freedom, equality and dignity to the 150. It is no secret that the arrogance of the racist peoples of southern Africa. regime is being sustained by the support and succour of General Assembly-Tbirty-eigbtb Session-Plenary Meetings those who profit from the system ofplunder and exploita­ stubborn continuation of the hateful policy of racial tion in South Africa. To quote from the report of the discrimination and apartheid by the racist South African Special Committee against Apartheid, the racist regime: regime. "could not have survived but for the fact that certain 156. The Fascists of Pretoria, while trampling under­ Western and other Powers and vested interests have foot the most elementary principles and norms of inter­ blocked effective international action and assisted it national law and failing to heed United Nations decisions in all serious crises, especially since the aftermath of and resolutions, have continued more savagely th~ir the Sharpeville massacre of1960" [A/38/22, para. 272). policy ofimprisonment, torture, terror and execution of the Azanian and Namibian patriots who are bravely The Special Committee's report brings out the alarming fighting to put an end to oppression and exploitation and dimension ofthe role of certain external Powers in South to win the right to be treated as human beings and to live Africa's economic and military build-up which has con­ free in their own land. tributed to the survival ofthe inhuman policies ofapart­ heid. The Committee's special report [A/38/22/Add.}) 157. The representatives of many countries have also exposes the continuing and increasing collaboration brought new evidence and arguments before the General between Israel and the apartheidregime, which is a matter Assembly, as well as before the Second World Confer­ of great concern to all of us and underscores the need ence to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination, held for firm action by the international community in order from 1to 12 August ofthis year in Geneva, showing how to check the alliance between Zionism and apartheid. far the South African Government has gone in exercis­ ing violence and terror against the Azanian and Namib­ 151. South Africa's policies of apartheid continue to ian people. The criminal acts of this obnoxious regime appear on the agenda ofthe General Assembly year after have aroused and continue to arouse the indignation of year. Those policies represent an open challenge to the international public opinion and, in the rast place, that world community and call for an intensification of the of the African peoples, who have always resolutely international struggle against racism and racial disciim- demanded and continue to demand that an end be put . ination. The continued defiance of the Pretoria regime once and for all to the policy ofracial discrimination and and other vested interests of the calls to the interna­ apartheid in South Africa. tional community over the last three decades has seri­ ously eroded the credibility of this Organization. The 158. Owing to this hateful policy, the population ofthat Special Committee has rightly pointed out that the United country lives in miserable conditions. Every year, tens of Nations, as a custodian ofthe supremacy oflaw, justice thousands ofpeople die ofhunger, illness, lack ofmedi­ and human dignity, should review the implementation of cal care and so on. The number ofunemployed amounts all its resolutions on apartheid, identify the causes ofnon­ to more than 3 million, while the forced transfer of the implementation and consider measures to secure universal black population to the remote and deserted regions respect for its decisions. The international community continues unabated. should reafrIrm its commitment to the principles and 159. The Albanian delegation shares the views and posi­ objectives ofthe Charter ofthe United Nations and take tions expressed by representatives of the African coun­ concerted action to reassert the effectiveness of the tries before this Assembly and holds that the so-called Organization. constitutional proposals adopted in South Africa on 2 November 1983, by an electorate composed entirely of 152. Pakistan has traditionally identified itself with and white people, aim at depriving the majority ofthe indig­ lent its moral and material support to the cause of all enous population of South Africa of all their rights, peoples struggling against any kind of oppression, alien including the right of citizenship, and at turning South domination or discrimination. Our steadfast support for Africa into a country reserved for the whites on the basis the courageous people of South Africa in their struggle of the hateful principles of apartheid. to eradicate the odious apartheidproblem emanates from the eternal precepts ofour faith, which uphold the equal­ 160. Along with the further intensification ofthe policy ity, freedom and dignity ofall peoples irrespective ofrace, of racial discrimination and apartheid inside the country, colour or creed. the racists of South Africa have also increased their aggressive and subversive acts against neighbouring coun­ 153. Apartheidcannot be reformed but must be totally tries, such as Zimbabwe, , V~sotho and Mozam­ destroyed. This is a task that can be accomplished only bique. They try cynically to present their monstrous by a collective and determined effort on the part of the crimes within and without the country as "anti-terrorist" international community. We express our complete soli­ actions, as "preventive" measures in the interest of the darity with the Special Committee's recommendation that "national security" ofSouth Africa and so on; but what­ the international community should urgently adopt a ever label or mask they may use they can never cover their strategy for decisive action to secure peace and freedom true faces as assassins ofthe peoples ofAzania, Namibia in the region. and so on. 154. To this end, the imposition of comprehensive 161. Had it not been for the help and all-round sup­ mandatory sanctions under Chapter VII of the Charter port of reactionary forces, mainly the United States, would be imperative. Meanwhile, the mandatory arms which are no less responsible for the great tragedy inflicted embargo against South ftl"rica, imposed under Security upon the Coloured population ofSouth Africa, the Pre­ Council resolution 418 (1977), should be strictly enforced. toria regime would not be able to stand on its feet and Accordingly, the Pakistan delegation fully endorses the could not continue brutally to follow the policy ofracial recommendations made by the Special Committee in its discrimination and apartheid. nor could it keep Namibia report to the General Assembly. We are confident that occupied and play the role of American imperialism's the struggle of the valiant people of South Africa for gendarme in the region of South Africa. equality and human dignity will soon b\~ crowned with 162. Facts show that the relations and the collabora­ success. tion in all fields between American imperialism and the 155. ,'Mr. SPAHO (Albania): The time that has elapsed Pretorjaracist regime are being strengthened with every since the thirty-seventh session of the General Assem­ passing/day. American imperialists and other imperialist bly provides many facts which are clear evidence of the Powers are the main suppliers of arms to South Africa. 62nd meeting-18 November 1983

Moreover, the investments of capital of American and since the last Assembly session. Their courageous fight, multinational companies in that country amount to mil­ which we follow with great admiration, has developed lions of dollars. The all-round political, economic and during this past year onseveral fronts in spite ofthebrutal military aid given to South Africa by American imperi­ repression of the Fascist forces. Black workers have alists, Israeli Zionists and other reactionary forces is organized massive and widespread strik~, students have aimed at enabling that regime to play the role of the boycotted the segregationist education with increasing "defender" ofimperialist rights and interests in Africa. vigour, more and more teachers and churchmen have This aid, which is being given at a time when freedom­ joined to resist apartheid. loving and progressive peoples and countries the world 168. . Far from understanding the sense of histo~;: inthis over have denounced and continue strongly to denounce struggle by a people determined to win back their dig­ the inhuman Pretoria regime, at a time when they have nity and freedom, the white minority regime ofPretoria raised their voices to isolate it, constitutes an open chal­ has only become more radicalized and enmired in its lenge to the international community and to the Charter policy of domination, exploitation, repression and ter­ of the United Nations. ror. There have been countless sham trials of South 163. AIl facts and data brought before the General African patriots, arbitrary arrests, disappearances and Assembly clearly show to one and all who are the defend­ torture inflicted on detainees, often leading to their death. ers and supporters of South Africa's policy of racial Last June, ignoring the appeals for clemency made by discrimination and apartheid and whom this hateful the international community, inc1uding the Security policy serves. Council, the Pretoria regime hanged three militants of the ANC and were even so barbaric as to refuse to return 164. The United States, the Soviet Union, China and the bodies to the bereaved families. other reactionary forces try to make use of the grave situation created in South Africa and in the whole region 169. These desperate efforts by the supporters ofapart­ ofsouthern Africa in order to expand further their influ­ heidto strengthen their system ofoppression have recently ence. The more the rivalry between the super-Powers in entered a particularly vicious stage. On 2 November 1983, South Africa grows, the greater the daage~ that threaten the racist regime won approval by an exclusively white the African peoples. That is why the peoples of South eiectorate for so-called constitutional reforms, offering Africa and ofthe whole ofthe African continent rightly Coloureds and Indians minority representation in a Par­ cannot become reconciled to racism, foreign oppression liament entirely controlled by whites. and exploitation and why they are sharpening their vigil­ 170. We welcome the fact that the General Assembly, ance and increasing their efforts resolutely to oppose the by an overwhelming majority, rejected those alleged imperialist, neo-colonialist, racist and apartheid regime. reforms and underlined the pernicious nature ofthis new 165. The delegation of the Socialist People's Republic confidence trick which is designed to give up a few crumbs ofAlbania once again reiterates that the Albanian people, of power in order the better to retain the bulk of the who have won their freedom, independence and sover­ privileges usurped by the white minority. eignty by shedding their blood, are resolutely against 171. Is not the true aim ofthese ~j-called constitutional every form of racial and national discrimination. They proposals to divert the attention of the international strongly condemn the policy ofracial discrimination and community and to weaken the solidarity ofthe oppressed apartheid ofthe racist regime ofSouth Africa and express peoples ofSouth Africa, while increasing the capacity'of their firm solidarity and support for the just struggle of the forces of repression, which can now count on large the African people to uproot colonialism and racism from numbers of new recruits? the African continent. The Albanian people and Gov­ 172. Neither the world community nor the oppressed ernment have supported and will support the struggle of people of South Africa as a whole will be deceived. by the African freedom-loving peoples· and countries to these sham reforms which only the committed friends· and oppose the aggressive, neo-coloniaIist policy and plunder­ allies of the apartheid regime regard as containing any ing practices ofimperialism. We are fully convinced that positive element. We must declare as totally unaccept­ the just struggle ofthe African peoples will prevail. The able such fallacious measures, which are just a variation racist policy of apartheid of the Pretoria regime, along on the policy ofbantustanization and whose obvious aim with all the imperialist and social-imperialist plots, is to create an irreversible situation in which 23 million intrigues and deals are doomed to fail. blacks will become aliens in their own country. 