The South Asian Times excellence in journalism

Vol.12 No. 47 March 28-April 3, 2020 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on

India under 21‑day Senate passes 96-0 lockdown to stem corona spread $2 trillion stimulus to steady economy Washington: The US Senate unani‑ mously passed a massive $2 tril‑ lion stimulus package Wednesday to soften the economic blow of the coronavirus pandemic for American workers and businesses. The measure would provide bil‑ lions of dollars in credit for strug‑ In an address to the nation on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra gling industries, a significant boost Modi announced the extreme lockdown. to unemployment insurance and New Delhi: Prime Minister direct cash payments to The bipartisan bill has support of the White House. Govt orders Rs Americans. announced 8 Tuesday the complete lockdown 1.7 lakh crore As indication of the depth of the $ 1200 each for qualifying of the country for three weeks relief package for nation's economic woes, new data to break the Covid‑19 transmis‑ released on Thursday showed that Americans in bill weaker sections more than 3 million Americans sion cycle as confirmed infec‑ 8 tions crossed the 700 mark. The filed for unemployment last week. Number of cases in lockdown imposes a total ban even jail. The government also The massive spike in new jobless on all non‑essential businesses has allocated $2 billion for the claims comes as nationwide lock‑ USA overtakes China's and prevents people from step‑ healthcare sector in this downs to halt the spread of the 8 ping out of homes, with anyone Continued on page 4 coronavirus pandemic have kept Trump wants to open the economy by flouting rules facing fines and See page 12-14 for related stories. Americans from their workplaces, Continued on page 4 Easter amid 3 million jobless claims

Indian American civic groups serving the community Dear Valued Reader, In gurdwara attack, Whereas many publications have suspended their print editions, we are determined to print The was real target: Intel South Asian Times every week as long as permitted by authorities New Delhi: Security at the Indian According to information reach‑ as essential service. Embassy in Kabul and consulates ing Delhi from Afghan and western For latest news and critical infor‑ in and Kandahar has security agencies, the strike was mation, please visit our website been put on highest alert with ordered by Quetta Shura of Indian and western intelligence Taliban at the behest of Pakistani confirming that deep state with the larger motive 24x7 updated website. Many civic groups have come forward to help people in need and LeT terrorists chose to hit the of driving out India from Please contact us anytime in during the coronavirus spread in New York. Rajbhog Hicksville is gurdwara at Shor Bazaar due to , reports Hindustan case of emergency amid distributing free meals. The South Asian Times has created a 24 x heavy troop deployment at the Times. corona crisis. 7 Helpline to assist people in dire need, as are Rotary Club of Indian mission. The entire operation was code‑ At 24x7 Helpline Hicksville South, IALI and AIA‑NY generously helping the com‑ As many as 28 Sikh worshippers named Blackstar by the Pakistan 516.390.7847 or write to munity. Sikh organizations are also distributing thousands of were killed, eight injured and intelligence, which used the [email protected] free meals. Seen in the photo, Karamjit Singh Dhaliwal, Founder ‐Team@The South Asian Times and President of Malwa Brothers, providing badly needed masks another 85 were rescued during Haqqani network led by Talibanʼs and gloves to NYPD and Fire Department. the shoot‑out at the gurdwara, 3 deputy commander Sirajuddin km away from the Indian mission. Continued on page 4

WOMEN’S RIGHTS 20 OP ED 21 IMMIGRATION 28 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS 30 excellence in journalism March 28-April 3, 2020

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20 leaders have commit‑ Narendra Modi, French President in the aftermath of the 2008 Gted to do “whatever it Emmanuel Macron and Canada's financial crash. takes” to minimize the Justin Trudeau interacting in pix‑ The G20 communique said social and economic damage of els with the Saudi monarch. members were united in their the coronavirus pandemic, in a A call by the IMF for a doubling response and they would use all largely unspecific and uncontro‑ of its funding to $2tn was not available policy tools to minimize versial joint communique issued addressed specifically in the com‑ the economic and social damage, after a video conference call. munique. The statement said G20 restore global growth, maintain In a two‑hour meeting the lead‑ members had undertaken a $5tn market stability and strengthen ers of the worldʼs most powerful stimulus through targeted fiscal resilience. economies agreed to assess gaps policy and insurance schemes, and In an assertion of the relevance in pandemic preparedness and members would look to increase of multilateralism, the commu‑ increase funding for research and funding to multilateral bodies as nique said the pandemic was “a development in vaccines and med‑ required. Central bank governors powerful reminder of our inter‑ icines, an area in which the G20 Screen grab of summit by video conference of G20 leaders including were urged to draw up an action connectedness and vulnerabili‑ has shown an interest in the past. President Trump and PM Modi plan in conjunction with finance ties”, and the virus “respects no Chaired by Saudi King Salman, ministers. borders”. who is presiding over the G20 this fews and lockdowns. together and cooperate in order to G20 leaders, whose countries Statement includes pledge to year, the meeting's purpose was to In opening remarks, the Saudi face this challenge." account for 80% of the worldʼs ensure flow of vital medical sup‑ tackle the pandemic and its eco‑ king said, “This human crisis Participating leaders included GDP, have been criticized for fail‑ plies and other goods across bor‑ nomic implications as people lose requires a global response. The President Donald Trump, Japan's ing to produce a quick response to ders and to resolve supply chain their incomes amid closures, cur‑ world counts on us to come Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, India's the pandemic of the quality of that disruptions. In ad, Rapper Cardi B US wants UN to call out Chinese origins urges New Yorkers to of coronavirus, Beijing resists

Washington: The Trump admin‑ stalled over US insistence that it growing finger‑pointing between fill out the Census istration is pushing the UN explicitly state that the virus Washington and Beijing over the New York: NYC Census 2020 has Security Council to call attention originated in Wuhan, China, as coronavirus. released a new public service to the Chinese origins of the well as exactly when it started President Donald Trump has announcement (PSA) featuring coronavirus, triggering a stale‑ there. repeatedly blamed China for its multi‑platinum, award winning rap‑ mate as the global body seeks to China's diplomats are enraged, spread, accusing Beijing of con‑ per and native New Yorker, Cardi B, cobble together a response to the even as they seek to put their cealing early knowledge of the calling on New Yorkers to fill out the pandemic, NBC reports. own language into the statement virus. Meanwhile, he was sched‑ 2020 Census at this critical time for Talks among UNSC nations praising China's efforts to con‑ uled to speak late Thursday with the City and the country. She empha‑ over a joint declaration or resolu‑ tain the virus. The dispute at the his Chinese counterpart Xi sizes how the census is safe, easy to tion on the coronavirus have United Nations comes amid Jinping. fill out, and vital for New Yorkers to Through Cardi B public service make their voices heard and their announcement, NYC officials communities counted, and touting encourage all residents to take the census from their home by the online options for filling out the visiting or by census. The PSA will run as 30 and COVID‑19: Updated Advisory calling 844‑330‑2020 (English). 60 second English and Spanish lan‑ guage spots on TV and digitally critical resources for childrenʼs throughout New York City. Given the health insurance, hospitals, senior for Indian nationals in USA spread of COVID‑19, the NYC Census centers, and more. While the U.S. ccording to the latest vant to COVID19. and and‑ 2020 campaign is focused on Census Bureau has delayed their Travel Advisory, all sched‑ II. Please follow social distanc‑ avirus. This is per the advice of encouraging New Yorkers to self‑ A field outreach by two weeks, by fill‑ uled international com‑ ing norms and avoid any non‑ concerned US authorities, with respond to the census now. If they ing out the census now, you are mercial passenger services to essential local travel. whom, the Embassy is also in take a few minutes to self‑respond ensuring that no Census Bureau India shall remain closed till III. Approach the local health touch. now from the safety and security of workers will need to visit your home 1830 hrs GMT of April 14, 2020. department officials in case you V. Please also continue to check their own homes, they will avoid a later this summer.” “2020 is a huge In view of these temporary travel or your family member(s) experi‑ the website of the Embassy of knock on their door during the door‑ opportunity to make our voices restrictions, all Indian nationals ence any of the symptoms men‑ India in Washington DC to‑door enumeration period over the heard. This year, we have the power are advised to: tioned in the CDC website ( summer. “Every New Yorker should to decide our cityʼs future not just for I. Stay safe and isolated within‑ and social media (Twitter & listen to Cardi B and take a few min‑ the next four years but for the next the residential premises and fol‑ avirus/2019‑ncov/ Facebook) for latest updates. In utes to fill out the Census right away, ten,” Cardi B says in the new PSA. low the advisories updated on IV. For extension of visa in the case required, please contact the either via phone or online,” said Julie “The Census is about power, money, CDC web site US during this restriction period, Indian Embassy or one of Indian Menin, Director of NYC Census 2020. and respect for our communities. If‑ please apply online at USCIS web‑ Consulates depending upon your “This will make sure that your com‑ our city is undercounted, we risk avirus/2019‑ncov/ and other site‑ location in the US at the 24/7 munity in New York City is counted being underrepresented, especially state and federal advisories rele‑ united‑states/extend‑your‑stay helpline details mentioned below. and that it receives its fair share of our communities of color.” 4 March 28-April 3, 2020 TURN PAGE

Senate OKs $2 trillion stimulus to steady dramatically reduce GDP in the current and subse‑ Coronavirus finger‑prick economy quent quarters, while there will be prolonged eco‑ Continued from page 1 nomic gloom throughout the rest of the year. grinding businesses to a halt and forcing many The Centre on Thursday announced a Rs test inches closer to companies to shutter or to lay off staff, reports 170,000 crore relief package to protect the weaker NBC. The measure that is of interest to ordinary sections of the society from the economic fallout of manufacturing folks is that if you made less than $75,000 in Covid‑19. Announcing the measures of relief pack‑ 2019, you will get $1,200 in cash. Couples who age, Finance Minister said that London: Mologic Limited, a compa‑ different prototypes to independent‑ filed jointly and made less than $150,000 will get the PM Garib Kalyan Yojana will benefit migrant ny based in the UK, has sent proto‑ ly assess their performance. $2,400. There is an additional $500 per child. workers, rural poor and the women. types of a 10‑minute finger‑prick The availability of fast, reliable The bipartisan stimulus bill is sure to pass the However, this might not be the final relief pack‑ coronavirus test to laboratories for diagnostics for COVID‑19 has been House easily on Friday. President Donald Trump age, as the FM clarified to a question that the cur‑ validation before it takes up full‑ identified as one of the critical said Wednesday that he would sign the legislation rent package is only for the "poorest of the poor" scale manufacturing. opportunities to support the control as he celebrated the Senate's passage on Twitter: and the weaker sections of the society. There were Once ready, the device will allow of the pandemic and "flatten the "96‑0 in the United States Senate. Congratulations high expectations that the government will users to test for exposure to the curve" of cases worldwide. AMERICA!" On Thursday, the U.S. surged past announce certain economic relief measures for the virus at home within 10 minutes, "Diagnostics are a critical weapon China and Italy to become the planet's most infect‑ industry. without the need for special train‑ in the fight against this pandemic ed nation Thursday, a stark milestone in the coron‑ ing, electricity or a laboratory. and, once ready, this test will enable avirus era ‑‑ and a reminder of its deadly, culture‑ In Kabul gurdwara attack, India was real The company is working in close affordable, more accurate and earli‑ changing effects on American life. target: Intel partnership with the Institut Pasteur er diagnosis of infection, limiting the The Johns Hopkins University dash board Continued from page 1 de Dakar to validate the COVID‑19 spread of the disease," said showed the U.S. with 82,404 COVID‑19 infections Haqqani and elements of LeT. As many as 4 attack‑ test and manufacture at diaTROPiX, Professor Paul Davis, Co‑Founder as of 6 p.m., moving past Italy (80,589) and China ers armed with AK‑47 rifles were part of the strike a new facility in Senegal. and Chief Scientific Officer, Mologic. (81,782). More than 1,100 people have died in the team of terrorists who struck at the Gurdwara. The This will be the first time that a Echoing similar opinion, Joe U.S. Yet, President Donald Trump repeated his Afghan security forces managed to kill one of the diagnostic kit created in the UK will Fitchett, Medical Director at recent message that the country needs to get back terrorists; the rest escaped. be jointly manufactured in Africa, Mologic, said: "Until a vaccine is to work. “The mortality rate is way, way down,” A senior official in the Indian security establish‑ ensuring tests are available in set‑ ready or a medicine is proven to be Trump said. “The people that actually die, that per‑ ment said there was recognition in New Delhi that tings with limited access to laborato‑ effective, we need to decentralise centage is much lower than I expected.” the terrorists probably attacked the gurdwara ry facilities. Leading laboratories on diagnostics to the community as But there are massive risks involved with quickly because it was a soft target. There have been alerts each continent will evaluate these quickly as possible." reversing the social distancing policies. Not only about a terror attack on the Indian embassy in would a premature re‑opening of the economy defy Kabul and the consulate at Jalalabad for quite some the advice of health experts, but economists warn it time. It wouldnʼt have been an easy target since the Global Sikh body wants world to help would backfire. security had been beefed up and more troop fire‑ The President of course has indicated that the walls deployed. facing genocide in Afghanistan hard hit states like New York, California and Even while the grieving Afghan Sikhs were cre‑ London: After the ghastly bomb Sikhs in the country has plummet‑ Washington may have to go for still stricter meas‑ mating the victims on Thursday afternoon, a bomb attack on gurdwara in Kabul, ed from some 225,000 to less than ures, and other states with low contagion figures exploded nearby creating further scare in the area. Paramjit Singh Bedi, the Chair of 1000 as a result of persecution. can gradually get back to work. Since the US announced a deal with the Taliban Afghanistan Sub Committee of the Only the poor unable to flee, on February 29, there has been a spurt in violence Global Sikh Council (GSC) has sent remain. They need urgent help. India under 21‑day lockdown in Afghanistan with resurgence of the Haqqani net‑ deepest condolences to the fami‑ We request the international com‑ to stem corona spread work and relocation of terror camps of both LeT lies of the innocent worshipers munity to support Continued from page 1 and Jaish‑e‑Mohammed from Pakistan. who became targets of the terror‑ Sikhs remaining in Afghanistan emergency. This follows lockdowns in a number of However, the play is much deeper with Pakistan ists, and sought international help by expediting measures to give Indian states already underway, while the authori‑ setting sights on forcing India out of Afghanistan for the Sikh community in them refugee status.” ties have also restricted international arrivals into post withdrawal of the US forces from Afghanistan. Afghanistan. The GSC has also requested all the country and suspended domestic air and other With Taliban, Haqqani network, LeT and JeM all In a press release Lady Singh, its members from 30 different modes of transport. under control of the Pakistani deep state, President GSC, states: “Sikhs have countries to write to the Afghani In his speech, PM Modi warned the crisis risked Afghanistan again will provide strategic space to been living in Afghanistan for ambassadors / Consul Generals of pushing the country 21 years backwards if people its terrorist arm for controlling Kabul and hitting at more than four hundred years. their respective countries to sup‑ failed to comply with the restrictions during the Kashmir. After the Gurudwara attack, the Indian The UK Home Office figures show port Afghani Sikhs and stop this lockdown. Just as everywhere else in the world, the security agencies fear that Indian consulates in that since 1992 the number of genocide of Sikhs. Indian economy is bracing for the fallout of this Jalalabad and Kandahar will be targeted by the unprecedented event. The lockdown is expected to Haqqani network and associates in coming days.

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TRISTATE COMMUNITY March 28-April 3, 2020 5 NJ Attorney‑General Grewal gets OYO Hotels & Homes offers free stays to medical 1,400 black market complaints New York: New Jersey Attorney‑ police officers will show up, shut it warriors fighting COVID-19 General Gurbir Grewal has said down and issue violations (cita‑ New York: OYO Hotels & Homes is that his office has received 1,400 tions). “If youʼre a retail store or opening the doors to its hotels and complaints of blackmarketing by entertainment center and stay offering free stays to doctors, nurs‑ 900 businesses as the state grap‑ open, this is your final warning, es and other medical first respon‑ ples with a shortage of everyday you will be held accountable,” he ders who are helping in the fight needs and warned that there would added. He said that in consultation against Coronavirus (COVID‑19). together and help each other, be crackdown. He issued a stern with the judiciary, civil rights Beginning March 24, medical first show kindness and determination, warning to those taking advan‑ groups, police and prosecutors it responders will receive free accom‑ there isnʼt a challenge we wonʼt tages of shortages at a news con‑ has been decided to release 1,000 modations at any OYO Hotel in the overcome. This is a great idea that ference in state capital Trenton on prisoners who are low‑level offend‑ United States so they can sleep, will help physicians and other Monday. ers in order to reduce contagion shower or just get off their feet and health care providers on the front He said, “Surgical masks, sanitiz‑ from overcrowding. Grewal, who Gurbir Grewal recharge. “All of us at OYO are lines during this unprecedented cri‑ er, wipes, food, and bottled water wears a turban, said he would be grateful for the bravery and sacri‑ sis, and I hope others will join are items people have been price those violating the semi‑lockdown cracking down on bias offenses fices all the medical personnel are them” said Robert Seligson, CEO, gouging.” “We will remain vigilant,” imposed by Governor Phil Murphy amid reports of attacks on people making to save lives and stop the North Carolina Medical Society. he said. Many stores sport empty requiring non‑essential businesses of Chinese origin or people who spread of COVID‑19,” said Ritesh Those on the front lines in shelves meant for essential goods and offices to shut down or end look like them. He said, “Covid‑19 Agarwal, Founder and Group CEO, the medical community should as people have been hoarding onsite work, restricting restaurants is no excuse for tolerance or hate. OYO Hotels & Homes. “Our hearts call (+1) 628‑213‑7020 them. The small state with a popu‑ to deliveries and takeouts and ban‑ There have been reports of harass‑ go out to all those impacted by this (code:OYO4FIRSTRESPONDERS) to lation of under nine million has ning large gathering. He said, ment. We canʼt let Covid‑19 lead to terrible illness.” “OYO was founded get their reservation for the nearest recorded 2,844 coronavirus with “Violation of stay‑at‑home order stereotyping or bias. No one com‑ on the principle that we all should OYO. With your valid active First seven deaths. Grewal said that law will have consequences. If you munity is more at risk for contract‑ Live the Good Life and whatever we Responder identification, OYO enforcement would crack down on throw a party and violate the order, ing or spreading the virus.” can do to make the lives of these Hotels will cover all the costs. brave women and men a little bet‑ Opening its doors in 2013, OYO ter, OYO and our wonderful hotel Hotels & Homes, a young hotel partners want to do. It is our startup, today is the worldʼs leading Indian‑origin team responsibility to give back.” “To all chain of hotels and homes. Its port‑ the medical personnel fighting this folio includes 43,000 hotels with disease on the front lines, we wel‑ over 1 million rooms and 130,000 develops test to spot corona come you and we canʼt be grateful vacation homes around the world. enough.” “OYOʼs offer shows what OYO today operates in over 800 infection in 2 hrs America is all about. If we come cities in 80 countries. New York: An Indian‑origin team Kimya Jones, lab manager; which they want to expand to of researchers led by Dr Ravindra research associates Sudha Ananth 500 in coming weeks. Celebrity Chef Floyd Cardoz Kolhe from Georgia‑based and Yasmeen Jilani; postdocs Drs. The new test, which works on Augusta University has developed Pankaj Ahluwalia, Nikhil Sahajpal the Luminex ARIES laboratory dies of Covid-19 in New York a novel, accurate coronavirus test and Meenakshi Ahluwalia; and platform, is based on modified that can tell patients in if they are molecular pathology fellow Dr. testing recommendations from infected within about two hours, Allan Njau. the Centers for Disease Control instead of waiting typically days “We completed our COVID‑19 and Prevention (CDC), and focus‑ to hear from remote testing facili‑ assay validation on Sunday and es on two unique genetic markers ties. immediately submitted the docu‑ for the virulent virus. The team at the Georgia mentation to the FDA for their “For testing, we are looking at a Esoteric and Molecular (GEM) lab‑ approval,” said Kolhe. conserved region that is unique oratory at the Medical College of “This was a nonstop 90‑hour for coronavirus 2019, has not Georgiaʼs Department of effort by the phenomenal team in been changed in this virus and is Pathology, Augusta University, the GEM lab to develop this test, fundamental to its survival,” said the lab would also like to test but we all felt a commitment to informed Kolhe. samples from outside the immedi‑ our community to make this test The two genetic markers, N1 ate area when requested, but available here,” he added. and N3 are DNA sequences that those details are still being While Food and Drug are distinctive points of variation worked out. Administration approval is pend‑ that can be used to identify a At the moment, the test is for ing for the new test, the FDA human or a disease. Celebrity Chef Floyd Cardoz, Meera Gandhi and Chef Michael patients whose samples are taken released new guidance this week “The biggest game changer in at Meera Gandhiʼs kitchen before a party the at the Augusta Universityʼs Health that its approval is no longer this is the turnaround time for humanitarian hosted last year. System. required for COVID‑19 testing in patients because we are able to “We want patients and physi‑ a CLIA‑certified laboratory like provide the test locally,” said New York: Chef Floyd Cardoz, who restaurateur‑chef had tested posi‑ cians in our community to have the GEM Lab. Kolhe. tested positive for Covid‑19, died of tive for the virus in New York. “As a timely access to information that “As we have all seen in the “We want to identify patients the infection in a hospital in New precautionary measure we have will ultimately benefit us all by news, identifying individuals with a high viral load and who York City on Wednesday, his family informed the Health Department in helping limit spread of the virus,” infected with this virus within a can spread the virus rapidly,” he confirmed. He was the co‑owner of Mumbai about the same,” it said. said Kolhe, director of the Lab few hours and initiating the quar‑ added. two popular restaurants in Mumbai “We are also reaching out personal‑ and vice chair for translational antine protocol can have a huge Until now, a patient sample – the Bombay Canteen and O Pedro. ly to people who have interacted research in the MCG Department impact on infection spread and from the Augusta area would be He had recently launched his third with him during his visit to India, so of Pathology. potentially patient outcomes,” taken, put on a plane to a refer‑ venture, the Bombay Sweet Shop. they can take necessary medical “More rapid identification of Kolhe informed. ence lab, where it may take three The Mumbai‑raised chef had been advice should they indicate any individuals who are infected will “We are now running tests to four hours to process. in Mumbai until March 8. In an symptoms [fever, cough, shortness help ensure they get help as around the clock”. “The GEM Lab team has worked Instagram post on March 18, he of breath] and or [put themselves needed and that the risk of expo‑ To quickly meet demand, the 24/7 to complete validation and said that had admitted himself to in] self‑quarantine.” sure to others is significantly GEM Lab team is now working implementation in absolutely hospital in New York, where he Cardoz, who was the chef of erst‑ reduced,” Kolhe added. around the clock to increase their record time,” said Dr Amyn lived, since he was feeling feverish. while eateries Tabla, The Bread Bar The GEM Lab team includes Dr testing capacity, which started at Rojiani, chair of the MCG The Hunger Inc, the company that and North End Grill in New York, Ashis Mondal, lab supervisor; 72 tests in a 24‑hour period and Department of Pathology. (IANS) runs the restaurants, later put out a had recently featured in an episode statement confirmed that the of Netflixʼs Ugly Delicious. 6 March 28-April 3, 2020 NATIONAL COMMUNITY If you were in NY recently, New York receives 5 Million from please self isolate: HHS to boost COVID‑19 response

