mT’ (r.. •y’ N, X BATUKUAI, JUNS I, 194|T llMk Weatticr. Avei;fige Daily Foemtet ef V. S. Weathhr .<>1 TWieLva M anchest^y^vehing H ^ald F o r lito f'.loudy, eontlnneil rool tonight; ment. Jack probably figure* Tuesday steul.v diminishing rloud-. would be better for the theater 1 Ready to Sell ASHES iHid RUBBISH Iness and somewhat tvamier in bi- Wins lironi^ Slur a bed Were **1 up lor kinn ki hi* Soniewfiere iu Pacific Member ef Hte- Aodlt teii'nr. About Town Heard Along Main Street office. R E M O V E D ^ Bureau of Ctroulattpa* 3 ^ Bonds "ix. ... •. X . MtmehesUT—^'A €Uy of Village Charrtp And on Some of ManchesUir^Side Slreets, Too The winter eblclw of the Man­ TELEPHONE C torn C. ningstoMe h«a. com- chester area areXow In that stage (TWELVB PAG ES )% PRICE THREE CENTS ^t«d hit boot tralnltiK at we of grdwth and weight which once GAVELLO « B. '(OlaMiaea Adverttebii m Fags MV MANCBi^3TER, CONN., MONDAY, JUNE 4, 194.>5 ^ v al jiUUoh in Sampson. N. The other afternoem, foui'^hj>sifj', | ly m em bership,and for whom the characterized the delicacy known Mighty SeVenih Cam­ VOL. t^XIT., NO. SOT X . and is apendln^g a "J"* hcalLIiy looking h o n o ia p l^ dis- I Y it open only during the fall and a* the broiler. But the broiler, as paign to Gel Under hla wife- and .-childfen at 37 Ed- charged veterans of -W orld War. w inter sea,son ? such. H no' more; This year any­ wards street, Mr. Rjhgstone was II,were talking^-lC group at the The paying ' members' had no th !^ with feathers.^an.d a strut Is Way Here Then. , formerly an- inspector . ,, at , the Center whcn„t5^ women shoppers game rooms, no pool or ping-pong more likely^^to be^ known as Free^ Prisoners Watch ftelsen Bum Pratt and Whitney Aircraft p.iaiu: by,^^fmd remarked rather , tables; no card -.tables, radio -or ''■briedlng ^ cockerel,” a fantasy Oil Burners The Retail Division is all set^and Ihin^se Appro in East Hartford. ,r ' loudlyT^Seems mighty funny that book and magaaine room. T»ter two which, theoretically, makes It legal x ; i>etfM fellows are lucky , enough to rooms that'-were formerly oc- for the seller to approach tfie black ready to go on June 4 to sell Bohds and z Ernest C. Linders, Jr.,JtJ^fT8tay out of the service and my boy hy the male members', for matkef qf J3.00 a bird. ^nd thore Bonds. Col. Russell B. /furnaces returried from overseas ^i,ty with is In the Army.", If certain people this purpose were closed in their ' The »(eITa,ra of breeding thaway reported vthat- ever^ the Triutsportation Corps >n the onl>^ .....^ knew, they wouldn't east _ fates and opened to"Jumble Inn" cockerela w ^t ao far, the other -Ijat detail had been, tak^n care of / A Pew Stip AvallaMK iW Alaskan Kfense .Ctfmmand. and •rl«rribg_rem^^^^ and their members. day. as to invkde Manchester ’and ahoNUiat the entire personnel of is at the redlitti^ution station at! have served their country faith- set lip business with a triidk in Manengster's stores and plnceo of \ RACKLIFKE OIL 6o. Off Ghinen Sector; Activities in the g>-m were hot Lake Plgc*d'S>N . V. Sgt. 4 - lfully n - and i *>»'"'have been diseharecd.disClmrKcd up to standard. Outside of biskel- front of one of Mahehester's , own buslnesaVere confident that Bhnd 8M Maple Avepoe — Hartford ders .entered the ^ y ic e in Sep­ There are few young men In balf there Wa-Sr’l much activity butcher shops. The idea, apparent­ sales wouidsbe brisk. t e ^ H artford 1-6181 town who have not scr\;ed In .one ly, Was to catch disappointed trade The RetalKDriW.a'lll be in ef­ tember, 1942, prevlotlli n| o. which for the youths who paid member­ on the rebound. ; IM w u :« sergeant in Com ply H, or another branch of the armed fect from Jtinh.;4 tnrqugh the 15 forces. In addition there are many ship for a year. There' was no or­ Whatever the farmers’ cabe for State Ouards. H* is the soiK, of ganised program and many com- during which time ''shoppers In who have .been foUnd physically a higher, OPA price may be, the fe- Manche'atcr will be^askedw invest Atiead 2 Miles Mr. and Mra> I^ e a t C. Llndersjof plalnta -were received from the black market rates are not help­ /l^^ithin 2» Mile ' 368 Parker street. -Two other unfit, certainly no fault of the btjy, their money in -War BOTds. OiiUy- orcei Aniiy, who has probably tried to youngaters aa to the system that ing It. For the black . market ing ■ districts will also B* reached Former Americ brothers . have long been In the was employed. Nothing was done scale la ho modest adjustment, but Styenth ' Infantry Divi- anrlcc. Master Sergeant Ray- many a time, ►'only to be turned. through this Retell plan, fqr many doWn at the induction center. to cive the youngsters Interesting at least doiible what a very hand­ surrounding districts make\Man- Base; Close Within Yanks Pursue | inond E. Under*, who has served and, attractive programs as were_ ^ ailing Plaii Super-Forts fiion . Scores ^ Greatest Another story about di.acharged fpl. Fraiyda E. Wt*ohna some honest price would be. Still, Lt. (Jg) Ralph A. Petenton chester a shopping center aniTTieo- \ la England, North Africa and vkerana of the present war con- carried’on several years ago In the that may not be what/(he people Five Miles of Shao- Italy, and Staff Sergeant Carl F. pie shopping here In town will One Day Aclvance in cigna a local ruldent who was m V. organisation. • . Corp. Francis E. Wocltna has, thi^nk. The number/ of- poultr.v Coast Guard Lieutenant fjgl approached to ■ invest In Wii Ousted Japs To JHit Japs ^ Undera la with the Coast Artil­ company with a eve­ We wonder, w hat the inci ca.scd . fanciers seems on the increase'and Ralph A. Beteraon of 120 South Bonds for the Seventh War Loan yang in Hunan Prov Qels-^upport ' Okinawa/ Campaign; lery a t San Diego. received the Bronze" Star Medal ning. Th4 resident sudderily look­ activities will bo next year for the rcccntlv by Brigadier General customers who d ^ ’t know the dif­ Main street Is at present -<)h‘ a; Drive. ince During Offensive^ | Front /U ne Officers ed at the left lapel hole of the vet’s members ss'anticipated in the re*, .tesse Auton,.(Icftl of Codington. ference betivcSn a Leghorn and Coast Giiard-mahued frigate, "We’pf the Retail,Dlviaion" said Near H arder >f<— Oleda Schrottky; author of coat where he wore: a discharged port. Let's have the Y officlal.s Ky. Corporal Wochna \wpn the barred roclt-'seem to be going in .somewhere in.the Pacl^ Lieut. Colonel Hathaway,-: "feel Sure that Grew ‘Gives *Shi,te' De­ Predict Next 48 Hours numerous. plays and pageants for button and noticed a button, with look further into the situation and medal for “oiit.slsndiog perform­ . for breeding In a big wav. "Peterson, son of Mr. and'^IrS. Carl through the determined effort of Chungking, June 4^/P)— wings attached. He. rctiiarkcd, partment Views as Olri Scouts, will be the guest make amentia so that the Man­ ance in the line of duty as a'cam- , ^ A. Peterson, has .- seCn \ action our huge Bond Sales force, wc will The Chinese drove night | '7,000^Ume Fleeln ami As Telling- Story of apeaker at the annual meeting of guess you have worked In the air­ chester Y. M. C. A. I an take its era technician with . the 56th Nf4i-spapet:8 are constantly get-. against the Japs jn New GiUpM. help Manchester to meet Ita quota within 28 miles 0 1 strategic | Heavyv Fighting on Min­ craft long enough for a service Gommittee H irin gs Effective D e f eii s e . S ^ e r Hartford Girl Scoiit Lead- place among the better organis­ Fighter-Group, top-scoriiig fighter" Uhg letters ‘-.teom "crack-pots, the Netherlands East Indies and of. 6705,000 In E Bond Series.” Ltuchow, former U. S. air danao; ISO Skeletons Jjarger Soon May At- ara at Aaylum Htll Congregation­ pin." The vet didn’t say much but ed units in town. • outfit in the Eighth Air Force. . And. it is freely admitted that at Leyte and-Llngayen Gulf In the DIA he had to hold back pfelty„ hard base and Ipd^ngsi province Opened oii Subject. al church, Thursday, June 7 at 'England. He designed and install- California seCms to be. the home Philippines. ' ."."'■I' " ’ k ' . ' Fpuinl in Old Penal ■tdeli a* Frequency Guam, .lune 4.—(/P) — In 7:46. Local council, members, from, telling his friend what he I^cal stores .arc working the- il junetkm, the high com- ed ^.special'xrectinnais.sance ydm-* | state Of "crack-pots." LAWN / Full, insured WaahingtomxJ'une 4-.— -rThe the greatest orte day advance troop committee members and all thought. The lad was just back 'numbers game ' in handling cus- era intJ:!.*^ P-47'Thunderbolt^ane* I 7’his week’s mail-brought a let- CRthp North o f City. O f Ruith .Increases. from mahy months in the South your furs and other mabd^wmounced tonight, In bltereated are cordially Invited to. tome'rs by rotatipn^a'nd in- many flown,b'^ , ter to this newspaper - and . no ' t'„w?Un« • ' BEACH'. i^t.R.te DepaMment today urged in the Okinawa campaign, Pacific. • ' garments. Reasonable Huiwr^royince, the Armies avail thimaelvea of this opportu­ instances.the ^ a h works okvfn Division oi h .' Wi"th,^is equip- : doubt a' copy went to every other i compul*dry peacetime military Manila, June 4 — (g^i — Heavy Washington, Jupe 4' .iA^, B-29 American" infantrymen • GARDEN —only S% of valuation. of/^nerkUsSimo Chiang Kai- nity of hearing Mlsa Schrottky, Others, nol-s* tof/\ ^ C A. .published in The Herald, went Into a store here the pther J lation.s The ,S6th Fighter group that lecture! were given in ahe UMBRU^LAS former base of the world eecurlly organization.” island. Maj. Gen. Roacoe B. Wood­ nese one year ago tomorrdw,-aoon the southea.stern shore of the last Skturdajb. wa* the fact that our readers. Perhaps they can .schools at Intervals, acquainting Force. A second co Acting Secretary Joseph C, day and took No. 58 off the hook ha.i destroyed a- 10D8 Gern>an.^lanea. figure oiit-what it’a all about. We ruff's 24th Infaritiy division -pur­ may be massed in 1.000-plane fleet* island, sealing off Chinen P v t Grace L. Gerry. 29 Qook "an SJMiellent^mloor program wa* in thc air-and-on the-ground/'^, the youths-wjtft the system. 'They Re*CoYered Sunday within six mile! (Grew expresaed rthe-departraent’a peninsula which forms the ■tro^ la taking basic m lllt^ completed -during the past Beasori in the customer rotation schedule. confes-s to being ignbrant as to Us views before the House Post-War sued the ousted Davso gsrri,son and larger. He watched those with lower num­ Corporar Wochna is a graduate were taught how to profierly turn "Bring theqi In and make your U. Si est of the town. southern arm of the finest fleet training a t the ^Tilrd WAC Train­ with Increased activities In the of Batavia. New York, High in an alatm and th,^pupils were selection from our variety of line** "Continuing Offensive? Military committee aa it opeti^ a Into the mqrnr.ains arquhd 10,000- T h a t prediction comes from Col. bers lining the counter get serv­ ‘'•Sacran.ento, California CLEANERS & DYl Albert L. Warner, chief of the War anchorage In the southern ap­ ing Center, Fort Oglethorpe, Oa„ gymnasium, bowling alley* and- bol, and was employed at the also Inlpreaaed wtih the hazards gay colored sturdy fabrics. The Chinese/are continuing t\vo-week hearing on the contro- foof volcanic Mt. Apo. proaches to Japan. ft Bi«nib6rv4>£ one of the newly ed, then he edged up to the front letter; • - vei*alal propoaal of requiring a-year Intelligence division of the Army's soclal rooms. ’ , ■ line and waited patiently,­ ratt A Whitney aircraft plant at and' costa attendant to- a false ET their bffensjvtv’ the communique Prisoner* who apent agonizing month* In the'Na! Jhorror camp at B else/ Germany, before being From that sector, As.soclated Report Amphlblou* Landing organised -WAC medical com­ Certainly none of the’ junl East riartford, before entering the ' alarm.. / of military training for Anierlcan freed by British, crowd dose to watch yermin-infesti o^arracl., Va.) radio program yesterda.v, Warner cohfirmed reports” that U. S. *m- program as .-the report, stated. Finally; In deeeraUon, after he the 'son of Mr. and Mrs. William gram twdis to. discourage false T^ikong (Chlenklang)i 430 miles of about T50 skeletons ln/*n old m edic wlU become acquainted with First of all. thVtwo rooms, ad­ "Wochna, of 236 ‘ School atreet', .nlltutlon untih;.: World-. War II heest of/mifigkfng. fell to F im Wltnese Al: Hearing* - Davao penal camp nortk/bf the said; ^ phlbiou* aaaauK unit* landed near. ^ had waited 20 minutes for his alarms: Children realize the value ‘(From a handful of planes a Army life, she wtU enter the En­ jacent to the Ik wlin^ alleys were thla towrn. His father whq wjw broke, crUiclaed''fcr the Govei-n- Flrat Wltnea* a t the hearing* city. Prisoners who wep^^ick and the ea*lern .tip of the peninsula to- l i s t Women’s Technician School number to be called, he said: of JUle fire alarm system and' ap- the 'Ghlnese. \ .year ago, a B-29 attack has grown closed to nriembera for the, entire formerly employed at •. the 'Ea*t ment. air proposed laws. This was pr«iate what it me*ns to them Th* speed of th® Chiijese ad- held before a near-capaeity audi­ Work Halted^ ill were left to die the fleeing catch isi^ed Nipponese troop* in to be trained as a medical techni­ ~I must have picked an ^>beo- Hartford aircraft plant- has been tq evaluate their eugenic worth. vanc^toward Uuchow underlined ence In the apa'ctoua raucu* room Y etO/Ypt/Stalemate .Japanese. to oVer'500 planes. It will be no two-^’ay trap while a fleet of cian ot a medical clerk. Prior to aekiMn to make room for tlte Heen -"Md their homes. Perhapa. some surprise when , that number la 'agee canteen,canteen. "JumDie "Jumble Inn."inn. '-^rhli- in.» lete number' from the pacli- nr 11 at the Pearl Harbor Air Btise since ” Dr. Mjoen, in planning W i^ reports that the Jafiqnese were In the old HouaexOfflee building. Rlnod.v lla iid - ^ lla n d ' Ral tie mor*/than 40 vessels moved into ^istm eiit in the Women’s Armjt ^ch educational program 1* still doubled. ■(• the anchorage—Nakagusuku bay. wae1* a mighty fine gmture of the time I ” last January. dern Laboratorlum,-knew such/an carried on in the schools. We hope Withdrawing steadily. It was pre­ Grew said he came'"** an adyo-, G»»grriila f o r e / under Col. Wen­ Corps, Pvt. Gerry was employed In Ihnovation waa possible bedause Ariny aiuTNavy Club, cate of military training for the At 3 Higgins ’The load per 'bomber will" in- Three other fleets, including Y to open their doors to the 'teen —those numbers re^jub. sd. dicted c^fldertt'y in Ghungking U p M ^ c o w dell Firrtig ci^ured Bayabas 'V'll- a defense plant She is the-daugh- "Norway, except a few Ljipps. in that LluWow. which MaJ. Gen. voung men of America,” 'apd be­ lage Satiird/ after a brief but tw'i. task forces which reappeared, ter of Mrs. Flora H. Btowh of age youth o t Manche*ter, but how The Memorial,-Dhy parade was ar* *ure would be of Intereat In (Continued otrRage Seven) after an absence of ten days, w*r*. about the members who paid year your column. ' the Far . North, w er/i homo- Well. If th«,^weather rims true to (r a t e d / Claire L. t^ennault’s fliers aban­ lieved "profoundly that our young blood.v hand-io-hand battle. The Athol, Mass. highlighted by the appearance of a generous folk. '"We have no-Im­ doned last^ov. 7. soon would men should have this training." Plants Today guertiuia Attack waa superi-iaed by reported by Tokyo to be in Oki­ well trained. Martcheater High "Of course one know;s th at ny­ form, it should .^In all. next week nawan waters. / lon *tQCli;ings are as scarce aa pudent. highly vofcal minorities," ■“—because the Red-Men are holding Vert to Chinese control. 'The' former ambaaaadoc to Uniteil States Seeking o.l.icers of thei 24th division. school baWia under the direction of he said. ■ The high "Command said the Japan told the committee he be- tain Simultaneously, units’under Col._ Japanese 'propagandist* told of William Vadera. Yet heard along hen's teeth and some women are a carnival a t the Dougherty lot. suicide plane attacks on a? heavily singly crazy about thenK—^In a "Thus wapdereated this institu­ Rain seldom falls to gre.e* a Red Chinese had regained line* held In Ihij-ed "m ilitary preparedness Difiagreemeiit on Tertp- - Way Out .Without W il/m Herbeck of Brooklyn,' Japs Warned the line with the many fine com- H u n a n '^provlhck on April 9, when cmlqta In the thinking of-potential N/Y., took the. villages of Alhsm- escorted convoy of "aM(Uf 40 pllmenta for their »plendid ntmaic certain store in town one' of the tion. It modiflied N orway's Rural Men's carnival. ' . inatioli of Coiitp^ets Yielding op Riglit to transports” moving past Oroku Credit Act ofs^he Great Depres- ^ —A. Norn- the .Japanese, swifted tfielr abop- enetnlfa.’’ Assembly bra, Mulig and Ula. Other -t-ele- ORANGE HALL BINGO were remarks that concerned the employees had a pair df nylon "If,\ktring those year* befqr< ments of the 24 th under Cbl. peninsula on the west iixiast, wher* stocking* whidh she had never sloh-. GranUi

HERALD, MANCHESTER. qONN« MONDAY, JUNE 4, 1&45 t’lng changes” wen*-,believed to In ^ to die for His beliefs He made the elude the elimlnatioii of House : ,^iiral real. - • , . ' Courts Posts approved appropriatloha for ‘ the Je^us Te1iche$ • / ‘In our world today the ideal ,»iletel-jixfgnore<1. and the effect of State Development commission, . pictures ^t 1 1 1 O n t a ^ o OIBm oC Ice Adminisfration •i'creatlon of a state commerce de­ Pastor W- il Bring^Onl Bjr the Taitl. A Mmlitv” •> Aid Same as Usual $ee ‘Belter TKan Even partment which would absorb the A large attendance of members i> M ^lcipal building, si^ote Veto Slalcitiale ^Uepvtment 'oF Inliirmatlon' I** xiU-^f Sunset Rebekah, I>idge No. 39, Arthnr Dnis: Stores a memo today linger dnte n y functions o f these three agencies. Tha| Cl in sernioii Q P ^ Lod^^ Admission 23c [^hus Far in Gamp^igu"^ Street, Boaton, 8, Maaaariniaetta. Chttrtce' Baldwin Will "The revisions we have -'taade : SM M*ih St. Tel. SS06 June 4. It read: ‘ISU^rfed JJri'.M p N o'. 31,*J.0.0.F;. were' guests at vHfli Cpnipany Here this morning In one boilprf^ . BaRottiii^ May* .Give M ails Ret I M ove S |»I. 15 to. ()flrea for Clu^' lt» P co li^ fe Fate Ghristina« Parc^l#^ for - were th /y b im g people of the Japs Predict ; Quota Ih $705,000 But Book Fout /rad atamps E2 six gallons each. B-6, B-7, C-6 and the whole bill. ,We are trying tro ’ ,^".Qne of the most, significant heating at the .Murpel^pal build­ (Contfniied From Page One) C-7 coupons good for five gallons Hartford. June 4—id*)—With but chiirrh who^tmi year have grad-, Ttip the Bvfoi ing have licen q^rating. The Of Kiiig^iGnverniiiciit. T h e B i>v8 Overseas. ^Hhrough J2 gc------—good throu] June 30; get It'-ready for the l*?,nate^As facts ab'jut is that He PLUS SWEEPSTAKES - '■•n tq help; Mr. Gray decided at-'^t):30 , today for a new l.,egialaturehvj^l-- On-the last point the Big Five . l'/_, Processed Fooda \ made by his auri^qibmlttee over morning. Mr. Ward preached on : loting watched closely by a ll^ ^ have agreed in general that thp Coast Guard, Marines and Mer- ons good through Aiiig. 31. Laatifteemed to believe there, w'rs "bet- N. E. Conservatory •Ic .Mighty 7th Wat I,ol»^ yer; tliat the small amoupt i>f 05)al chanJ'-'JIarine pei^tmel ocerseaa fying.ail-men manning the balloocs’ To date Manchester haa pur­ Book Four blue stamps N2 the week-end^/fle said that each "Where DwcUcst''Thoii7’' arid in­ tWi^top. Last year the_ Retni^e^j 1 (lomli.ioAfor a clue to the probabla's^to shoxild apply to amendments will be launched./-'■ through S2 good through June 30; y ^ r ’s I^riod Four aiul Five cou- than an even chance" that the item hridkewf studied and coin- dicated,as the ideal for our living on hand, le.«s than a ton.x^'a3 wiirbe the same as last year, that chased a total'of $203,606.25 in E Also, expire Aug. 31. Suminer Instruction i. War Bond drive topped the hi;, hardly ’ cnou"h...'biil tih' de­ i fate of Prirtie Minister VTs L. Mae. ydeJPite small hation;argTl,ments is, from September 1.1 to October The diepatchr dated Singapiire, T2 through X2 good through July chore of naming judgea to 69 pared -wjMi correaponding items In the manner of life which charac­ ': quota they a.ssigned thehyielve.