166. Mr. TOWO ATANGANA (United Republic of 173. Apartheid cannot be reformed. It must be com­ Cameroon) (interpretation from French): Once again we pletely abolished so that a multiracial society that respects are debating one of the most shocking issues of our the rights of all and gi",es everyone equal opportunities century, the establishment and perpetuation in the south­ for prosperity and happiness can be built in South Africa. ern part of the African continent of a unique political system based on the denial of all rights to a nation of 174. That is why we must unreservedly encourage the over 22 million people. This repugnant and intolerable struggle of the liberation movements, which are taking system has thrived in Africa for more than half a cen­ great risks in order to win a battle that concerns us all, tury and is being strengthened before our eyes, in spite for it is a battle to restore to southern Africa the human ofuniversal condemnation, creating in its victims a grow­ dignity which has so shamelessly been flouted. ing sense offrustration and rebellion and fuelling a c"cle 175. III that quest for freedom and justice, the United of violence, the results of which cannot be predicted. Nations, which has made such a powerful contribution 167. It is in this context of violence, engendered and to decoloitization, must play the essential role accorded fed by the apartheid regime, that on 20 May of this year it under the Charter in the service of human dignity. international public opinion learned that a powerful 176. We are grateful to the Special Committee for the explosion had spread death and destruction at the head­ great efforts it has made in many ways to denounce quarters ofthe SouthAfrican Air Force in :Pretoria. This unceasingly apartheid and the misdeeds of that policy. grave warning, issued bythe liberation movements after But the vast achievements of that Committee must not more than 20 years of peaceful struggle, was the centre­ make us forget the true impotence oftheUnited Nations piece ofactions carried out by the heroic freedom fighters to deal with the tragedy affecting 23 million blacks in General Assembly-Thirty-eigbtb Session-Plenary Meetings

South Africa. The Organization has in fact never ~uc­ General's report about the nuclear co-operation between ceeded in ensuring that its many resolutions lead to Israel and South Africa. practical action capable of forcing the Pretoria regime 182. All Member States must become more aware of to put an end to its odious policy ofapartheid and to its this threat to international peace and security posed by unlawful occupation of Namibia. a handful ofreactionary racists. The United Nations, its 177. The main reason for this impotence is obviously specialized agencies and all Member States must take the negative attitude ofcertain Powers who, through their concerted action urgently to ensure that the aspirations abuse of the veto, have prevented the Security Council and legitimate rights of the oppressed people of South from adopting the enforcement measures provided under Africa triumph. In this connection, we must demand that Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations to an end be .Jut without delay to the repression, torture and ensure respect for its decisions. assassinations suffered daily by the blacks of South Africa. 178. My delegation is greatly troubled by the attitude ofcertain Powers towards apartheid. How can we believe 183. We must also demand the release of thp. militants the ardent defenders of human rights and fundamental of the ANC and the PAC, some of whom have been freedoms when we see that those same States which are languishing in racist gaols for nearly a quarter of a doing what they can to ensure the triumph ofthose noble century. Their release should begin with the most dis­ ideals do not hesitate, when it comes to South Africa, tinguished of them, Nelson Mandela. to extend the hand of friendship to the apartheid regime 184. My delegation unreservedly supports the pro­ and thus become the protectors ofthe only political sys­ gramme ofaction proposed by the Special Committee in: tem in the world based on the denial of all the rights of its report, a programme which is in conformity with the an entire people? recommendations of a number of international confer­ ences on sanctions against South Africa. 179. As one representative in the Security Council said a few weeks ago: "the Charter does not require that 185. The United Republic of Cameroon will continue, peoples should bow passively to terror". Does this mean with the means at its disposal, to join in the programme, that where interests so require, freedom and huma~ rights within the framework of the Organization of African need no longer be invoked? This is a strange attitude on Unity, its Liberation Committee and all other relevant which the world conscience may well ponder. bodies. 186. Our solidarity with the liberation movements of 180. Tht. Pretoria regime has no self-doubts. The friendly southern Africa is spontaneous and complete. Their co-operf.ltion extended to it by certain Powers within the struggle is our struggle; it is the struggle of Africa; it is framework ofa policy called "constructive engagement" the struggle of mankind. seems to be its best assurance of the ability to act with impunity and strengthens it in its arrogance and intransi­ The meeting rose at 1.35 p.m. gence. At home, Pretoria persists in its policy of repres­ sion, and abroad it persists in its plunder and domination of Namibia, as well as in its aggressions against neigh­ bouring States. Botswana, Mozambique, Zambia, Zim­ babwe and Lesotho are exposed to countless acts of NOTES economi~ sabotage and destabilization attempts. Part of 1Uniao Nacional para a Independllncia Total de Angola. Angola's territory continues to be occupied by the South 2See Report ofthe International Conference on Sanctions against African hordes. South Africa. Paris. 20-27 May 1981 (A/CONF.107/8), sect. X.A. 3See Report ofthe Second World Colfference to Combat Racism and 181. . The growing dangers to which not only the front­ Racial Discrimination (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.83.XIV.4 line States but the whole of the African region are thus and corrigendum), chap. 11. exposed take on a new dimension with Soutb i\.frica's 4Special Report ofthe Director-General on the Application ofthe acquisition ofa nuclear capacity. Inthis regard, we noted Declaration concerning the Policy 0..(Apartheidin South Africa (Geneva, with concern the information contained in the Secretary- International Labour Office, 1983).