Tiferes Gedaliah Yeshiva Gedolah

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Tiferes Gedaliah Yeshiva Gedolah YESHIVA OF GREATER WASHINGTON – TIFERES GEDALIAH YESHIVA GEDOLAH “The Yeshiva of Greater Washington has imbued within me the education, motivation and sense of community that is needed to becoming a Rabbi of a shul.” RABBI AVI MAMMON RAV OF CONGREGATION LIGHT OF ISRAEL, ROCHESTER, NY “YGW provided me with the balance I needed to continue learning in Yeshiva while pursuing the degree I required to be successful in the corporate environment.” MR. JORDAN BERKOWITZ ACCOUNTANT, CLEVELAND, OH “R’ Ahron’s approach on how to be mechazek each of us was custom-tailored to each individual. The advice and mussar I received from both R’ Lopiansky and R’ Reingold, privately and personally, have given me (ironically, more-so in recent years despite the fact that my time in Yeshiva was 18 years ago) the strength to continue to balance a life in a very demanding profession while not losing sight of the centrality of Limud Torah and Shmiras Hamitzvos.” DR. JOSE GREENSPON PEDIATRIC SURGEON, CHESTERFIELD, MO OUR FOUNDERS HARAV GEDALIAH ANEMER, ZT”L, HARAV YITZCHOK MERKIN, was one of the premier talmidim of Yoshev Rosh of the Yeshiva of Greater Telshe Yeshiva under Rav Elya Meir Washington, is a world renowned Bloch, zt”l and Rav Chaim Morde- mechanech, and is a talmid of Rav chai Katz, zt”l. He was the founding Yitzchak Hutner, zt”l. He is one of Rav of Young Israel Shomrai Emu- the leaders of Torah Umesorah and nah for half of a century and was has spent many decades training the founder of the Yeshiva of Greater Washington-Tiferes rebbeim and advising menahalim across the country. Gedaliah which bears his stamp of excellence. WELCOME WHO WE ARE AN ENVIRONMENT FOR TALMIDIM IN THEIR FORMATIVE YEARS TO THE YESHIVA GEDOLAH OF THE YESHIVA OF DEVELOP IN LEARNING GREATER WASHINGTON–TIFERES GEDALIAH is dedicated to guiding young, growing bochurim to become genuine and grounded B’nei Torah. It provides AND CHARACTER AND an environment for talmidim in their formative years to develop in learning and character and to emerge with TO EMERGE WITH THE the skills and passion to be deeply committed Torah Jews. The personal interaction with our talmidim in our close-knit environment enables each talmid to realize SKILLS AND PASSION TO his full potential. A major focus is placed on the talmi- dim developing and advancing their own learning skills through structured and interactive shiurim. The shiurim BE DEEPLY COMMITTED are challenging, emphasizing the analytical skills re- quired to develop clarity in pshat, along with identifying TORAH JEWS. essential points of the sugya. This enables each talmid to produce self-sufficiency in learning. Accordingly, senior talmidim are regularly encouraged to give chaburos, to challenge them to delve deeper into a sugya. Our Beki- yus Seder stresses clarity and retention of the gemara. We offer a warm and unique atmosphere in which bo- churim develop a lifelong love of learning and a passion- ate commitment to yiddishkeit. The Rebbeim develop personal relationships with the talmidim, which are es- pecially significant at the important crossroads of each talmid’s life. In addition to the regular sidrei hayeshiva, a variety of shiurim are offered in Chumash, Mussar, and Machshavah, presenting the Torah as Toras Chayim, a map for life itself. Through hadracha in these areas, our talmidim attain the tools to blossom into true B’nei To- rah. As our talmidim progress, they gain a derech halimud for iyun, an impressive repository of bekius in Shas, and an inspired life hashkafa. WELCOME . WE OFFER A WARM AND UNIQUE ATMOSPHERE IN THE ROSH HAYESHIVA’S SHIURIM WHICH BOCHURIM An integral part of each talmid’s growth in the Yeshiva Gedolah are the ye- sodos in learning they gain from the Rosh HaYeshiva’s regular shiurim and DEVELOP A chaburos. Based on the mesorah of his rebbe Rav Nachum Partzovitz, zt”l of the Mir, the Rosh HaYeshiva’s depth of understanding and broad appli- cation of the sugyos provide bochurim with a greater view of their learning. LIFELONG LOVE The periodic Shiur Klali from the Rosh HaYeshiva helps to bring out to the bochurim broader points in the sugya that they may not have discussed in OF LEARNING AND their daily shiur. Every bochur has regular opportunities to speak with the Rosh HaYeshiva in learning and has the chance to develop a close relation- ship with him. In addition, the Rosh HaYeshiva often learns b’chavrusa with A PASSIONATE bochurim and is available to answer questions throughout seder. Our talmidim are privileged to be guided in hashkafa and yesodei emunah COMMITMENT TO by the Rosh HaYeshiva in many settings throughout the week. His distinctive way of sharing insight and opening a person’s mind and perspective is truly YIDDISHKEIT exceptional. The Rosh HaYeshiva gives a nightly vaad on Alei