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Idsknf Ri2.' R '3 'j? 'i. ik tt Jl A ,A ; v' JLj .Jili-- j, x i -- . V , ' . '4 v ,v j r " ig 'I.1! Brluhl, II Meltable, The ProKreHsive "I NEWSY PAPISR ANIl I'OIJULAK, OI HAWAII. t T ib fclrtitx T Vol. 7. HILO, HAWAII, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902. No. 43. "NCIIWAII HLorlgiigoo's c 0 LEGAL NOTICES. SUL'KltSKDtil'. HULKS SLL'K IIOMLS. ItKHIlLS TAKI2 0UMI0AT, Noll of r PIIllI.lSlll!!) HVHKY I'KIDAY Circuit, Colony May foreclosure. In the Circuit Court of the fourth JnniPR (Inyley In llcttcr Harmony of Severn! Hundred liiRiirirpiils Capture, the lloyncn nnd Island nnd Territory of Hawaii. In okpick. Kino Sthmit, IIilo, Hawaii. Vi'Mh Settle California. Secure Prisoners. i .r In 1'noiiATi! At Chamuhus. jMnnnglng Associates. (TkIHUNH 1ILOCK.) provisions n Fresno, August iS.-l- here nr- - In ncconlnncc with tlic of the of the Kstatc of WIL- San niiiite liy 15. In mailer Jose (Costa Rica)) A st Publishing Company, Ltd. certain tuorli;ai4c II. Soule LIAM WATT of Ookala, Hnwaii, New York, August 14. The rive,, last evening n party whose Hlln Tribune Company, l.ltultcil, n cortiorallou, nt I5.Ncws ,,ns reached here from Publishers ntnl Proprietor. Hilo, Island nnil Territory of Hawaii, to Press says: With the home coin- coming may prove of significance and accounts of the Ad- the camp of the Colombian revolu-toLresn- o President C. C. Knni.IiV W. A. Hardy ami II. C. Austin, bearlnj,' The petition ing of Pierpont Morgan ministrator of the cstntc of said deceased J. next county. In the party t;mii!((S ,. .,, . .... K- - E. date the 21st day of June, A. I). 1900, and - Kiciiaki having been filed wherein he n!ls that week, the retirement of Charles M. Secretary-- ! rcnuurer L W. IIawohth tecorded in the office of the Keistrar of arc W. A. Bissell of San Francisco, uc exam itieti ami npproven; that, after n naval engagement, the Aiiilttor .'. A. Sl'tto.N Conveyances nt Honolulu. Territory of " 'iccounts Schwab, president of the United I. ')c r'-i- n assistant traffic manager of the Director McK nzii:, I) V. Mavsm Hnwafi. on the 3d day of July, A. I), i'cjoo, ""'. "'"t V""1 onlcr nml? "' Vls Colombian Government gunboat t'"-- An-gele- Volume nt pages of 1'roperty renmininK In his States Steel Corporation, and the Santa Ke, Byrne of Los st .., 204 440, 441, 14J and "t J. J. Boyaca was captured by the revo- .itmcconipaiilcd liy specific thereof. hands to the persons thereto entitled, and election Gayley, pres- Alvcrticmciit "V- - a - . .11. 111... k....i nil liikliirta h.tiiainii. of James the general passenger agent, and instructions Inserted until ordcrid out. Notice IS Hereby KlVCIl that II. C. ,"M:mirKiiiK nun nan iiiiiiivii lutionists. Three hundred Govern- t, suc- Austin, who i now the ownernud holder sibilitv ns such administrator. ent first as his industrial commissioner Merltt of Advertisements discontinued before expiration Monday, the 22nd ment soldiers and Generals Ortiz of spccifml period nil! Ik: charged in If con- of said mortgage, intends to foreclose It is ordered that cessor, will be taken into immediate Chicago, and with them two Boer tinued Tor lull term. said mortgage for n breach of the condi- day of September. A. I). 1902, at 9 o'clock and Henao, and supplies of muni- t: a. m., nt Chambers, in the Court House consideration. The bewildering Address nil communications eitlicr to tlic tions thercot, officers, General Picrson and a tions of 4 lMttnrtalor llusltuss iJepnrtinints of Tin: Hlto Non payment of the paymeutdue Nov- at South Hilo, Hawaii, be and the same war and provisions, were TlllllUNI! I'Ullt.lHMIMl COMPANY. array of projects which demand the friend, both of whom took part in ember 1st, A. I). 1901, ntfd all payments hereby is appointed as the time nnd place captured with the Boyaca. The columns ol Tint IIilo Tkimunu are always coming due subsequent thereto. for hearing said petition and accounts, attention of Morgan and his asso- the recent war in South Africa. open to communication on subiicts within the may The Colombian revolutionists Attention, Notice is hereby also given that on and that all persons interested then ciates may scope of the paper. To receive proper nnd cause, if delay action a few They represent wealthy Boer eucli nrtlclc mtit lie HiKUcd by It author. The Thursday, the 25th day of Septeiulier, A there appear and show any also arc said to have secured a gas- iinnic, when deilrcd, "ill be licld couridetitlnt. I). 