The South Asian Times excellence in journalism Vol.12 No. 47 March 28-April 3, 2020 80 Cents New York Edition Follow us on TheSouthAsianTimes.info India under 21‑day Senate passes 96-0 lockdown to stem corona spread $2 trillion stimulus to steady economy Washington: The US Senate unani‑ mously passed a massive $2 tril‑ lion stimulus package Wednesday to soften the economic blow of the coronavirus pandemic for American workers and businesses. The measure would provide bil‑ lions of dollars in credit for strug‑ In an address to the nation on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra gling industries, a significant boost Modi announced the extreme lockdown. to unemployment insurance and New Delhi: Prime Minister direct cash payments to The bipartisan bill has support of the White House. Govt orders Rs Americans. Narendra Modi announced 8 Tuesday the complete lockdown 1.7 lakh crore As indication of the depth of the $ 1200 each for qualifying of the country for three weeks relief package for nation's economic woes, new data to break the Covid‑19 transmis‑ released on Thursday showed that Americans in bill weaker sections more than 3 million Americans sion cycle as confirmed infec‑ 8 tions crossed the 700 mark. The filed for unemployment last week. Number of cases in lockdown imposes a total ban even jail. The government also The massive spike in new jobless on all non‑essential businesses has allocated $2 billion for the claims comes as nationwide lock‑ USA overtakes China's and prevents people from step‑ healthcare sector in this downs to halt the spread of the 8 ping out of homes, with anyone Continued on page 4 coronavirus pandemic have kept Trump wants to open the economy by flouting rules facing fines and See page 12-14 for related stories. Americans from their workplaces, Continued on page 4 Easter amid 3 million jobless claims Indian American civic groups serving the community Dear Valued Reader, In Kabul gurdwara attack, Whereas many publications have suspended their print editions, we are determined to print The India was real target: Intel South Asian Times every week as long as permitted by authorities New Delhi: Security at the Indian According to information reach‑ as essential service. Embassy in Kabul and consulates ing Delhi from Afghan and western For latest news and critical infor‑ in Jalalabad and Kandahar has security agencies, the strike was mation, please visit our website been put on highest alert with ordered by Quetta Shura of www.thesouthasiantimes.info Indian and western intelligence Taliban at the behest of Pakistani confirming that Haqqani network deep state with the larger motive 24x7 updated website. Many civic groups have come forward to help people in need and LeT terrorists chose to hit the of driving out India from Please contact us anytime in during the coronavirus spread in New York. Rajbhog Hicksville is gurdwara at Shor Bazaar due to Afghanistan, reports Hindustan case of emergency amid distributing free meals. The South Asian Times has created a 24 x heavy troop deployment at the Times. corona crisis. 7 Helpline to assist people in dire need, as are Rotary Club of Indian mission. The entire operation was code‑ At 24x7 Helpline Hicksville South, IALI and AIA‑NY generously helping the com‑ As many as 28 Sikh worshippers named Blackstar by the Pakistan 516.390.7847 or write to munity. Sikh organizations are also distributing thousands of were killed, eight injured and intelligence, which used the [email protected] free meals. Seen in the photo, Karamjit Singh Dhaliwal, Founder ‐Team@The South Asian Times and President of Malwa Brothers, providing badly needed masks another 85 were rescued during Haqqani network led by Talibanʼs and gloves to NYPD and Fire Department. the shoot‑out at the gurdwara, 3 deputy commander Sirajuddin km away from the Indian mission. Continued on page 4 WOMEN’S RIGHTS 20 OP ED 21 IMMIGRATION 28 SPIRITUAL AWARENESS 30 excellence in journalism TheSouthAsianTimes.info March 28-April 3, 2020 We’re open in Hicksville and ready to serve. 12-Month CD or IRA CD % 1.50APY1* $5,000 minimum deposit ToTo qualifyqualify youyou mmustust hahaveve or open anyany FlushingFlushing BankBank CompleteComplete CheckingCheecking accountaccount2 whichwhich providespprovides youyou with acaccesscess ttoo ooverver 5555,000,000 ATMs,AATTMs, AATATMTM feefee rrebates,ebates, mmobileobile bbanking,anking, anandd momobilebile ccheckheck ddeposit.eposit. 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FFlushinglushing BanBankk is a rregisteredegistered trtraademarkdemark TheSouthAsianTimes.info TRISTATE COMMUNITY March 28-April 3, 2020 3 G20 leaders pledge to do 'whatever it takes' on coronavirus 20 leaders have commit‑ Narendra Modi, French President in the aftermath of the 2008 Gted to do “whatever it Emmanuel Macron and Canada's financial crash. takes” to minimize the Justin Trudeau interacting in pix‑ The G20 communique said social and economic damage of els with the Saudi monarch. members were united in their the coronavirus pandemic, in a A call by the IMF for a doubling response and they would use all largely unspecific and uncontro‑ of its funding to $2tn was not available policy tools to minimize versial joint communique issued addressed specifically in the com‑ the economic and social damage, after a video conference call. munique. The statement said G20 restore global growth, maintain In a two‑hour meeting the lead‑ members had undertaken a $5tn market stability and strengthen ers of the worldʼs most powerful stimulus through targeted
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