New York: The U.S. Department of Health and immediately. The funding supports health Trump task force Human Services (HHS), through the Health centers across the country in their emergency Resources and Services Administration planning and response efforts. The awards New York: The Donald Trump administra‑ Andrew Cuomo described the New York (HRSA), awarded $5,223,535 on March 24 to will give health centers the flexibility to meet tions coronavirus task force is urging any‑ data as “troubling.” “We had projected a 63 health centers in New York stemming the evolving COVID‑19 needs in their respec‑ one who has been in the New York area, need for 110,000 hospital beds at the from the Coronavirus Preparedness and tive communities including but not limited to, Americas “high risk” COVID‑19 hotspot, to apex of this virus. The rate of infection is Response Supplemental Appropriations Act, expanding COVID‑19 screening and testing self isolate for 14 days to ensure that the increasing and the curve has increased. 2020. Health center recipients in New York capacity, purchasing supplies such a personal virus does find new seeding spots in the The new projections show we may need may use these awards to address screening protective equipment (PPE) and providing community. The coronavirus pandemic 1,40,000 beds,” he said Tuesday. and testing needs, acquire medical supplies safety education. has killed 131 people in New York, as per Birx said that data for new cases are ris‑ and boost their telehealth capacity in “HRSA‑funded health centers provide high‑ latest data from the Johns Hopkins real ing in New Yorkʼs Long Island area, sug‑ response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 quality primary care services to 28 million time tracker. “About 56 per cent of all the gesting that these are people who may (COVID‑19) pandemic. On March 6, 2020, people in the United States. That is 1 in 12 cases in the United States are coming out have left the New York area. “Over the last President Trump signed into law the people nationwide. These grantees operate of that metro area and 60 per cent of all few days, because of the rate of the num‑ Coronavirus Preparedness and Response 13,000 service delivery sites that are lifelines the new cases are coming out of the New ber of cases, you may have been exposed Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2020, to services and networks of resources in their York area,” Deborah Birx, the White House before you left,” Birx explained. which provides $8.3 billion in emergency communities every day, and especially during coronavirus task force co‑ordinator, said “The idea about self isolating for two funding for federal agencies to respond to the a crisis,” said HRSA Administrator Tom Tuesday. weeks will be very important because we COVID‑19 outbreak, including $100 million Engels. New York is reporting an infection rate donʼt want that to be another seeding for HRSA‑funded health centers nationwide. For a list of award recipients, visit of 1 in 1000 compared to around 0.2 per point to the rest of the country wherever Recognizing the urgency of the situation, and‑ cent per 1,000 in the rest of the states, US they go,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top the important role health centers play in their response/coronavirus‑covid19‑FY2020‑ Vice President Mike Pence said at the infectious diseases expert on the Trump communities, HHS is making funding for awards. For more information about COVID‑ same briefing. New York Governor task force. health center recipients in New York available 19, visit Nassau County launches medical supply drive NY attorney general launches for first responders, healthcare workers hotline for Asian Americans to Locals donate over 80,0000 medical supplies on first day report discrimination New York: New York State Attorney outbreak started. But experts say such East Meadow, NY: Nassau General Letitia James has launched a remarks could be fueling real‑life acts County Executive Laura Curran, hotline for New Yorkers to report hate of discrimination. John C. Yang, presi‑ Commissioner of Police Patrick crimes and discrimination amid rising dent and executive director of Asian J. Ryder and OEM Commissioner reports of anti‑Asian harassment amid Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC, Steven Morelli announced that the coronavirus outbreak. told NBC Asian America in the past that Nassau County has begun James' office said in a statement that Trump's repeated use of the phrase accepting donations of medical the hotline, which started could have a dan‑ supplies during this unprece‑ March 23 and will con‑ gerous impact. "I dented National State of tinue indefinitely, will absolutely think Emergency. help provide resources that words used by Nassau County Executive to victims and could lead him matter," he said. Laura Curran sent an emergency to civil investigations. "Certainly use of resolution to the County Local law enforcement is this term by him Legislature, which was swiftly The supplies include gloves, surgical masks, N95 masks, medical ultimately responsible and others even in approved, allowing the County gowns, face shields and disinfecting wipes (Image : for any criminal prosecu‑ the last couple of to accept donations of medical tion. “No one should live weeks have led to a supplies to be distributed to sanitizers. nitrile gloves in unopened boxes in fear for their life noticeable incline in local first responders and health‑ Workers will be on hand to which have not expired, dispos‑ because of who they are, what they hate incidents that we are seeing. I do care workers that are facing help unload supplies at able medical gowns (paper look like, or where they come from," think that there is a correlation. New shortages. Eisenhower Park, Field 3 from which are fluid resistant or plas‑ James said in a statement. Asians York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and New In the first day alone over Tuesday, March 24th to 27th tic), shoe cover/booties, no‑ across the globe have reported experi‑ York Gov. Andrew Cuomo have both 80,000 medical supplies were and Monday and March 30th to touch thermometers, thermome‑ encing xenophobia as a result of coron‑ denounced hate against Asian dropped off and collected. These April 3rd from 9 A.M. to 3 P.M ter probe covers, HEPA filters for avirus fears, with several incidents Americans. De Blasio said the harass‑ supplies include approximately Donations that are in Ventilators / Anesthesia involving physical harassment. ment is “unacceptable,” and Cuomo 74,000 pairs of gloves, 3,300 unopened boxes and packages Machines, antibacterial and dis‑ President Donald Trump and other said he was “disgusted” by the reports. surgical masks, 2,200 N95 are encouraged, and include: infecting wipes – typically alco‑ Republicans have referred to the coro‑ New Yorkers looking to report hate masks, 355 medical gowns, 131 N95 Surgical Masks in unopened hol or bleach based, disinfecting navirus as the “Wuhan virus” or crimes and bias incidents can email the face shields and assorted pack‑ container/boxes, eye protection wipes (Clorox/Lysol) and hand “Chinese virus,” saying that it's not Attorney Generalʼs Civil Rights Bureau ages of disinfecting wipes and such as goggles and face shields, sanitizer racist to do so since that's where the or call 1‑800‑771‑7755. NATIONAL COMMUNITY March 28-April 3, 2020 7 Nikki Haley resigns from Ro Khanna applauds cash Boeing board over infusion for working airlines bailout Americans San Francisco: Indian‑American New York: Former U.N. ambassador Nikki Haley Congressman Ro Khanna and Ohio has resigned from the board of Boeing Co., cutting Democrat Representative Tim Ryan ties with a company she long supported as South have commended President Donald Carolina governor because of her opposition to a Trumpʼs administrations support for bailout of the airplane manufacturer that is in the cash payments for working works amid the new coronavirus outbreak. Americans, the media reported. The move is also an opportunity for the Khanna and Ryan had proposed Republican to draw a distinction with the Trump the infusion last week, India‑West administration, something that some strategists news reported on Friday. have said could be helpful if Haley pursues the The current Ryan/Khanna plan, White House herself. the Emergency Money for the People Act, would provide a month‑ “I strongly believe that when one is part of a Congressman Ro Khanna team, and one cannot in good faith support the Former US ambassador to UN Nikki Haley ly check for between $1,000 and direction of the team, then the proper thing to do is $2,000 to every American who now supports our approach, we to resign,” Haley wrote to Boeing CEO Dave her own terms, occasionally speaking out against earned less than $130,000 last year. can't wait any longer to see the Calhoun and board chairman Larry Kellner in a let‑ President Donald Trump while not directly draw‑ In a statement at the White House Secretary's words translate to ter dated March 16 announcing her departure ing his ire. earlier this week, Treasury action. from the board. Itʼs part of the territory some strategists have Secretary Steve Mnuchin announced "The Trump Administration needs The letter was provided March 19 to The said she is treading carefully with an eye on her that he would work with Senate to adopt Representative Ryan's and Associated Press. potential future need to win back GOP traditional‑ Republicans to move forward with my proposal in full and get this Earlier this week, Boeing said it was seeking $60 ists who arenʼt fans of the polarizing president, if "sending checks to Americans imme‑ country on the road to recovery." billion in “public and private liquidity” for the aero‑ she runs for the presidency, potentially as early as diately". Under the Ryan/Khanna plan, the space industry, which is struggling amid a COVID‑ 2024. Commenting on the development, vast majority of working‑class 19 outbreak that has halted major travel and shut‑ Haley, 48, joined the Boeing board last year after Khanna, who represents California's Americans would qualify for this tax tered many businesses. her departure from the Trump administration. Silicon Valley, said: "Americans need relief. The Trump administration has said it would back Haley, popular in her home state, moved back to emergency cash, now. Our economy Every American adult making up Boeing, which is also a top U.S. defence contractor. South Carolina ̶ where Boeing has a major pro‑ has to get the stimulus from imme‑ to $130,000 would receive at least Haleyʼs board resignation marked a distancing duction facility ̶ founded a nonprofit organiza‑ diate spending. While we are glad to $1,000 and up to $2,000 per month from the Trump administration, which she left on tion, and wrote and promoted a memoir. see that the Trump administration for six months. (IANS) OPEN LETTER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP Unique crime needs unique punishment Kabul Gurudwara attacked by ISIS during Covid National Emergency in US. Eliminate ISIS, and use Nano Nuke.

Respected President I, along with my family in New A lone Islamic State Rochelle, are Covid19‑positive Donald J. Trump: (IS) gunman and in quarantine and individual rampaged through a Gurdwara‑ isolation. Today is Day 12 of my Community Center Fever War. in the heart of the Respectfully, Afghan capital, Sd/‑ Kabul, on Ravi Batra Wednesday, killing Chair, National Advisory 25 worshippers and Council South Asian Affairs wounding eight, Afghanistan's Interior Ministry said. Pictured: family members of victims seen crying. (Photo courtesy AP). irst, I have grief for the Finnocent worshipers, the survive against an enemy that edge, as if it was “open source”. for even better reasons now, roll dead, the wounded, and remains attractively disarming to Our time is too precious to devi‑ out our Nano Nuke and eviscer‑ fractured families, including the easily attach to every host, invisi‑ ate. Millions of lives hang in the ate this evil. human family across the world. ble and equally tenacious as the balance. We can then continue to fight Second, my thanks to Afghan “old man” of the river in Sinbad Finally, so the unique punish‑ and beat Covid. It is a liberal and security forces, who bravely the Sailor story. Yet, Terror ment I propose, with a heart lunacy to think compassionately N.B. Indiaʼs Minister HS Puri, swung into action to protect and struck a Kabul Gurdwara & com‑ heavy of pain embedded in histo‑ about terrorists who have none. and Foreign Secretary Harsh V. limit the carnage, even as they munity center. ry, to you, the Hon. President of Right now, Mr. President, your Shringla are the sole BCC. had little or no role in the recent Fourth, the punishment I fear the United States, is to identify all job is to defend the public health, The CC were to Assistant Jello gelatin Peace process, has to be unique. The whole ISIS Centers, mark them for and the greater good. The deter‑ Secretary of State Alice Wells, which I support. world is in a “no war” mode, immediate destruction, and if rence of the punishment I pro‑ White House National Security Third, this Crime of Terror because we are in a “Covid war” there be a main one, for that pose will leave you free to Council, Chairman of House reaches new evil. As the world mode to save humanity sharing mother lode of evil, we go back address the national emergency Committee on Foreign Affairs knows, we are all in a fight to our scientific and medical knowl‑ to WWII decision‑making, and that you are. Eliot Engel, etc. 8 March 28-April 3, 2020 NATIONAL COMMUNITY

New York: Indian‑American hote‑ liers have come forward to rescue the stranded Indian students in the Indian‑American hoteliers come to U.S. following implementation of lockdown measures in the country in response to the rapidly‑spread‑ aid of stranded Indian students ing coronavirus pandemic, offering them free accommodation and free meals. The free accommodation would be allocated in coordination With the students scrambling for a roof over their heads after being with Indian Embassy and its consulates asked to vacate their hostels and India banning international flights help people with accommodation in the top Indian‑American CEOs, sci‑ rooms to the students.” Indian students have been pouring for a week from March 22 due to these testing times. Together we entists and doctors came to this Boston‑based Computer Society in from the Indian‑American hote‑ the coronavirus pandemic, more can overcome the fight against country as a student. Itʼs our moral of India (North America) has collab‑ liers. “I have not come across any than 6,000 rooms in nearly 700 COVID19!” “The Indian community duty to help them with our orated with AAHOA to help stu‑ hotel owner who said no to us,” Mr. hotels were offered to them by has come together to help the stu‑ resources,” Mr. Bhandari said. dents and Indian IT professionals Patel said. Wednesday following a call from dent and many hotel owners have Regional director of AAHOA searching for emergency accommo‑ Rooms would be allocated to stu‑ the Indian Embassy. offered their rooms free of cost to Upper Midwest Kalpesh Joshi said dation due to the COVID‑19 lock‑ dents on the recommendation of The Indian Embassy have been them. Many of them are also offer‑ they had created a master list of the down. Anyone who is having finan‑ the Indian Embassy and its con‑ running a round‑the‑clock helpline ing free meals to these students,” availability hotel rooms, which was cial hardship will be given hotel sulates in Houston, Chicago, since last week for the students in Chicago‑based community leader being constantly updated. accommodation either free of cost Atlanta, San Francisco and New the US, who number over 2,50,000. Nirav Patel told PTI. Free accommodation would be or the rates will not be more than York. Most of these hotels offered are Indian‑American hotelier couple allocated in coordination with the USD 50, said the Computer Society The Indian Consulate in New York in and around universities and col‑ K.K. Mehta and Chandra Mehta Indian Embassy and its consulates, of India (North America). was the first to take a lead in this leges, but the hotel owners from have offered more than 100 rooms he said. Minesh Patel, the chairman of regard. It has worked with across the country have come up in to Indian students at their two “The Indian Embassy and its con‑ Virginia Asian American Store Hammock Worldwide Hotels and large numbers to the call given by prime properties each near the sulates are working tirelessly to get Association, said between Resorts to provide temporary community leaders, who have Times Square and Barclays Center these students rooms,” he added. Richmond, Norfolk, and Virginia accommodation for the students at roped in Asian American Hotel in New York City, said Jaipur Foot Mr. Joshi has also sent out a video Beach, Indian‑American hotel own‑ a flat rate of $50 per night. Owners Association (AAHOA) for USA chairman Prem Bhandari on message to his hotelier colleagues: ers can help in arranging accommo‑ Mr. Joshi said that initially there the purpose. behalf of the hotels. “Because of the coronavirus out‑ dation for over 500 Indian stu‑ was a suggestion to charge a con‑ Indiaʼs Ambassador to the US The Indian Consulate in New York break, our Indian students in the US dents. venience fee of $20‑25 per day Taranjit Singh Sandhu said in a had contacted them about this 10 are out of shelter. Letʼs work Florida‑based Vipul Patel, the from the students. “But when a few tweet, “It is heartening to see that days ago, he said. together. As a hotelier, I would like national president of Asian of them offered free rooms and free Indian; Indian‑American and other “These students are the future of to request all my hotelier friends to American Store Owners meals, everyone agreed to it,” he hotel owners are coming forward to both India and the United States. All come forward... letʼs provide some Association, said support for the said. (PTI) Rapper M.I.A. slams New office bearers of IALI take oath New York: Oath Taking Ceremony votes received by candidates who vaccines amid for all elected and nominated mem‑ were not elected. bers of the India Association of Long This year there were many firsts in Island Executive Council took place the election of the EC of IALI. The coronavirus pandemic on March 6th at 6:30 pm at president Mrs. Shashi Malik got the New York: Sri Lankan origin Hicksville Community Center, highest number of votes in the histo‑ Rapper M.I.A. is advocating Hicksville, NY. ry of IALI elections and it was the against vaccines amid coron‑ The function was attended by first time all the team members of avirus, despite health experts more than 100 guests that included her team were elected. and scientists worldwide scram‑ friends and family of elected mem‑ The oath was administered by bling to develop one and end the bers, many past presidents, public Joseph Saladino, the Supervisor of pandemic. officials, and IALI members. the Town of Oyster Bay in Nassau “If I have to choose the vaccine The Oath Taking Ceremony started County, Long Island. Shashi Malik took the oath or chip Iʼm gonna choose death with singing of the US and Indian The oath was taken to support and as IALI President from Oyster Bay ̶ YALA," the singer, born national anthems and prayers defend the US Constitution, its laws; offered to God. The MC of the cere‑ Town Supervisor Joseph NY State Constitution and its laws; Mathangi “Maya” Arulpragasam, Saladino. tweeted Wednesday morning, mony was Dr. S. S. Ranu, who gave a and the IALI Constitution, and its Mathangi Arulpragasam also referencing her 2013 song brief history of IALI. results of the election and gave the Laws and By‑Laws. known as M.I.A “Y.A.L.A." The title signifies “You Satpal Malhotra Chairman of the number of votes received by each First the oath was taken by Mrs. Always Live Again.” pump him with antibiotics to Election Committee announced the elected official and the count of Shashi Malik as the president of IALI. The 44‑year‑old rapper contin‑ reduce the fever from 3 vaxins ued her point in a series of [sic]." tweets. “Have a healthy life. Donʼt live US Sikh Coalition publishes “Most of science is in bed with in fear!" she wrote in one tweet, business,” she claimed. “Business claiming in another, “As an adult is in bed with banks, banks are in you have choice! By then youʼve COVID‑19 guidelines in Punjabi bed with tech, techs [sic] in bed built your immune system. You Washington, DC: The California‑ American Bazaar said in the report the American Bazaar report. with us, we re in bed with coro‑ have a choice as an ʻadultʼ wish‑ based Sikh Coalition has prepared on Thursday. In both Punjabi and The resource informs that in addi‑ na. Corona is in bed with science. ing you all good health.” COVID‑19 guidelines in Punjabi to Hindi, people are advised about tion to federal relief, all 50 US So on .. the best is prevention.” And lastly, there was the asser‑ enable the about 500,000 Sikhs liv‑ steps to ensure that they were tak‑ states have unique policies with When a user responded by tion that people are “ok." ing in America to better understand ing an active part in flattening the regard to unemployment, medicaid, dubbing her “an anti vaxxer,” the “You are not gonna die," she the pandemic, a media report said. curve to slow the spread of COVID‑ and welfare programs. “Paper Planes” singer retorted by tweeted. "You can make it with‑ The guidelines published in the 19. The coalition on its resources The Federal benefit resources saying she was forced in America out stressing the medical sys‑ website of the Coalition, a Sikh‑ page will also provide constant page also provide a summary of the to vaccinate her son ahead of tems. Just breathe. You are going American advocacy group, cover all updates on closures and changes bipartisan Families First school admission. to be ok. You can make it important aspects of the ongoing with respect to citizen and foreign Coronavirus Response Act signed “It was the hardest thing. To through without jumping in the pandemic beginning with social dis‑ traveller entry and exit. by President Donald Trump on not have choice over this as a frying pan. You are fine. All the tancing which is explained as taking The information on federal as March 18, which authorizes more mother," she said. “I never wanna vaccines you ve already had is simple steps to reduce close contact well as state benefits to help people than $100 billion worth of aid to feel that again. He was so sick enough to see you through.” between people to contain the get through this period of slow‑ address the effects of COVID‑19. for 3 weeks then Docs had to (Source: spread of the deadly virus, the down would also be provided, said (IANS) NATIONAL COMMUNITY March 28-April 3, 2020 9 Biden campaign names COVID‑19 fighting Indian doctors in US stuck in Vivek Murthy to COVID‑19 green card backlog Washington, DC: Hundreds of turns 21 causing family sepa‑ advisory panel Indian doctors fighting the ration. coronavirus pandemic in the Similarly, Jain who has spent Washington, DC: Democratic con‑ minimize health risks for the can‑ US have been stuck in the the last one decade serving tender Joe Bidenʼs presidential didate, staff, and supporters", green card backlog, facing patients in rural America too campaign has announced that it India‑West newspaper quoted the additional anxiety and uncer‑ faces a similar wait before he is forming a Public Health former Vice President's campaign tainty of their stay in America gets the green card to call Advisory Committee, which as saying. amid the health crisis, a media America his permanent home. includes former US Surgeon "The campaign's top priority is report said. The two were among thou‑ General Vivek Murthy, an Indian‑ and will continue to be the health Santhi Bhushan, an Indian sands of Indian citizens who American, to advise on steps to and safety of the public," it added. internist practicing in face decades long wait to get reduce the threat of the coron‑ Murthy served as the 19th Springfield, Illinois has been the coveted green card due to a avirus pandemic, a media report Surgeon General of the US from clocking in extra hours as he 7 per cent per country annual said. December 2014 to April 2017. was one of the thousands limit under the current immi‑ The panel is made up of six doc‑ He was the first Surgeon General physicians on the front line in gration system. tors and former government offi‑ of Indian descent and also the the battle against the coron‑ Immigration Voice, a non‑ cials and will "provide science‑ youngest active duty flag officer Vivek Murthy served as US avirus, the American Bazaar profit working towards allevi‑ based, expert advice regarding in federal uniformed service. Surgeon General from Dec 2014 said in the report on Thursday. ating immigration problems steps the campaign should take to (IANS) to April 2017 Currently he is in quarantine faced by immigrants in the US, after being exposed to the highlighted the two doctors' deadly virus during his service. stories to stress the alarming Tulsi Gabbard quits Presidential Nitesh Jain, a lung specialist urgency of passing S.386 or and ICU physician, too is work‑ Fairness for High Skilled ing round the clock as the Immigrants Act. race, endorses Joe Biden numbers of virus affected peo‑ Thousands of Indians stuck Washington, DC: US congress‑ ple continue to swell across the in the green card backlog have woman Tulsi Gabbard dropped out US. According to the latest been rooting for S.386, a bill of the Democratic presidential update by Johns Hopkins aimed to amend the nomination race on Thursday and University, there are currently Immigration and Nationality immediately endorsed rival Joe more than 9,077 confirmed Act. Biden as flag bearer heading into cases and 145 deaths. The bill seeks to eliminate the November election against While Jain and Bhushan are the per‑country numerical lim‑ President Donald Trump. happy to go that extra mile to its for employment‑based “Today, Iʼm suspending my presi‑ help the country they are liv‑ immigrants and increase such dential campaign and offering my ing in during this hour of crisis, limits for family‑sponsored full support to vice president Joe they face a difficult reality like immigrants, and for other pur‑ Biden in his quest to bring our many other Indian doctors in poses. country together, the lawmaker America. "Congress must pass S.386 from Hawaii said in an online Bhushan will have to wait for so Nitesh Jain who is fighting Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard video message. nearly 100 years before he can for COVID‑19 pandemic is rec‑ “Although I may not agree with primaries including three states described as excessive US military get permanent residency or the ognized for his skills and con‑ the vice president on every issue, I swept by Biden this week. engagement abroad. And, running green card in the US where has tributions to the community know that he has a good heart, and “After Tuesdayʼs election, itʼs a shoestring campaign that count‑ been living in for decades. instead of being discriminated he is motivated by his love for our clear that Democratic primary vot‑ ed on volunteers and focused on a His daughter who grew up in against for the country he was country and the American people.” ers have chosen vice president Joe handful of states, she outlasted the Springfield, Illinois will also born in," the organization Her move leaves front runner Biden to be the person who will five other women in the historical‑ have to self‑deport soon as she tweeted. (IANS) Biden and leftist Senator Bernie take on President Trump in the ly diverse 2020 field. Sanders as the final two candidates general election,” Gabbard said. Gabbard noted she was dropping in the Democratic race. “Iʼm confident that he will lead out during a time of unprecedent‑ Gabbardʼs endorsement comes our country, guided by the spirit of ed global crisis, and called for as somewhat of a surprise, given ʻaloha,ʼ respect and compassion, Americans to “work hand in hand that she was a fierce supporter of and thus help heal the divisiveness to defeat this new enemy, the coro‑ Sanders in 2016 and supports his that has been tearing our country navirus.” Medicare for All plan for a govern‑ apart.” Gabbard has served tours in Iraq ment health system to cover every Gabbard, 38, was never a serious in 2004 and Kuwait in 2008 as a American. factor in the nomination battle. But reservist in Hawaiiʼs Army But Sanders is under mounting she made the debate stage a few National Guard. Last August she pressure to drop out after per‑ times in 2019 and used the oppor‑ paused her presidential campaign forming poorly in several recent tunities to highlight what she for reservist training. (PTI) Indian Consulate in NY suspends OCI & passport related services temporarily Washington DC: The Embassy of accepted, including by postal and send the papers by postal India has taken the following mail, until further notice. mail to CKGS for further process‑ decisions with immediate effect However, applicants requiring ing; Miscellaneous consular serv‑ in light of the existing advisories passports on emergency basis ices shall continue to be accepted associated with the coronavirus may send an email to cons4.wash‑ only by postal mail until further and movement restrictions in sev‑ [email protected] explaining notice. Applicants should factor in eral States: OCI applications will their emergency situation. Once that it may take longer and there not be accepted, including by the request has been approved, could be delays in providing mis‑ postal mail, until further notice; the applicant will be informed to cellaneous services due to the Passport applications will not be complete the application process current situation. 10 March 28-April 3, 2020 US AFFAIRS Leadership in the time of Coronavirus How well are Governor Cuomo and President Trump dealing with the crisis