*. t kenr.le King's Kf,deral government, to UtK>qnlrary .buf -aKhnal de- itdded: , , - , ' . Bond Series, with a, qdota set for it minor courts would become ah In­ previoMs budgets. - terized that-of Jesus. mands fw h ^ f werc'Aii insist- 1.1. during which period no re­ ,31; V2, Z2 and A l through C l RaGon Board Hours., ' ^ 94 I^tmilin St, I and this year in June the ret.iil i I in a general election to be helAaj cision isNiOU,^!© be^m ade,\ of $7Q5,p00 by the Treasury de­ - good through Aug, 31; D1 through terim duty of Gov. Raymond E. e revised budget bill which “Jesus," said Mr. Ward, “could on T 'th e^ ^ ; was started, quest.? from the addresses wtU be "The balloon bomb is one of , Followii^ are the noura,at i storea hope to ouldo^fheir lf*44 j ' week from now. . ^ I 'The 14 pbxht.;.'bn which agree- Japan's unique originations and partment. ' ’ HI good through Bept. 30. iia Baldwin. '-will bring into the Senate,'* he take a prodigal son. a good required for'the mailing of Christ­ .ocai office bf the War Price and T e l . 2 - I M 7 ! • ' ■ ' i ______■ The traditionally conservative mont hiOr beeiciiMcbpitl^are said to « Ml speciahy significant in that . Sugar'’-,, ■ .. Some •professed to privately,-btiT- said, "will be based entirely' on Samaritan, a woman at B way- mas parcels. Harold C. Alvord, Chairman of / Rationing Bohrel at the -State ■ F I In Manchester, the Keith Furiu-' province, with a populdUon ^ of coVbr'applloatlorN , Tuesdays: Closed day to the than two weeks ago by^gialatlve sons. We are not changing^ the God’s love and mercy, and bring a provide a sobst^ttal' preview of the-Bond Wagon>-W-hicb will be FOR >IEW ROOFS p^ratmhel of the store ,has bOrix \ of fudges to, a world court x 6 x 4 Inches in size which of." ' - out each night frb'm tonight Book Three airplane Stamps 1. publtc. . > . \ leaders of both' parties had been budget only for political reasons plcfturc or ri lesson to man that divided^ipJo two teams. OOne the■ Federal,■—wt’ election I They would he chosen Jointly bW\\ilJ be o f greater strength____ „ ______and will NnUajima complained that,iUnifr!| through Friday auid the aoleaman 3 arid 8 good indefinitely; OPA Wednesday: 2 p. m to h p m. such a sltuailion.’V^ or to embarras.s Governor Bald­ haa ever -^eri of light unto ■ his ■ ANb ROOF REPAIRING -captained py,Howard Eddlsontison and Firemen Free Cat -After "H.fek Prjiqc Minister^Klng is^^^^ TW iftit more com pact'packing I ed States ofllclala in releasing In- .4hip ' of all of Manchester's retail '^•ays no'plans to cancel any.^bxt Thursday and Fridays: lO; a* ® T h e y fccaliej^/hat Republicans win. We think it . can , very WHl path. That "is, he cOuld make th^ ” ^ . the other ■ by>Hai-old, ' ■ ■, Tufirkington to-dilfi the greatest number of wrtmo^thi 5,pound limit. Howeve,',.t'®rm.atiort about the'balloons •"did .stores and business establishments.' stamp valid Aug. 1. to 5 p. ni. earlier -had demanded "all the stand many reductions.” commonplace, the real -ideal. Be­ 3 ^ CALL 2 1428 . . seala'ln the ne->v Dominion Parlia- Heart Of \ eto Utapute / ■ -Saturdays: 10 a hi. to 1 minoy court patronage" and that Fvery menlber oryheae two teams I City.' /Pi Here i the htart.of th e 'v e to pa'rceli'^^ V**^*^ding the 6 pquni j .not divulge the extent of damage that Manchester will; push the E ./^.Gasoline / RisCassi described the methods yond this Je.siis could ,-teach , an ment, but whether he can win a noon. Senate Democrats had recently N tW SEALTEST REAL FRUIT MILK SHERBETS is out to sell $500, Wurth of War ,.pgcued Timmie, a Maltese'lomcat. dispute as it now'.sta,yds. limit andSiQt''exceeding 15 inches: Caused by the bomba. B(>nd Series over the to ^ 15-A coupons good foyfour gal­ by which Connecticut state budg-, Ideal me.ssage of diyirie Yorgivc- Manchester^ Roufing Bond.s. Orders will be tsiien and clear n ajority is regarded by most in length am K36-inches in length "But w e-can kurm ise," hO .^dd- lons each through June 21; 16-A Office telephone 5189. charged- that failure of the House 'ets are prepared and delivered td Tiesiess, brotherliness Ijct.wcen, races, ■-e -A , < '■ from ’between trick .walls where'’ observers as doubtful. "The Yalta voting formula says, . . . ■». j • . lionfldent af Success majority' to approve the formula dellVwred by every member'of the he had been wedged for a week. that the live big powera out of the ! com bm e^will be accept- cd. “ that .theythey are creating gi’eatgi’eait the Assembly as !‘very poor.” and a warless world and by His liv- You’ve never taste, ktlt couldn't .^get a head., A rag must be unanimous ' before the | strength flK^Hhatand 1 Domel said the'propaganda chief Generals To Lead tary of war frorn J ^ l to 1823 and drive, plans to treat the ■ enUre ' Coriservative'''.5rovlnclal govern­ believe In, wJll do it," said Mr. Al­ for four Jterma Republican’' repre­ the LegWature. ’ — He recommended a seven-day is a blend of .juicy ripe fruits or berries with fine -Free Estimates! saboiaft'd \vith chloKormn- oply council can take any tmi’ortant T; ® extraorUinary handlm^ ' ,^nd placed the celling of the balloons vord. “ Mdnehester certainly will See Rftaliatloh for Stand store personnel to s ilinnot-, 'Thel ment of Premier George A. Drew .it oyer "15,000 fncters. far beyond sentative from N i-w York. He whs course In state finances -for all fu­ dairy products. Refreshing —and rich in energy-food, m adenim sleepy. So the fli’etiien is fighting to remain, in^office after | step towa'rd preserving peace and j m"|fmnJT^of"?hJw be qn top. in the winning cotilmp. V ictory Piw^ade They -sa ^ retaliation for - this ture legislators. Anally iiattere'd a hole through the. repch of enemy Interceptors, .a cousimof LieUt. Gen, Jonathan FO R S A L E a hard-fought threii-Way...«J —hayie — se.mrity in-the worl.l. The Bond Wagons under the lead­ WgijjWfight. Amfcriiii&n Army com- supposed stknd> by Republican value,'tdo. Serve these delightful Sealtest Real Fruit the wail of t'beauty shop and set 'Capperative The.-small nations wanted thls.l , unoer rxereme cnmaric pn'd-.t.ske just river 100 hou?s to ership of Mfs. John P. Cheney, .yr>, House membetk in the/«tatemcnt With the Socialist 'C rbich the United States." idcr captured by the Japanese. Lawn uiuilrs. Wagons, iVlieel- MiHt Sherbets regularly to your family this spring Timmie free. ATtcr a little artift- .Commonwealth,atioir changed, .so that the council tould pT:® * «n and the Retail Division under ^ I - n last night by ^enate Majorit,' act even though one or tvio of thel «P>‘lations ^overriing , nil onel Hussell B. Hathaway have ■Phi^delphia, June 4 - ^ ' Kanaqs City-^Gerald F'.'(Jerry) Leader Leon RiaCaasl of Hartford barrqws arid other toy things. and summer. ' clal respiration and a bowt of the second party Tn the recently' phases of mailing Christmas cards, f .lisaolved Legislature, and^a ; Big Five di.sagreed/with the ac-. spent hours making .plans to see Plfllidelphla prepared todajr^o McGee, 53, former star in boom that’ "many atartlfqg changes" 37 Chestnut Street. MOBIL HER08ENE REtAIL AND milk, the pet sca'm p^tLhom e to and parcels to our armed forces his master, ..Jackie Jean^FoIz.. 7, vitftlizerl Liberal paYty onCe againl-.tion. The Big Ftve ltn'id“ No"., oh that.Alanchester has cdfnplete cov­ re a thundering Gen- days o f vaudeville. have been ni'ade by a Senate sub- overseas Will be published . tater, ' ''' erage In the canvass. Prince Rupdrt, B. C,—The Most •Cominittee in the record aL30,000,- L . H E F F N E R YOU CriM riilr<4Yl DFJ>ENp Off* | MOBILIIBAT FVKL and her '20-nionth-old brother. under the leadership ■ of - colorful alk iraportant decjdiona they ifiust Postmaster 1^. Otiri Grant an­ /erala Omar N. Bradleyknd Carl A. F U E L Wholesale Former Premier Mitchell F. Hep­ be Ununirnuus because otherwise f oemII Q i i o l a s Both chairmen report that their Rev. Emil Marife'Burtoz,'82. Roman 000 budget approved last ^ei. and no stone win be left unturned SAVINGS partment requested that the fol­ in this effort. "It now renaatns up officers antUMllgted mgn are ache- ern British Columbia'' and the how much had been lopped fro' Gasoline Drcw goverhment's chance became The Big Five then drew up a lowing statement be published tn OIL lew certain with.asaertlona by the paper to tell Just how- this veto tp the people of MoncheateV to see. duled tcrdMid a triumphant victory Yukon. ' ' ■ the budget, but aom? of thp "star Floor Sanding nation's supply of butter, General Triickiiijt ^ the press’ as a guide to all organ- th'St^ their effort is rewarded, say ptfrade through downtown Phlia- '■ I..ayinR and Flnlahing lie I C(7F that it had maintained a | voting. ..system . woujd...... work. In ...izations that^sponsor campaigns and cheese. prelJnUnary to a MILK SHERBETS •ASHES REMOVED "Gestapo'' to spy dn its political' I -Wes’ Wjien you are approached'- to , delt)hla aijcl conduct a rally at hl.v formiilly they all agrred that the ' f„r public contribution may receive no package? of their •< togne. General McAullffe's reply to with ___ •.m the poultry and egg supply sit- a German demand that he surren­ RE lu ,. dtu:iding*',' \yhe.ther anything ] I nation. Members have said black. Lyons Fsdla’; N. —-.Henry ‘alibutd be ^’5n»; ah»iu,i the ilispute 1 ‘iSnvela presented by private der during the Battle of the Beh O n e CHAMBE niarket.s already have developed Bartlett caught, a JeW-eF^ a bull­ gian Bulge >, winter was: then the veto would ripply. individCtajs, firms, corporations; or in poultry and are moving In on, heads—in-side the ^ h , WaaA^white ''Nuts!" ■ 'I*he dj:kft Of. this paper'was sent a.s.sociatioha sponsoring Such cam­ civilian egg supplies. sapphire later valued at |7lv' 3.Pc, Liv w ith e r Strips TAKE THATFING OUT OF YOUR MOTOR! to M o^ow And Moscow pn Fridav paigns. shallNmt be accepted for M r., Tniman meanwhile toidi Fifth Event in the instr/'ted Gromyko to reject the mailing’ unle.ssjHtey are addressed AmeHcans that civilian supplies' Room Sul Stop fittl vaiit Week End Deaths chrOugh wiedow «od interpretation oh that one p.niii.t . £o-..he individuals vhom intend-^of commercially canned fruits and! -'door ergeks:-five The veto, Moscow said, a l-' ed. the addre.sSes ow, in ad-]vegetables are. at their lowest Danfmi — 20% 00 fuel cost Ways be available'to prevent the vk'iih iheie dition id the full name o f the, ad-' point of the war and lyill be one- fsmsm Ctiamberlio French Concert Series /oitncii from even diacus-sing a dis­ dresaee. his'rank or rating^i^ld the j fourth , less this winter than last ^Syracuse, N. Y.—Col. Robert H. • Tapsstrias — .M.ecgl W hether pute. Xiaval unit to which he Is aaslgneil i year. ' P i^w n, U.S.A. retired, 70, ch ief, Sirtpt. Insfalled hr caw ' Atnericini officials have taken a ' With the .Navy number a.s.signb4 ; in a statement Saturdav. Ahe aurgeoik. of the 'Army of O ccupa-' 2 0 % D o w n \ficiory creioed ex* hard-and-fast .stand- against -the thereto, or the nrihid of the ship/quef executive called upon it t na-l - NOW PLAYING; tiqn In dbrmany at the end of the i Russian view. They contend that and fleet postotTice thro'.igh \yhich | ttoh-To produce, pfesen'c and c o n / First Wdrld^ar, Have our salesman caU ^Ih ■ Phbp9 Todayl MARTIAL SINGHER oonplpto tplwtion at fjnwt the right, of di.sciissjofi must be the parcels ale to be routed." . I’aerveNril food possible as a "Tew j BULLn-STREAKf “ New "Y: .'k /'Gertrude Crown- j 84fi Noted French Baritone - unlimited. ^ I t ’was explained that thousands VcontribulHQn to the final vlctofy i field 68, . author oChiatbrical nov-1 f»bnc«. of parcels are each year sent by and the pehce • ' ' / In .seeking ar/\ay. out of the els and historical bo&k?^ for chil­ 7 Week Deltrery WEST MIDDLE SCHOOL, HARTFORD deadlock, ■'however,' they evidently •vich organixajlona or' individuals i dren. She was born in Baltimore. All Work Guaranteed Phone 1-4127 are hoping that Moscow ha.s some­ addressed merely :to the Com­ Kingston, England—Agne/-Ba- ^ FRroAY, JUNE 8 AT 8:15 how misunderstood what the manding Officer oi^ Chaplain with) din-Powell, 86. founder of the GitJ. Jack Roan’s Service Station United State.s Is driving at in up­ a request that- auch parcels be, | Guides and slater of the late Lieut. 7 MocDonald Upnolstery Co. holding the" principle of free dis- turned over to a member o f the | JOHI WELCH ^ / Tickets 11.20, Tax Included. ------i------F orm erly C am pbell’ s — ------"— Gen. Lord Robert Baden-Powell. mMalHSL Hertford cu.ssion. Fqr they argue that sifrvice who would not J founder of the Boy Scouts in Eng­ Local R e ^ isentattve (On Sale At Kemp’s and Potterton’s). 21’i MAIN STREET AT THE TITRNPIKE veto or not. the council could not receive a Uhristmaa bo„. The arm-j SULLIVAN-OORN-DANTINE land. od forces request this type of fhail-| ROCK WOOL • CALKING • STORM SASH Natloniil Federation of Teacheira of Modern Languages Goodyear — Goodrich — Arfnstrffng as a'practical matter take any Rye. N. Y.—Jonathan Mayhew sort of vojie until It had discuased ing to be diacontinurd. ''x ' TODAY AND TUESDAY v^HALE-MANNING-mirDS Scholarship Benefit Fund . /T- Tires and Batteries ' ■ the question on which It was vot­ ing. Plmivc “ Leave It To Biondle” There ts some speculation that To Make Change since Harry Honkins." President WED. - TiK^te..- FBI. - SAT. Trumank special envoy, has pro­ In P. O. Paitranee longed hUs stay in the Russian | ] capital, he may be Ipatriicted fo ~ — | 0*4 the matter dlreftly w;ith I Grant haa i t, ns Premier Stalin. ' r '• ')®w ^ , a.sking for bids on changes to be , - i-tnaUe to'the entiiinee at thg’ Man- -S Gives I.siHting l*ea«'c Formida - fl'll Ml SI. MANCHK ‘ Chester ptistofficc. The proposed starring change ts to be made to the rnher GREGORV Putnam- Jun.e 4 -'Al— The doors which now opcii d*'rectly into Very.Jlev. Wil J. Murphy, S. • PECK Plus: “ S1‘RANGE ELLUStON” the lobby, the same way ,as the A 20tb J., president of Boston, college in outer doors -"nd wdll eliminate the a baccalrinreate .sermon yesterday i;cnt«rv-Fox WEDNESDAY ' draft that is so noiiceable during Picture told members I'f the first' graduat­ the cold 'veather.'- .lune 6ih is ing’ class of'Annhiirst acailony The fact that the' doors Also 1 Hour of Mwell Shoris “ N.ATIONAL OME TO here that "a triifi religious •spirit are in a steel frame makes it nec- Including . a Tw'hnlcolor Short FREE MOVIE DAY” and insistence on virtue will ipro- e s s :^ ' for thW bids. If they hqd Story wltb.'Nancy Porter (very - "V. ducc la.stlmr oeace and happiness been in a W-ood frame it would be' good!) — “ Unusual Occiipa-; The Purchase of a Boatf in the world.’* a'small-job. ^ tloiis',’ — Sports Reel — and Will ADMIT You FBXE ^----- :------'Cartoons. They’re .All Very To See "BRING ON THE 'Horseshoe Causes Siilt,-' Good, So Don’t Miss a One! ! 1 GIRLS.” Regular Admliwtlon TldUMs Salt Lake City—■ service. Highest quality replacementsUf needed. There will he ho nierchamlise sold Wedfiesday morning at Burton's. .. for ail- 'moving diassis parts, witk S specialixed .aaiisa s RED MEN’S f lubricants. Includes—at'no.extra coat—inspection Just good old U. S. War Bonds and Stamps! 1000 Voices and Combined Bands of 18 vital points fordangLoui wear.v Every luemher of Burton's staff w ill be ready'to help you 4ith your . . t-. . _ ■ , . ■ ‘ ■ ) 14. bund purchases. So ronie in and buy a Mnd. \ Buy a lot of hb^s. Call The Barbara Tnrkington and Harold Turkihgton, Accontpanists Bring your unfilled w ar stamp books and turn ’em into bonds to huinb fl Japan! ■ - ' WILROSE ' G. Albert'Pearson and Wm. J. Vaders, Directors A TIDE WATER / '*■ .=’ •• •'' i : . '■■ ■ ' DRESS $BIOP 597 Main Street '^^tt^ASSOCIATED Anybody Can Win ’... Here*s How: .Manchester ” OIL COMPANY ^eridan Building . briHisiit new 17 Battery Vlace * I|1 w York 4. N. Y. u fo r Opposite the liigh School Wpisf. power WITH EVERY $25.00 BOND YOU BUY AT BURTON’^A TICKET BEAR­ STELLAR ATTRACTION! W /y j ING YOUR NAME WILL BE DROPPED INTO THE PRIZE 3QX- FUR f>3strwi W’EDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MR. ALVORD, TRE.ASURER, MANCHES­ THE AERIAL BUY MORE TER TRUST CO., WILL SELECT SIX NAMES FROM THE PRIZE BOX. STORAGE TO END.THE WAR, f Complete Protection ■■ -J. ing^ J u n e 5—7 o ' c l o c k FIRST NAME PICKED WINS 1st PRIZE, SECOND NAME PICKED .Against Fire. Moths ORTONS RIDES! BOOTHS! .WINS 2nd Prize, Etc. NO PERSON CAN WIN MORE THAN ONE and T h e ft. *V A- . • >TH WAR LOAN DRIVE Sensational High Trapeze and PRIZE, NO- MEMBER OF BURTON’S STAFF MAY PARTKHPATE. tAiwest Etoraae Prices! Twin Sway-Pole Act Perform­ BINGO!t AdmiMion 25c Including Tax ed 100 Feet Hifh iii the Air, I -BYcry Night With Spedal Olio Splid W#«k of Fun All -Bonds Will Be Issued at Burton’s under supervision of the Mancheat^ Trust Co. Lighting Efeeta. For The Whole Faniily! Phone 3 7 8 6 ■ .1 ■ il-— ii*i*«siMin*i 7 —

it -® •beiirer, the Rev. 'Vincent J.- Marat- sentry: Miss Kissman,.. a gypsy: tis; mitfe-bearer, the Rev. John Seaismi Closed Hls.-i Anna-Fllbig, a pretty, maid; \ O ’B rie n A.. Crutiianski; -orosler-bcarer, the; .Miss Grace Hatch and Miss Grant, Htivlilg purchased the Manchester route of the Libby iPC Facing D.^3a th Revv James G. Lengren; hremalle- husband and .wife-.. j‘espectively.^ Oil Company, formerlY ,^he Valvoline Oil Company, The dr^matlZatiqh-''lnclude. „ ^ , afi«^the war will be » grim prob- Officers of Aeceptlon Mlsa Mde Morrison, Miss REPUBLIC OIL COMPANY / - / lire Now Pending in;ierp. Hartford, June 4—( 4 ^ The Officers of the reception will be ..The Lillian Gertrude Grant E!x- Sinltt{, .Miss Pe.htland and Miss Wholesale and RetalF; this -dean of diocesan consultors, Grant- , ^ ' g~, __ ... Tlie r a e c told Conpreas laat Most Rev. Henry J. O’Brien -wiU preHOion Club brought a siicceas- Represented by George J. MetegH M>ngress Committee. uiat^«,<)oe Negroe* had the Rt. Re>. Msgr. John H. Fltr- ful aeoobn to a close.. Friday eve­ M e m b ^ 'o h ' the club are, all —------i left the aouth f ^ ^ a r productlqn be installed the 9th bishop of the biaUrlce; administrator of the ca- ning. with a picnic Slipper arid en- Working uhdSr the direction' of . By ^amea Marlow ■; centera In the eaati 'ipidweat and, Hartford diocese Tuesday at^lQ thiMlral, the Rev. Joh^F. Hannon; tertolnment-, at the Kl.saman «Sot- MLaa Grant,' a teacher of voice, a. m., at St.-Joseph’s cathedral. ■notary for the papalNjecree,, Jthe tage at Atid^ver lake. Mips diction arid interpretation wdth WailWngton, June 4—-* The; Pacific coast. Rev. John J. Hayes; prbeessionBi pupffs In this town - and in Hart­ A procession will precede the Emily Kiseman and Misa Jef.sie SVUr Employment Practices com-' But FRPC Chairman MMgolm cross-bearer; the RcV. Frahc^.A, Hewitt' Who were co-chairmen in ford; They, have completed a I. M.nino- fnr T*<* Bo"» «®*<1 Ncgroos have «b- installation at 9:30 a. m.. origin- Fries; holy water bearer, the^"Hgv, cMtaIn dmbunt of prescribed virork t BilUee ts gasping for b r^ th ^ n *! taired their greatest employmenIE .ptlng at 'St. Joseph’s community charge! of general arrangeirnents, -^RECORDS*- a dead duck unless Congr^a ^ industries which will be the first Daniel J, Barry. - wei'e assisted by Misa Evaline with her: and are now engaged In pumps some htruse where most of' the ‘priests -advanced work. ‘ ' money into it by f guffer cutbacks on ^ar produc- atteriditig will Vfst and will be Priests taking* part in the obed- ntland. Miss Madeline Smith Jurto 30. Igpce will be the R t Rev. Msgrs. np!\illss Beatrice Sweeney. As a token of appreclatlori, Mias ,tion. joined at the cathedra] rectory by Flynn, FitxmaUrice, Matthew J. Pentland. in behalf of the club, This comes at a time when Ne- J|iecause of this, he said, there's the * erchbifihQps, bishops, abbots ; Wrth.the singing of grace, tljC gpoes—laid off by the thousamls (f-'likellhoOd of many, Negroes be- Traynor. IVilliam -J. Blake, Stan^ membere. took their places at a presented Miss Grant with a beau­ in cutback war plants—will lind: and mnnslgnors.