FALL 2012 Les Guédry d’Asteur Volume 10, Iss. 3 GENERATIONS IN THIS ISSUE With this issue of “Generations” we graphs of our ancestors. Thanks to come to a close of 2012 and look forward Paul Scotto, a direct descendent of to a new, prosperous year in 2013. We Charles Joseph Guedry and Marie Le- DANCE HALLS, 2 HOSTELRIES & wish everyone a very happy holiday sea- ontine Gaudet, for sharing these inter- THE GUÉDRY’S son and a great year in 2013 renewing esting photos of his family. If you have by Marty Guidry friendships, finding lost cousins and en- one or several old family photographs joying success in learning about our an- that you would like to share, please FAMILY PHOTOS- 7 cestors and the lives they experienced. email them to Marty Guidry at Family of Charles Joseph Guedry & Our Acadian ancestors worked very hard
[email protected]. Marie Leontine during the week, but come the weekend Gaudet-from Paul and they knew how to enjoy a good time. We continue our series of highlighting Scotto In “Dance Halls, Hostelries & the our Guédry and Petitpas family talent Guédry’s” we explore interesting tidbits with a brief biography of Amy Guidry, LES GUÉDRY 9 about some of the establishments owned an exceptional young artist from Lafay- D’ASTEUR-CIRCLE ette, Louisiana. She is received excep- OF DISTINCTION- and/or operated by our family. And 2012 INDUCTEES don’t miss the article “Carrying on a tional state and national acclaim for her Family Tradition” about LeeAnn Law recent works. FAMILY TALENT- 11 (daughter of Christine Guidry Law) – our Amy Guidry, Artist own young ambassador of the Acadian (1976- ) tradition.