Op Ed by Shivaji Sengupta ture as it is, is sending shock waves old. It is to last 21 days. Confusion through the medical world. Is he reigns. Modi said that essential hey say leaders are not made mad! stores will be kept open; that jour‑ Tbut born. I disagree. Our president has no prior experi‑ nalists can be outside to do their Especially in this 21st centu‑ ence as a leader. Five leadership jobs. Yet food and drug stores have ry, when society has been the most qualities are: awareness, honesty closed, as have banks. As Indians sit complex ever, and consequently, and integrity, building relationships, shuttered, they have no idea where facing social problems, leadership innovation, and knowledge. Trump food is going to come from. Will the requires skills that people are not lacks four. Even the fifth, innova‑ government provide food and other just born with. They need to be tion, may be only grudgingly con‑ essentials door to door? Will the developed. Most importantly, the ceded to him because as a business‑ poor and the lower middle class be leader needs to know how to handle man he is given benefit of the able to afford the sudden steep crises. doubt. climb in prices? As one destitute The crisis the whole world is I have rarely seen a head of the woman said, "If the virus doesn't kill experiencing is Coronavirus. It state as unaware as him. His con‑ us, hunger will." Then there are mil‑ started off an obscure town in stant stretching of the truth, often lions of poor Indians living and China. Although the news media distorting it, and sometimes lapsing adaptive, three things a leader And then, how about India? working in cities like Kolkata and was reporting it as serious, we in into disinformation out of despera‑ needs to be. For a pretty long time, when other Mumbai who have no homes and America paid scant attention to it. tion seriously affects his credibility Cuomo is candid and combative, countries were reeling, India was live huddled together, cheek by jowl Around the same time there were as these coronavirus task force yet caring about the people of New relatively untouched. Skeptics such in slums and on pavements. They raging wild fires in Australia. Here briefings reveal. At times like these York, emphasizing connections over as myself thought that it is India's are all being asked to leave in a in America, there was Super Bowl. he needs to define reality, provide corrections. He knows now is not traditionally callous attitude toward mass exodus, spreading the Virus. Is When the spread came to Europe, hope. He does neither. Though lead‑ the time to try to be perfect, but he keeping accurate records that this good leadership? Many Indians, carried mainly by foreign travels, ing the briefings, he is unimpres‑ also demands total effort, from him‑ makes Coronavirus there seem however, are satisfied with the way the US began to get uncomfortable. sive. His voice is a monotone, his self and from others. He is feisty tame. But Indians from India have Modi is handling the crisis. "I don't Especially here in New York City, speech reflecting an incomplete when it comes to demanding what told me that they have been like Modi but be is handling this as where a large part are people of education and poor diction. His he needs; rolls up his sleeve and impressed by the precautionary efficiently as possible. He is a good Italy, Ireland and Germany origin. vocabulary extremely limited. gets to work, fights anybody ‑ measures taken by the government. administrator," one of them said. When Italy came under the mon‑ Whenever he doles out hollow including the President ‑ because he Notwithstanding, things have sud‑ Let's appeal to President Trump, strous grasp of the disease, for praises, which is often, he uses the needs to ensure New Yorkersʼ safe‑ denly flared up. Though today's Governor Cuomo and Prime many in New York it was no longer same two adjectives he has been ty. But he is also quick to praise number is at 500 (compared to Minister Modi: look to your people a matter to be ignored. Still as late using during the three years as anybody who comes forward to 50,000 here in the US), experts are who have voted you to be their lead‑ as in March earlier, the restaurants president: "incredible" and "unbe‑ help, including the President. predicting that the number will ers. In this dire hour, they need you. were full. We were observing the lievable." He appears more of a The people of New York are full of soon escalate by alarming multi‑ Corona calamity as if watching a salesman than the POTUS. praise for him, even as the state ples. Because of its population den‑ movie, something happening on the In stark contrast is New York's slides deeper and deeper into this sity (for example, in certain parts of other side of the Atlantic that won't governor, Andrew Cuomo. He is at quagmire of a disease. Why? When Old Delhi there are as many as come here, not in a big way anyway. the forefront, in fact, in the eye of he speaks, they believe him. When 35,000 people living on 1 sq km!), It did. Now, as CNBC sarcastically the storm. As I write, almost 5,000 President Trump speaks, people get the risk of a total disaster is staring reported, America as always is lead‑ are ill in the state with the Virus. lost in his constant contradictions. at Indians. ing the way. 50,000 people infected But you see the governor at the top The governor believes in his strate‑ So the prime minister, Mr. and counting. Counting is the of his game, his lieutenants flanking gies and is confident that New York Narendra Modi, has ordered a wrong word; rather doubling every him. He always updates New will come out of this. He knows how nationwide lockdown. No Indian is three days. At this rate by Easter, we Yorkers of the grim truth of the to build relations with everyday allowed to go outside of his home may have 500,000 fellow Virus, knows the facts, and always New Yorkers by often bringing up except for essential goods like food Americans ill with the disease! gives the impression that he is in anecdotes of his family, how they and medicines. But Modi has also President Trump, our leader, has control. At a time when no one are dealing with each other at the ordered literally all shops to close. earmarked Easter for Americans in knows what to expect, he doesn't time of this crisis, how he is dealing People were given exactly four The author is an academic who relatively less affected areas to try to be a know‑all like Trump. with them. He is not embarrassed to hoursʼ notice to stock up. Now, as I regularly contributes op‑eds for this paper. return to work. The notion, prema‑ Instead, he is honest, consistent and talk about love. write the curfew is almost 12 hours Former Fed Chairman sees ‘very sharp’ recession, followed by ‘fairly quick’ rebound

New York: Former Federal Reserve not too much damage done to the work‑ tem infected the broader economy. This Chairman Ben Bernanke sounded an opti‑ force, to the businesses during the time, issues in the broader economy mistic tone on the longer‑term state of the shutdown period, however long that may brought on by the coronavirus are infect‑ economy, predicting in a CNBC interview be, then we could see a fairly quick ing the banks. Wednesday that while the U.S. is facing an rebound. He stressed the important of getting the acute recession, it shouldnʼt last. While he guided the Fed through the coronavirus itself under control so that “It is possible thereʼs going to be a very financial crisis of 2008 and accompanying policy can do its work. sharp, short, I hope short, recession in the Great Recession, he said the current situa‑ next quarter because everything is shut‑ tion is almost the opposite of the financial ting down of course,” he said. “If thereʼs crisis, where problems in the banking sys‑ Ben Bernanke US AFFAIRS March 28-April 3, 2020 11 'Flatten the Curve' Flattens the economy... What next?

Despite our technological advancements in America, one thing we failed to do is overhaul our outdated, burdensome and By Raj G. Asava archaic healthcare, education and other social‐support systems. Executive Coach | Professional Mentor | Strategy Consultant We could not transform these systems primarily because of vested interests, outdated regulations and, frankly, here is no question, flattening the curve is the need of the because of our comfort with status‐quo. Tday. It is a critically important action on the part of every individ‑ (wo)mankind over the last four Change is only possible when there In this new norm, we are becom‑ ning to act in a caring way, ready to ual, inside and outside the medical decades. It is hard to imagine that is a Significant Emotional Event. ing increasingly comfortable with dole out trillions of dollars to help system, to slowdown the COVID‑19 just a few weeks ago, we were boast‑ COVID‑19 is proving to be such an online grocery shopping, distance the small businesses and individuals pandemic. The purpose of flattening ing about Artificial Intelligence (AI), event. The urgent call to socially dis‑ learning, tele‑medicine, and unprece‑ who are facing the brunt of econom‑ the curve is to ensure that we can Machine Learning, Augmented tance and self‑quarantine to flatten dented ways of tele‑working. News ic shutdown. Maybe we will learn deal with this outbreak within the Reality, and a myriad of break‑ the curve, with little to no notice, has reporters donʼt need to be in a stu‑ from this and transition to a new current medical system capacity we through technologies; had set sights resulted in most, if not all of us dio to report any more, and a system of government. A hybrid gov‑ have in place. on deep space exploration, to get locked in our own homes. Children teacher does not need to physically ernment system that continues to Flattening the curve, however, has back to the Moon, even land a per‑ are out of schools, knowledge work‑ be in a classroom to teach. We are encourage innovation and entrepre‑ flattened the economy by shutting son on Mars; and our biggest worry ers are not going in to work, and beginning to benefit from and get‑ neurship, while stepping up to down businesses, industries, mobili‑ was how life and world would be most of the retail outlets are all but ting accustomed to a growing list of ensure that basic necessities (includ‑ ty, education institutions and, when AI‑driven robots would run shut down. Those who are going to free online resources such as ing health care) is in reach of all. extremely concerning, taken the the world. Despite these technologi‑ work to ensure law & order, provide libraries, museums, yoga/exercise In a way, this virus has ushered us ability from people to make a living. cal advancements, one thing we critical health care, and to keep the offered by government agencies and into a transformation which we, on It is relatively easy for a small per‑ failed to do is overhaul our outdated, supply chain of necessities moving private enterprises. Many activities our own, would not have shifted to. centage of privileged folks to go in a burdensome and archaic healthcare, along, are doing it with great danger considered high touch and hence It will be a shame if after this pan‑ lock down mode and work from education and other social‑support to their personal health – we salute safe from disruption are being dis‑ demic blows over, we go back to the home… but not for the first respon‑ systems. We could not transform these frontline heroes. rupted – this time not through an same old… ders, the healthcare community, gro‑ these systems primarily because of During these uncertain times, the entrepreneurial move, but by a pan‑ P.S. Please visit CovidActNow.Org cers and folks required for critical vested interests, outdated regula‑ US government is leaving no stone demic. It is a tele‑ing time we find to determine the readiness of your systems and industries. COVID‑19 tions and, frankly, because of our un‑turned to ensure that those ourselves in. state and immediate steps to be has created a crisis scenario for a comfort with status‑quo. affected and displaced from work (it Before the COVID‑19 pandemic taken to "Flatten the Curve". Remember, it is that comfort with is estimated that 2 million people peaks and is behind us, the tele‑ vast majority of Americans who Based in Plano, TX, Raj G. status‑quo that held back leading could file for unemployment bene‑ method way of accessing, consum‑ were already living paycheck to pay‑ Asava is the CEO of Asava data center management organiza‑ fits this week alone, according to ing and distributing of not just serv‑ check – many of whom would find Consulting, tions like IBM, EDS, HP from proac‑ Goldman Sachs) get the support ices but goods will become a more themselves in a crisis mode should Inc., a tively shifting their business model needed to survive through this natural way for us to learn, earn and they run into an emergency requir‑ manage‐ of dedicated data centers and server unprecedented disruption to our access health care. ing mere $400. ment con‐ cages management, to the emerging economy. That is, economy, as we Flattening the curve is the reality COVID‑19 has exposed not just sulting firm pay‑as‑you‑use, virtualized, scalable, knew it. While we hunker down in and need of the day which we must our unpreparedness in handling a focused on on‑demand cloud computing envi‑ our homes, non‑traditional ways are comply with in order to ʻlive to see pandemic, but more importantly, has creating ronment. An industry they should slowly becoming mainstream in the another dayʼ. Let us, however, learn brought to surface the dark ages our value, have dominated in now ruled by way we access education, health from this and vow to never be medical and other social support delivering cloud computing leaders Amazon, care and other goods and services. caught flat‑footed in the future. This systems are still in – hence the need results and Microsoft and Google. Even basic necessities such as food would also require us to revisit the for flattening the curve. That, enabling growth for its stake‐ Left to our devices, humans would being delivered right to our homes capitalistic system of our democra‑ despite the significant technology holders. advancements made by never change, let alone transform. is becoming the new norm. cy. The government today is begin‑ Trump says COVID‑19 is not Asian Americans' fault

Washington: President Donald Trump, who country and I'm not going to let it happen." has come under fire for labeling the novel During press conferences last week, Trump coronavirus as the "Chinese virus", said that used the term "China virus" and "Chinese Asian Americans should not be blamed for virus", rejecting suggestions from reporters the pandemic, a media report said on that the term was racist, said the BBC report. Tuesday. "It is very important that we totally "It comes from China," Trump had said. "It's protect our Asian American community in not racist at all." the United States and all around the world. The World Health Organization has issued They're amazing people and the spreading of guidance against "stigmatizing certain com‑ the virus is not their fault in any way, shape munities" when naming illnesses. or form," the BBC report quoted Trump as US lawmaker Judy Chu, a California saying at a White House press briefing on Democrat and chairwoman of the Monday. Congressional Asian Pacific American "They're working closely with us to get rid Caucus, told NBC News that his comments of it ‑ we will prevail together." would not "be necessary if he and his sup‑ When asked by a reporter why he had spo‑ porters had not already endangered so many ken out, Trump said: "It seems that there by spreading this toxic xenophobia". could be a little bit of nasty language toward According to the latest update by the the Asian Americans in our country and I Washington‑based John Hopkins University, Chinese people in the US and elsewhere have started feeling stigmatized after don't like that at all. the US has so far reported 46,450 coron‑ the outbreak started from Wuhan, China has engulfed the world. (Photo Twitter) "These are incredible people, they love our avirus cases, with 590 deaths. 12 March 28-April 3, 2020 INDIA NEWS Rs 1.7 lakh crore relief package for weaker sections

New Delhi: The Centre on instalments into their account. Thursday announced a Rs 170,000 Also, Ujjawala cooking gas con‑ crore relief package to protect the nection holders, over 8 crore weaker sections of the society women now, will get free LPG from the economic fallout of cylinders for the next three Covid‑19. months. The 63 lakh women Self Announcing the measures of help groups (SHGs), that benefits relief package, Finance Minister seven crore households, will be Nirmala Sitharaman said that the provided collateral free loans, PM Garib Kalyan Yojana will bene‑ under the Deen Dayal National fit migrant workers, rural poor and Rural livelihood mission, of Rs 20 the women. lakh ‑ double the existing amount However, this might not be the of Rs 10 lakh. final relief package, as the FM clar‑ In yet another relief measure, the ified to a question that the current Finance Minister announced that package is only for the "poorest of the government would bear entire the poor" and the weaker sections Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the relief scheme will work via direct cash transfer. 24 per cent EPF contribution of of the society. employer and employees for next There were high expectations reaches them so that they can have wheat) per person will be provided given at the beginning of the year three months. This support will be that the government will announce money in their hands." to all ration card holders per itself. So Rs 2,000 will be provided for employees of establishments certain economic relief measures In a step by step announcement, month for the next three months into the accounts of farmers, a that employ upto 100 employees for the industry. the FM said that the Centre will free of charge. This will be over move that will immediately benefit and wages of 90 per cent of their On the relief scheme, Sitharaman provide Rs 50 lakh worth medical and above what they get under 8.69 crore farmers. employees is less than Rs 15,000 said it will work via direct cash insurance per person for medical existing schemes. Also, each house‑ The MNREGA wages have also per month. transfer, as one set of measures, industry workers such as sanita‑ hold will also be provided free 1kg been increased from present Rs For organized sector, EPFO regu‑ while another set will include food tion and Asha workers, para‑ pulses per month for next three 182 per day to Rs 202. "As a lation will be amended so that security‑related measures. "We do medics, nurses and doctors who months," she said. result, we expect Rs 20 per worker workers can draw up to 75 per not want anyone to remain hun‑ are putting themselves at risk by Under the cash transfer part, the will be the additional income that cent of their contingency expendi‑ gry, so we will be giving enough to treating Covid‑19 patients. minister said that it will largely be will benefit 5 crore families," the ture non‑refundable advance or take care of their foodgrain On the food package component based on DBT through which farm‑ minister said. three months of wages in advance requirements, protein requirement of the scheme, the minister said 80 ers, migrant workers, widows, pen‑ Sitharaman also decided to pro‑ whichever is less. in terms of pulses," she said. "On crore beneficiaries will receive sioners amongst others will be vide cash into the account of 3 Moreover, about 3.5 crore regis‑ the other hand, they should also additional 5 kg of rice or wheat provided relief. crore senior citizens to help them tered building and construction not remain without money in free of cost for three months in For farmers, the first instalment cope with the current crisis. workers would be provided assis‑ hand. So several measures through addition to 1 kg of pulses per of the Rs 6,000 per year given Accordingly, one time amount of tance and support from the Rs DBT are being taken so that money household. "So, five kg (rice or under PM Kisan Yojana will be Rs 1,000 will be provided in two 31,000 crore welfare funds. Rate of increase of corona cases Friday prayers suspended across has reduced: Ministry country amid New Delhi: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on Thursday said lockdown that there was a reduction in the rate New Delhi: All Muslim sects have suspended Friday of increment of novel coronavirus prayers to abide by the government's decision of cases in India. The reduction has complete lockdown to contain the spread of coron‑ been noticed during the lockdown avirus, however the call for prayers will continue in which was implemented in the coun‑ the mosques. try on Wednesday. Jamaat‑e‑Islami Sharia Council said in a state‑ "Although we are seeing a larger ment that, "the Friday prayer (Juma namaz) should number of cases being reported and also be observed (only by Imam, Muezzin, Khadim, deaths recorded, the rate at which and administrators of the mosque). The prayer and the cases are increasing appears to the Khutbah (speech) should be completed in the be relatively stabilizing," Joint Health minimum possible period and the remaining public Secretary Lav Agarwal told media at should do the Zohar prayer at home." a press conference. The Shia sect has also suspended the Friday "However, this is only the initial prayers across the country and asked the people to trend," Agarwal cautioned. remain indoors according to the directive of the He said if the measures taken by government. the government are strictly followed, There were at least 593 active COVID 2019 cases in India; of this, Maulana Ashraf Imam of Mumbai, said, "We had then there will be a time when no 42 have been cured, 13 have died and one migrated. suspended the Friday prayers and daily prayers in case will be reported. the mosques since last week and this will continue Agarwal also stressed continuing "It will not only benefit you but Dr Raman Gangakhedkar of Indian till the government desires as the primary object of with measures to contain the dread‑ your family too. Therefore, I request Council of Medical Research (ICMR), every person should be to save lives and follow the ed disease from transmitting in the all the people to cooperate with us. who was also present at the confer‑ government directive. We are appealing to people country. The challenge is big and it is our col‑ ence, said that there was still no to remain indoors from the mosque loudspeakers "I want the same level of alertness lective responsibility to overcome it," proof of community transmission. and social media." to continue. If we collectively ensure he said. At least 17 states have started In Kashmir also, grand mufti Nasirul Islam said that lockdown measures are imple‑ According to the Health Ministry, building dedicated COVID hospitals, that he has appealed to people that Friday and daily mented, we will be able to tackle the 43 new confirmed cases and 4 new the joint secretary told the media. prayers will be suspended and it's allowed in Islam. challenge posed by this disease," he deaths due to coronavirus were As on Wednesday there are at least The mosques in the capital and elsewhere are said, while requesting the foreign‑ reported on Thursday, which is the 593 active COVID 2019 cases in only giving call for prayers and 3 to 5 persons offer returnees to follow the quarantine highest number of casualties report‑ India, of this, 42 have been cured, 13 prayers adhering to the social distancing norms, directions. ed so far in India. have died and one migrated. said a Muezzin. INDIA NEWS March 28-April 3, 2020 13

