Jury Convicts Senator in Abscam Dition

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Jury Convicts Senator in Abscam Dition 24 - THE HERALD. Fri., May 1, IWl uMtaoto«tat9<ULi' 4 l X *> ' F o r S a to • f 4 «to a For Sato $1 Autot for Sato SI Motorerctoa-Storctoa S4 S4 Campara, Traitors « • M W M »M o 1977 Buick Recal. 2 door, 1974 CAPRI - Automatic, MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE - Man’s 10 A/C,' AM-FM Stereo, km 89,000 miles. Runt good. IN SU R AN C E - Low est speed Royce Union Blcy- POP TOP CAMPER • mileage. One owner. Minor body damage. $700 Rates Available! m . G m coadltioa. |B. Staoa 4.Ruanlna walar, and 76ers ... page 10 Excellent condition. fSKO. negotiable. 742-4^. Immediate Binding Lay- CaU 64M902. stove and Ice bos. CaU M l-' Call 649-9189. Up Options. C!all Joan, Calamity Jana’s raal name ssm Martha Jana OsMry efarke Insurance Agency, WOMAN’S V" RALEIGH 1967 DODGE DART GT-273 1973 FORD LTD • Running 642-1188. 10 Speed Sprite with I t ” motor. Headers,.,posi-rear condlUon. $460. CaU 049- frame. Touring end, air shocks, mags, 5422, after 4:00 p.m. handlebars, comfortable HONEYSUCKLE SHOP! hood scoop. 92SO. Ask for MOTORCYCLE teat. Exceilmt conditloo. TENT TRAILER - Mark, 742-9990. INSURANCE, see us now $160. CaU 74^7M1. STARCRAFT. Star Master for same day coverage and Stove, ice hox, canopy Save 3 0 % on all M anchester, Conn. competitive rates. Ask for 19B HONDA HAWK - 3,400 - new canvas. Bscsllent Serving the 1972 TOYOTA. Good condi­ 1972 MERCURY STATION Sero Blouses. tion. Asking 8200. Must sell Judy or Janet, CYockett milea. $1300. CaU 647-M5. edndiUon. Asking $1850. Saturday, May 2, 1981 WAGON. Power steering Agm cy, Inc., $43-1677. Can 64SWa after 5 p.m. Manchester area immediately. Call 646-1365. and radio. $400 FIRM . CaU Classic styles In assy cars Campara, rraNara a«tf polysstsr and cotton prints 2 5 C e n t s after 5 p.m. 647-9272. OTOBiW ffw naa W for 100 years 1971 VW C A M P E R - and solids.'-long or short JEEPS, CARS TRUCKS SURPLUS JEEP - Value TWO PIECE CAMPER ElxcieUent condition. Fac­ sleeves. Size 6-14. available through govern­ 1973 FORD TORINO - 2 dr. $3196: Sold for $44. CaU 312- SUZUKI 1978 GS760EC. with cabinets and heater. tory equipped. Pop top. ment agencies, many sell 302 EngiiK. AT. PS, PB, 74M143, Bxtenaion 5416 for 7500 milea. Excellent con­ ^ceUent condition! FIta AM-FM Radio, Caaaette for under $200. Call 602-941- information on how to dition. Extras. Asking Air-conditioning. Good on I foot i^ck-up.’ $9M. player, radial tires. $8700. Oper Mon-Sat 1-5 643-0527 8014 ext. 7816 for your condition. $950. Call 643- urchase bargains like $1995. CaU 649-4151 after Purchased new for $1650. 6aU 74^601& A F TE R 6 directory on how to 4688 giis. 6:30 p.m. 8 7 6 ^ 1 . p.m. purchase. 1968 LEMANS Rebuilt engine Good running con­ Jury convicts senator in Abscam dition. Body fair. $400 or Best Offer Call 643-0814 EASY LIVIN’! SUPER SAVINGS! NEW YO RK (U P lI - Sen 1969 M E R C U R Y Harrison Williams Friday became MONTEGO good condi­ the first senator and seventh tion, new tires $375 Call member of Congress to be convicted 649-7648 after 5 p.m A.WENZEL IZ xIS fL SerMnUouM of political corruption charges in the Enioy oool lufwaar biM HS wtiMa FBI's Abscam probe. you«al.ra)B< oravMivlMp.. .aW LECAL NOTICES no to p i! FIm w w fw m m with Iwi 6 1 . 4 0 A jury of eight men and four Up doora, unobntwirlwl Iniwtar. O w Nm -W W ConWr IwIBW TB". women found the New Jersey Pr<ibale Notice XnORlOW POOM OWT. Democrat guilty of all counts in the NOTICE TO CREDITORS nine-count bribery-conspiracy in­ ESTATE OF MILDRED B JOHNSON, deceased ■.Nm v ! TaxSlMW Folding Patio Choir dictment against him. The Hon William E FilzGerald. Cool, ton. oomiortW)l....wid tough) I 4 A QD Judge, of the Court of Probate, VtnytooWod potyoowr oord on | . 