^Rresent as well islans MUsei, John J- Ambot, Jo- tiful Bozart custom made blouse, 'Ing Joblese. ' ns by those prlestk-taklng part In lohe table’^stlve With favora and job-getting lot' tougbct. thati Whole Idea OlVen Big Boost ’tt-ph J. Papiilon.' John C. Lynch, pla^cards arid' delectable salada; and shortly afterward Miss Grant during the war against O irhiaiy. the ceremohle.<). Froni tlje rectory, Jolin J. Fitzgerafd., Leo M. Finn, brought the festivities to a close The-whr—and the various ef­ it will proceed to the main en­ hot casserole- dishes, bak^d beana, The FEPC was crea^ by exec­ forts of the-FEPC—has given the' the'Rt. Rev. Chor-BIshop George hot biscuits.' cakM> ahd tea. with the reading of .a poem; "The '' -(< utive order of Presidem Roosevelt trance to the cathedral.- Zousin, and' the Revs. Josepli M. .Road to,Happiness."/' / A , whole idea of fair employment Officiate The guests wereXenthusiastlc COLUMBIA — DECCA — VICTOR — CAPITOL in 1941. It was designed to pre­ practices a big boost. New York Griffin, James P. Timminv'Mi- over the attractive'grbunds,-With' The club has two members In 4 " vent war plants, in hiring work­ 'The Most' Rev. Richard; J. Cush­ 'dysel, J. Garnlcke, Michael;^. Go- the service. Pvt. Victoria' Palosie, state.^ last March piit through a ing, archbishop of Boston and garden pool swings, see^haw^ ers, from discriminating against fair employment practices law to ioI/. -Btephen F. Chernitzkji, George other, gaily painted objects. instructor in the Gunnery'School anyone bpeause of "race, creed, prevent job dlscrimlnatton. metrppiolltah New England will M. OrtKly. Anthony, M. Kaicher, at Clovis, New Mexico, and Lt. ROTTERTON'S install Bishop O'Brien. The Rt. Wliliam Pv Botticelli, Philip N. Hold Business MeeGng color or^raclal origin.” / Fair employment practices bills A short business meeting Wi Muriel Palmer of the Army Nurae At The Center 5.39-541 .Main Street S.000 Ooinplalnts Received / ReV. Msgr. William H. Flynn will ^lom e and the Rev. Dr. John J. at present stationed In Ire-, have been Inti^uced in the 1945 deliver the .sermon. Loughlln; ' - called-to order by the-president, Open Ttaunday DntU 9 P. 6L Closed SntnrdBy At 6dM) P. M. Since July 1, 1943, the PEPC Legislatures of 12 states. Mls-s Pentland, who appointed as has rMeived more than 8,000 com­ Ministers to Archbishop Cush­ The Republican party platform ing will be assistant, Mon- a' nominating committee: Miss plaints of discrimination and has for the 1944 campaign Imd a plank Degrees Awnrded'26.1 Kissman. Miss Madeline Smith iGetCASH PLUS disposed of all but 2,600. About signor Flynn; --senior .deacon of in it supporting S permanent honor, the. Rev. Leonard Guagla, and Miss Anne McAdams. ' Re­ wdfKo Loon from' u* 86 per cent of the cases involved FEIK;. it will be .tntereating to see Storrs,' June 4—(iP)— Degri>«a ports were given arid a letter was .complaints of discrimination P. R. S. jOrf junior deacon of hon­ what the Republicans do about or, the Rev. Dr. Lucian Bojnow- were awarded to 78 men and 179 -gpad from the Club's honorary T^ONT borrd unneceuarlly. against Negroes. About 6 per supporting the legislation—to■ scI n women at the 62nd commence­ mhttjber, hXrs. Margaret Prender- J'' but If a todh will solve s y,. cent charged , diacriminatlons skl: book-hearer, the Rev. An­ up a permanent FEPC - - now thony J. Miirphv: dugla-bearer, ment exercises which yesterday gast "Macl^sm "now of* Hollywood problem come to and get ' against Jews. / awaiting rescue from a congres­ climaxed the annual senior week Callfonua,. ^Mrs. MacLean sent these plua advantaged In the eoutb the FEPC. wes the Rev.' Robert Lynfii, OFM; sional committee. Metropolitan cross bearer, .the program at the Universit.v of best wishes :Yor joy and the con­ 1 1. LOansmadeontlgnatufSpnly. uuLLm tn p. a u i s H hated. Southern. congressmen A petition to force the measure Connecticut. tinued success of the club. . ^ have talked against it. . Now ReV( John J. Byrnes; acolytes, the 2, Complete privacy alwsya. out of the committee bao-been cir­ ROv. Tho'mas F. McGurk, MS., Upon the Adjournment of the Oongress—or at least the House culated among congreiamen for meeting. Miss Hewtft, directed 3. Prompt, friendly aarvtea. . .—seems to have found a way to their signature. It M far from hay­ and. the Rev. Edward K. Holohan, War Going to Doga O. P. . , ■■ "'x “Tancuj,*' a Czechoslovakloji dra­ 4, Exclu-ilve—Nationwide Cash- v 3unerol kill It off. ing the 218 names reiiuin^d to^ do matization in which Miss Ma« Credit Cards luued and hon- { Ehich year since its creation the Jlllnister.s to-BiOhop O'Brien will Blngham,ton,.;;^ N. Y .— i/Pi—The the job. ' ' be the assistant pngst, the Rev. O'Connell took the part of ored here. ^ h e appointments o f the ^'uish FEPC had to be kept alive by ap­ .. Bepubtiraaa Fore ^rnhlem war is-goifig tm-the -dogs—names 'Home propriations from .Congress. Lasr Joseph F. Griffin; deacops of hon­ of canine pets registered for li-, year it got $600,000. This year ' l8oaUiem co'ngressptOn can be or, the Rev. John F. Caltajian and censes with the city clerk Include F^ePal Hom e are complete^— >x^^Cted to hit a permanent FEPC the Rev. Thoma.s F. MulcWvy, v / BOILER AND FtJBNACE % U u —or. rather, for the fiscal yeair^ Snafu. Ike and Jeep. MOBiMy WeaMdy M«BMy bill on the hea4.)e.g r f ^ the heauty At|d dignity of the Unless^ get# an appropriation the party platfonn.' COSMETICS Raymond G. La Fontaine; masters X h e n r y P A R E N T The eSoa* idie^Ble % bw$e4 m iNIEIlf by June' 80, it automatically gnes If the Democrats beat a perma­ of ' ceremonies, " the ' Rev. John J. Helena Bnbensteta 4B^M$hty rb4 tasls^s sS ssmh-v out of existence. The House Ap- . Hnbbard Ayers Telephoae 2-0185 m em orial is here^ nent FEPC bill to death. Republi­ Hayes, the Rev. Joseph W. Cun-, teem $10 I. $100 X X- ipriatiopg'committee has found cans later Will be -able- to say—If ningham, the Rev, Dr, Joseph F. Max niptor ' Fardley 4340 Inonew for other government agen- they fight for -it In Congress—that Cleary, the Rev. Herbert M. Doyle Laeleftx|, — Etc. jfiit not for-FEPC. they did what thw could but were add the Rev. Rene D. Messier; Arthur Pnig Stpf^ /*n>e committee ignored it on the overwhelmed by Democratic num­ acolytes, the. Rev.. Louis Bohen- FENDER AND grounds that legislation to create bers. / .ping. C.S, Sp., and the Rev. Fran­ BOD Yx W ORK f i n a n c e C O . a permannit FEPC Is pending in In'this, way the FEPC might cis A. Grotcau; thurlfer, the Rev, -X. state Tbealet Bldg. Obngreas... This perm aii^. agency disappear but Republican# would Leo A. Reilly, S. G., book-bearer, Sa« leer would be a successor Uf ^ pres have an issue. the Rev. Walter S. Sierackl; bugia- SOLIMENE & FLAGG Telephoae MM ent, temporary agenpy created by \ Hospital INC. O. B. Brown. Mgr, rRmbutafiEe Service Mr. Roosevelt. , 834 Center St. Tel. 5101 UreBM Ns,, got True enough. Smeh legislation is Expen^^ Plan / pending, and has been a good For Men, Women and while. But it’s almost certain the legislation will not reach the floor ^om edy In Three Acts ^ ild r e n of Congress for debate and action P ^ S F O R : - 'X before June 30. if ever. It's buried Slcknes^ or accident expenses in committee. when ooMned. In any hiispltal'- So, by failing to provide money, i C 99 anywhere In the D. S. A. or Caiiwda. ... Boom and board ex­ to keep the temporary FEPC go­ • • ing until a permanent FEff’ C is set penses op to 88.00 per day for up. the House Is knocking It on first,/ SO days* eonflnement— the head. It's a neat way to get Viviah Mayo^ ^ 0 0 per daj'for next 90 days* tod To Afford 6ur^ Old Customers the OppdrHmity To rid of it. oMfinement. This plan , may be Might Involve Wrangle changed and designed to fit the l^re s h Their Spring Wearing ^ p o re l and< Household It’s;possible the Senate will in­ .heeds of any Individual group of Insured workers. - No medi- sist on Congress’ providing ths South Methodist Church enl examination. Arth les At Unusually Low Prjeds* .. money to continue the tsmporary 'PlioBS, Writs nr Call On nCPC. Ih st might involve a Main Street and Hartfo'rd Road wrangle between House and Sen­ ate. It’s hard to guess what the a v r d n ^ s d Ay e v e n i n g , JUN^ 6 / ALLEN & outcome would be. , As of the moment prospects for 8 :00 P. M. ' '• ' /: HITCHCOCK the FEPC continuing- are . not /- All Lines Insurance lyig h t...... Tickets-Sd and 35^ Cents. 968 MAIN STREET The war has given the Ameri­ TEU 6105 can Negro his greatest .Job .oppor­ tunity. The May Issue .of the Cash and Plarit This Monthly Labor Review, publlahed by the U. S. Department of Labor, ^says:' "The wfirtime gains of Negroes in Fedwal employment have been enormous." WUr Be Grim Pi^lem By the end of last 'March al- SETH W,: DARLEY

State Fuel Adm inistrator (Men’s oir Women’a-rPklq) / V ^ C O M ^ -X in a letter to Everywhere You Shop Or Have

■- ■n\V, sp. mcd. l!oiind, bptaiisc th >;/ which art*-iw far terHbly false. in Cairo today, was reported - to,' vember 30, 1873, the Mb of Chaun- cey and Almira Phillips Wlnchell.' 4iCVfe reflected his possession of s This’Jsr^ot only bad for the peo^ hays been instructed to Yanks Pursue He had reaided all his life in of Argentina, who suffer the any concession to Frarite, and a PRESCRIPTION mind of his own, because his cabi­ similar attitude^ i^gs reported in Rock-vllle. IJe attended the Union Tb Hit Ja iircct resuits, but bad , for the PHARMACISTS . PUUUSHED BT T1 net changes seemed' to replar^ Training Plan Ousted Japs neighboring Trans-.Jordan. Congregatiohal church, . • • BEKAI.D PRINTING 00. INC. weakness with streiifith. >io()d reputation of those nations “ a Relatives 0^; Marines Who left Always On Outyt He,:leaefS his wife, Mrs. Rose H a ^ j i e r el 13 Sisseli Street flicturea fjxt the . Marine Corps reltci ‘ Beckef WlnbheN, two cousln.a. Mrs.' Whejn the Weather Man says HtneheSter. Conn, In achieving such good^TMults who spon.wred Argentina’s mem­ • Arthur Drug Storett Lengtm ''w4hdO'v'' requested to 845 .Main Ml. Mani'hestcr Hatry Riley, oP^ulder, Colo-., gnd > > . THUUAS rEHouae- 0 far, Presiiient Tnt«nin has bership: But, with Argentina GetsSti|>port call '-for them this week At. 681 N ear Davao Navy Reveals -General Manager le d in W ^ E Emeet Grant, of Hartford, (Continued From Page One) Pounded Oetn^r I. ISS^ obviously resisted 4 ^Jof^ of bad ad­ nominally, in at San Francisco, .Main street. -> ^^.yuneral eervices '-WU be held Be ready with new vice, which, perlmffs makcS dl un­ they have lost their^sln bargain­ (t'^Unurd Ffnnri Page One) -- (Continued From Page One) ; Sub’s Exploits Wednesday''afternoon aiS«^i>:lock crease, the frequency of the strikes Publlabed Beery Evening . EacepI at hia home. Rev. Dr. Qgwge S. will be stepped Up. and Holidays Entered at the to Worr>' about future ing point. On^ rf'members Mr. . .iVnllace W. Laws, Seaman, Sec- ” - ...... K ' . necessary oils orgaiilzatictn.s and an eX-com- 'ond (lass..of 19 Riverside 'drive, sideiable equipment, including Wife of Rockvi)!^ Sol­ Brookes will officiate and "The gigantic shadow of '.he at Uaneheaier, Conn., aa MolotofTs ple^ that, before action X' 8ecoiid-.^aa» Mall Matter.— decisions Of^ a like nature. None­ mando, Vernon A.'. KaglO of New this town, has completed recruit cavalry gear, .^as captured. (Continued From Page One) WHEEL CHAIRS will be in Grove Hill cemetfry. B-39a will hover continuoualy over N. theless, ^from some reports, it on the admission of Arijentitia bci York, whd will tie heard tomi^fow. training at the Naval Tiaining The 3'7th was'four rhiles beyopd dier Receiyedf^ Wtord Back in Mtatea the waste of the enemy’s war . SU^SURIPTIUN RATES HOSPITAL BEif>S seenTs obvious that there are some taken, aomt^yasSurancp■p be-obtained'be obtained While theiT is,no specific iegis- Center, Sampson. N. Y., and has Santa Fe on the winding, moun-. fi’seci enemy might aid the. es- From Wiw’^epartmcnt Pvt. John Richard, aon of Mr. duatry." Ona Tear by SWI ...... 9.UU 'iation before the WoodMim com­ cap®. , . For Rent or Sale- -T' and Mrs. John Richard, of Hyde Per month by IM I ...... I people in Washington, and in the.-that Argehtiha was actually car- been granted leave. ' 1tain road into the loh’g valley Primarily Test ^ .Elagls^ Copy ..,...... 1 .03 mittee since It csnnpt draft a bill, where the Japanese are expected The escape plan also, called for avenhe. Is back In the United Flfst target of the Democratlc party, w^io would, be ; r v W .ptit/he pledges .she bad the firoposal often advanced ARTHUR * JAMES, iNc. - Rockyllle, Jiina 4.- (Special)— States, first being sent to a hos- Dellrercd One Tear ...... S Robert Gordon. Jr., president of to mit up their last big light in moving through iinctia-rted. rock- 198 Fnrm'gt’n Ave. llll|5/t-4848 feaaes was Bangkok. jFhallaridr al­ Weatem States and APo n^..,.i'.Jl,3.0o quite willing to transform Presi- [ madiA: calls, for one year of military train- the Youth Fellowship of the the Philippines: infestcd .waters filled with; fishing rtc./Leonard J. Barrette', 23, hua-, pitoF' in North Carolina apti ex though the operation last June 5 trig, either id the Army or the “ T— r * — - pects shortly to be hospitailzed BElilBEK OF dent Trpman into tiie -^.practical | Methodist church, will have ah im­ Stiff Op|M>sltlon Met junks. • r hajid of Mra. Shirley Mathewaon was primarily a teat flight. The jiayjt for every able-bodi^. male , Ships 'Erupt bike Volcanoes nearer home. He waa wounded jn t h e ASSOCIATED PKESi- ward pdlltidan his, epemies once ‘ portant part in the three-act farce Barrette of 267 Eaat Main atreet, number of planes participating has '■e now at^^hese The Asaoclatad Preaa -.ia axciual^ ^^aSsoon'R.s he becomes 18 yekrAcf Kh.M of Manila. Maj. Gen. Wil- Silently the Barb moved through Germany and has .been awarded> entitled to the uae of repuPllcallon comedy "Tsklng the Count,” in liaih -C. Chase’.s 38th division met died on Okinawa May 23, accord­ the Purple Heart. He hga Inform­ not been announced. ailed him. Somie.of these sources,' ‘Wa^ih Treii.r age. At the end of the- .year; tb^ be given on Wednesday evening at the escort screen, ci’ery man tense. all newa dlapatcbe.) credited to nr not trainee would return to ciyllian^ stiff opposition on both' sid^ of ing to word recelvcc^ by hia wife ed his parents that hla rightitlkle Ten days later, June 16. "scores" otherwiaa credited , In this paper and iOs^now rPhoi'tt'd. are urging him S^^oVlork. As president . of the Reaching the planned attack posi­ PIHEHURST B-29s hit YaVvata on the Japa­ life, siibjert for a definite period the Marikina and Bo.sabnsa riv­ tion, .she let go ,\ylth everything on §unday. His prevr-jus injury, was fractured and hia le jf ahoul- alao the local newa published here.-.. !.to continue his cabinet rearrange­ (■rom iiig/J YoiRh Follow.ship. Mr. Gordon has ers In clearing the watershed area X. dor was wounded by imrapnel. At nese home island! of Kyushu -in av to recall to active duty in an been Arranging df-tails for this- she had. gave full right rudder, he had informed hla wife, occur­ e a ^ r a n c e P H c e s ! Ail rights ot repubMcation o; special ment by firing Secretary of the emerge.ncy. - * serving the capital. TUESDAY red on May 9. when-he .suffered a the present time he is able to get their first ofllcial blow at the dlapatehes herein, are alao reserved. play, the receipts of which are to and movt^d toward, the rock-strewn enemy. ', ‘ Interior Ickes, and the chl,cf argu- , Kightecn-'year-old.s in college,or be use'd in support of the Methodr . Gep. Douglas Ma,cArthur fe- water, at high speed. From the foot and hip Injury aa a Jap gren­ about on criitche^ (Sill sarvlos cllsnl of N. B. A Service ntiniied im» Page One) Since thsn/in a ttsek ^ h T ment In their effort is reported t o ; about to ^Bl’cr college .probably 1st Church , Sn^rrier Camp '.a't ported in his communique today bridge. Fluckey watched Japanese ade landed In hia foxhole and he One w^toeae days you're going to traken would be defer their that 6,.WO Japanese' dead had been had' only recently' returned to the Oaaka, Nagoya' Yo^enama: and RMresanutives: ! *’* Wr. Ickes did not hr light^pow And record lows for Gloucester, R. I. ■ . ships ail around him erupting, like to a ivkrm, lush Spring day. 'roll'll trainlngior to tak'e college training counted and 503 prisoners taken front line. Kobe alone, Warner'said, "a total rustle dilt ths la s fo f your bedding for j ’llius Mithavs. Spjclal Agency—New i prmgnrf his department em- ' volcanoes. All Hamlressliiw mmu under-military supervision. While in the'RhilliJpines in the past week THRIFTT Pfc. Barrette wa.s the .son, of of 82 square mileS' of war Ihdu.stry 24 Twin Size. 16 Full. Slie Outfits; Stearns & Tork. Chicago. Detroit and Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Frank t,. Walker, "Columns : of fire leaped from Spring cleaning. Then you’ll -wish you ployes into handsome contribu­ soon nildwesterners could invuniform thc.v Would receive the agains't American casualties of 22.''> Joseph Barrette of Grand avenue. Richard Martin of Japan lie damaged or riiined.'' Foster’s “Style a ” and Serta’s Superfine With Pai- :ert, Ovt^wats for usual summer former residents of South Main .several ves.sels,” the Navy report­ had selected your new bedding early... MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU o r tions to the last Democratic car same, pay as cnii.sted men . and killed and 657 wounded for the. ed. "The first target was seen to He w^aa born in West Warwick. R. JLiiceiises Exlencleil while these dramatic prices li> effect. conia filling. Regular $79.00 ...... 169.50 CIRCUUATIUNa t,l!rp)Was not certain, however. would be subject to Army control. street.. will keep open house to- same period.: pslgn' fund. rhorrow, from 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 settle in the water. Some vessels l. , and had lived here for 12 years Richard Martin .. Norvrtoil Man Fatall.^XInjiired So why -not choose ,no\y/’. , . before the Ob.^vers said they expect the Uverall Japanese casualties were AND He was graduated front the Ri ^3 Only Palconia Mattresses^in fuil size; by Serta. The Barsid Printing Uompapy. In:., merwry'to verv slowly and o'clock, at their home In Mansfleld ■,hat were hit were obscured by Richard Martin of Harvard Weather Man says "Let’s go!" Aaaumea nd Saancfal raaponaibUlty tor Mr, Roosevelt o r 1 gd'h a l i y < ^ven at 385,'48() for the- entire vine High school In 1938 apIT/had The Connecticut SUte Depart- { -. ' - - ' Wtfre $20.75 ...... $22.50 n.ccnaps he checked from day. to Center, in observation of their others Inirnirig in the line ofj^vls- ^ ment of Health makes the follow- ] road will speak on 'The Funds-' -/' Norwich, June 4X(yp)_-Thomas typographical errors appearing In ad- brought Mr. Ickes into the.,clit)inet/ campaign, which began last Qc-, -ion. flllars of smoke pbiifed liky-.. worked at the H.amiltonBtandard varttsemaDts Is The Mancheater Eve­ , . liiA’ hv the mhs.s of cold ,sir now golclen wedding. C, O. Walker, of ing announcement: mentala of Loral Government,’’ P. Kiiigsley, 6lX of t.hia city waa 4 Only Raleigh ^ in^full size; by ns an independent, and'an lnd^ j/ptt)ed oyer the L,akeii region Manchester 24 Hemlock atreet, thia town, la A tober. American casualties .are ward. ! The side of irme Ves.scI hleW JATISrVING Propeller before entering the ning Herald. around 50,000. aervice 29 month.sHe had "By- Act of the ! Connecticut the final meeting of. the DJ;^U8- injured.-.fatally' last night when 1 Only Twill Size Jumbo Box Sprinj? and U. S. SteaTns &'Foster; liair'on ohe side\ Were $35.00 pendent he has remained alncSy/which had snow .Saturday. brother of Mr. Walker. out like the fired. magazine of a General Assembly, 1945 session, struck b^N-S' truck' ,whlle walking Monday, June 4 Dale Rook -r Plane* Ravage Jap Positions wai.ship. IM-o ships eifplnded R"d been over.seaa fpe nionth.s. sion Group of the 'Leggue of Felt Mattress,to,match. Was $69.50.... .