Ram Lalla shifted to new structure, With no transport, migrants Yogi donates Rs 11 lakh walking back to UP, Bihar Ayodhya: UP Chief Minister has donated a New Delhi: As the nationwide sum of Rs 11 lakhs from his lockdown over the novel coro‑ personal account to the Shri navirus (Covid‑19) crisis Ram Janambhoomi Teerth entered the second day on Kshetra Trust for temple con‑ Thursday, a huge number of struction hours after Ram people were trudging back to Lalla was shifted to a new their native places in Uttar makeshift temple on Pradesh, Bihar and even fur‑ Wednesday. The Chief ther. Minister gave the check to The people were either trust members. forced to travel on foot or on The idol of Ram Lalla was their rickshaws which they shifted to the new makeshift plied in the national capital for temple at Manas Bhawan here earning, accompanied by their at 4 a.m on Wednesday on the family members, including the first day of 'Navratri', amid toddlers and women. The people were either forced to travel on foot or on their Speaking to IANS, Santosh pealing of bells and clanging UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath at the rickshaws which they plied in the national capital for earning. of gongs. makeshift temple. Verma, from Sarath block in The deity has been seated on Jharkhand, said: "I worked a labourer in a cooler Uttar Pradesh and Bihar in lack of work and shel‑ a silver throne, weighing about and is bullet proof. factory in (Delhi's) Wazirganj area. But since ter. Kishan Ram, a laborer from Bihar's Motihari, 9.5 kilograms. The throne has been 'gift‑ The new temple, which is bound to Sunday, the factory has been closed. And we are told IANS: "I used to stay in the factory where I ed' by the Raja Ayodhya Vimlendra attract thousands of devotees as soon as left with no jobs." worked. And now I am having no shelter to take Mohan Mishra, who is also a member of the lockdown is lifted, has separate He said that he along with his wife and his chil‑ refuge thus I am left with no option but to walk the Shri Ram Teerth Kshetra Trust. The entry and exit points which will make dren has been walking to reach their home in down to my home. intricately carved throne has been made "darshan" more convenient. Jharkhand. But at most of the night shelter centres, the by artisans from Jaipur. The head priest of the Ram Lalla tem‑ "I didn't have the money to feed my family and administration was unable to follow the strict Adityanath, who had reached Ayodhya ple, Acharya Satyendra Das said that for this I need to reach my home as there I will guidelines of social distancing and thus people late on Tuesday night, was present at after a gap of 28 years, the deity would earn something by working in farm lands." were seen rushing to the centres for the food. the rituals held for the shifting of the finally have a roof over his head. He said that it will take him around a week to According to Delhi Minister Satyendar Jain, the deity and participated in the "puja". The shifting of the deity has taken reach his home on foot. AAP government in city has opened 225 night The makeshift temple structure, built place to enable construction of the Similarly several other families were seen leav‑ shelters at various locations in the city and is over 432 square foot, is made of fiber grand Ram temple at the site. ing their homes in Delhi for their native places in planning to open more in the coming days. 14 March 28-April 3, 2020 INDIA NEWS India may see 25 crore COVID‑19 cases in next 3 months New Delhi: In what could spell million. Current availability in "This is the most important way real trouble for the country in the India is estimated to be between in which we can contain the epi‑ next three months, a new report 30,000 and 50,000 ventilators," demic. An increase in the official from prestigious Johns Hopkins said the joint report. number of detected cases in the University and the Centre for "Mortality in healthcare work‑ short term could encourage the Disease Dynamics, Economics & ers could further increase deaths population to take distancing Policy (CDDEP) has predicted that in the general population. more seriously and will reduce 21‑day lockdown may be ineffec‑ Healthcare workers need person‑ panic compared to a big spike tive to stop the COVID‑19 peak al protective equipment (masks later," the findings showed. arriving in April‑May‑June – and gowns) to protect them‑ "Border closures at this stage infecting over 12 crore Indians in selves. Without them they get have little to no impact and add an optimistic (low) scenario. sick further straining the capaci‑ further economic disruption and In a High scenario (trajectory ty of the healthcare system to panic. While international trans‑ with current lockdowns but insuf‑ respond," the report warned. mission was important in the first ficient physical distancing or The number of coronavirus stage, domestic transmission is compliance), the total number of cases climbed to 649 in India on now far more relevant," it The Johns Hopkins University and the Centre for Disease Dynamics, cases (asymptomatic, hospitalized Economics & Policy (CDDEP) study predicts that 21‑day lockdown Thursday and the death toll hit warned. and symptomatic) can even touch may be ineffective to stop the COVID‑19 peak 13, with one death reported each A national lockdown, said the a massive figure of 25 crore. arriving in April‑May‑June. from Gujarat, Tamil Nadu and report, is not productive and In the most likely (Medium) Madhya Pradesh, according to could cause serious economic scenario with moderate to full tivity. To reach these numbers, ernment decision‑making. the Health Ministry. damage, increase hunger and compliance but no change in vir‑ Johns Hopkins and CDDEP ‑‑ a According to the report, hospi‑ But March is the month when reduce the population resilience ulence or temperature/humidity public health research organisa‑ talised cases can reach up to 25 peak is yet to even begin, accord‑ for handling the infection peak. sensitivity, the numbers of total tion ‑‑ used IndiaSIM, a well‑vali‑ lakh people in the High scenario, ing to the report. "Children are less likely to be cases can swell up to 18 crore. dated agent‑based model of the 17‑18 lakh people in Medium According to the report, delays infected and also less likely to be The optimistic (low) scenario Indian population which has been scenario and 13 lakh people in in testing are seriously reducing hospitalized than adults. Illness is constitutes decreased virulence published widely over many Low scenario. the ability of the population to less likely to be severe in children and temperature/humidity sensi‑ years and has been used for gov‑ "Ventilator demand will be 1 protect itself. than in adults," the report noted. Select ministers to report to PMO, India Inc loosens others to ensure poor are fed purse‑strings for New Delhi: With the 21‑day nation‑ wide lockdown to prevent the 'war against virus' spread of the coronavirus outbreak Mumbai: Close on the heels of Nationalist Congress underway, the Narendra Modi‑led Sir H.N. Reliance Foundation President Sharad Pawar lauded government has got cracking on Hospital's 100‑bed center for the initiatives. "Grateful to my what it finds as a serious challenge Covid‑19 patients, other corpo‑ friend Rahul Bajaj as always, ‑‑ feeding the poor, impoverished rate groups and industry organ‑ taking the values and legacy of and marginalised. What's also a izations have joined hands to the very generous Bajaj family matter of concern for the govern‑ help the Maharashtra govern‑ tradition for the nation," he ment are the videos of panicky ment tackle the coronavirus said, in a message.In Mumbai, migrant workers walking back to pandemic. the Gem & Jewellery Export their homes at far‑off places, often The Pune‑based, 130‑year old Promotion Council (GJEPC) without food. Bajaj Group has pledged Rs 100 pledged Rs 50 crore for the wel‑ Meanwhile, the PMO has asked crore to upgrade key healthcare fare of the industry's daily wage for daily reports from select minis‑ centres and provide the neces‑ earners who are badly affected ters who will oversee the overall sary infrastructure to tackle by the state and national lock‑ coronavirus spread and the con‑ COVID‑19, said Group Chairman downs, besides funding govern‑ tainment situation in the states Rahul Bajaj. ment initiatives to tackle Covid‑ they have been made responsible West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee marks a street with This would include govern‑ 19. for. The government has asked all chalk urging people to follow social distancing, in Kolkata. ment and private‑sector hospi‑ GJEPC Chairman Pramod its ministers to take charge of the tals for upgrading their inten‑ Agrawal said that there is a states they come from in oversee‑ idents of the party's state units, Assam in this context. sive care units, get additional workforce of over five million in ing that the poor don't go hungry telling them to ensure that every‑ Since Uttar Pradesh is a big state, equipment like ventilators and the industry which contributes during the lockdown period. For one gets food. four senior leaders have been personal protection gear, 7 percent to the national GDP instance, and This move comes a day after a asked to share the responsibility ‑‑ enhance testing, and set up but is in dire straits, and all the will be over‑ man from Narendra Modi's con‑ , , quarantine wards in Pune dis‑ members have been asked to seeing the situation in West stituency in Varanasi asked the and trict including the second‑worst adopt a humane approach by Bengal, while Prime Minister through video con‑ Krishnapal Gurjar. hit Pune city and Pimpri‑ looking after their employees and will take ferencing about the fate of the poor Similarly, Chinchwad. The Bajaj Group will during the unprecedented lock‑ charge of Bihar. Likewise, all other during this 21‑day nationwide will oversee Assam, also work with organisations in down period. ministers will do the same. lockdown. The Prime Minister then Chhattisgarh, different areas and sections of GJEPC Vice Chairman Colin The BJP has already started a urged Indians, who have economic Jhharkhand while badly hit people like daily wage Shah added that the money will campaign called 'Lets feed the means, to feed nine poor families and will oversee earners, homeless and street be utilised for funding specific poor'. Meanwhile, all BJP MPs have for 21 days. the situation in Maharashtra. children with food and shelter, government initiatives related been asked to ensure that no one Meanwhile, the Prime Minister's Paswan and Prasad will also be sanitation and healthcare initia‑ to public health or medical facil‑ goes hungry in the present situa‑ Office (PMO) has also directed responsible for giving daily report tives, Bajaj added. ities, and appealed to other tion. How will they do it? They select ministers to inform the PMO to the PMO on the status of coron‑ In view of the 'reverse migra‑ industries and trade bodies to need to ensure that PDaS shops on the status of the spread of coro‑ avirus spread in Bihar. tion' to villages, the Group will donate generously to the 'war don't go out of ration or shops sell‑ navirus in different states on a As the country braces for a long support an economic aid pro‑ against virus'. ing essentials like groceries or daily basis. lockdown, Modi in his televised gramme with a direct survival Maharashtra currently has the medicines don't shut shop or run Gajendra Shekhawat has been interaction with the people from grant and a livelihood interven‑ highest number of Covid‑19 out of stock. This comes hours made in‑charge of Punjab and Varanasi on Wednesday said that tion using a revolving fund positive cases totaling 125 and after BJP President J.P. Nadda held Rajasthan, while Gen (Retd) V.K. India will have to win this war model. at least four fatalities. a video conferencing with the pres‑ Singh has been given the charge of against the deadly virus in 21 days. FIRST PERSON March 28-April 3, 2020 15 NYC doctor details harrowing day in ER: ‘I survived Ebola. I fear COVID-19’

Dr. Craig Spencer, is the director of global health in emer‐ gency medicine at Columbia University’s Irving Medical By Dr. Craig Spencer Center and New York Presbyterian Hospital. He contracted ake up at 6:30am. Ebola in 2014 while volunteering with the Doctors Without WPriority is making a big pot of coffee for the Borders in Guinea in Africa. He was quarantined on returning whole day, because the place by the hospital is closed. The to New York. Dr Spencer posted a harrowing Twitter thread Starbucks too. It's all closed. Tuesday detailing a day in his life as an ER physician amid the “On the walk, it feels like Sunday. No one is out. Might be city’s coronavirus outbreak. What he said went viral and he the freezing rain. Or it's early. Regardless, that's good. was interviewed by TV networks. “Walk in for your 8am shift: Immediately struck by how the sick, vomiting. They need to be tal cafeteria is open. You grab what is happening inside. Maybe donʼt stop. calm of the early morning city put on life support as well. You something, wash your hands people don't know??? “Everyone we see today was streets is immediately trans‑ bring them back. Two patients, in (twice), cautiously take off your “You get home. You strip in the infected a week ago, or more. The formed. The bright fluorescent rooms right next to each other, mask, & eat as fast as you can. Go hallway – itʼs ok, your neighbors numbers will undoubtedly sky‑ lights of the ER reflect off every‑ both getting a breathing tube. Itʼs back. Mask up. Walk in. know what you do. Everything in rocket overnight, as they have one's protective goggles. There is not even 10am yet. “Nearly everyone you see today a bag. Your wife tries to keep every night the past few days. a cacophony of coughing. You “For the rest of your shift, near‑ is the same. We assume everyone your toddler away, but she hasn't More will come to the ER. More ー stop. Mask up. Walk in. ly every hour, you get paged: Stat is #COVID 19. We wear gowns, seen you in days, so it's really will be stat notifications. More “You take sign‑out from the notification: Very sick patient, goggles, and masks at every hard. Run to the shower. Rinse it will be put on a ventilator. previous team, but nearly every short of breath, fever. Oxygen encounter. All day. Itʼs the only all away. Never happier. Time for “We were too late to stop this patient is the same, young & old: 88%. Stat notification: Low blood way to be safe. Where did all the family. virus. Full stop. But we can slow Cough, shortness of breath, fever. pressure, short of breath, low heart attacks and appendicitis “You reflect on the fact that itʼs its spread. The virus canʼt infect They are really worried about oxygen. Stat notification: Low patients go? Itʼs all COVID. really hard to understand how those it never meets. Stay inside. one patient. Very short of breath, oxygen, can't breathe. Fever. All “Before you leave, you wipe bad this is ‑ and how bad itʼs Social distancing is the only thing on the maximum amount of oxy‑ day... EVERYTHING down. Your phone. going to be ‑ if all you see are that will save us now. I donʼt care gen we can give, but still breath‑ “Sometime in the afternoon you Your badge. Your wallet. Your empty streets. Hospitals are near‑ as much about the economic ing fast,” he wrote. recognize you havenʼt drank any coffee mug. All of it. Drown it in ing capacity. We are running out impact as I do about our ability to “You immediately assess this water. Youʼre afraid to take off bleach. Everything in a bag. Take of ventilators. Ambulance sirens save lives. patient. Itʼs clear what this is, and the mask. Itʼs the only thing that no chances. Sure you got it all??? what needs to happen. You have protects you. Surely you can last Wipe it down again. Canʼt be too “You might hear people saying it isn't real. a long and honest discussion with a little longer ‑In West Africa dur‑ careful. It is. the patient and family over the ing Ebola, you spent hours in a “You walk out and take off your You might hear people saying it isn't bad. It is. phone. Itʼs best to put her on life hot suit without water. One more mask. You feel naked and You might hear people saying it can't take you … support now, before things get patient exposed. Itʼs still raining, but you down. It can. much worse. “By late afternoon, you need to want to walk home. Feels safer I survived Ebola. I fear #COVID‐19. “Youʼre notified of another real‑ eat. Restaurant across the street than the subway or bus, plus you Do your part. Stay home. Stay safe. ly sick patient coming in. You is closed. Right, everything is need to decompress. The streets And every day I’ll come to work for you.” rush over. Theyʼre also extremely closed. But thankfully the hospi‑ are empty. This feels nothing like Feeling sick and worried about the coronavirus? Call your doctor, donʼt rush to ER.

What we know about the coronavirus: Symptoms, transmission and response. Information shared by Washignton Post for wider circulation.

h, oh. You wake up feel‑ nose and itchy eyes ̶ thatʼs not Uing crummy. Your throat a problem,” said Gregory Poland, hurts; maybe you have a an infectious disease expert at cough. You are definitely anxious. the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, What should you do? Can you get Minn. tested to rule out the novel coro‑ But a high fever, a persistent navirus? cough ̶ or signs of respiratory FIRST, WHAT’S WRONG distress such as shortness of WITH ME? breath ̶ means you could have the disease caused by the virus. Thereʼs a good chance itʼs not For doctors trying to make diag‑ Covid‑19. You may have the flu, noses, context is key, Poland said. especially if you have aches and “Am I looking at a 12‑year‑old kid pains, or a bad cold. “A runny Continued on page 17 16 March 28-April 3, 2020 CORONAVIRUS WHO global trial looks at 4 promising COVID‑19 drugs

cation by inhibiting a key viral regarding the chloroquine studies." enzyme, the RNA‑dependent RNA Researchers in France have pub‑ polymerase. lished a study in which they treat‑ New York: At a time when nearly The first COVID‑19 patient diag‑ ed 20 COVID‑19 patients with 70 drugs and experimental cock‑ nosed in the US ‑‑ a young man in hydroxychloroquine. They con‑ tails are being examined to treat Snohomish County, Washington cluded that the drug significantly the novel coronavirus (COVID‑19), state ‑‑ was given remdesivir when reduced viral load in nasal swabs. the World Health Organisation his condition worsened and he But it was not a randomized con‑ (WHO) has announced a global improved the next day, according trolled trial and it didn't report trial called 'SOLIDARITY to find to a case report in the New clinical outcomes such as deaths. out if any drug can actually treat England Journal of Medicine "Hydroxychloroquine in particu‑ infections with the new coron‑ (NEJM). lar might do more harm than good. avirus. A Californian patient who The drug has a variety of side The trial, which could include received remdesivir recovered as effects and can in rare cases harm many thousands of patients in well. the heart," said the Science article. dozens of countries, has been When it comes to Chloroquine Ritonavir/lopinavir combination These are remdesivir, chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine designed to be as simple as possi‑ and hydroxychloroquine, the drug, sold under the brand name ble so that even hospitals over‑ (a combination), lopinavir and ritonavir and the same combination "WHO scientific panel designing plus interferon‑beta, an immune system messenger. Kaletra, was approved in the US in whelmed by an onslaught of SOLIDARITY had originally decid‑ 2000 to treat HIV infections. COVID‑19 patients can participate, ed to leave the duo out of the trial The first trial with COVD‑19 was according to the prestigious jour‑ but had a change of heart at a ICMR recommends not encouraging, however. Doctors nal Science. meeting in Geneva on 13 March, in Wuhan, China, gave 199 Scientists have suggested dozens because the drugs "received signif‑ hydroxy‑chloroquine to treat patients two pills of of existing compounds for testing icant attenti n" in many countries." lopinavir/ritonavir twice a day but WHO is focusing on what it The available data are thin and high‑risk Covid‑19 cases plus standard care, or standard says are the four most promising results from COVID‑19 patients care alone. therapies. are murky. New Delhi: The National Task patient. They can take that only There was no significant differ‑ These are "an experimental Chinese researchers who report Force for Covid‑19 constituted by for prophylaxis, only for preven‑ ence between the groups, they antiviral compound called remde‑ treating more than 100 patients the Indian Council of Medical tion," he added. reported in the New England sivir; the malaria medications with chloroquine touted its bene‑ Research (ICMR) has recommend‑ ICMR told the states that the Journal of Medicine (NEJM) on chloroquine and hydroxychloro‑ fits in a letter in BioScience, but ed the use of anti‑malaria drug placing of healthcare workers March 15. quine; a combination of two HIV the data underlying the claim have hydroxy‑chloroquine to treat the under chemoprophylaxis with "But the authors caution that drugs, lopinavir and ritonavir; and not been published. Covid‑19 disease in high‑risk cases hydroxy‑chloroquine should not patients were very ill ‑‑ more than that same combination plus inter‑ All in all, more than 20 COVID‑ albeit with utmost precaution. instill a sense of false security. a fifth of them died ‑‑ and so the feron‑beta, an immune system 19 studies in China used chloro‑ ICMR Director‑General Balram "They should follow all pre‑ treatment may have been given messenger that can help cripple quine or hydroxychloroquine, Bhargava said that the compound scribed public health measures too late to help." viruses," said the article in the WHO notes, but their results have is recommended only for a health‑ such as frequent washing of hands, Ritonavir/lopinavir+interferon journal of the American been hard to come by. care worker who is treating a respiratory etiquette, keeping a beta is an another option. A combi‑ Association for the Advancement "WHO is engaging with Chinese Covid‑19 patient. distance of minimum one metre nation of the three drugs is now of Science (AAAS). colleagues at the mission in "Secondly, it's recommended and use of personal protective being tested in MERS patients in Originally developed by Gilead to Geneva and have received assur‑ only for persons staying and car‑ equipment (wherever applicable)," Saudi‑Arabia in the first random‑ combat Ebola and related viruses, ances of improved collaboration; ing for a household positive said the ICMR advisory. ized controlled trial for that dis‑ remdesivir shuts down viral repli‑ however, no data has been shared ease. COVID‑19 to soon go away: India joins hands to cheer Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt Covid‑19 warriors New York: A prediction by Stanford adding that the data doesn't support the New Delhi: In a first of its kind, President Ram University biophysicist and Nobel laureate doom epidemiologist have been warning Nath Kovind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the Michael Levitt that new about. Cabinet Ministers, the Chief Ministers, other coronavirus is set to dis‑ "Numbers are still noisy politicians and common people across India appear soon as the world but there are clear signs came together to thank coronavirus warriors observes social distancing of slowed growth," he was and other essential services providers to contain has given a booster shot quoted as saying. the epidemic's spread. to the world that is cur‑ According to Johns The largest public 'appreciation' exercise in rently reeling under the Hopkins University's data, the country witnessed participation of the army, pandemic. there are now 35,224 paramilitary forces, Bollywood personalities, tel‑ Levitt, who won the cases and 471 deaths in evision anchors and religious personage clap‑ 2013 Nobel Prize in the US. ping and beating utensils at 5 p.m. on Sunday as The Prime Minister had called upon people chemistry, earlier predict‑ Globally, there are close called by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his to clap or beat utensils for 5 minutes to ed about the epidemic in to 4 lakh cases and over address to the countrymen on Thursday. express their gratitude. China that it would get 17,000 deaths as of now. The Prime Minister had called upon the people The coronavirus warriors, like health profes‑ through the worst of its Levitt said that social‑ to clap or beat utensils for 5 minutes to express sionals and others, who are taking care of ailing devastating outbreak distancing mandates and their gratitude to the people providing essential people and performing their duties of sanitizing before several other getting vaccinated against services, including sanitation employees, med‑ Metros, trains and other public facilities in the health experts predicted. the flu are both critical to ical professionals, delivery boys, railways, air‑ country's fight against coronavirus. President In an interview with The Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt. the fight against the ports and other transportation department Kovind, First Lady Savita Kovind and Chief Los Angeles Times, he spread. employees and many more, who were serving Ministers, like Yogi Aditya Nath (UP) and Y.S. said: "What we need is to control the The Nobel laureate also blamed the without caring for their own comfort and safety Jaganmohan Reddy (Andhra Pradesh), took part panic... we're going to be fine," he said, media for fanning out panic. to contain the coronavirus spread. in the exercise. CORONAVIRUS March 28-April 3, 2020 17 Feeling sick and worried about the coronavirus? Call your doctor, don’t rush to ER.

