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JISHIM 2017-2018-2019.Indb JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (JISHIM) CHAIRMAN OF EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Hajar A. HAJAR AL BINALI (Qatar) EDITORS IN CHIEF Dr.'U$\üHJLLO'(0,5+$1(5'(0,5 7XUNH\ Ayşegül DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR (Turkey) 'U$EGXO1DVVHU.$$'$1 6\ULD ASSOCIATE EDITORS 'U2]WDQ860$1%$û 7XUNH\ 'U6KDULI.DI$/*+$=$/ (QJODQG EDITORIAL BOARD 'U0DKGL08+$4$. ,UDQ 'U+XVDLQ1$*$0,$ 86$ 'U1LO6$5, 7XUNH\ 'U)DLVDO$/1$6,5 %DKUDLQ 'U0RVWDID6+(+$7$ (J\SW 'U5DFKHO+$-$5 4DWDU INTERNATIONAL ADVISORY BOARD Dr. Alan TOUWAIDE (Belgum) Dr. Mamoun MO BAYED (England) Dr. Ahmad KANAAN (KSA) Dr. Taha AL-JASSER (Syra) Dr. Davd W. TSCHANZ (KSA) Dr. Rolando NERI-VELA (Mexco) Dr. Abed Ameen YAGAN (Syra) Dr. Zafar Afaq ANSARI (Malaysa) Dr. Kesh HASEBE (Japan) Dr. Husan HAFIZ (Sngapore) Dr. Mustafa Abdul RAHMAN (France) Dr. Talat Masud YELBUZ (USA) Dr. Bacheer AL-KATEB (Syra) Dr. Mohamed RASH ED (Lbya) Dr. Plno PRIORESCHI (USA) Dr. Nabl El TABBAKH (Egypt) Hakm Syed Z. RAHMAN (Inda) Hakm Namuddn ZUBAIRY (Pakstan) Dr. Abdul Mohammed KAJBFZADEH (Iran) Dr. Ahmad CHAUDHRY (England) Dr. Nancy GALLAGHER (USA) Dr. Frad HADDAD (USA) Dr. Rem HAWI (Germany) Dr. Ibrahm SYED (USA) Dr. Esn KAHYA (Turkey) Dr. Henry Amn AZAR (USA) Dr. Ahmet ACIDUMAN (Turkey) Dr. Gary FERNGREN (USA) Dr. Berna ARDA (Turkey) Dr. Elf ATICI (Turkey) I JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (JISHIM) Perods: Journal of ISHIM s publshed twce a year n Aprl and October. Address Changes: The publsher must be nformed at least 15 days before the publcaton date. All artcles, fgures, photos and tables n ths journal can not be reproduced, stored or transmtted n any form or by any means wthout the pror wrtten permsson of the publsher. For scentfc purposes (by expressng the reference), summarzng and quotatons can be done. The authors are responsble for ther artcles, fgures and photos and the companes are responsble for ther advert- sements. Prnted at: Tıbb Yayınlar Merkez, İstanbul, TURKEY e-mal: [email protected] ISSN: 1303-667x Prntng Date: June - 2019 Ths Journal s dstrbuted for free. Ths Journal s ndexed to Hstory. Journal. De and IMEMR Yayımcı : TYM - Tıbb Yayınlar Merkez Yayımcı Sertifika No : 32755 Dizgi - Mizanpaj : TYM - Tıbb Yayınlar Merkez Baskı ve Cilt : ????? ??? ??? II JOURNAL OF ISHIM INSTRUCTIONS TO AUTHORS -RXUQDO RI WKH ,QWHUQDWLRQDO 