1902, nt 10 o'clock a. in. of s.tid dav, they have, why the same should not be weeks, but just as soon as they can families, who since the war have Till: IIIL11 THIiil'Nh is not re pouslble Tor tlic granted. oline launch which was in the Gov- opinion or statement of corrcioudent. on Wiiianucnue street, just maukn of Pit- get around to it the change will be become dissatisfied with man street in the town of Hilo, Island Hilo, Hawaii, August 21, 1902. home con ernment service. nnd Territory of Hawaii, the following liy the Court. made. ditions because of their being sub ATTOKNF.VS-AT.LA- t: IMNI15L P0KTI5K, Clerk. According to advices received property covered by said mortgage, Schwab's ill health is one reason ject Kngland. in Wise & Koss, to Arrived Am here from the isthmus for the Boyaca 1 Tufts No. 100 soda machine. Titan Attorneys Petitioners. 433t that has brought the management erica from Kngland, they were met left Panama July 29th with Wise & Ross, double action pump nnd connections for of the billion-dolla- r trust to the by 300 same. In the Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, Mcrritt, the industrial commis troops of view change be the Colombian Govern- ATTORNEYS-AT-LA- 1 old bottling table and one new bot- Territory of Hawaii. that the should sioner of the Santa Ke, who escort- tling ment on board destined to Will practice In nil Court or the Territory, nnd table. In Puoiiatk At Chammckr. made. But there is another more ed them across the continent to tile Supreme Court or the United SUlcs. 4 eight gallon tanks and one goose the command of the Government In the matter of the guardianship ot potent and that is the lack of har- California, believing Office: TutiiuNit IIuildino, neck. that within General 1 syrup pump. JOHN AKONA AKAU, AMI5LIA fel- Morales Berti at Agua llrldRc Street, IIII.O, HAWAII mony between Schwab and his the boundaries of this state they 150 (more or less) empty soda cases. AKONA AKAU, J0SI5PH AKONA Dulce. The Boyaca was said to 2 lengths filling hose. AKAU, minors. low members of the executive com- would find a climate not dissimilar C. M. M'.III.OND V. II. SMITH have been attacked by the revolu- 275 (more or less) cases of bottles. The petition of IJmily P. Conrndt, the mittee of the steel trust. to their own at home and land 1 gray horse branded on right hip. mother of above named minors, wherein tionary fleet and obliged to retreat, & Schwab was a very efficient me- LeBlond Smith All extracts, syrups, tables, washing she asks that she be appointed guardian which would be limited in its since boxes, syrup iars, tools, shoo fixtures, nnd for Ihcissunucc of letters of guardian- chanic when nothing has been heard ATTOKNIJYS.AT-I.A- when Carnegie took a fancy wealth of production only by the and all other appliances and articles for ship to her having been filed. of the vessel 011 the isthmus. , Hawaiian, Jnpniiv-c- and Cliltusc Interpreters, merly used liy II. K. houle Company, Notice is heieby given that Monday, to him. His knowledge of steel industry with which they cultivate Notary Public in office. Kingston (Jamaica), August unit Limited, in the soda water business, will the 22nd dny of September, A. I). 1902, manufacture in all its grades is it. Kn route they were met by 15. Office: Shvhuanch Iluii.niNn, be sold at public auction to the highest nt 9 o'clock a. 111.. at the Court House of The British steamer Kloridan. bidder for cash, to satisfy said mortgage. Hnwaii, is hereby what endeared him to Carnegie, Messrs. Bissell Byrne, by Opposite Court House, IIII.O, HAWAII South Hilo. iipxintcd and and from Liverpool, for II. C. AUSTIN, the time and place for hearing the said and with Scotch pertinacity Carne- July 24th, West when person in- them directed to the San Joaquin Kidcway C. Mortgagee. petition, and where nny Indian and Central American ports, J. Casti.k Tuos. Rido.wav WlSK & Koss, terested may nppear and show cause, if gie refused to see the lack of upper valley as the place most likely to arrived here today from Colon and Attorneys. any they have, why the prayer of said qualifications and issued his ulti meet with their approval. Ridgway & Ridgway Hilo, August 29, 1902. 43-- 3 petition should not be granted. reported considerable insurgent ac Hilo, Hnwaii, August 21, 1902, matum that if the United States Yesterday they were in Bakers- - ATTOK.NHYS-AT-I.A- tivity iu the neighborhood oT (ienernl liy the Court: of the t'ollcltor Patents I.ntv Practice Corporation didn't want to take field and 011 the lands of the Kern IIII.O, HAWAII. L'ulaimla lloopuu Molaki. DANII5L P0KTI5R, Clerk. isthmus. An attack on Panama Wish & Koss, Schwab they couldn't take the Car- County f,aud Company, and, arriv- Notary Public in Office. was feared and Gov- Attorneys for Petitioner.
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