ing increasing numbers of have it. get tested? potentially coming into contact patients, will be flooded, that doc‑ For now, “the vast majority of with the covid‑19 virus.” tors wonʼt be able to take care of doctors I have spoken to do not Some hospitals and localities The White House last Friday the seriously ill and that health‑ have the capacity to do tests on are setting up testing locations said that major retailers had com‑ care workers might get infected. individuals,” said Gary LeRoy, a away from ERs, clinics and doc‑ mitted to providing parking lot “When people recognize dis‑ family physician in Dayton, Ohio, torsʼ offices to minimize the risk space so that more drive‑through of health‑care workers and other Continued from page 15 ease in community, they get nerv‑ and president of the American facilities can be set up. ous and go to the ER, but that Academy of Family Physicians. patients being infected. Some hospitals are setting up Mayo Clinic, for example, just from a little town in Kansas with may cause a lot of strain on The organization recently sent pop‑up testing facilities, said opened a drive‑through testing no cases or an 80‑year‑old with a resources,” said William Jaquis, Congress a letter complaining Jeremy Faust, an emergency facility. After being screened by chronic disease in New York City an emergency medicine doctor at their members donʼt have basic physician at Brigham and phone, people drive through a who just got off a cruise ship?” a hospital in Aventura, Fla., and critical information on issues Womenʼs Hospital in Boston. In a president of the American such as how and when to test lane where they provide a cheek recent column in The So what if I think I might College of Emergency Physicians. their patients and how to deal swab that is tested for the virus. Washington Post, Faust called for be infected? His group has launched a with a shortage of face masks “Testing in this fashion allows “thousands of pop‑up facilities ̶ “Know When to Go” campaign to and gowns. clinic staff to evaluate patients at outdoor assembly lines and tents Consult with your primary care give patients tips on when they If you want to get tested, itʼs a location away from the clinic ̶ to administer the tests imme‑ doctor, if you have one. Donʼt go should head to the ER. People best to call your doctor and find and emergency rooms,” says Jack diately. They need not be adja‑ to the doctorʼs office or the emer‑ who have worsening shortness of out whatʼs available. OʼHoro, an infectious disease spe‑ cent to hospitals, and they cer‑ gency room without calling breath ̶ like not being able to cialist at Mayo. “This helps pro‑ tainly must not be embedded in ahead. The coronavirus is highly finish a sentence without taking a Are there other places to tect other patients and staff from emergency rooms.” contagious, and doctors want to breath ̶ should con‑ protect themselves and their sider going to the ER other patients from infection. or even calling 911. “We cannot have covid in the Older people with office,” said one Washington‑area underlying conditions primary care physician who who get sick also spoke on the condition of should think about anonymity to protect patientsʼ getting immediate privacy. “Our job is to keep peo‑ care. ple out of the hospital!” The doc‑ LAURA CURRAN tor noted that her waiting room HOW DO I GET NASSAU COUNTY EXECUTIVE is frequently full of older patients TESTED? March 23, 2020 with heart disease, cancer and other conditions for whom the If you have mild coronavirus could be fatal. symptoms, you proba‑ IMPORTANT LINKS & NUMBERS Your doctor will assess your bly donʼt need to be symptoms by phone, get your tested and probably travel history and listen to your wonʼt be. If you are concerns. If the doctor suspects sick enough to be hos‑ N.Y.S. CORONAVIRUS HOTLINE ...... 888-364-3065 the coronavirus but your symp‑ pitalized, you might NASSAU COUNTY CORONAVIRUS CALL CENTER .... toms are mild, youʼll likely be get tested. If you are 516-227-9570 advised to self‑quarantine at in the middle group, home. The majority of cases are itʼs still unclear. For news and updates about Nassau County, relatively mild, though the dis‑ Contrary to President log on to: ease is more dangerous for older Trumpʼs assertion that people with underlying medical anyone who wants a conditions and people of any age test can get it with TEXT Updates: ...... COVID19NC to 888777 doctorʼs orders, many with compromised immune sys‑ Crisis Helpline: ...... 516- 227-TALK (8255) tems. If you are around others, people have had trou‑ wear a face mask. Avoid sharing ble getting tested. Veterans Service Agency: ...... 516-572-6565 personal items, like dishes, and Thatʼs likely to NY Connects: ...... 516-227-8900 frequently clean countertops, improve in coming tables and other surfaces. days as more hospital To report Price Gouging: ...... [email protected] There is no treatment for covid‑ and commercial labs 19 ̶ thereʼs nothing like Tamiflu come online and other To report a violation in New York’s public assembly for the flu, for example. Your doc‑ alternatives, like guidelines tor might write an order for a drive‑through testing, #0/*2))!*- ( )/ҽ)..0*0)/4)4ѵ"*1 coronavirus test, but that doesnʼt pop up. mean it will be honored if your Some primary care Links and tips for small business owners affected by Covid-19: hospital or government health doctors are moving to • Track your expenses and losses in this period entity decide you donʼt fit their administer tests for guidelines. the coronavirus in • Keep all receipts People who donʼt have a doctor their offices, but many • SBA disaster assistance program is working to offer should call their state or local are reluctant because loans to affected businesses. You can reach them at health department to discuss it carries risks to their [email protected] or call 1-800-659-2955 symptoms. patients and them‑ selves. The nose‑and‑ • Let us know if you are applying for assistance at WHAT ABOUT GOING TO throat swabs can [email protected] THE ER? cause patients to so we can track what businesses are being affected. cough, potentially Emergency room doctors are infecting the doctors urgently asking those who are collecting the speci‑ CDC Website:...... worried but well or have mild men. The physicians symptoms to think twice before should wear protec‑ showing up at the ER. They worry tive equipment, but that ERs, which already are see‑ some practices donʼt Courtesy, Lionel Chitty, Executive Director, Nassau County Office of Minority Affairs 18 March 28-April 3, 2020 ULTIMATE BOLLYWOOD

2011 movie ‘Contagion’ perfectly Bollywood A‑listers take predicted COVID-19 crisis part in Janata Curfew f you have not seen the movie Contagion, rom Amitabh then it might not be the best idea to watch I Bachchan, Akshay it right now, unless you do not mind freak‑ F Kumar, Hrithik ing yourself out. Roshan and Aishwarya Rai The movie, which is like a sneak peek into Bachchan to Ajay Devgn, the very possible future amidst the current Varun Dhawan, Karan Covid‑19 epidemic, has become one of the Johar and , a hottest commodities streaming on online slew of Bollywood celebri‑ sites like iTunes and Amazon Prime. ties on Sunday took part The entire premise of the film is a deadly in Prime Minister virus called MEV‑1. Gwyneth Paltrowʼs char‑ Narendra Modi's Janata acter is shown taking a business trip to Hong Curfew clapping initiative, Kong, not knowing that she is infected. In a to pay tribute to all those single month, the virus kills 2.5 million peo‑ who are working round ple in America and eventually brings the total the clock to eradicate count to 26 million worldwide. But despite COVID‑19 from India. the fact that the movie is indeed fiction, it Akshay along with his does not make it any less scary for those neighbour Hrithik came watching it again, or possibly for the first out of their sea‑facing time. houses to clap for the Director Steven Soderberghʼs portrayal of The movie makes a big comeback on unsung heroes. how devastating this type of virus could be in popular streaming online sites Taking to his Twitter real life is still somehow what the world is handle, he posted a video experiencing now almost 10 years later. people worldwide, killed at least 3,300, shut in which Akshay, Hrithik From the way he depicts how fatal an ill‑ down schools, led to major travel bans from and producer Sajid ness it is, to killing off Paltrowʼs character one country to another, and basically taken Nadiadwala are seen bang‑ within the first 20 minutes, to how quickly over every single personʼs day‑to‑day life as ing plates. Amitabh the disease is spread from person to person, the world tries to cope with the new norm of Bachchan too paid respect to the way the CDC (Centers for Disease Covid‑19. The actors took part enthusiastically in clap and to the people who continue Control and Prevention) tries to handle the While the movie happens to be fictional, ʻthaliʼ banging initiative to honor all those working working in important sec‑ devastating annihilation it has all over the true‑to‑life Covid‑19 realities do not actually 24x7 risking their lives tors such as health servic‑ world, it is a true illustration of the kind of feel too far behind, instilling genuine fear in es. A video is doing the rounds on the ed. Actor Varun Dhawan posted a video calamitous effects that Covid‑19 can have on many. internet in which Big B along with his on social media in which he is seen clap‑ this already fragile planet, and even more so Writer and Moonlight director Barry son Abhishek Bachchan, daughter‑in‑law ping along with his father David on its vulnerable inhabitants. Jenkins, who watched the movie recently, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and grand‑ Dhawan, brother Rohit Dhawan and The worldʼs new reality is that while scien‑ said: “I was really curious to see how well it daughter Aaradhya can be seen taking mother. tists, doctors, laboratories and pharmaceuti‑ would line up to what is happening right now. out a moment to ring a bell and clap for "#JantaCurfew I salute the heroes cal companies are scrambling to find a vac‑ It was shocking. It felt like I was watching a the people involved in fighting against fighting this virus. Everyone of my gen‑ cine for this lethal virus, the coronavirus has documentary that has all these movie stars coronavirus. Big B called Janata Curfew eration please look after ur elders. Stay still managed to infect more than 100,000 playing real people.” (Source: "an unbelievable success." at home House building. We will fight "India has created HISTORY .. !! this. Maintain quarantine Katrina ʻdishes outʼ tutorial #JanataCurfew an unbelievable success #SocialDistancingNow," Varun cap‑ .. and at 5 pm .. the entire country on tioned the video. their balconies roof tops gates and Sharing a video of him banging a thali on household chores doors applauding the true heroes of the at his balcony, veteran actor Anupam Nation .. NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE Kher thanked "to all those who tireless‑ urfews and lockdowns in the THIS !I AM PROUD TO BE AN INDIAN ly and selflessly helped others in the dif‑ Ctime of COVID‑19 pandemic JAI HIND Flag of India," Amitabh tweet‑ ficult times." have given our Bollywood stars a lot of time at hand to try out things they never had time to even think of, let alone imagine doing. South superstars donate Bollywood star Katrina Kaif, for instance, seems to be using the time well, it seems, to hone her skills in for daily wage workers household chores. Going by a video she put up on Instagram, Katrina has uperstar Rajinikanth has donated provide financial help to the daily wage become quite an ace at dishwashing. Rs 50 lakh for the wellbeing of members of the federation who donʼt Whatʼs more, she is seen imparting Sdaily wage workers of South have an income right now. tips to fans on how to effectively Indian film industry in the time of com‑ Within a few hours Suriya, Karthi wash dishes without wasting too plete shutdown owing to the coron‑ along with their father Sivakumar much water. “Since the house helps avirus pandemic, according to reports. donated Rs 10 lakh. It was later report‑ are also practicing self‑isolation, Izzy Several other top star of southern cine‑ ed that actor Sivakarthikeyan too (Katrinaʼs sister Isabelle) and I have ma including Suriya, Karthi and Vijay donated Rs 10 lakh. decided to take turns to do the wash‑ Sethupati, besides many filmmakers Now, it is said that superstar ing up. I thought I would do a little have pitched in, too. Rajinikanth has donated 50 lakhs, professional tutorial,” the actress Given the recent outbreak of COVID‑ while Vijay Sethupathi has donated 10 says, as she goes about with her dish‑ 19, theatres across Tamil Nadu have lakhs for the welfare of FEFSI members. washing errand. Katrina then gets been closed, and shoot of films, televi‑ Actors Parthipan and Prakash Raj sion serials and advertisements are on have provided several rice bags weigh‑ into details about the effective way Katrina Kaif to wash dishes. “First, I was decid‑ hold as well. The Film Employees ing 25 kg each. Ever since RK ing… should I lather each bowl, rinse it and that you donʼt waste it. Lather all of them and Federation of South India (FEFSI) presi‑ Selvamani had put a request, put it in the rack? Then I decided that there put them back here and then rinse them all,” dent RK Selvamani earlier issued an Kollywood celebrities are leaving no was a better way to do it. Put all the dishes she says. Well, looks like Katrina is putting appeal through a press release request‑ stone unturned to help FEFSI members inside the sink, and then turn off the water so her days of self‑quarantine to good use. ing the South Indian film fraternity to in need. OP-ED March 28-April 3, 2020 19

Governments need to invest in healthcare globally By Sidharth Luthra zation of healthcare and ignored qualitatively superior healthcare the stateʼs duty to protect the to make India a destination of s we head into a time of right to life of individuals. health tourism, which is evident Auncertainty and a possible Primary and secondary health‑ from our prominent city hospitals crisis in healthcare, social care centers at a local level lie in the metros. A visit to govern‑ unrest and economic and finan‑ abandoned or unmanned. General ment hospitals outside the metros cial havoc initiated with the pan‑ medical practitioners, who shows the woeful absence of demic of Covid‑19 worldwide, formed the backbone of private infrastructure, doctors and health there has been an unprecedented healthcare have all, but disap‑ professionals. shutdown in India. Central and peared. Healthcare has been fighting state governments, state‑run insti‑ There are no credible govern‑ for funding along with education, tutions and the private sector, all ment medical testing labs, except environment, urban development have acted with speed to ensure in large towns and district head‑ etc. and has been at the losing their shutdown is effective and quarters. In most states at the end for long with governments the spread of this dreaded and block‑level, government health‑ propounding the theory of “mini‑ sometimes fatal disease is con‑ care presence is either non‑exis‑ mum government maximum gov‑ tained. While this clamp down is There are no credible government medical testing labs, except in large tent or ineffective. In some states, ernance”. But what about the towns and district headquarters. In most states at the block‑level, a welcome step to cope with the primary healthcare has been right to life? The Stateʼs duty to government healthcare presence is either non‑existent or ineffective. emergent need to contain the taken away from municipal bod‑ provide healthcare was recog‑ transmission of the virus, we also official orders of closedown of Government can give directions ies and is back with the state gov‑ nized in 1989 in Parmanand need to comprehensively study schools, colleges and other places for quarantine of vessels (ships) ernment, with no benefit to the Kataraʼs case. Covid‑19 is a wake‑ the serious life‑threatening impli‑ where people congregate. While and failure to comply leads to ailing. Indiaʼs failure to ensure up call for governments world‑ cations for our elderly population it may have seemed alarmist to criminal prosecution. There are access to clean air, clean water, wide, center or state, at every or those who are immunocompro‑ begin with, we Indians must real‑ provisions under the Code of healthcare – preventive and treat‑ level, not only in India but inter‑ mised due to diseases. The situa‑ ize that a failure to have acted in Criminal Procedure, or CrPc, ment, among others is a breach of nationally, that basic amenities tion is evolving every instant and time would have led to horren‑ empowering executive magis‑ the right to life. Not only is such as healthcare and education we can only guess how it devel‑ dous consequences as in Italy or trates to act against activities healthcare a fundamental right cannot be completely subcon‑ ops in the future. And it is not get‑ China. The coming days will show injurious to health. Failure to but also recorded in our Directive tracted to the private sector. This ting over soon with medical pro‑ whether the Government was comply with these directives can Principles. is necessary to bring about a state fessionals estimating that it may alert or alarmist. lead to criminal prosecution. We lose Indians to infectious where a citizen who pays his last for at least 2‑6 months. If we The criminal law, specifically However, these measures are diseases that are treatable and taxes (and even the ones who do are lucky. the Indian Penal Code, has provi‑ mainly reactive to a deteriorating preventable on a daily basis. Yet, not), is owed a duty by the State That governments and their sions such as sections 269 and situation. In India, successive during the 12th five year plan, as part of our social contract, not institutions are acting at the 270 to punish those who unlaw‑ administrations have for decades 2012‑2017, we reduced public to be left to seek access to inade‑ ground level and not just tweet‑ fully, negligently or maliciously ignored public healthcare sys‑ spending on healthcare substan‑ quate state healthcare facilities, ing or posting on social media is commit acts that spread infec‑ tems, which has led to a situation tially. Public‑private partnerships which fails to protect our lives reflected by the effectiveness of tious diseases dangerous to life. where we have promoted privati‑ have been a way of promoting and health. Is global recession likely in 2020?

By Achint Arora come out of this and join back work due to fear post the isolation period. Conferences, recession is a macroeconomic term events, sporting events ‑‑ all these make a Athat refers to a significant decline in huge impact. The businesses are going to general economic activity in a desig‑ have massive layoffs especially in travel and nated region. However, the National Bureau tourism. The economic and financial system of Economic Research (NBER), defines a impacts are gigantic and are accumulating. recession as a significant decline in econom‑ The central banks all over the world are ic activity spread across the economy, last‑ doing the best they can by bringing down ing more than a few months, normally visi‑ interest rates to an all‑time low. But, low ble in real GDP, real income, employment, interest rates cannot really help combat a industrial production, and wholesale‑retail virus or encourage frightened people to go sales. As restaurants, airlines, shops, facto‑ the theaters. ries are all shut down around the globe, we The Federal Reserve has already taken a could be staring at a global recession very step to give payroll tax holiday to US soon. employees. But, if you are unemployed, you The COVID‑19 outbreak is a catalyst to don't benefit. No Income, No Tax. Priority the economic crisis the world is facing right should be to give direct cash in the hands of now. It has not only disrupted the demand It will take a lot of time for people to come out of this and US citizens. The only solution to contain the side but also the supply chains by first join back work due to fear post the isolation period. virus is social distancing and lockdowns. attacking unprepared China the Factory to This is different than the 2008 crisis since the world and then spreading to other parts COVID‑19 Virus has preponed the slow‑ to be paid. This is the time the government it was more or less limited to the housing of the World. down which could have otherwise occurred should intervene and make sure they get sector, the other sectors of society were The virus hit the world economy at a time in 2‑3 quarters of 2020‑21. through the period. China Manufacturing functioning smoothly. when it was already showing signs of weak‑ Economies are at a halt, businesses are Activity is at an all‑time low, pollution levels People were going out to restaurants, the‑ ness ‑‑ deficits and debt at all time high, shut, global travel has slowed drastically ‑‑ across China tells you the Chinese economy aters, events, etc. This time, it's different especially in the US. We cannot borrow our all this could lead to huge layoffs in the has come to a halt. International trade and the consequences will be different. way into growth by using more of debt. The times to come. Many businesses, especially flights have been cancelled, air shipments These are the most uncertain times. Yes, more we grow, the more we owe. The US small businesses, are facing a cash flow has taken a hit, international shipping is at COVID‑19, is a real disaster, and attempting economy has been rather postponing reces‑ crunch, sales are not happening but they a halt. We have never faced anything like to contain it will be unbelievably costly. It sion since its trade war with China but the still have payroll, suppliers payments, taxes this. It will take a lot of time for people to didn't have to be this way.

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times. 20 March 28-April 3, 2020 WOMEN'S RIGHTS Amending 1971 abortion law - A step forward for women’s rights in India

By Dr. Jaydeep Tank approval of the MTP (Amendment) ious levels, women face in access‑ women who choose to terminate tedious court proceedings, multi‑ Secretary General, Bill 2020 due anytime now, let us ing safe abortion services. The second trimester pregnancies as ple examinations and investiga‑ Federation of Obstetric and demystify the proposed amend‑ guiding principal of drafting the majority secondary level facilities tions by doctors. It took more than Gynecological Societies of India ments─ what it entails, what it amendments was to make changes (that can offer abortion services) 45 days before she was permitted means for the women of the coun‑ that are women centric and rooted in rural and peri urban areas may to undergo the abortion. This is n 1971, India became one of try and what is needed to ensure in the Indian field realities. Once have only one abortion service not an isolated case. Fetal abnor‑ the first few countries to recog‑ its swift translation into action. the amendments become law, provider. This amendment will pre‑ malities in some medical condi‑ Inize the right of women to safe The MTP Act amendments are women will require opinion of only vent women from opting unsafe tions are detected only beyond 20 and legal abortion with specifics proposed by the Ministry of Health one provider for termination of pathways because of the barriers weeks. Under the proposed amend‑ like who, when, where and for and Family Welfare after extensive pregnancy up to 20 weeks. of need for two‑doctor opinion. To ments, abortion will be allowed at whom abortion can be performed consultations and deliberations This is a welcome move from the overcome the impediment faced by any time for cases with substantial up to 20 weeks. The MTP Act for with various stakeholders includ‑ current law which mandates one vulnerable women in accessing fetal abnormalities post diagnosis, the times was a progressive law ing the civil society and FOGSI. doctor approval for pregnancy ter‑ abortion services, the amended by the medical board. This feature under a wide range of therapeutic, These are drafted in response to mination up to 12 weeks and two abortion law when passed will considers the field reality which eugenic and humanitarian the growing barriers and strug‑ doctors for termination up to 20 enhance the upper gestation limit the current law overlooks. This grounds. gles, in various settings and at var‑ weeks. It will provide respite to the from 20 to 24 weeks for special amendment is aimed at saving In order to keep pace with the categories of women including sur‑ women from the trauma, huge evolving need of women and vivors of rape, victims of incest, expenses and a delay in abortion advances in medical technology, differently abled women and caused due to filing petitions in recently amendments have been minors. However, opinion of two courts and awaiting a judgement. proposed to the MTP Act. At a time providers will be required in such Enforcing the amended abortion when abortion and reproductive cases (20 to 24 weeks). This will law into action will require con‑ rights are under threat many coun‑ provide extended time to this certed efforts of multiple stake‑ tries in the world (including USA), group of girls and women, who holders including the federal gov‑ the timing and scope of the encounter far more barriers of ernment, state governments, FOGSI amendments to the Indian law is stigma, access and agency prevent‑ and the civil society. We hope especially laudable. The Indian ing them to avail abortion services these concerted efforts will enable Government has sought these within the current period. Last effective roll out of the law and changes in the MTP Act to give September, a pregnant woman was trickle down of relevant informa‑ Indian women and girls greater diagnosed with a serious fetal tion on the amended abortion law autonomy and control over their heart abnormality at 22 weeks of till the last point in the field, while lives and reproductive choices. pregnancy. As the existing law did keeping the spirit of the amend‑ While we await Parliamentʼs not permit it, she had to undergo ments intact. Ayushman Bharat is geared for Womenʼs Health

By Preeti Sudan, in womenʼs access to health care. (SUMAN) with the commitment to excess mortality among women as and over 800,000 Female multi‑ Vandana Gurnani and In the last two decades, invest‑ provide Assured, dignified, compared to men, the extent of purpose workers across the coun‑ Dr Rajani Ved ments in health services were tar‑ respectful and quality healthcare, gender disparity in access to care‑ try, we now have over 10,000 Officials of Indian Ministry of Health geted towards maternal, new‑born, at no cost and zero tolerance for seeking, other than obstetrics and female CHOs at the Sub Health and Family Welfare child health and reproductive denial of services, for every gynecology, is exemplified in sev‑ Centre level AB‑HWCs, represent‑ health services. Sustained invest‑ woman and newborn. Changing eral studies. The gender disparities ing 67% of the total. nder Ayushman Bharat, ments in government health sys‑ demography and epidemiology in access combined with a rise in Increased numbers of female Indiaʼs drive to provide tems and public health facilities across the country, demand that chronic disease signify the need to providers at AB‑HWCs not only Uuniversal, affordable and have enabled equity in access for preventive, promotive and treat‑ reorganize service delivery even provide increase in employment equitable health care reflects the childbirth related services particu‑ ment strategies for chronic care while we address other barriers opportunities for women, but also commitment articulated in our larly among the poorer quintiles, are urgently needed. related to womenʼs health. enable increased care seeking by national health policy and sustain‑ reduced barriers that women face The Global Burden of Disease Population Based Screening, pre‑ women. able development goals. Our aim is in obtaining care and improved estimates suggest that the leading vention and management includ‑ Evidence from reporting data of to increase equitable access to coverage of preventive services killers of women worldwide, ing treatment and referral for com‑ nearly 32,300 AB‑HWCs* high‑ health care for women and men. In such as immunization. Such invest‑ including in India, are increasingly mon Non‑Communicable Diseases light that more women than men the area of maternal and reproduc‑ ments span expansion of infra‑ related to ischaemic heart disease (NCDs) such as hypertension, dia‑ access the HWC. These Centers tive health, we have seen signifi‑ structure, additional human and stroke. The transition towards betes, oral, cervical and breast can‑ have reportedly done about 1.11 cant advances including declines resources, strengthened outreach a higher burden of chronic dis‑ cers, through functional AB‑HWCs, Crore screenings for Breast Cancer in maternal mortality and services, providing entitlements eases with co‑morbidities needs a are aimed at improving access for and 73.44 lakh screenings for cer‑ improved gender disparities in and assured services for maternal paradigm shift in addressing such women and men. vical cancer in women. infant and child mortality reduc‑ new‑born and child health, involv‑ diseases among women in the Reliable reports from visits of Universal Health Coverage can‑ tions. The maternal mortality ratio ing private practitioners and reproductive age group and functional AB‑HWCs show that a not be achieved without making in India has reduced to 122 in incentivizing quality improve‑ beyond. Sub Health Centre providing serv‑ women full beneficiaries of access 2015‑17 from 178 in 2010‑11 ments. In improving womenʼs health, ices throughout the day, supple‑ to information and services and while the infant mortality rate has These initiatives include country Ayushman Bharat offers a ray of mented by intensified outreach, addressing social and environmen‑ declined from 50 in 2011 to 33 in wide implementation of Janani hope. ABʼs two components, name‑ and delivered through a primary tal determinants of womenʼs 2019. With this, we have regis‑ Suraksha Yojana (JSY), Janani ly the Health and wellness Centers health care team, consisting of a health. Large scale efforts such as tered higher rate of decline com‑ Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (JSSK (AB‑HWC), that offer universal, new cadre of Community Health BetiBachao‑BetiPadhao, Ujjwala, pared with the global trends. – so far, more than 1.04 crore free, primary health care, and the officer (CHO), and one or two and the Swacch Bharat Mission These achievements reflect the women delivered in Government Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana Multi‑Purpose workers, with the play a significant role in respond‑ success of policies designed to health facilities in 2019‑20), (PMJAY) providing secondary and ASHAs, has led to more footfalls ing to such determinants. deliver services close to home, Pradhan Mantri Surakshit Matritva tertiary hospital care to the vulner‑ than hitherto seen in these very Ayushman Bharat offers us a sig‑ minimizing access, economic and Abhiyan (PMSMA), etc. able, have specific design strate‑ same facilities. And we have seen nificant opportunity to do more cultural barriers for women and Government has recently gies to reduce gender discrimina‑ this in the relatively short time‑ and do better for womenʼs health – children. And yet, we know that launched the tion in healthcare. frame of 24 months. we need to do all we can to use there are many structural barriers SurakshitMatritvaAashwasan While we know that there is In addition to a million ASHAs this opportunity well. OP-ED March 28-April 3, 2020 21 Coronavirus could reshape global order China is maneuvering for international leadership as the United States falters, observes Foreign Affairs magazine, published by Council on Foreign Relations, Washington DC.

