EASTM 34 (2011): 86-162 Jesuit Medicine in the Kangxi Court (1662-1722): Imperial Networks and Patronage1 Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros [Beatriz Puente-Ballesteros, a Medical Doctor and Sinologist, obtained her PhD degree (European Degree) in the Department of History of Science at Complutense University of Madrid. Her thesis was honoured with the prize for the best doctorate of the Faculty of Medicine in the academic year 2008-2009 as well as with the prize “Hernández Morejón” for the best doctoral dissertation in the History of Medicine, granted by the Spanish Society for History of Medicine. Her research focuses on court medicine in late imperial China and medical exchange between China and Europe during the Kangxi period, especially the Jesuit physicians’ role at the court. From 2009 to 2012 she is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Sinology at the Faculty of Arts, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, with the financial support first of the University of Leuven and then of Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation. Currently she is working on the revision of her PhD thesis for publication. Contact:
[email protected]] 1 This article is a revised version of one of the chapters of my PhD thesis “De París a Pekín, de Pekín a París: La Misión jesuita francesa como interlocutor médico en la China de la era Kangxi (r. 1662-1722)”, Tesis Doctoral con grado Europeo, Ciencias Sociosanitarias y Humanidades Médicas, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2009, section 2.1. This was a work carried out under the academic supervision of Prof. Catherine Jami (REHSEIS-UMR 7219 (CNRS & Université de Paris-Diderot)) and Prof.