268 Part 522—Implantation Or Injectable Dosage Form
§ 520.2645 21 CFR Ch. I (4–1–18 Edition) (ii) Indications for use. For the control 522.82 Aminopropazine. of American foulbrood (Paenibacillus 522.84 Beta-aminopropionitrile. larvae). 522.88 Amoxicillin. 522.90 Ampicillin injectable dosage forms. (iii) Limitations. The drug should be 522.90a Ampicillin trihydrate suspension. fed early in the spring or fall and con- 522.90b Ampicillin trihydrate powder for in- sumed by the bees before the main jection. honey flow begins, to avoid contamina- 522.90c Ampicillin sodium. tion of production honey. Complete 522.144 Arsenamide. treatments at least 4 weeks before 522.147 Atipamezole. main honey flow. 522.150 Azaperone. 522.161 Betamethasone. [40 FR 13838, Mar. 27, 1975, as amended at 50 522.163 Betamethasone dipropionate and FR 49841, Dec. 5, 1985; 59 FR 14365, Mar. 28, betamethasone sodium phosphate aque- 1994; 62 FR 39443, July 23, 1997; 68 FR 24879, ous suspension. May 9, 2003; 70 FR 69439, Nov. 16, 2005; 73 FR 522.167 Betamethasone sodium phosphate 76946, Dec. 18, 2008; 75 FR 76259, Dec. 8, 2010; and betamethasone acetate. 76 FR 59024, Sept. 23, 2011; 77 FR 29217, May 522.204 Boldenone. 17, 2012; 79 FR 37620, July 2, 2014; 79 FR 53136, 522.224 Bupivacaine. Sept. 8, 2014; 79 FR 64116, Oct. 28, 2014; 80 FR 522.230 Buprenorphine. 34278, June 16, 2015; 81 FR 48702, July 26, 2016] 522.234 Butamisole. 522.246 Butorphanol. § 520.2645 Tylvalosin. 522.275 N-Butylscopolammonium. 522.300 Carfentanil. (a) Specifications. Granules containing 522.304 Carprofen. 62.5 percent tylvalosin (w/w) as 522.311 Cefovecin.
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