$39.50 ...... $29.75 And, although he has rubi)^ "l-oolting at the weather map Grad)H(tion Dates all hairdressing’ licenses have Women Voters, Wednesday, June across a higlvWay in the, Norwlch- gives, one an Impreaslon of looking The' Manchester School Custod­ Planes-based in the Philippines sent a shower * f tracers in all di­ 2 Only Full Size Sertabed Victory Box Spring many people the wrong way,/j^ils Graduatlpil dates for the schools been placed on a calendar year 6, at 7:45, ih the Diytotors’ 'room town MCtion. '-.He died, at Backus 6 Only.Full Size Stearns & Fo.ster and U. S. Felt at wintertime condition.^," . one Tonight ' ians Club it’ill, have a meeting this and East Indies ravaged Japanese rections:" basis. Therefore the expiration Bases. Were $29.75 ...i...... \^S 10.00 A Real Conference Criais Cubtd Spi^ M in RockyjUe and vicinity have at the Whlton Ltorary. . hogpiuti two hoilrEi later. . State Outfits. Were $59.50 ...... $47.50 ihdependenco has been a yenoXt- forecaster .said, R.Cd Men-'s Carnival, Dougherty evening st 7:30 o'clocK In ■ the positions and shippings from- For- Intermingled with'" tlie^' tracers, date for current licenses Iras been ^Troopef Ahdre-v P.-^Yurtln of the lot. High school building. wef-g projectiles of nil sizes, from f «tot» $«ld4 been ,-announced AA^ollow's: Y * - Mr. Martin ls/"wetl Informed on ,3 Only Twin Size Jumbo Box Spring.s. 'SVere. No one, ■ not even the u)b»t Bome' quality, a reflectioru/of/,un-. New All Time .Iiine I>»w -mosa through the China .Isea to changed from June 30 to Decem­ the subject sttice he has held re-^"^Grotoji barracks skid Mitchell 3 Twin Size; i l FuW Size St?arn3 & Foster . That description was borne otit Toniorrow ' ---- r : - . ' % New Guinea. , elx t (i'? inche.s. . RoditHtt, W#d^i noK Srammar •^cnool, 'June 12; $39.50 ------,$19.75 cfhronic defenders of every last questioned honest.v : wpeh /’has, . ond CiKum^r Slk«t J ^ k v ille Hig»K school, June 13; ber 31. ' Hairdreaaera. and cos- sponsible x^bsitiona In local^^-gov- Nkwrock, .24, also of -l^orwlch, ,Raleigh Outfits. ^W>i%' $75.00 ...... ,f59.75 in Chicago toda.v when the tem­ Bridge party, auspices Memorial Suri.set Robeknh Dodge, will meet Liberators unloaded 275 tons of Impede and CnDfiise Pursiiers meticiana are request^ to With­ was'operator of the truck.''. e rgspect tonight in Odd Fellows hall. .The Fto€tiw9 Ificnd wttli * St. Bemard/r achool, - June 17; .St. ernmenjtlor many y e a r s lie la at item of Russian policy, seems gble j "^**‘ '**’^ yenrs. won perature dropped to .16 degrees for Hoapital Auxiliary in Mary Chap­ Takao, Formo-sa airdrome sector. hold applications for renewals of a aV>w ail time June-low. Record man Gardens, Koi-cst.Street. .aphual memorial service wifi be R«d RotpWrriM Joseph’s (Kmool, June 17 at 3 p. pressrit director of the State Wn- to And s good explsnstion for the | •'ven of his enemies. Many warehouses and other buil^' ^baced Junks . and ®.aa personal licenses until December i t5ri"Comm'i88ion and a member of lows for .June 3 were sot ve.sterday Gibbons Assf.'mbly .lune Rose in charge of Noble Grand / fused fiiastrf mirsuersntit-asiAVso nsa a the5 Vi a DBarba *»1* X“high- iv ls w l* m. ; Tolland. June 6; Bolton. June Russian stsiid at San Francisco To discharge MryTckes fi^m the ing.s Were do.stroyed. , 1. 1945. A t that time a license for e local Zoning Board of Appeals. in Milwaukee with 39 and ' Dos dWner-dance, American I^egion Mrs. Emma Dowd. Officera and balled" for open water. In' the *Split Pea Soup 7; EJMngton. June 11: Somers, on the veto power. . The original cabinet because iie. wasn’t/ a good S.OOp feet. Reconnaissance..;pfanes Jun^ 12; Columbia, June 14; the year 1946 will be iaaued. He was a member of the Board of Moines with ,38. riall.' guards are urged to be present confusion, some of the junks were I corr«t "Preserit 1944-1945 licensea,/^U campaign func !dllector would be' and to wear white. Mrs. Marion patrolling from Singapbre to iilon, June 18; Andover,'June 20. Selectmen from 1937 to 1939. Rig Three decision to retain s 0 Cold weather extended acro.sS - Kridu.v, -iune R • ■ .z" fired on. \ imoll dliKifi remain In effect until December X High schtiol- graduation exer- Straughan And her comniittee Shanghai sank or seg^flre two Softball Authority in a democratic gov­ veto over the Mtual use of Unit­ an act of lo w ^ lltlcs. And it has the northern part of the nation freighters and twoZ'^trol craft Also, as he had hoped, the. pur­ I cup tplit p^% ^ 31, 1945. X- thrnugh the Ohio vAlley to* New-, ‘‘•-''ra at the^tate theater. will serve: refreshments. There will be a aoftball'game ernment comes from tbs people, ed Nstlocs force was lUwayA, in been aiich;^pleasure, to watch Mr. and ahot up Indo^Cnlna rail facili­ suers 'were discouraged ' by the 5 cupi tteclT ^ Kngland. A ,forest tire.lookout re-'V ^'^‘’Pt*ng Special Service Corps rocka. through which the Barb ran this evening at 6:3(T»'clock at-the Unless the people of a community Tniman .fa k in g his foM, record, ties, 1 boy l•of X Recreation field when the Ai}- have a s®n«« of responsibility X minds of all other nations' rep­ ported snow flurries., yesterday at South church at 8. The monthly meeting of the like a broken field runner. Soil, pfp^r lied at San' Francisco, and In to see him resist other bad advice, .atop Mt. Monadnork In PetCrboro, i Tiiemlay. .lime 12 War Records committee will t.ske j ThirteenthxXir Force and Sev­ ■WhcA *be Barb reached onen Rockville softball team will play But One^lajte about their government, there Open Thurs^y Evenings to 9 place this evening aL 8 o'clock in enth fleet/pianes hit Brunei bay Scrub cerref.'ji^*. oaIua; »]At y we hope the / campaign N. 11. Connecticut had . A cold, Mancheater Division, Connecti- watei/dnwn was breaking, but Woih pto»/ar«in. C«mbin« carrot, wet week-end when the highest Sport.smen meeting and riiovie the MWiicipa1xbuiIdin;^K.^ I and-other Borneo targets with 190- Manchester. lienssted f6> by the fact that the against Ickes gets novynere. If Mr. she Had not yet'reached safety. A ^onjon, .^ 01, * Mack and bc^ Waf^ temperature was 55, iU American Lejfinn Home at - 8 j tons ^explosives, plus jellied, gaa- Japanese plane sighted her and Due to the unpleasant weather Ov^rllie meeting for men Open Saturday Art new world organisation would man really knowk .anything p. ,m. MyAtic Review, ■\Voman’s''Rene?'roHn«;v incendiaries, Cayaf; iimmar 2 hr. ar until paa« afa on Sunday, the scheduled game -and women. In New York state .. readings Tor the first time since she had ^>dndtr« PraM mixtura Ihraugh CHoaed Wedneadaya -.— Tuesday, June l » fit ./Association,associ '^ ll meet toroor- was not played, but as there ware atm have the espscify of a f^r^m bout practical politica he must ranged'from 42,-tb 55 and rain .sijotted the rich prize, she - was Eaaion with »aV and pappa?) haat. The Mancheater Fire depart­ Nathan Hale and Barnard evertIng in .Fellow hall. 'many present at the field, a p r a ^ Viacoioitoea Hereford Die* ia which disputes andti4ubi< know that the kind of reputatio,n swept mtist of the state. In C( forced to submerge. $arvat 4*4. (H datirad* may ba ment waa called at 9:10 thia morn­ schools graduation at Nathan Hale tice game was enjoyed. some questions could he dii he has been building for himself Itimbus, p.. the extremes Were/gO' Telision High / The Navv did not disclose/the diiutad with milk.) ing to 127 Hilliard atreet for a arid 49 and Indianapolis had an in morriing, . The annual Spring Outing wjU, date or the -location ofU ie at­ Deere-Mchelner London, June; 4.—(-flP)—Tbe death in the last seven weeks is worth fire that started from'an explosion That discussion, it was felt, whuld average reading of 50 18 degrees In afternoon .^graduation exer­ be one of the subjects to tack. / / The : marriage 'Of Misj/Shirley of Viscounteaa Her^ond at her cises of Buckland school. cussed at a business rrieetin^:i( Ann Scheiner, daughtep/of Mr. and in an oil burner. The fire, was ex­ home in Hampton court, Leomin­ help mobilize world opinio^ and more votes than the-fattest cam^ below normal. ITet in Syria - y ' McCM.l’S>EAl PLANNER tinguished soon after the aNgival ' Wednesday, .liine 20 the Rotary. Club to be held at the, Mrs. George W. Scltamef of Rock­ ster, was announced today, She 'AfOrld moral forqs In a W y-'that paign fund could hope to mrf- River Floods Highways Postage stamps ;were Issued for A McCAJ,^ magazine Mrvk. of the department, but not before Hollister street school gradua­ Sheridan restauran' tomorrow eve­ the first time In 1840 In Great ville to Cyril ThjMhaa Deere, aon was the former Ethel Mildred ' lit ha aa powerful as armed 4Coct)nned train' Page One) ons of the women ,jn the house chase. y / ' ' ^he TittsbaWasse river iii east tion In morning. ning. Dinner -will be served at Britain. • ‘ .y IC eaay to get every- of the late Mr/and Mra. Albert Shaw, younger daughter of the foria Itself. ' / more than the fattesr'esimpaign central Michigan pasaed the floodi In afternoon ■ graduation exer­ 6.30 a.s usual. Deere of thjriced Pork part and the bridesmaids were Miss of any problem within the Securl-1 cTtalnly' unprintable. was a "good chance" for frosts In U. S. Marines, in a. letter just re­ ' were taken nut undbr Simored of the Menu. Faith A. Scheiner of Rockville arid By Local Kiiiglils ty Council. The French leader, abaorped with east. ^i.scOnsIn and Michigan. Schreindorfer-Pescex^ ceived by his parents. Mr. • and guard, and Damascus itself was And:;'PeraoiiRi Bffeets Mias Eunice M. Scheiner, both ala- Kis dream of rq,-crestlngVFrench The summer temperatures ap- Mrs. CharlAs E. Hill, of 47 Edyvard imder an 8 p y m .. curfew rule.. For A tcra of the bride. Pfc. Francla I f any ons had thought that MIm Ines M. Peace, daughter of We ena proton yon for ns tow Deere waa beat nian for hia bro­ imperial giqry by Jealous Asser-; cocnered in the, Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni Pe'see of street. Mates that he was wounded French baira'cks In the heart of THRIFTY Lecturer Thomas Dannaher an­ such a possibility was samus, one 1 south. Southern states enjoyed dit Okinawa on May 15 artd hos­ IS fi.OO pw''|1.MI0 for 8 renre' ther and the ushers were James lions of French p'^estige on every BeRon. became the bride o f Sea- the Syriait capital were about t o ; nounced today that Father John caw be quite aure that t ^ San normal weather with maximum pitalized on the Mariartas, and be evaluated. / j time. Mljranom Premlam W.89- MEAT COU Devlin of Rockville and Ccdrlc C. Glynn of St. Mary's church, itonceiyable instance, found those ntan First Class Joseph Schrein- WBS..being transferred to a con­ Deerd of ’Vernon, brother of the Francisco Conference would readings in the high Eighties and dorfer Satt.irday, June 2, at 9 s. /Acting Premier Jamil Mitrdam - ! call at yonr hbine and Pinehurat Me^i^ Depart- Eaat Hartford, wrill be the speaker dreams rather rudely shattered low nineties. ' valescent camp./Pfc./Hili who is a groom- at the Paat Grand Knights night have been called until that pokgi- m. in St. James's church. Father rDey of Syria asserted IgSt night detAlle or nient suggest Following the ceremony a recep­ ^y such a note from a presumed paramarine, was g 'member of tbs' that the French* had Intended to of Campbell council; Knights of hility had been dispoaed of. For A William Dunn officiated at the Sixth Division who landed -.t'.^l- tion was held at the home of the single ring ceremony. Seaman trap Syrian, deputies and cabinet Coluinb'ua, tonight. Bis subject eWorld organisation which does not riend and ally. And he wlH never nawa Easter piomirig. and><^ In bride's parents. The couple left for has not been announced. Schreindorfer is the son of Mrs. members in the Parliaments bousj Arthur A.Knofla fESH a wedding trip and after .’une 11 have the right of frse discuMlon f^get It. _ - ; War to Be Shown action 45 days when/he . was Following the meeting refresh- 1.25 Mary Schreindorfer Of 'Claston- wounded. jDe has beert with the when the attack I n Da: Ineomnee MaAf they will reside in Kew Gardena. of problems 'might as well not ex­ t (General de Gaulle's person-1 burjr. •jperted last Tuesday. iACKEREL menta will be served by the com­ / Marine ClOrps In the' Pacific near­ "The Pnmltaro ^Fl^- L. i. ’ mittee in charge of the affair,hbad- ist at all. sD reaction, it now seems clear, Stale Residents Relattenn Broken C om ^tely M!rs. Deere Is a graduate- of the Old brown or blpe uh> The bride who was given in ly two years. ^ Ofltoe Open Dally ed by Frank Quish. , i| Now Russia, In terms which was nof\the reaction of the restj marriage by.-her brother Michael The Syrians, he, asid, have 19e pound RockvlUe High school as ti Mr. dcrglazed decorat,iohs and Thnra. Evening 7 to 8 P. ML Deere. He received an honorable were, first described as emphatic of FrsneeXHia own cabinet Is re­ Peace of Bolton, was gowned in The Wesley Group will mee-F*to- broken . relations completely with 878 RIAIN STREET Olvea Purae of gf.500 oiv 6-inch tilos. Old - Hartford, June 4.—(A‘) The War white taffeta styled with a tight mbrrow evening at 7:45 at the the French/'and wiJK not resume discharge from the U.8, Marine M d beyond change, ha* asked ported as ^ r e in s mood to Telephone M40 or 0M|t with alt the dirt, grimness and fitting bodice and full' skirt with South Methodist church.'''‘Thl8 is them except onnormal dlplo- 'Coiva sfter serving In the Pacific Stafford Springs, June 4— — Lyme church (showit) .X Don’t deny'yoiirHplf one min­ blsmb ^ (Ssulle _ thsn Chiirchlll. and Is now employed at the Jor- loiighrtAss that the Infantry knows .•._l>Hsjtle_.endlng. la ,a.‘,lQng_.tratB;. th® .newly organized. «pup.,of. the [matic.. plane. Autthout. any. Advan.-. ______...... * ...... The Rev. Joseph. H..Donnelly, pax- and WUliam.sbtirg \ Assess-just that kind of veto powr TfiaO s also irepbrfed as the m o^ will be shown to residents In The gown had a sweetheart neCk- Woman’s Socirty oLGhristian Ser-] tages, to the/French. He added datioff Aviation Corporation In ^ .scenc.8. ute longer tlie deep, relaxinjg New York. tor of St. fikiward'a church alnce er. And, although the threat is of Foreign Affairs Committee eight Connecticut cities during a>llne and long pointed sleeves. She vice. Mrs. Percy/Stocks will be', that an iptemational committee 1937,. waa presented with a purse 14-day period ii. support of the wore a finger tip veil with./'a halo hostess. The meftibers are remind- would bglorined to "assesA the Mato «r Real Estate comfort of a resiHent spring- that RuaalA will not participate of/4he French Assembly. It Is fur­ The former Robert E. Brazil of li.500 at a reception here last Seventh Wa.- loan. ./ of orange blossoms and carried a ed toju m Ip their squares for the I day by The unit coming here, is one of and Mrs. W l l l i ^ Hiltpold of this. -/ to the modem luneral' and tion, ^ have twehfy of these smart so ready under the RusAton thumb.' perceive that hrothee. overnight express from the Hemiaa Ffiedrich A t San FrahcjMofr .the Russian | ^ench people'are more inter- 28 such units especially trained, NorUi Amherst/ Mass.,' were The joint stateptent asserted comlortlng aid to the grooved 1*110 mother of. the bride wore that Syria- and/Lebanon - would Boston Fish Pier.X Fixgd The funeral bi Herman Fried-‘ as demortstratior^ teahis. and cofti- naVy with white tfcccs.sdrics and k guests yesterdky of Mrs. Jennie fas marked at*tdearance prices. proposition Is franidy described a s; peace than in glory, and j prises Connecticut veterans of Beebe of 39ZMaple atreet. Mrs. "fight until; eve ^ single house is rich, 89, of 35 Franklin street, who red .rose corsage, . The mother The Ugh excellence ol our the Pinehurst way/ with died on Saturday following a long "Impossible.” It ia not pnly un-: ''ecast his own policy accpr'dingly. ’ overseas combat. Cushman has frequently visited destroyed aptf every native killed, prolettional service, the help- backbone removed, baked Styles are favorites. . .Period of- the groom wore white and lav­ here, b ^ l t was the first , visit bf i'n order taZkeep our independence. illnasi, waa held this aiftemoon thinkable that i£ should be ac,- -^ud if he can not perceive this. They give a clnseup demon- ender print with white accesliories tulness ol our personal ditend­ Mr. wmA Mrs. Hiltpold to Man­ We wUF lot sign any treaty with Or broiled mackerel makes from, the Ladd Funenl Rome. 'cepted. It is highly ' regrettable we -'Shall be forced to retract a Stratton of their weapons in use and a red rose corsage. ance and the iaimess ol our Rev. Dr. George M. Brookes, pas­ and Lounge models> . .covers against the eneniy. Admission to chester and they were favorably France." a delicious fish dinner. that It was ever'made. No one good many editorials hi whlck we ■ Following the-ceremony a re­ 'prices ore mottere ol general tor. of the Union church officiated. the demonstrations' will (je impressed With the town. 1 r1 Alami,' representative Serve ' Becker’s Fresh are hew and distinctive in spite can think of a good reason why it; criUcized tho-late- President Roose- ception was held for thirty mem- public knowledge Burial waa in Grove Hill cemetery. 20 Models in a dramatic t^rmigh war bond purcha.ieA /Of the Palestine Arabs at the Spinach or Native Aspara­ He .was born Aug. 9. 1875,.. in should have been made. This is veR for his unrea.sonable personal b'erii of -the immediate families T h e Ladies’ Aid Society of th/ Arab League conference opening of the-aciite fiahric shortagcx^ at the Villa Maria in Glastonbucy. gus with it. Germany ..and came to this coun­ di.slik# of de Gatille. - ‘ Concordia Lutheran church will not one of those- instances in The couple left for an unannounc­ mtot tomorrow eve*ilfig at ,71^0. try, 55 years ago. He waa a retired which the outside world rnsy - ed wedding trip, the bride wear­ Pinehurst Meat Depart­ v/eaver. He was a member of the ;^taple Griive-Society. , •albly be st.sfault for a failure to Argentina'.s Pledgf.s1’ .. Bolton ing gr.een with white accessories' Sergt. and Mrg. Joseph JF. Ma­ ment will also feature and An orchid corsage: loney are visiting their parents. He leaves four sons,'Albert of ■ understand Russia, or for"a failure FRESH Putnam and Walter, Elmer,- and to make its own conduct , Secretary of s(ate Stettlnilis. A t the Seventh V^’er Bond Rally Seamart Schreindorfer is sta­ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Malonejr of HADDOCK HLLETS Herman, Jr., of Rockville; four •in hjs radio report on the progress held Friday evening In the Com- tioned at Norfolk. Va.,- but Mrs. School strbpt and Mr. And Mrs. daughters, Mra. John Staudt of "X the standards Of the idegla 'munity Halt. 54,400 in bonds'were Schreindorfer will make her home Raymond Fogarty of Ridge street. u r k e e * STEAK COD e a rance 'of the San Francl.sco Contefence, Rockville, .Mrs. Howard ■ Schan- posed at San Francisco, This sold and 544.00 In .war sfamps. with her pgrents in Bolton for the Upon his return to -diity they will and .took occasion to point'"out-;>t1iat bacher, Long Island," N. T.; Mrs. fither Russia’s complete failure 'rhi,s brings. -Bolton RiiiTe a bit preFont. - ■ . » go: to1%I(imbia, S; CT7"to which ■'! .-S ’i. “■S.Hi’.Uiiw'il TVeshly Made Elmer Peteraon, Bridgeport; Mra. to understand the nature of the ,the admi.Asiort -of Argentina, for nearer the 515,000 quota. bride’s gift to her maid of Sergeant Malony has been trarts- ^ Chicken Chop Suey Truman Read, Alexandria, Iowa; whlch'tbe United'States has Iwen A good-sized gathering, was lidnor was a white gold pin with Terred from Camp Dix, New Jer­ B l ir • three brothers, Guatave and Hugo outside world, or RussiaA deliber­ present' to appreciate the fine en-. matching ea<^ .rings. The- groom sey. .