'y * P 9 ._ Williams’ friend and codefendant, District of Manchester at a (hitto hwno. Summonr tlwdm. I O w «ip .iij» Alexander Feinberg, also was con­ hearing held on April 17. IWl HtoleWwaawImLBuitoi.owUw-Mdi 2M 0 victed on all counts. He was accused ordered that all claims must be of aiding and abetting the senator. presented to the fiduciaries on or •TexWew 7W Ft 8JWb towkWI Ombwie _ „ liefore July 27 1961 or be barred as Owiwg-NM 77S0 Bribery, the most serious charge by law provided against the pair, carries a Sherrie L Anderson. Ass t Clerk Rodwood and Ahindnum Patio Chair maximum penalty of 15 years in The fiduciaries are CWItom). ndvood WWs on braood prison. C-arol J McDonald Uummum tramo «lth ootor-natchod 1 8 .4 4 39 Beechwood Drive nnldod wmi. Foldi oompwihr The jury returned the verdict at Clifton F’ark. NY 12065 22.76 9:10 p.m after 28 hours of delibera­ and tion. iKins J Wilson ’ySiIIonooowW**' 1 " Lake Shore Boulevard. Contro)« * o.TradHlonaH>aaign 42" Park Banch The trial in U.S. District Court in Stafftirdville CT 08077 uons »"<1 o”* ' CImotc Moon non hwno md «n « I WA O T Brooklyn before Judge George Pratt 087-IH «tth rich wtllquo am f)nMi imt. I to V .V r was the last major prosecution Qhwyour)rywOK■ nostWg*c look) stemming from the FBI’s two-year Probalc Notice undercover Abscam — or "Arab e . 2 4 " Folding BoitMCuo Grill scam" — probe into political corrup- Court of Probsfte DistncI of FoMurao4i>aoltlangnd;4ol04vtook I ^ T R ^ lion. Manchester Baum 11 illli I W^VwV WW ORTHO‘W aade^’ C ftTo. ^ Williams' lawyer, George NOTICE OF HEARING Koelzer, who arrived for the verdict In Re Christine Cyr an adult per F. Aguttablo CaoMran HR m c M dressed in a tuxedo, buried his head son 101117” artth adiust*^ grldi. in his hands as the jury foreman Pursuant to an order of Hon oooMouch wood lendMa. HedoubW 6 . 2 3 William E Fitrtierald Judge caat4ron bowl «Htti vani controls. O w l l i g M i read the verdict. dated April 28 1981 a hearing will The senator himself appeared im­ be held on an application praying passive. and his wife Jeanette 0.13x17” CasHran PortaMo Qaa Grid for her name lf» be changed to seemed stunned as the jury Christine Matassa as in said FoWura* htngwl Hd. tratvit Mwt. application on file more fully rtUnlmi itool bunwey. todmtel 3 9 . 7 0 delivered a guilty verdict on all appears at the Court of jprobate ' — ■ MI|uA« to tmio nwdol counts. on f> 11 8] at 10 oo a m The trial of Williams and his co- 2 S 7 « 5iberne 1. Anderson o r t h o sprwf** ^ 3 3 defendent. Alexander Feinberg, is Asst Clerk The toymaker, Steven Kalm, sings his story to children at Manchester's the last of the major prosecutions to Elacironic Bug KMar —^ •nd fertilizers Keeney Street School in a periormance of “The Toy Shop.” Kalm and other arise from the FBI’s two-year un­ Attracts f lying tniocts o»w a wtdo dercover Abscam — or "Arab • 6 3 members of the Connecticut Opera brought musical theater to town araa, zw»'am dmd) Sala for kids, The opera comes to town Scam" — probe into political cor­ pats and smtronmant. OOThip.M schools this tooslc. (Herald photo'by Pinto) NOTICE TO CREDITORS c y c l o n e ruption. S ta a l Six other congressmen — all ESTATE OF Came Mae Seymour - .Diunow 1 y c < J members of the House — were con­ aka (.arrie M Seymour deceased i..flg ilD to W Luah 36 to 484nch .Flam a Ratardant Nylon victed on charges of bribery or The Hon Williani E FiUGeraid ^aay roli S' wtw**» Indoor Floor PtMita 7x7 FL swan accepting an illegal gratuity Rep. Judge, of the CtKirt of I*robale Rent subsidy criteria Disinci »•( Mancheslif at a W a R T a n t Raymond Lederer. D-Pa.. the only hearing held on April 8. 1961 Oarllig.1Mi 1 1 . 7 7 Onrllig.49.rr 3 7 . 6 0 Abscam defendant to be re-elected ordered that all claims must be b l a c k S OraatlWaod Graonhouse trash and ranrw to orowl after indictment, resigned this week presented In the fiduciary on or Includes Ftoas Baniamlna, Schafflera. with storm flip rather than face expulsion before Julv 28. 1981 or be barred as Yucca and more In 10” pots ropss, osrry ca bs law provided Triminor The charges against Williams Sheme L Anderson '* . C O L B M N i Evidence contradicts AAHA official were more complex than those in Asst Clerk •a Inch Hanging Clay the preceding trials The govern­ 091-04 21.40 basis," wrote Phalen. "N o one has ment claimed the 6lyear-old New Maic iilon I By PAUL HENDRIE tinnait^ The iuit duTges the town elderly hoaxing waiting liat is But defense attorney Johnson .COLBMN 2 0 wiwr with racial dlacrtmination. The bamlled," teatified Fhdan. "We produced evidence that in July 1979 ever been passed over because of Jersey Democrat agreed to use his HcawM Repartor position to obtain government con­ U i^V O H PERM IT CALl)OR22” S jje ro ^ | town left the program after a were told 40 peroerd o f the boons (Ui- Manchester adopted residency where they live.” 0arRag.4JM 3 .
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