6RFLHW\ IRU WKH +LVWRU\ RI ,VODPLF 0HGLFLQH -RXUQDO RI ,6+,0 SXEOLVKHG WZL FHD\HDUDFFHSWVPDWHULDOIRUSXEOLFDWLRQDVIRORZV 2ULJLQDO$UWLFOHV3DSHUVUHSRUWLQJDUHVHDUFKLQWKH+LVWRU\RI,VODPLF0HGLFLQHDQG,VODPLF0HGLFDO(WKLFV /HWWHUVWRWKH(GLWRU9LHZVRQSDSHUVSXEOLVKHGLQ-RXUQDORI,6+,0DQGRWKHUFXUUHQWWRSLFVDQGVKRUW UHSRUWVRIUHDGHU·VRZQRULJLQDOÀQGLQJV/HWWHUVVKRXOGQRWH[FHHGZRUGVDXWKRUVDQGUHIHUHQFHV 3DSHUVVXEPLWWHGWRKHMRXUQDODUHRQO\DFFHSWHGZLWKWKHXQGHUVWDQGLQJWKDWWKH\DUHVXEMHFWHGWRHGLWRULDOUHYL VLRQDQGWKDWWKH\KDYHQRWEHHQRUZLOOQRWEHVXEPLWWHGWRDQ\RWKHUMRXUQDO$OODXWKRUVDUHUHVSRQVLEOHIRUWKH VFLHQWLÀFDQGHWKLFDOFRQWHQWVRIWKHLUSDSHUV 7KHMRXUQDO·VODQJXDJHLV(QJOLVK 7KHPDQXVFULSWVKRXOGEHW\SHZULWWHQLQDQ,%0FRPSDWLEOHFRPSXWHUXQGHU0LFURVRIW:RUGSURJUDP,QDGGLWL RQWRWKHIRUPRIWKHPDQXVFULSWUHFRUGHGLQWRDGLVNGLVNHWWHIRXUFRSLHVRIGRXEOHVSDFHGSULQWRXWVDQGÀJXUHV DQGWDEOHVVKRXOGEHVHQW7KHSULQWHGIRUPVKRXOGQRWEHPRUHWKDQSDJHV 7KHPDQXVFULSWRIDIXOOSDSHUVKRXOGEHDUUDQJHGLQWKHIROORZLQJRUGHU7LWOHSDJHDEVWUDFWDQGNH\ZRUGVPDLQ WH[WDFNQRZOHGJHPHQWVUHIHUHQFHVWDEOHVÀJXUHOHJHQGVDQGÀJXUHV$OOSDJHVVKRXOGEHQXPEHUHGFRQVHFXWL YHO\ 7,7/(3$*(7KHWLWOHSDJHVKRXOGLQFOXGHDEULHIDQGGHVFULSWLYHWLWOHRIWKHDXWKRUV·QDPHVDQGDFDGHPLF GHJUHHVKRVSLWDORUDFDGHPLFDIÀOLDWLRQVDFNQRZOHGJHPHQWVRIJUDQWVDQGRWKHUVXSSRUWDQGWKHQDPHDGGUHVV WHOHSKRQHID[QXPEHUVDQGWKHHPDLODGGUHVVRIWKHLQGLYLGXDOUHVSRQVLEOHIRUHGLWRULDOFRUUHVSRQGHQFH $%675$&76DQG.(<:25'6(DFKDUWLFOHVKRXOGLQFOXGHEULHI(QJOLVKDEVWUDFWV QRWH[FHHGLQJZRUGV VWDWLQJWKHSXUSRVH V RIWKHVWXG\EDVLFSURFHGXUHVPDLQÀQGLQJVDQGWKHSULQFLSOHFRQFOXVLRQV%HORZWKH DEVWUDFWVSURYLGHQRWPRUHWKDQNH\ZRUGVRUVKRUWSKUDVHV 0$,17(;77KHPDLQKHDGLQJVRIWKHVHFWLRQVVKRXOGEHZULWWHQLQEROGFDSLWDOOHWWHUVDQGVXEKHDGLQJVLQEROG LWDOLFORZHUFDVHOHWWHUVH[FHSWIRULQLWLDOOHWWHUV 5()(5(1&(6VKRXOGEHQXPEHUHGFRQVHTXWLYHO\LQWKHRUGHULQZKLFKWKH\DUHÀUVWPHQWLRQHGLQWKHWH[WDQG W\SHGGRXEOH¤VSDFHG5HIHUHQFHVXVHGLQWKHWH[WVKRXOGLQFOXGHWKHQDPHRIWKHÀUVWDXWKRUIROORZHGE\WKH RWKHUDXWKRUVWLWOHRIWKHDUWLFOHWKH\HDUWKHYROXPHWKHÀUVWDQGODVWSDJHQXPEHUV7KHQDPHVRIWKHMRXUQDOV VKRXOGEHDEEUHYDWHGDFFRUGLQJWRWKHVW\OHXVHGLQWKH,QGH[0HGLFXV $57,&/(6,1-2851$/60HXWOHU%&HUDPL&&DFKHFWLQ0RUHWKDQDWXPRUQHFURVLVIDFWRU1(QJO- 0HG &+$37(56,1%22.6$ULHII$O1HXURORJLFDOPDQLIHVWDWLRQVRIXUHPLD,Q%UHQQHU%05HFWRU)& HGV7KH.LGQH\3KLODGHOSKLD:%6DXQGHUV ),*85(6DQG7$%/(6VKRXOGEHLQGHQWLÀHGE\DUDELFQXPHUDOV LQSDUHQWKHVLV 7KHGUDYLQJVVKRXOGEHVX EPLWWHGLQRULJLQDOGUDZLQJVE\LQN7KHSKRWRJUDSKVVKRXOGEHSULQWHGLQJRRGFRQWUDVWDQGEHVXEPLWWHGXQ PRXQWHG7KHOHWWHUVDQGVLJQVRQDOOÀJXUHVVKRXOGEHODUJHHQRXJKWREHOHJLEOHDIWHUUHGXFWLRQ $XWKRUVZKRVHSDSHUVDFFHSWHGIRUSXEOLFDWLRQLQWKHMRXUQDODUHHQFRXUDJHGWREHFRPHVXEVFULEHUV 0DQXVFULSWVVKRXOGEHVHQWWRWKHHGLWRUVLQFKLHI Dr. Aysegul DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR Presdent of Turksh Socety for Medcal Ethcs, Law and Hstory Presdent of the Department of Medcal Hstory and Ethcs, Medcal School, Maltepe Unversty P.K.166 Kadkoy-Istanbul-TURKEY e-mal: [email protected] Dr. Abdul Nasser KAADAN Weber State Unversty Hstory Department e-mal: [email protected] III JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE HISTORY OF ISLAMIC MEDICINE (JISHIM) VoI.VoI.14,15 16, 17, 18 No. 31, 32, No.27,28,29,3033, 34, 35, 36 AprlApril / October / October 2017-2018-2019 2015-2016 CONTENTS ix 30 Editorial Air Pollution (Causes and Treatment) Aysegul DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR, Material in the Book “to Stay in the Reform Abdul Nasser KAADAN of the Corruption of the Air and Avoid Damage from the Epidemic” to the RESEARCH Doctor Attamimi AL-Maqdisi 1 Dr. Eng. Maha AL-SHAAR, Illustrations of Instruments for Bullet Eng. Ghith BANNOUD Removal in an 18th Century Ottoman Medical Manuscript 35 Hatice Nil SARI, Elif GÜLTEKIN Benefi t of Unani Formulations as Adjuvant in The Management of Chronic Suppurative 5 Osteomyelitis - A Case Study Abulcasis & Contemporary Oral & Dental Dr. Mohammad Shakeel ANSARİ, Surgery Dr. Saiyad Shah ALAM, Dr. Waseem AHMAD, Mohammed SHRIKI, Sharif Kaf Al GHAZAL Dr. Danish AKHTAR 12 40 Islamic Culture and Positive Sciences Revival of Garam Hammam According to Adnan Adıvar’s Orientalist S. A. Yasir ARAFATH, S. A. Ayesha NAAZ, Point of View M. Safi na ANEES Turhan ADA 50 22 Topical Plants for Ophthalmological Systematic Comparison Study between Diseases in Kitāb Al-Raḥma fi ’l-Ṭib Al-Baġdādī and Ad-Dahabī in Prophetic wa’l-Ḥikma Medicine Ayman Yasin ATAT Fuad AWILEH, Mohammad ALKHATIB 26 59 Health Requirements for the Storage of The Contents of Ḥasan al-ʻAṭṭār’s Grains by Qusṭā ibn Lūqā Manuscript “Rāḥat al-Abdān” Mohamed Hisham ALNASSAN, Ayman Yasin ATAT Omar ALNASSER, Noura KABBANI V 66 97 Interpretations on Weather Changes Cancer Therapies in Unani System of in the Turkish Medical History Medicine: A ray of Hope to Millions of (According to Prof. dr Besim Omer Akalın) suff erers Aysegül DEMIRHAN ERDEMIR Imtiyaz Ahmad MIR, Najeeb JAHAN, G. SOFI 72 Life Substance (Màddat al- Hayàt) by 100 Muhammad Al-Farisi who Died