^criticited,. was * granted only ..on Small Size California of Rockville, and Adolph of Hart- $289.00 Classic Kdne.v'model In tuxedo style with wood frame; $289.00 Lawson I/ninge Sdfa in greeii and maiiye stripe; short ate .attempt- to find a monkey terlAinment prpvhied by the Quajr- gave his best man a wallet. SEEDLESS ORANGES ' / ford, and 13 grandchildren. the expectation that Argentina ryvillc Youth I?,-' Fellowship. -Follow­- - - ITie Tall Cedars Rangers .will blue fliimask cover; feather cushiorii.X Grand O O fringe valance. G/and Rapids O A O wre'nch which will deadlock and 33e dozen. ' Frank Wlnchell 7 ruin San Francisco altogether. would follow through to a full ing Is the program! Lee's Dude hold a meeting tonight at 7:30 at YOU’D BE Frank WlncheU, 73, of 103 Vll- V Rapids Rjacle . . . . made ...... qori'elusion the pledges of good be- Ranch! -Ethel Lee, Doris Skinner, the Masonic hail. All members ' lage atreet. died thia . morning at , Although this Russian .demand i, . ■ .. Garolvn Lee;'vocal solo. Nancy are.Asked to -be present. Now In ^ „,.: " ■ ■ Watkins . ■ ■ . , ’ ' ' . ' ■' _ !' - , V • havior made after the CSly willeUe;- comedy skit. Ann Erick- ion his home following a short illness. $275.00 Heppelwhite Period D esi^ with square tapering.leg.s; was first .-de-scribed as a more! or DIAL 7100 Dovals (Samtar.v Tissues) He waa born in Rockville on No­ $269.00* Kidney Tuxedo Sofa \v4th wood- frame; two s'ofa pillows less unalterable ultimatum, the Conference. . , 1 son, and Evelyn Swartz; vdcal solo. There will 'be a meetiiw of the A STO N ISH ^ 22c box -x ^ boxea 99c single'seat ciishjon. Siiiart blue striped damask C included. ujihol.stery'i Grand Now comes authenticword I Eleanor Pfeiffer;, duet with guitar . Mr. and Mrs. John H. Leehman.. Outing committee of Hosr Co. No. Select Quality cover. Waa $275.00 ...... , t . . J L J m ^ a W w Is^st word from Sen Francisco ia of Clinton Comers,- N. Y:, sn- Full, insured protectloA tor At the High Pi^es We Rapids made that jt has been referred back to from Argentina that the dlctatori-1 2 of the Manchester Fire depart^ your fu n and other vahinble Douvalettes Scott Tissue • - ■ ■ ■ '--.V , '■ - -■ 'V j ... . add Carolyn Lee Johrtny Takes nounee the engagement o f their ment at the Firehouse on Hil­ ' Moscow, again. Qne hopes, but at regime thei;e used the exOus.e of , ,,j, (-(^1- f„r a Ride* was much ap- daughter. Doris Marie, to Richaid garment A RensonaMe rates , Will Pay For Cars $259.00 High Arm Tuxedo Model with pleated back and ins-ide liard street Thursifay at 7 p. m. $149.00-Law.>"B®ntines sus­ Michael Giglio. At the conclusion Rockville High school and the Uni­ 1938 Cars - 1939 Gars' ButteT Rolls. $169.00 English Lounge Sofa in green damask executive committee of- Nutmeg 8|8 -MAIN STREET textured fabric. Aisofa for the large room . ... the formation of the new world' pected of opposing the dictator­ of this part of tha program! Doris' versity of Connecticut. ; He is the Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanpn, at $700 $1,000 249.00 with a beige leaf design. Semi-spnmg model 125'00 •rtAnlsation imfibBsible. ship have been thrown into jail.' Skinner gave a vocal solo.. manager of Blackbriar Farms. eight o’clock tomorrow night in Nenr Montgomery - Ward’s ESTATE t Really large enough to fit big floor ii^cefi! Doris Dunlop played Sigmund Dover Plains, N. Y . Tlge wedding $179.00 (2) Dunian P,h>-fe Periqd Models having iezenuine ma- . Among the many crises which Buenos Aires is an anrtkd' damp. the Masonic lem pls. Fine, aelect tiuality which means the best Rhomberg's Serenade. Carol Quinn date has not been set. 1940 Gars A t hogany frames; bluje damask stripe with mauve $198.00 liaw.son Lounge .Al-odel in blue, tex­ ‘■have occupl^ the - headlines from Argentina'a declaration of war on ’41-’42 Cara patterns, best colors,j best workmanship! did an acrobatic dance. The follow­ Postmaster Edward F. Charter and green. E a ch ...... | A r « w w tured home.sptin cover . . . . j...... 169;00 ‘Ban Francisco, this is ths first Germany was obviously no help to ing members of thq cast took part has announced (hut applics- $1,400 $2,000 Also plenty of smalier to ensemble ..with 7 in the Meet Me in SL Louis num. tions for bids for Matl Messenger whiHi definitely threateng the the Allies. But it has been' turned DRIVE IN Fair Prices them- , f $195.00 London Club-Design in blue pin-striped ber; Mildred Pfeiffer, Ann Erick­ •service from ^lirtgton to'' Rock­ WRITE IN $14^.00>. Lawson Lounge. Sofa Whole courae-of the conference. It into a new excuse for oppression son, Patricia Mahoney, KennAtn ville for the year beginning July 1 velvet cover. A deep, louhgy BHONE IN in figured burgundy tapestry . .. 125.00 la not a criaia which can possibly on the part of the Argentine dic­ Skinner, Herald Lee. Jr., Michael 1945. are available now and should ‘ WANTED! 7-8144 Call 24x48Inches ...... $5.75 model ■ ww ; be solved by any yielding except tatorship, In other words, Argen­ Giglio. be returned to the Post Office not r '■'' ' WE HAVE ON Ha n d . $195.00 Chippendale Period ^ f a with ball-and- on the part of Russia. tina has used , thg keeping of one Anita and Irene .pagliardahe of .lateA than June 10. , 22x36 inches . i...... 3.95 . "Modernized Lawson ia South Bolton danced and sang, I LieuL C. Earle Hatheway. on FEMALE HELP... 18-35 SEVERAL USED TRUCKS $249.00 To-the-flbor of her pledges aa the "^instrument Wm. F. Johnson claw feet; self-figui^ rose dam- “ I 'Don't Want to Play in ‘ Your leave, is visiting his mother, Mrs. ii-Toa tc 1K,the fHuIt^^3S>??uId lie with th'C Zaehariq^s'message -"to respon­ y / . ------4:16—W tiC —StellaT^I**- , Rrown: -WnC“ yCavalcade Softball j^ague t League. sible and thinking Japanese" re’* the Manchester Me- 4:30— W D S G .,- Jininile Fidler; Fare Badly in West;* orga'nized basebBlI. cker will be lost to the team for t(Mt ia 5th Republtcmi^^dership, and the America. / anNndeflnlte period with a leg In- calls his 20 pcaietime years as a /B ’runo FmCchla, a mepiber^the ;al yesterday. Bonn A finler uae of the faailitlea of w n C — Lorento __ .«w Senate .Jtt^^ity.leacler, Leon RIs- she haa Iseen a resident 8:15—Lum and Abner; WT^HT— Dodgers Lose Two to Standings Tbe American- Lipgion has con-' jury“ ^ e is a patient at the local Standing ^ ^amilton Leading 3<6^ Awmtw -----— ■« Liberated War Prisonent for June S. 1945 Casal.^hV hsWirted that the gov- friend of the Japanese people, his 307tb' Regiment 6f the T7th .Dlvl- thapubllc libraries by.-young peo- 4-:45—WDRC— Ad 'Lmer; W TIC— Kay-O-Quiz. 6heater for nine years, com- Young Wldder'Brown. tributed more ^layersTo the ma- hospital? ArmyThe War Department ...... caaualty. Serial J^umberaNumbera 0-408 prwT permittcd''Rrpubllcan Icad- close aerjuaintance wUh many ajon. wounded on Leyte In ^a^w- was urged by tpday’s speaker 8:30^—'WDRC—Burns* and Allen: Reds; Red^Sox Split. Rung ^^JUncarneds! from Southington. Eiesides 6;p(jt_WDRC — News'Ad Llnsf; w . L Pet. jo r leagiyes than any other organ­ mlaaing, (Pacific 34). OH09 (m issin^^urop^ l.’i.lil, O-lOl tkillod, ,ef's’ diit.s.ide the Legislnturc tn, in­ dlgnitaric-s and hia serv­ ary, was horpe'with his ny>ther. . Bill Henry: WHTD— Blind Bill Geor^oand Charley Ada-, 0^412 I wounded., Papftfv usband she • leaves. a slste before the Kiwajda club of Man- /'W H TD :— Terry and the Pirates;' 1 .750 ization Iti -the country. The Pitts* Grill ______Pacific. 195), 0-411 ■(knlecl^^:uropc,^2^), <>-4ii . terfere In the sitnation'-aful there­ ice as aiue-uc-campaide-de-camp tolo l^rmcer-rmce and Agnes Hyde of Manchesti '"’'Date: ,'WTHT-^American Dla- By Joe Relchthr , ' .i. 3,- mick, regular Kqmliton outfteldera Pluviua sto p y d Mrs. Albert Fracehla of 13^;30 yeai^day after- that It is not generally known but 10:30—WDRC — Cameron An­ GiantsNron six and Jost eight in a veteran and a member of the will appear with the teai a miscye. The losers oulhit the .>*' 213\, 06 1,115 home of hia parents. Mr. and Mrs. fend Guam, -Ttnian. the. |Phllip- nooil'p^t Watkins Fmteral. Home, public llbrarie.s prqj'ed of ihestlma- Sings; WHTD — Tojii Hussey Chain|M S ect ou rth Props three to two but the coatty United states Coast Guard 806 considered likely that If. the Sen­ and Is later to be transferred -to a . Journal; Orchestral Interlude. drews Show; WHTD—Reunion, the westNThls sub .‘500 ball cut v„.;MoVing Rockville Ten. local post. - ■ Har^W BeichCr of 13 Walker pines. Two Jlma*ahd the skies over 142 EastaM Center^fect. Rev.-Alfred .hie value in the through errors were too much and th® ate, sent a reduce*! b live t back to hospital in the South. He hAs lost W THT — Music; Copcert Hour; U, S. A.: W THT—Music: their once^ht-gam e lead to 3’ i \ ------... i T h e gam® yesterdg^c^ probably Total casualties 43,99.’> 55,618 10,692 4,244 114,519 Japan and then )yik.s':\ L. VVjlHa'ms, reCtor of St. Marjl’s furnishing m."ips and on the Straight. LeagiieX^in. West Hartford team wna forced the House, w’hfeh has ft|)proved\lt' st^et. all of his-fingers and the thumb on ' W n c — ■ Professor Andre w n c —Dr. I. Q. N gainea ovetV the second -place Tommy Morrissey atated, "They There has been « notable short­ shotild have been c^led off in the “ Were you .'ible to keep these bla' left hand to the first joint. ^ EpLtcbpal .chtirch'., officiated and terrain of enemy-held 10:45— W THT—Music for Mil­ Pirates who wbn 12 pf their'last age of-double plays In Twi League flrat place, as R/jxiu it was cut to suffer their second defeat - in in ll.s - $130.00h,000 toUI, still ’ Lleutona'nt Belcher left for Eng-, promises, Kloso?" ■\ . . orghn rpu'sic wAa furnished by Mrs. ' Schenker. can't count us out.” and he meant starts ■> N »v j Dead of Michael Vechinsky. ' Rdu.te 4, land September and was sta­ Overseas Books 6;3(>—WDRC - - George B. Arm­ lions, 14. nine agalnstNhe east. » games'to date. The past 11 games short In theJKUr by rain. Yet. , The aiirpHstng another lmpa.sse. would dwelop. CpncliidingNthe captain lelllsThe R. K. Anderson. Th e bearers wer j tt>meaning the Knights of Colum Delap, Rolwrt Frederick ! Colchester. tioned, with the Eighth Air Force' Mr. Kristoffersen said that'' .17 stead;-WHTD — Answer Man; 1 1 :00—News on all stations. 'rtie World CThamplon St. Louis failed to produce olie twin killing. many fanvfropfl: ail points of town cans wit^-Oniv few faces Both teams presented weaken­ watertender, USN. Parents, Mr.! RepubUcans have charged, and Japanese? ,, George and WaltoP'Schrelber. an I , mlUlon books have been sent *-vc. Cardinals edged Intb third place hualaQftball entry in the local' Soft-, journcyerf over to the OVal and ed lineups and the muddy playing .Vrmy .Missing— Eureppah the Democrats have denied, \that Liberator Station there. He was w n c —Bob Steele. 11:15-WDRC -1 Joan Rtooka: their lineup -from l^.st year’s and Mrs. Frederick W. Delap, 31 "Your future lies In ybUr o-wp ;Paul and William Neywan. Buriat seas during the war for the enter W HTD- Th is is our duty: by winning nine of thrtr last 14 ball League.* Errors mean k lot In a ball gable juatjyrhe two teams played until field hampered toe players consld- Regions action on the., budget was b ^ g pilot on a B-24 Liberator heavy Work Halted 6:46—WDRC ^ News: WHTD— chahipionship toa^"1vm be out to­ * Hillside. Park, ■Terryrillc. '. . . 1 i-oa^SKi, aiacinaw e,., tuy., hands. You can cjioose between i wa^'ln the East cemete-'' talnment and education of the- 'ivTHT—Baseball Scores; It’s games, including yesteroqya dou­ Tlie Knights after launching and yesterday afternoon’s Twi ' weatherman Intcrfeiired. , erablyK Mike Marco waa Coach Pod^aki, Matthew K., Dfe., made part of the attempted niinkr bomber ar.d made 35 bombardment Hop Harrigan; W n C >— Lowell Milkowski, Detiry, P/c„ U . . • of .vuag Lucy ,S. Pedensklx missions over Gerrnany, 'W-)iich a wa.stcful, unclean ''' death ' for j boys in-the senlee. .He said that .' , Thomas. Dapee Time; w n c —Harktiess ble header from the Glantt5 11-3 their leagueIs^on with a surprise League attraction proved juat thli night to continue their^hrea’game Jimmy Foley's pitching aelccUoa Parents. Mr. and Mrs Joae^ M^^^ -N court judge.shipTdeak. RisCa.sai ^ a ^ earned for him the Air Mcdaj \yit.h many of your forces or At SJIi^ins •Mrs. Bessie ll.^*LAth^riip ' there . are many new boi.ka Of . /OO—WDRC — Jack Kihkwood of Washington. ■ ^ , 'S* ahd 8-2. win over- the Plant ^ Aircraft did as the Men’s Club corruhttted fotTr W^y^en and Jarvis softball winning Streak %.t,the expense of and Sal Rizzo started and finished taken the position thut all legisla- with hpnor."; / / holJKa practiise aeaalon Tues- kp^yski, 12 N6rth street. Thorap-. M.lsslng-Paclflc Regions ^ vo Pak 'Leaf Cluaiers. The-'funei'al p f Mrs. lassie H, great help to the service men, but ow; WHTD — Headline Edt- ;il :30—WDRC—George Paxton’l Charley (Red) Barrett. W»iom an about face add were slugged and all figured’ in the Props ' the United Aircraft nine of East for,- the Men’s. Club- The latter is- - tloh^ Including ‘.he budget, would into submission by Jmwer , packed evenln^at 6:15 at the North aohvllle. ^ u rin g his stay ilr England, Pointa Out Jap Fs^^tlrM Lathrop of ilT l' West Center street" -he also paid, that there are many tloiK W THT — Fulton Lewis, Orchestra; WHTD— Saludos the Red Birds received from Ing. Hartford in a league game at sued;, five base on bails and fanned — ... . . Schubert, Donald'Xk, Sgt., son be considered on its merits aldne,; ton In the Mori Cooper deal, ac' Warren and Jarvis in dN lch ols- diamond. A)i players are urg- N a v y '* ‘••‘“ ‘•*4* > . of irvlng ,T, Schiibert,' Wesley ^Liebtenant Belcher waa able to ’iTrutnan'a , statement which PlaiitsUodav was held'Prom the home Of her volumes that are not the right Jr.; w n c — Supper Club Amigos; W THT—Dance . QX- West Side Oval starting at 6:15. ' .four to the Props’ twirler’s five In regard to confirmation of the tyne for the veterans. ' . counted for hia third a.tra'iglit vic­ tristdl teaniB. The team 'recover- Felix MoEvitt wt was a family j report on thne. The P A ’S after playing two tie stri^ke-opts. Curry, Matthew Anthony, Lt., Westbrook. speiiii only • single day In the na­ promised a ste^fJHS^ Increasing In- ^ eoiisiti, Mrs. Harold A. Madden. 7:15—WDRC *— Hedda Hopper chestra; W n C — Author’s f governor'.s’ appointments, however, . The speaker remarked that the tory in,the opeher. His mates col­ aufficlently to repulse Lee's games, one with the Grill and one Chaplain Corps, USNR. Wlf?, Mrs. j ----— -•— . tive tW n 'in Yorkshire of his. ma­ tensity in Am^i^an blows t'o bring (Continued 4‘rant Page Ob6>., Sjmda.v afternoon at 2 o’clock and Hollywoodk 'WHTD—^^ymond Playhouse. /. Sew Ball Gama Up Evelyn Mae Curry, 505 Johil street. , ' he has .said that the Senate would ternal Vraqdfather.' Albert Hem­ destruction To Japan’s industries, ,Was largely attended. There was City "Of Hartford is bndlv In .need Gram Swln^v ^>VTtRP— Hart­ lected 15 hits off four Giant hurl- In their latest quttng abd, with the Flte!*s.-were-dumped by act after a mlnbr court 'judgeship 12:00—WHTD — News: Music; era. with shortstop Marty Marlon served, notice that they will be The Prppii7j)ewed toe ball game Bridgeport. Par^ts. Mr. and 0|j|/( |)rivf' ingway of Sitmijllt .street. On June shlpping'anl everything support- gathered at. the City Park'plant a- profusion of floral tributes from of a new library''. He .said that ford Heroes Spaakr w n c - ,- the Grill in a pla.voff.. Then, the slate had been approved, leaving w n c —NewJ; St. Louis Sere­ driving in Jiix runs oh two hits. Ted hittd ub^beat now that they , are up in to^r fitist at bats. Raymond Onwlo A. Cur^. same address. ,V yitI V ilU n iC B E,FIl>8y 21 he repords at Atlantic- City for ting-fhllitary activltjr. is repeated ahioptlwbefore-work time and lUt- friends and neighbors. the library is In an Qntlgiiatcd News of the WotM. egion win streak started; with a 'l to .0 was safe on ..White’s error, Clitt Oalahelmar, Alfred .C„ Pfc„ •the inference that there would be reaaaignme: In another Zacharias broadcast- Rev. - Rarapld O. Johnson, paa- building and the facilities are not 7; 30—WDRC-^niknks' to the nade. Wilks handed 4he Giants their organizei no hit, no run game 'vin over the no action without auch approval; .ened .silently to .an appeal frpm a seventh loss in the last nine games . Their op'^jonenta tonight will be Keeney attem ^ng to sacrifica UBMC.'Mother. Mrs. Anna Oela- Figures Compiled This rhassage points out Japanese c o ^ a n y BpokeBinpnr over a loud tor of the" Gpyenant-CpngrcgaUon- good. He remarked |hat there are Yanks; TD - Lone Range r: 12:30—w n c —Five Mooda fo f Men’s Club, next came a 14 to 6 was safe when Kellis threw tha, Three DIatinrt al church, officiated and conducted “No Smoking" algrs throughout Monday. by holding the Oltmen to six scat­ Rockville's N^olle , and Gambl win eqfer the Majors, and their ), 69 Aslyum street. Nor­ failure^ as revealed in the Impe- speaker that tlie / ‘‘return to your IVTHj (jaistles in the ' Air: team, currentlV tied-for first pjaff ball IntO' cehterfleld.. MaselliS was Governor Baldwin has told the jrial high command’s own cbmmu- the. compiittal service In the Wap- the building and he hsHeve's that overoor Baldwin. 12;45—W n C -J .ee Sima. tered hits In the nightcap. jateat triuhCph was a sweet 4 to wich. Ghiiiese j i p r jobs until amagreement Is reach- w n Cincinnati’s Reds extended their •with Nichols-Brihtol In the U^gxio. safe on Augustine’s ertor and tba ■ Minch, George ■ E.. Jr.. Sgt* , Legislature that he believed con- liiques on steady American vic­ piiig c^nietery, 'W'appihK- ■-I patrons of, the library ahoiild be in at the expense of the Fliers. George H W’addell, head'of the| ftrmation of aj polntments wa.s ed.. winning streak to eight straight The ganTe will^?30. bases were loaded. Muataehed USMCR. Mother; Mrs. Florence tories','^ and cites 'the questkin The bearer,s w-ei-e Edward Bur­ allowed to (tmoke while tending if TlieK Alrcr^ team to date have Andy Swider then lined ■ a'r^togla. local War,.Countil, to6ay filed hta only one of three of the General • “ Anierica is still at war with they so desired. by downing Brooklyn twice 6-2 Minch. 28 Oistcr stt-ect, Stamford. laiifliow, Kev Rail raised’ in The 86th ae.ssion of the Japan,” tile speaker said. rell,. John "Vince, Edward Kitchen. proven be a disappointment in to. left for two runs and the bail"' Monks, Edward J., Pfp., USMCR. report of the amount of old clothes Assembly's ‘.asks all of which \ • Emil Potz ahd Garfield Keeney, all , ^Major Oatchell Guest _ and 3-1. The double triumph plac­ Ed Rovt S e le ^ d to Imperial diet: y . , The action was taken by the Blue Network Ts Now Set ed them on an even .500 basis Country Qub Notes league galhea. The. team after Fame. "■parents, Mr. and M rs.Joseph collected In the recent drive held ought" to be,considered .separafely “ How can one be siir^e of Jap-, of Manchester, and~Joseph Morin winning themx,flrst start at the here. . , Point in KH^mi"si A "guest of the club today wya making'alx teams In the loop with Bobby Fedo tzer Coach/Teiearn; MurjiKy, The third run came in the tbtnl, ' Memks, 576 Grand street, Bridge- and ; distinctly* TTie other two he anese^ victory after the .loss ‘’i; Iwo ghipbuiMlng commission had an- "of Hartford. Major Nathan Gatchell. l^rnier Majors expense .'lost their next The final figures showed that listed as. legislation and the minor .500 or better. on a walk, a aacrifled and Zaxaa- pibrt. > • ' Jima? nounced its ruling last week up- member of the High school faculty To Be Known as the ABC • Joe Bowman, acquired from Boa- O i K C a r d Broym, Beauregard^ three starts to tim'Jt’llers,'Men’s ro’s error. This ended the ocorlng Soloway, Iflchols, Pfc., USMCR. "Manchester exceeded its quota of court appointments. Mrs. Irring Kent Tuesc Club and Grill in tha't'^prder. The )20,(te0 pounds. The total figures siied T'nim Page Dnet Then Zacharias m.vk: j holding cancellation by Higgins here, and just returned from ser- - ton’a Red Sox last week on waiv­ for the afternoon aa threatening Father, Pater Solowayr 38. Russc'l The divergence of views .bclweon Funeral for Mra Ida Blanchard/§igned. Showed that there has been collect* ”We attacked/FlollaniUa with vice In thelSoiith Pacific with tlie ■ ers, apaced eight hits to triumph team has the ability and players skies finally unloaded and warited street, Hartford. . RisCassi and the governor, aS to; between the jitncQoin city of Heng- of his contract last Jan. 1, but Kent,, wife of Irving Kent, were New York, June 4.