2020 ANNUAL REPORT & BUSINESS REVIEW ACCI Annual Report and Business Review 2020 Published by the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Level 2, 24 Brisbane Avenue, Barton ACT 2600 P: 02 6270 8000 www.australianchamber.com.au ISBN 9780646534091 Editors Tracy Rieger Senior Manager Membership, Marketing & Events
[email protected] Natalie Chynoweth Communications and Events Coordinator Membership, Marketing & Events
[email protected] Design Australian Graphic Design www.australiangraphicdesign.com.au No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner or form without written permission from the Australian Chamber. CONTENTS ///////////////////////////////// PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE 4 CEO’S MESSAGE 5 MEMBERSHIP NETWORK 6 INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION MEMBERS 7 BUSINESS LEADERS COUNCIL MEMBERS 10 NATIONAL SECRETARIAT 13 FINANCIAL SNAPSHOT 15 STRATEGIC PLAN 2020-2023 16 GOVERNANCE 17 BUSHFIRES 19 COVID-19 INITIAL RESPONSE 22 TOURISM RESTART TASKFORCE 28 COVID-19 RESTART 30 COVID-19 BUDGET AND RECOVERY 34 LONGER-TERM VISION 35 YEAR IN NUMBERS 36 MEDIA 37 EMPLOYMENT & SKILLS 38 WORKPLACE RELATIONS 38 WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY 39 INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AUSTRALIA 40 POLICY SUBMISSIONS 41 ACCI MEMBER EVENTS 42 /// Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry Annual Report and Business Review 2020 /// PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE ///////////////////////////////// This is a year like no other. Natural hardships struck like a succession of plagues. Bushfires tore through small towns and laid landscapes to waste after regional communities had endured years of drought. A pandemic swept the globe and cities, states and nations were locked down. In these times ACCI has been needed more than ever. Our network rose to the challenge and demonstrated unity of purpose and commitment to collaborate and deliver thought leadership that unlocked full benefits for our members, the employers they represent and the wider business community.