alter the USʼ position in global pol‑ urgency of this pandemic̶it itics and the contest for leadership would both save American lives in the 21st century. and help others around the world By Kurt M. Campbell by reducing the scarcity of global and Rush Doshi MISTAKES WERE MADE supplies. BY CHINA While the United States isnʼt cur‑ ith hundreds of millions In the immediate aftermath of rently able to meet the urgent W of people now isolating the outbreak of the novel coron‑ material demands of the pandemic, themselves around the avirus, which causes the disease its continuing global edge in the world, the novel coronavirus pan‑ now referred to as COVID‑19, the life sciences and biotechnology demic has become a truly global missteps of Chinese leaders cast a can be instrumental in finding a event. And while its geopolitical pall on their countryʼs global real solution to the crisis: a vac‑ implications should be considered standing. The virus was first cine. The U.S. government can help secondary to matters of health and detected in November 2019 in the by providing incentives to U.S. labs safety, those implications may, in city of Wuhan, but officials didnʼt and companies to undertake a the long term, prove just as conse‑ disclose it for months and even medical “Manhattan Project” to quential̶especially when it punished the doctors who first Chinese President Xi Jinping visits a hospital in Wuhan, China, devise, rapidly test in clinical trials, comes to the United Statesʼ global reported it, squandering precious earlier this month. (Photo courtesy Redux) and mass‑produce a vaccine. position. time and delaying by at least five Because these efforts are costly It is now clear to all but the most weeks measures that would edu‑ vast quantities of these goods. the 2014–15 Ebola crisis, the and require dauntingly high blinkered partisans that cate the public, halt travel, and Now it is in a position to hand United States assembled and led a upfront investments, generous Washington has botched its initial enable widespread testing. As the them out to others. coalition of dozens of countries to government financing and bonus‑ response. Missteps by key institu‑ crisis worsened through January When no European state counter the spread of the disease. es for successful vaccine produc‑ tions, from the White House and and February, some observers answered Italyʼs urgent appeal for The Trump administration has so tion could make a difference. And the DHS to the CDC, have under‑ speculated that the coronavirus medical equipment and protective far shunned a similar leadership it is worth noting that despite mined confidence in the capacity might even undermine the leader‑ gear, China publicly committed to effort to respond to the coron‑ Washingtonʼs mismanagement, and competence of U.S. gover‑ ship of the Chinese Communist sending 1,000 ventilators, two mil‑ avirus. Even coordination with state and local governments, non‑ nance. Public statements by Party. It was called Chinaʼs lion masks, 100,000 respirators, allies has been lacking. profit and religious organizations, President Donald Trump have “Chernobyl”. 20,000 protective suits, and China, by contrast, has undertak‑ universities, and companies are largely served to sow confusion Yet by early March, China was 50,000 test kits. Alibaba co‑ en a robust diplomatic campaign not waiting for the federal govern‑ and spread uncertainty. Both pub‑ claiming victory. Mass quaran‑ founder Jack Ma has promised to to convene dozens of countries ment to get its act together before lic and private sectors have proved tines, a halt to travel, and a com‑ send large quantities of testing kits and hundreds of officials, general‑ taking action. U.S.‑funded compa‑ ill‑prepared to produce and dis‑ plete shutdown of most daily life and masks to the United States, as ly by videoconference, to share nies and researchers are already tribute the tools necessary for test‑ nationwide were credited with well as 20,000 test kits and information about the pandemic making progress toward a vac‑ ing and response. And internation‑ having stemmed the tide; official 100,000 masks to each of Africaʼs and lessons from Chinaʼs own cine̶though even in the best‑case ally, the pandemic has amplified statistics, such as they are, report‑ 54 countries. experience battling the disease. scenario, it will be some time Trumpʼs instincts to go it alone ed that daily new cases had fallen The United States, by contrast, Like much of Chinaʼs diplomacy, before one is ready for widespread and exposed just how unprepared into the single digits in mid‑March lacks the supply and capacity to these convening efforts are largely use. Washington is to lead a global from the hundreds in early meet many of its own demands, let conducted at the regional level or Yet even as it focuses on efforts response. February. In a surprise to most alone to provide aid in crisis zones through regional bodies. at home, Washington cannot sim‑ The status of the United States as observers, Chinese leader Xi elsewhere. The picture is grim. The ply ignore the need for a coordi‑ a global leader over the past seven Jinping̶who had been uncharac‑ U.S. Strategic National Stockpile, HOW TO LEAD nated global response. Only strong decades has been built not just on teristically quiet in the first the nationʼs reserve of critical In the current crisis, Washington leadership can solve global coordi‑ wealth and power but also on the weeks̶personally visited Wuhan. medical supplies, is believed to can still turn the tide if it proves nation problems related to travel legitimacy that flows from our Beijing is working to turn these have only one percent of the capable of doing what is expected restrictions, information sharing, domestic governance, provision of early signs of success into a larger masks and respirators and per‑ of a leader: managing the problem and the flow of critical goods. The global public goods, and ability narrative to broadcast to the rest haps ten percent of the ventilators at home, supplying global public United States has successfully pro‑ and willingness to muster and of the world̶one that makes needed to deal with the pandemic. goods, and coordinating a global vided such leadership for decades, coordinate a global response to China the essential player in a Similarly, Chinaʼs share of the U.S. response. and it must do so again. crises. So far in this coronavirus coming global recovery while air‑ antibiotics market is more than 95 For example, if the federal gov‑ That leadership will also require pandemic, Washington is faltering. brushing away its earlier misman‑ percent, and most of the ingredi‑ ernment immediately supports effectively cooperating with China, And Beijing is moving quickly and agement of the crisis. rather than getting consumed by a adeptly to take advantage of the war of narratives about who opening to position itself as the CHINA MAKES, responded better. global leader in pandemic THE WORLD TAKES Ultimately, the coronavirus response. It is working to tout its Xi understands that providing might even serve as a wake‑up call, own system, provide material global goods can burnish a rising spurring progress on other global assistance to other countries, and powerʼs leadership credentials. He challenges requiring U.S.‑Chinese even organize other governments. has spent the last several years cooperation, such as climate The sheer chutzpah of Chinaʼs pushing Chinaʼs foreign policy change. Such a step should not be move is hard to overstate. After all, apparatus to think harder about In the current crisis, Washington can still turn the seen̶and would not be seen by it was Beijingʼs own missteps̶ leading reforms to “global gover‑ the rest of the world̶as a conces‑ especially its efforts at first to nance,” and the coronavirus offers tide if it proves capable of doing what is expected sion to Chinese power. Rather, it cover up the severity and spread an opportunity to put that theory of a leader: managing the problem at home, would go some way toward restor‑ of the outbreak̶that helped cre‑ into action. Consider Chinaʼs supplying global public goods, and ing faith in the future of U.S. lead‑ ate the very crisis now afflicting increasingly well‑publicized dis‑ coordinating a global response. ership. In the current crisis, as in much of the world. Yet Beijing plays of material assistance̶ geopolitics today more generally, understands that if it is seen as including masks, respirators, venti‑ ents cannot be manufactured and subsidizes expansion of the United States can do well by leading, and Washington is seen as lators, and medicine. At the outset domestically. domestic production of masks, res‑ doing good. unable or unwilling to do so, this of the crisis, China purchased and Crisis response, however, is not pirators, and ventilators̶a perception could fundamentally produced (and received as aid) only about material goods. During response befitting the wartime Courtesy Foreign Affairs magazine

The views expressed in Op Eds are not necessarily those of The South Asian Times. 22 March 28-April 3, 2020 SUBCONTINENT

New Delhi: While there have been some concerns over India not going for aggressive testing of Covid‑19 in South Asia: Pak, Nepal Covid‑19, a larger concern in the area appears to be that of the situ‑ ation in the eight‑nation SAARC block, where the health infrastruc‑ situation a cause of concern ture in most members, especially those bordering India, is not as "Twenty‑five percent of Pakistanis Force (APF) hospital in Kathmandu advanced. are below the poverty line ... today as a dedicated medical center for While Indian PM Narendra Modi if I impose a complete lockdown Covid‑19 patients. Nepal, mean‑ had held a discussion, over video then a my country's rickshaw driv‑ while has reported two cases of conference, with his SAARC coun‑ ers, pushcart vendors, taxi drivers, coronavirus, and the low number terparts over joint efforts and to small shopkeepers, daily wage suggests less testing has been build a common fund, many are earners, all of them will be shut in done. Meanwhile, Bhutan too has wary of the abilities of countries their homes," Imran Khan said in a reported two cases of coronavirus. like Nepal to deal with the out‑ televised address to the nation. With Afghanistan recording 42 break. And then Nepal also has a The number of confirmed coron‑ cases, Sri Lanka 100 and Maldives porous border with India. avirus cases in Pakistan reached just 13, many believe it is due to a India has since created a Covid‑ 903 on March 24, while the death shortage of testing kits available 19 Emergency Fund with an initial toll stood at six, according to with these nations. offer of $10 million to meet the authorities. SAARC health professionals have costs. Sri Lanka has pledged $5 Meanwhile, Nepal, which shares decided to meet on March 26 via million, Bangladesh $1.5 million, an 1,800‑km open border with video conference to discuss the Nepal, Afghanistan $1 million India, has total 37 motorable land way forward and exchange ideas. entry points with it. Though the But with nations like Pakistan each, Maldives $200,000 and The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in Pak stands at 903. Bhutan $100,000), taking the total border are sealed but goods car‑ which refuses to go for a complete to $18.3 million. But the total pop‑ challenges. ment shortage. While more new riages will continue to flow in, lockdown or Nepal which has a ulation of SAARC nations is rough‑ For instance in Pakistan, doctors cases tumble out of the country, which raise a larger concern for very poor health infrastructure to ly 1.7 billion, and this amount is themselves have raised an alert the prime minister has advocated India itself. The Nepal government deal with such an outbreak, India way too meagre in front of the over personal protection equip‑ against a complete lockdown. is yet to develop the Armed Police has much to worry about.

6 Pak officials suspended US reduces assistance to for selfie with COVID‑19 Afghanistan over political impasse Kabul: The US has decided to reduce infected colleague assistance to Afghanistan by $1 bil‑ lion this year due to the Afghan lead‑ ership's failure to form an inclusive government, the Stat Department announced. In a statement, the Department said that the US "deeply regrets" that Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and former Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah had informed US Secretary of State Pompeo, who made a sur‑ prise visit to Kabul, that they could not agree on an inclusive govern‑ Security officials outside a quarantine facility in Sukkur, Pakistan. ment, reports Xinhua news agency. "We are today announcing a Karachi: Six district administration the deadly virus, reports Dawn responsible adjustment to our officials in Pakistan's Sindh news. "Due to the information Afghanistan President Ashraf Ghani. spending in Afghanistan and imme‑ province were suspended for tak‑ received through social media diately reducing assistance by $1 bil‑ ment added. Following his meeting winner of the presidential election ing a selfie with their colleague regarding selfie by the revenue lion this year. with Afghan leaders in Kabul recent‑ nearly five months after the voting, who tested positive for the novel staff with Irshad Ali Rajpar who "We are prepared to reduce by ly, Pompeo had a brief stay in Doha, but his rival Abdullah disputed the coronavirus, according to authori‑ recently returned from Iran and another $1 billion in 2021," said the Qatar, where he met the Taliban's result. ties. The authorities said the deputy was reported as positive case of statement, calling the Afghan leader‑ political chief Mullah Baradar. The US and the Taliban inked a commissioner of Khairpur issued a coronavirus, the following staff in ship's failure as "a direct threat to US Pompeo's surprise trip to Kabul peace deal on February 29 after notification ordering the suspen‑ the selfie are hereby placed under national interest". "Should Afghan and Doha took place amid a stale‑ rounds of marathon talks to end sion of the six revenue officials suspension with immediate effect," leaders choose to form an inclusive mate in peace talks between the America's longest war in its history, from different areas of the district said the notification. government that can provide securi‑ Afghan government and the Taliban, paving the way for the withdrawal of who unknowingly held a close A 15‑day lockdown has come ty and participate in the peace as well as an ongoing political tur‑ thousands of US troops and facilitat‑ meeting with one of their col‑ into effect in Sindh province which process, the US is prepared to sup‑ moil in the conflict‑battered country. ing intra‑Afghan dialogues to find a leagues who had returned from has reported the maximum number port these efforts and revisit the On February 18, Afghanistan's negotiated settlement to Iran and later tested positive for of coronavirus cases in the country. reviews initiated today," the state‑ Election Commission declared Ghani Afghanistan's lingering crisis. Bangladesh says it will free jailed opposition leader Khaleda Zia

angladesh will suspend the instructions of the prime minister," clear exactly when she would be Khaleda in response to appeals from Bjail sentence of its ailing for‑ Law Minister Anisul Huq said at a freed. Khaleda, 74, who has twice her family, Huq said. mer prime minister and media briefing. been prime minister, has been in jail Khaleda, who shares a long‑stand‑ opposition leader Khaleda Zia and "She can receive treatment staying since she was convicted in a corrup‑ ing rivalry with incumbent Prime release her for a period of six at her home, but she cannot go tion case in February 2018. She was Minister Sheikh Hasina, was later months, the nation's law minister has abroad." accused of misusing her power by convicted in a separate corruption said. He said the Ministry of Home embezzling some $250,000 in dona‑ case following her initial conviction "We have decided to release her on Affairs will issue a notification for tions meant for an orphanage trust. in early 2018. humanitarian grounds as per the her release. It was not immediately The government decided to release (Al Jazeera) BUSINESS March 28-April 3, 2020 23

Pandemic to deliver deep economic shock globally: Report

New Delhi: With one‑fifth of the world's population now under lock‑ down and industries shutting oper‑ 21‑day lockdown to derail ations amid global supply chain issues, the new coronavirus pan‑ demic is set to deliver a sharp and India's economic juggernaut deep economic shock, a new report New Delhi: As the Indian econo‑ ence of public fear factor (even said on Tuesday. my eagerly awaits a financial after the lockdown ends) ‑‑ a high According to analysts at package to prevent the COVID‑19 risk that the livelihoods of the BlackRock Investment Institute, pandemic from causing major predominantly unorganised market moves are reminiscent of harm, a new report said on workforce will be hit and a sharp the darkest days of the financial cri‑ Wednesday that the 21‑day increase in corporate and bank‑ sis, but they don't think this is a nationwide lockdown will result ing sector stress, which are likely repeat of 2008. in a direct output loss of nearly to further weigh on growth is "Stringent containment and social The global economy is expected to contract 1.5 per cent in 2020 4.5 per cent, with further indirect beyond Q2 in H2 2020," the distancing policies will bring eco‑ amid the coronavirus pandemic. effects. According to Tokyo‑based report warned. nomic activity to a near standstill, financial services group Nomura, The report said that the lock‑ and lead to a sharp contraction in to prevent disruptions that could cent in 2020 amid the coronavirus nearly 75 per cent of the econo‑ down is essential to slow COVID‑ growth for the second quarter. cause lasting economic damage," pandemic. my will be shutdown, resulting in 19 transmission, "but this will "However, provided bold policy the March update from the institute "We cut our global growth fore‑ a direct output loss of approxi‑ come at a very heavy economic actions are taken to bridge house‑ added. The Indian economy, that cast from 2.6 to 0.4 per cent in the mately 4.5 per cent. cost in the short term with poten‑ holds and businesses through the had already slowed down before last two weeks, but the building "Additionally, there will be indi‑ tial medium‑term spillover shock, activity should return rapid‑ the outbreak of coronavirus, is in COVID‑19 pandemic, the OPEC rect effects such as the persist‑ effects". ly with limited permanent econom‑ for a more difficult period in the price war and mounting credit ic damage," the analysts said in a coming months with businesses stress in advanced and emerging already in recession, with negative (OECD) has said that the global note. almost coming to a standstill. markets continue to reshape the growth in the first quarter and economy will suffer for years to "This includes drastic public According to the Washington‑ picture in fundamental ways," the large contractions in the second come due to the coronavirus pan‑ health measures to stem the spread based Institute of International IIF said in a report. quarter. demic, adding that the "economic of the infection, as well as coordi‑ Finance (IIF), the global economy The report also suggested that The Organization for Economic shock was already bigger than the nated monetary and fiscal policies was expected to contract 1.5 per both the US and the Euro area were Co‑operation and Development financial crisis". WB, IMF ask creditors G20 finance officials mull joint to suspend debt plan in response to COVID‑19 of poor countries Riyadh: The G20 finance minis‑ Washington: Washington‑ ters and central bank governors based World Bank Group have agreed during a televised together with the meeting to develop a joint G20 International Monetary Action Plan in response to the Fund (IMF) has called on COVID‑19, said a statement by all its official bilateral the G20 Saudi secretariat. creditors to suspend debt Saudi Finance Minister repayments of poor coun‑ Mohammed Al‑Jadaan opened tries that receive loans the meeting by stressing the need The Saudi Arabian G20 Presidency was set to host the virtual G20 from its concessionary to step up joint efforts and act Summit on response to the COVID‑19 pandemic on March 26. window and help them decisively in a coordinated man‑ tackle challenges posed ner to safeguard the stability of al economy, he said. stronger economic growth. by the coronavirus outbreak. ment of the crisis impact and the global economic and financial He highlighted that the G20 Furthermore, G20 finance min‑ About the quarter of the financing needs for each coun‑ markets. Since the last meeting of should be ready to undertake fur‑ isters and governors discussed world population lived in coun‑ try," the joint statement added. G20 finance ministers and cen‑ ther emergency response to ways for stepping up coordinated tries that qualified for conces‑ There are 76 IDA countries tral bank governors in February, address the global crisis and set a efforts by bilateral and multilat‑ sionary assistance under the including Afghanistan, the global economic outlook has vision for the medium‑ and long‑ eral creditors to address the risks International Development Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, significantly deteriorated and the term actions that will foster a of debt vulnerabilities, especially Assistance (IDA ) credit. This is Nepal and Pakistan. Sri Lanka, global spread of the COVID‑19 rapid recovery in the economy in low‑income countries, amid also the most vulnerable group Vietnam and Bolivia graduated pandemic has impacted the glob‑ and catalyze the potential for the COVID‑19 pandemic. during the current Covid‑19 from IDA at the end of the outbreak and needs support 2017 financial year, but will from the developed world rep‑ receive transitional support on India likely to go in for a $18 billion recovery package resented by the G‑20 countries. an exceptional basis through New Delhi: India is said to be bloodbath for past couple of weeks. initial boost to consumption. This "With immediate effect and the IDA18 period (financial preparing a more than $18 billion The centre and capital markets reg‑ segment may also be given relief on consistent with national laws of years 2018‑20), according to recovery and sustainability package ulator Sebi are considering tempo‑ EMI repayments as its payment the creditor countries, the the World Bank. for its industries and large work‑ rary removal of tax on share buy‑ may be deferred by a few months. World Bank Group and the The joint statement further force in the unorganized sector, backs and on long‑term capital "Saving rates might come down International Monetary Fund invited G20 leaders to task the industry sources in the know said gains (LTCG). This would be big drastically, so will lending rates," an call on all official bilateral cred‑ WB and the IMF to make these on Wednesday. booster for investors at this time of industry expert, who closely works itors to suspend debt payments assessments, including identify‑ Not just putting direct cash in the continuous market slide as buy‑ with both the government and pri‑ from IDA countries that request ing the countries with unsus‑ 'Jan Dhan' accounts of millions, the backs would allow investors to exit vate sector said. forbearance," the two agencies tainable debt situations, and to government is likely to reduce GST at better prices while removal of "All options are on the table, not said in a joint statement. prepare a proposal for compre‑ on essential items including hand tax on LTCG will help in bringing just direct cash transfer." "This will help with IDA coun‑ hensive action by the official sanitizers and also allow companies more investors to the market. However, direct cash transfer is tries' immediate liquidity needs bilateral creditors to address the benefit of deferred corporate Furthermore, the Centre's finan‑ being considered as the most to tackle the challenges posed both the financing and debt taxes in lieu of employment retain‑ cial arsenal is likely to be supple‑ favored remedy to deal with the sit‑ by the coronavirus outbreak relief needs of the IDA coun‑ ment. The fiscal package may also mented by easy cash availability for uation followed by a GST and lend‑ and allow time for an assess‑ tries. cover the market that has seen a the middle class segment to give an ing rate cuts. 24 March 28-April 3, 2020 INTERNATIONAL ISIS claims responsibility for massacre of 27 Sikhs in Kabul New Delhi/Kabul: The Islamic minority community, especially State Khorasan (ISKP) has at this time of COVID‑19 pan‑ claimed responsibility for the ter‑ demic, is reflective of the diaboli‑ ror attack on a Gurudwara in cal mindset of the perpetrators central Kabul in which at least 27 and their backers. members of the Sikh community "We commend the brave were killed on March 25. Afghan security forces for their Sources said while one suicide valorous response to the attack bomber detonated himself at the and their exemplary courage and entrance, three IS terrorists dedication to protect the Afghan stormed the shrine in the people and secure the country. Shorbazar area. Around 150 peo‑ India stands in solidarity with ple were worshipping in the the people, the government and Gurudwara at the time of the the security forces of attack. Afghanistan in their efforts for However, the security forces bringing peace and security to rescued around 80 worshippers the country." from the Gurudwara. The Sikhs Reacting to the terror attack, constitute a minuscule minority India's Housing and Urban in Afghanistan. Minister and a former diplomat Afghan security forces killed all tweeted, three terrorists in a day‑long " on a Gurudwara gun‑battle after which NATO sol‑ Sahib in Kabul needs to be diers helped with the clearance Security forces rescued around 80 worshippers from the gurudwara.(credit: strongly condemned. These operation. killings are a grim reminder of Though initial reports from Violence in Afghanistan contin‑ extended condolences to the ready to extend all possible assis‑ atrocities that continue to be Kabul suggested that the Ashraf ues unabated even as the US and immediate family members of tance to the affected families of inflicted upon religious minori‑ Ghani government had blamed Taliban have signed a peace deal, the deceased and wished speedy the Hindu and Sikh community ties in some countries and the the Pakistan‑backed Haqqani which entails withdrawal of the recovery to the injured. of Afghanistan." urgency with which their lives network for the terror attack, but US forces. India strongly con‑ In an official statement, the "Such cowardly attacks on the and religious freedom have to be the Taliban denied its role. demned the terror attack and government said, "India stands places of religious worship of the safeguarded." Prince Charles declared Assange denied bail amid COVID‑19 positive coronavirus fears London: A UK court has denied bail to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is fighting extradition to the US, after his attorneys expressed concerns that he would be at particular risk if he contracted the novel coronavirus in prison. Judge Vanessa Baraitser of the Westminster Magistrates Court rejected the lawyers' argument that their client could easily become infected with the virus at London's Belmarsh Prison and that his life would be at risk in the event of contagion due to his poor health after eight years of confinement, reports Efe news. The request was made after the British govern‑ ment said it planned to temporarily release some inmates in a bid to reduce the spread of the deadly virus in the country's prison system. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is wanted In issuing her ruling, the district judge said she in the US on an 18‑count indictment. had no reason to doubt the effectiveness of the Britain's Prince Charles has displayed mild measures Belmarsh has adopted to combat the coro‑ Assange is wanted in the US on an 18‑count indict‑ symptoms of the virus. navirus and said the 48‑year‑old Australian is not ment, including violations of the Espionage Act, for the only inmate at risk from the pandemic. She London: Britain's Prince The couple were now self‑iso‑ "offenses that relate to Assange's alleged role in one accepted the argument of Clair Dobbin, the attorney Charles has tested positive for lating in royal residence of the largest compromises of classified information representing US authorities, who said Assange poses coronavirus, but is "otherwise Balmoral in Scotland, the in the history of the US", according to a Department a flight risk and will not return and attend his extra‑ in good health", his spokesman spokesman said, adding it was of Justice statement issued in May 2019. dition hearing if he was released. said. "not possible to ascertain from If found guilty on each of the 18 counts, Assange Dobbin also argued that the WikiLeaks founder The Prince of Wales, 71, is whom the prince caught the could be sentenced to as much as 180 years behind was not among the demographic group (people 60 "displaying mild symptoms, but virus". bars. years or older) for whom the virus poses a particu‑ otherwise remains in good Charles is not the first mem‑ Assange had initially been charged in April 2019 larly serious risk. health", the spokesman said, ber of the royalty to test posi‑ with violating cyber security laws in 2009 and 2010 But Assange's attorney, Edward Fitzgerald, said his reported the BBC. tive for COVID‑19. to assist then‑US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea client suffers from mental health issues and a pul‑ The Duchess of Cornwall has Prince Albert of Monaco has Manning in gaining access to classified information monary disease that would make him especially vul‑ also been tested but does not also tested positive. intended for publication by WikiLeaks. nerable to the disease, an argument supported by have the virus, he added. Conviction on that charge would have entailed a written medical testimony. maximum prison sentence of five years. HEALTH March 28-April 3, 2020 25 The why of ancestral wisdom to prevent COVID-19