—(ff)—The ' Meanwhile, the 'BLU-American to make the oth^r loop nines step ed apd shipped 125,489 pounds.' 200 ships, S^pan with 600 ships. 43rd Division; Major Gatchell said IS at work on detaltt-xfor a new in his first start for the Reds, whflg out w-hat .started out as a good Am iy Dead—Eoropean Regions the desirability of ItnIUfig the yang, some 60 miles southeast of "jima making cancellatlbn, effective on ^ Id at two o’clock &la afternoon BLU has just one more than ten Hartford, June 4 — Two feath­ bnt hani lucK ha.s dogged Hhe fth 800, Luzon with June 29! TTie union -crafts con­ that the Manchester* hoys llA had Theater Guild hour-long, Sunday Frank Dasso "dropped the Brooks Formal announcement that., the ball game- in the fifth frame. Dolinsky, Francla John, (Pfc., son minor court ’patr.oniige and the Shaoyang.. and Changsha. 95 at the W. P. Quish Funeral Home. seen In action had given A good day* to go before the June 15 date erweight bouts and-a middleweight team no end. 7 "' of Mrs. Anna Dolinsky, Box 154, 1.000 aifd Okinawa with 1,400 tended that the tvyo-year contract, night dramatic sertea uhd[er a into fourth place with a sli^Hltter. number are included in the local Amertckn, Legion Post woiild, XStantCellla gathered two of th® major appointm^ts served to,! miles north of Hengyang. \ Rev. James Lord! pastor of St. account of', themselves^"^ The Pirates took tp p r third The pKching selections tonight East Lyme. ships; Thus within the last year which had expired. Should remain it haa set to bpeome the Annerican sponsor (U.S. Ste’el) to start Sep^ alx-round scraps supporting sponsor a junior baseball team this Mri»;8 Club three hits wito Rizzo Note^nall Gain lem strength to Ihe, views’of those This would mean the Japanese inotease*! the strength of our James Episcopal church, East Ernest Bhntly ’ w-o^r today's at­ , Broadcasting Co. Thereafter, the tember 9, at 10. Guild and other straight ene-run , djeiai’on ' from will probably find Fuzzy PaWloW- collecting toe ■ other. Swider and Doran, Harold H„ S-Sgt.,. son, of who held th*(t the, chief execiitiyg- Were abandoning not only the cor> in effect, until next Sept. 25, its Hartford. . .afflciated,, and burial St. Paul-Willis Scott ten-rMind by John I. OWon. .Winners of twin-bill. The ,s^cond contest was it wiU give tlie youngsters a chance ari^ either Joe Bokina or Lou Raj- Orchard place, Greenwich. III P. (5. jReOeipls ttW same year wc landed in Eii- *Snag On Use of Veterans least as' far as official titles are phonic versions. A similar series, night. Bobby Grant and Henry 'Rock- connected 8afcly-off Rizzo's offer­ Deniocrats in, tht parcelling out of gap Is already 1.50 miles wide— and son of John J. Howard, 15 Taylor Off (^liiiu'ii Area; —WM now' contingent only upon On May 21 the Japanese home ra­ shooting f< ^ his 20th victory Freddy Ware N Tn Ma'v, iP45 the receipts 'were dio in.structed\the people of Tokyo In Washington. Secretary of La­ Direclor Named from the ticket sale 6®*! it will go tenera. • - . I. Q. . . . CBS—T-.aO,/ (.Repeat Chicago Cuba 2-1 in thO openBr and yia starred for several of Frank forth, never at any tliha, was Tufferaori, if . 3 0 0 ' • street; Waterbury. the speed of the with­ bor Perkins certified the dispute ; dropping the rilghtc'ap 3-1. Bob against bu^w*o losses. either team more than two'-.up. Stakum, Michael J„ Pfc... aon of 315„'54.3.73 while In May, 1944. they to deliver the leaflets immediately towards support of the Kiddles’ The network. In referring to it­ 10:30) Bob, Hawk ,dSulz; 8:30, Dennis.-Patrick Brady, Golden Crowley’s Trade school teams and Pongratz, c ... .•;2 c 0 were $15,306.77. For aome reaaon G^NAIiead 2 M il^ drawal. to the^Va^ Labor board for prompt; • ..N, camp this summer.. Burns and'Allen2;9.''Radlo Theater Lo(^n spaced l l hits effectively to later with the Bluefleld and other Mandly picked up birdies on the Verh-iooky, rf . 2 0 Mra. Anna Stakum, Jacks Hill Tempo of the -Chinese advance to .the nearest police station and self. by the new name, shortens it Gloves ^b-novlce champion last • Leads Batters 0 the month of May haa for a num­ action. to American, not havi^ng exclusive ” Inte'"ipezso, ’a>Love Story: 10, gain hia aecond triumph in- the state teams. Koke ^ defeat, while Hal popular decision ov^r Joe Rossi ■he batting crown after the ^rst Score by innings: Mrs. Erne.stine Gufdnbono, 991 street. Hal.sey, Jr.’s carrier pilots a'ttack- Tslnkong, while another aimed its trXend a three-day strike of Salem here, and. church vacation school of neat F. Davenport who^ resigned while flat on hi.s back at the final ranks. STAND month of play "is Mickey Deiucca, Photog. . . . BLU*-10:3ft> a. m., NewhouaC^returned the cortipliT , 201 00— 8 New Britain avenue. West Hart- AdmlttcfFtoday: Mrs. Katherine ed Japanese Kamikaze (snlclde)-- bus. drivers. the North Main street churches. recently after refusing to accept ||' ' work an Individual Identity now Hamilton...... ■Mtack from the west, where the ' that it la the property of Edward Don Milton Show; 1:15 p'.'^m-, Con­ ment f6i/the Tigers in the aecond beU. Anderson twice defeated Aa a niu'.l.'ua he-will have Ed Rsstero atellar pitcher-outfielder of the Men's Club . . . . ___ I .. 000 00—0 ford. Br')W7u/22 Laurel place; Richard plane base.s oh Kyushu Saturday battled for' posse-ssion of Japs Say Americans Thg drivers, employes of the She has organized and directed va­ one-year contract offerisd him Jimmy Taylor here, in December Brown. Mivfey. Murphy, Norm Hartford 4, Wilkes-Barre 3 4 2d Depot Square Grill nine. The HansCh, Peter,' Sgt., aon of Niels Eastern Massachusetts Street rail­ J. Noble. 'The BLU started in Jan­ stance Bennett; 8.. W a lw Kiernan fotj-hls/'alxth victory.. " Jack Tobin Game cdllcct-end of 5to, rain. Dnkrtt. 238 Charter Oak atreet; and yestenlav. ' Halspv relurneil Ishnn, 43, mllca from Liuchow, cation schools In Ohio and Ver­ the Board of. Education at the Comment: 7:30., Ope'Man’s'Fam ­ and again in April. Taylor is the Beauregard, Carl Peteraon, all —^^rain). Grill star is hitting a nifty .471 in P. Hansen,-76 Kibble street. Hart­ ‘ Wehry of War' way. failed' to report - for W'ric mont during the summer . while uary. 1927. as part of NBC and so srnglealn-the winning run for the : "^Runa Swider 2. Two- Liiela Downing, .51 Cam- to his Third"^ U. S. Pacific fleet LleuL Gen.' Albert C. Wedem^V- quest of Dr. y Alonzo Oj OrkcA^ . ily: ,9. Guy Lom ^rdo Music. . In the opener while Paul Rich lad who was in that 11-round bout members of this .year’s High Scranton 11, 2; Albany’^ 8 (11). five games ford. [ flagship only a" week ago. With , Manila. P. 1... June 4.—(A5— Saturday after national represent studying at Hartford Seminary. , continued until 1942 when it be­ base hita:.Mafco. Kellla. Sacri­ ridge. street. .V er’s headquatTera, meanwhile, dia- state commlaiploner of educ4tton. gan separate operat^pn under an MBS—11:15 a..m., Ejsa Maxwell: homer provided the winning in New Haven recently, where the school team as welt as Elmer Veh- Utica 13, Elmira 3, GM—rain). Four in Flrat Ten - fices: Laskos 2. Left on baseat'' Poleio, James, Sgt.. brother Discharged Saturday: Mrs. him went Vice {Admiral John S. 'clOacd that an American land force, ■‘Radio Tokyo, attempted today to tatives of the.Amalgamated Asso- referee was confused by an auto­ nart, Ernie Noake, Bill Utkin, Ed­ Williamsport at Biqgnamton (2 O f the top ten baiters In the Frank Poleio, 1006 Reservolr^ve propagandize American calls for clatiqn o f^ re e t. Electric Railway -FCC ruling against one networ 1:30 p. m., Pallia SionCt, 3530:, The argin for Detroit in the nightcap 'Hamilton 6, Men’a Club 4. Baaaa Marv' Bingham, 4.4 North street: Mc.Cain, who resumed active com­ the ’’Mars task force which saw ■ owning two chains. It was hold to Smoothlea;, 7, Fulton Leitls, Jr^' Pefm’a curfew law broke up a matic timer that had gone, awry.' die V llga.^ob CTifford. A1 Klein, —niln). circuit, the WlUfmahtic Fliers on balla; Rizzo 6. StriiMeouta: Rla- . nuc, Bridgeport. Earl Anderson’. Bolton; Mrs. Stan­ mand of the Third fleet’s fast car­ action in Burma, had Chi­ Japanese ailrrendcr over the radio and Motor ^ a c h Employes (A F L ) Jack itobb and others. , \ Amei have no less" than four members Turek, Stanley W „ S ^ g t:, son reaihed an/agreement with the Npble In 1943. 9:15, Real Life Drama. i x spectacular 13-tnning sco'releas zo 4, Marco 5. Umpires:''Q'LiearF, ley Savalonis and aon, 8 Oxford rier task ■ force. TTie ’ caTier na for Several weeks. The unit is and .- via bomber-dropped leaflets No Hit Sensation Jilmmy Blanchard ■who' was a Boetott 4, 8; ^ r o l t 3.- 4. of the select . The quar­ of Mrs. Rose K. TutjriC 30 Farm­ management \^hlch deferred a gen­ ! 7 ^ ^ ^ pltOhing duel between the Phila­ P lltt .Time: :49. , . atreet’, Mrs. Thomas Johnston and pilots destroyed a total ofT2 Jap­ made up . of the 475th Infantry into evidence that the ■'American delphia Athletics and St. Louiq sensation in. the Twi -League last Waahington JS, 1; Chicago 1. 5. tet includes. Chet Drill .429. Ruas ington avenue,-N ’ 58 Wajje street, Bloomfield.' accept the comprornlae Involving tory, Waahington and ,. Chicago tils .462 of toe United Aircraft, oirveuk (Thestmit sti-eet; Mrs. Mary Schil­ American shipping.' off Okinawa, Jananeae had piade .3P-mllc gains emment controlled Nippon TimeA Second ill CGIL 440 yards — Won by! Floyd halved their t-wln bill! After Rb^er last year, hurled Jie'r 22nd no-hit, date of the initial aeaslon will be 8t. Louis 11, 8: New York 'S; 2. Joe Masellts .455. first sacker of F^lman, Irving L.. Sgt., husband ler., Hartford; Ralph and Richard pklnhwa-based fighters downed In what appeared to be a diver­ as editorializing that the United wages, hours and \)ther fconces- (B ); aecond, Bray (M an); third, no-run game laqt night. She atnick announced shortly. The team will Bpston 2, 1; Chicago i, 3. frs. Freida Faiman,.105 Edge- aions. I; \ Wolff won his fifth to give the the I>rops. Ken Gill, Grill veteran, Diikett, 238 Charter Oak street; 26 attackers. • Nlmitz made no sionary thrust westward from States "recently • became unduly Rohrer (H ); fourth, BigwoOd (H)'; Nata ■« 3-1 victory, Johnny , Hum- Out. 14 batters to defeat the Boe­ engage other Le^on teama iff the Inclnnati. 8, 2; 2, 1., has an even .400 mark-and Butch d avenue. New Haven. Mr,s. "Caroline Tiirne.v, "East Glas­ mentiho of possible damage to Siangsiang, enemy stronghold 6$ anxious to Induce : Japan to sur­ V— fifth..Strange (Man). Time. :54.1. ing Bomberettea o f Seattlli', 3 to 0, state as'well as playing outside Pittsburgh 7, 9 ;'X*hltadelphia 6, Scepn, Robert," Pfc., son, of Mrs. Manchester - High a^er holding phriea outpitched Marino Pierettl Becker, PA outfielder, has a .389 tonbury: .Mrs. Joseph Becker and American "shipping. miles ndrth of Yengyang. This en­ render ns soon as possible.” 880 yards — Won by McKinney 571k . in a Northwest Women’s League ball-against teams of their calibre. . I I (called 6th, curfew' law).’ average to complete the list. ■ Josephine Secon,- -721 Cedar- . 'ad, Continue to Def} the C.C.I.L. track and, field cham- (M an); second, DonO'yan (B ); The spbrt la' being revived a f ^ daughter, 40 1-2 Summer atreeL Pointing up an offensive against emy drive appeared; to be design­ Ameriosn Speeches Cited ’’ pionahlp for the ppsit eleven'years ’ N contest. , Malls and Strike* Ealrfleld. - __ ed to relieve the jQilneae pressure , Speeches .’And’ -broadcasts by Labor Board Orde) third. Hooker (M ah): foiirth. John­ . "lYhis Is Betty’s fourth, .vear of a lapse of several years ahd ynth Standings Navy Dead Diachargeil— yesterday; - Mriir4-Oroku peninsula,~Marli}ea of MaJ, Waa finally dethroned last Satur- Freddy War< of the Majors and Hannah< " : —Donahue’,,- - 300 —Porter ‘’ pen. Peilro A. Del Valle’s First on Shaoyang. American atatestrien were cited by, Scranton, Pa., June son (H ); fifth, Stevenson (Man). Competition, She .pitched five no- a capable coach in Bd/kovia the Eastern Brenn. Edward 'Elmer, ■ C^iief ' day afternoon When a well, balanc­ Mickey Delucpa of the Grill have street: Mrg. RosS. Strickland, Bol,- division captured a ilill 200 yards the ^npex. which- added;, ^ Scranton’s 400 transit wo"rter8 Time, 2:10.2. * - hit, no-run g;amea In her first sea­ post la confident that L>egiqn baae­ W; L. PCt. OBL. fire contsrolman, USN. Parents, ed WilUam Jlall , High of West Eye Poppers son, seven in the second, nine the ball will' be helpful to all, the local »— collected the diOat hit? to date, 8 t'ln: Mrs. Cora Hart, South Cov­ north of Karark.- a, mile and one '‘At''’4he same time, AtnerMan continued to defy the Natltoal Hartford, team annexed top'honora Mile—Won by HaH (M an)sec­ Williamsport 13 9 .591 Jake Banks of the • Grill has ■ Mr. arid Mrs. Elmer Brenn. Brook- ond Donovan (Man)\ third, Pen­ third, anid one this year in. two youngsters who are setroted for Hartford l2 g D71 entry; Thbma.s ,4Cerr, 9 North half directly inland from Naha planes scattered leaflets calling War LaboP board’s orders todayLl for the..first time in the history ■ H Bcorccfcrthe most runs. 6. . The -'^ lyn. . , • ,-s^ , No More Nurses ■ By Earle Bruoker ■ starts. ■ ' the team. ' j . ' Elmira 11 10 FAlrflfeld atreet; Lottie Czeriv:skl, harbor on the west coast. upon the Japanese tq^ sue for end their work stoppage noi^ of the'riinniiig. Hail scored 63 dleton (Man): fourth.^ienamann .324 I ’i P A ’S Frankie Vittner has made 2} N'avy Wounded * •- peace if they \i1sh to be spared the its third week. / (B ); fifth. BuUer (HI- Time. Coat'll, Philadelphia Athletics Wilkes-^rre 12 12 .500 2 BROWN'S RockvWe; Richard Metcalf,. EJast Maj. Gen. James L. Bradley’s points to the local’s 57. Middle-' Philadelphia, May 31—My St. TrT* official appearahees at the plate I^ironi Jean R,, Cpl., USMRC. Hartford; Louis Eaton, Bolton'; 96th division infantry captured" Needed Now horrors of further bombings. The decision to disregard the tpWn was fourth with 31 and Brls- 4:52.5. , ■ \ Scranton 12 12 .500 2 Joseph pitchers were so worn .500 2 to lead all leaguKplaye***^— Wire. Jlrs. Aurore Dolron, 183j Patrick Ryan, 57 Ridge atri'et; Terar and Kamizat'tvTojvhs in ad­ Heretofore the Japanese had NWLB directive was reiached at a . tol fourth wlth.,24H points. Shot put—Woii by Ducatt\(H); Albany * 12 12 Main street,"Glastonbury. down following a tough Western Utica 12 12 .500 2 Dennis and Bill Casly of the Air­ GARAGE Claitdia Cameron, 66 Spruce vances of 500 tjo 1,20() yards. been officially silent on the subject meeting of the’exectitlve board of aecond. Gilmore (H ): third, .\^n- League: season and the play-offs craft each have, pilfered three Inland, Richard L.. .Cpl., Local 168, Amalgamated Asso­ V ’The event run annually alnce Binghamton 7 15 .318 8 iff Brainard‘'ilaM stre^it; Grover Schieldge,- 675 Thus, tw’o divisions were. ■ Washington, June 4—{JH-- matter of the, leaflets, concentrat 1925 has been won; By Coach Pete zel (Man); fourth, Paraoni (H .. that In the deciding game. I had Sports Roundup bases. .Banka has clouted the iposV ”USMCR. ilother, Mrs. Lida Jane Gardner street; Alan Johnson, 113 Arm y and Navy have all Ing on urging the people to atop ciation Of StrOlt. Electric Railway fifth, Brown (6 ). Distance, 41 feet National (Rear of the Gas Co.) In posithin to wheel westward to Wlgnren’a team’s on' 18 occasions. It jo ' choice but to select a yoijtng _____' doubles. 3 . .Four-players a « tied Doland. 56 Ingr'aham Plaee, Bris­ reading them’. Controlled broa'd- and Motpr'Coach Employes, AFL, 7 1-2 inches. _ - ' New York. 27 14 .856 Branford street; Janet Galinat, 70 Orokii . peninsula.! where Nippon­ nurses they need now. was Hall High’s first‘triumph. eft-hander, named Snooker Drels, xPittaburgh 22 16 .579 3 for three base honors with one All Kinds of'General tol. Cambridge street. ese driven fiom Okinawa’s capital A Red Cross’ statement over thk; easU stiidtousl.v avoided sugges­ yeatepdiiy. pole-vault — Won by' Hickey who hadn't' done, miich for us all By Hugh Fullerton, Jr.- a coaching' school at .Petersburg, Representatives of the .union Local firsts’ included Gob Mc­ ya., late this month. . .. . Martha St. Loiila 23 18 .561 4 apiece. .Olfrt Stone, hard working Automobile Repair Work Fowler, Robert Beals. Capi,. I Discharged ‘ today:’ John Greenr. city. . Naha, are- expected to At* week-end .said the Army’s surgeon tion the United states might be (Mid) and. Fishman (H)- • tied season. ‘New York, June 4.—(J5—Sports Majors' catchier, has driven in 8 .stefe scheduM to appear _ at Kinney In the 880 yard. run. Don Anne Ferriss, a Mtaslssippi Rtate Brooklyn 21 19 .525 5V4 , USMCR. JVife, Mrs. Mary Rf. 16 LItley street;’Tack Sanson. 85 tempt a strong „ defense around gen'eral has asked the agency ter wuMpk to accept a surrender. Hall In the mile, Bernie Coatellp in tnrrd, Haberann 9 feet, l l 1-2 When 1 made my choice knoidm,’ promoters looking for a he-man nmi(..AH pitching hohors belong ■ Fowler. 37 Ellsworth Road, West show-cause hearing . tqday In freshman and aister of Dave, the (Chicago 19 .18 .514 6 Hamlin atreet. * Naha air fi.elJ. halt enlistments. -It. had set a ’The Times editorial contendetr the javelin and Johnny Kenzei inches. you should have heard the bawllfig game to attract those ' post-war '1 8 .1 8 .500 to .Deiucca..He haa won three FREE TOWING Hartford. ,. ■ . the Arnerlcans nad nothing to Washington. , Red Sox pitcher, won the girla Cincinnati . 8% Birth Saturday; A son to Mr. Together, these divisions have ge«I Qf 60,0^ nurses by June 1. .gained a Ue for high jump hemors. DiacuS-ii-Won by Paraona (■■’): pU X gpt from club cfficlals,' the Boston : 15 21 .417 starts against no losses. .He has PHONE 8978 OB *-'122T x. r ’ ' Gaboury, John p». Cpl.,’ USMCR. and Mrs, Francis Lombardo, ’fight fOr .and* their leaders were The transit workers, who'Voted p-ess and fans. . Even my .w ife crow.dS might do worse than in-'scholastic tennis-championship of won complete ifonfrol of the Naha- . The Navy previouaiy said its Hall gained most of her pointa in second,’-(M an); fourth, Carlson vestlgate'”El Pa*o.” . .lUs -a xPbiladelphia 10 31 .244 17 completed threestarts, pitched (Wounded, second time. Last re- South Coventry." heeda ' for 2.500 nurses had been finding It diiflcult to force the peo­ May 20 to strike, are seeking time shpck her head, said I'w as mak­ Mississippi last year.!. . . The Yonabaru highway. Insuring Im­ the weight eventa while Mlddle- (Man). Height 9 feet,. 11 1-2 rough, tough Argentine game that National Baseball congress will x—Does not included suapendied the most innings. 25. allowed the . ported on .report of naval casual­ , Birth Yesterday: A son to Mr. proved supply and tranaport. met. ple to continue the Pacific con­ and a half for all hours In excess w towii with the fleet Joe Alesst scor- inches. ’ ing-a terrible mistake. of eight a day; a 20 per cent wage once-was outlawed -'becauae the proaent an ”1. O. U.'‘ to state second .game; to be continued fek'est runs, 6. knd has passed only ties for ^ y , 9, 1944, fn New A nurses’ draft bUI -which flict. ' - . But do ybu know- what happen^' J and MrA.( Wilfred Liske, 76 Foley’ Maj. Gen. Lemuel C.. Shephard, ' ed in the dashes. 31SCUS—Won by Parsons (H ); gaucho playero too- often aettled championship Mtndlot "clubs this Jtiiy 12.. three batters. .Hickey has f*nn®d Yofk,). Father, Joseph P. Gaboufj', street. passed the House several months' ■r. Ineroise and a revision of operat­ aecond, Tinty (B ); third, Urobtrea ed?. Young^Drefs turped in a no­ batters to hold toe leadership. Jr.’s Sixth Marine division, con­ ing achedulea. Reaulta: /' • thei’r differences with knives. ’ . , . Bumrner In lieu of a trophy. . Ameriixui -'"693 UxMa'.n street, Brid^Cpo'rt. * Birth tod.iy: A daughter to Mr. ago died In the Sehkte. hit. no-run game beating Daven­ — queror .of Naha, rested yesterday Cpl. T. H Heutley 100 yards —• Won by . Aleaai (H ): fourth! Fox (B ); fifth, Gil­ The modem, version, as described More than 50 N*w’ York • City New York 24 15 .615 Ten Leading Batters Gauthier. George, Pvt., USMpR and Mr8. Horace Risley, 152 El- north “bf Kokuba river, presuma­ -■V (M id); aecond, Fortuna (M id); more (H ). Distance, 122 feet, 9 port, 2-0, for the title. Detroit 20 15 .571 3 Player Team G ^AB H Pet dridge street; a daughter to Mr. bichea. 