Pacific Citizen) New Field Sought Nese Diet Flew Here by Char• Tend and Contribute Their R Ights, Just Established

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Pacific Citizen) New Field Sought Nese Diet Flew Here by Char• Tend and Contribute Their R Ights, Just Established IN THIS ISSUE " SPECIAL REPORT High tribunal impressed by S(\kl,.kkll sub"e h'f! chu._ rt'­ c-oU, U"waU Commlulon •.•••. 1 .. CENERAL NEWS Statute of lImUaU(m_ no bar to ~~n clAlmantt. U.S. SupNmo Nisei plea in Loving case Court ruin 111 8·0 dctClston: PACIFIQ ~il "Run\rord Ad O\,~I haul pro- Mrc~~.n i';l~r;l(,'I' [Spedal to the Paclllc Citizen) pre sed concern that the Court ITIZEN -SM-\;;i\y' ',i.e! M.mb"'hl~ J.~."," may bt" step In 1\\'erttnr Another WASHINGTON - William M. might apply a narl'OW ruling Publlc.lUon: A""rlc.I. CIII,IU I.e .... us. t:"acuatlt.'m. ~~'. fewlewer of MarutaN of Philadelphia, na­ lhat would apply 1>0 the Lov­ ~Iw Bosworth book. America'. Con- Publlsh.d W.. kIJ Empl LlII W.. k " Ih. Veil '0I11tt ',Id It Los Ant.I." CalIf. cent .... tion Camps ............. , tionai legal counsel for the Ing case bul would leave Japanese American Citizens standing anum ber 01 other " NATIONAL-JACL League, participated In the Virginia laws In the field, tn· Vol. 64 No. 14 FRIDAY, APRJL 14, 1967 New Telephone: MA 6-6936 TEN CENTS Mc~~t:t~:~rn :r:~U~ I ':Ct: ~~!:I~~ historic oral arguments be­ c1uding one that calls for the (Lovin,) CISC! • . ..•.•••••••.••• 1 fore the Supreme Court 01 the i..,uance 01 8 "certillcate of United States on Monday, racial composition" to those ... DISTRICT-JACL April 10, regarding the so­ PSWDC Con\enUon not chuglng seeking to be married. J"CllstrAtion fee ............... 1 called anti·miscegenation laws Vlrlin.!a'. Ca •• of Vi~g i Na and 15 other States. " COLUMNISTS Virginia'. Assistant Attorney Enomoto: Rumford Act 'Repeat. Although he parllcipated as }'fIrI ~ok.: Ntnl and the Supreme .. friend 01 the court. he made General declared tha t the 14th Unanimous supreme court COQTt. a most effective and eloquent Amendmeat' ~ equal protecUon 0 1l\W8; Mlken 'MI\Y Come. Hosokawa: Anothe:r World. presentation, particularly con· and due process clauses would Eodo: Asparalus Iud 5um150. cerning the anthropological never have been approved by YO$htnar1: A YelT in &hIland Congress it those l~wmakers Puses. and racist aspects 01 these Glma: Lower VoUng Agt. laws that prohibit interracial thought that those provisIons ~:nE ~~S 'g:s~l: 'S o~:c~\'fr: .m6'n e ",arriages, according to vet­ would he used to a fleet s ta te favors late yen claimants control over interracial mar­ Vote. eran court observel"6 who noted that <uooequcot!y Chtef riages. (Special to tbe Pacilic Citizen) lor the relurn of this money, limitations these c e r t a I n sued the following statement He also argued tha t because estimated to be about ten mil­ claimants had no right to Justice Earl Warren in ques· WASHINGTON -Reversing on the 1'.S. Supreme Court', there was considers ble conflict lion doU ars. their prewar deposits. tioning the attorney for the Ihe decisions 01 two lower ruling that the lederal govern­ PERSPEC~ among sociologists. anthropol­ At the same time, J ACL A.L. Wi rin and Fred Okrand Commonwealth or Virginia re-­ coul'ls that the statute of lim­ ment must relmburse 4,000 Ja­ ogists, and social scientists baUed the decision as opening 01 Los Angeles represented ferred approvingly to both Ma· Itations prevented some 4,100 panese Americans whose sav­ .... rutani's brief and arguments. about the consequel'lc.., of in­ the door to the eventual relurn tllese claimants on the West ings d"poslts were seized as lerracial marriages. Ule legis­ Issei and NIsei depositors 01 .. t the prewar rate of ex­ Coast, with Katsurna Mukae­ Jerry ~ lncidentally. the Clerk of the th. pre-World War H Yoko­ enemy assets following Pearl lature6 had the duty to deter­ change of the Yokohama Spe· da. also of Los Angeles, being (I! nation's highest tribunal could Carolyn Maruyama hama Specie Bank from re­ Harbor' • Enomoto mine their results and to regu­ cie Bank deposits; without lhe the chairman of the special " We are delighted that the not recall that any other covering their deposits, the Nat'l Presldtnt fI) late them lor the public good. Supreme Court decision, the committee organized to pro se ~ Supreme Court has COITeCted American of Japanese ances· Supreme Court 01 the United When asked by the ChieI Depariment of Justice would cute these claims. try had ever argued a civil States held on Morulay. April this injustice which has existed HOUSING ACT REPEAL Justice whether differences in not release the necessary fund rights cause before the Su­ No registration 10. that th<!6e prewar deposi· for so many years. I personal­ religious beUefs would also to pay oU lhese deposits at Lynch'. Commenle .There is a bill before the preme Court. tors are entitled to their vested ly lelt it was a necessary California Senate to repeal the permit the States to prohibit any rale since it had argued LOS ANGELES - Attorney action to help close One of the The Loving Case such marriages. Mcllwaine In· bank accounts. even though State's fair housing law. It is e~pressed that because of the statute of General Thomas C. Lynch is- (Continued on Page 2) sisted that the body of sociolo­ fee for PSWDC they were in yen. authored by Sea a tor Schmitz, At issue Is !he validity 01 the miscegenetic marriage of gical evidence 01 the harms In a unanimous 8-0 decision, a Bircher from Orange Coun· with Justice Tom Clark reo Richard Loving, 8 white man, o! interracial m8T.riages were 1;)'. More significant and un· convention goers fraining from participaUon fortunate is the attitude of .and Mildre<l Loving, his Negro much more accepted than those relating to interreligious since he was the Attorney Senator Hugh Burns. who is wife, both residents of Vir· BY FRANCES KITAGAWA ginia, in the light of that Com­ marriages. LOS ANGELES - Perhaps no General 01 the United States quoted in the press as favor· when the Office 01 Alien Prop­ ing repeal. because Ille people mcowealth's prohibition not l\farutani Plea J ACL convention board has only against such interracial tried to stage a c(loference erty began its proce..,ing of of California have spoken Explaining lhat he was an these claims in the late '40s , .against the Rumford Act maNiages but also leaving the without some type 01 regislra· State for such marriages. The American of Japanese ances­ tion fee for delegates and J ustice John Harlan an­ through their overwhelming try. Marutani had the atten· nounced that the technicalities endorsement of Prop. 14 . Lovings visited Washington. visiting boosters. Uon of the justices as he So, tile Venice·Culver JACL, Taised by Ille Government that Being as temperate as I can, D.C .. for the purpose of mar­ riage and were convicted of emphasized the diIficulty 01 hosts for the a967 Pacillc these certain claimants had J find It disgusting that we determIning what a "slNlighl Sou!hwest District Council lost their right to sue in court continue to spin our wheels a crime on their return to their horne in Virginia. Caucas.ian strain" was, noting convention helng held May 5-7 for the return of their prewar and invest our energies on this that few, it any, people today aeposits because of the statute Philip J. Hirschkop and Ber· at the Airport Marina Hotel, level. It is a commentary on are not without some mixed ven ~ ot limitations were overruled. nard S. Cohen of Alexandria, is embarking on 8 new our social conscience and blood over the centuries of In a statement outlining the Va .. represented the Lovings. ture of omitting a c(lQvention progress. that more people are population movements. con­ facts In the case, It was obvi­ arguing Illat the Virginia laws Tegistration fee to assure a not concerned with positive ef· quests. etc. His recital of au· ous that the country's highest were, in fact, an outgrowth of bigger attendaoC<!. forts to impro\'e. and ulti· t\lOrities W8~ impressive. tribunal was aware of the the institution of slavery and All they are askIng is the mately eliminate. racial bias m any hardships imposed by were designed to perpetuate He stressed the racial char· straight admissIon lee lor in housing. which we aU know World War II on Americans 01 ...hite supremacy. They argued acter of the Vir8inia laws by three special events: the 1000 exists. Instead we choose to Japanese ancestry, according that the anti-miscegenation asking what Virginia would Club dinner-<iance whing ding Tant and rave about a mild to the Washington JA'CL Of­ statutes violated both the think of a statute that required on Friday night [S6 per per­ l£w that has, on its record, lice. and that this decision was equal protection clause and white persons to marry only s on), ccnvention banquet­ made minimum impact upoo another example of an effort the d"e process clause of the Negroes, as against its cur· dance on Saturday ($7.50 per a major social ill. to remedy and correct as 14th Ameodment to the Fed· rent statute requiring white person), and the convention With due respect to fue body many as possible of those war­ eral Constitution. persons to marry only white Sunday luncheon (S5 per pe r· appointed by lormer Governor persons, an1 Negroes to mar· son). time tragedies. Brown to study and make rec· R.D. McTIwaine Ill, As sist· ry only Negroes. Tickets may be secured Rate Not Spelled Out ommendatioDS on this subject, ant Attorney General for the Commonwealth, argued that He stated that the anti· from the chapter by writing CABLE CAR CUTlES - Astride a San pres.
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