rather than focusing on microbiolo‑ available online and at ing and share with friends and family. sweep particles out. ENT doctors led gy. Mistranslated as parasites and, the US retailer of Before your coffee or chai, sip on a by IW Maina showed their role in ghost by European translators in the Arya Vaidya Sala‑Kottakkal products fresh herbal decoction. Forego fancy upper airway innate immunity. last century, the terms krimi and directly from . Modern scientif‑ teabags claiming they contain tulsi, bhuta actually refer to those living ic research has focused on guduchi as many are simply bleached filter 8.07.003 By Bhaswati beings that interact with the human for allergies and colds, but it is effec‑ paper and old herbs. Use powder Keep the nose moist in the morn‑ Bhattacharya, body but are not easily visible to the tive for improving immunity of the only if you cannot access fresh herbs. ing, so that microbes cannot pene‑ MPH (Harvard), MD (Family normal human eye, ie microbes. This gut too. Keep skin moist. Try to sweat daily trate dry parched membranes. Medicine), PhD (Ayurveda- is unfortunate because modern Guduchi is timely now, knowing its for 10‑15 minutes before showering As spring arrives with allergy sea‑ BHU) researchers have lost access to some successful use over millennia boost‑ by doing housework, climbing stairs, son, Nasya oil is like protective gloves of the human race's oldest preserved ing immunity and vyadhi‑ksamatva, or floor workouts. Check for fever in for the nasal cavity! Nasya oil such clinical wisdom. staving off viral infections especially all household members if anyone has as Anu Thailam is also an excellent Preventive care at the change of seasons, rtusandhi. symptoms of weakness, cough, or pillar of self‑care and contains the The first phase is prevention, when ME Martinezʼs phenology work in canʼt smell or taste usual strong bitter herbs we need now. It keeps a person is not infected and does not PLOS Pathogens Nov 2018, smells. microbes from penetrating the want to become infected. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1007327, Herbs work in the gut to keep mucous linings of the nose and sinus. Understanding the corona virus, we explains seasonal rhythms and virol‑ digestion clean, gut microbiome This time of year many people suf‑ must keep our immunity up, our ogy in The Calendar of Epidemics, happy, and prevent the immune sys‑ fer with dry nose from the overactive lungs healthy and clean, and our echoing rtucarya and seasonal roles tem from being preoccupied with heaters in winter homes. Use 2‑4 gutʼs digestive fires clean. for janapada‑uddhvansa, epidemics. indigestible antigens in the gut. S. drops daily, either in the nose before For prevention, Ayurveda offers us Cautionary care Anand reviewed the connections your morning walk, or after you many plant‑based formulations that Herbs for prana‑vaha‑srotas between gut and lung illnesses in shower, or before bed. Be sure to use do not have the side effect profiles (ENT+respiratory channel) have 2018. doi:10.3389/fmicb. 2018. a nasya oil based in sesame oil, as that all pharmaceutical medicines resolved patientsʼ self‑reported post‑ 02147 coconut oil is too thick for the headʼs ncient Ayurvedic wisdom have. They are powerful anti‑virals nasal drip and respiratory discom‑ The importance of ruchi, the sense already mucous‑prone canals. Opt for offers care for 4 phases of A because plants make the best anti‑ forts for millennia. You may use fresh of hunger and appetite, is associated a cleansing Nasya oil made by some‑ care of infectious microbes: virals on the planet. These medicines ginger, lemon, black pepper, pippali, with a proper function of smell and one who knows the ancient recipes preventive, cautionary, mildly symp‑ are considered legal Ayurvedic medi‑ guduchi, tulsi leaves, vasa, kantakari, taste. When loss of those perceptions and why particular ingredients are tomatic, and moderately sympto‑ cines in India and as dietary supple‑ cinnamon, cardamom and long pep‑ occurs, known in medical language combined, rather than a holistic non‑ matic. Unfortunately, the Ayurvedic ments in the USA. per. For mild symptoms of dry throat anosmia and ageusia, caution must ayurvedic venture. Indian community of vaidyas who The best medicine for boosting a or post‑nasal drip and dry cough with be taken. Ayurvedic prescriptions have great clinical experience, has The author is Clinical Asst healthy immune system is guduchi no fever, sip on 4‑6 oz of decoctions include starting each lunch and din‑ largely been discluded from the Professor of Medicine, Weill (Tinospora cordifolia), also known as twice daily. Boil herbs in water until ner meal with a bitter dish. research and care efforts underway Cornell Medical College, New giloy or gilroy in different parts of the water boils away to half or ¼ of Neem leaves, bitter melon/karela, worldwide, partly due to their inabili‑ York Fulbright Specialist in India. Tablets and powders are easily its original quantity. or methi saag are rituals in Indian ty to articulate practical hints with Global Public Health specializ‐ available at Ayurveda outlets. Some Quick Recipe: Boil 1 stick yastimad‑ meals because they stimulate our modern logic. ing in Integrative Medicine‐ of the herb companies such as hu, add 1 tsp Trikatu Churna immune system! Bitter herbs interact Microbes are known as krimi or Ayurveda 2018‐2021 Mountain Rose Herbs, Frontier (shunthi, pippali, kali mirch), add 3 with taste receptors in the nose and bhuta in Sanskrit. Ayurveda under‑ Contact:, Herbs, Banyan Botanicals, Organic tulsi leaves, 1/8 tsp cinnamon, and mouth, setting off production of stood microbes amazingly well by Ph: 212 645 6745, India, and Ayush Herbs. Guduchi 1/8 tsp saindhava lavana. Sip the mucous to protect cells and prevent focusing on what happens in humans [email protected] Sattva is one of the best preparations, decoction with happiness each morn‑ invasion, and activate cell hairs to Sanjay Gupta: CNNʼs go‑to‑doc on corona crisis By SATimes Team do extraordinary work. In 2017, Gupta reported from In 2009, Gupta embedded with the frontlines of a breakdown in r Sanjay Gupta has been a the US Army's 82nd Airborne, the medical infrastructure of Dfamiliar face as a go‑to accompanying them on life‑saving Puerto Rico, which was devastated expert on medical issue on rescue missions in Afghanistan. In by Hurricane Maria. CNN for two decades. But since 2010, he reported on the devas‑ Over the last few years, Gupta the coronavirus outbreak, more so tating earthquake in Haiti, for has increasingly focused on long‑ now with its spread in America, which he was awarded two form reporting. He is the host of you see him in almost every Emmys. the CNN Original Series "Chasing hourly segment, analyzing the During the rollout of Life with Dr. Sanjay Gupta," which fast‑moving crisis, answering in 2013, millions follows his travels around the questions from CNNʼs anchors and experienced glitches in the online world in search of the secret to liv‑ from the public. He is also per‑ portal. Gupta spoke exclusively ing longer, healthier and happier. forming the unenviable role of cri‑ with HHS Secretary Kathleen Gupta has been named one of tiquing the Trump administra‑ Sebelius about the magnitude of PEOPLE magazine's "Sexiest Men Dr Sanjay Gupta played himself in the 2011 movie ʻContagionʼ, tionʼs response to the pandemic, the botched website launch, for Alive," a "pop culture icon" by USA which is being revisited because its storyline has an uncanny managing to do so without sound‑ which she took responsibility. Today and one of the "Ten Most resemblance to the ongoing corona pandemic. ing biased or as one out to get In 2014, he was the first west‑ Influential Celebrities" by Forbes Trump. His weighty resume uncanny resemblance to the ongo‑ was elected to the National ern reporter who traveled to Magazine. notwithstanding, he is a comfort‑ ing corona pandemic. Academy of Medicine, considered Guinea in Africa to investigate the Gupta, who has his MD degree ing presence on your TV screen Broadcast journalism celebrity one of the highest honors in the deadly Ebola outbreak that would from the University of Michigan who endears by making some aside, Dr Gupta is an associate medical field. soon find its way to the United Medical School, is married to cute, kiddish expressions you professor of neurosurgery at In January 2009, when Barack States for the first time in history. Rebecca Olson, a family law attor‑ never expect to see on news pro‑ Emory University Hospital and Obama become President, he was Gupta also extensively covered the ney. They live in Atlanta and have grams. associate chief of neurosurgery at considered for the coveted posi‑ Flint, Michigan, water crisis and three daughters. Incidentally, Dr Gupta played Grady Memorial Hospital in tion of Surgeon General, but he Pulse nightclub shooting in Gupta is of Punjabi and Sindhi himself in the 2011 movie Atlanta. He serves as a diplomate withdrew his name perhaps to Orlando. That same year, he mod‑ descent. His Indian immigrant ʻContagionʼ, which is being revisit‑ of the American Board of focus on his career in broadcast erated a panel with President parents are engineers for Ford ed because its storyline has an Neurosurgery. And in 2019, he journalism, where he went on to Obama on the opioid crisis. Motor Company. 26 March 28-April 3, 2020 LIFESTYLE Work from home master class: How to stay productive orking from home good lunches for yourself since another option, and many WFH vets Patterson swears by noise‑can‑ Wsounded great when office mates arenʼt going to use both. celling headphones. Look into a you could do it occa‑ steal your food. (Well, maybe Jason Patterson of Bucktown wireless set that also has Bluetooth sionally, but now just about every‑ the kids will.) Treat yourself to works in software and has had a capabilities for phone calls, like the one is in full‑blown WFH mode a pretty water bottle to stay home office for four years. He said ones from JLab Audio. amid the spread of the coron‑ hydrated. better routers, such as Google Control your day avirus. Get better tech Nestʼs Router, and Wi‑Fi extenders Part of working from an office is If youʼre lucky enough to work Sharon Angelus, a web ana‑ are critical. “Home connectivity is camaraderie, and working from from home all the time, youʼve got lyst in Woodridge who has extremely important because youʼre home means no water cooler it down. But If youʼre a newbie, worked from home for about not going to be at your desk all day. chitchat. While sometimes that working from home can be (Image courtesy: 10 years, said having bigger Youʼll probably walk around the break is good, other times it can be fraught with challenges. Thereʼs no monitors and higher internet house to take a call and you might distracting, especially when youʼre tech support down the hall, and The Edge Desk is only $399, and speeds are a must. She also uses an work on the internet in a different trying to get work done. Keep a thereʼs no chatting up your col‑ a vast improvement over the external hard drive for backing up part of the house.” work schedule and include some league when youʼre bored. If you ergonomic nightmare of working at data; Seagate has a version with 2 For noise, from the loud neighbor stretches, short walks and smart live alone, your place might be qui‑ the kitchen table. If you donʼt want terabytes of space for about $90. to the everyoneʼs favorite, the sound HIIT routines in between those busy eter than a meditation retreat, but if to splurge for an office chair, at Cloud‑based data backups are of a jackhammer on the street, calls. (source: you and the fam are stuck inside, it least make your current seating might be louder than a rock con‑ comfortable. cert. Remain calm. Surround yourself with what Tips to effectively manage remote workers To help the uninitiated, hereʼs an makes you happy insight on how to adjust to the new Have fresh flowers on your desk n changed work place scenario nels to communicate. Then, plan a willing to embrace a remote work‑ work routine. weekly, use incense sticks to relax Iwith majority of workforce com‑ regularly scheduled face‑to‑face force because there's an uncertainty Make it comfortable or an essential oil diffuser and a pelled to operate remotely from meeting. This can be weekly, about whether or not the work will Even if working from home is foot massager. In short make a nice their homes it can be difficult for monthly, or annually, and could be get completed at the same level as if temporary, consider an inexpensive environment around you. many managers to come to grips combined with a training or coach‑ they were in the office. To combat mobile desk. Splurge on nicer beverages or with the situation. To give man‑ ing program. This constant interac‑ this belief, set up work‑from‑home agers some guidance, members of tion and engagement will help guidelines, such as emails must be Forbes Coaches Council provide top remote workers feel included in an responded to within 24 hours, use Zoom gains immense tips for companies to both embrace important aspect of the organiza‑ text for urgent matters, and no calls and better manage a remote work‑ tion. ‑ Barbara OMalley, Exec between certain hours to make sure force. Hereʼs what they recommend: Advance LLC teammates are not working around traction with millions 1. Set clear expectations 3. Schedule video‑based coaching the clock. ‑ LaKiesha Tomlin, Thriving Ambition, Inc Everyone has a different idea of I think it's incumbent, especially 5. Make it feel inclusive forced to work remotely what doing something "quickly" or with virtual employees, to schedule "well" means. Whether showing time and look at one another when Too often, it's easy to just relegate ven as millions remote staff to secondary consider‑ of users start examples of what you expect to be you're speaking. We use Zoom to E done, calendar sharing, etc., make work with our clients and our ation. This can be overcome with working from sure you have clear expectations employees. If we do not schedule virtual meetings and staff partner‑ home amid coron‑ ships. Consider assigning remote avirus outbreak, from those you work with online. time or talk with one another and The more prepared they are, the hopefully face to face, silence staff with a local point of contact remote working apps where communication and connec‑ and platforms are gain‑ better they can serve. ‑ Ilean Harris, becomes very loud and dangerous, Ilean Harris as remote employees might end up tion are valued. Do expect there to ing huge traction. be a ramp‑up period filled with Zoom, a remote confer‑ 2. Engage regularly wondering how they're doing. ‑ Tim Hagen, Progress Coaching clear steps, expectations and check‑ encing service, has Engage your remote workers on a ins to ensure the process is fully 4. Trust your team suddenly become the daily basis through some kind of embraced. ‑ Laura DeCarlo, Career talk of the town, espe‑ On Playstore Zoom has crossed communication. Use multiple chan‑ Sometimes, companies are not Directors International cially in the West 10 M download mark where itʼs more popu‑ lar.Zoom essentially delivers a com‑ grounds which have helped bination of video conferencing, increase the popularity. Laughter is the Best Medicine online meetings, chat, and mobile “The usability and the reliability collaboration. It competes with of Zoom is what has led to this other professional conferencing incredible adoption, combined platforms such as Google Hangouts with, honestly, the generosity of and Microsoftʼs Skype. The platform Eric and his willingness to open it was launched by Eric Yuan in 2011. up especially to the schools,” Zoom Yuan earlier worked with Cisco CFO Kelly Steckelberg told CNBC. Systems and its collaboration unit Zoomʼs user base has seen a WebEx as lead engineer. sharp rise in the last few weeks. With companies moving almost According to Apptopia, the plat‑ every communication to virtual, itʼs form saw about 600,000 new not surprising these teleconferenc‑ downloads last Sunday. This was ing apps are seeing a meteoric rise the highest ever download in a sin‑ in growth. In the case of Zoom, the gle day for the company. According platform is gaining its popularity for to AppAnnie, Zoom raced to the top its ease‑of‑use as well as features of rankings in the free apps cate‑ that align with the IT policies for gories in several markets. most of the company. The platform (the US version) is For instance, Zoom is available on said to have gained more monthly Android as well as PCs. The confer‑ active users in the first quarter of encing calls can have up to 100 par‑ this year than the total number in ticipants for meetings under 40 total 2019. On Play Store, Zoom By Mahendra Shah minutes. This for the free users has gone past 10 million down‑ while paid subscribers can have loads. What Zoom didnʼt see com‑ Mahendra Shah is an architect by education, entrepreneur by profession, artist and humorist, cartoonist more flexibility. It also offers some ing was a surge in the use of tele‑ and writer by hobby. He has been recording the plight of the immigrant Indians for the past many year in his more interesting features such as conferencing calls for non‑profes‑ cartoons. Hailing from Gujarat, he lives in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. auto‑transcription and virtual back‑ sional purposes. SPORTS March 28-April 3, 2020 27 Japan, IOC agree to postpone Olympics by a year Tokyo: The 2020 Tokyo Olympics has been postponed. Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said on Chess Olympiad Tuesday that he has reached an agreement with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to hold postponed till 2021 the Games in 2021. The IOC and New Delhi: The 2020 edition of decision. the Tokyo 2020 Organizing the chess Olympiad, scheduled "Taking into account the Committee later said in a joint to be held in Moscow, has been reports from the World Health statement that the committee's postponed due to the ongoing Organization (WHO) indicating president Thomas Bach and Abe coronavirus pandemic, the constant increase in the agreed that the Games have to be International Chess Federation number of cases worldwide, and "rescheduled to a date beyond (FIDE) has announced. given today's IOC statement 2020 but not later than summer The FIDE, in a statement, said regarding the Tokyo 2020 2021." that the International Olympic Olympic games, FIDE has decid‑ This thus makes it the first Committee's (IOC) decision to ed to postpone the 44th Chess Olympics to be postponed with the This is the first Olympics to be postponed with the Games postpone the 2020 Tokyo Olympiad (including the compe‑ Games being cancelled previously being cancelled previously in 1916 due to the World War I Olympics was a factor apart tition for players with disabili‑ in 1916 due to the First World War and 1940 and 1944 due to the World War II. from the spread of coronavirus ties) and the FIDE Congress," and 1940 and 1944 due to the that prompted it to take the said FIDE. Second World War. than summer 2021, to safeguard Olympic and Paralympic Games The joint statement said that the the health of the athletes, every‑ Tokyo 2020." Chairman of the British Olympic weekend to more than 4,000 ath‑ postponement comes in response body involved in the Olympic The IOC has in recent weeks Association has said Great Britain letes on the coronavirus pandemic to the coronavirus pandemic that Games and the international com‑ come under increasing pressure would be unlikely to send a team to and the Games, and they received has led to restrictions over people's munity," said the statement. from a number of quarters to Tokyo this summer while Australia responses from 1,780, reports movements in countries around the "The leaders agreed that the announce a postponement with and Canada had already said they Xinhua news agency. world. The pandemic has thus far Olympic Games in Tokyo could restrictions on movement of people will not compete in Japan this year The Canadian Olympic and claimed over 16,500 lives globally. stand as a beacon of hope to the being set in countries around the due to the coronavirus pandemic. Paralympic Committees announced "In the present circumstances world during these troubled times world due to the coronavirus pan‑ The United States Olympic and on Sunday that they will not send a and based on the information pro‑ and that the Olympic flame could demic that has claimed over Paralympic Committee said that delegation of athletes to the Tokyo vided by the WHO today, the IOC become the light at the end of the 16,500 lives as on Tuesday. "the path toward postponement" of Games unless they were postponed. President and the Prime Minister of tunnel in which the world finds Abe had previously said that a the Tokyo Games is "most promis‑ Australia's Olympic Committee Japan have concluded that the itself at present. Therefore, it was postponement is unavoidable if the ing" after surveying about 2,000 also released a similar statement, Games of the XXXII Olympiad in agreed that the Olympic flame will 2020 Games cannot be held in a American athletes. saying that its athletes should pre‑ Tokyo must be rescheduled to a stay in Japan. It was also agreed complete manner amid the coron‑ The US Olympic and Paralympic pare for a Tokyo Olympic Games date beyond 2020 but not later that the Games will keep the name avirus pandemic, according to NHK. Committee sent a survey over the "in the northern summer of 2021." Trump describes NBA launches 'NBA Together' in Olympic postponement response to COVID‑19 New York: The National created public service 'wise & great' Basketball Association (NBA) announcement videos to share has launched "NBA Together", a important health and wellness Tokyo: Japanese Prime Minister global community and social information about ways to Shinzo Abe heard from US engagement campaign that reduce the spread of the coron‑ President Donald Trump during aims to support, engage, edu‑ avirus, generating more than 37 phone talks that the decision to cate and inspire youth, families million views across the league's postpone the Tokyo Olympics for and fans in response to the social media accounts. one year was the right one, coronavirus pandemic. The program is centered on Japan's top government Built on the principal of "big‑ four pillars ‑‑ Know the Facts, spokesperson said Wednesday. ger than basketball" in the wake of the global pan‑ Acts of Caring, Expand Your Community and NBA Chief Cabinet Secretary demic, the league is using its vast digital footprint Together Live ‑‑ that will amplify the latest global Yoshihide Suga told a press con‑ and the powerful voices of teams, players, coaches, health and safety information, share guidelines and ference after the call that Trump doctors and others across the NBA family to sail resources, and keep people and communities social‑ had described the move to delay through the tough times. ly connected through digital tools and virtual events the games amid the coronavirus Over the past week, 18 NBA and WNBA players as everyone copes with the impact of the pandemic. pandemic as a "wise and great" decision, reports Xinhua news agency. Japanese Prime Minister "President Trump repeatedly Shinzo Abe. said the postponement was a very wise and great decision and he July. Abe had previously intimat‑ expressed support for the prime ed that the summer Olympics minister's stance," Suga said. should be postponed if they can‑ The International Olympic not be held in their complete Committee (IOC) board a day ear‑ form. lier agreed to postpone the quad‑ Abe and Trump confirmed they rennial event to 2021 owing to would work closely to realize the major concerns over the global games in a "complete" way as COVID‑19 pandemic. "proof that humankind has beat‑ IOC President Thomas Bach and en the virus," Suga also said, the Japanese leader on Tuesday adding that the two leaders also evening agreed to delay the pledged to work together to tack‑ games in a telephone call, which le the global coronavirus pan‑ were originally scheduled for demic. 28 March 28-April 3, 2020 IMMIGRATION