1 don’t know what bepame of in “ Inter-Amerjcan” magazine. Is school baseball coaches turn out Mother, Mra. Adolphine G. Gagne, bly organizing for an assault on Trying to Arrange third, (tostello (M an); fourth. Hed- a combinatinn of basketball, WTes- each Saturday morningr tb hear St. Louia ' l l 17 ..514 ' 4 Ware.. Majors 5 m 8 .533 FOR 390 W'oodatock Ave., Putnam. and Mra. Frank Wyman, 28 Dud­ High jump—Won by'Browfi (B) Snooker Drefs, but I shall never .471 Oroku penlnstda. Arrives in U. S. ling (H ): fifth, Seelig (H ). Hme, tling and tug-of-war played on Branch. Rickey expound hia theo­ Chicago 19 18 .514 4 DeLucca. Grdi ,- ” ley atreet. ■ and Wenzel (Man) tied; third, forget'him. . - Boston r ■ 19 20 .487 5 .462 RANGE AND FUEL Gavaghan,’ Georgs H , Cpl.. With nowhere 'else -to go. Japa­ About Xown Meet on GrtevanceM 10.1 (equals record). horseback, which ought to supply ries of basebail. , . . Stretch* Mee- V. Dennis. Aircraft 4 ,)13.;6 USMC. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Death yesterday: Mrs.- Hannah nese .defenders, who still may total Birmingham. Ala., -Tune 4.—(ff): 220 yards — Wo^ by Aleaai GeU (Mid) and LoiaeQe (H ) Ued; He certainly made a maatcr Cleveland ^ 16 19 .457 6 Maaellis, Props. 3 11 5 .4.55 'Robiri.son* 30 Church street. ' Mr. and Mrs., David B. Hertley, fifth, Wochna (Man) land Strange mind out of me that day in 1934. action enough for anybody. . •i hah,’ the old-time pro'basketball 17 21 ■ 7 .429, George J.. Cavaghan, 9 Hinckley nearly 20,000 troopS; apparently A "union spokesman reported at star, l i Washington • .447 6’ i Drill, Filers of 332 Lydall street, received word (Man).. Height, d feet, 8 inches. When, apprised that- --hia , f’onu**' a Judge in ']Newark, N. J. 15 33 .395 10; .400 Ave„ Stamford. ' Were being forced sw fU y toward a Private Pauline Jones,'.who haa ■tempts were .being made . to ar­ Notre ., Dame rqlleague, , (Tlem ’That must b Philadelphia 8 4 Barbero. Fllera Juzwlishen,' Steven. Pyt., USMCR. Clinic Nchediile last niglit that their son. Corp, range a meeting today of some Broad jump—Won by Bernhart 1.5. .400' last ditih stand 'in hills In the ex­ been spending-a 14-day. furlough Thomaatt. Heatley. twice wound­ Crowe, waa devoting his spare speak of sending ’em up for tJUi. Grill Pwents, Mr. atid'Mrs. 'Peter.^uz- Tuesday—Tonsil and adonbid treme soiithjm end of the Island. 1,100 . Idle Mast furnace workers (H ); aecond, Costello -(Man).; Today’s Games Becker, R A '» 18 .389' OIL at her home, 23 Wellington road, time to fishing, (Tocnell's Ed Mc- stretch. . . • clinic at 10 o'clock. ed llii pmon In Germany has ar­ here to discusa, grievances. third. Aleaai (M id); fourth. Wen Sport Schedule, Eiaatera O'Rourke. Fliers. 16 .375 wlahen, 71 Railroad Ave., Beacon The 5’anks' sweefllng advances .Is now statloneo at the Kennedy rived at Mitehell Field, N. and Kieever wise-cracked: ” He’d bet­ Falla. ■Wei&eaday—Well-baby confer­ along the entire front wyre drivfng The stoppage by the blaat fur­ zei (Man); fifth, McKinney (Man). Wilkea-Barre at Hartford (8 Johnson, Filers IT .357 ence at the 'Y.M.C.A, from 3 to 4 GeneraJ hospital. Memphis, Tenn. would be transferred to a Boston ter fish for something* bigger than 8er\ioe Dept. ' - p. ra.). Polaun. .Bannls, Pfc., USMCR. before them the withdrawing .Tsp- Pvt. .Janes who ,1a In Oie, medical nace workera’ of the. Tennessee DIatance, 18 feet, 10 1-2 inches., Today CALL o’clock. . ■ bpse and from there hs will re­ Javelin — Won by C o a t e 11 o baas out there, in-Iowa.’’ ■Virtually every member of to’f Utica at Elmira (2). Open 18-Day Meeting Father, Nichblaa PoIzun.-53 Park­ ane'se, who already had ■‘been ■department of the Woman’s Army ceive a furlough. Coal. "Iron and Railroad Company United Aircraft vs! P A ’a, 8:15— r^klaboma U. track t4am will gel Friday — Well-baby conference Friday has forced other facilities (M an); second, Pa1hiOTa‘’(H ) ; third West Side Oval. WUliameport at Binghamton er atreet, WglUng^ford. , forced'. be.vOnd a hilly area wherd' Corps a'aa transferred from Fort Corporal Heatley waa listed aa. Q. and No A. a Navy commission before ,n«xt A rm j Dead! l^rapean Regions at the hospital clinic from 3 to 4 they had been expected to attempt of the company out of operation. James (H ); fourth^ Ducatt (H ) K. of C. vs. Stolle and Gamble. (2). . - • New York. June • 4-^(F)—Bel- , o’clock. . • Francla Warren hospital. Cfliey- missing in action In April this One thing- this dept, never can season. . . .When a Marine soft-' mont Park opens an' 18-day racing CSomall, Wintam W., S-Sgrt, aon to eatablish a secondary defense Saying th e . Ann’s finishing fifth, Tinty (B ). Distance, 157 6:30—North End Field. Scranton at Albany. enne. Wyoming. She received h^r year. ’This was later reported as feet, 1 1-2 inchee. understand is why it’s considered hail team was warming up for a , • Nationaj meeting today. The $15.000-added «r Mrs. Edith M..OonnsU,' 351 line. an error and that he hatf been mills may also ba cloaed within , Wednesday, June 8 quit’s an achievement when a col­ game in the Philippines, some­ ' Oreateat Single Day*a Gala baale training at Fort Oglethorpe, the week, the company raportod -Relay.— Won by Middletown . ''Cincinnati at PittahurghT-iHeus- To^ggan' Handicap tops the In-.^ npon street. (Jlastonbury. Oa., and aurglca: at William B®au- wounded instead in Germany. The Hamilton vs. RockvIlU, 6:16— lege atbiete can compete in ' the one- asked some Filipino girl spec­ augural card. Dcrtl Diver, to{»- ’ Parous. John J., Pvt., huaband The Seventh division’s advance a, recbeck showed V5,0<30 employes (Fortuna, Caaje, Faracl, Alessi); West Side Oval. ser'(4iS) vs. Strlncevi$h (8-2). mont Generlsl hospUa). El Paso, flrat wounds suffered by the >cal National A. A. U. ehampiohahtp* tators if they’d like to try the (Only game scheduled). Wel^ted'with 135 pounds, waa ef Mra. Alyira Paixlua. >4 Brlgbt- South Coventry —^greatest single day’s.gain of the Idle M d 5,000* to T.OOO more jobs second. Hall; third, Manchester; Lee’s Esso vs. Nichols, Bristol, Texas. ' . ' boy occurred In August, 1944, and fourth, Brlatoi. Tima, 1:30. in track and, field, wrestling, game. The girls assented apd,ahut American • toe overnight favorite. WILLIAMS wood Ave.. Torrihgfton.. .65-dSy-old Okinawa campaign— threatened.' * . 6:30—North End Field. after five' months of hoapltaUza- Points scoring — Hall 83 1-2; swimming, gymnastics, etc...... out the Leathernecks 'foi»>aqven In- No games scheduled. ’ Army Wounded—European This evening the ’..Community cajtfured ’‘Shlnxato ■ town, which tion he was returned to duty. B.j F. Gage, field repreaentaUve Thuraday, June T But if q boxer enters a minor nlng^then they admitted . that Organize Basebail Ooacbe# OIL SERVICE controls the northern approach to Mr. and Mra. Joseph F. Huma- of tna united Stealworkara of Manchester 57; Middletown 81; . Reglont .J, OMiter Art Cflaaa will hold lU reg­ He haa been.awrarded the l^rple Bristol 24 1-2. ' Rockville vs; Men’a Club, 6:15— AAU or Cioldra Gloves tourney they were toe provincial '.cham­ Seia Coures Record ular weekly meeting.' Chlnen peninsulSL and pushed on .son of. '.B^nthrop, Me^.. were America (CIO), announced the Waa F. iilwiMi. M j* Davonabuk. Edward D. Pvt., gueets of re^Uvee In town yester­ Heart and haSgan oldar brothar, West Side Oval. and gets licked in the first round, pion team. . . .Report from Ha- Hamilton, N. Y., June 4—(Jfl— aan of Mra. Agt.ea M. Devenahuk. 1.0()0 yards to the vicinity of Lieut. David Ifeatley aerving with meeting of blast furnaoa workers ’Tomorrow c evening' the Toung day, the flrat anniversary of thnr Bi|^NIglit For Happy Friday, June 8 he b ^ fiie a ineligible for- college waU said; "Cookie Lavagetto now College Park, Ga., June 4—(tP)— A national aasociatiORi of college 879 .Obram Ave ...Shelton. Sashlki. the Army’s Crinilnal Inveatigatlon was being sought apaad a aet- Mother’e, club will hold Its month­ marriage. M n. Humaaon was the to WUllmanUc vs. Men'a Club; 6:18 competitiaa. , ia manager of a ship repair unit Johnny Bulla, Atlanta pro and Air­ basebal Icoaches will he organiaed W® Hw A m p Wimadait Pacille itogloss ly buslneea meetin gist the oeo- A mile gnd ona-half gouth. the Division In France. ttement. N tw York. June 4—(tP)—Senator —West Side Oval. team and may get aome help from lines pilot toured toe College in New York City Junexfip-SO by tor®. Fh®M t « » 2 i 184th regiment of Arnold’s divi­ former MIm Iftr y Hussey of . Kiah, Georgs, 1st. Lt., brother ter. Mra. Heatley atated tbia morn­ U. 8. OoQclUatton Bervica and A. B. ’’Happy” CHiandler, new Warren A Jarvis vs. Plant -J, Monday Matinae a young ouUflelder named Stmi Piark:. golf, course yesterday in 62 Eppy Barnes of Colgat®’ and Joe Yarn OB N a a d a nf jaMph Pspp. 3 Fr^klln street. sion seiaed heights near Toyama, Maple atreeL' They are opening ing that she expected a can from Arm y Fourth Sarvlca command Bedenk of Penn State. _ ■rhe (Brl Scout committee will their cottage on Black Point road. commlastoner of baseball. wUl be 8:30—North End Field. Frank Muiray^ the ol” maask of MusiM.", / » ' .'A repair unit sounda atrokeo—ten under pat* and a new Wallingford guardian of the Chlnen peninaula’s her son’-and that shs .expected that representatives are alao trying to a good spot f(ir-'those two— A Bur\’ev of 682 collegea ahowed meet this evening at 8 o'clock in Nlantlc. where! they will, spend the Introduced* to New YoVk Sports Siindav; June 10 the T-formation,/Will pour out bis course record. He shot par or bet- VecWiiwky. JlriuiKf' southern approach, and reached he would arrive home the latter effect a settlement -of -jUt®' walk­ 1 T-ififormatlon to the Negro school they probably could patch op even te, on every hole. *rhe former . only 242 were acUvely competing' the Communit|r Center. summer. >.*.. writera tonight at a dinner-at the - PJant J va. *GrlU, 3:00 West the aoatKeastetfi ahoM, part of the week on fuitoagh. * out New York AthleUc Clubk *t rSide Oval. and college coaches of Virginia at a 1945 major Isa^ia UneuB* cours® record waa a 63a , i In .baseball. I MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MiUtCHESTER. CXJNN„ MONDAY, JUNE 4/1945

Newly-Married Girl—Marriage Mra. Turn-sod-- Hlr:T,i. here’s a HOI.D h’VKRYTHI.M; is a game of give and take. letter .jTom ,8on.c c.ty folks an- ' Hubby—^W.hat you don't give — swerin' out'- advertisement. They BUs n ES S Sense nnd Nonsense she takes.; . want to know if there’s a bath in 1 the houae. What’ll'1 tell ’em? Some Old, Some New, But Nevertheless, a Chuckle or Two Commercial gasoline "of much Tiirnaod Tell ’em the tnith — For Rent \ Foi^^ale ' higher quality” is promised 'Us af­ that Henrj' Wallace ain't .^got ter the war. After the'repeatedly aroimd to makin’ our country over ' Announcements ORDER MILL! R'S ‘'Well-bred” FOR SALE 4 PIECE bed fpom F o r JR eh l F u r S a le To Buy Sell .. .Short Cut to Rueceas Or An Argument Hard timea defines the New degraded motor fuel we are now yet and if they need a bath they’d chirks now for July delivery. set. 3 double beds, complete, POk kENT—4 ROOMS. Reason­ W eitcAall bom babes and must A perplexed motorist thinks Castle, Pa., News, are that peripd les'8 Services Offered .13' able. 251 Bush -HIU Roail. Qall A Program for W ar VViv 'consuming qt Juat' aa high a price better take it before, they leave. T o B iiy T o S e ll PROTECT YOUR davenport from Help 'nted-^Female' ^B'old out for June. They have table, chairs, and bureau. Also grow-to mqnbood: but unless the that an arm protriiding from the when a. ifian has to pawn his home as ever, that should be decidedly moths for .V) cents a year. One what If takes to •prpdugd .iboth combination gas and oil atqVe 4489. The problems of marriage W fe babe have thh'iioai of a man It can­ w;indow of the car ahead means in order to,keep his car. ‘ ^UJW IN G. HARROWING, lawns preponderantly the prbbtema df.^ welcome, Grit says: ’,’pince man wants lit­ spraying of. BtrlAu.stops m o^ meat and eggs. Ask our cus­ and refrigerator. Call after !T p. not attain maturity. When James thi driver is— v . tle here boloW we wonder why he graded and seeded trees removed. WA .VTVr _r EXPERIENCED women. 'Now. in time o f war,' damage for 5-yearS ;or Berkm waitress. Apply Cavey's Gfil), 45 tomers! Phone evenings for' de- m. 128 So. Main .street; Bhone. Farms and Land for Sale A. Garfield waS prc>i0ent of an Knocking ashea .off hia cigar. .Matron- I'd like to get a book. frets, for every living soul must Alme Batulippe,. 758 Vernon 5215. the future' '-seems to- depend on Ohio'college, .8 man Untight to en­ Going to .turn to,the left. . 'The anxiously expectant father pays the damage. Watkins Broth­ East Center street. ^ tail.s,. Manchester 8626. Fred Summer Homes Librarian Something light or had been pacing the hospital floor know that's .all he ever gets.” Y Lost and Found street Telephone 8077. ------1------:— ------FARM FOk SALE -South Wind­ what the women do today. ter his son, saying, that ha desired Telling, a small boy to shiit up heavy? ers Service Bai. Miller's Po\iltry Farm, Coventry. ,-For^Rent 67 pervoualy for houni, Vbitlng. hia ^ ' ' „■ yv ANTED ^IDpLEAGED DON’T PUT UPw;tfi k.wo'rn out sor, 8 -room house, all improve­ There are still'-women, even in . a shorter eoprae than the ^tgular and he doesn't want any pop'. Matron--Dbesn',t matter, I have lOST-^lADY'S WRIST .wat^h, RICH liUACK loamYBtKl clean fill WALTER SCHtlLtZ, 82 Congress FOR SALE - 12-14 WEEK old gits range. . ti-ad4 In now for a this age of women's progress, who . Q Who was the. first American one. He asked if it could be so'aT- Going to turn to the right. my car outside. nails and showing every sign of street. .Ashes and rubbish remov­ housekeeper tp^ve to preferably. TO RENT—5.,ROOM cottage at ments, 23 acres land, 1- .auitable distress, when the nurse appeared Social Situations b«twe€fn Strickland street and for sale. Also drivew-ays repaired. ' Call 6165 or'' sfteV‘ 6 p. m. call Pullets. Barred RoiCks, Regular modern poSt-war model. Several for- tobacco, shed and bams, QaU believe their effort is over when to receive the Nobel Prize for Tanged. to which Mr. Garfield re­ Pointing out. scenic spot, ed. T e l/i-1588. /. ^ Coventry Lake ^ m 'une 9 to they' have, acqulml a , husbands' literature? with the news that It was a baby Ttown Clerk's office. Tel. 4304. Call East H v l^ r d 8-2866, 2-1501.^/ deliveries assured.'' Raise for famous mskils.'- Budget terms at evenings, Hartford 2-2429, ' plied: ‘‘p. -yes, he can take a short­ P''Feeling for rain. Correct This Santenre: ’’Then I eggs or table ilse. Farm/ Store, Be.nson'a, 713 Main. • June 30. also after August 11. Rut a weirnan must keep Up or ' A Sinclair Lewis,' in er course; it all depends on what Telling friend wife, "Heck yes. girl. He said: - , Reiirat^. , BARGE BAf^l. in the grave is .to rest it too heiv- Hubby!—Yes.'I must look at you you do? ■ .. '\ on a millibn too. Right Way:' Telephone; (or vicinity of State Theater and age. High school graduate or .bet­ his way up to an importaht. posi­ Yankii in the Pacific area put nai) ily on the accelerator. more often-.' , First Co-ed—I glaK)|l..right back Jerty—A million w h a t?/ write)-immediately to say how HOME GARDNERS- Use Go- Confidential notary public: Phone FOR .SALE—1941 SE T 'of Ameri­ FOR/ s a l e c u s t o m MADE /yyANTED—3 OR 4 ROOM reqt Legal Notices tion and married a. charmingJ5. Esq.. Q—What measure Is pending in Bavin^ Stamps, on North Main stalled. Eaves trough and con­ pany.- .50 Jeweli .street. Hartford. ami ambitious chap, vpry hard- 400 sciiiare feet, SO cents a box. 52 inches long, 13 ' inch'splash • baby. Urgently needed. Call 7422 Judge. ^ ' »• VHM^ting, and his mind wa.s filled England Wtjich, If passed as law, t aOW CfSKA \V\KGVKt HV4. OWIN XVS, tiSCRY. KV30 OOVb'T V50 vseto street near ppst office. Please fe- ductor repairing.: .Norman Bentz, .Statement of availabiiiiy neces- NEW 4 CAN MILK cotiler with . Estate of Olive Chapni49 late of Manchester Ptumbihg f. Supply. board, 6 inch apron, condi­ after 4 p. m. Hth theories and it^aji that he will aid wbimded soldiers' re­ IHMCR.vA.'OVV YHOVMMT SO'. VOWtKl W t \.Y.Y\ . TO ~ V- . turn to 418 North Main or Phone 8966. ' , N sary.,: tion', $25. Call 3476>Tter 7. ' GB .inlt, $203. New ,4 can milk Manchester in said district, deceased. « 1 Phone ,4428. Upon application of Marion R1 Eddy, wanted to , and des.t In the turned to ciyili^rtj lif^? \ voHPiT v\y TtANB^Vt 1 «427. cooler with Copeitod unit $218» A COTTAGE at either Coventry, REFRIGERATOR' SERVICE We WANTED—A PRACTICAL nufse Executrix, praying for authority to crucible of talk; For a few years, A—Each man'iifapturlng plqnt V»tCOViP« .'WKN'S*, H\M '< 0 W IO NOO K WVyjNO* ^ FOR SALE;C-'BDy’S 26 inch pre- Oliver 2 horse plowcrs. ' Dublin Andover or Columbia Lake with : sell certain real cMale .particularly de­ euiploying more, 25 people and rebuild any type of for an' invalid, ho night work,,no he ahd his -w;ife were, to all out­ tH ? WIA’MVG VNKJt feOMiMi t o HiM U50OVO AutoifioMl«s for Sale 4 war bic^4e,ahd Parker 12 gauge 'Tractor Company, Willimantlc. facilities'for 4-6 people for the scribed i-fi .said application on file, it is^ ward appearitnccs. happily mar­ w'oKld be compelled'to nlfT a cer- refrigeration equipment. We ex­ housework or laundry two .in ORDERED'—That the foregoing W t T O - and onkin between Nathan Hale double 'bjw1>H shotgun. 21 Fox- ZZl month of July. Call-2-1944. ried, but the gir) inade no at­ toln quota of the partlaHji' dis­ ichool aik^ Holl street. Call'6329. 194i PACKARD CLUB, sedan, change sealed units with factoty .family. A gpOc .home .fur some­ , croft Drive, Pine Acre Terrace, pjlcatimi be heard- and delHnnlned/^at the Probate Office in Manchester in tempt to learn anything about her abled. HVMl 48 Holl stfeet 1938 Packard coupe, 19.36 Pon­ guarantee. Scientific Refrigera­ body Witk good pay and pleasant aft'ei> 6 p. m. WeariiiK Apparel— WOULD LIKE TO rent 5 or 6 rooms, good references. Will pay said'District: on the .Dth day of June. huaband's ideas and sh l failed-to tiac coup), 1941 Kelvlnalbr deep tion Co., 37 Oak street. Phone, surroundings. ‘AVrlte Box T. U„ Fort, 57 A. D.. 1945. at 9 o’clock (w-^L) in the^ Q - When was the qational Cap-' EOR SALE- 30-30 Winchester 6 months in advance, Tel. 8816. conceal her boredom d-hen- he LOST—-TUESDAY, a black pup­ freeze refrigerator, like new. 2-1226. 7002 afUr 5i30, Manchester Heiald. ^ forenoon, and that. notice/oe given to thrashed, them out. . Itol invaded and burned, by the py with 4 White, paws, 7 weeks Brunnet. 80 Oakland street; 5191. Model 94 carbine in perfect con- WATER; kEPELLENI jackets. alt persona interested irKsaid estate of tlie pendency of said/’application and "If he' wants to talk bfii^nesii" old, vicinity of C< ter street: Call Open 7 a. m. to 10 p, m. EXPERIENCED RADIO service. WANTED FUl L OR ^ rt timh ' ditlon with box of shells, $50. In­ Ladies $3.45.-..inen's $3.99, boy's . A . On August 24; 1814. Promt and efficient. All w.iu'k saleslady. Apply in w fso n . J>4vi8 Legal Notices the tiiiie arid place of hearing thereon, she .said impatiently. ;'fet him do 3-1096. quire Barber Shop, 426- Hartford $3.99, zipper closing, fully lined. by publishing a copy of this order in 1940 -CMEVRt -LET STA'ilON guaranteed. Phone 4807. Bakery, Main streets it. with'someone else.” Road. Marjehesttr Knitting Mills at the some newspir h a ^ g a circulation If he wfa. In lov^ with her. she Q^W hat proclamatioVi by Sec­ LOST— VICINITY of. Keeney wagon, heater, S99.5; 1940 Dodge Green. Open daily 9 a. m. tqv 9 AT A.COURT OF PROBATE HELD In said distrlcV^ai'ieast five days be­ PLUMBER, steamfltter. pump me­ W a n t e d - RELIABLE woman at Manchester within and for the Dl|S- contended. ought to. be retary of State Colby in 1920 atrect. Pratt knd Whitney badge, sedan, heater, radio, $96.5; 1940 FOR SALE—GOLF SET. excel­ p. m. ' ' ■- fore the day of said hearing, to appear chanic. Carl Nygre.h, 15 .South for light ivork. part time, lent Condition, two Sam Snead trict of Mancht^ster, on thi^ day of if they see cause at said time end place anoygh. He \vas In love' with her, marked a signal step forward ip- 'X . keys and .token container. Re- Willis sedan, radio,, heater.'