Shur which serves as an ideal springboard for the Rosh HaYeshiva to address many of the challenges that face every yeshiva bochur. Each Friday morning the Rosh HaYeshiva gives a unique parsha shiur that lures one into the depths of Chazal, pulls out profound messages, and provides an inspirational and practical les- son for life. To deal with challenges in life, a Ben Torah must have a strong base of hashkafa. With this purpose in mind, the Rosh HaYeshiva gives many regular shiurim elucidating yesodei haTorah and Ikrei Hadas. HaRav Ahron Lopiansky, Rosh HaYeshiva, is a son-in-law of Rav Beinish Finkel zt”l, the illustrious Rosh Yeshiva of Mir Yerushalayim. He learned in the Mir for decades, and continues the mesora of his rebbeim Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz zt”l and Rav Nachum Partzovitz zt”l. The Rosh HaYeshiva, with his sharp insight and warm personality, guides talmidim to excel in their learning and mature as true bnei Torah. SCHEDULE 7:45 Shacharis BAIS MEDRASH Halacha Seder immediately following Shacharis 9:30 First Seder PROGRAM 12:00 Shiur 1:00 Lunch and Break FIRST SEDER 2:30 Mussar Seder A major focus is 2:45 Mincha placed on the talmi- Second Seder immediately dim developing and following Mincha advancing their own 6:00 Dinner and Break learning skills through 8:00 Night Seder structured and inter- 10:00 Maariv active shiurim. The shiurim are challeng- ing, emphasizing the analytical skills re- quired to develop clar- ity in pshat, along with identifying essential points of the sugya HaRav Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel, spent many years to produce self-suffi- learning in the Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel where he was recog- ciency in learning. The nized as one of their foremost talmidim. He taught at the Telshe first year shiur given by high school before coming to the Yeshiva of Greater Washing- Rabbi Reuven Kasierer ton. He is a noted Baal Halacha and Baal Mussar, serving as provides a thorough a well-respected posek for YGW and the community. He is also analysis of the struc- noted for his ability to counsel talmidim, putting much energy Rabbi Eliezer Kreiser, Mashgiach, learned in the and love into guiding them. Mir and Lakewood in America, and Brisk and ture of the gemara and Mir in Eretz Yisroel. He transmits the mesorah he focuses on clarity in the sugya. When a talmid progresses to Rabbi Moshe Ar- received through his ongoing conversations with zouan’s shiur, a talmid learns to notice and define the implications of the text bochurim instilling them with chizuk and drive of both the gemara and rishonim through interactive discussion. The Rosh to grow to the best of their ability. HaYeshiva’s shiur focuses on analyzing core issues of the gemara and hones a talmid’s ability to master the reasoning behind the sugya. This seder is chavru- sah style learning with supervision and guidance by both their rebbe and shoel umeishiv followed by their shiur. SECOND SEDER Talmidim are given a quota of gemara to cover throughout afternoon seder. Through independent learning under the guidance of Rabbi Yitzchak Scher, the second seder shoel u’meishiv, they learn to develop clarity and retention of these gemaras. Rabbi Scher offers shiurim to aid the talmidim in understand- ing that day’s allotment, as well as providing them with regular chaburos to enhance their learning. Rabbi Moshe Arzouan, Maggid Shiur, learned in Mercaz HaTorah and Ner Yisrael in addition NIGHT SEDER to his many years in our Kollel. He was a close The main focus of night seder is review of the materials learned throughout talmid of Rav Anemer zt”l. His mehalech halim- the day with a focus on first seder review. With consistent review and guid- ud of analysis of the gemara and rishonim, along with his engaging teaching style, train talmidim ance of Rabbi Shmuel Weinberger, the talmidim are enabled to better master to make that vital transition from being passive what they have learned. learners to active participants in a sugya. FIRST YEAR BAIS MEDRASH The Yeshiva’s first year Bais Medrash pro- gram is structured to help talmidim make the transition from Rabbi Yitzchak Scher, Second Seder Rebbe, high school to Yeshi- has been a talmid of the Yeshiva and the Kollel for almost two decades. In addition to his daily va Gedolah. We have shiur and weekly chabura on the second seder seen from experience limud, he gives many vaadim to the bochurim. that a specially fo- cused first year Bais Medrash program is vital in making this transition, and we therefore have put great effort and investment in developing this program. While the general seder hayom follows the same outline as the rest of Yeshiva, the first year bo- churim have additional vaadim and shiurim, and a dedicated Rebbi at each seder, enabling each talmid to advance at his own level.
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