in Contributions of Avicenna to Sports (677H/1278A.D) Medicine Hamed Ziad JABBAN, Farah NAAZ Wassim ABDUL WAHED, Leon CABBAD 105 76 Scientifi c Interpretation of “Harkat Wa Terms of Oral and Dental Diseases in the Sukoone Nafsani” (Mental Activity and Book of Al Ma’a by Al Üzdi Al Sahàri Relaxation) - A Review Article Hamed Ziad JABBAN, Wael KHOULI Anısur RAHMAN 81 109 History and Origin of the Most Important ALSI (Linum usitatissimum) Linn.: Scientifi c Dictionaries Specialized in A Comprehensive Greeco-Modern Review Medical Terminology in the Arab Scientifi c Mohd BILAL TAFSEER, Abdur RAHIM Heritage Hamed Ziad JABBAN, Mohammed SULTAN, 112 Wael KHOULI Sapistan (Cordia latifolia Roxb.): A Panacea for Respiratory Disorders 87 M. Bilal TAFSEER, Sadrul HODA The Medical Utilization of Corundum as Depicted by Ibn Alshamma Al Halaby CONGRESS NEWS Dr. Buthaina JALKHI, Marsel ASMAR 115 2nd International Congress on the Turkish 92 History of medicine Environmental Knowledge of Arab and Aysegül Demirhan Erdemir Muslim physicians in the 5th AH / 11th century AD Bouthaina JALKHY, Maram Abdul RAHMAN VI EDITORIAL It s our pleasure to publsh Aprl/October 2017-2018-2019 Issues of the Journal of Internatonal Socety for the Hstory of Islamc Medcne (Journal of ISHIM). We know that Journal of ISHIM s a scentfc journal devoted to the Hstory of Islamc Medcne and Ethcs research and scholarshp. Also, ths ssue lke the earler ones represents mportant studes n the Hstory of Islamc Medcne and Medcal Ethcs whch actvate thnkng and rase certan questons. So, t also tres to provde solutons to thorny and senstve problems and the ensung understandng helps n enlargng one’s percepton and ntellectual horzon. The vews of papers are always those of the authors, and t s mportant n a feld lke boethcs whch encourages nteracton and dalogue over scentfc topcs. Ths ssue contans some mportant scentfc artcles, n whch, we can see and valuable orgnal studes on Hs- tory of Islamc Medcne and Medcal Ethcs. These artcles are from famous scentsts of many countres of the world. So, ths journal helps to the development of researches on the Hstory of Islamc Medcne and Medcal Ethcs. After 21 papers and news of some scentfc meetngs are present. Wshng Aprl/October 2017-2018-2019 Issues of the Journal of ISHIM, to be benefcal to all readers and col- leagues. Edtors n Chef Dr. Aysegul Demrhan Erdemr Dr. Abdul Nasser Kaadan
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