Rats by Fl-Aminopropionitrile (Hypertension/Blood Vessels) KAZUHIKO IWATSUKI, GEORGE J

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Rats by Fl-Aminopropionitrile (Hypertension/Blood Vessels) KAZUHIKO IWATSUKI, GEORGE J Proc. Nati. Acad. Sct. USA Vol. 74, No. 1, pp. 360-362, January 1977 Medical Sciences Reduction of blood pressure and vascular collagen in hypertensive rats by fl-aminopropionitrile (hypertension/blood vessels) KAZUHIKO IWATSUKI, GEORGE J. CARDINALE, SYDNEY SPECTOR, AND SIDNEY UDENFRIEND Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nutley, New Jersey 07110 Contributed by Sidney Udenfriend, October 21, 1976 ABSTRACT #-Aminopropionitrile, a specific inhibitor of Rats were killed by decapitation. The entire aorta and the lysyl oxidase preventedthe rise in blood pressure induced by mesenteric artery were excised from each animal and peri- deoxycorticosterone-salt in rats. In addition, after the onset of removed from them. Each hypertension, administration of P-aminopropionitrile lowered vascular adipose tissue was carefully the blood pressure. Concomitant with the lowering of blood vascular tissue was homogenized in 30 volumes of 0.5 M acetic pressure, there was a reduction in the more highly crosslinked acid in a ground-glass homogenizer, and the soluble collagen form of vascular collagen. These findings would indicate that was extracted for 24 hr at 40 (10). The extracts were centrifuged increases in vascular connective tissue are not only sequelae of at 11,500 X g for 30 min and the supernatants were dialyzed hyprtension, but may also contribute to the maintenance of against 10 mM acetic acid. The precipitates, containing the eevated blood pressure. insoluble collagen, were then lyophilized. After this, the su- vascular collagen biosynthesis pernatants and precipitates were hydrolyzed in 6 M HCl for We have previously reported that 20 hr at 105°. Hydroxyproline was measured by the method and deposition is increased in hypertensive rats and that these of Kivirikko et al. (11). These values yield collagen content effects are reversed when blood pressure is lowered by anti- when multiplied by 6.98 (12). hypertensive drugs (1, 2). Those findings suggested that the for deposition of vascular connective tissue is one of the sequelae Tissue sections from each experiment were prepared of hypertension. The availability of agents that selectively in- histological examination. hibit collagen formation and deposition make it possible to determine whether the increased amounts of collagen also RESULTS contribute to the maintained hypertension. One of these agents, Changes in blood pressure and body weight fl-aminopropionitrile, is a fairly specific inhibitor of lysyl oxi- As shown in Fig. 1, the blood pressures of the rats treated with dase, the enzyme which catalyzes the oxidative deamination deoxycorticosterone-salt were markedly increased over those of the e-amino groups of lysine and hydroxylysine in collagen of the controls. Administration of (3-aminopropionitrile to rats and elastin (3-5). In the absence of lysyl oxidase activity, the treated with deoxycorticosterone-salt largely prevented the formation of crosslinked collagen is blocked. This can be increase in blood pressure for 5 weeks. After this time, the blood demonstrated by a diminution of insoluble collagen (6). pressure gradually increased to about 170 mm of Hg by the In the present study we have shown that administration of fifteenth week of treatment. At this point, however, the blood f3-aminopropionitrile to rats receiving deoxycorticosterone-salt pressure was still much lower than in the rats treated with de- markedly diminishes the hypertension produced by the steroid. oxycorticosterone-salt alone (P < 0.01). When (3-aminopro- When f3-aminopropionitrile was given after the onset of severe pionitrile was given after deoxycorticosterone-salt hypertension hypertension, it lowered the blood pressure. Concomitant with was established, the blood pressure was lowered. It should be the changes in blood pressure, there were parallel changes in noted that the fall in blood pressure was not acute but gradual. insoluble vascular collagen. After 10 weeks, some of the rats that were receiving deoxy- corticosterone-salt and fl-aminopropionitrile had the fl-ami- MATERIALS AND METHODS nopropionitrile removed from their regimen. Concomitant with Deoxycorticosterone acetate was purchased from ICN Phar- the removal of (3-aminopropionitrile, the blood pressure in- maceuticals, Inc. f3-Aminopropionitrile fumarate was obtained creased to 210 mm of Hg over a 1-week period, the same from the Aldrich Chemical Co. and was dissolved in 0.9% saline. pressure as in those animals that never received fl-aminopro- The dose of j3-aminopropionitrile used is expressed in terms of pionitrile. O-Aminopropionitrile by itself had no effect on blood the free base. pressure in normotensive animals. Twelve-week-old male Wistar rats, weighing 300-350 g, Fig. 2 shows the blood pressure of rats given 50 mg or 100 were subjected to uninephrectomy. The rats were then divided mg/kg of fl-aminopropionitrile twice daily along with deoxy- into three groups. One group received subcutaneous injections corticosterone-salt for a 6-week period. It would appear that of deoxycorticosterone (5 mg per rat) twice weekly (7, 8); the the lower dose is near the threshold dose for the antihyperten- second group received the same amount of deoxycorticosterone sive effect of fl-aminopropionitrile. The changes in body weight and in addition either 50 mg/kg or 100 mg/kg of j3-amino- caused by the various agents used were slight. propionitrile twice daily, intraperitoneally; the third group received 3-amninopropionitrile alone twice daily. Normotensive, Changes in collagen intact, male Wistar rats were used as controls. The rats were As shown in Table 1, total and insoluble collagen were signifi- maintained on a standard laboratory diet and were given 1% cantly increased