SPERI Paper No. 33 Critical Transformations: Rethinking Zambian Development. Nicholas Jepson and Jeffrey Henderson About the authors Nicholas Jepson Nicholas Jepson is a Lecturer in International Development, Glo- balisation and Political Economy in the Global Development Insti- tute at the University of Manchester.
[email protected] Jeffrey Henderson Jeffrey Henderson is Professor of International Development in the School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies at the University of Bristol and (in 2016-18) an International Fellow in the Graduate School of Social Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Am- sterdam.
[email protected] Acknowledgements We are grateful to the (British) Economic and Social Research Council for funding the research – including fieldwork – that forms the basis of our discussion of Zambia. We are grateful to our interviewees for providing information and sharing their views with us. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the Sheffield Political Economy Research Institute Conference, Sheffield, UK, July 2016. We are grateful to conference participants for their comments on our presentation. ISSN 2052-000X Published in October 2016 SPERI Paper No. 33 – Critical Transformations: Rethinking Zambian Development 1 Introduction The problems of global development continue to mount exponentially. Whether in spite of this, or because of it, development science (except at relatively micro levels) seems unable to advance an intellectual agenda capable of stimulating cred- ible theorisations of our problems; credible in the sense of informing policies and strategies adequate to the enormity of the difficulties we confront. At a time when some degree of consensus would arguably be an important step forward, we ex- perience the opposite.