Street Tree Inventory Report Old Town-Chinatown Neighborhood November 2015 Street Tree Inventory Report: Old Town-Chinatown Neighborhood November 2015 Written by: Kat Davidson, Nikhilesh Desai, Angie DiSalvo, Jeremy Grotbo, and Jeff Ramsey Portland Parks & Recreation Urban Forestry 503-823-4484
[email protected] Old Town-Chinatown Tree Inventory Organizer: Gloria Lee Staff Neighborhood Coordinator: Nikhilesh Desai Data Collection Volunteers: Dennis Alexander, Casey Cunningham, Timothy Desper, Gary Handy, Stephen Larson, Gloria Lee, Betty Jean Lee, Trevor Manning, Alicia Peteck, Jeff Renfro, Stephanie Renfro, Evelyn Roeloffs, Mary Kay Ruskusky, Kym Setzer, Peggy Thompson, Gary Thompson, Merlin Varaday, Annie Willis, and Helen Ying Data Entry Volunteers: Ben Brady, Carl Burdick, Max Carlstrom, Megan Cohen-Doyle, and Eileen Meinel Arborist-on-Call Volunteer: Ron Davies GIS Technical Support: Josh Darling, Portland Parks & Recreation Financial Support: Portland Parks & Recreation Cover Photos (from top left to bottom right): 1) The linear leaves and tiny acorns of a Quercus myrsinifolia. 2) Profusely blooming cherry trees frame the Steel Bridge. 3) An unusual viburnum tree (Viburnum awabuki) near Lan Su Chinese Garden. 4) A guardian statue at the Chinatown Gate. 5) Palms (Trachycarpus spp.) in Old Town-Chinatown. 6) The foliage of a dawn redwood (Metasequoia glyptostroboides). 7) A woman sits in the shade of this Heritage Tree, a Yoshino cherry (Prunus x yedoensis). 8) Fruit ripening on a saucer magnolia tree (Magnolia x soulangeana). ver. 10/15/2015 Portland Parks & Recreation 1120 SW Fifth Avenue, Suite 1302 Portland, Oregon 97204 (503) 823-PLAY Commissioner Amanda Fritz Director Mike Abbaté Table of Contents Key Findings .........................................