$740. June. A. D'.. 1945. .ja and be, heard relative^.thereto, and wtimen’s rights? h: .,«.»(.,-ci . street. Tel. 84.97. 5 days s.W cek^-bali in. person, woods. 6 Bri.stol delu xeiron s, but it wa.s'hot chough. In time, iT.q«a V' Verse ch a fe s. Call West Hart­ Prices under celling. Cijl* Motor. Present WI1.LIAM S. Esq., make return to, thia court. . A - He announced passage (if the 365 Suthmit.-hear Henry or call Wanted—To Buy 38 Judge. *7 he discovered that otqer women ford S-jtW77. , \ 4164. DRIVEWAYS AND Parking areas both with ateel shafts. Two dozen ‘ WILLIAM 8. HYDE Nineteenth Amendment, giving 2-0062^ / - ^ \pre-war new halls, par-oval bag, Estate of Harry B. Ferris’ late -of Judge.’ were neither bored nor blankly ALLEY OOP Well. Y'e«, He Has! BY V. T. HAMLIN resurfaced W-lth h ot' asphaltic. i^fanchester. In said. District, deceased. indifferent wbren he talked to women the right to vote. 1937 LAFAYETTE-NASH, tour $6.0 pomple'.e. Call 6321 after H-6-4-45. good tires; Franklin Garage, cor­ Hard surtace. Call or w rite for WANTED — experienced WANTED-LAWN Chair swing. 4^n motion of Franjt' Cheney Jc., of them. In the' end. he and hia free estlftiaU. C.;.L. Hale, 124 7 pY m. said's.Manchea^er. Administrator. SIMPLE? look . COC.Y '^however, ner o f Center and Adatna streeta. wsltress! Apply .Center >kes‘au­ Also good casting rod. Tfl. 4702. wife were divorced and he mar­ Q What -Was the., first dally n ot even y o u , Henry atreet, 7531—7195. o r d e r e d :-^That six months from I 'a 'A6«tiE ra nt, 509 Main s’tree' the 2nd may of June A'. D.. 1945 be and ried a woman who waS not as newspaper to appear in the Unit­ CAN TELL ME A the.woot pots' HAS THE pretty as the first wife, but who ed States 7 , , ALLEV O O rs tUCK IN Pa t ib n t MANCHESTER ALL KINDS . <3F carpentry ' re Ruildifis Materials . 47 he same are limited andxSlIom-ed for, First Ariiiy Men 33.O0O-VOLT SHOCk PE^eiBE HIP BOOTS. LARGE SIZE, ^ in the creditor^ within wjilch -to bring! cared about sharing hi.s interests. A The Pennsylvania Packet /RKPievnoMS IS "SIMPLE".' ^ THE PATIEmTS EXMtBiTEP yI . Auto RepairinK— Painting 7 modeling and repairing. Ma in thplf .elaimsNigainst aaid estate, and ANV MENTAL H^lp wanted—^Male 36 FOR s a l e X u s e d l u m b e b good condition. Call 4830, .•Uid • Dally Advertiser, published SEEMS NOW To ( OFF , BUT HEAR.T5 .^ENTA|.I Several 4-Rooiii SIngJee, com­ teriala avaliable.. Write Box a!-B, the said AdminlHrator is directed to To Be Redeployed aberrations 3P or 40 CHEVROLET OWNERS! 4 "x6 6"X6". 7X 7” . 6‘”x8” . Vari- give pu^Jc notictv K^.the creditors to ■ If possible, the war bricie Sept. 21, 1781. ♦iAVt LEFT HIM \. NORMAL „ AN£> BECENTLVT plete with flreplaoe, screens end Herald. WANI’EPX f ULL OR part time WA.VTED TO BUY baby’s maple Need motor overhaul, Leave car orus 'lengths up to'30 ft. Apply at bring inVtheir claims within said time should try to- finish col­ k s COLD AS THE . gloi III windows. Available space pakeg; Apply In person Davis crib and strollpr, by service man's lillowed by posting a^fopy of this lege; She B h o u l.d learn to CkSAfi HE T*IEP ID IV ftLlKNS... at 8 a. m., pick it up same day. a s h e s a n d 36 Bush Hill Road oKCall 3226. Q -Is dice playing of compara­ RUBBlgH removed kakery. Main street. wife. Write Box A-Z, Herald. / order on the^^ublic sign pMt nearest New YoHi, June" 4— —The U. LI&HT IN A S3,00O- far tito rooms apstalrs. Down Prices start a- $99.50 up with ex­ Also light trucking. Telephone road the new.spapers "intelligently tively modern -origin 7 VOLT Age change. Brunner’s, 80 Oakland to the place where the deceased last S. First Arfny, famed for ‘the and to grasp the issues that are at ■\— No, dice have been found payment Aa low aa $900.00- 3966 or 3858. ■ \ WANTED — LAWN MOWER, dw*e)t.. w ithin said time* and by^ pub* atrect. Phone 5191. Open 7 a. m WANTED -TIRE AND AUTO ac­ SOME KNOTTY PINE, kiln (Jried "firsts” it recorded in its dash from stake in the ■war ajid. in. the post-, in the tomhs.of ancient fe^gypt and BeMonable monthly cost. cessory department head and good condition. Reasonable, Call ilshlng the same -in some newspaper to fO p. m. FURNACE REPAIRING krid^MI Telephone 5825 evenings. having a'circulation In said promie tlie Normandy .beaches into Ger­ war wprld. And sho’*mi'st. by read- tireeer. “ He didn’t (]uitc iiiakc rt and was too sleepy to try again 1’ 2-0050. burner eerylce. Ask al> >ut our salesman. Extu*! ent .salary and fil.^tiict. wijhin ten days from the dat> many. today had another "first” to mg the accxnint of the war and 5 co'mmis.sion arrangement. Excep­ of this order, and return malA tO; this Spring-cleaning For full Iftforma credit—the first fighting group the books of men who have been Q- What fti the origin of the Jarvis Realty Wanted Autos— tional opportunity for the right court of the notice given. x to'-aend'home a complete unit for tton call Van'xpamlp Bros. 13 Garden— Farm— Dairy Rooms Without. Board 59 WILLIAM ». HYDE in action, try to understand some-] name of the coin ’’dime PHONES 4118 OH 7875 Motorcycles 12 years' experienqetTel. 5244. Free man. Apply to Manaj^r, Mont­ Prodneta 50 , Judge. redei>lpyment to the Pacific. thing of the experiences , through ' ,3—-It comes from an ^ obsolete SIDE GLANCES BY GALBRAITH Week Days Bind Sandaye gomery Ward. H-fi-4-45.. CrantTping the deck.4Jf the troop­ ..(i■w-htch her hiisbahd has gone-- 1 Word of the sann* s|>elling, mean­ WANTED—1935-37 FORD sedan Inspections! ^ LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING room, ship Monticello, a former luxury , FLOWER ,ANL VEGETTABLE comfOTiably furnished. Also ga­ These young women must ac­ ing the tenth part, or cdach in good condition. Call ROUTE MAN WANTED—Steady plants rcatlj’; all 26 cents a doz. AT A COUQT OK PROBATE HELD liner. 1,453 bCKcers and ihen of 'the quire a broad culture by reading 7006 or ,31^Cc(iar street^ after 7 work, good proposition, for the rage. Gentleman or working cou­ FOR yOUR FULLER BRUSHES 379 Burnivide ■ Ave., East Hart­ at Manchester, within and for the Diji* Army that waJkthe first to invade npt merely Hie contemporary ac­ In poetry.''\yhal is a distich? Call 4551. right man. Manche.ster Laundry, ple prefemed. Call 6951. trict of Maiicheiiter. on the 2nd day of continental puropp to span Uis FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Man Kites Dog BY MERRILL BLOSSBIE^ P- ?»»■ ' ' vY ford. e>hone 8-3091. June. A. 1945. counts of the turmoil in Which we couplet expressing a sin­ Maple' street. Rhine and the clasp hand live, but the great books of the- 1^' WAN'iTED—WE 'NEE3D used cart RADIO REPAIRINO-r-Plck up BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, single or Present WILLIAM S, HYDE, Esq., gle thought. *N' TOMATOES, Pritchard, Rutgers, with the Russians at, the Elbe past which illuminate human na­ and pay top prices Cash talks service. Radlor checked tt the WANTED—TWO .MEN for land­ double. Comptke, '’ight house­ Judge. GpSM. MR. TWJNY. vo u lw JUST WASTING M X « . , WHERB OO «U ) PROBABLY He FOOLS AROUND Ir's'A M ALE HELP Marglobe; Ponderosa. Peppers, Trust Estate of Second Congrega­ , river, debarked yesterday at w ture and bring the past, glowing WlTH't>IEMISntV— ^ASONABie. and we have it Stop and get our home. 'Em' tery packs Call mom scaping .and'lawn grading work. keeping facilities aVAllx*^'®- If <1* TIMe HCRC— NOTHING . EVER. H A P P E ^ (N THIS OOlto/ Worldbeater, Bullnose,. Wonder, tional Church u-w of Sarah E. Slater New York harbor pier to the sound and alive, into the present. They ■ om ani5 GOMBTIMES offer. Cole Motors—Ul64, Apply at 180 Main street, 7:45- sired. Central. Phone 3989. late of^ Manchester, in said District, FACSIMILE/ Inga'2-0840. . Mancuester Radio Ruby' King, hot. Cabbage, egg­ of 'Whistles, sirens an^^jive-muAic. . must know what men have ' * '\ tenny. HE Mixes the Service,. 73 Birch street a. ,1V. ready tor work. John S. deceased. WRONG Things WANTED plant’. cauliflower, broccoli, let­ The Trustee having exh‘bhed his The men were aqtong 10,000 Vet­ thought in the ‘ past, where they,; FROM * A HER? ^ o u r ^ Wolcott & Son. ^ \ jy 4 c e A wBfficf N6W52, tuce, celery, sprouts, transplant­ iCgal 'Notices administration account. wdth said es­ erans of'the European struggle, have succeeded, where they hqve I , F IL E 7 RANGE BURNERS and power whp, arrived here aboard three F^tt-or Part Time, ed 30c dozen, flats for $1.50. Del­ tate to this Court for allowance, it ll failed, before they can give .eon- i MASAZINE, X burners of ail makes and kinds W A N T ' ' D — DISHWASHER. AT A COCRT OF p r o b a t e HELD ORDERED;—That the 9th day of trdbpships and four Liberty ship! IS STAVlNiB N REAL ESTATE LISTINGS Steady work, good hours, good phinium, Canterbury Bells. Col­ June. A. D.. '1^5 at 9 o’clock (w. t.> atrucUve thought to the future. | A pply cleaned and adJuSteo lO years at Maiichaati'r. within and" for tha Dis­ which nudged their way into the ATTWe pay. 'ljie Tea Room. 883 Main 1 umbine. Sweet William and other trict of-Manchaator. on tlie 2nd day of foreiMion. at the Probate Office, in said , I would not venture to indicate *' MtGOOSEY r)l,.'AII Types-WaBte-d! experience Tel 2-l'l31.-44 Main Man-eater, be and the same is as­ harbor through a mist that almost wfiat books should be read, what 1 ,Ct 'Street. - perennials, 4 for 85c, Forget-me- June, A. D,. 1945. MOm e , ■ '! Cash Avallahle. street. I Prcspnl AVtLLIAM S. IlVDK. Esq. signed for a hearing on the allowance shrouded the Statue of Liberty. agfijects should be studied. These Colonial Board nots. deep blue, 50c n basket, / ------: , ■ pref» rin& Judge. of said account witn said estate, and must 'be eonJitJOned, in . every TO A WASHER VACUUMS. Electrk W A N T E D -T W () MEN for serv­ salvia, ageratum, snapdragons', this Court directs the Trustee to give To JARVIS REALTY CO. Trust E«latP .U-w ‘.of Seth LeiUe case, by the amount of education Picture-si3Ry Company Office 411$ Restdence 7878 obotora,' etc., repaired All' pAits ice;, station work. Apply Camp- candytuft, Basil .etc., greenhouse Cheney late of Manchester. . In iiald public notice to all persons Interested Gemoans Being Shracuated' \ therein .to appear heard three- toe war bride' has received, by ONHertsowL 615 Parker Street Weekdaya and Sundays available 24-bour service Charg belTa^ Service Station, Main grown. John Zapadksi; 168 Wood­ District, deceaaed. streeUat the turnpike. The Truiitee ha\'lng exhibited her bn by publishing a copy of this order Londoa, June,4.--S IN A ,ea C. O. D. Mknhhester 3-1439 land street. Tel 8474. annual Account wrlth said estate to this in some newspaper having a circula­ SMALL embouri; radio today quoted a and by,-tier capacity fOr sclf-edii- mornings of-Avenlnga Court for allowance. It is tion in said District, five days before cation. Her instnictors.' her high tow n— DRIVERS ANp^HELPERS wanl- NUMBEr. 2 GREEN Mbuhtain ORDEREDr=-That the- 9th day of said day. of’, hearing and return make . Lub>h broadcast as saying that WANTED— ALL KINDS of elec ed InTmediately Apply Manches­ potAtoes."' seconds. Phone 7026, June. A. D.. 194.^ at o'clock (w. t.1 to this Court, and by, mailing on or more than 7,000,000 Poles are to school teachers, the" local librarian before June 4,. 1945. a ^opy fjX this will gladly provide her with' read trie wiring and repairing. Any ter Lumber.' 4.55 Center streeL Amelia Jarvis. 872 Parker St. forejifoon at the Probate ‘Ofllde. In said be settled in former German ter­ - 1 size Job given prompt attention ?^amchester, be and the same in '^order to Ralph j . Rockwell. Treasurer. ing lists. . . - ■ - WANTED -^PRISON GUARM Signed\fbr a hearing on the allowance The Second Congregational Church. ritory, Indicating the Germans are /■ CaO 3975 before 7 p. m. FOR SAUE—CABBAGE, pepper, S I North Main street. Manchester. RED RYDER In Kidnapers’ Hflflds BY PRBD HARMAN W A N T E D . . . A T O N CE! for Stafte Prison. Wethersflela. said acCoi^nt with, said estate,, and thia being • evacuated from the ares*."'^ The democratic system with it s . and tqrnato plants. 30c a dozpn Court TttrecIs the Trustee to give pub Conn. Approximately 2,500,000 Poles wiU Skilled and Unskilled Help Starting salary $1800. Applicants 57 Florence street, c o m k ' of 'Me notice to aH persons Interested WILLIAM S. HYDE self-government is based upon; IT’D BE A Judge- be settled in Silesia, the.broadcast Wt’vE GOT k 0>! V CLCHESsi Do.-er haye'R ---- - FEMALE Roofing—Repairing 17-A subject "to examination and H oin- therein to appear and be heard there an informed citizenry. But'the- -Now,.Pos5 - lI'''* 2 n n thaL'.. WITH BET raR-AS3THl>»G TO character inve."itigation. Em­ on by publishitrg a copy of this order H-S.-1-«C^ said. majority of the ypiing mejv-£’D BE A L o m . ^^TTGAL, EXPERT REPAIRS • of shingle, tlon .ln said District.: five days before AT. A COURT OF, PROBATE HELD Skein Winders — Card > Tenders - stabilization agreement. Obtain Household ^|bo'pewriter oper KTlgerANdUMtO AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS Com­ sulated gas range, walnut dresS' place-and be heard relative thereto, citizen. ■ , ■ T he Practical J oker HOCSESACKERS, YOU HiRR DOES, ALL iSiKAMd aoTflooer .aJtorB, . , and make, return to this courtr and by ■ IS fiBTTl FILTHY pany. T ra liy van service. Local er with large mirror, oil circu mallini in a registered letter, op or HELP FROM YIMAL Next: When the War Bride- NAZI AAAYSEIOOLATt moving, packing and storage. laiihg heater, excellent Tor lake before J.une 4, 1945; a copy of this BOATS' SET PARI Dial 5187. Dogs— Birds—-Pets 41 cottage. Call 2-1852 after 7, order addressed to Helen'Hope, g ^ groom-Returns. TOSAVE SlTA' Skilled Sewiiij; Macluiie Operators, South street. Strathneld, Sidney, Aus­ ANP P«.IMM6~ SMOOTH FOX TERRIER puppy, FURNITURE- -3 rooms' complete tralia. ■'■ - WILLIAM 8. HYDE . John Law,'" Scottish economist, And Women Wlio Are W illing to Painting—Papering ‘ 21 from pedigrerc, stock, . $38. J. yvith 1942 Bengal Combination Judge. started the Block Exchange. Stanley McCray. Tel. Rockville stove, rugs, lamps, tables, stiver- H-4-4-46. Be Trained# PAINTING AND Paperhanging 8. ■ • ware, pillow cases, bedroom, liV' and wallpaper. John P. Sullivan^ ing room, and kitchen, etc. etc. AT A COURT o r PROBATE HELD ' Phone 4260. NEW l i t t e r of Cocker .Our war production contracts call for women Reasonable. Phone Hartford at Manchester, irlthln and for the Dis­ puppies, reds and blacks. Select 6-0358. Sullivan. trict of Manchester, on the 2nd day of I :0irt SIDE AND i n s i d e paUnt- yours now; Jack FVost Eepnels, June.'A. D.. 1945. who can qualify. \ . Ing ind paperhanging. Reason­ Present WILLIAM S. IIYDE,. Esq., 26 Gardner street. \ t o r SJ^t-E—b a b y carriage, $26, WAR BONDS able gsUmate. Telephone. 2-0106. Judge. . . Ail hiring done in accordance with area sta­ 3 , sofa, JI8, " Club chair, $9« - bed, Estate of Marjorie W. l^ucey late of vcoinpiete and .dresser $25, large Manchester. In said District.' deceased. O f* ' " bilization plan. ■ . • FOR A GOOD PAINT Job Inside Live Stock—Vehicles 42 The Administrator- having exhibited- and outside, also, paper hanging oR^heater. heats 3 rooms, $30, ice his administration account with, said Call Edwar^ Price, 2-1003. 2 NEW MILK cows ''With calf by ,boxXS5. 82 West Center street. estate la thig'Court for allowance, it is- " STA'^^.^o ' ■ . y : / their side, ope with second calf, 'Tel. 8172. ; - . ORDERED!—That the 9th day of t . Apply in Person or Telephone ! ” ■’' .lune. A. D.. 1945. at 9 o'clock (w. t.) OUT OUR WAY ^Y J. & WILLIAMS OUR b o a r d in g HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLB l&n'e with 'fourth calf. 1 calf is fat, •forenoon, at the Probate Office, in. said Repairiiig 23 4 .weeks old. A. Burns, 472 Kee­ TOR SALIS^<^MALL sofa, lamps, tables,' mkpl^hedrped room furniture, Manchester, be and the same la as; I PIANO TUNED AND repairing; ney street. signed for a hearing da the allowance', WELL. MOVE K LITTLE X IhVoTltiCTS EF MIS.TA.H C G A D .O A K t/ A>n. la»/ o f f I maple desk snd^^talr, dishes and of said administration account jvlth BIT' S A .W --O U T A UNE 6 P t ^ ME HE'LL x've sefcN 6VEM player piano specialty. John child's tricycle. Gall 4793 or 31 said estate and ascertainment of heirs Independent Cloak Co. OF-THlS TREE.' 1 DON'T TCANSFER METtoM BRUSH IStRUfflNiZlMG iT u p e v Cbckertaam. 58 Bigelow street Poultry and Supplies 41! Union street, 1st floor. and this Court directs the Admlnlatra- CARE TO SEE TOO tor to give public notice to all persona : MISTA,H 3AKE -VOiLL .YDOR LAi^GUtD Ll6WTl9iGtttAT T ^ 4219. ______• s p l it w id e o p e n Pine and Plea.sant Street.s Interested therein to appear’ and be LAKVOlSC />\NARD ME HlS'M E P F O R .T S - TIIAKPlMi 50-11 WEEK OLD pullets fob sale, heard thereon Uy publidhldg) a. copy of IF WE HAPPEN! TD $1.76 *ea6h. CaU at 190 New Bol- WHITE SINK and 2 soap atone this order In some newspsper having ^ E WRONG. • X CAdKTT RAlbXT \MIF BOF£ SOO M AjCe. Read Herald Advs^ toiv Road.' . set tubs for sale. Call 2-0090. s elrbulation Inn sald-Pistrict.ui>i .Diitrict. five days a AMDS tAU&E I. AtK’T OME STitPlife P6R.»40t>a.' before said day of beartiring snd returh By Sue Barnett A M P H te iO lfe .e O X'LU OF TiAe The ' young daughter ^of an old By Mra. Abim Osbot ,ij make to thia .Court. 3ES' E'KIT/ BCOSI4 TO -] Crocheted • flower motifs In, WILLIAM 8. HTDK schoolmate looked adorSdle'i-play- MV TUOO . ' Turniiiig Back the Pages LANK LBUNAKD brigltt chlorg «re easily and quick-. Judge. Ing In a set like this. Easy as any­ BUtK£Y FINN H-6-4-45. " 1y done in spgre momenta and cer-* thing to maks— thia week’s ABC tainly do turn an ordinary turkish Special. towel into a rather de-luxe affair! ^ t t e r n Nh. 8860 Is designed for 7 SHE'S THE W'OOw OF A Use three colors in each—pin . the sizips 1, 2, 3^, 4,^ 6 and 6 years. Sixa 2, dress, requires 1 1-2 yards o f 35 MAN WHO USED TO BE flower motifs and flower pot de- algns onto your .towels landT whip­ . PULLETS , or '39 inch material;' panties, M J HaUiGAiy ■ KNOWN DOWN AT stitch with white thread. yard; bonnet 1-2 yaid. ' o HEADQUARTERS AS *ION6 Interesting edging is done ini FOR SALE. For this pattern, send 20 cents, 1.EAKWD SHOT^ OEVINE, HffiCRET- three-color combination. Designs in cbin9, ydiir name, address, sise QUITE A FEW HE USED TO MAKE BOOK ' are also lovely for cuftains, break­ Dark Crpsti, 8 weeks uM- desired, and the pattern number & THINGS ON THE HORSES. fast cloth! aqd' piUowK To ob­ Ready for range. to Bus !' Burnett The Manobeater \ A60UT THE tain complete crocheting Instruc­ Evdilhg Herald, U50 Sixth avo- WOMAN ' tion for ths Flower Desl|ms for nue. New York' 19. N. T .' WHO HAS Bath Towels and Linens (Pattern $ 1.00 each Ready nowr—the Spring Issue ol m£> e> CNTfUeO No. 5879) color suggestions, send Sold In quantities o f sol legs Faablont Just 16 cents. A com­ plete guide in 'planning wardrobe $ l9 u l PHILS 15 cents in coin, plus 1 cent post­ than oM dosen. age, .your name, address and the needs for all'the family. WeaaSai ONaa BaaM. Loading 4-4 life : pattern number -to Anne C abot transport t e t our War Bond tevaat- t V ■Ehe Manebester BJvenlng- Herald. Barney Moses . nents helped to provide 'with 'wound­ ed soldlera, being evacuotod frotn S ^ S O h i G IVES' 1$50 Sixth AVenue, New York 19, Tel. Rockville 341-23 European 'front to America. N. V. Rdsd Ueralfi Adva» McN'tBftii Ine, THEM.TIAE t'. 'i fVOJMFjr pORNTrilR’rY TEASES TOO SOON 0R U Stk)FFi ------“ JKSJafilMBSblb t i /"V t'rLJI ■’ 'I '• ' V'' . J . T . .