Coronavirus or Covid 19, whatever you call it… itʼs messing things up! Status options for those in the United States By Dev Banad require an interview in order to get uals, filing for an extension may be remain in legal status and author‑ Viswanath, Esq. their green card through adjust‑ prudent. Or for individuals who ized stay. All of these options are VISA ment of status. Therefore, those have used up the maximum amount readily available and almost never e already discussed how individuals being filed by their chil‑ of time on their current visa/status, require an interview so there are no this pandemic has dis‑ dren can continue to do so and may a change of status may be a very delays. W in fact get their green card without viable option to allow them to stay. If you or a loved one have any rupted visa processing TALK through consulates…. Indefinite any coronavirus delay. And for peo‑ In fact, we are seeing many B2, concerns of your visa status or visa suspension at most US consular ple who would like to file for their I‑ F1, OPT, J1, H1, and L1 status hold‑ would like to take action to protect posts. But now the question of how to continue to process their 751 Removal of Condition applica‑ ers who are in need to file for and yourself, please consult with an remains, what options are available permanent residence can consider tions and N‑400 Naturalization extension of status or for a change experience and knowledgeable for people already in the United whether they are eligible for adjust‑ Applications, those applications are to another visa category in order to attorney. States. ment of status. Also, immigrant visa continuing as usual. But no inter‑ There are some folks that have processing is continuing with the views will be scheduled in the near Dev Banad Viswanath is the Principal approved immigrant petitions. For National Visa Center. So if your future. Given the time lines for pro‑ Attorney of The Banad Law Offices PC estimates are about 9 months to cessing no interviews will be sched‑ example I‑130 petitions, I‑140 peti‑ in the United States, one year away on an interview then uled for many months anyway, so tions, and if the visa numbers are and Banad Immigration in India for which you can continue to do your visa starting the process now is perfect‑ available, people who initially want‑ Attorney Michael Phulwani is also affiliated processing through the NVC, but ed to file for an immigrant visa ly fine. These are petitions and as Of Counsel. With Offices in Manhattan, because of their schedules and con‑ understand that since no visa applications that are perfectly fine Queens, Bangalore, and Mumbai, the firm is veniences, may now consider appointments can be scheduled at to be filed at any time. able to assist clients with all facets of the whether they are eligible and can the moment, down the road appli‑ For those in less permanent situa‑ immigration process, including file for adjustment of status (I‑485 cants may need to redo their police tions, we can consider Extensions of Employment Visas, Consular Visa Assistance, applications). Adjustment of Status clearance certificates and medical Status and Change of Status to Student Visas, Removal & Deportation, US is a perfectly reasonable way to evaluations and possibly add for other visa categories or to maintain Citizenship and Green Card Applications continue the path towards lawful current tax information for the affi‑ the current status. In fact, there are based on Family or Employment. Dev B. Viswanath can be reached at permanent residence for those davit of support documents. Also, many people who may be in the US [email protected] and 718‑361‑5999. already in the United States. Any for parents for US Citizens, they are on a B1 or B2 Visitor Visa but who person that is caught in a dilemma immediate relatives and may not cannot travel, and for those individ‑ Changes to the US immigration system during the corona pandemic s the United States responds to the announced it is suspending its in‑person Acoronavirus pandemic, the Trump services till April 1, including all inter‑ administration has made sweeping views and naturalization ceremonies, to changes to the country's immigration help mitigate the spread of coronavirus. apparatus ICE reschedules in‑person check‑ins and Against the backdrop of the outbreak, pushes back timeline for recent arrivals: the Trump administration is also trying to ICE notified congressional staffers that it move forward with some of its most will temporarily reschedule in‑person restrictionist policies that have struggled appointments of immigrants who are not to be put into practice, including blocking in detention to "minimize the impact" of entry to asylum seekers. coronavirus. The agency will also allow Citing the "unscreened" and "unvetted" those recently released from the southern people who come into the US across the border to check in at 60 days, instead of southern border, President Donald Trump 30 days. said last Friday that the border would be ICE pauses social visitation at detention sealed off "mostly, and even beyond, but facilities; ICE said it ceased social visita‑ mostly during this global pandemic." tion in all of its detention facilities. The Below is a list of the changes to the agency had previously announced that it immigration system over recent days: had put protocols in place, in accordance US and Mexico limit cross‑border travel: with guidance from the CDC, to protect The US and Mexico announced March 20 A woman speaks with U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers, pleading her staff and detainees. they're limiting nonessential travel across case to be allowed to cross at the Mexico border touching California. Migrant children no longer placed in their shared border to curb movement (Photo courtesy The San Diego Union Tribune) Washington state and California: The during the pandemic. Exceptions include Office of Refugee Resettlement, the feder‑ traveling for medical purposes or work, or focus on those who pose a public safety detention. al agency tasked with the care of migrant to attend school, among others risk and are "subject to mandatory deten‑ Refugee admissions paused: The United children, temporarily stopped placing kids The US also took the step of barring tion based on criminal grounds." States paused refugee admissions till April who arrive in the US without parents or entry to migrants illegally crossing the The agency will not carry out enforce‑ 6. The move comes after the International guardians in shelters in California and southern border. Migrants who are appre‑ ment operations at or near health care Organization for Migration, which is in Washington state, unless in limited cir‑ hended at the border will either be quickly facilities, so individuals should not avoid charge of booking refugees' travel, and the cumstances. The Health and Human removed or repatriated to their origin seeking medical care over fears of enforce‑ UN refugee agency announced a suspen‑ Services Department funds a network of countries. (US and Canada have also sus‑ ment. DOJ closes more immigration sion of resettlement travel. The agencies more than 100 facilities where migrant pended most cross‑border travel.) courts, postpones hearings: The Justice shared concerns in a statement last week, children are cared for until theyʼre ICE changes immigration enforcement Department closed an additional 10 immi‑ saying international travel "could increase released to sponsors in the United States. operations: Immigration and Customs gration courts, spread across the country, the exposure of refugees to the virus." The children are turned over to HHS after Enforcement it has temporarily adjusted through April 10, and postponed all hear‑ USCIS suspends in‑person services: US being taken into custody by the its "enforcement posture;" now it will ings of cases of immigrants who are not in Citizenship and Immigration Services Department of Homeland Security. ASTROLOGY March 28-April 3, 2020 29

Chandigarh, India: +91-172- 256 2832, 257 2874 By Dr Prem Kumar Sharma Delhi, India: +91-11- 2644 9898, 2648 9899 [email protected]; MARCH 28‑APRIL 3, 2020

ARIES: Impulsiveness needs to be CANCER: Donʼt let a situation get LIBRA: If you are getting preferential CAPRICORN: Be discerning in kept in check at work, as you may aggravated, because of your inac‑ treatment by someone, be certain whom you give your support, even get on the wrong side of those who tion, as it can affect you too. that it is for a reason! Getting intro‑ if it is emotional. You will succeed matter. You may feel fatigues and tired, Someone you are attracted to may give duced to someone important in your profes‑ in sidestepping a task that has been thrust but someone will be there to perk up your positive signals. A business trip promises sional sphere is possible. A family member upon you at work. Those feeling a bit mood. Those handling large amounts of to bring lucrative opportunities, but the will be more than willing to take your guid‑ rushed on the academic front will be able cash need to be careful. It will be in your key is to seize them in time. An initiative ance in an important domestic issue. Your to cope with it satisfactorily. External help interest to improve the relations with on the health front is likely to keep you inspiration will serve some youngsters well may be required by some businesspersons someone you remain daggers drawn. refreshed and rejuvenated. Property and on the academic front. Developing romantic for rethinking strategy for increasing prof‑ Avoid wayside food, especially in this sea‑ other assets may be put up for sale by feelings for a colleague is possible and may its. Those in a joint family will enjoy cama‑ son, as you seem more susceptible to sea‑ some. Take cue from others, instead of usher in a budding romance. A changed raderie and much gaiety. Make efforts to sonal diseases. guessing and going wrong. lifestyle promises good health. keep your bank balance healthy. TAURUS: A trip with family and LEO: Chances of getting misguided SCORPIO: You may have to take AQUARIUS: You will manage to friends is in the offing and will over an issue appear rife, so do take shortcuts in completing something make your work sphere conducive prove enjoyable. You may get sad‑ the opinion of others. Remaining in urgent. Things are set to become bet‑ by applying your mind to it. For dled with additional work, so delegate as total control on the professional or aca‑ ter for you on the professional front. On the some, it may become difficult to achieve a much as you can. Chances of missing a demic front will not be too difficult for home front, you will get a grip on what is better bargaining position than now on family function cannot be ruled out for you. Your ideas and suggestions will be happening currently around you and turn it the career front. You may not manage to some. Someone is likely to tag along with appreciated by those who matter. in your favour. Earning potential is set to increase your earning capacity immediate‑ you on a journey, but will make it enjoy‑ Although you earn well, you will spare no increase for some. Your helpful attitude will ly, but will succeed eventually. Lack of able. Take financial matters seriously, as efforts to enhance your earnings further. get you instant popularity on the social focus may make some suffer on the aca‑ you can make mistakes. Lover may not You will need to gauge the mood of a fami‑ front. Eligible can expect to find their soul demic front. Someone may use you to fur‑ share your romantic aspirations, but per‑ ly member before delegating some job. mate. Newlyweds will develop a better ther his or her own ends. You may move sistence will pay! Health remains satisfactory. understanding. towards better health by changed lifestyle. GEMINI: This is the time to contem‑ VIRGO: A good turn done by some‑ SAGITTARIUS: If you are not sure PISCES: This is not the best time to plate on the best course of action on one is likely to bail you out of a about a thing, leave it untouched, if change things at work, but you will the social front. Positive outcome tight spot. You may not enjoy an you donʼt want to cut a sorry figure. get your chance later. You are likely may be expected on the academic front. A outing with friends or relations for rea‑ You may not get the break you had been to fare well in a competitive situation on pat on the back is in store for some at sons best known to you. Some of you may hoping for on the academic front. the academic front. A family reunion may work. Earning is set to enhance, as you feel shortchanged in a relationship and Mishandling a man management situation be on the cards, so plan your leave. You make special efforts to reach out for more resent it. You will manage to put in con‑ at work may go against you, so be deliber‑ will have to watch out for a bad bargain profits. A function on the social front is certed efforts for an exam or competition. ate in your dealings. You may get the invita‑ that threatens to block your money. likely to have you under the spotlight. True love is the meeting of the minds, so tion for a fun party. A long‑term relation‑ Making fitness your priority now will bal‑ Spending time with lover will prove most donʼt press things on the romantic front, if ship is likely to get marital sanctity for ance you immensely on the health front. fulfilling. this is not happening. some, so let the wedding bells toll! Donʼt rake up past issues.

March 28, 2020 your concerns and provide you with You are governed by the number 1 ANNUAL PREDICTIONS: FOR THOSE BORN IN THIS WEEK love and affection. A budding romance and the Sun. You are also dominated is on the horizon for some of you. A by the planet Mercury. You are blessed make good friends, and take wise deci‑ months of July, October, September activities would be beneficial in estab‑ distant trip cannot be ruled out for pil‑ with many qualities. Intelligent and sions. Abiding by the law is of utmost and November would prove to be lishing new and long‑lasting ties. grimage or auspicious ceremonies. bright, you do well in your educational importance to you. A perfect executor highly significant. Friends would be helpful and support‑ Speculation in real estate and stocks career. Studying a subject to great of plans, your Bosses will rely on you ive to your concerns. Property matters will prove to be profitable.The month lengths, is your passion. A lover of for completing big projects. In the March 31, 2020 will materialize. Financially this year of July, September, November and music and art, you will be drawn to coming year, your ability to complete Governed by the number 4, you are might not bring results that you have March seem to be highly significant. artistic creations, in the year ahead of big plans and projects to perfect will also governed by the planet Uranus, been dreaming for long. Opportunities you. Your pleasing personality and bring you success in your related and dominated by the planet Mercury. for a new job and assignments would April 3, 2020 warmth nature, allows you to make fields. Honour and prestige will be Your personality and positive attitude be plenty but job satisfaction seems Influenced by number 3 and the many friends. Your interest in science yours in the coming year. The months to life, will allow you to have a vast cir‑ unlikely. A sudden influence of a per‑ planet Jupiter. You are ambitious, dig‑ subjects, will prove an asset for you in of May, September, December and cle of friends around you. In the com‑ son from the opposite sex will give a nified, philosophical, and religious. You your professional career, in the year February will be result oriented. ing year, proximity to a water body new and interesting twist to your are self‑reliant and possess enormous ahead of you. The ability to study a will bring you prosperity. You should life.Some gains through inheritance leadership qualities and you like to subject with keen interest, with an March 30, 2020 try to get a position in a city or town, also seem high on your cards. take your own decisions, but you need added capacity to put it into practice, You are governed by the number 3 near a riverside or a seaside. Those of Pilgrimage or a distant journey with to check your tendency to be jealous, will take you to the height of success, and by the planet Jupiter. You are also you, who are single, can expect to tie the family for some.Travelling will be over ambitious and self‑centered at professionally. Your practical dominated by the planet Mercury. the nuptial knot.You are independent pleasurable and highly exciting. The times. This coming year will require approach to your work, will bring lau‑ Your ambitious nature, coupled with and full of self‑confidence. You will months of August, September and you to be highly cautious of your rels for you, from your seniors. Your your confidence, will help you to move in an intellectual crowd, in the March will prove to be highly result moves. During this period you are like‑ ability to work well with your col‑ achieve success in your professional year ahead of you. This will be benefi‑ oriented. ly to face several ups and down in leagues, will be well received by your field, in the year ahead of you. cial to you in all ways. You will prosper your career. Your financial position Bosses. The months of April, July, Philosophy and religion will draw your and achieve success after your mar‑ April 2, 2020 also seems to be moderate, therefore November and January will be highly attention, in the coming year, but you riage. The month of May, August, Influenced by number 2 and the make new investments with extreme productive for you. will maintain an objective outlook in November and January will be highly Moon, you are active, imaginative, sim‑ precautions. A sudden influence of an whatever you undertake. You will go eventful. ple, trustworthy and impressive. You important and eminent spiritual per‑ March 29, 2020 out of your way to help those who are fond of travelling to distant places son would provide you solace and Governed by the number 2, you are need you. Friends and relatives will April 1, 2020 and learn more about different cul‑ mental comfort and bring a new twist also governed by the Moon and domi‑ look to you for advice and comfort. Governed by number 1 and the plan‑ tures and people, but you need to into your life Only secure investments nated by the planet mercury. Full of Studious by nature, you are fond of et Sun, you are original, attractive, check your tendency to behave moody like banks fixed deposits and tax sav‑ imagination, you appear to be dreamy, reading and like to acquire knowledge. warm hearted and philosophical in and highly unpredictable at times. ing schemes should be encouraged. sometimes. You will travel a lot. This You will leave no stone unturned, to nature. You are admired by those This year new alliances and partner‑ Domestic front however would bring will mainly be related to your work. help your friends. Although, proud by around you for your ability to take ships would bring in prosperity. Your enormous happiness.Your spouse and You are able to draw friends towards nature you are sympathetic towards quick and courageous decisions, but confidence and determination will be children would be supportive and you. They enjoy your warmth and your friends and your colleagues at you need to check your tendency to at its peak. Financial gains as delayed helpful to your concerns.. Distant jour‑ friendly nature. You are sympathetic work. You will be able to charm, those behave quarrelsome, impatient and payments and bad debts are recov‑ neys probably for pilgrimage would be towards those who need help. They around you, with your communication short‑tempered at times. This year ered. Those at service might face hec‑ undertaken later in the year. The always look to you for advice and help. skills. In love matters, you will be hesi‑ plenty of important function and reli‑ tic period at work, because of the months of July, October, January and You have an inborn ability to judge the tant to take the first step, till you are gious ceremonies would be performed unpredictable behaviour of their boss. February would prove to be highly sig‑ good from the bad. This helps you to sure of a positive response. The in the family. Social gathering and Your spouse would be supportive to nificant. 30 March 28-April 3, 2020 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS Making our choice now rich and successful at my job I We have been allotted a number will look for God." The saint of breaths in this lifetime. We can returned when the man had made either waste them away or make a lot of money and was successful full use of them to complete our at his career. He again asked the course in spirituality. That is why man if he wanted to find God yet. the Masters exhort us to make the Now the man wanted to wait to best use of this current lifetime. find God until after he had mar‑ A spiritual Master undertakes ried off his children. the responsibility of making sure When the children were settled, our soul will be reunited with the By Sant Rajinder Singh the saint returned. Then the man Divine. This responsibility is as Ji Maharaj wanted to wait to find God until that of a teacher making sure the after he had grand¬children. student is ready for the highest man was once asked by a Finally, on his deathbed he told degree for graduation. It is his job saint if he would like to A the saint he was ready to find to make sure we are prepared find God. First the man God. and developed spiritually. If we said that he wanted to wait until But by then his whole life had are not ready, he still has to guide he got married and settled down. passed and there was no time left. us until we are ready. Thus, even often are fired up with intensity of us read the Commandments or The saint returned after the man Let us not be like that man. Let us while under the care of a Master, to find the right spiritual Master, advice given by the great saints in married and settled down, and make a choice while still young he has to make sure we complete or the spiritual teaching that can the scriptures. Many of us are again asked if he wanted to find and vital and in our full senses. our course in spirituality. help solve the mystery of life and happy even to preach what our God. The man said, "When I am Let us not wait until it is too late. When someone is seeking, they death. Yet, after someone finds holy books say. But how many of and joins a spiritual path, some us live up to the teachings we fol‑ become complacent. They may low? RELIGION feel that their quest has ended, There is a big difference but, in reality, their work has just between knowing the theory and begun.It is like applying for a practicing it. It is not enough to school, college, or university. We read the books or scriptures and intensely fill out applications and know the theory. We need to live submit admission papers, and are up to them in our own lives. If we thrilled when we receive our learn a method of meditation and acceptance letter. Yet, their work instructions for progress, that is is not ended̶it has just begun. not enough; the true heart of the They must work hard to complete spiritual teachings is in the prac‑ their degree program to graduate. tice. It is not enough to know It is the same on a spiritual path. what others have said about it. It Just finding the right Master who is essential that we have our own can teach us a meditation practice firsthand experience of spirituali‑ that provides proven results is the ty. That beginning; we have to then start can be accomplished when we putting in the effort and commit‑ sit in meditation. ment to master the meditation Progress is a matter of accura‑ techniques to reach the goal of cy. We can become accurate only realization of the Divine. by practice. Practice makes per‑ Once the great writer Mark fect. If we expect to sit in medita‑ Twain was having a discussion tion once or twice in our life and with a businessman who was accomplish spiritual progress, we known for being aggressive and are being unrealistic. We need to ruthless in his dealings with oth‑ practice daily. ers. It is said that if we take one step The businessman said to the toward God, God will take a hun‑ writer, "Before I die I would like dred steps toward us. The time to make a pilgrimage to the Holy we spend in meditation will be Land and climb to the top of richly rewarded. Mount Sinai to read the Ten Instead of merely reading the Commandments aloud at the top." Ten Commandments, live them. If Mark Twain quickly replied, "I we do our meditations and lead have a better idea. Rather than go ethical lives, observing the virtues to Mount Sinai where Moses was of nonviolence, truthfulness, puri‑ given the Ten Commandments, ty, humility, selfless service, and why donʼt you just stay home love for all, we will be blessed Thích Nhất Hạnh is a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and peace activist, founder of the Plum Village here in Boston and practice the with inner vision. We will have Tradition. Thích Nhất Hạnh spent most of his later life residing in the Plum Village Monastery in Ten Commandments in your life!" the proof for ourselves of the This humorous comment car‑ existence of our soul and God. southwest France, travelling internationally to give retreats and talks. ries a significant meaning. Many (For more visit March 28-April 3, 2020


New Yorkers working together and staying home can slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in New York City. When you go out for essential needs, work or to get fresh air, keep distance between yourself and others and take the following precautions.


• Keep at least 6 feet between • Stay home. • Stay home if you have • Stay home. yourself and others. • If you have a cough, lung disease, heart disease, • Telecommute if possible. • Wash your hands with soap shortness of breath, fever, diabetes, cancer or a If you do go out: weakened immune system. and water often. sore throat and do not feel • Stagger work hours away • Cover your nose and mouth better after 3-4 days, • Stay home and call, video from peak travel times. consult with your doctor. chat or text with family or with a tissue or sleeve when • Walk or bike. sneezing or coughing. • If you need help getting friends who have one of these conditions. • Do not gather in crowds. • Do not touch your face with medical care, call 311. unwashed hands. • NYC will provide care

• Monitor your health more regardless of immigration closely than usual for cold or status or ability to pay. flu symptoms.

Text COVID to 692-692 for real-time updates or visit Bill de Blasio Call 311 to report harassment or discrimination. Call 888-NYC-WELL, text "WELL" to 65173 Mayor Oxiris Barbot, MD or chat online at to connect with a counselor. Commissioner *Messages and data rates may apply. Check your wireless provider plan for details. March 28-April 3, 2019