over controls in the aortas of rats treated with saline in tap water ad libitum. Blood pressure was measured deoxycorticosterone-salt after (3-aminopropionitrile was re- by the tail cuff and photoelectric method without anesthesia moved from their regimen for 5 weeks. Animals that had been (9). treated with deoxycorticosterone-salt and that were treated with 360 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 Medical Sciences: Iwatsuki et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 74 (1977) 361 50) E 200 > ' ' en 1500 ._ , Ar --w '_ _ ~ ~ + ° 100 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 12 13 14 15 WE EKS FIG. 1. Uninephrectomized male rats (12 weeks old) were given deoxycorticosterone acetate (5 mg/kg) twice weekly and maintained on saline (0). After 5 weeks of deoxycorticosterone-salt treatment, 6B-aminopropionitrile (100 mg/kg intraperitoneally) was administered twice daily (*). Another group of rats was given the same dose of fl-aminopropionitrile concomitant with the start of deoxycorticosterone-salt treatment (0). After 10 weeks of the combined deoxycorticosterone-salt-,3-aminopropionitrile treatment, the fl-aminopropionitrile injections were stopped (3). Intact, normotensive rats (-) and uninephrectomized normotensive rats given the standard dose of 6s-aminopropionitrile (M) served as controls. At 15 weeks the remaining rats were killed and the collagen content of their tissues was measured (Table 1). Each point represents the mean of values for at least three rats. (3-aminopropionitrile for the entire 15-week period did not show pionitrile can prevent or reverse the hypertension produced by this increase over controls, and, in fact, their collagen content deoxycorticosterone-salt. Concomitant with the decrease in was significantly lower than in the animals in which #l-ami- blood pressure, there was a decrease in vascular collagen content nopripionitrile treatment had been discontinued. Adminis- (Table 1). Recently, Ooshima and Midorikawa (personal tration of f3-aminopropionitrile to normotensive animals yielded communication) have also shown that fl-aminopropionitrile aortas containing the smallest amounts of collagen. Similar lowers blood pressure concomitant with a decrease in vascular results were obtained with mesenteric arteries. In that tissue collagen deposition. also, ,0-aminopropionitrile treatment significantly decreased As was previously reported (1, 2), periarteritis nodosa in the collagen content. mesenteric artery and thickening of the aorta were observed in the hypertensive rats after 10 or 15 weeks of treatment. In DISCUSSION contrast, blood vessels of rats that had been treated with de- The first step in the crosslinking of collagen and of elastin is the oxycorticosterone-salt and with fl-aminopropionitrile did not oxidative deamination of lysine and hydroxylysine by the en- show these changes and, in fact, were similar to those of control zyme lysyl oxidase (13, 14). f3-Aminopropionitrile inhibits the rats. activity of this enzyme and thereby should decrease the depo- It should be noted that the hypotensive effect of fl-amino- sition of collagen and elastin fibers. propionitrile was not acute. The long onset would be in accord In previous studies we have shown that hypertension results with an effect on collagen synthesis rather than an acute in an increase in the synthesis and deposition of vascular col- pharmacological effect. One possible pharmacological effect lagen (1, 2). We have now used (l-aminopropionitrile to further which suggested itself was that f3-aminopropionitrile may be investigate the relationship between the onset of hypertension lowering blood pressure by inhibiting monoamine oxidase. It and collagen biosynthesis. As shown in Fig. 1, fl-aminopro- is well known that inhibitors of monoamine oxidase are anti- hypertensive agents (15). Since both lysyl oxidase and
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    University of Nebraska - Lincoln DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln Robert Powers Publications Published Research - Department of Chemistry 2011 A Correlation between Protein Function and Ligand Binding Profiles Matthew .D Shortridge University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Michael Bokemper University of Nebraska-Lincoln Jennifer C. Copeland University of Nebraska-Lincoln Jaime L. Stark University of Nebraska-Lincoln Robert Powers University of Nebraska-Lincoln, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/chemistrypowers Shortridge, Matthew D.; Bokemper, Michael; Copeland, Jennifer C.; Stark, Jaime L.; and Powers, Robert, "A Correlation between Protein Function and Ligand Binding Profiles" (2011). Robert Powers Publications. 52. http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/chemistrypowers/52 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Published Research - Department of Chemistry at DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. It has been accepted for inclusion in Robert Powers Publications by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@University of Nebraska - Lincoln. NIH Public Access Author Manuscript J Proteome Res. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2012 May 6. NIH-PA Author ManuscriptPublished NIH-PA Author Manuscript in final edited NIH-PA Author Manuscript form as: J Proteome Res. 2011 May 6; 10(5): 2538±2545. doi:10.1021/pr200015d. A Correlation between Protein Function and Ligand Binding Profiles Matthew D. Shortridge, Michael Bokemper, Jennifer C. Copeland, Jaime L. Stark, and Robert Powers* Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 68588-0304 Abstract We report that proteins with the same function bind the same set of small molecules from a standardized chemical library. This observation led to a quantifiable and rapidly adaptable method for protein functional analysis using experimentally-derived ligand binding profiles.
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