SR V18 Index.Pdf (969.3Kb)
Index to Volume 18 Rachael Garrity A Biedma, 115 A Girls Life Before the War, 81 Bimini, 119 Adams, President John, I 0, 13-14 Blacksburg, Va., 25, 30, 57, 80, 82-85, 91 Alabama, IOI Blue Ridge Mountains, 82 Alien and Sedition Acts, I 0 Boston, Barbara, 112 Alonso de Chavez, 115 Botetourt County, Va., 25, 27, 29, 54, 63, Alonso de Santa Cruz, 111-113 65, 79 Allegheny Mountains, 82 Bouleware, Jane Grace Preston, 78 American Declaration of Independence, 9 Boulware, Aubin Lee, 78 American Indians, 4, 52-54, 58, 66, 82, Bradenton, Fla., I 06 100, 105, 107-108 Brady, Mathew, 84 American Revolution, 58, 72, 73 Braham, John, 34 Apafalaya, I 0 I Brain, Jeffrey, I 05 Appalachia, I 0 I, I 04 Breckenridge, Robert, 40 Appalachian Mountains, 3, 20, 55 Brissot, Jacques Pierre, 16 Appalachian Trail, 110 Bristol, Tenn.Na., 99, I 09, 124 Arkansas, I 05 Bristol News, 126-127 Augusta County, Va., 25-27, 30, 33, 35, British North America, 55 37-38,40,43-44,52,54, 71 Brown, John, 91, 135 Avenel House Plantation, 81 Brown, John Mason, 135 Brown, John Meredith, 135 B Brunswick County, Va., 40 Bahaman Channel, 118-119 Buchanan, Colonel John, 27, 30, 35, 41, Baird (Beard), John, 40-41 52-53 Baldwin, Caroline (Cary) Marx, 78 Buchanan, Va., 27, 38, 52-53 Bank of the United States, 6 Bullett, Captain, 62-65 Bardstown, Ky., 3, 17 Bullpasture River, 54 Barreis, David, I 05 Bureau ofAmerican Ethnology, 110 Barrens, The, Ky., 13, 17 Burke County, N.C., I 03 Bassett, Colonel, 65 Burwell, Letitia M., 81-83, 86, 90 Batson, Mordecai, 60 Bussell Island, Tenn., 123 Battle
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